#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2017 Sébastien Helleu # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # """ Unparse AST tree to generate scripts in all supported languages (Python, Perl, Ruby, ...). """ # pylint: disable=too-many-lines from __future__ import print_function import argparse import ast import inspect import os import select try: from StringIO import StringIO # python 2 except ImportError: from io import StringIO # python 3 import sys sys.dont_write_bytecode = True class UnparsePython(object): """ Unparse AST to generate Python script code. This class is inspired from unparse.py in cpython: https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/master/Tools/parser/unparse.py Note: only part of AST types are supported (just the types used by the script to test WeeChat scripting API). """ __lineno__ = inspect.currentframe().f_lineno def __init__(self, output=sys.stdout): self.output = output self.indent_string = ' ' * 4 self._indent_level = 0 self._prefix = [] # not used in Python, only in other languages self.binop = { 'Add': '+', 'Sub': '-', 'Mult': '*', 'MatMult': '@', 'Div': '/', 'Mod': '%', 'LShift': '<<', 'RShift': '>>', 'BitOr': '|', 'BitXor': '^', 'BitAnd': '&', 'FloorDiv': '//', 'Pow': '**', } self.unaryop = { 'Invert': '~', 'Not': 'not', 'UAdd': '+', 'USub': '-', } self.cmpop = { 'Eq': '==', 'NotEq': '!=', 'Lt': '<', 'LtE': '<=', 'Gt': '>', 'GtE': '>=', 'Is': 'is', 'IsNot': 'is not', 'In': 'in', 'NotIn': 'not in', } def fill(self, string=''): """Add a new line and an indented string.""" self.add('\n%s%s' % (self.indent_string * self._indent_level, string)) def indent(self): """Indent code.""" self._indent_level += 1 def unindent(self): """Unindent code.""" self._indent_level -= 1 def prefix(self, prefix): """Add or remove a prefix from list.""" if prefix: self._prefix.append(prefix) else: self._prefix.pop() def add(self, *args): """Add string/node(s) to the output file.""" for arg in args: if callable(arg): arg() elif isinstance(arg, tuple): arg[0](*arg[1:]) elif isinstance(arg, list): for item in arg: self.add(item) elif isinstance(arg, ast.AST): method = getattr( self, '_ast_%s' % arg.__class__.__name__.lower(), None) if method is None: raise NotImplementedError(arg) method(arg) elif isinstance(arg, str): self.output.write(arg) @staticmethod def make_list(values, sep=', '): """Add multiple values using a custom method and separator.""" result = [] for value in values: if result: result.append(sep) result.append(value) return result def is_bool(self, node): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """Check if the node is a boolean.""" return isinstance(node, ast.Name) and node.id in ('False', 'True') def is_number(self, node): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """Check if the node is a number.""" # in python 2, number -1 is Num(n=-1) # in Python 3, number -1 is UnaryOp(op=USub(), operand=Num(n=1)) return (isinstance(node, ast.Num) or (isinstance(node, ast.UnaryOp) and isinstance(node.op, (ast.UAdd, ast.USub)))) def _ast_alias(self, node): """Add an AST alias in output.""" # ignore alias pass def _ast_arg(self, node): """Add an AST arg in output.""" self.add('%s%s' % (self._prefix[-1] if self._prefix else '', node.arg)) def _ast_assign(self, node): """Add an AST Assign in output.""" self.add( self.fill, [[target, ' = '] for target in node.targets], node.value, ) def _ast_attribute(self, node): """Add an AST Attribute in output.""" self.add(node.value, '.', node.attr) def _ast_binop(self, node): """Add an AST BinOp in output.""" self.add( node.left, ' %s ' % self.binop[node.op.__class__.__name__], node.right, ) def _ast_call(self, node): """Add an AST Call in output.""" self.add( node.func, '(', self.make_list(node.args), ')', ) def _ast_compare(self, node): """Add an AST Compare in output.""" self.add(node.left) for operator, comparator in zip(node.ops, node.comparators): self.add( ' %s ' % self.cmpop[operator.