/* * exec.c - execution of external commands in WeeChat * * Copyright (C) 2014-2018 Sébastien Helleu <flashcode@flashtux.org> * * This file is part of WeeChat, the extensible chat client. * * WeeChat is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * WeeChat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with WeeChat. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #include "../weechat-plugin.h" #include "exec.h" #include "exec-buffer.h" #include "exec-command.h" #include "exec-completion.h" #include "exec-config.h" WEECHAT_PLUGIN_NAME(EXEC_PLUGIN_NAME); WEECHAT_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION(N_("Execution of external commands in WeeChat")); WEECHAT_PLUGIN_AUTHOR("Sébastien Helleu <flashcode@flashtux.org>"); WEECHAT_PLUGIN_VERSION(WEECHAT_VERSION); WEECHAT_PLUGIN_LICENSE(WEECHAT_LICENSE); WEECHAT_PLUGIN_PRIORITY(13000); struct t_weechat_plugin *weechat_exec_plugin = NULL; struct t_exec_cmd *exec_cmds = NULL; /* first executed command */ struct t_exec_cmd *last_exec_cmd = NULL; /* last executed command */ int exec_cmds_count = 0; /* number of executed commands */ char *exec_color_string[EXEC_NUM_COLORS] = { "ansi", "auto", "irc", "weechat", "strip" }; /* * Searches for a color action name. * * Returns index of color in enum t_exec_color, -1 if not found. */ int exec_search_color (const char *color) { int i; if (!color) return -1; for (i = 0; i < EXEC_NUM_COLORS; i++) { if (weechat_strcasecmp (exec_color_string[i], color) == 0) return i; } /* color not found */ return -1; } /* * Searches for an executed command by id, which can be a number or a name. * * Returns pointer to executed command found, NULL if not found. */ struct t_exec_cmd * exec_search_by_id (const char *id) { struct t_exec_cmd* ptr_exec_cmd; char *error; long number; error = NULL; number = strtol (id, &error, 10); if (!error || error[0]) number = -1; for (ptr_exec_cmd = exec_cmds; ptr_exec_cmd; ptr_exec_cmd = ptr_exec_cmd->next_cmd) { /* check if number is matching */ if ((number >= 0) && (ptr_exec_cmd->number == (int)number)) return ptr_exec_cmd; /* check if name is matching */ if (ptr_exec_cmd->name && (strcmp (ptr_exec_cmd->name, id) == 0)) return ptr_exec_cmd; } /* executed command not found */ return NULL; } /* * Adds a command in list of executed commands. */ struct t_exec_cmd * exec_add () { struct t_exec_cmd *new_exec_cmd, *ptr_exec_cmd; int i, number; /* find first available number */ number = (last_exec_cmd) ? last_exec_cmd->number + 1 : 0; for (ptr_exec_cmd = exec_cmds; ptr_exec_cmd; ptr_exec_cmd = ptr_exec_cmd->next_cmd) { if (ptr_exec_cmd->prev_cmd && (ptr_exec_cmd->number > ptr_exec_cmd->prev_cmd->number + 1)) { number = ptr_exec_cmd->prev_cmd->number + 1; break; } } new_exec_cmd = malloc (sizeof (*new_exec_cmd)); if (!new_exec_cmd) return NULL; new_exec_cmd->prev_cmd = last_exec_cmd; new_exec_cmd->next_cmd = NULL; if (last_exec_cmd) last_exec_cmd->next_cmd = new_exec_cmd; else exec_cmds = new_exec_cmd; last_exec_cmd = new_exec_cmd; new_exec_cmd->number = number; new_exec_cmd->name = NULL; new_exec_cmd->hook = NULL; new_exec_cmd->command = NULL; new_exec_cmd->pid = 0; new_exec_cmd->detached = 0; new_exec_cmd->start_time = time (NULL); new_exec_cmd->end_time = 0; new_exec_cmd->output_to_buffer = 0; new_exec_cmd->output_to_buffer_exec_cmd = 0; new_exec_cmd->buffer_full_name = NULL; new_exec_cmd->line_numbers = 0; new_exec_cmd->display_rc = 0; new_exec_cmd->output_line_nb = 0; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { new_exec_cmd->output_size[i] = 0; new_exec_cmd->output[i] = NULL; } new_exec_cmd->return_code = -1; new_exec_cmd->pipe_command = NULL; new_exec_cmd->hsignal = NULL; exec_cmds_count++; return new_exec_cmd; } /* * Timer callback to delete a command. */ int exec_timer_delete_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, int remaining_calls) { struct t_exec_cmd *exec_cmd, *ptr_exec_cmd; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) data; (void) remaining_calls; exec_cmd = (struct t_exec_cmd *)pointer; if (!exec_cmd) return WEECHAT_RC_OK; for (ptr_exec_cmd = exec_cmds; ptr_exec_cmd; ptr_exec_cmd = ptr_exec_cmd->next_cmd) { if (ptr_exec_cmd == exec_cmd) { exec_free (ptr_exec_cmd); break; } } return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } /* * Decodes colors in a string (from stdout/stderr). * * Returns string with colors as-is, decoded or removed. * * Note: result must be freed after use. */ char * exec_decode_color (struct t_exec_cmd *exec_cmd, const char *string) { int irc_color, keep_colors; if (!string) return NULL; irc_color = 0; keep_colors = 1; switch (exec_cmd->color) { case EXEC_COLOR_ANSI: return strdup (string); break; case EXEC_COLOR_AUTO: irc_color = (exec_cmd->output_to_buffer || exec_cmd->pipe_command); break; case EXEC_COLOR_IRC: irc_color = 1; break; case EXEC_COLOR_WEECHAT: irc_color = 0; break; case EXEC_COLOR_STRIP: keep_colors = 0; break; } return weechat_hook_modifier_exec ( (irc_color) ? "irc_color_decode_ansi" : "color_decode_ansi", (keep_colors) ? "1" : "0", string); } /* * Displays a line of output. */ void exec_display_line (struct t_exec_cmd *exec_cmd, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, int out, const char *line) { char *line_color, *line_color2, *line2, str_number[32], str_tags[1024]; const char *ptr_line_color; int length; if (!exec_cmd || !line) return; /* * if output is sent to the buffer, the buffer must exist * (we don't send output by default to core buffer) */ if (exec_cmd->output_to_buffer && !exec_cmd->pipe_command && !buffer) return; /* decode colors */ line_color = exec_decode_color (exec_cmd, line); if (!line_color) return; exec_cmd->output_line_nb++; if (exec_cmd->pipe_command) { if (strstr (exec_cmd->pipe_command, "$line")) { /* replace $line by line content */ line2 = weechat_string_replace (exec_cmd->pipe_command, "$line", line_color); if (line2) { weechat_command (buffer, line2); free (line2); } } else { /* add line at the end of command, after a space */ length = strlen (exec_cmd->pipe_command) + 1 + strlen (line_color) + 1; line2 = malloc (length); if (line2) { snprintf (line2, length, "%s %s", exec_cmd->pipe_command, line_color); weechat_command (buffer, line2); free (line2); } } } else if (exec_cmd->output_to_buffer) { if (exec_cmd->line_numbers) { length = 32 + strlen (line_color) + 1; line2 = malloc (length); if (line2) { snprintf (line2, length, "%d. %s", exec_cmd->output_line_nb, line_color); weechat_command (buffer, line2); free (line2); } } else { if (exec_cmd->output_to_buffer_exec_cmd) ptr_line_color = line_color; else ptr_line_color = weechat_string_input_for_buffer (line_color); if (ptr_line_color) { weechat_command (buffer, (ptr_line_color[0]) ? ptr_line_color : " "); } else { length = 1 + strlen (line_color) + 1; line_color2 = malloc (length); if (line_color2) { snprintf (line_color2, length, "%c%s", line_color[0], line_color); weechat_command (buffer, (line_color2[0]) ? line_color2 : " "); free (line_color2); } } } } else { snprintf (str_number, sizeof (str_number), "%d", exec_cmd->number); snprintf (str_tags, sizeof (str_tags), "exec_%s,exec_cmd_%s", (out == EXEC_STDOUT) ? "stdout" : "stderr", (exec_cmd->name) ? exec_cmd->name : str_number); if (weechat_buffer_get_integer (buffer, "type") == 1) { snprintf (str_number, sizeof (str_number), "%d. ", exec_cmd->output_line_nb); weechat_printf_y (buffer, -1, "%s%s", (exec_cmd->line_numbers) ? str_number : " ", line_color); } else { snprintf (str_number, sizeof (str_number), "%d\t", exec_cmd->output_line_nb); weechat_printf_date_tags ( buffer, 0, str_tags, "%s%s", (exec_cmd->line_numbers) ? str_number : " \t", line_color); } } free (line_color); } /* * Concatenates some text to stdout/stderr of a command. */ void exec_concat_output (struct t_exec_cmd *exec_cmd, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, int out, const char *text) { int length, new_size; const char *ptr_text; char *new_output, *pos, *line; ptr_text = text; /* if output is not sent as hsignal, display lines (ending with '\n') */ if (!exec_cmd->hsignal) { ptr_text = text; while (ptr_text[0]) { pos = strchr (ptr_text, '\n'); if (!pos) break; if (exec_cmd->output_size[out] > 0) { length = exec_cmd->output_size[out] + (pos - ptr_text) + 1; line = malloc (length); if (line) { memcpy (line, exec_cmd->output[out], exec_cmd->output_size[out]); memcpy (line + exec_cmd->output_size[out], ptr_text, pos - ptr_text); line[length - 1] = '\0'; } } else line = weechat_strndup (ptr_text, pos - ptr_text); if (!line) break; if (exec_cmd->output[out]) { free (exec_cmd->output[out]); exec_cmd->output[out] = NULL; } exec_cmd->output_size[out] = 0; exec_display_line (exec_cmd, buffer, out, line); free (line); ptr_text = pos + 1; } } /* concatenate ptr_text to output buffer */ length = strlen (ptr_text); if (length > 0) { new_size = exec_cmd->output_size[out] + length; new_output = realloc (exec_cmd->output[out], new_size + 1); if (!new_output) return; exec_cmd->output[out] = new_output; memcpy (exec_cmd->output[out] + exec_cmd->output_size[out], ptr_text, length + 1); exec_cmd->output_size[out] = new_size; } } /* * Ends a command. */ void exec_end_command (struct t_exec_cmd *exec_cmd, int return_code) { struct t_gui_buffer *ptr_buffer; struct t_hashtable *hashtable; char str_number[32], *output; int i, buffer_type; if (exec_cmd->hsignal) { hashtable = weechat_hashtable_new (32, WEECHAT_HASHTABLE_STRING, WEECHAT_HASHTABLE_STRING, NULL, NULL); if (hashtable) { weechat_hashtable_set (hashtable, "command", exec_cmd->command); snprintf (str_number, sizeof (str_number), "%d", exec_cmd->number); weechat_hashtable_set (hashtable, "number", str_number); weechat_hashtable_set (hashtable, "name", exec_cmd->name); output = exec_decode_color (exec_cmd, exec_cmd->output[EXEC_STDOUT]); weechat_hashtable_set (hashtable, "out", output); if (output) free (output); output = exec_decode_color (exec_cmd, exec_cmd->output[EXEC_STDERR]); weechat_hashtable_set (hashtable, "err", output); if (output) free (output); snprintf (str_number, sizeof (str_number), "%d", return_code); weechat_hashtable_set (hashtable, "rc", str_number); weechat_hook_hsignal_send (exec_cmd->hsignal, hashtable); weechat_hashtable_free (hashtable); } } else { ptr_buffer = weechat_buffer_search ("==", exec_cmd->buffer_full_name); /* display the last line of output (if not ending with '\n') */ exec_display_line (exec_cmd, ptr_buffer, EXEC_STDOUT, exec_cmd->output[EXEC_STDOUT]); exec_display_line (exec_cmd, ptr_buffer, EXEC_STDERR, exec_cmd->output[EXEC_STDERR]); /* * display return code (only if command is not detached, if output is * NOT sent to buffer, and if command is not piped) */ if (exec_cmd->display_rc && !exec_cmd->detached && !exec_cmd->output_to_buffer && !exec_cmd->pipe_command) { buffer_type = weechat_buffer_get_integer (ptr_buffer, "type"); if (return_code >= 0) { if (buffer_type == 