path: root/lua/ale/diagnostics.lua
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authorw0rp <>2023-09-14 00:38:12 +0100
committerw0rp <>2023-09-14 00:40:56 +0100
commitbe69af270547b0d1dd5fe947efb3f61455f709ed (patch)
tree3d72ab429ed3d6025fb88accbd2be753fb78f26a /lua/ale/diagnostics.lua
parent9092af9ad6a5c93a759be571323ea1d0cafa8d6e (diff)
#4607 No conflicts with nvim-lspconfig by default
Default `g:ale_disable_lsp` to a new mode `'auto'` by default. With this setting applied, ALE will now check for the presence of nvim-lspconfig and automatically turn off particular LSP linters if already configured via nvim-lspconfig. For users that do not use `nvim-lspconfig`, everything should work as before.
Diffstat (limited to 'lua/ale/diagnostics.lua')
1 files changed, 82 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lua/ale/diagnostics.lua b/lua/ale/diagnostics.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..21f81e2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lua/ale/diagnostics.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+local module = {}
+local ale_type_to_diagnostic_severity = {
+ E = vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR,
+ W = vim.diagnostic.severity.WARN,
+ I = vim.diagnostic.severity.INFO
+-- Equivalent to ale#Var, only we can't error on missing global keys.
+module.aleVar = function(buffer, key)
+ key = "ale_" .. key
+ local exists, value = pcall(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_var, buffer, key)
+ if exists then
+ return value
+ end
+ return vim.g[key]
+module.sendAleResultsToDiagnostics = function(buffer, loclist)
+ local diagnostics = {}
+ -- Convert all the ALE loclist items to the shape that Neovim's diagnostic
+ -- API is expecting.
+ for _, location in ipairs(loclist) do
+ if location.bufnr == buffer then
+ table.insert(
+ diagnostics,
+ -- All line numbers from ALE are 1-indexed, but all line numbers
+ -- in the diagnostics API are 0-indexed, so we have to subtract 1
+ -- to make this work.
+ {
+ lnum = location.lnum - 1,
+ -- Ending line number, or if we don't have one, just make it the same
+ -- as the starting line number
+ end_lnum = (location.end_lnum or location.lnum) - 1,
+ -- Which column does the error start on?
+ col = math.max((location.col or 1) - 1, 0),
+ -- end_col does *not* appear to need 1 subtracted, so we don't.
+ end_col = location.end_col,
+ -- Which severity: error, warning, or info?
+ severity = ale_type_to_diagnostic_severity[location.type] or "E",
+ -- An error code
+ code = location.code,
+ -- The error message
+ message = location.text,
+ -- e.g. "rubocop"
+ source = location.linter_name,
+ }
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ local virtualtext_enabled_set = {
+ ['all'] = true,
+ ['2'] = true,
+ [2] = true,
+ ['current'] = true,
+ ['1'] = true,
+ [1] = true,
+ }
+ local signs = module.aleVar(buffer, 'set_signs') == 1
+ if signs then
+ -- If signs are enabled, set the priority for them.
+ signs = {priority = vim.g.ale_sign_priority }
+ end
+ vim.diagnostic.set(
+ vim.api.nvim_create_namespace('ale'),
+ buffer,
+ diagnostics,
+ {
+ virtual_text = virtualtext_enabled_set[vim.g.ale_virtualtext_cursor] ~= nil,
+ signs = signs,
+ }
+ )
+return module