/* * irc-ctcp.c - IRC CTCP protocol * * Copyright (C) 2003-2024 Sébastien Helleu * * This file is part of WeeChat, the extensible chat client. * * WeeChat is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * WeeChat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with WeeChat. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../weechat-plugin.h" #include "irc.h" #include "irc-ctcp.h" #include "irc-channel.h" #include "irc-color.h" #include "irc-config.h" #include "irc-input.h" #include "irc-msgbuffer.h" #include "irc-nick.h" #include "irc-protocol.h" #include "irc-server.h" struct t_irc_ctcp_reply irc_ctcp_default_reply[] = { { "clientinfo", "${clientinfo}" }, { "source", "${download}" }, { "time", "${time}" }, { "version", "WeeChat ${version}" }, { NULL, NULL }, }; /* * Converts old CTCP format, by converting format "$xxx" to "${xxx}" * (new CTCP formats are evaluated). * * Note: result must be freed after use. */ char * irc_ctcp_convert_legacy_format (const char *format) { int i; char *str, *str2, old_format[256], new_format[256]; char *ctcp_legacy_vars[] = { "clientinfo", "versiongit", "version", "git", "osinfo", "site", "download", "username", "realname", "date", "time", NULL, }; if (!format) return NULL; str = strdup (format);; str2 = NULL; for (i = 0; ctcp_legacy_vars[i]; i++) { snprintf (old_format, sizeof (old_format), "$%s", ctcp_legacy_vars[i]); snprintf (new_format, sizeof (new_format), "${%s}", ctcp_legacy_vars[i]); str2 = weechat_string_replace (str, old_format, new_format); free (str); str = str2; } return str; } /* * Gets default reply for a CTCP query. * * Returns NULL if CTCP is unknown. */ const char * irc_ctcp_get_default_reply (const char *ctcp) { int i; for (i = 0; irc_ctcp_default_reply[i].name; i++) { if (weechat_strcasecmp (irc_ctcp_default_reply[i].name, ctcp) == 0) return irc_ctcp_default_reply[i].reply; } /* unknown CTCP */ return NULL; } /* * Gets reply for a CTCP query. */ const char * irc_ctcp_get_reply (struct t_irc_server *server, const char *ctcp) { struct t_config_option *ptr_option; char option_name[512], *ctcp_lower; ctcp_lower = weechat_string_tolower (ctcp); if (!ctcp_lower) return NULL; snprintf (option_name, sizeof (option_name), "%s.%s", server->name, ctcp_lower); /* search for CTCP in configuration file, for server */ ptr_option = weechat_config_search_option (irc_config_file, irc_config_section_ctcp, option_name); if (ptr_option) { free (ctcp_lower); return weechat_config_string (ptr_option); } /* search for CTCP in configuration file */ ptr_option = weechat_config_search_option (irc_config_file, irc_config_section_ctcp, ctcp_lower); if (ptr_option) { free (ctcp_lower); return weechat_config_string (ptr_option); } free (ctcp_lower); /* * no CTCP reply found in config, then return default reply, or NULL * for unknown CTCP */ return irc_ctcp_get_default_reply (ctcp); } /* * Extracts CTCP type and arguments from message, which format is: * \01TYPE arguments...\01 * * Strings *type and *arguments are set with type and arguments parsed, * both are set to NULL in case of error. */ void irc_ctcp_parse_type_arguments (const char *message, char **type, char **arguments) { const char *pos_end, *pos_space; if (!message || !type || !arguments) return; *type = NULL; *arguments = NULL; if (message[0] != '\01') return; pos_end = strrchr (message + 1, '\01'); if (!pos_end) return; pos_space = strchr (message + 1, ' '); *type = weechat_strndup ( message + 1, (pos_space) ? pos_space - message - 1 : pos_end - message - 1); if (!*type) return; *arguments = (pos_space) ? weechat_strndup (pos_space + 1, pos_end - pos_space - 1) : NULL; } /* * Displays CTCP requested by a nick. */ void irc_ctcp_display_request (struct t_irc_protocol_ctxt *ctxt, struct t_irc_channel *channel, const char *ctcp, const char *arguments, const char *reply) { /* CTCP blocked and user doesn't want to see message? then just return */ if (reply && !reply[0] && !weechat_config_boolean (irc_config_look_display_ctcp_blocked)) return; weechat_printf_datetime_tags ( irc_msgbuffer_get_target_buffer ( ctxt->server, ctxt->nick, NULL, "ctcp", (channel) ? channel->buffer : NULL), ctxt->date, ctxt->date_usec, irc_protocol_tags (ctxt, "irc_ctcp"), _("%sCTCP requested by %s%s%s: %s%s%s%s%s%s"), weechat_prefix ("network"), irc_nick_color_for_msg (ctxt->server, 0, NULL, ctxt->nick), ctxt->nick, IRC_COLOR_RESET, IRC_COLOR_CHAT_CHANNEL, ctcp, IRC_COLOR_RESET, (arguments) ? " " : "", (arguments) ? arguments : "", (reply && !reply[0]) ? _(" (blocked)") : ""); } /* * Displays reply from a nick to a CTCP query. */ void irc_ctcp_display_reply_from_nick (struct t_irc_protocol_ctxt *ctxt, const char *arguments) { char *dup_arguments, *ptr_args, *pos_end, *pos_space, *pos_args, *pos_usec; struct timeval tv; long sec1, usec1, sec2, usec2, difftime; dup_arguments = strdup (arguments); if (!dup_arguments) return; ptr_args = dup_arguments; while (ptr_args && ptr_args[0]) { pos_end = strrchr (ptr_args + 1, '\01'); if (pos_end) pos_end[0] = '\0'; pos_space = strchr (ptr_args + 1, ' '); if (pos_space) { pos_space[0] = '\0'; pos_args = pos_space + 1; while (pos_args[0] == ' ') { pos_args++; } if (weechat_strcasecmp (ptr_args + 1, "ping") == 0) { pos_usec = strchr (pos_args, ' '); if (pos_usec) { pos_usec[0] = '\0'; gettimeofday (&tv, NULL); sec1 = atol (pos_args); usec1 = atol (pos_usec + 1); sec2 = tv.tv_sec; usec2 = tv.tv_usec; difftime = ((sec2 * 1000000) + usec2) - ((sec1 * 1000000) + usec1); weechat_printf_datetime_tags ( irc_msgbuffer_get_target_buffer ( ctxt->server, ctxt->nick, NULL, "ctcp", NULL), ctxt->date, ctxt->date_usec, irc_protocol_tags (ctxt, "irc_ctcp"), /* TRANSLATORS: %.3fs is a float number + "s" ("seconds") */ _("%sCTCP reply from %s%s%s: %s%s%s %.3fs"), weechat_prefix ("network"), irc_nick_color_for_msg (ctxt->server, 0, NULL, ctxt->nick), ctxt->nick, IRC_COLOR_RESET, IRC_COLOR_CHAT_CHANNEL, ptr_args + 1, IRC_COLOR_RESET, (float)difftime / 1000000.0); } } else { weechat_printf_datetime_tags ( irc_msgbuffer_get_target_buffer ( ctxt->server, ctxt->nick, NULL, "ctcp", NULL), ctxt->date, ctxt->date_usec, irc_protocol_tags (ctxt, "irc_ctcp"), _("%sCTCP reply from %s%s%s: %s%s%s%s%s"), weechat_prefix ("network"), irc_nick_color_for_msg (ctxt->server, 0, NULL, ctxt->nick), ctxt->nick, IRC_COLOR_RESET, IRC_COLOR_CHAT_CHANNEL, ptr_args + 1, IRC_COLOR_RESET, " ", pos_args); } } else { weechat_printf_datetime_tags ( irc_msgbuffer_get_target_buffer ( ctxt->server, ctxt->nick, NULL, "ctcp", NULL), ctxt->date, ctxt->date_usec, irc_protocol_tags (ctxt, NULL), _("%sCTCP reply from %s%s%s: %s%s%s%s%s"), weechat_prefix ("network"), irc_nick_color_for_msg (ctxt->server, 0, NULL, ctxt->nick), ctxt->nick, IRC_COLOR_RESET, IRC_COLOR_CHAT_CHANNEL, ptr_args + 1, "", "", ""); } ptr_args = (pos_end) ? pos_end + 1 : NULL; } free (dup_arguments); } /* * Displays CTCP reply to a nick (internal function). */ void irc_ctcp_display_reply_to_nick_internal (struct t_irc_protocol_ctxt *ctxt, const char *target, const char *type, const char *args) { weechat_printf_date_tags ( irc_msgbuffer_get_target_buffer (ctxt->server, target, NULL, "ctcp", NULL), 0, irc_protocol_tags (ctxt, "irc_ctcp,irc_ctcp_reply,self_msg," "notify_none,no_highlight"), _("%sCTCP reply to %s%s%s: %s%s%s%s%s"), weechat_prefix ("network"), irc_nick_color_for_msg (ctxt->server, 0, NULL, target), target, IRC_COLOR_RESET, IRC_COLOR_CHAT_CHANNEL, type, (args && args[0]) ? IRC_COLOR_RESET : "", (args && args[0]) ? " " : "", (args) ? args : ""); } /* * Displays CTCP reply to a nick. */ void irc_ctcp_display_reply_to_nick (struct t_irc_protocol_ctxt *ctxt, const char *target, const char *arguments) { char *ctcp_type, *ctcp_args, *ctcp_args_no_colors; if (!ctxt || !arguments || (arguments[0] != '\01')) return; irc_ctcp_parse_type_arguments (arguments, &ctcp_type, &ctcp_args); if (ctcp_type) { ctcp_args_no_colors = (ctcp_args) ? irc_color_decode (ctcp_args, 1) : NULL; irc_ctcp_display_reply_to_nick_internal (ctxt, target, ctcp_type, ctcp_args_no_colors); free (ctcp_args_no_colors); } free (ctcp_type); free (ctcp_args); } /* * Replies to CTCP from a nick and displays reply. */ void irc_ctcp_reply_to_nick (struct t_irc_protocol_ctxt *ctxt, const char *ctcp, const char *arguments) { struct t_arraylist *list_messages; int i, list_size, length; char *dup_ctcp, *dup_ctcp_upper, *dup_args, *message; const char *ptr_message; dup_ctcp = NULL; dup_ctcp_upper = NULL; dup_args = NULL; list_messages = NULL; /* * replace any "\01" by a space to prevent any firewall attack