/* * weechat-lua.c - lua plugin for WeeChat * * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Emmanuel Bouthenot * Copyright (C) 2006-2016 Sébastien Helleu * * This file is part of WeeChat, the extensible chat client. * * WeeChat is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * WeeChat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with WeeChat. If not, see . */ #undef _ #include #include #include #include #include #include "../weechat-plugin.h" #include "../plugin-script.h" #include "weechat-lua.h" #include "weechat-lua-api.h" WEECHAT_PLUGIN_NAME(LUA_PLUGIN_NAME); WEECHAT_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION(N_("Support of lua scripts")); WEECHAT_PLUGIN_AUTHOR("Sébastien Helleu "); WEECHAT_PLUGIN_VERSION(WEECHAT_VERSION); WEECHAT_PLUGIN_LICENSE(WEECHAT_LICENSE); WEECHAT_PLUGIN_PRIORITY(3000); struct t_weechat_plugin *weechat_lua_plugin; int lua_quiet = 0; struct t_plugin_script *lua_scripts = NULL; struct t_plugin_script *last_lua_script = NULL; struct t_plugin_script *lua_current_script = NULL; struct t_plugin_script *lua_registered_script = NULL; const char *lua_current_script_filename = NULL; lua_State *lua_current_interpreter = NULL; /* * string used to execute action "install": * when signal "lua_script_install" is received, name of string * is added to this string, to be installed later by a timer (when nothing is * running in script) */ char *lua_action_install_list = NULL; /* * string used to execute action "remove": * when signal "lua_script_remove" is received, name of string * is added to this string, to be removed later by a timer (when nothing is * running in script) */ char *lua_action_remove_list = NULL; /* * string used to execute action "autoload": * when signal "lua_script_autoload" is received, name of string * is added to this string, to autoload or disable autoload later by a timer * (when nothing is running in script) */ char *lua_action_autoload_list = NULL; /* * Callback called for each key/value in a hashtable. */ void weechat_lua_hashtable_map_cb (void *data, struct t_hashtable *hashtable, const char *key, const char *value) { lua_State *interpreter; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) hashtable; interpreter = (lua_State *)data; lua_pushstring (interpreter, key); lua_pushstring (interpreter, value); lua_rawset (interpreter, -3); } /* * Converts a WeeChat hashtable to a lua hash (as lua table on the stack). */ void weechat_lua_pushhashtable (lua_State *interpreter, struct t_hashtable *hashtable) { lua_newtable (interpreter); weechat_hashtable_map_string (hashtable, &weechat_lua_hashtable_map_cb, interpreter); } /* * Converts a lua hash (on stack) to a WeeChat hashtable. * * Note: hashtable must be freed after use. */ struct t_hashtable * weechat_lua_tohashtable (lua_State *interpreter, int index, int size, const char *type_keys, const char *type_values) { struct t_hashtable *hashtable; hashtable = weechat_hashtable_new (size, type_keys, type_values, NULL, NULL); if (!hashtable) return NULL; lua_pushnil (interpreter); while (lua_next (interpreter, index - 1) != 0) { if (strcmp (type_values, WEECHAT_HASHTABLE_STRING) == 0) { weechat_hashtable_set (hashtable, lua_tostring (interpreter, -2), lua_tostring (interpreter, -1)); } else if (strcmp (type_values, WEECHAT_HASHTABLE_POINTER) == 0) { weechat_hashtable_set (hashtable, lua_tostring (interpreter, -2), plugin_script_str2ptr ( weechat_lua_plugin, NULL, NULL, lua_tostring (interpreter, -1))); } /* remove value from stack (keep key for next iteration) */ lua_pop (interpreter, 1); } return hashtable; } /* * Executes a lua function. */ void * weechat_lua_exec (struct t_plugin_script *script, int ret_type, const char *function, const char *format, void **argv) { void *ret_value; int argc, i, *ret_i; lua_State *old_lua_current_interpreter; struct t_plugin_script *old_lua_current_script; old_lua_current_interpreter = lua_current_interpreter; if (script->interpreter) lua_current_interpreter = script->interpreter; lua_getglobal (lua_current_interpreter, function); old_lua_current_script = lua_current_script; lua_current_script = script; argc = 0; if (format && format[0]) { argc = strlen (format); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { switch (format[i]) { case 's': /* string */ lua_pushstring (lua_current_interpreter, (char *)argv[i]); break; case 'i': /* integer */ lua_pushnumber (lua_current_interpreter, *((int *)argv[i])); break; case 'h': /* hash */ weechat_lua_pushhashtable (lua_current_interpreter, (struct t_hashtable *)argv[i]); break; } } } ret_value = NULL; if (lua_pcall (lua_current_interpreter, argc, 1, 0) == 0) { if (ret_type == WEECHAT_SCRIPT_EXEC_STRING) { ret_value = (char *) lua_tostring (lua_current_interpreter, -1); if (ret_value) { ret_value = strdup (ret_value); } else { weechat_printf (NULL, weechat_gettext ("%s%s: function \"%s\" must " "return a valid value"), weechat_prefix ("error"), LUA_PLUGIN_NAME, function); } } else if (ret_type == WEECHAT_SCRIPT_EXEC_INT) { ret_i = malloc (sizeof (*ret_i)); if (ret_i) *ret_i = lua_tonumber (lua_current_interpreter, -1); ret_value = ret_i; } else if (ret_type == WEECHAT_SCRIPT_EXEC_HASHTABLE) { ret_value = weechat_lua_tohashtable (lua_current_interpreter, -1, WEECHAT_SCRIPT_HASHTABLE_DEFAULT_SIZE, WEECHAT_HASHTABLE_STRING, WEECHAT_HASHTABLE_STRING); } else { WEECHAT_SCRIPT_MSG_WRONG_ARGS(LUA_CURRENT_SCRIPT_NAME, function); } } else { weechat_printf (NULL, weechat_gettext ("%s%s: unable to run function \"%s\""), weechat_prefix ("error"), LUA_PLUGIN_NAME, function); weechat_printf (NULL, weechat_gettext ("%s%s: error: %s"), weechat_prefix ("error"), LUA_PLUGIN_NAME, lua_tostring (lua_current_interpreter, -1)); } lua_pop (lua_current_interpreter, 1); lua_current_script = old_lua_current_script; lua_current_interpreter = old_lua_current_interpreter; return ret_value; } /* * Adds a constant. */ void weechat_lua_add_constant (lua_State *L, struct t_lua_const *ptr_const) { lua_pushstring (L, ptr_const->name); if (ptr_const->str_value) lua_pushstring (L, ptr_const->str_value); else lua_pushnumber (L, ptr_const->int_value); lua_settable(L, -3); } /* * Called when a constant is modified. */ int weechat_lua_newindex (lua_State *L) { luaL_error(L, "Error: read-only constant"); return 0; } /* * Registers a library to use inside lua script. */ void weechat_lua_register_lib (lua_State *L, const char *libname, const luaL_Reg *lua_api_funcs, struct t_lua_const lua_api_consts[]) { int i; #if LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502 if (libname) { lua_newtable (L); luaL_setfuncs (L, lua_api_funcs, 0); lua_pushvalue (L, -1); lua_setglobal (L, libname); } else luaL_setfuncs (L, lua_api_funcs, 0); #else luaL_register (L, libname, lua_api_funcs); #endif /* LUA_VERSION_NUM >= 502 */ luaL_newmetatable (L, "weechat"); lua_pushliteral (L, "__index"); lua_newtable (L); for (i= 0; lua_api_consts[i].name; i++) { weechat_lua_add_constant (L, &lua_api_consts[i]); } lua_settable (L, -3); lua_pushliteral (L, "__newindex"); lua_pushcfunction (L, weechat_lua_newindex); lua_settable (L, -3); lua_setmetatable (L, -2); lua_pop (L, 1); } /* * Loads a lua script. * * Returns: * 1: OK * 0: error */ int weechat_lua_load (const char *filename) { FILE *fp; char *weechat_lua_code = { "weechat_outputs = {\n" " write = function (self, str)\n" " weechat.print(\"\", \"lua: stdout/stderr: \" .. str)\n" " end\n" "}\n" "io.stdout = weechat_outputs\n" "io.stderr = weechat_outputs\n" }; if ((fp = fopen (filename, "r")) == NULL) { weechat_printf (NULL, weechat_gettext ("%s%s: script \"%s\" not found"), weechat_prefix ("error"), LUA_PLUGIN_NAME, filename); return 0; } if ((weechat_lua_plugin->debug >= 2) || !lua_quiet) { weechat_printf (NULL, weechat_gettext ("%s: loading script \"%s\""), LUA_PLUGIN_NAME, filename); } lua_current_script = NULL; lua_registered_script = NULL; lua_current_interpreter = luaL_newstate(); if (lua_current_interpreter == NULL) { weechat_printf (NULL, weechat_gettext ("%s%s: unable to create new " "sub-interpreter"), weechat_prefix ("error"), LUA_PLUGIN_NAME); fclose (fp); return 0; } #ifdef LUA_VERSION_NUM /* LUA_VERSION_NUM is defined only in lua >= 5.1.0 */ luaL_openlibs (lua_current_interpreter); #else luaopen_base (lua_current_interpreter); luaopen_string (lua_current_interpreter); luaopen_table (lua_current_interpreter); luaopen_math (lua_current_interpreter); luaopen_io (lua_current_interpreter); luaopen_debug (lua_current_interpreter); #endif /* LUA_VERSION_NUM */ weechat_lua_register_lib (lua_current_interpreter, "weechat", weechat_lua_api_funcs, weechat_lua_api_consts); #ifdef LUA_VERSION_NUM if (luaL_dostring (lua_current_interpreter, weechat_lua_code) != 0) #else if (lua_dostring (lua_current_interpreter, weechat_lua_code) != 0) #endif /* LUA_VERSION_NUM */ { weechat_printf (NULL, weechat_gettext ("%s%s: unable to redirect stdout " "and stderr"), weechat_prefix ("error"), LUA_PLUGIN_NAME); } lua_current_script_filename = filename; if (luaL_loadfile (lua_current_interpreter, filename) != 0) { weechat_printf (NULL, weechat_gettext ("%s%s: unable to load file \"%s\""), weechat_prefix ("error"), LUA_PLUGIN_NAME, filename); weechat_printf (NULL, weechat_gettext ("%s%s: error: %s"), weechat_prefix ("error"), LUA_PLUGIN_NAME, lua_tostring (lua_current_interpreter, -1)); lua_close (lua_current_interpreter); fclose (fp); return 0; } if (lua_pcall (lua_current_interpreter, 0, 0, 0) != 0) { weechat_printf (NULL, weechat_gettext ("%s%s: unable to execute file " "\"%s\""), weechat_prefix ("error"), LUA_PLUGIN_NAME, filename); weechat_printf (NULL, weechat_gettext ("%s%s: error: %s"), weechat_prefix ("error"), LUA_PLUGIN_NAME, lua_tostring (lua_current_interpreter, -1)); lua_close (lua_current_interpreter); fclose (fp); /* if script was registered, remove it from list */ if (lua_current_script) { plugin_script_remove (weechat_lua_plugin, &lua_scripts, &last_lua_script, lua_current_script); lua_current_script = NULL; } return 0; } fclose (fp); if (!lua_registered_script) { weechat_printf (NULL, weechat_gettext ("%s%s: function \"register\" not " "found (or failed) in file \"%s\""), weechat_prefix ("error"), LUA_PLUGIN_NAME, filename); lua_close (lua_current_interpreter); return 0; } lua_current_script = lua_registered_script; /* * set input/close callbacks for buffers created by this script * (to restore callbacks after upgrade) */ plugin_script_set_buffer_callbacks (weechat_lua_plugin, lua_scripts, lua_current_script, &weechat_lua_api_buffer_input_data_cb, &weechat_lua_api_buffer_close_cb); (void) weechat_hook_signal_send ("lua_script_loaded", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING, lua_current_script->filename); return 1; } /* * Callback for weechat_script_auto_load() function. */ void weechat_lua_load_cb (void *data, const char *filename) { /* make C compiler happy */ (void) data; weechat_lua_load (filename); } /* * Unloads a lua script. */ void weechat_lua_unload (struct t_plugin_script *script) { int *rc; void *interpreter; char *filename; if ((weechat_lua_plugin->debug >= 2) || !lua_quiet) { weechat_printf (NULL, weechat_gettext ("%s: unloading script \"%s\""), LUA_PLUGIN_NAME, script->name); } if (script->shutdown_func && script->shutdown_func[0]) { rc = (int *)weechat_lua_exec (script, WEECHAT_SCRIPT_EXEC_INT, script->shutdown_func, NULL, NULL); if (rc) free (rc); } filename = strdup (script->filename); interpreter = script->interpreter; if (lua_current_script == script) lua_current_script = (lua_current_script->prev_script) ? lua_current_script->prev_script : lua_current_script->next_script; plugin_script_remove (weechat_lua_plugin, &lua_scripts, &last_lua_script, script); if (interpreter) lua_close (interpreter); if (lua_current_script) lua_current_interpreter = lua_current_script->interpreter; (void) weechat_hook_signal_send ("lua_script_unloaded", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING, filename); if (filename) free (filename); } /* * Unloads a lua script by name. */ void weechat_lua_unload_name (const char *name) { struct t_plugin_script *ptr_script; ptr_script = plugin_script_search (weechat_lua_plugin, lua_scripts, name); if (ptr_script) { weechat_lua_unload (ptr_script); if (!lua_quiet) { weechat_printf (NULL, weechat_gettext ("%s: script \"%s\" unloaded"), LUA_PLUGIN_NAME, name); } } else { weechat_printf (NULL, weechat_gettext ("%s%s: script \"%s\" not loaded"), weechat_prefix ("error"), LUA_PLUGIN_NAME, name); } } /* * Reloads a lua script by name. */ void weechat_lua_reload_name (const char *name) { struct t_plugin_script *ptr_script; char *filename; ptr_script = plugin_script_search (weechat_lua_plugin, lua_scripts, name); if (ptr_script) { filename = strdup (ptr_script->filename); if (filename) { weechat_lua_unload (ptr_script); if (!lua_quiet) { weechat_printf (NULL, weechat_gettext ("%s: script \"%s\" unloaded"), LUA_PLUGIN_NAME, name); } weechat_lua_load (filename); free (filename); } } else { weechat_printf (NULL, weechat_gettext ("%s%s: script \"%s\" not loaded"), weechat_prefix ("error"), LUA_PLUGIN_NAME, name); } } /* * Unloads all lua scripts. */ void weechat_lua_unload_all () { while (lua_scripts) { weechat_lua_unload (lua_scripts); } } /* * Callback for command "/lua". */ int weechat_lua_command_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, int argc, char **argv, char **argv_eol) { char *ptr_name, *path_script; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) pointer; (void) data; (void) buffer; if (argc == 1) { plugin_script_display_list (weechat_lua_plugin, lua_scripts, NULL, 0); } else if (argc == 2) { if (weechat_strcasecmp (argv[1], "list") == 0) { plugin_script_display_list (weechat_lua_plugin, lua_scripts, NULL, 0); } else if (weechat_strcasecmp (argv[1], "listfull") == 0) { plugin_script_display_list (weechat_lua_plugin, lua_scripts, NULL, 1); } else if (weechat_strcasecmp (argv[1], "autoload") == 0) { plugin_script_auto_load (weechat_lua_plugin, &weechat_lua_load_cb); } else if (weechat_strcasecmp (argv[1], "reload") == 0) { weechat_lua_unload_all (); plugin_script_auto_load (weechat_lua_plugin, &weechat_lua_load_cb); } else if (weechat_strcasecmp (argv[1], "unload") == 0) { weechat_lua_unload_all (); } else WEECHAT_COMMAND_ERROR; } else { if (weechat_strcasecmp (argv[1], "list") == 0) { plugin_script_display_list (weechat_lua_plugin, lua_scripts, argv_eol[2], 0); } else if (weechat_strcasecmp (argv[1], "listfull") == 0) { plugin_script_display_list (weechat_lua_plugin, lua_scripts, argv_eol[2], 1); } else if ((weechat_strcasecmp (argv[1], "load") == 0) || (weechat_strcasecmp (argv[1], "reload") == 0) || (weechat_strcasecmp (argv[1], "unload") == 0)) { ptr_name = argv_eol[2]; if (strncmp (ptr_name, "-q ", 3) == 0) { lua_quiet = 1; ptr_name += 3; while (ptr_name[0] == ' ') { ptr_name++; } } if (weechat_strcasecmp (argv[1], "load") == 0) { /* load lua script */ path_script = plugin_script_search_path (weechat_lua_plugin, ptr_name); weechat_lua_load ((path_script) ? path_script : ptr_name); if (path_script) free (path_script); } else if (weechat_strcasecmp (argv[1], "reload") == 0) { /* reload one lua script */ weechat_lua_reload_name (ptr_name); } else if (weechat_strcasecmp (argv[1], "unload") == 0) { /* unload lua script */ weechat_lua_unload_name (ptr_name); } lua_quiet = 0; } else WEECHAT_COMMAND_ERROR; } return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } /* * Adds lua scripts to completion list. */ int weechat_lua_completion_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, const char *completion_item, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, struct t_gui_completion *completion) { /* make C compiler happy */ (void) pointer; (void) data; (void) completion_item; (void) buffer; plugin_script_completion (weechat_lua_plugin, completion, lua_scripts); return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } /* * Returns hdata for lua scripts. */ struct t_hdata * weechat_lua_hdata_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, const char *hdata_name) { /* make C compiler happy */ (void) pointer; (void) data; return plugin_script_hdata_script (weechat_plugin, &lua_scripts, &last_lua_script, hdata_name); } /* * Returns infolist with lua scripts. */ struct t_infolist * weechat_lua_infolist_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, const char *infolist_name, void *obj_pointer, const char *arguments) { /* make C compiler happy */ (void) pointer; (void) data; if (!infolist_name || !infolist_name[0]) return NULL; if (weechat_strcasecmp (infolist_name, "lua_script") == 0) { return plugin_script_infolist_list_scripts (weechat_lua_plugin, lua_scripts, obj_pointer, arguments); } return NULL; } /* * Dumps lua plugin data in WeeChat log file. */ int