path: root/Postman/Extensions/Core/Notifications/PostmanNotify.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Postman/Extensions/Core/Notifications/PostmanNotify.php')
1 files changed, 241 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Postman/Extensions/Core/Notifications/PostmanNotify.php b/Postman/Extensions/Core/Notifications/PostmanNotify.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9f6a58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Postman/Extensions/Core/Notifications/PostmanNotify.php
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
+ exit; // Exit if accessed directly
+require_once 'INotify.php';
+require_once 'PostmanMailNotify.php';
+require_once 'PostmanPushoverNotify.php';
+require_once 'PostmanSlackNotify.php';
+require_once 'PostmanNotifyOptions.php';
+class PostmanNotify {
+ const NOTIFICATIONS_OPTIONS = 'postman_notifications_options';
+ const NOTIFICATIONS_SECTION = 'postman_notifications_section';
+ const NOTIFICATIONS_PUSHOVER_CRED = 'postman_pushover_cred';
+ const NOTIFICATIONS_SLACK_CRED = 'postman_slack_cred';
+ public function __construct() {
+ $this->options = new PostmanNotifyOptions();
+ add_filter( 'post_smtp_admin_tabs', array( $this, 'tabs' ) );
+ add_action( 'post_smtp_settings_menu', array( $this, 'menu' ) );
+ add_action( 'post_smtp_settings_fields', array( $this, 'settings' ) );
+ add_action( 'post_smtp_on_failed', array( $this, 'notify' ), 10, 5 );
+ add_filter( 'post_smtp_sanitize', array( $this, 'sanitize' ), 10, 3 );
+ }
+ public function menu() {
+ print '<section id="notifications">';
+ do_settings_sections( self::NOTIFICATIONS_OPTIONS );
+ $currentKey = $this->options->getNotificationService();
+ $pushover = $currentKey == 'pushover' ? 'block' : 'none';
+ $slack = $currentKey == 'slack' ? 'block' : 'none';
+ echo '<div id="pushover_cred" style="display: ' . $pushover . ';">';
+ do_settings_sections( self::NOTIFICATIONS_PUSHOVER_CRED );
+ echo '</div>';
+ echo '<div id="slack_cred" style="display: ' . $slack . ';">';
+ do_settings_sections( self::NOTIFICATIONS_SLACK_CRED );
+ echo '</div>';
+ do_action( 'post_smtp_notification_settings' );
+ print '</section>';
+ }
+ public function sanitize($new_input, $input, $sanitizer) {
+ // Notifications
+ $sanitizer->sanitizeString( 'Pushover Service', PostmanNotifyOptions::NOTIFICATION_SERVICE, $input, $new_input, $this->options->getNotificationService() );
+ $sanitizer->sanitizePassword( 'Pushover Username', PostmanNotifyOptions::PUSHOVER_USER, $input, $new_input, $this->options->getPushoverUser() );
+ $sanitizer->sanitizePassword( 'Pushover Token', PostmanNotifyOptions::PUSHOVER_TOKEN, $input, $new_input, $this->options->getPushoverToken() );
+ $sanitizer->sanitizePassword( 'Slack Token', PostmanNotifyOptions::SLACK_TOKEN, $input, $new_input, $this->options->getSlackToken() );
+ // Chrome extension
+ $sanitizer->sanitizeString( 'Push Chrome Extension', PostmanNotifyOptions::NOTIFICATION_USE_CHROME, $input, $new_input );
+ $sanitizer->sanitizePassword( 'Push Chrome Extension UID', PostmanNotifyOptions::NOTIFICATION_CHROME_UID, $input, $new_input, $this->options->getNotificationChromeUid() );
+ return $new_input;
+ }
+ public function tabs($tabs) {
+ $tabs['notifications'] = __( 'Notifications', 'post-smtp' );
+ return $tabs;
+ }
+ public function settings() {
+ // Notifications
+ add_settings_section( self::NOTIFICATIONS_SECTION, _x( 'Notifications Settings', 'Configuration Section Title', 'post-smtp' ), array(
+ $this,
+ 'printNotificationsSectionInfo',
+ add_settings_field( PostmanNotifyOptions::NOTIFICATION_SERVICE, _x( 'Notification Service', 'Configuration Input Field', 'post-smtp' ), array(
+ $this,
+ 'notification_service_callback',
+ // Pushover
+ add_settings_section( 'pushover_credentials', _x( 'Pushover Credentials', 'Configuration Section Title', 'post-smtp' ), array(
+ $this,
+ 'printNotificationsSectionInfo',
+ add_settings_field( PostmanNotifyOptions::PUSHOVER_USER, _x( 'Pushover User Key', 'Configuration Input Field', 'post-smtp' ), array(
+ $this,
+ 'pushover_user_callback',
+ ), self::NOTIFICATIONS_PUSHOVER_CRED, 'pushover_credentials' );
+ add_settings_field( PostmanNotifyOptions::PUSHOVER_TOKEN, _x( 'Pushover App Token', 'Configuration Input Field', 'post-smtp' ), array(
+ $this,
+ 'pushover_token_callback',
+ ), self::NOTIFICATIONS_PUSHOVER_CRED, 'pushover_credentials' );
+ // Slack
+ add_settings_section( 'slack_credentials', _x( 'Slack Credentials', 'Configuration Section Title', 'post-smtp' ), array(
+ $this,
+ 'printNotificationsSectionInfo',
+ add_settings_field( PostmanNotifyOptions::SLACK_TOKEN, _x( 'Slack Webhook', 'Configuration Input Field', 'post-smtp' ), array(
+ $this,
+ 'slack_token_callback',
+ ), self::NOTIFICATIONS_SLACK_CRED, 'slack_credentials' );
