 * Copyright (c) 2003-2006 by FlashCode <flashcode@flashtux.org>
 * See README for License detail, AUTHORS for developers list.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

/* irc-ignore.c: manages IRC ignore list */

#include "config.h"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "../common/weechat.h"
#include "irc.h"
#include "../common/command.h"

char *ignore_types[] =

t_irc_ignore *irc_ignore = NULL;
t_irc_ignore *last_irc_ignore = NULL;

 * ignore_check_mask: returns 1 is mask1 and mask2 are the same host
 *                    anyone or both strings may have user and/or host after

ignore_check_mask (char *mask1, char *mask2)
    char *m1, *m2, *pos;
    int match;
    if (!mask1 || !mask1[0] || !mask2 || !mask2[0])
        return 0;
    m1 = strdup (mask1);
    m2 = strdup (mask2);
    pos = strchr (m1, '!');
    if (!pos)
        /* remove '!' from m2 */
        pos = strchr (m2, '!');
        if (pos)
            pos[0] = '\0';
    pos = strchr (m2, '!');
    if (!pos)
        /* remove '!' from m1 */
        pos = strchr (m1, '!');
        if (pos)
            pos[0] = '\0';
    /* TODO: use regexp to match both masks */
    match = ascii_strcasecmp (m1, m2);
    free (m1);
    free (m2);
    return (match == 0);

 * ignore_match: check if pointed ignore matches with arguments

ignore_match (t_irc_ignore *ptr_ignore, char *mask, char *type, char *channel_name, char *server_name)
    /* check mask */
    if ((strcmp (mask, "*") != 0) && (strcmp (ptr_ignore->mask, "*") != 0)
        && (!ignore_check_mask (ptr_ignore->mask, mask)))
                return 0;
    /* mask is matching, go on with type */
    if ((strcmp (type, "*") != 0) && (strcmp (ptr_ignore->type, "*") != 0)
        && (ascii_strcasecmp (ptr_ignore->type, type) != 0))
        return 0;
    /* mask and type matching, go on with server */
    if (server_name && server_name[0])
        if ((strcmp (server_name, "*") != 0) && (strcmp (ptr_ignore->server_name, "*") != 0)
            && (ascii_strcasecmp (ptr_ignore->server_name, server_name) != 0))
            return 0;
        if (strcmp (ptr_ignore->server_name, "*") != 0)
            return 0;
    /* mask, type and server matching, go on with channel */
    if (channel_name && channel_name[0])
        if ((strcmp (channel_name, "*") != 0) && (strcmp (ptr_ignore->channel_name, "*") != 0)
            && (ascii_strcasecmp (ptr_ignore->channel_name, channel_name) != 0))
            return 0;
        if (strcmp (ptr_ignore->channel_name, "*") != 0)
            return 0;
    /* all is matching => we find a ignore! */
    return 1;

 * ignore_check: check if an ignore is set for arguments
 *               returns 1 if at least one ignore exists (message should NOT be displayed)
 *                       0 if no ignore found (message will be displayed)

ignore_check (char *mask, char *type, char *channel_name, char *server_name)
    t_irc_ignore *ptr_ignore;
    if (!mask || !mask[0] || !type || !type[0])
        return 0;
    for (ptr_ignore = irc_ignore; ptr_ignore;
         ptr_ignore = ptr_ignore->next_ignore)
        if (ignore_match (ptr_ignore, mask, type, channel_name, server_name))
            return 1;
    /* no ignore found */
    return 0;

 * ignore_search: search for an ignore

t_irc_ignore *
ignore_search (char *mask, char *type, char *channel_name, char *server_name)
    t_irc_ignore *ptr_ignore;
    for (ptr_ignore = irc_ignore; ptr_ignore;
         ptr_ignore = ptr_ignore->next_ignore)
        if ((ascii_strcasecmp (ptr_ignore->mask, mask) == 0)
            && (ascii_strcasecmp (ptr_ignore->type, type) == 0)
            && (ascii_strcasecmp (ptr_ignore->channel_name, channel_name) == 0)
            && (ascii_strcasecmp (ptr_ignore->server_name, server_name) == 0))
            return ptr_ignore;
    /* ignore not found */
    return NULL;

