/* * buflist-bar-item.c - bar item for buflist plugin * * Copyright (C) 2003-2023 Sébastien Helleu <flashcode@flashtux.org> * * This file is part of WeeChat, the extensible chat client. * * WeeChat is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * WeeChat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with WeeChat. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "../weechat-plugin.h" #include "buflist.h" #include "buflist-bar-item.h" #include "buflist-config.h" struct t_gui_bar_item *buflist_bar_item_buflist[BUFLIST_BAR_NUM_ITEMS] = { NULL, NULL, NULL }; struct t_hashtable *buflist_hashtable_pointers = NULL; struct t_hashtable *buflist_hashtable_extra_vars = NULL; struct t_hashtable *buflist_hashtable_options_conditions = NULL; struct t_arraylist *buflist_list_buffers[BUFLIST_BAR_NUM_ITEMS] = { NULL, NULL, NULL }; int old_line_number_current_buffer[BUFLIST_BAR_NUM_ITEMS] = { -1, -1, -1 }; /* * Returns the bar item name with an index. */ const char * buflist_bar_item_get_name (int index) { static char item_name[32]; if (index == 0) { snprintf (item_name, sizeof (item_name), "%s", BUFLIST_BAR_ITEM_NAME); } else { snprintf (item_name, sizeof (item_name), "%s%d", BUFLIST_BAR_ITEM_NAME, index + 1); } return item_name; } /* * Returns the bar item index with an item name, -1 if not found. */ int buflist_bar_item_get_index (const char *item_name) { int i; const char *ptr_item_name; for (i = 0; i < BUFLIST_BAR_NUM_ITEMS; i++) { ptr_item_name = buflist_bar_item_get_name (i); if (strcmp (ptr_item_name, item_name) == 0) return i; } return -1; } /* * Returns the bar item index with a bar item pointer, -1 if not found. */ int buflist_bar_item_get_index_with_pointer (struct t_gui_bar_item *item) { int i; for (i = 0; i < BUFLIST_BAR_NUM_ITEMS; i++) { if (buflist_bar_item_buflist[i] == item) return i; } return -1; } /* * Updates buflist bar item if buflist is enabled (or if force argument is 1). * * If force == 1, all used items are refreshed * (according to option buflist.look.use_items). * If force == 2, all items are refreshed. */ void buflist_bar_item_update (int force) { int i, num_items; if (force || weechat_config_boolean (buflist_config_look_enabled)) { num_items = (force == 2) ? BUFLIST_BAR_NUM_ITEMS : weechat_config_integer (buflist_config_look_use_items); for (i = 0; i < num_items; i++) { weechat_bar_item_update (buflist_bar_item_get_name (i)); } } } /* * Checks if the bar can be scrolled, the bar must have: * - a position "left" or "right" * - a filling "vertical" * - the item_name as first item. * * Returns: * 1: bar can be scrolled * 0: bar must not be scrolled */ int buflist_bar_item_bar_can_scroll (struct t_gui_bar *bar, const char *item_name) { const char *ptr_bar_name, *ptr_bar_position, *ptr_bar_filling; int items_count, *items_subcount; char ***items_name, str_option[1024]; ptr_bar_name = weechat_hdata_string (buflist_hdata_bar, bar, "name"); if (!ptr_bar_name) return 0; /* check that bar option "position" is "left" or "right" */ snprintf (str_option, sizeof (str_option), "weechat.bar.%s.position", ptr_bar_name); ptr_bar_position = weechat_config_string (weechat_config_get (str_option)); if (!ptr_bar_position || ((strcmp (ptr_bar_position, "left") != 0) && (strcmp (ptr_bar_position, "right") != 0))) { return 0; } /* check that bar option "filling_left_right" is "vertical" */ snprintf (str_option, sizeof (str_option), "weechat.bar.