/* * Copyright (c) 2003-2007 by FlashCode * See README for License detail, AUTHORS for developers list. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* weechat-charset.c: Charset plugin for WeeChat */ #include #include #define __USE_GNU #include #include #include "../weechat-plugin.h" #include "weechat-charset.h" char *weechat_charset_terminal = NULL; char *weechat_charset_internal = NULL; /* set to 1 by /charset debug (hidden option) */ int weechat_charset_debug = 0; /* * weechat_charset_strndup: define strndup function if not existing (FreeBSD and maybe other) */ char * weechat_charset_strndup (char *string, int length) { char *result; if ((int)strlen (string) < length) return strdup (string); result = (char *)malloc (length + 1); if (!result) return NULL; memcpy (result, string, length); result[length] = '\0'; return result; } /* * weechat_charset_default_decode: set "global.decode" option if needed */ void weechat_charset_default_decode (t_weechat_plugin *plugin) { char *global_decode; int rc; global_decode = plugin->get_plugin_config (plugin, "global.decode"); /* if global decode is not set, we may set it, depending on terminal charset */ if (!global_decode || !global_decode[0]) { /* set global decode charset to terminal if different from internal */ /* otherwise use ISO-8859-1 */ if (weechat_charset_terminal && weechat_charset_internal && (strcasecmp (weechat_charset_terminal, weechat_charset_internal) != 0)) rc = plugin->set_plugin_config (plugin, "global.decode", weechat_charset_terminal); else rc = plugin->set_plugin_config (plugin, "global.decode", "ISO-8859-1"); if (rc) plugin->print_server (plugin, "Charset: setting \"charset.global.decode\" to %s", weechat_charset_terminal); else plugin->print_server (plugin, "Charset: failed to set \"charset.global.decode\" option."); } if (global_decode) free (global_decode); } /* * weechat_charset_check: check if a charset is valid * if a charset is NULL, internal charset is used */ int weechat_charset_check (char *charset) { iconv_t cd; if (!charset || !charset[0]) return 0; cd = iconv_open (charset, weechat_charset_internal); if (cd == (iconv_t)(-1)) return 0; iconv_close (cd); return 1; } /* * weechat_charset_get_config: read a charset in config file * we first in this order: channel, server, global */ char * weechat_charset_get_config (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, char *type, char *server, char *channel) { static char option[1024]; char *value; /* we try channel first */ if (server && channel) { snprintf (option, sizeof (option) - 1, "%s.%s.%s", type, server, channel); value = plugin->get_plugin_config (plugin, option); if (value && value[0]) return value; if (value) free (value); } /* channel not found, we try server only */ if (server) { snprintf (option, sizeof (option) - 1, "%s.%s", type, server); value = plugin->get_plugin_config (plugin, option); if (value && value[0]) return value; if (value) free (value); } /* nothing found, we try global charset */ snprintf (option, sizeof (option) - 1, "global.%s", type); value = plugin->get_plugin_config (plugin, option); if (value && value[0]) return value; if (value) free (value); /* nothing found => no decode/encode for this message! */ return NULL; } /* * weechat_charset_set_config: set a charset in config file */ void weechat_charset_set_config (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, char *type, char *server, char *channel, char *value) { static char option[1024]; if (server && channel) snprintf (option, sizeof (option) - 1, "%s.%s.%s", type, server, channel); else if (server) snprintf (option, sizeof (option) - 1, "%s.%s", type, server); else return; plugin->set_plugin_config (plugin, option, value); } /* * weechat_charset_parse_irc_msg: return nick, command, channel and position * of arguments in IRC message */ void weechat_charset_parse_irc_msg (char *message, char **nick, char **command, char **channel, char **pos_args) { char *pos, *pos2, *pos3, *pos4, *pos_tmp; *nick = NULL; *command = NULL; *channel = NULL; *pos_args = NULL; if (message[0] == ':') { pos = message + 1; pos_tmp = strchr (pos, ' '); if (pos_tmp) pos_tmp[0] = '\0'; pos2 = strchr (pos, '!'); if (pos2) *nick = weechat_charset_strndup (pos, pos2 - pos); else { pos2 = strchr (pos, ' '); if (pos2) *nick = weechat_charset_strndup (pos, pos2 - pos); } if (pos_tmp) pos_tmp[0] = ' '; pos = strchr (message, ' '); if (!pos) pos = message; } else pos = message; if (pos && pos[0]) { while (pos[0] == ' ') pos++; pos2 = strchr (pos, ' '); if (pos2) { *command = weechat_charset_strndup (pos, pos2 - pos); pos2++; while (pos2[0] == ' ') pos2++; *pos_args = pos2; if (pos2[0] != ':') { if ((pos2[0] == '#') || (pos2[0] == '&') || (pos2[0] == '+') || (pos2[0] == '!')) { pos3 = strchr (pos2, ' '); if (pos3) *channel = weechat_charset_strndup (pos2, pos3 - pos2); else *channel = strdup (pos2); } else { pos3 = strchr (pos2, ' '); if (!