__class__.__name__], comparator, ) def _ast_dict(self, node): """Add an AST Dict in output.""" self.add( '{', self.make_list([[key, ': ', value] for key, value in zip(node.keys, node.values)]), '}', ) def _ast_expr(self, node): """Add an AST Expr in output.""" if not isinstance(node.value, ast.Str): # ignore docstrings self.add( self.fill, node.value, ) def _ast_functiondef(self, node): """Add an AST FunctionDef in output.""" self.add( self.fill, self.fill, self.fill if self._indent_level == 0 else None, 'def %s(' % node.name, self.make_list([arg for arg in node.args.args]), '):', self.indent, node.body, self.unindent, ) def _ast_if(self, node): """Add an AST If in output.""" self.add( self.fill, 'if ', node.test, ':', self.indent, node.body, self.unindent, ) if node.orelse: self.add( self.fill, 'else:', self.indent, node.orelse, self.unindent, ) def _ast_import(self, node): """Add an AST Import in output.""" # ignore import pass def _ast_module(self, node): """Add an AST Module in output.""" self.add(node.body) def _ast_name(self, node): """Add an AST Name in output.""" self.add('%s%s' % (self._prefix[-1] if self._prefix else '', node.id)) def _ast_num(self, node): """Add an AST Num in output.""" self.add(repr(node.n)) def _ast_pass(self, node): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Add an AST Pass in output.""" self.fill('pass') def _ast_return(self, node): """Add an AST Return in output.""" self.fill('return') if node.value: self.add(' ', node.value) def _ast_str(self, node): """Add an AST Str in output.""" self.add(repr(node.s)) def _ast_tuple(self, node): """Add an AST Tuple in output.""" self.add( '(', self.make_list(node.elts), ',' if len(node.elts) == 1 else None, ')', ) def _ast_unaryop(self, node): """Add an AST UnaryOp in output.""" self.add( '(', self.unaryop[node.op.__class__.__name__], ' ', node.operand, ')', ) class UnparsePerl(UnparsePython): """ Unparse AST to generate Perl script code. Note: only part of AST types are supported (just the types used by the script to test WeeChat scripting API). """ __lineno__ = inspect.currentframe().f_lineno def _ast_assign(self, node): """Add an AST Assign in output.""" self.add( self.fill, (self.prefix, '%' if isinstance(node.value, ast.Dict) else '$'), [[target, ' = '] for target in node.targets], (self.prefix, None), node.value, ';', ) def _ast_attribute(self, node): """Add an AST Attribute in output.""" saved_prefix = self._prefix self._prefix = [] self.add(node.value, '::', node.attr) self._prefix = saved_prefix def _ast_binop(self, node): """Add an AST BinOp in output.""" if isinstance(node.op, ast.Add) and \ (not self.is_number(node.left) or not self.is_number(node.right)): str_op = '.' else: str_op = self.binop[node.op.__class__.__name__] self.add( (self.prefix, '$'), node.left, ' %s ' % str_op, node.right, (self.prefix, None), ) def _ast_call(self, node): """Add an AST Call in output.""" self.add( node.func, '(', (self.prefix, '$'), self.make_list(node.args), (self.prefix, None), ')', ) def _ast_compare(self, node): """Add an AST Compare in output.""" self.add(node.left) for operator, comparator in zip(node.ops, node.comparators): if isinstance(operator, (ast.Eq, ast.NotEq)) and \ not self.is_number(node.left) and \ not self.is_bool(node.left) and \ not self.is_number(comparator) and \ not self.is_bool(comparator): custom_cmpop = { 'Eq': 'eq', 'NotEq': 'ne', } else: custom_cmpop = self.cmpop self.add( ' %s ' % custom_cmpop[operator.__class__.