%s.filling_left_right", ptr_bar_name); ptr_bar_filling = weechat_config_string (weechat_config_get (str_option)); if (!ptr_bar_filling || (strcmp (ptr_bar_filling, "vertical") != 0)) { return 0; } /* check that "buflist" is the first item in bar */ items_count = weechat_hdata_integer (buflist_hdata_bar, bar, "items_count"); if (items_count <= 0) return 0; items_subcount = weechat_hdata_pointer (buflist_hdata_bar, bar, "items_subcount"); if (!items_subcount || (items_subcount[0] <= 0)) return 0; items_name = weechat_hdata_pointer (buflist_hdata_bar, bar, "items_name"); if (!items_name || !items_name[0] || !items_name[0][0] || (strcmp (items_name[0][0], item_name) != 0)) { return 0; } /* OK, bar can be scrolled! */ return 1; } /* * Auto-scrolls a bar window displaying buflist item. */ void buflist_bar_item_auto_scroll_bar_window (struct t_gui_bar_window *bar_window, int line_number) { int height, scroll_y, new_scroll_y, auto_scroll; char str_scroll[64]; struct t_hashtable *hashtable; if (!bar_window || (line_number < 0)) return; height = weechat_hdata_integer (buflist_hdata_bar_window, bar_window, "height"); scroll_y = weechat_hdata_integer (buflist_hdata_bar_window, bar_window, "scroll_y"); /* no scroll needed if the line_number is already displayed */ if ((line_number >= scroll_y) && (line_number < scroll_y + height)) return; hashtable = weechat_hashtable_new (8, WEECHAT_HASHTABLE_STRING, WEECHAT_HASHTABLE_STRING, NULL, NULL); if (hashtable) { auto_scroll = weechat_config_integer (buflist_config_look_auto_scroll); new_scroll_y = line_number - (((height - 1) * auto_scroll) / 100); if (new_scroll_y < 0) new_scroll_y = 0; snprintf (str_scroll, sizeof (str_scroll), "%d", new_scroll_y); weechat_hashtable_set (hashtable, "scroll_y", str_scroll); weechat_hdata_update (buflist_hdata_bar_window, bar_window, hashtable); weechat_hashtable_free (hashtable); } } /* * Auto-scrolls all bars with a given buflist item as first item. */ void buflist_bar_item_auto_scroll (const char *item_name, int line_number) { struct t_gui_bar *ptr_bar; struct t_gui_bar_window *ptr_bar_window; struct t_gui_window *ptr_window; if (line_number < 0) return; /* auto-scroll in root bars */ ptr_bar = weechat_hdata_get_list (buflist_hdata_bar, "gui_bars"); while (ptr_bar) { ptr_bar_window = weechat_hdata_pointer (buflist_hdata_bar, ptr_bar, "bar_window"); if (ptr_bar_window && buflist_bar_item_bar_can_scroll (ptr_bar, item_name)) { buflist_bar_item_auto_scroll_bar_window (ptr_bar_window, line_number); } ptr_bar = weechat_hdata_move (buflist_hdata_bar, ptr_bar, 1); } /* auto-scroll in window bars */ ptr_window = weechat_hdata_get_list (buflist_hdata_window, "gui_windows"); while (ptr_window) { ptr_bar_window = weechat_hdata_pointer (buflist_hdata_window, ptr_window, "bar_windows"); while (ptr_bar_window) { ptr_bar = weechat_hdata_pointer (buflist_hdata_bar_window, ptr_bar_window, "bar"); if (buflist_bar_item_bar_can_scroll (ptr_bar, item_name)) { buflist_bar_item_auto_scroll_bar_window (ptr_bar_window, line_number); } ptr_bar_window = weechat_hdata_move (buflist_hdata_bar_window, ptr_bar_window, 1); } ptr_window = weechat_hdata_move (buflist_hdata_window, ptr_window, 1); } } /* * Returns content of bar item "buffer_plugin": bar item with buffer plugin. */ char * buflist_bar_item_buflist_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, struct t_gui_bar_item *item, struct t_gui_window *window, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, struct t_hashtable *extra_info) { struct t_arraylist *buffers; struct t_gui_buffer *ptr_buffer, *ptr_current_buffer; struct t_gui_buffer *ptr_buffer_prev, *ptr_buffer_next; struct t_gui_nick *ptr_gui_nick; struct t_gui_hotlist *ptr_hotlist; void *ptr_server, *ptr_channel; char **buflist, *str_buflist, *condition; char str_format_number[32], str_format_number_empty[32]; char str_nick_prefix[32], str_color_nick_prefix[32]; char str_number[32], str_number2[32], *line, **hotlist, *str_hotlist; char str_hotlist_count[32]; const char *ptr_format, *ptr_format_current, *ptr_format_indent; const char *ptr_name, *ptr_type, *ptr_nick, *ptr_nick_prefix; const char *ptr_hotlist_format, *ptr_hotlist_priority; const char *hotlist_priority_none = "none"; const char *hotlist_priority[4] = { "low", "message", "private", "highlight" }; const char indent_empty[1] = { '\0' }; const char *ptr_lag, *ptr_item_name, *ptr_tls_version; int