 * ignore_add: add an ignore in list

t_irc_ignore *
ignore_add (char *mask, char *type, char *channel_name, char *server_name)
    int i, type_index;
    t_irc_command *command_ptr;
    t_irc_ignore *new_ignore;

    if (!mask || !mask[0] || !type || !type[0] || !channel_name || !channel_name[0]
        || !server_name || !server_name[0])
        irc_display_prefix (NULL, NULL, PREFIX_ERROR);
        gui_printf (NULL,
                    _("%s too few arguments for ignore\n"),
        return NULL;
#ifdef DEBUG
    weechat_log_printf ("Adding ignore: mask:'%s', type:'%s', channel:'%s', "
                        mask, type, channel_name, server_name);
    type_index = -1;
    command_ptr = NULL;
    if ((strcmp (mask, "*") == 0) && (strcmp (type, "*") == 0))
        irc_display_prefix (NULL, NULL, PREFIX_ERROR);
        gui_printf (NULL,
                    _("%s mask or type/command should be non generic value for ignore\n"),
        return NULL;
    if (ignore_search (mask, type, channel_name, server_name))
        irc_display_prefix (NULL, NULL, PREFIX_ERROR);
        gui_printf (NULL,
                    _("%s ignore already exists\n"),
        return NULL;
    if (strcmp (type, "*") != 0)
        /* look for type in pre-defined ignore types */
        for (i = 0; ignore_types[i]; i++)
            if (ascii_strcasecmp (type, ignore_types[i]) == 0)
                type_index = i;
        /* not a pre-defined ignore type, so it MUST be an IRC command */
        if (type_index < 0)
            for (i = 0; irc_commands[i].command_name; i++)
                if (irc_commands[i].recv_function &&
                    (ascii_strcasecmp (type, irc_commands[i].command_name) == 0))
                    command_ptr = &irc_commands[i];
        /* not a pre-defined command and not an IRC command => error */
        if ((type_index < 0) && (!command_ptr))
            irc_display_prefix (NULL, NULL, PREFIX_ERROR);
            gui_printf (NULL,
                        _("%s unknown type or IRC command \"%s\" for ignore\n"),
                        WEECHAT_ERROR, type);
            return NULL;
    /* create new ignore */
    new_ignore = (t_irc_ignore *) malloc (sizeof (t_irc_ignore));
    if (new_ignore)
        new_ignore->mask = strdup (mask);
        new_ignore->type = strdup (type);
        new_ignore->server_name = strdup (server_name);
        new_ignore->channel_name = strdup (channel_name);
        /* add new ignore to queue */
        new_ignore->prev_ignore = last_irc_ignore;
        new_ignore->next_ignore = NULL;
        if (irc_ignore)
            last_irc_ignore->next_ignore = new_ignore;
            irc_ignore = new_ignore;
        last_irc_ignore = new_ignore;
        irc_display_prefix (NULL, NULL, PREFIX_ERROR);
        gui_printf (NULL,
                    _("%s not enough memory to create ignore\n"),
        return NULL;
    return new_ignore;

 * ignore_add_from_config: add an ignore to list, read from config file
 *                         (comma serparated values)

t_irc_ignore *
ignore_add_from_config (char *string)
    t_irc_ignore *new_ignore;
    char *string2;
    char *pos_mask, *pos_type, *pos_channel, *pos_server;
    if (!string || !string[0])
        return NULL;
    new_ignore = NULL;
    string2 = strdup (string);

    pos_mask = string2;
    pos_type = strchr (pos_mask, ',');
    if (pos_type)
        pos_type[0] = '\0';
        pos_channel = strchr (pos_type, ',');
        if (pos_channel)
            pos_channel[0] = '\0';
            pos_server = strchr (pos_channel, ',');
            if (pos_server)
                pos_server[0] = '\0';
                new_ignore = ignore_add (pos_mask, pos_type, pos_channel, pos_server);
    free (string2);
    return new_ignore;