__name__], comparator, ) def _ast_dict(self, node): """Add an AST Dict in output.""" self.add( '{', self.make_list([[key, ' => ', value] for key, value in zip(node.keys, node.values)]), '}', ) def _ast_expr(self, node): """Add an AST Expr in output.""" if not isinstance(node.value, ast.Str): # ignore docstrings self.add( self.fill, node.value, ';', ) def _ast_functiondef(self, node): """Add an AST FunctionDef in output.""" self.add( self.fill, self.fill, 'sub %s' % node.name, self.fill, '{', self.indent, ) if node.args.args: self.add( self.fill, 'my (', (self.prefix, '$'), self.make_list([arg for arg in node.args.args]), (self.prefix, None), ') = @_;', ) self.add( node.body, self.unindent, self.fill, '}', ) def _ast_if(self, node): """Add an AST If in output.""" self.add( self.fill, 'if (', (self.prefix, '$'), node.test, (self.prefix, None), ')', self.fill, '{', self.indent, node.body, self.unindent, self.fill, '}', ) if node.orelse: self.add( self.fill, 'else', self.fill, '{', self.indent, node.orelse, self.unindent, self.fill, '}', ) def _ast_pass(self, node): """Add an AST Pass in output.""" pass def _ast_return(self, node): """Add an AST Return in output.""" self.fill('return') if node.value: self.add(' ', node.value, ';') def _ast_str(self, node): """Add an AST Str in output.""" self.add('"%s"' % node.s.replace('$', '\\$').replace('@', '\\@')) class UnparseRuby(UnparsePython): """ Unparse AST to generate Ruby script code. Note: only part of AST types are supported (just the types used by the script to test WeeChat scripting API). """ __lineno__ = inspect.currentframe().f_lineno def _ast_attribute(self, node): """Add an AST Attribute in output.""" self.add( node.value, '::' if node.attr.startswith('WEECHAT_') else '.', node.attr, ) def _ast_dict(self, node): """Add an AST Dict in output.""" self.add( 'Hash[', self.make_list([[key, ' => ', value] for key, value in zip(node.keys, node.values)]), ']', ) def _ast_functiondef(self, node): """Add an AST FunctionDef in output.""" self.add( self.fill, self.fill, 'def %s' % node.name, ) if node.args.args: self.add( '(', self.make_list([arg for arg in node.args.args]), ')', ) self.add( self.indent, node.body, self.unindent, self.fill, 'end', ) def _ast_if(self, node): """Add an AST If in output.""" self.add( self.fill, 'if ', node.test, self.indent, node.body, self.unindent, ) if node.orelse: self.add( self.fill, 'else', self.indent, node.orelse, self.unindent, self.fill, 'end', ) def _ast_pass(self, node): """Add an AST Pass in output.""" pass def _ast_str(self, node): """Add an AST Str in output.""" self.add('"%s"' % node.s) class UnparseLua(UnparsePython): """ Unparse AST to generate Lua script code. Note: only part of AST types are supported (just the types used by the script to test WeeChat scripting API). """ __lineno__ = inspect.currentframe().f_lineno def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(UnparseLua, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.cmpop = { 'Eq': '==', 'NotEq': '~=', 'Lt': '<', 'LtE': '<=', 'Gt': '>', 'GtE': '>=', } def _ast_binop(self, node): """Add an AST BinOp in output.""" if isinstance(node.op, ast.Add) and \ (not self.is_number(node.left) or not self.is_number(node.right)): str_op = '..' else: str_op = self.binop[node.op.__class__.__name__] self.add( node.left, ' %s ' % str_op, node.right, ) def _ast_dict(self, node): """Add an AST Dict in output.""" self.add( '{', self.make_list([ ['[', key, ']', '=', value] for key, value in zip(node.keys, node.values)]), '}', ) def _ast_functiondef(self, node): """Add an AST FunctionDef in output.""" self.add( self.fill, self.fill, 'function %s' % node.name, ) self.add( '(', self.make_list([arg for arg in node.args.args]), ')', self.indent, node.body, self.unindent, self.fill, 'end', ) def _ast_if(self, node): """Add an AST If in output.""" self.add( self.fill, 'if ', node.test, ' then', self.indent, node.body, self.unindent, ) if node.orelse: self.add( self.fill, 'else', self.indent, node.orelse, self.unindent, self.fill, 'end', ) def _ast_pass(self, node): """Add an AST Pass in output.""" pass class UnparseTcl(UnparsePython): """ Unparse AST to