1) { weechat_printf_y (ptr_buffer, -1, ("%s: end of command %d (\"%s\"), " "return code: %d"), EXEC_PLUGIN_NAME, exec_cmd->number, exec_cmd->command, return_code); } else { weechat_printf_date_tags ( ptr_buffer, 0, "exec_rc", _("%s: end of command %d (\"%s\"), " "return code: %d"), EXEC_PLUGIN_NAME, exec_cmd->number, exec_cmd->command, return_code); } } else { if (buffer_type == 1) { weechat_printf_y (ptr_buffer, -1, _("%s: unexpected end of command %d " "(\"%s\")"), EXEC_PLUGIN_NAME, exec_cmd->number, exec_cmd->command); } else { weechat_printf_date_tags ( ptr_buffer, 0, "exec_rc", _("%s: unexpected end of command %d " "(\"%s\")"), EXEC_PLUGIN_NAME, exec_cmd->number, exec_cmd->command); } } } } /* (re)set some variables after the end of command */ exec_cmd->hook = NULL; exec_cmd->pid = 0; exec_cmd->end_time = time (NULL); exec_cmd->return_code = return_code; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (exec_cmd->output[i]) { free (exec_cmd->output[i]); exec_cmd->output[i] = NULL; } exec_cmd->output_size[i] = 0; } /* schedule a timer to remove the executed command */ if (weechat_config_integer (exec_config_command_purge_delay) >= 0) { weechat_hook_timer (1 + (1000 * weechat_config_integer (exec_config_command_purge_delay)), 0, 1, &exec_timer_delete_cb, exec_cmd, NULL); } } /* * Callback for hook process. */ int exec_process_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, const char *command, int return_code, const char *out, const char *err) { struct t_exec_cmd *ptr_exec_cmd; struct t_gui_buffer *ptr_buffer; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) data; (void) command; ptr_exec_cmd = (struct t_exec_cmd *)pointer; if (!ptr_exec_cmd) return WEECHAT_RC_ERROR; if (weechat_exec_plugin->debug >= 2) { weechat_printf (NULL, "%s: process_cb: command=\"%s\", rc=%d, " "out: %d bytes, err: %d bytes", EXEC_PLUGIN_NAME, ptr_exec_cmd->command, return_code, (out) ? strlen (out) : 0, (err) ? strlen (err) : 0); } if (out || err) { ptr_buffer = weechat_buffer_search ("==", ptr_exec_cmd->buffer_full_name); if (out) exec_concat_output (ptr_exec_cmd, ptr_buffer, EXEC_STDOUT, out); if (err) exec_concat_output (ptr_exec_cmd, ptr_buffer, EXEC_STDERR, err); } if (return_code == WEECHAT_HOOK_PROCESS_ERROR) exec_end_command (ptr_exec_cmd, -1); else if (return_code >= 0) exec_end_command (ptr_exec_cmd, return_code); return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } /* * Deletes a command. */ void exec_free (struct t_exec_cmd *exec_cmd) { int i; if (!exec_cmd) return; /* remove command from commands list */ if (exec_cmd->prev_cmd) (exec_cmd->prev_cmd)->next_cmd = exec_cmd->next_cmd; if (exec_cmd->next_cmd) (exec_cmd->next_cmd)->prev_cmd = exec_cmd->prev_cmd; if (exec_cmds == exec_cmd) exec_cmds = exec_cmd->next_cmd; if (last_exec_cmd == exec_cmd) last_exec_cmd = exec_cmd->prev_cmd; /* free data */ if (exec_cmd->hook) weechat_unhook (exec_cmd->hook); if (exec_cmd->name) free (exec_cmd->name); if (exec_cmd->command) free (exec_cmd->command); if (exec_cmd->buffer_full_name) free (exec_cmd->buffer_full_name); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (exec_cmd->output[i]) free (exec_cmd->output[i]); } if (exec_cmd->pipe_command) free (exec_cmd->pipe_command); if (exec_cmd->hsignal) free (exec_cmd->hsignal); free (exec_cmd); exec_cmds_count--; } /* * Deletes all commands. */ void exec_free_all () { while (exec_cmds) { exec_free (exec_cmds); } } /* * Prints exec infos in WeeChat log file (usually for crash dump). */ void exec_print_log () { struct t_exec_cmd *ptr_exec_cmd; for (ptr_exec_cmd = exec_cmds; ptr_exec_cmd; ptr_exec_cmd = ptr_exec_cmd->next_cmd) { weechat_log_printf (""); weechat_log_printf ("[exec command (addr:0x%lx)]", ptr_exec_cmd); weechat_log_printf (" number. . . . . . . . . . : %d", ptr_exec_cmd->number); weechat_log_printf (" name. . . . . . . . . . . : '%s'", ptr_exec_cmd->name); weechat_log_printf (" hook. . . . . . . . . . . : 0x%lx", ptr_exec_cmd->hook); weechat_log_printf (" command . . . . . . . . . : '%s'", ptr_exec_cmd->command); weechat_log_printf (" pid . . . . . . . . . . . : %d", ptr_exec_cmd->pid); weechat_log_printf (" detached. . . . . . . . . : %d", ptr_exec_cmd->detached); weechat_log_printf (" start_time. . . . . . . . : %lld", (long long)ptr_exec_cmd->start_time); weechat_log_printf (" end_time. . . . . . . . . : %lld", (long long)ptr_exec_cmd->end_time); weechat_log_printf (" output_to_buffer. . . . . : %d", ptr_exec_cmd->output_to_buffer); weechat_log_printf (" output_to_buffer_exec_cmd : %d", ptr_exec_cmd->output_to_buffer_exec_cmd); weechat_log_printf (" buffer_full_name. . . . . : '%s'", ptr_exec_cmd->buffer_full_name); weechat_log_printf (" line_numbers. . . . . . . : %d", ptr_exec_cmd->line_numbers); weechat_log_printf (" display_rc. . . . . . . . : %d", ptr_exec_cmd->display_rc); weechat_log_printf (" output_line_nb. . . . . . : %d", ptr_exec_cmd->output_line_nb); weechat_log_printf (" output_size[stdout] . . . : %d", ptr_exec_cmd->output_size[EXEC_STDOUT]); weechat_log_printf (" output[stdout]. . . . . . : '%s'", ptr_exec_cmd->output[EXEC_STDOUT]); weechat_log_printf (" output_size[stderr] . . . : %d", ptr_exec_cmd->output_size[EXEC_STDERR]); weechat_log_printf (" output[stderr]. . . . . . : '%s'", ptr_exec_cmd->output[EXEC_STDERR]); weechat_log_printf (" return_code . . . . . . . : %d", ptr_exec_cmd->return_code); weechat_log_printf (" pipe_command. . . . . . . : '%s'", ptr_exec_cmd->pipe_command); weechat_log_printf (" hsignal . . . . . . . . . : '%s'", ptr_exec_cmd->hsignal); weechat_log_printf (" prev_cmd. . . . . . . . . : 0x%lx", ptr_exec_cmd->prev_cmd); weechat_log_printf (" next_cmd. . . . . . . . . : 0x%lx", ptr_exec_cmd->next_cmd); } } /* * Callback for signal "debug_dump". */ int exec_debug_dump_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, const char *signal, const char *type_data, void *signal_data) { /* make C compiler happy */ (void) pointer; (void) data; (void) signal; (void) type_data; if (!signal_data || (weechat_strcasecmp ((char *)signal_data, EXEC_PLUGIN_NAME) == 0)) { weechat_log_printf (""); weechat_log_printf ("***** \"%s\" plugin dump *****", weechat_plugin->name); exec_print_log (); weechat_log_printf (""); weechat_log_printf ("***** End of \"%s\" plugin dump *****", weechat_plugin->name); } return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } /* * Initializes exec plugin. */ int weechat_plugin_init (struct t_weechat_plugin *plugin, int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, upgrading; weechat_plugin = plugin; exec_command_init (); if (!exec_config_init ()) return WEECHAT_RC_ERROR; exec_config_read (); /* hook some signals */ weechat_hook_signal ("debug_dump", &exec_debug_dump_cb, NULL, NULL); /* hook completions */ exec_completion_init (); /* look at arguments */ upgrading = 0; for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (weechat_strcasecmp (argv[i], "--upgrade") == 0) { upgrading = 1; } } if (upgrading) exec_buffer_set_callbacks (); return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } /* * Ends exec plugin. */ int weechat_plugin_end (struct t_weechat_plugin *plugin) { /* make C compiler happy */ (void) plugin; exec_config_write (); exec_free_all (); exec_config_free (); return WEECHAT_RC_OK; }