*nick) { if (pos3) *nick = weechat_charset_strndup (pos2, pos3 - pos2); else *nick = strdup (pos2); } if (pos3) { pos3++; while (pos3[0] == ' ') pos3++; if ((pos3[0] == '#') || (pos3[0] == '&') || (pos3[0] == '+') || (pos3[0] == '!')) { pos4 = strchr (pos3, ' '); if (pos4) *channel = weechat_charset_strndup (pos3, pos4 - pos3); else *channel = strdup (pos3); } } } } } } } /* * weechat_charset_irc_in: transform charset for incoming messages * convert from any charset to WeeChat internal */ char * weechat_charset_irc_in (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, int argc, char **argv, char *handler_args, void *handler_pointer) { char *nick, *command, *channel, *charset, *ptr_args; char *output; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) argc; (void) handler_args; (void) handler_pointer; output = NULL; weechat_charset_parse_irc_msg (argv[1], &nick, &command, &channel, &ptr_args); charset = weechat_charset_get_config (plugin, "decode", argv[0], (channel) ? channel : nick); if (weechat_charset_debug) plugin->print(plugin, NULL, NULL, "Charset IN: srv='%s', nick='%s', chan='%s', " "msg='%s', ptr_args='%s' => charset: %s", argv[0], nick, channel, argv[1], ptr_args, charset); if (charset) { output = plugin->iconv_to_internal (plugin, charset, argv[1]); if (charset) free (charset); } if (nick) free (nick); if (command) free (command); if (channel) free (channel); return output; } /* * weechat_charset_irc_out: transform charset for outgoing messages * convert from WeeChat internal charset to other */ char * weechat_charset_irc_out (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, int argc, char **argv, char *handler_args, void *handler_pointer) { char *nick, *command, *channel, *charset, *ptr_args; char *output; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) argc; (void) handler_args; (void) handler_pointer; output = NULL; weechat_charset_parse_irc_msg (argv[1], &nick, &command, &channel, &ptr_args); charset = weechat_charset_get_config (plugin, "encode", argv[0], (channel) ? channel : nick); if (weechat_charset_debug) plugin->print(plugin, NULL, NULL, "Charset OUT: srv='%s', nick='%s', chan='%s', " "msg='%s', ptr_args='%s' => charset: %s", argv[0], nick, channel, argv[1], ptr_args, charset); if (charset) { output = plugin->iconv_from_internal (plugin, charset, argv[1]); if (charset) free (charset); } if (nick) free (nick); if (command) free (command); if (channel) free (channel); return output; } /* * weechat_charset_display: display charsets (global/server/channel) */ void weechat_charset_display (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, int display_on_server, char *server, char *channel) { char *decode, *encode; static char option[1024]; decode = NULL; encode = NULL; /* display global settings */ if (!server && !channel) { decode = plugin->get_plugin_config (plugin, "global.decode"); encode = plugin->get_plugin_config (plugin, "global.encode"); if (display_on_server) plugin->print_server (plugin, "Charset: global charsets: decode = %s, encode = %s", (decode) ? decode : "(none)", (encode) ? encode : "(none)"); else plugin->print (plugin, NULL, NULL, "Charset: global charsets: decode = %s, encode = %s", (decode) ? decode : "(none)", (encode) ? encode : "(none)"); } /* display server settings */ if (server && !channel) { snprintf (option, sizeof (option) - 1, "decode.%s", server); decode = plugin->get_plugin_config (plugin, option); snprintf (option, sizeof (option) - 1, "encode.%s", server); encode = plugin->get_plugin_config (plugin, option); if (display_on_server) plugin->print_server (plugin, "Charset: decode / encode charset for server %s: %s / %s", server, (decode) ? decode : "(none)", (encode) ? encode : "(none)"); else plugin->print (plugin, NULL, NULL, "Charset: decode / encode charset for server %s: %s / %s", server, (decode) ? decode : "(none)", (encode) ? encode : "(none)"); } /* display chan/nick settings */ if (server && channel) { snprintf (option, sizeof (option) - 1, "decode.%s.%s", server, channel); decode = plugin->get_plugin_config (plugin, option); snprintf (option, sizeof (option) - 1, "encode.%s.