via * nf_conntrack_irc (CVE-2022-2663) */ dup_ctcp = weechat_string_replace (ctcp, "\01", " "); if (!dup_ctcp) goto end; dup_ctcp_upper = weechat_string_toupper (dup_ctcp); if (!dup_ctcp_upper) goto end; if (arguments) { /* * replace any "\01" by a space to prevent any firewall attack via * nf_conntrack_irc (CVE-2022-2663) */ dup_args = weechat_string_replace (arguments, "\01", " "); if (!dup_args) goto end; } list_messages = irc_server_sendf ( ctxt->server, IRC_SERVER_SEND_OUTQ_PRIO_LOW | IRC_SERVER_SEND_RETURN_LIST | IRC_SERVER_SEND_MULTILINE, NULL, "NOTICE %s :\01%s%s%s\01", ctxt->nick, dup_ctcp_upper, (dup_args) ? " " : "", (dup_args) ? dup_args : ""); if (!list_messages) goto end; if (weechat_config_boolean (irc_config_look_display_ctcp_reply) && !weechat_hashtable_has_key (ctxt->server->cap_list, "echo-message")) { list_size = weechat_arraylist_size (list_messages); for (i = 0; i < list_size; i++) { ptr_message = (const char *)weechat_arraylist_get (list_messages, i); if (!ptr_message) break; /* build arguments: '\01' + CTCP + ' ' + message + '\01' */ length = 1 + strlen (dup_ctcp_upper) + 1 + strlen (ptr_message) + 1 + 1; message = malloc (length); if (message) { snprintf (message, length, "\01%s %s\01", dup_ctcp_upper, ptr_message); irc_ctcp_display_reply_to_nick (ctxt, ctxt->nick, message); free (message); } } } end: free (dup_ctcp); free (dup_ctcp_upper); free (dup_args); weechat_arraylist_free (list_messages); } /* * Compares two CTCPs in arraylist. */ int irc_ctcp_list_ctcp_cmp_cb (void *data, struct t_arraylist *arraylist, void *pointer1, void *pointer2) { /* make C compiler happy */ (void) data; (void) arraylist; return weechat_strcasecmp ((const char *)pointer1, (const char *)pointer2); } /* * Frees a CTCP in arraylist. */ void irc_ctcp_list_ctcp_free_cb (void *data, struct t_arraylist *arraylist, void *pointer) { /* make C compiler happy */ (void) data; (void) arraylist; free (pointer); } /* * Returns list of supported/configured CTCP replies, aggregation of these * lists: * * - list of default CTCP replies (if not blocked) * - list of CTCP replies defined in options irc.ctcp.* (if not blocked) * - other CTCP: ACTION, DCC, PING. * * The list returned is a string with multiple CTCP (upper case) separated by * spaces. * * Note: result must be freed after use. */ char * irc_ctcp_get_supported_ctcp (struct t_irc_server *server) { struct t_arraylist *list_ctcp; struct t_hdata *hdata_config_section, *hdata_config_option; struct t_config_option *ptr_option; const char *reply, *ptr_name; char *ctcp_upper, **result; int i, list_size; list_ctcp = weechat_arraylist_new (16, 1, 0, &irc_ctcp_list_ctcp_cmp_cb, NULL, &irc_ctcp_list_ctcp_free_cb, NULL); if (!list_ctcp) return NULL; /* add default CTCPs */ for (i = 0; irc_ctcp_default_reply[i].name; i++) { reply = irc_ctcp_get_reply (server, irc_ctcp_default_reply[i].name); if (reply && reply[0]) { weechat_arraylist_add (list_ctcp, strdup (irc_ctcp_default_reply[i].name)); } } /* add customized CTCPs */ hdata_config_section = weechat_hdata_get ("config_section"); hdata_config_option = weechat_hdata_get ("config_option"); ptr_option = weechat_hdata_pointer (hdata_config_section, irc_config_section_ctcp, "options"); while (ptr_option) { ptr_name = weechat_hdata_string (hdata_config_option, ptr_option, "name"); if (ptr_name) { reply = irc_ctcp_get_reply (server, ptr_name); if (reply && reply[0]) weechat_arraylist_add (list_ctcp, strdup (ptr_name)); } ptr_option = weechat_hdata_move (hdata_config_option, ptr_option, 1); } /* add other CTCPs */ weechat_arraylist_add (list_ctcp, strdup ("action")); weechat_arraylist_add (list_ctcp, strdup ("dcc")); weechat_arraylist_add (list_ctcp, strdup ("ping")); result = weechat_string_dyn_alloc (128); if (result) { list_size = weechat_arraylist_size (list_ctcp); for (i = 0; i < list_size; i++) { ctcp_upper = weechat_string_toupper ( (const char *)weechat_arraylist_get (list_ctcp, i)); if (ctcp_upper) { if (*result[0]) weechat_string_dyn_concat (result, " ", -1); weechat_string_dyn_concat (result, ctcp_upper, -1); free (ctcp_upper); } } } weechat_arraylist_free (list_ctcp); return (result) ? weechat_string_dyn_free (result, 0) : NULL; } /* * Evaluates CTCP reply format. * * Note: result must be freed after use. */ char * irc_ctcp_eval_reply (struct t_irc_server *server, const char *format) { struct t_hashtable *extra_vars; char *info, *info_version, *info_version_git, *username, *realname; char buf[4096], *value; struct timeval tv_now; struct utsname *buf_uname; if (!server || !format) return NULL; extra_vars = weechat_hashtable_new ( 32, WEECHAT_HASHTABLE_STRING, WEECHAT_HASHTABLE_STRING, NULL, NULL); if (!extra_vars) return NULL; /* * ${clientinfo}: supported CTCP, example with default config: * ACTION CLIENTINFO DCC PING SOURCE TIME VERSION */ info = irc_ctcp_get_supported_ctcp (server); if (info) { weechat_hashtable_set (extra_vars, "clientinfo", info); free (info); } info_version = weechat_info_get ("version", ""); info_version_git = weechat_info_get ("version_git", ""); /* * ${version}: WeeChat version, examples: * 4.0.0 * 4.1.0-dev */ if (info_version) weechat_hashtable_set (extra_vars, "version", info_version); /* * ${git}: git version (output of "git describe" for a development version * only, empty string if unknown), example: * v4.0.0-51-g8f98b922a */ if (info_version_git) weechat_hashtable_set (extra_vars, "git", info_version_git); /* * ${versiongit}: WeeChat version + git version (if known), examples: * 4.0.0 * 4.1.0-dev * 4.1.0-dev (git: v4.0.0-51-g8f98b922a) */ if (info_version && info_version_git) { snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%s (git: %s)", info_version, info_version_git); weechat_hashtable_set (extra_vars, "versiongit", buf); } /* * ${compilation}: compilation date, example: * Jul 8 2023 20:14:23 */ info = weechat_info_get ("date", ""); if (info) { weechat_hashtable_set (extra_vars, "compilation", info); free (info); } /* * ${osinfo}: info about OS, example: * Linux 5.10.0-23-amd64 / x86_64 */ buf_uname = (struct utsname *)malloc (sizeof (struct utsname)); if (buf_uname) { if (uname (buf_uname) >= 0) { snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%s %s / %s", buf_uname->sysname, buf_uname->release, buf_uname->machine); weechat_hashtable_set (extra_vars, "osinfo", buf); } free (buf_uname); } /* * ${site}: WeeChat website, example: * https://weechat.org/ */ info = weechat_info_get ("weechat_site", ""); if (info) { weechat_hashtable_set (extra_vars, "site", info); free (info); } /* * ${download}: WeeChat download page, example: * https://weechat.org/download/ */ info = weechat_info_get ("weechat_site_download", ""); if (info) { weechat_hashtable_set (extra_vars, "download", info); free (info); } /* * ${time}: local date/time of user, example: * Sat, 08 Jul 2023 21:11:19 +0200 */ gettimeofday (&tv_now, NULL); setlocale (LC_ALL, "C"); weechat_util_strftimeval ( buf, sizeof (buf), weechat_config_string (irc_config_look_ctcp_time_format), &tv_now); setlocale (LC_ALL, ""); weechat_hashtable_set (extra_vars, "time", buf); /* * ${username}: user name, example: * john */ username = irc_server_eval_expression ( server, IRC_SERVER_OPTION_STRING(server, IRC_SERVER_OPTION_USERNAME)); if (username) { weechat_hashtable_set (extra_vars, "username", username); free (username); } /* * ${realname}: real name, example: * John Doe */ realname = irc_server_eval_expression ( server, IRC_SERVER_OPTION_STRING(server, IRC_SERVER_OPTION_REALNAME)); if (realname) { weechat_hashtable_set (extra_vars, "realname", realname); free (realname); } value = weechat_string_eval_expression (format, NULL, extra_vars, NULL); free (info_version); free (info_version_git); weechat_hashtable_free (extra_vars); return value; } /* * Returns filename for DCC, without double quotes. * * Note: result must be freed after use. */ char * irc_ctcp_dcc_filename_without_quotes (const char *filename) { int length; length = strlen (filename); if (length > 1) { if ((filename[0] == '\"') && (filename[length - 1] == '\"')) return weechat_strndup (filename + 1, length - 2); } return strdup (filename); } /* * Parses CTCP DCC. */ void irc_ctcp_recv_dcc (struct t_irc_protocol_ctxt *ctxt, const char *arguments) { char *dcc_args, *pos, *pos_file, *pos_addr, *pos_port, *pos_size; char *pos_start_resume, *pos_token, *filename; struct t_infolist *infolist; struct t_infolist_item *item; char charset_modifier[1024]; if (!arguments || !arguments[0]) return; if (strncmp (arguments, "SEND ", 5) == 0) { arguments += 5; while (arguments[0] == ' ') { arguments++; } dcc_args = strdup (arguments); if (!dcc_args) { weechat_printf ( ctxt->server->buffer, _("%s%s: not enough memory for \"%s\" command"), weechat_prefix ("error"), IRC_PLUGIN_NAME, "privmsg"); return; } /* * DCC SEND