+ add_settings_field( PostmanNotifyOptions::NOTIFICATION_USE_CHROME, _x( 'Push to chrome extension', 'Configuration Input Field', 'post-smtp' ), array(
+ $this,
+ 'notification_use_chrome_callback',
+ add_settings_field( 'notification_chrome_uid', _x( 'Chrome Extension UID', 'Configuration Input Field', 'post-smtp' ), array(
+ $this,
+ 'notification_chrome_uid_callback',
+ }
+ /**
+ * Print the Section text
+ */
+ public function printNotificationsSectionInfo() {
+ }
+ public function notification_service_callback() {
+ $inputDescription = __( 'Select the notification service you want to recieve alerts about failed emails.' );
+ $options = apply_filters('post_smtp_notification_service', array(
+ 'none' => __( 'None', 'post-smtp' ),
+ 'default' => __( 'WP Admin Email', 'post-smtp' ),
+ 'pushover' => __( 'Pushover', 'post-smtp' ),
+ 'slack' => __( 'Slack', 'post-smtp' ),
+ ));
+ printf( '<select id="input_%2$s" class="input_%2$s" name="%1$s[%2$s]">', 'postman_options', PostmanNotifyOptions::NOTIFICATION_SERVICE );
+ $currentKey = $this->options->getNotificationService();
+ foreach ( $options as $key => $label ) {
+ $this->printSelectOption( $label, $key, $currentKey );
+ }
+ printf( '</select><br/><span class="postman_input_description">%s</span>', $inputDescription );
+ }
+ public function notification_use_chrome_callback() {
+ $value = $this->options->useChromeExtension();
+ printf( '<input type="checkbox" id="input_%2$s" class="input_%2$s" name="%1$s[%2$s]" %3$s />', 'postman_options', PostmanNotifyOptions::NOTIFICATION_USE_CHROME, $value ? 'checked="checked"' : '' );
+ }
+ public function notification_chrome_uid_callback() {
+ printf( '<input type="password" id="input_%2$s" class="input_%2$s" name="%1$s[%2$s]" value="%3$s" />', 'postman_options', 'notification_chrome_uid', PostmanUtils::obfuscatePassword( $this->options->getNotificationChromeUid() ) );
+ }
+ public function pushover_user_callback() {
+ printf( '<input type="password" id="pushover_user" name="%s[%s]" value="%s" />', 'postman_options', PostmanNotifyOptions::PUSHOVER_USER, $this->options->getPushoverUser() );
+ }
+ public function pushover_token_callback() {
+ printf( '<input type="password" id="pushover_token" name="%s[%s]" value="%s" />', 'postman_options', PostmanNotifyOptions::PUSHOVER_TOKEN, $this->options->getPushoverToken() );
+ }
+ public function slack_token_callback() {
+ printf( '<input type="password" id="slack_token" name="%s[%s]" value="%s" />', 'postman_options', PostmanNotifyOptions::SLACK_TOKEN, $this->options->getSlackToken() );
+ echo '<a target="_blank" href="">' . __( 'Get your webhook URL here', 'post-smtp' ) . '</a>';
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param PostmanEmailLog $log
+ * @param PostmanMessage $message
+ * @param string $transcript
+ * @param PostmanTransport $transport
+ * @param string $errorMessage
+ */
+ public function notify ($log, $postmanMessage, $transcript, $transport, $errorMessage ) {
+ $message = __( 'You getting this message because an error detected while delivered your email.', 'post-smtp' );
+ $message .= "\r\n" . sprintf( __( 'For the domain: %1$s','post-smtp' ), get_bloginfo('url') );
+ $message .= "\r\n" . __( 'The log to paste when you open a support issue:', 'post-smtp' ) . "\r\n";
+ if ( $errorMessage && ! empty( $errorMessage ) ) {
+ $message = $message . $errorMessage;
+ $notification_service = PostmanNotifyOptions::getInstance()->getNotificationService();
+ switch ($notification_service) {
+ case 'none':
+ $notifyer = false;
+ break;
+ case 'default':
+ $notifyer = new PostmanMailNotify;
+ break;
+ case 'pushover':
+ $notifyer = new PostmanPushoverNotify;
+ break;
+ case 'slack':
+ $notifyer = new PostmanSlackNotify;
+ break;
+ default:
+ $notifyer = new PostmanMailNotify;
+ }
+ $notifyer = apply_filters('post_smtp_notifier', $notifyer, $notification_service);
+ // Notifications
+ if ( $notifyer ) {
+ $notifyer->send_message($message, $log);
+ }
+ $this->push_to_chrome($errorMessage);
+ }
+ }
+ public function push_to_chrome($message) {
+ $push_chrome = PostmanNotifyOptions::getInstance()->useChromeExtension();
+ if ( $push_chrome ) {
+ $uid = PostmanNotifyOptions::getInstance()->getNotificationChromeUid();
+ if ( empty( $uid ) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $url = '' . $uid;
+ $args = array(
+ 'body' => array(
+ 'message' => $message
+ )
+ );
+ $response = wp_remote_post( $url , $args );
+ }
+ }
+ private function printSelectOption( $label, $optionKey, $currentKey ) {
+ $optionPattern = '<option value="%1$s" %2$s>%3$s</option>';
+ printf( $optionPattern, $optionKey, $optionKey == $currentKey ? 'selected="selected"' : '', $label );
+ }
+new PostmanNotify(); \ No newline at end of file