/* * gui-line.c - line functions (used by all GUI) * * Copyright (C) 2003-2018 Sébastien Helleu * * This file is part of WeeChat, the extensible chat client. * * WeeChat is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * WeeChat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with WeeChat. If not, see . */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include "../core/weechat.h" #include "../core/wee-config.h" #include "../core/wee-hashtable.h" #include "../core/wee-hdata.h" #include "../core/wee-hook.h" #include "../core/wee-infolist.h" #include "../core/wee-log.h" #include "../core/wee-string.h" #include "../plugins/plugin.h" #include "gui-line.h" #include "gui-buffer.h" #include "gui-chat.h" #include "gui-color.h" #include "gui-filter.h" #include "gui-hotlist.h" #include "gui-nicklist.h" #include "gui-window.h" /* * Allocates structure "t_gui_lines" and initializes it. * * Returns pointer to new lines, NULL if error. */ struct t_gui_lines * gui_lines_alloc () { struct t_gui_lines *new_lines; new_lines = malloc (sizeof (*new_lines)); if (new_lines) { new_lines->first_line = NULL; new_lines->last_line = NULL; new_lines->last_read_line = NULL; new_lines->lines_count = 0; new_lines->first_line_not_read = 0; new_lines->lines_hidden = 0; new_lines->buffer_max_length = 0; new_lines->buffer_max_length_refresh = 0; new_lines->prefix_max_length = CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_prefix_align_min); new_lines->prefix_max_length_refresh = 0; } return new_lines; } /* * Frees a "t_gui_lines" structure. */ void gui_lines_free (struct t_gui_lines *lines) { if (!lines) return; free (lines); } /* * Allocates array with tags in a line_data. */ void gui_line_tags_alloc (struct t_gui_line_data *line_data, const char *tags) { if (tags) { line_data->tags_array = string_split_shared (tags, ",", 0, 0, &line_data->tags_count); } else { line_data->tags_count = 0; line_data->tags_array = NULL; } } /* * Frees array with tags in a line_data. */ void gui_line_tags_free (struct t_gui_line_data *line_data) { if (!line_data) return; if (line_data->tags_array) { string_free_split_shared (line_data->tags_array); line_data->tags_count = 0; line_data->tags_array = NULL; } } /* * Checks if prefix on line is a nick and is the same as nick on previous line. * * Returns: * 1: prefix is a nick and same as nick on previous line * 0: prefix is not a nick, or different from nick on previous line */ int gui_line_prefix_is_same_nick_as_previous (struct t_gui_line *line) { const char *nick, *nick_previous; struct t_gui_line *prev_line; /* * if line is not displayed, has a highlight, or does not have a tag * beginning with "prefix_nick" => display standard prefix */ if (!line->data->displayed || line->data->highlight || !gui_line_search_tag_starting_with (line, "prefix_nick")) return 0; /* no nick on line => display standard prefix */ nick = gui_line_get_nick_tag (line); if (!nick) return 0; /* * previous line is not found => display standard prefix */ prev_line = gui_line_get_prev_displayed (line); if (!prev_line) return 0; /* buffer is not the same as previous line => display standard prefix */ if (line->data->buffer != prev_line->data->buffer) return 0; /* * previous line does not have a tag beginning with "prefix_nick" * => display standard prefix */ if (!gui_line_search_tag_starting_with (prev_line, "prefix_nick")) return 0; /* no nick on previous line => display standard prefix */ nick_previous = gui_line_get_nick_tag (prev_line); if (!nick_previous) return 0; /* prefix can be hidden/replaced if nicks are equal */ return (strcmp (nick, nick_previous) == 0) ? 