 * ignore_free: free an ignore

ignore_free (t_irc_ignore *ptr_ignore)
    t_irc_ignore *new_irc_ignore;

    /* free data */
    if (ptr_ignore->mask)
        free (ptr_ignore->mask);
    if (ptr_ignore->type)
        free (ptr_ignore->type);
    if (ptr_ignore->channel_name)
        free (ptr_ignore->channel_name);
    if (ptr_ignore->server_name)
        free (ptr_ignore->server_name);
    /* remove ignore from queue */
    if (last_irc_ignore == ptr_ignore)
        last_irc_ignore = ptr_ignore->prev_ignore;
    if (ptr_ignore->prev_ignore)
        (ptr_ignore->prev_ignore)->next_ignore = ptr_ignore->next_ignore;
        new_irc_ignore = irc_ignore;
        new_irc_ignore = ptr_ignore->next_ignore;
    if (ptr_ignore->next_ignore)
        (ptr_ignore->next_ignore)->prev_ignore = ptr_ignore->prev_ignore;
    free (ptr_ignore);
    irc_ignore = new_irc_ignore;

 * ignore_free_all: free all ignores

ignore_free_all ()
    while (irc_ignore)
        ignore_free (irc_ignore);

 * ignore_search_free: search and free ignore(s)
 *                     return: number of ignore found and deleted
 *                             0 if no ignore found

ignore_search_free (char *mask, char *type, char *channel_name, char *server_name)
    int found;
    t_irc_ignore *ptr_ignore, *next_ignore;
    found = 0;
    ptr_ignore = irc_ignore;
    while (ptr_ignore)
        if (ignore_match (ptr_ignore, mask, type, channel_name, server_name))
            if (found == 1)
                gui_printf (NULL, "\n");
            irc_display_prefix (NULL, NULL, PREFIX_INFO);
            weechat_cmd_ignore_display (_("Removing ignore:"), ptr_ignore);
            next_ignore = ptr_ignore->next_ignore;
            ignore_free (ptr_ignore);
            ptr_ignore = next_ignore;
            ptr_ignore = ptr_ignore->next_ignore;
    return found;

 * ignore_search_free_by_number: search and free ignore(s) by number
 *                               return: 1 if ignore found and deleted
 *                                       0 if ignore not found

ignore_search_free_by_number (int number)
    int i;
    t_irc_ignore *ptr_ignore;
    if (number < 1)
        return 0;
    i = 0;
    for (ptr_ignore = irc_ignore; ptr_ignore;
         ptr_ignore = ptr_ignore->next_ignore)
        if (i == number)
            gui_printf (NULL, "\n");
            irc_display_prefix (NULL, NULL, PREFIX_INFO);
            weechat_cmd_ignore_display (_("Removing ignore:"), ptr_ignore);
            ignore_free (ptr_ignore);
            return 1;
    /* ignore number not found */
    return 0;

 * ignore_print_log: print ignore list in log (usually for crash dump)

ignore_print_log ()
    t_irc_ignore *ptr_ignore;
    weechat_log_printf ("[ignore list]\n");
    for (ptr_ignore = irc_ignore; ptr_ignore;
         ptr_ignore = ptr_ignore->next_ignore)
        weechat_log_printf ("\n");
        weechat_log_printf ("  -> ignore at 0x%X:\n", ptr_ignore);
        weechat_log_printf ("     mask. . . . . . . : %s\n",   ptr_ignore->mask);
        weechat_log_printf ("     type. . . . . . . : %s\n",   ptr_ignore->type);
        weechat_log_printf ("     channel_name. . . : %s\n",   ptr_ignore->channel_name);
        weechat_log_printf ("     server_name . . . : %s\n",   ptr_ignore->server_name);
        weechat_log_printf ("     prev_ignore . . . : 0x%X\n", ptr_ignore->prev_ignore);
        weechat_log_printf ("     next_ignore . . . : 0x%X\n", ptr_ignore->next_ignore);