/* * Copyright (c) 2003-2006 by FlashCode <flashcode@flashtux.org> * See README for License detail, AUTHORS for developers list. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* irc-display.c: display functions for IRC */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "../common/weechat.h" #include "irc.h" #include "../common/weeconfig.h" #include "../gui/gui.h" /* * irc_display_prefix: display a prefix for action/info/error msg * prefix must be 3 chars length */ void irc_display_prefix (t_irc_server *server, t_gui_buffer *buffer, char *prefix) { int type; type = MSG_TYPE_INFO | MSG_TYPE_PREFIX; if (!cfg_log_plugin_msg && (prefix == PREFIX_PLUGIN)) type |= MSG_TYPE_NOLOG; if (prefix[0] == prefix[2]) { gui_printf_type (buffer, type, "%s%c%s%c%s%c ", GUI_COLOR(COLOR_WIN_CHAT_PREFIX1), prefix[0], GUI_COLOR(COLOR_WIN_CHAT_PREFIX2), prefix[1], GUI_COLOR(COLOR_WIN_CHAT_PREFIX1), prefix[2]); } else { if (strcmp (prefix, PREFIX_JOIN) == 0) gui_printf_type (buffer, type, "%s%s ", GUI_COLOR(COLOR_WIN_CHAT_JOIN), prefix); else if (strcmp (prefix, PREFIX_PART) == 0) gui_printf_type (buffer, type, "%s%s ", GUI_COLOR(COLOR_WIN_CHAT_PART), prefix); else gui_printf_type (buffer, type, "%s%s ", GUI_COLOR(COLOR_WIN_CHAT_PREFIX1), prefix); } if (server && (server->buffer == buffer) && buffer->all_servers) { gui_printf_type (buffer, type, "%s[%s%s%s] ", GUI_COLOR(COLOR_WIN_CHAT_DARK), GUI_COLOR(COLOR_WIN_CHAT_SERVER), server->name, GUI_COLOR(COLOR_WIN_CHAT_DARK)); } gui_printf_type (buffer, type, GUI_NO_COLOR); } /* * irc_display_nick: display nick in chat window * if color_nick < 0 then nick is highlighted */ void irc_display_nick (t_gui_buffer *buffer, t_irc_nick *nick, char *nickname, int type, int display_around, int color_nick, int no_nickmode) { if (display_around) gui_printf_type (buffer, type, "%s%s", GUI_COLOR(COLOR_WIN_CHAT_DARK), (nick) ? "<" : ">"); if (nick && cfg_look_nickmode) { if (nick->flags & NICK_CHANOWNER) gui_printf_type (buffer, type, "%s~", GUI_COLOR(COLOR_WIN_NICK_OP)); else if (nick->flags & NICK_CHANADMIN) gui_printf_type (buffer, type, "%s&", GUI_COLOR(COLOR_WIN_NICK_OP)); else if (nick->flags & NICK_OP) gui_printf_type (buffer, type, "%s@", GUI_COLOR(COLOR_WIN_NICK_OP)); else if (nick->flags & NICK_HALFOP) gui_printf_type (buffer, type, "%s%%", GUI_COLOR(COLOR_WIN_NICK_HALFOP)); else if (nick->flags & NICK_VOICE) gui_printf_type (buffer, type, "%s+", GUI_COLOR(COLOR_WIN_NICK_VOICE)); else if (cfg_look_nickmode_empty && !no_nickmode) gui_printf_type (buffer, type, "%s ", GUI_COLOR(COLOR_WIN_CHAT)); } if (color_nick < 0) gui_printf_type (buffer, type, "%s%s", GUI_COLOR(COLOR_WIN_CHAT_HIGHLIGHT), (nick) ? nick->nick : nickname); else gui_printf_type (buffer, type, "%s%s", GUI_COLOR((nick && color_nick) ? nick->color : COLOR_WIN_CHAT), (nick) ? nick->nick : nickname); if (display_around) gui_printf_type (buffer, type, "%s%s", GUI_COLOR(COLOR_WIN_CHAT_DARK), (nick) ? "> " : "< "); gui_printf_type (buffer, type, GUI_NO_COLOR); } /* * irc_display_mode: display IRC message for mode change */ void irc_display_mode (t_irc_server *server, t_gui_buffer *buffer, char *channel_name, char