[] * ^^^^^^^^^^ */ pos_file = dcc_args; while (pos_file[0] == ' ') { pos_file++; } if (pos_file[0] == '"') { /* * the file name is wrapped in double-quotes; find the terminating * double-quote */ pos = strrchr (pos_file, '"'); if (!pos || (pos == pos_file)) { weechat_printf ( ctxt->server->buffer, _("%s%s: cannot parse \"%s\" command"), weechat_prefix ("error"), IRC_PLUGIN_NAME, "privmsg"); free (dcc_args); return; } pos[1] = '\0'; pos += 2; } else { pos = strchr (pos_file, ' '); if (!pos) { weechat_printf ( ctxt->server->buffer, _("%s%s: cannot parse \"%s\" command"), weechat_prefix ("error"), IRC_PLUGIN_NAME, "privmsg"); free (dcc_args); return; } pos[0] = '\0'; pos++; } /* * DCC SEND
[] * ^^^^^^^^^ */ pos_addr = pos; while (pos_addr[0] == ' ') { pos_addr++; } pos = strchr (pos_addr, ' '); if (!pos) { weechat_printf ( ctxt->server->buffer, _("%s%s: cannot parse \"%s\" command"), weechat_prefix ("error"), IRC_PLUGIN_NAME, "privmsg"); free (dcc_args); return; } pos[0] = '\0'; pos++; /* * DCC SEND
[] * ^^^^^^ */ pos_port = pos; while (pos_port[0] == ' ') { pos_port++; } pos = strchr (pos_port, ' '); if (!pos) { weechat_printf ( ctxt->server->buffer, _("%s%s: cannot parse \"%s\" command"), weechat_prefix ("error"), IRC_PLUGIN_NAME, "privmsg"); free (dcc_args); return; } pos[0] = '\0'; pos++; /* * DCC SEND
[] * ^^^^^^^^^^ */ pos_size = pos; while (pos_size[0] == ' ') { pos_size++; } pos = strchr (pos_size, ' '); if (pos) { /* * DCC SEND
[] * ^^^^^^^^^ */ pos[0] = '\0'; pos_token = ++pos; while (pos_token[0] == ' ') { pos_token++; } } else { pos_token = NULL; } /* remove double quotes around filename */ filename = irc_ctcp_dcc_filename_without_quotes (pos_file); /* add DCC file via xfer plugin */ infolist = weechat_infolist_new (); if (infolist) { item = weechat_infolist_new_item (infolist); if (item) { weechat_infolist_new_var_string (item, "plugin_name", weechat_plugin->name); weechat_infolist_new_var_string (item, "plugin_id", ctxt->server->name); weechat_infolist_new_var_string (item, "type_string", strcmp (pos_port, "0") ? "file_recv_active" : "file_recv_passive"); weechat_infolist_new_var_string (item, "protocol_string", "dcc"); weechat_infolist_new_var_string (item, "remote_nick", ctxt->nick); weechat_infolist_new_var_string (item, "local_nick", ctxt->server->nick); weechat_infolist_new_var_string (item, "filename", (filename) ? filename : pos_file); weechat_infolist_new_var_string (item, "size", pos_size); weechat_infolist_new_var_string (item, "proxy", IRC_SERVER_OPTION_STRING(ctxt->server, IRC_SERVER_OPTION_PROXY)); weechat_infolist_new_var_string (item, "remote_address", pos_addr); weechat_infolist_new_var_integer (item, "socket", ctxt->server->sock); weechat_infolist_new_var_integer (item, "port", atoi (pos_port)); weechat_infolist_new_var_string (item, "token", pos_token); (void) weechat_hook_signal_send ("xfer_add", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_POINTER, infolist); } weechat_infolist_free (infolist); } (void) weechat_hook_signal_send ("irc_dcc", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING, (void *)ctxt->irc_message); free (filename); free (dcc_args); } else if (strncmp (arguments, "RESUME ", 7) == 0) { arguments += 7; while (arguments[0] == ' ') { arguments++; } dcc_args = strdup (arguments); if (!dcc_args) { weechat_printf ( ctxt->server->buffer, _("%s%s: not enough memory for \"%s\" command"), weechat_prefix ("error"), IRC_PLUGIN_NAME, "privmsg"); return; } /* * DCC RESUME [] * ^^^^^^^^^^ */ pos_file = dcc_args; while (pos_file[0] == ' ') { pos_file++; } if (pos_file[0] == '"') { /* * the file name is wrapped in double-quotes; find the terminating * double-quote */ pos = strrchr (pos_file, '"'); if (!pos || (pos == pos_file)) { weechat_printf ( ctxt->server->buffer, _("%s%s: cannot parse \"%s\" command"), weechat_prefix ("error"), IRC_PLUGIN_NAME, "privmsg"); free (dcc_args); return; } pos[1] = '\0'; pos += 2; } else { pos = strchr (pos_file, ' '); if (!pos) { weechat_printf ( ctxt->server->buffer, _("%s%s: cannot parse \"%s\" command"), weechat_prefix ("error"), IRC_PLUGIN_NAME, "privmsg"); free (dcc_args); return; } pos[0] = '\0'; pos++; } /* * DCC RESUME [] * ^^^^^^ */ pos_port = pos; while (pos_port[0] == ' ') { pos_port++; } pos = strchr (pos_port, ' '); if (!pos) { weechat_printf ( ctxt->server->buffer, _("%s%s: cannot parse \"%s\" command"), weechat_prefix ("error"), IRC_PLUGIN_NAME, "privmsg"); free (dcc_args); return; } pos[0] = '\0'; pos++; /* * DCC RESUME [] * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ */ pos_start_resume = pos; while (pos_start_resume[0] == ' ') { pos_start_resume++; } pos = strchr (pos_start_resume, ' '); if (pos) { /* * DCC RESUME [] * ^^^^^^^^^ */ pos[0] = '\0'; pos_token = ++pos; while (pos_token[0] == ' ') { pos_token++; } } else { pos_token = NULL; } /* remove double quotes around filename */ filename = irc_ctcp_dcc_filename_without_quotes (pos_file); /* accept resume via xfer plugin */ infolist = weechat_infolist_new (); if (infolist) { item = weechat_infolist_new_item (infolist); if (item) { weechat_infolist_new_var_string (item, "plugin_name", weechat_plugin->name); weechat_infolist_new_var_string (item, "plugin_id", ctxt->server->name); weechat_infolist_new_var_string (item, "type_string", "file_recv_active"); weechat_infolist_new_var_string (item, "filename", (filename) ? filename : pos_file); weechat_infolist_new_var_integer (item, "port", atoi (pos_port)); weechat_infolist_new_var_string (item, "start_resume", pos_start_resume); weechat_infolist_new_var_string (item, "token", pos_token); (void) weechat_hook_signal_send ("xfer_accept_resume", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_POINTER, infolist); } weechat_infolist_free (infolist); } (void) weechat_hook_signal_send ("irc_dcc", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING, (void *)ctxt->irc_message); free (filename); free (dcc_args); } else if (strncmp (arguments, "ACCEPT ", 7) == 0) { arguments += 7; while (arguments[0] == ' ') { arguments++; } dcc_args = strdup (arguments); if (!dcc_args) { weechat_printf ( ctxt->server->buffer, _("%s%s: not enough memory for \"%s\" command"), weechat_prefix ("error"), IRC_PLUGIN_NAME, "privmsg"); return; } /* * DCC ACCEPT [] * ^^^^^^^^^^ */ pos_file = dcc_args; while (pos_file[0] == ' ') { pos_file++; } if (pos_file[0] == '"') { /* * the file name is wrapped in double-quotes; find the terminating * double-quote */ pos = strrchr (pos_file, '"'); if (!pos || (pos == pos_file)) { weechat_printf ( ctxt->server->buffer, _("%s%s: cannot parse \"%s\" command"), weechat_prefix ("error"), IRC_PLUGIN_NAME, "privmsg"); free (dcc_args); return; } pos[1] = '\0'; pos += 2; } else { pos = strchr (pos_file, ' '); if (!pos) { weechat_printf ( ctxt->server->buffer, _("%s%s: cannot parse \"%s\" command"), weechat_prefix ("error"), IRC_PLUGIN_NAME, "privmsg"); free (dcc_args); return; } pos[0] = '\0'; pos++; } /* * DCC ACCEPT [] * ^^^^^^ */ pos_port = pos; while (pos_port[0] == ' ') { pos_port++; } pos = strchr (pos_port, ' '); if (!pos) { weechat_printf ( ctxt->server->buffer, _("%s%s: cannot parse \"%s\" command"), weechat_prefix ("error"), IRC_PLUGIN_NAME, "privmsg"); free (dcc_args); return; } pos[0] = '\0'; pos++; /* * DCC ACCEPT [] * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ */ pos_start_resume = pos; while (pos_start_resume[0] == ' ') { pos_start_resume++; } pos = strchr (pos_start_resume, ' '); if (pos) { /* * DCC ACCEPT [] * ^^^^^^^^^ */ pos[0] = '\0'; pos_token = ++pos; while (pos_token[0] == ' ') { pos_token++; } } else { pos_token = NULL; } /* remove double quotes around filename */ filename = irc_ctcp_dcc_filename_without_quotes (pos_file); /* resume file via xfer plugin */ infolist = weechat_infolist_new (); if (infolist) { item = weechat_infolist_new_item (infolist); if (item) { weechat_infolist_new_var_string (item, "plugin_name", weechat_plugin->name); weechat_infolist_new_var_string (item, "plugin_id", ctxt->server->name); weechat_infolist_new_var_string (item, "type_string", "file_recv_active"); weechat_infolist_new_var_string (item, "filename", (filename) ? filename : pos_file); weechat_infolist_new_var_integer (item, "port", atoi (pos_port)); weechat_infolist_new_var_string (item, "start_resume", pos_start_resume); weechat_infolist_new_var_string (item, "token", pos_token); (void) weechat_hook_signal_send ("xfer_start_resume", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_POINTER, infolist); } weechat_infolist_free (infolist); } (void) weechat_hook_signal_send ("irc_dcc", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING, (void *)ctxt->irc_message); free (filename); free (dcc_args); } else if (strncmp (arguments, "CHAT ", 5) == 0) { arguments += 5; while (arguments[0] == ' ') { arguments++; } dcc_args = strdup (arguments); if (!dcc_args) { weechat_printf ( ctxt->server->buffer, _("%s%s: not enough memory for \"%s\" command"), weechat_prefix ("error"), IRC_PLUGIN_NAME, "privmsg"); return; } /* CHAT type */ pos_file = dcc_args; while (pos_file[0] == ' ') { pos_file++; } /* DCC IP address */ pos_addr = strchr (pos_file, ' '); if (!pos_addr) { weechat_printf ( ctxt->server->buffer, _("%s%s: cannot parse \"%s\" command"), weechat_prefix ("error"), IRC_PLUGIN_NAME, "privmsg"); free (dcc_args); return; } pos_addr[0] = '\0'; pos_addr++; while (pos_addr[0] == ' ') { pos_addr++; } /* look for DCC port */ pos_port = strchr (pos_addr, ' '); if (!pos_port) { weechat_printf ( ctxt->server->buffer, _("%s%s: cannot parse \"%s\" command"), weechat_prefix ("error"), IRC_PLUGIN_NAME, "privmsg"); free (dcc_args); return; } pos_port[0] = '\0'; pos_port++; while (pos_port[0] == ' ') { pos_port++; } if (weechat_strcasecmp (pos_file, "chat") != 0) { weechat_printf ( ctxt->server->buffer, _("%s%s: unknown DCC CHAT type received from %s%s%s: \"%s\""), weechat_prefix ("error"), IRC_PLUGIN_NAME, irc_nick_color_for_msg (ctxt->server, 0, NULL, ctxt->nick), ctxt->nick, IRC_COLOR_RESET, pos_file); free (dcc_args); return; } /* add DCC chat via xfer plugin */ infolist = weechat_infolist_new (); if (infolist) { item = weechat_infolist_new_item (infolist); if (item) { weechat_infolist_new_var_string (item, "plugin_name", weechat_plugin->name); weechat_infolist_new_var_string (item, "plugin_id", ctxt->server->name); weechat_infolist_new_var_string (item, "type_string", "chat_recv"); weechat_infolist_new_var_string (item, "remote_nick", ctxt->nick); weechat_infolist_new_var_string (item, "local_nick", ctxt->server->nick); snprintf (charset_modifier, sizeof (charset_modifier), "irc.%s.%s", ctxt->server->name, ctxt->nick); weechat_infolist_new_var_string (item, "charset_modifier", charset_modifier); weechat_infolist_new_var_string (item, "proxy", IRC_SERVER_OPTION_STRING(ctxt->server, IRC_SERVER_OPTION_PROXY)); weechat_infolist_new_var_string (item, "remote_address", pos_addr); weechat_infolist_new_var_integer (item, "port", atoi (pos_port)); (void) weechat_hook_signal_send ("xfer_add", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_POINTER, infolist); } weechat_infolist_free (infolist); } (void) weechat_hook_signal_send ("irc_dcc", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING, (void *)ctxt->irc_message); free (dcc_args); } } /* * Receives a CTCP and if needed replies to query. */ void irc_ctcp_recv (struct t_irc_protocol_ctxt *ctxt, struct t_irc_channel *channel, const char *remote_nick, const char *arguments) { char *dup_arguments, *ptr_args, *pos_end, *pos_space, *pos_args; char *nick_color, *reply_eval; const char *reply; struct t_irc_channel *ptr_channel; struct t_irc_nick *ptr_nick; dup_arguments = strdup (arguments); if (!dup_arguments) return; ptr_args = dup_arguments; while (ptr_args && ptr_args[0]) { pos_end = strrchr (ptr_args + 1, '\01'); if (pos_end) pos_end[0] = '\0'; pos_args = NULL; pos_space = strchr (ptr_args + 1, ' '); if (pos_space) { pos_space[0] = '\0'; pos_args = pos_space + 1; while (pos_args[0] == ' ') { pos_args++; } } /* CTCP ACTION */ if (weechat_strcasecmp (ptr_args + 1, "action") == 0) { if (channel) { ptr_nick = irc_nick_search (ctxt->server, channel, ctxt->nick); irc_channel_nick_speaking_add (channel, ctxt->nick, (pos_args) ? weechat_string_has_highlight (pos_args, ctxt->server->nick) : 0); irc_channel_nick_speaking_time_remove_old (channel); irc_channel_nick_speaking_time_add (ctxt->server, channel, ctxt->nick, time (NULL)); if (ptr_nick) nick_color = strdup (ptr_nick->color); else if (ctxt->nick) nick_color = irc_nick_find_color (ctxt->nick); else nick_color = strdup (IRC_COLOR_CHAT_NICK); if ((ctxt->num_params > 0) && irc_server_prefix_char_statusmsg (ctxt->server, ctxt->params[0][0])) { /* STATUSMSG action */ weechat_printf_datetime_tags ( channel->buffer, ctxt->date, ctxt->date_usec, irc_protocol_tags ( ctxt, (ctxt->nick_is_me) ? "irc_action,self_msg,notify_none,no_highlight" : "irc_action,notify_message"), "%s%s -> %s%s%s: %s%s%s%s%s%s", weechat_prefix ("network"), /* TRANSLATORS: "Action" is an IRC CTCP "ACTION" sent with /me */ _("Action"), IRC_COLOR_CHAT_CHANNEL, ctxt->params[0], IRC_COLOR_RESET, irc_nick_mode_for_display (ctxt->server, ptr_nick, 0), nick_color, ctxt->nick, (pos_args) ? IRC_COLOR_RESET : "", (pos_args) ? " " : "", (pos_args) ? pos_args : ""); } else { /* standard action */ weechat_printf_datetime_tags ( channel->buffer, ctxt->date, ctxt->date_usec, irc_protocol_tags ( ctxt, (ctxt->nick_is_me) ? "irc_action,self_msg,notify_none,no_highlight" : "irc_action,notify_message"), "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", weechat_prefix ("action"), irc_nick_mode_for_display (ctxt->server, ptr_nick, 0), nick_color, ctxt->nick, (pos_args) ? IRC_COLOR_RESET : "", (pos_args) ? " " : "", (pos_args) ? pos_args : ""); } free (nick_color); } else { ptr_channel = irc_channel_search (ctxt->server, remote_nick); if (!ptr_channel) { ptr_channel = irc_channel_new (ctxt->server, IRC_CHANNEL_TYPE_PRIVATE, remote_nick, 0, 0); if (!ptr_channel) { weechat_printf ( ctxt->server->buffer, _("%s%s: cannot create new private buffer \"%s\""), weechat_prefix ("error"), IRC_PLUGIN_NAME, remote_nick); } } if (ptr_channel) { if (!ptr_channel->topic) irc_channel_set_topic (ptr_channel, ctxt->address); weechat_printf_datetime_tags ( ptr_channel->buffer, ctxt->date, ctxt->date_usec, irc_protocol_tags ( ctxt, (ctxt->nick_is_me) ? "irc_action,self_msg,notify_none,no_highlight" : "irc_action,notify_private"), "%s%s%s%s%s%s", weechat_prefix ("action"), (ctxt->nick_is_me) ? IRC_COLOR_CHAT_NICK_SELF : irc_nick_color_for_pv ( ptr_channel, ctxt->nick), ctxt->nick, (pos_args) ? IRC_COLOR_RESET : "", (pos_args) ? " " : "", (pos_args) ? pos_args : ""); (void) weechat_hook_signal_send ("irc_pv", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING, (void *)ctxt->irc_message); } } } /* CTCP PING */ else if (weechat_strcasecmp (ptr_args + 1, "ping") == 0) { reply = irc_ctcp_get_reply (ctxt->server, ptr_args + 1); irc_ctcp_display_request (ctxt, channel, ptr_args + 1, pos_args, reply); if (!reply || reply[0]) { if (reply) { reply_eval = irc_ctcp_eval_reply (ctxt->server, reply); if (reply_eval) { irc_ctcp_reply_to_nick (ctxt, ptr_args + 1, reply_eval); free (reply_eval); } } else { irc_ctcp_reply_to_nick (ctxt, ptr_args + 1, pos_args); } } } /* CTCP DCC */ else if (weechat_strcasecmp (ptr_args + 1, "dcc") == 0) { irc_ctcp_recv_dcc (ctxt, pos_args); } /* other CTCP */ else { reply = irc_ctcp_get_reply (ctxt->server, ptr_args + 1); if (reply) { irc_ctcp_display_request (ctxt, channel, ptr_args + 1, pos_args, reply); if (reply[0]) { reply_eval = irc_ctcp_eval_reply (ctxt->server, reply); if (reply_eval) { irc_ctcp_reply_to_nick (ctxt, ptr_args + 1, reply_eval); free (reply_eval); } } } else { if (weechat_config_boolean (irc_config_look_display_ctcp_unknown)) { weechat_printf_datetime_tags ( irc_msgbuffer_get_target_buffer ( ctxt->server, ctxt->nick, NULL, "ctcp", (channel) ? channel->buffer : NULL), ctxt->date, ctxt->date_usec, irc_protocol_tags (ctxt, "irc_ctcp"), _("%sUnknown CTCP requested by %s%s%s: %s%s%s%s%s"), weechat_prefix ("network"), irc_nick_color_for_msg (ctxt->server, 0, NULL, ctxt->nick), ctxt->nick, IRC_COLOR_RESET, IRC_COLOR_CHAT_CHANNEL, ptr_args + 1, (pos_args) ? IRC_COLOR_RESET : "", (pos_args) ? " " : "", (pos_args) ? pos_args : ""); } } } (void) weechat_hook_signal_send ("irc_ctcp", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING, (void *)ctxt->irc_message); ptr_args = (pos_end) ? pos_end + 1 : NULL; } free (dup_arguments); } /* * Sends a CTCP to a target. */ void irc_ctcp_send (struct t_irc_server *server, const char *target, const char *type, const char *args) { irc_server_sendf (server, IRC_SERVER_SEND_OUTQ_PRIO_HIGH | IRC_SERVER_SEND_MULTILINE, NULL, "PRIVMSG %s :\01%s%s%s\01", target, type, (args) ? " " : "", (args) ? args : ""); }