generate Tcl script code. Note: only part of AST types are supported (just the types used by the script to test WeeChat scripting API). """ __lineno__ = inspect.currentframe().f_lineno def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(UnparseTcl, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._call = 0 def _ast_assign(self, node): """Add an AST Assign in output.""" self.add( self.fill, 'set ', node.targets[0], ' ', '[' if not isinstance(node.value, ast.Str) else '', node.value, ']' if not isinstance(node.value, ast.Str) else '', ) def _ast_attribute(self, node): """Add an AST Attribute in output.""" saved_prefix = self._prefix self._prefix = [] if node.attr.startswith('WEECHAT_'): self.add('$::') self.add(node.value, '::', node.attr) self._prefix = saved_prefix def _ast_binop(self, node): """Add an AST BinOp in output.""" self.add( '[join [list ', (self.prefix, '$'), node.left, ' ', node.right, (self.prefix, None), '] ""]', ) def _ast_call(self, node): """Add an AST Call in output.""" if self._call: self.add('[') self._call += 1 self.add( node.func, ' ' if node.args else None, (self.prefix, '$'), self.make_list([arg for arg in node.args], sep=' '), (self.prefix, None), ) self._call -= 1 if self._call: self.add(']') def _ast_compare(self, node): """Add an AST Compare in output.""" self.prefix('$') if self._call: self.add('[expr {') self.add(node.left) for operator, comparator in zip(node.ops, node.comparators): if isinstance(operator, (ast.Eq, ast.NotEq)) and \ not self.is_number(node.left) and \ not self.is_bool(node.left) and \ not self.is_number(comparator) and \ not self.is_bool(comparator): custom_cmpop = { 'Eq': 'eq', 'NotEq': 'ne', } else: custom_cmpop = self.cmpop self.add( ' %s ' % custom_cmpop[operator.__class__.__name__], comparator, ) if self._call: self.add('}]') self.prefix(None) def _ast_dict(self, node): """Add an AST Dict in output.""" self.add( '[dict create ', self.make_list([[key, ' ', value] for key, value in zip(node.keys, node.values)], sep=' '), ']', ) def _ast_functiondef(self, node): """Add an AST FunctionDef in output.""" self.add( self.fill, self.fill, 'proc %s {' % node.name, (self.make_list([arg for arg in node.args.args], sep=' ') if node.args.args else None), '} {', self.indent, node.body, self.unindent, self.fill, '}', ) def _ast_if(self, node): """Add an AST If in output.""" self.add( self.fill, 'if {', (self.prefix, '$'), node.test, (self.prefix, None), '} {', self.indent, node.body, self.unindent, self.fill, '}', ) if node.orelse: self.add( ' else {', self.indent, node.orelse, self.unindent, self.fill, '}', ) def _ast_pass(self, node): """Add an AST Pass in output.""" pass def _ast_str(self, node): """Add an AST Str in output.""" self.add('"%s"' % node.s.replace('$', '\\$')) class UnparseGuile(UnparsePython): """ Unparse AST to generate Guile script code. Note: only part of AST types are supported (just the types used by the script to test WeeChat scripting API). """ __lineno__ = inspect.currentframe().f_lineno def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(UnparseGuile, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.cmpop = { 'Eq': '=', 'NotEq': '<>', 'Lt': '<', 'LtE': '<=', 'Gt': '>', 'GtE': '>=', } self._call = 0 self._let = 0 def _ast_assign(self, node): """Add an AST Assign in output.""" self.add( self.fill, '(let ((', node.targets[0], ' ', node.value, '))', self.indent, self.fill, '(begin', self.indent, ) self._let += 1 def _ast_attribute(self, node): """Add an AST Attribute in output.""" self.add(node.value, ':', node.attr) def _ast_binop(self, node): """Add an AST BinOp in output.""" if isinstance(node.op, ast.Add) and \ (isinstance(node.left, (ast.Name, ast.Str)) or isinstance(node.right, (ast.Name, ast.Str))): self.add( '(string-append ', node.left, ' ', node.right, ')', ) else: self.add( node.left, ' %s ' % self.binop[node.op.