%s", server, channel); encode = plugin->get_plugin_config (plugin, option); if (display_on_server) plugin->print_server (plugin, "Charset: decode / encode charset for %s/%s: %s / %s", server, channel, (decode) ? decode : "(none)", (encode) ? encode : "(none)"); else plugin->print (plugin, NULL, NULL, "Charset: decode / encode charset for %s/%s: %s / %s", server, channel, (decode) ? decode : "(none)", (encode) ? encode : "(none)"); } if (decode) free (decode); if (encode) free (encode); } /* * weechat_charset_cmd: /charset command */ int weechat_charset_cmd (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, int cmd_argc, char **cmd_argv, char *handler_args, void *handler_pointer) { int argc; char **argv, *server, *channel; if (cmd_argc < 3) return PLUGIN_RC_KO; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) handler_args; (void) handler_pointer; if (cmd_argv[2]) argv = plugin->explode_string (plugin, cmd_argv[2], " ", 0, &argc); else { argv = NULL; argc = 0; } /* get command context */ server = plugin->get_info (plugin, "server", NULL); channel = plugin->get_info (plugin, "channel", NULL); switch (argc) { case 0: plugin->print_server (plugin, ""); weechat_charset_display (plugin, 1, NULL, NULL); weechat_charset_display (plugin, 1, server, NULL); if (channel) weechat_charset_display (plugin, 1, server, channel); break; case 1: if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "decode") == 0) { weechat_charset_set_config (plugin, "decode", server, channel, NULL); weechat_charset_display (plugin, 0, server, channel); } else if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "encode") == 0) { weechat_charset_set_config (plugin, "encode", server, channel, NULL); weechat_charset_display (plugin, 0, server, channel); } else if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "debug") == 0) { weechat_charset_debug ^= 1; plugin->print (plugin, NULL, NULL, "Charset: debug [%s].", (weechat_charset_debug) ? "ON" : "off"); } else if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "reset") == 0) { weechat_charset_set_config (plugin, "decode", server, channel, NULL); weechat_charset_set_config (plugin, "encode", server, channel, NULL); weechat_charset_display (plugin, 0, server, channel); } else { if (!weechat_charset_check (argv[0])) plugin->print_server (plugin, "Charset error: invalid charset \"%s\"", argv[0]); else { weechat_charset_set_config (plugin, "decode", server, channel, argv[0]); weechat_charset_set_config (plugin, "encode", server, channel, argv[0]); weechat_charset_display (plugin, 0, server, channel); } } break; case 2: if (!weechat_charset_check (argv[1])) plugin->print_server (plugin, "Charset error: invalid charset \"%s\"", argv[1]); else { if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "decode") == 0) { weechat_charset_set_config (plugin, "decode", server, channel, argv[1]); weechat_charset_display (plugin, 0, server, channel); } else if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "encode") == 0) { weechat_charset_set_config (plugin, "encode", server, channel, argv[1]); weechat_charset_display (plugin, 0, server, channel); } else plugin->print_server (plugin, "Charset error: unknown option \"%s\"", argv[0]); } break; } if (argv) plugin->free_exploded_string (plugin, argv); if (server) free (server); if (channel) free (channel); return PLUGIN_RC_OK; } /* * weechat_plugin_init: init charset plugin */ int weechat_plugin_init (t_weechat_plugin *plugin) { t_plugin_modifier *msg_irc_in, *msg_irc_out; t_plugin_handler *cmd_handler; /* get terminal & internal charsets */ weechat_charset_terminal = plugin->get_info (plugin, "charset_terminal", NULL); weechat_charset_internal = plugin->get_info (plugin, "charset_internal", NULL); /* display message */ plugin->print_server (plugin, "Charset plugin starting, terminal charset: %s (WeeChat internal: %s)", weechat_charset_terminal, weechat_charset_internal); /* set global default decode charset */ weechat_charset_default_decode (plugin); /* add command handler */ cmd_handler = plugin->cmd_handler_add (plugin, "charset", "Charset management by server or channel", "[[decode | encode] charset] | [reset]", " decode: set a decoding charset for server/channel\n" " encode: set an encofing charset for server/channel\n" "charset: the charset for decoding or encoding messages\n" " reset: reset charsets for server/channel\n\n" "To set global decode/encode charset (for all servers), use /setp charset.global.decode " "or /setp charset.global.encode\n" "To see all charsets for all servers, use /setp charset", "decode|encode|reset", &weechat_charset_cmd, NULL, NULL); /* add messge modifier */ msg_irc_in = plugin->modifier_add (plugin, "irc_in", "*", &weechat_charset_irc_in, NULL, NULL); msg_irc_out = plugin->modifier_add (plugin, "irc_out", "*", &weechat_charset_irc_out, NULL, NULL); return PLUGIN_RC_OK; } /* * weechat_plugin_end: end charset plugin */ void weechat_plugin_end (t_weechat_plugin *plugin) { /* make C compiler happy */ (void) plugin; if (weechat_charset_terminal) free (weechat_charset_terminal); if (weechat_charset_internal) free (weechat_charset_internal); }