/* * tests.cpp - run WeeChat tests * * Copyright (C) 2014-2023 Sébastien Helleu * * This file is part of WeeChat, the extensible chat client. * * WeeChat is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * WeeChat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with WeeChat. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern "C" { #ifndef HAVE_CONFIG_H #define HAVE_CONFIG_H #endif #include "src/core/weechat.h" #include "src/core/wee-arraylist.h" #include "src/core/wee-dir.h" #include "src/core/wee-hook.h" #include "src/core/wee-input.h" #include "src/core/wee-string.h" #include "src/plugins/plugin.h" #include "src/gui/gui-main.h" #include "src/gui/gui-buffer.h" #include "src/gui/gui-chat.h" extern void gui_main_init (); extern void gui_main_loop (); } #include "CppUTest/CommandLineTestRunner.h" #define LOCALE_TESTS "en_US.UTF-8" #define WEECHAT_TESTS_HOME "./tmp_weechat_test" /* import tests from libs */ /* core */ IMPORT_TEST_GROUP(CoreArraylist); IMPORT_TEST_GROUP(CoreCalc); IMPORT_TEST_GROUP(CoreCommand); IMPORT_TEST_GROUP(CoreConfigFile); IMPORT_TEST_GROUP(CoreCrypto); IMPORT_TEST_GROUP(CoreDir); IMPORT_TEST_GROUP(CoreEval); IMPORT_TEST_GROUP(CoreHashtable); IMPORT_TEST_GROUP(CoreHdata); IMPORT_TEST_GROUP(CoreHook); IMPORT_TEST_GROUP(CoreInfolist); IMPORT_TEST_GROUP(CoreList); IMPORT_TEST_GROUP(CoreNetwork); IMPORT_TEST_GROUP(CoreSecure); IMPORT_TEST_GROUP(CoreSignal); IMPORT_TEST_GROUP(CoreString); IMPORT_TEST_GROUP(CoreUrl); IMPORT_TEST_GROUP(CoreUtf8); IMPORT_TEST_GROUP(CoreUtil); /* GUI */ IMPORT_TEST_GROUP(GuiBarItem); IMPORT_TEST_GROUP(GuiBarItemCustom); IMPORT_TEST_GROUP(GuiBarWindow); IMPORT_TEST_GROUP(GuiBuffer); IMPORT_TEST_GROUP(GuiChat); IMPORT_TEST_GROUP(GuiColor); IMPORT_TEST_GROUP(GuiFilter); IMPORT_TEST_GROUP(GuiInput); IMPORT_TEST_GROUP(GuiLine); IMPORT_TEST_GROUP(GuiNick); /* scripts */ IMPORT_TEST_GROUP(Scripts); struct t_gui_buffer *ptr_core_buffer = NULL; /* recording of messages: to test if a message is actually displayed */ int record_messages = 0; struct t_arraylist *recorded_messages = NULL; /* * Callback for exec_on_files (to remove all files in WeeChat home directory). */ void exec_on_files_cb (void *data, const char *filename) { /* make C++ compiler happy */ (void) data; unlink (filename); } /* * Callback for any message displayed by WeeChat or a plugin (colors stripped). */ int test_print_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, time_t date, int tags_count, const char **tags, int displayed, int highlight, const char *prefix, const char *message) { const char *buffer_full_name; char str_recorded[8192]; /* make C++ compiler happy */ (void) pointer; (void) data; (void) buffer; (void) date; (void) tags_count; (void) tags; (void) displayed; (void) highlight; buffer_full_name = gui_buffer_get_string (buffer, "full_name"); if (record_messages) { snprintf (str_recorded, sizeof (str_recorded), "%s: \"%s%s%s\"", buffer_full_name, (prefix && prefix[0]) ? prefix : "", (prefix && prefix[0] && message && message[0]) ? " " : "", (message && message[0]) ? message : ""); arraylist_add (recorded_messages, strdup (str_recorded)); } /* keep only messages displayed on core buffer */ if (strcmp (buffer_full_name, "core.weechat") == 0) { printf ("%s%s%s\n", /* with color: "\33[34m%s%s%s\33[0m\n" */ (prefix && prefix[0]) ? prefix : "", (prefix && prefix[0] && message && message[0]) ? " " : "", (message && message[0]) ? message : ""); } return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } /* * Callback used to compare two recorded messages. */ int record_cmp_cb (void *data, struct t_arraylist *arraylist, void *pointer1, void *pointer2) { /* make C++ compiler happy */ (void) data; (void) arraylist; return strcmp ((char *)pointer1, (char *)pointer2); } /* * Callback used to free a recorded message. */ void record_free_cb (void *data, struct t_arraylist *arraylist, void *pointer) { /* make C++ compiler happy */ (void) data; (void) arraylist; free (pointer); } /* * Starts recording of messages displayed. */ void record_start () { record_messages = 1; if (recorded_messages) { arraylist_clear (recorded_messages); } else { recorded_messages = arraylist_new (16, 0, 1, &record_cmp_cb, NULL, &record_free_cb, NULL); } } /* * Stops recording of messages displayed. */ void record_stop () { record_messages = 0; } /* * Searches if a message has been displayed in a buffer. * * The format of "message" argument is: "prefix message" (prefix and message * separated by a space). * * Returns index of message displayed (≥ 0), -1 if message has NOT been * displayed. */ int record_search (const char *buffer, const char *message) { char str_message[8192]; int index; snprintf (str_message, sizeof (str_message), "%s: \"%s\"", buffer, message); arraylist_search (recorded_messages, str_message, &index, NULL); return index; } /* * Adds all recorded messages to the dynamic string "msg". */ void record_dump (char **msg) { int i; for (i = 0; i < arraylist_size (recorded_messages); i++) { string_dyn_concat (msg, " ", -1); string_dyn_concat (msg, (const char *)arraylist_get (recorded_messages, i), -1); string_dyn_concat (msg, "\n", -1); } } /* * Initializes GUI for tests. */ void test_gui_init () { /* * Catch all messages to display them directly on stdout * (Curses library is not used for tests). */ hook_print (NULL, /* plugin */ NULL, /* buffer */ NULL, /* tags */ NULL, /* message */ 1, /* strip colors */ &test_print_cb, NULL, NULL); /* * Call the function "gui_main_init" from Curses sources (all Curses * calls are made with the fake ncurses library). */ gui_main_init (); } /* * Displays and runs a command on a buffer. */ void run_cmd (const char *command) { printf (">>> Running command: %s\n", command); input_data (ptr_core_buffer, command, NULL); } /* * Runs a command on a buffer (do not display the command executed). */ void run_cmd_quiet (const char *command) { input_data (ptr_core_buffer, command, NULL); } /* * Runs tests in WeeChat environment. */ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int rc, length, weechat_argc; char *weechat_tests_args, *args, **weechat_argv, *tests_plugins_lib; const char *ptr_path; void *handle; /* setup environment: English language, no specific timezone */ setenv ("LC_ALL", LOCALE_TESTS, 1); setenv ("TZ", "", 1); /* check if locale exists */ if (!setlocale (LC_ALL, "")) { fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: the locale %s must be installed to run WeeChat " "tests.\n", LOCALE_TESTS); return 1; } /* clean WeeChat home */ dir_exec_on_files (WEECHAT_TESTS_HOME, 1, 1, &exec_on_files_cb, NULL); /* build arguments for WeeChat */ weechat_tests_args = getenv ("WEECHAT_TESTS_ARGS"); length = strlen (argv[0]) + 64 + /* --dir ... */ ((weechat_tests_args) ? 1 + strlen (weechat_tests_args) : 0) + 1; args = (char *)malloc (length); if (!args) { fprintf (stderr, "Memory error\n"); return 1; } snprintf (args, length, "%s --dir %s%s%s", argv[0], WEECHAT_TESTS_HOME, (weechat_tests_args) ? " " : "", (weechat_tests_args) ? weechat_tests_args : ""); weechat_argv = string_split_shell (args, &weechat_argc); printf ("WeeChat arguments: \"%s\"\n", args); /* init WeeChat */ weechat_init_gettext (); weechat_init (weechat_argc, weechat_argv, &test_gui_init); if (weechat_argv) string_free_split (weechat_argv); free (args); ptr_core_buffer = gui_buffer_search_main (); /* auto-load plugins from WEECHAT_EXTRA_LIBDIR if no plugin were loaded */ if (!weechat_plugins) { gui_chat_printf (NULL, "Auto-loading plugins from path in " "environment variable WEECHAT_EXTRA_LIBDIR (\"%s\")", getenv ("WEECHAT_EXTRA_LIBDIR")); plugin_auto_load (NULL, 0, 1, 0, 0, NULL); } /* load plugins tests */ tests_plugins_lib = getenv ("WEECHAT_TESTS_PLUGINS_LIB"); ptr_path = (tests_plugins_lib && tests_plugins_lib[0]) ? tests_plugins_lib : NULL; if (!ptr_path) { fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: environment variable WEECHAT_TESTS_PLUGINS_LIB " "is not defined\n"); return 1; } printf ("Loading tests on plugins: \"%s\"\n", ptr_path); handle = dlopen (ptr_path, RTLD_GLOBAL | RTLD_NOW); if (!handle) { fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: unable to load tests on plugins: %s\n", dlerror ()); return 1; } /* display WeeChat version and directories */ run_cmd ("/command core version"); run_cmd ("/debug dirs"); run_cmd ("/debug libs"); /* run all tests */ printf ("\n"); rc = CommandLineTestRunner::RunAllTests (argc, argv); /* end WeeChat */ gui_chat_mute = GUI_CHAT_MUTE_ALL_BUFFERS; weechat_end (&gui_main_end); dlclose (handle); return rc; }