__class__.__name__], node.right, ) def _ast_call(self, node): """Add an AST Call in output.""" self._call += 1 self.add( '(', node.func, ' ' if node.args else None, self.make_list([arg for arg in node.args], sep=' '), ')', ) self._call -= 1 def _ast_compare(self, node): """Add an AST Compare in output.""" for operator, comparator in zip(node.ops, node.comparators): if isinstance(operator, (ast.Eq, ast.NotEq)) and \ not self.is_number(node.left) and \ not self.is_bool(node.left) and \ not self.is_number(comparator) and \ not self.is_bool(comparator): prefix = 'string' else: prefix = '' self.add( '(%s%s ' % (prefix, self.cmpop[operator.__class__.__name__]), node.left, ' ', comparator, ')', ) def _ast_dict(self, node): """Add an AST Dict in output.""" self.add( '\'(', self.make_list([['(', key, ' ', value, ')'] for key, value in zip(node.keys, node.values)], sep=' '), ')', ) def _ast_functiondef(self, node): """Add an AST FunctionDef in output.""" self.add( self.fill, self.fill, '(define (%s' % node.name, ' ' if node.args.args else None, (self.make_list([arg for arg in node.args.args], sep=' ') if node.args.args else None), ')', self.indent, node.body, ) while self._let > 0: self.add( self.unindent, self.fill, ')', self.unindent, self.fill, ')', ) self._let -= 1 self.add( self.unindent, self.fill, ')', ) def _ast_if(self, node): """Add an AST If in output.""" self.add( self.fill, '(if ' '' if isinstance(node.test, ast.Name) else '(', node.test, '' if isinstance(node.test, ast.Name) else ')', self.indent, self.fill, '(begin', self.indent, node.body, self.unindent, self.fill, ')', self.unindent, ) if node.orelse: self.add( self.indent, self.fill, '(begin', self.indent, node.orelse, self.unindent, self.fill, ')', self.unindent, ) self.add(self.fill, ')') def _ast_pass(self, node): """Add an AST Pass in output.""" pass def _ast_return(self, node): """Add an AST Return in output.""" if node.value: self.add(self.fill, node.value) def _ast_str(self, node): """Add an AST Str in output.""" self.add('"%s"' % node.s) class UnparseJavascript(UnparsePython): """ Unparse AST to generate Javascript script code. Note: only part of AST types are supported (just the types used by the script to test WeeChat scripting API). """ __lineno__ = inspect.currentframe().f_lineno def _ast_dict(self, node): """Add an AST Dict in output.""" self.add( '{', self.make_list([[key, ': ', value] for key, value in zip(node.keys, node.values)]), '}', ) def _ast_functiondef(self, node): """Add an AST FunctionDef in output.""" self.add( self.fill, self.fill, 'function %s(' % node.name, self.make_list([arg for arg in node.args.args]), ') {', self.indent, node.body, self.unindent, self.fill, '}', ) def _ast_if(self, node): """Add an AST If in output.""" self.add( self.fill, 'if (', node.test, ') {', self.indent, node.body, self.unindent, self.fill, '}', ) if node.orelse: self.add( ' else {', self.indent, node.orelse, self.unindent, self.fill, '}', ) def _ast_pass(self, node): """Add an AST Pass in output.""" pass class UnparsePhp(UnparsePython): """ Unparse AST to generate PHP script code. Note: only part of AST types are supported (just the types used by the script to test WeeChat scripting API). """ __lineno__ = inspect.currentframe().f_lineno def _ast_assign(self, node): """Add an AST Assign in output.""" self.add( self.fill, (self.prefix, '$'), [[target, ' = '] for target in node.targets], (self.prefix, None), node.value, ';', ) def _ast_attribute(self, node): """Add an AST Attribute in output.""" saved_prefix = self._prefix self._prefix = [] if not node.attr.startswith('WEECHAT_'): self.add(node.value, '_') self.add(node.attr) self._prefix = saved_prefix def _ast_binop(self, node): """Add an AST BinOp in output.""" if isinstance(node.op, ast.Add) and \ (isinstance(node.left, (ast.Name, ast.Str)) or isinstance(node.right, (ast.Name, ast.Str))): str_op = '.' else: str_op = self.binop[node.op.