rdesktoprdesktop is an open source UNIX client for connecting to Windows Remote Desktop ...cos6 years
roughenoughA Roughtime secure time sync client and server written in Rustcos3 years
rust-libzfsrust interface to libzfs(_core) and related interfacescos2 years
rust-opensslOpenSSL bindings for Rustcos3 years
rust_rruleRust crate for working with recurrence rules for calendar dates as defined in th...cos3 years
rustylineReadline Implementation in Rustcos10 months
serenityThe Serenity Operating System 🐞cos11 months
ssh2-rsUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.cos3 years
steve-scriptsLocal scripts repo [of Steve McIntyre]cos7 months
syncthing-docsDocumentation site,
taiga-contrib-ldap-authTaiga plugin for LDAP authentication http://taiga.iocos9 years
termios-rsSafe bindings for the termios library.cos10 months
two-timerRust library for parsing English time expressions into start and end timestampscos3 years
vdebugMulti-language DBGP debugger client for Vim (PHP, Python, Perl, Ruby, etc.)cos4 years
vimVim - the text editorcos6 years
vim-ipxeSyntax highlighting in vim for iPXE scriptscos7 months
vim-preseedSyntax highlighting in vim for debian preseed filescos7 months