set_flag, char *symbol, char *nick_host, char *message, char *param) { irc_display_prefix (server, buffer, PREFIX_INFO); gui_printf (buffer, "%s[%s%s%s/%s%c%s%s] %s%s", GUI_COLOR(COLOR_WIN_CHAT_DARK), GUI_COLOR(COLOR_WIN_CHAT_CHANNEL), channel_name, GUI_COLOR(COLOR_WIN_CHAT), GUI_COLOR(COLOR_WIN_CHAT_CHANNEL), set_flag, symbol, GUI_COLOR(COLOR_WIN_CHAT_DARK), GUI_COLOR(COLOR_WIN_CHAT_NICK), nick_host); if (param) gui_printf (buffer, " %s%s %s%s\n", GUI_COLOR(COLOR_WIN_CHAT), message, GUI_COLOR(COLOR_WIN_CHAT_NICK), param); else gui_printf (buffer, " %s%s\n", GUI_COLOR(COLOR_WIN_CHAT), message); } /* * irc_display_server: display server description */ void irc_display_server (t_irc_server *server) { gui_printf (NULL, "\n"); gui_printf (NULL, _("%sServer: %s%s %s[%s%s%s]\n"), GUI_COLOR(COLOR_WIN_CHAT), GUI_COLOR(COLOR_WIN_CHAT_SERVER), server->name, GUI_COLOR(COLOR_WIN_CHAT_DARK), GUI_COLOR(COLOR_WIN_CHAT), (server->is_connected) ? _("connected") : _("not connected"), GUI_COLOR(COLOR_WIN_CHAT_DARK)); gui_printf (NULL, " server_autoconnect . . . . : %s%s\n", (server->autoconnect) ? _("on") : _("off"), (server->command_line) ? _(" (temporary server, will not be saved)") : ""); gui_printf (NULL, " server_autoreconnect . . . : %s\n", (server->autoreconnect) ? _("on") : _("off")); gui_printf (NULL, " server_autoreconnect_delay : %d %s\n", server->autoreconnect_delay, _("seconds")); gui_printf (NULL, " server_address . . . . . . : %s\n", server->address); gui_printf (NULL, " server_port . . . . . . . : %d\n", server->port); gui_printf (NULL, " server_ipv6 . . . . . . . : %s\n", (server->ipv6) ? _("on") : _("off")); gui_printf (NULL, " server_ssl . . . . . . . . : %s\n", (server->ssl) ? _("on") : _("off")); gui_printf (NULL, " server_password . . . . . : %s\n", (server->password && server->password[0]) ? _("(hidden)") : ""); gui_printf (NULL, " server_nick1/2/3 . . . . . : %s %s/ %s%s %s/ %s%s\n", server->nick1, GUI_COLOR(COLOR_WIN_CHAT_DARK), GUI_COLOR(COLOR_WIN_CHAT), server->nick2, GUI_COLOR(COLOR_WIN_CHAT_DARK), GUI_COLOR(COLOR_WIN_CHAT), server->nick3); gui_printf (NULL, " server_username . . . . . : %s\n", server->username); gui_printf (NULL, " server_realname . . . . . : %s\n", server->realname); gui_printf (NULL, " server_command . . . . . . : %s\n", (server->command && server->command[0]) ? server->command : ""); gui_printf (NULL, " server_command_delay . . . : %d %s\n", server->command_delay, _("seconds")); gui_printf (NULL, " server_autojoin . . . . . : %s\n", (server->autojoin && server->autojoin[0]) ? server->autojoin : ""); gui_printf (NULL, " server_notify_levels . . . : %s\n", (server->notify_levels && server->notify_levels[0]) ? server->notify_levels : ""); gui_printf (NULL, " server_charset_decode_iso. : %s\n", (server->charset_decode_iso && server->charset_decode_iso[0]) ? server->charset_decode_iso : ""); gui_printf (NULL, " server_charset_decode_utf. : %s\n", (server->charset_decode_utf && server->charset_decode_utf[0]) ? server->charset_decode_utf : ""); gui_printf (NULL, " server_charset_encode. . . : %s\n", (server->charset_encode && server->charset_encode[0]) ? server->charset_encode : ""); }