item_index, num_buffers, is_channel, is_private; int i, j, length_max_number, current_buffer, number, prev_number, priority; int rc, count, line_number, line_number_current_buffer; int hotlist_priority_number; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) data; (void) buffer; (void) extra_info; if (!weechat_config_boolean (buflist_config_look_enabled)) return NULL; item_index = (int)((unsigned long)pointer); if (item_index + 1 > weechat_config_integer (buflist_config_look_use_items)) return NULL; prev_number = -1; line_number = 0; line_number_current_buffer = 0; buflist = weechat_string_dyn_alloc (256); weechat_hashtable_set (buflist_hashtable_pointers, "bar_item", item); if (window) weechat_hashtable_set (buflist_hashtable_pointers, "window", window); ptr_format = buflist_config_format_buffer_eval; ptr_format_current = buflist_config_format_buffer_current_eval; ptr_current_buffer = weechat_current_buffer (); ptr_buffer = weechat_hdata_get_list (buflist_hdata_buffer, "last_gui_buffer"); length_max_number = snprintf ( str_number, sizeof (str_number), "%d", weechat_hdata_integer (buflist_hdata_buffer, ptr_buffer, "number")); snprintf (str_format_number, sizeof (str_format_number), "%%%dd", length_max_number); snprintf (str_format_number_empty, sizeof (str_format_number_empty), "%%-%ds", length_max_number); if (buflist_list_buffers[item_index]) weechat_arraylist_free (buflist_list_buffers[item_index]); buflist_list_buffers[item_index] = weechat_arraylist_new ( 16, 0, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); buffers = buflist_sort_buffers (item); num_buffers = weechat_arraylist_size (buffers); for (i = 0; i < num_buffers; i++) { ptr_buffer = weechat_arraylist_get (buffers, i); /* set pointers */ weechat_hashtable_set (buflist_hashtable_pointers, "buffer", ptr_buffer); /* set IRC server/channel pointers */ buflist_buffer_get_irc_pointers (ptr_buffer, &ptr_server, &ptr_channel); weechat_hashtable_set (buflist_hashtable_pointers, "irc_server", ptr_server); weechat_hashtable_set (buflist_hashtable_pointers, "irc_channel", ptr_channel); /* name / short name */ ptr_name = weechat_hdata_string (buflist_hdata_buffer, ptr_buffer, "short_name"); if (!ptr_name) { ptr_name = weechat_hdata_string (buflist_hdata_buffer, ptr_buffer, "name"); } /* current buffer */ current_buffer = (ptr_buffer == ptr_current_buffer); weechat_hashtable_set (buflist_hashtable_extra_vars, "current_buffer", (current_buffer) ? "1" : "0"); /* buffer number */ number = weechat_hdata_integer (buflist_hdata_buffer, ptr_buffer, "number"); if (number != prev_number) { snprintf (str_number, sizeof (str_number), str_format_number, number); weechat_hashtable_set (buflist_hashtable_extra_vars, "number_displayed", "1"); } else { snprintf (str_number, sizeof (str_number), str_format_number_empty, " "); weechat_hashtable_set (buflist_hashtable_extra_vars, "number_displayed", "0"); } snprintf (str_number2, sizeof (str_number2), str_format_number, number); /* buffer merged */ ptr_buffer_prev = weechat_hdata_move (buflist_hdata_buffer, ptr_buffer, -1); ptr_buffer_next = weechat_hdata_move (buflist_hdata_buffer, ptr_buffer, 1); if ((ptr_buffer_prev && (weechat_hdata_integer (buflist_hdata_buffer, ptr_buffer_prev, "number") == number)) || (ptr_buffer_next && (weechat_hdata_integer (buflist_hdata_buffer, ptr_buffer_next, "number") == number))) { weechat_hashtable_set (buflist_hashtable_extra_vars, "merged", "1"); } else { weechat_hashtable_set (buflist_hashtable_extra_vars, "merged", "0"); } /* buffer name */ ptr_type = weechat_buffer_get_string (ptr_buffer, "localvar_type"); is_channel = (ptr_type && (strcmp (ptr_type, "channel") == 0)); is_private = (ptr_type && (strcmp (ptr_type, "private") == 0)); ptr_format_indent = (is_channel || is_private) ? weechat_config_string (buflist_config_format_indent) : indent_empty; /* nick prefix */ str_nick_prefix[0] = '\0'; str_color_nick_prefix[0] = '\0'; if (is_channel && weechat_config_boolean (buflist_config_look_nick_prefix)) { snprintf (str_nick_prefix, sizeof (str_nick_prefix), "%s", (weechat_config_boolean (buflist_config_look_nick_prefix_empty)) ? " " : ""); ptr_nick = weechat_buffer_get_string (ptr_buffer, "localvar_nick"); if (ptr_nick) { ptr_gui_nick = weechat_nicklist_search_nick (ptr_buffer, NULL, ptr_nick); if (ptr_gui_nick) { ptr_nick_prefix = weechat_nicklist_nick_get_string ( ptr_buffer, ptr_gui_nick, "prefix"); if (ptr_nick_prefix && (ptr_nick_prefix[0] != ' ')) { snprintf (str_color_nick_prefix, sizeof (str_color_nick_prefix), "%s", weechat_color ( weechat_nicklist_nick_get_string ( ptr_buffer, ptr_gui_nick, "prefix_color"))); snprintf (str_nick_prefix, sizeof (str_nick_prefix), "%s", ptr_nick_prefix); } } } } weechat_hashtable_set (buflist_hashtable_extra_vars, "nick_prefix", str_nick_prefix); weechat_hashtable_set (buflist_hashtable_extra_vars, "color_nick_prefix", str_color_nick_prefix); weechat_hashtable_set (buflist_hashtable_extra_vars, "format_nick_prefix", weechat_config_string ( buflist_config_format_nick_prefix)); /* set extra variables */ weechat_hashtable_set (buflist_hashtable_extra_vars, "format_buffer", buflist_config_format_buffer_eval); weechat_hashtable_set (buflist_hashtable_extra_vars, "number", str_number); weechat_hashtable_set (buflist_hashtable_extra_vars, "number2", str_number2); weechat_hashtable_set (buflist_hashtable_extra_vars, "format_number", weechat_config_string ( buflist_config_format_number)); weechat_hashtable_set (buflist_hashtable_extra_vars, "indent", ptr_format_indent); weechat_hashtable_set (buflist_hashtable_extra_vars, "name", ptr_name); weechat_hashtable_set (buflist_hashtable_extra_vars, "format_name", weechat_config_string ( buflist_config_format_name)); /* hotlist */ ptr_hotlist = weechat_hdata_pointer (buflist_hdata_buffer, ptr_buffer, "hotlist"); ptr_hotlist_format = weechat_config_string ( buflist_config_format_hotlist_level_none); ptr_hotlist_priority = hotlist_priority_none; hotlist_priority_number = -1; if (ptr_hotlist) { priority = weechat_hdata_integer (buflist_hdata_hotlist, ptr_hotlist, "priority"); if ((priority >= 0) && (priority < 4)) { ptr_hotlist_format = weechat_config_string ( buflist_config_format_hotlist_level[priority]); ptr_hotlist_priority = hotlist_priority[priority]; hotlist_priority_number = priority; } } weechat_hashtable_set (buflist_hashtable_extra_vars, "color_hotlist", ptr_hotlist_format); weechat_hashtable_set (buflist_hashtable_extra_vars, "hotlist_priority", ptr_hotlist_priority); snprintf (str_number, sizeof (str_number), "%d", hotlist_priority_number); weechat_hashtable_set (buflist_hashtable_extra_vars, "hotlist_priority_number", str_number); str_hotlist = NULL; if (ptr_hotlist) { hotlist = weechat_string_dyn_alloc (64); if (hotlist) { for (j = 3; j >= 0; j--) { snprintf (str_hotlist_count, sizeof (str_hotlist_count), "%02d|count", j); count = weechat_hdata_integer (buflist_hdata_hotlist, ptr_hotlist, str_hotlist_count); if (count > 0) { if (*hotlist[0]) { weechat_string_dyn_concat ( hotlist, weechat_config_string ( buflist_config_format_hotlist_separator), -1); } weechat_string_dyn_concat ( hotlist, weechat_config_string ( buflist_config_format_hotlist_level[j]), -1); snprintf (str_hotlist_count, sizeof (str_hotlist_count), "%d", count); weechat_string_dyn_concat (hotlist, str_hotlist_count, -1); } } str_hotlist = weechat_string_dyn_free (hotlist, 0); } } weechat_hashtable_set ( buflist_hashtable_extra_vars, "format_hotlist", (str_hotlist) ? buflist_config_format_hotlist_eval : ""); weechat_hashtable_set (buflist_hashtable_extra_vars, "hotlist", (str_hotlist) ? str_hotlist : ""); if (str_hotlist) free (str_hotlist); /* lag */ ptr_lag = weechat_buffer_get_string (ptr_buffer, "localvar_lag"); if (ptr_lag && ptr_lag[0]) { weechat_hashtable_set ( buflist_hashtable_extra_vars, "format_lag", weechat_config_string (buflist_config_format_lag)); } else { weechat_hashtable_set (buflist_hashtable_extra_vars, "format_lag", ""); } /* tls version */ ptr_tls_version = weechat_buffer_get_string (ptr_buffer, "localvar_tls_version"); weechat_hashtable_set ( buflist_hashtable_extra_vars, "format_tls_version", (ptr_tls_version && ptr_tls_version[0]) ? weechat_config_string (buflist_config_format_tls_version) : ""); /* check condition: if false, the buffer is not displayed */ condition = weechat_string_eval_expression ( weechat_config_string (buflist_config_look_display_conditions), buflist_hashtable_pointers, buflist_hashtable_extra_vars, buflist_hashtable_options_conditions); rc = (condition && (strcmp (condition, "1") == 0)); if (condition) free (condition); if (!rc) continue; /* add buffer in list */ weechat_arraylist_add (buflist_list_buffers[item_index], ptr_buffer); /* set some other variables */ if (current_buffer) line_number_current_buffer = line_number; prev_number = number; /* add newline between each buffer (if needed) */ if (weechat_config_boolean (buflist_config_look_add_newline) && *buflist[0]) { if (!weechat_string_dyn_concat (buflist, "\n", -1)) goto error; } /* build string */ line = weechat_string_eval_expression ( (current_buffer) ? ptr_format_current : ptr_format, buflist_hashtable_pointers, buflist_hashtable_extra_vars, NULL); /* concatenate string */ rc = weechat_string_dyn_concat (buflist, line, -1); free (line); if (!rc) goto error; line_number++; } str_buflist = weechat_string_dyn_free (buflist, 0); goto end; error: weechat_string_dyn_free (buflist, 1); str_buflist = NULL; end: weechat_arraylist_free (buffers); if ((line_number_current_buffer != old_line_number_current_buffer[item_index]) && (weechat_config_integer (buflist_config_look_auto_scroll) >= 0)) { ptr_item_name = weechat_hdata_string (buflist_hdata_bar_item, item, "name"); buflist_bar_item_auto_scroll (ptr_item_name, line_number_current_buffer); } old_line_number_current_buffer[item_index] = line_number_current_buffer; return str_buflist; } /* * Initializes buflist bar items. * * Returns: * 1: OK * 0: error */ int buflist_bar_item_init () { int i; /* create hashtables used by the bar item callback */ buflist_hashtable_pointers = weechat_hashtable_new ( 32, WEECHAT_HASHTABLE_STRING, WEECHAT_HASHTABLE_POINTER, NULL, NULL); if (!buflist_hashtable_pointers) return 0; buflist_hashtable_extra_vars = weechat_hashtable_new ( 128, WEECHAT_HASHTABLE_STRING, WEECHAT_HASHTABLE_STRING, NULL, NULL); if (!buflist_hashtable_extra_vars) { weechat_hashtable_free (buflist_hashtable_pointers); return 0; } buflist_hashtable_options_conditions = weechat_hashtable_new ( 32, WEECHAT_HASHTABLE_STRING, WEECHAT_HASHTABLE_STRING, NULL, NULL); if (!buflist_hashtable_options_conditions) { weechat_hashtable_free (buflist_hashtable_pointers); weechat_hashtable_free (buflist_hashtable_extra_vars); return 0; } weechat_hashtable_set (buflist_hashtable_options_conditions, "type", "condition"); /* bar items */ for (i = 0; i < BUFLIST_BAR_NUM_ITEMS; i++) { buflist_list_buffers[i] = NULL; old_line_number_current_buffer[i] = -1; buflist_bar_item_buflist[i] = weechat_bar_item_new ( buflist_bar_item_get_name (i), &buflist_bar_item_buflist_cb, (const void *)((unsigned long)i), NULL); } return 1; } /* * Ends buflist bar items. */ void buflist_bar_item_end () { int i; for (i = 0; i < BUFLIST_BAR_NUM_ITEMS; i++) { weechat_bar_item_remove (buflist_bar_item_buflist[i]); } weechat_hashtable_free (buflist_hashtable_pointers); buflist_hashtable_pointers = NULL; weechat_hashtable_free (buflist_hashtable_extra_vars); buflist_hashtable_extra_vars = NULL; weechat_hashtable_free (buflist_hashtable_options_conditions); buflist_hashtable_options_conditions = NULL; for (i = 0; i < BUFLIST_BAR_NUM_ITEMS; i++) { if (buflist_list_buffers[i]) { weechat_arraylist_free (buflist_list_buffers[i]); buflist_list_buffers[i] = NULL; } } }