__class__.__name__] self.add( (self.prefix, '$'), node.left, ' %s ' % str_op, node.right, (self.prefix, None), ) def _ast_call(self, node): """Add an AST Call in output.""" self.add( node.func, '(', (self.prefix, '$'), self.make_list(node.args), (self.prefix, None), ')', ) def _ast_dict(self, node): """Add an AST Dict in output.""" self.add( 'array(', self.make_list([[key, ' => ', value] for key, value in zip(node.keys, node.values)]), ')', ) def _ast_expr(self, node): """Add an AST Expr in output.""" if not isinstance(node.value, ast.Str): # ignore docstrings self.add( self.fill, node.value, ';', ) def _ast_functiondef(self, node): """Add an AST FunctionDef in output.""" self.add( self.fill, self.fill, 'function %s(' % node.name, (self.prefix, '$'), self.make_list([arg for arg in node.args.args]), (self.prefix, None), ')', self.fill, '{', self.indent, node.body, self.unindent, self.fill, '}', ) def _ast_if(self, node): """Add an AST If in output.""" self.add( self.fill, 'if (', (self.prefix, '$'), node.test, (self.prefix, None), ')', self.fill, '{', self.indent, node.body, self.unindent, self.fill, '}', ) if node.orelse: self.add( self.fill, 'else', self.fill, '{', self.indent, node.orelse, self.unindent, self.fill, '}', ) def _ast_pass(self, node): """Add an AST Pass in output.""" pass def _ast_return(self, node): """Add an AST Return in output.""" self.fill('return') if node.value: self.add(' ', node.value, ';') def _ast_str(self, node): """Add an AST Str in output.""" self.add('"%s"' % node.s.replace('$', '\\$')) def get_languages(): """Return a list of supported languages: ['python', 'perl', ...].""" members = [ member for member in inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], predicate=inspect.isclass) if inspect.isclass(member[1]) and member[0].startswith('Unparse') ] languages = [ name[7:].lower() for name, _ in sorted(members, key=lambda member: member[1].__lineno__) ] return languages LANGUAGES = get_languages() def get_parser(): """Get parser arguments.""" all_languages = LANGUAGES + ['all'] default_language = LANGUAGES[0] parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=('Unparse Python code from stdin and generate code in ' 'another language (to stdout).\n\n' 'The code is read from stdin and generated code is ' 'written on stdout.')) parser.add_argument( '-l', '--language', default=default_language, choices=all_languages, help='output language (default: %s)' % default_language) return parser def get_stdin(): """ Return data from standard input. If there is nothing in stdin, wait for data until ctrl-D (EOF) is received. """ data = '' inr = select.select([sys.stdin], [], [], 0)[0] if not inr: print('Enter the code to convert (Enter + ctrl+D to end)') while True: inr = select.select([sys.stdin], [], [], 0.1)[0] if not inr: continue new_data = os.read(sys.stdin.fileno(), 4096) if not new_data: # EOF? break data += new_data.decode('utf-8') return data def convert_to_language(code, language, prefix=''): """Convert Python code to a language.""" class_name = 'Unparse%s' % language.capitalize() unparse_class = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], class_name) if prefix: print(prefix) output = StringIO() unparse_class(output=output).add(ast.parse(code)) print(output.getvalue().lstrip()) def convert(code, language): """Convert Python code to one or all languages.""" if language == 'all': for lang in LANGUAGES: convert_to_language(code, lang, '\n%s:' % lang) else: convert_to_language(code, language) def main(): """Main function.""" parser = get_parser() args = parser.parse_args() code = get_stdin() if not code: print('ERROR: missing input') print() parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) convert(code, args.language) sys.exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': main()