1 : 0; } /* * Gets prefix and its length (for display only). * * If the prefix can be hidden (same nick as previous message), and if the * option is enabled (not empty string), then returns empty prefix or prefix * from option. */ void gui_line_get_prefix_for_display (struct t_gui_line *line, char **prefix, int *length, char **color, int *prefix_is_nick) { const char *tag_prefix_nick; if (CONFIG_STRING(config_look_prefix_same_nick) && CONFIG_STRING(config_look_prefix_same_nick)[0] && gui_line_prefix_is_same_nick_as_previous (line)) { /* same nick: return empty prefix or value from option */ if (strcmp (CONFIG_STRING(config_look_prefix_same_nick), " ") == 0) { /* return empty prefix */ if (prefix) *prefix = gui_chat_prefix_empty; if (length) *length = 0; if (color) *color = NULL; } else { /* return prefix from option "weechat.look.prefix_same_nick" */ if (prefix) *prefix = CONFIG_STRING(config_look_prefix_same_nick); if (length) *length = config_length_prefix_same_nick; if (color) { tag_prefix_nick = gui_line_search_tag_starting_with (line, "prefix_nick_"); *color = (tag_prefix_nick) ? (char *)(tag_prefix_nick + 12) : NULL; } } if (prefix_is_nick) *prefix_is_nick = 0; } else { /* not same nick: return prefix from line */ if (prefix) *prefix = line->data->prefix; if (length) *length = line->data->prefix_length; if (color) *color = NULL; if (prefix_is_nick) *prefix_is_nick = gui_line_search_tag_starting_with (line, "prefix_nick_") ? 1 : 0; } } /* * Gets alignment for a line. */ int gui_line_get_align (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, struct t_gui_line *line, int with_suffix, int first_line) { int length_time, length_buffer, length_suffix, prefix_length, prefix_is_nick; /* return immediately if line has no time (not aligned) */ if (line->data->date == 0) return 0; /* return immediately if alignment for end of lines is "time" */ if (!first_line && (CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_align_end_of_lines) == CONFIG_LOOK_ALIGN_END_OF_LINES_TIME)) { return 0; } /* length of time */ if (buffer->time_for_each_line) { length_time = (gui_chat_time_length == 0) ? 0 : gui_chat_time_length + 1; } else length_time = 0; /* return immediately if alignment for end of lines is "buffer" */ if (!first_line && (CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_align_end_of_lines) == CONFIG_LOOK_ALIGN_END_OF_LINES_BUFFER)) { return length_time; } /* length of buffer name (when many buffers are merged) */ if (buffer->mixed_lines && (buffer->active != 2)) { if ((CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_prefix_buffer_align) == CONFIG_LOOK_PREFIX_BUFFER_ALIGN_NONE) && (CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_prefix_align) == CONFIG_LOOK_PREFIX_ALIGN_NONE)) length_buffer = gui_chat_strlen_screen (gui_buffer_get_short_name (line->data->buffer)) + 1; else { if (CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_prefix_buffer_align) == CONFIG_LOOK_PREFIX_BUFFER_ALIGN_NONE) length_buffer = buffer->mixed_lines->buffer_max_length + 1; else length_buffer = ((CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_prefix_buffer_align_max) > 0) && (buffer->mixed_lines->buffer_max_length > CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_prefix_buffer_align_max))) ? CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_prefix_buffer_align_max) + 1 : buffer->mixed_lines->buffer_max_length + 1; } } else length_buffer = 0; /* return immediately if alignment for end of lines is "prefix" */ if (!first_line && (CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_align_end_of_lines) == CONFIG_LOOK_ALIGN_END_OF_LINES_PREFIX)) { return length_time + length_buffer; } /* length of prefix */ gui_line_get_prefix_for_display (line, NULL, &prefix_length, NULL, &prefix_is_nick); if (prefix_is_nick) prefix_length += config_length_nick_prefix_suffix; if (CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_prefix_align) == CONFIG_LOOK_PREFIX_ALIGN_NONE) { return length_time + length_buffer + prefix_length + ((prefix_length > 0) ? 1 : 0); } length_suffix = 0; if (with_suffix) { if (CONFIG_STRING(config_look_prefix_suffix) && CONFIG_STRING(config_look_prefix_suffix)[0]) length_suffix = gui_chat_strlen_screen (CONFIG_STRING(config_look_prefix_suffix)) + 1; } return length_time + ((buffer->lines->prefix_max_length > 0) ? 