weechat_lua_signal_debug_dump_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, const char *signal, const char *type_data, void *signal_data) { /* make C compiler happy */ (void) pointer; (void) data; (void) signal; (void) type_data; if (!signal_data || (weechat_strcasecmp ((char *)signal_data, LUA_PLUGIN_NAME) == 0)) { plugin_script_print_log (weechat_lua_plugin, lua_scripts); } return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } /* * Display infos about external libraries used. */ int weechat_lua_signal_debug_libs_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, const char *signal, const char *type_data, void *signal_data) { /* make C compiler happy */ (void) pointer; (void) data; (void) signal; (void) type_data; (void) signal_data; #ifdef LUA_VERSION weechat_printf (NULL, " %s: %s", LUA_PLUGIN_NAME, LUA_VERSION); #else weechat_printf (NULL, " %s: (?)", LUA_PLUGIN_NAME); #endif /* LUA_VERSION */ return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } /* * Timer for executing actions. */ int weechat_lua_timer_action_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, int remaining_calls) { /* make C compiler happy */ (void) data; (void) remaining_calls; if (pointer) { if (pointer == &lua_action_install_list) { plugin_script_action_install (weechat_lua_plugin, lua_scripts, &weechat_lua_unload, &weechat_lua_load, &lua_quiet, &lua_action_install_list); } else if (pointer == &lua_action_remove_list) { plugin_script_action_remove (weechat_lua_plugin, lua_scripts, &weechat_lua_unload, &lua_quiet, &lua_action_remove_list); } else if (pointer == &lua_action_autoload_list) { plugin_script_action_autoload (weechat_lua_plugin, &lua_quiet, &lua_action_autoload_list); } } return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } /* * Callback called when a script action is asked (install/remove a script). */ int weechat_lua_signal_script_action_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, const char *signal, const char *type_data, void *signal_data) { /* make C compiler happy */ (void) pointer; (void) data; if (strcmp (type_data, WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING) == 0) { if (strcmp (signal, "lua_script_install") == 0) { plugin_script_action_add (&lua_action_install_list, (const char *)signal_data); weechat_hook_timer (1, 0, 1, &weechat_lua_timer_action_cb, &lua_action_install_list, NULL); } else if (strcmp (signal, "lua_script_remove") == 0) { plugin_script_action_add (&lua_action_remove_list, (const char *)signal_data); weechat_hook_timer (1, 0, 1, &weechat_lua_timer_action_cb, &lua_action_remove_list, NULL); } else if (strcmp (signal, "lua_script_autoload") == 0) { plugin_script_action_add (&lua_action_autoload_list, (const char *)signal_data); weechat_hook_timer (1, 0, 1, &weechat_lua_timer_action_cb, &lua_action_autoload_list, NULL); } } return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } /* * Initializes lua plugin. */ int weechat_plugin_init (struct t_weechat_plugin *plugin, int argc, char *argv[]) { struct t_plugin_script_init init; weechat_lua_plugin = plugin; init.callback_command = &weechat_lua_command_cb; init.callback_completion = &weechat_lua_completion_cb; init.callback_hdata = &weechat_lua_hdata_cb; init.callback_infolist = &weechat_lua_infolist_cb; init.callback_signal_debug_dump = &weechat_lua_signal_debug_dump_cb; init.callback_signal_debug_libs = &weechat_lua_signal_debug_libs_cb; init.callback_signal_script_action = &weechat_lua_signal_script_action_cb; init.callback_load_file = &weechat_lua_load_cb; lua_quiet = 1; plugin_script_init (weechat_lua_plugin, argc, argv, &init); lua_quiet = 0; plugin_script_display_short_list (weechat_lua_plugin, lua_scripts); /* init OK */ return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } /* * Ends lua plugin. */ int weechat_plugin_end (struct t_weechat_plugin *plugin) { /* unload all scripts */ lua_quiet = 1; plugin_script_end (plugin, &lua_scripts, &weechat_lua_unload_all); lua_quiet = 0; /* free some data */ if (lua_action_install_list) free (lua_action_install_list); if (lua_action_remove_list) free (lua_action_remove_list); if (lua_action_autoload_list) free (lua_action_autoload_list); return WEECHAT_RC_OK; }