1 : 0) + length_buffer + (((CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_prefix_align_max) > 0) && (buffer->lines->prefix_max_length > CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_prefix_align_max))) ? CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_prefix_align_max) : buffer->lines->prefix_max_length) + length_suffix; } /* * Checks if a line is displayed (no filter on line or filters disabled). * * Returns: * 1: line is displayed * 0: line is hidden */ int gui_line_is_displayed (struct t_gui_line *line) { /* line is hidden if filters are enabled and flag "displayed" is not set */ if (gui_filters_enabled && !line->data->displayed) return 0; /* in all other cases, line is displayed */ return 1; } /* * Gets the first line displayed of a buffer. * * Returns pointer to first line displayed, NULL if not found. */ struct t_gui_line * gui_line_get_first_displayed (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer) { struct t_gui_line *ptr_line; ptr_line = buffer->lines->first_line; while (ptr_line && !gui_line_is_displayed (ptr_line)) { ptr_line = ptr_line->next_line; } return ptr_line; } /* * Gets the last line displayed of a buffer. * * Returns pointer to last line displayed, NULL if not found. */ struct t_gui_line * gui_line_get_last_displayed (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer) { struct t_gui_line *ptr_line; ptr_line = buffer->lines->last_line; while (ptr_line && !gui_line_is_displayed (ptr_line)) { ptr_line = ptr_line->prev_line; } return ptr_line; } /* * Gets previous line displayed. * * Returns pointer to previous line displayed, NULL if not found. */ struct t_gui_line * gui_line_get_prev_displayed (struct t_gui_line *line) { if (line) { line = line->prev_line; while (line && !gui_line_is_displayed (line)) { line = line->prev_line; } } return line; } /* * Gets next line displayed. * * Returns pointer to next line displayed, NULL if not found. */ struct t_gui_line * gui_line_get_next_displayed (struct t_gui_line *line) { if (line) { line = line->next_line; while (line && !gui_line_is_displayed (line)) { line = line->next_line; } } return line; } /* * Searches for text in a line. * * Returns: * 1: text found in line * 0: text not found in line */ int gui_line_search_text (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, struct t_gui_line *line) { char *prefix, *message; int rc; if (!line || !line->data->message || !buffer->input_buffer || !buffer->input_buffer[0]) { return 0; } rc = 0; if ((buffer->text_search_where & GUI_TEXT_SEARCH_IN_PREFIX) && line->data->prefix) { prefix = gui_color_decode (line->data->prefix, NULL); if (prefix) { if (buffer->text_search_regex) { if (buffer->text_search_regex_compiled) { if (regexec (buffer->text_search_regex_compiled, prefix, 0, NULL, 0) == 0) { rc = 1; } } } else if ((buffer->text_search_exact && (strstr (prefix, buffer->input_buffer))) || (!buffer->text_search_exact && (string_strcasestr (prefix, buffer->input_buffer)))) { rc = 1; } free (prefix); } } if (!rc && (buffer->text_search_where & GUI_TEXT_SEARCH_IN_MESSAGE)) { message = gui_color_decode (line->data->message, NULL); if (message) { if (buffer->text_search_regex) { if (buffer->text_search_regex_compiled) { if (regexec (buffer->text_search_regex_compiled, message, 0, NULL, 0) == 0) { rc = 1; } } } else if ((buffer->text_search_exact && (strstr (message, buffer->input_buffer))) || (!buffer->text_search_exact && (string_strcasestr (message, buffer->input_buffer)))) { rc = 1; } free (message); } } return rc; } /* * Checks if a line matches regex. * * Returns: * 1: line matches regex * 0: line does not match regex */ int gui_line_match_regex (struct t_gui_line_data *line_data, regex_t *regex_prefix, regex_t *regex_message) { char *prefix, *message; int match_prefix, match_message; if (!line_data || (!regex_prefix && !regex_message)) return 0; prefix = NULL; message = NULL; match_prefix = 1; match_message = 1; if (line_data->prefix) { prefix = gui_color_decode (line_data->prefix, NULL); if (!prefix || (regex_prefix && (regexec (regex_prefix, prefix, 0, NULL, 0) != 0))) match_prefix = 0; } else { if (regex_prefix) match_prefix = 0; } if (line_data->message) { message = gui_color_decode (line_data->message, NULL); if (!message || (regex_message && (regexec (regex_message, message, 0, NULL, 0) != 0))) match_message = 0; } else { if (regex_message) match_message = 0; } if (prefix) free (prefix); if (message) free (message); return (match_prefix && match_message); } /* * Checks if a line has tag "no_filter" (which means that line should never been * filtered: it is always displayed). * * Returns: * 1: line has tag "no_filter" * 0: line does not have tag "no_filter" */ int gui_line_has_tag_no_filter (struct t_gui_line_data *line_data) { int i; for (i = 0; i < line_data->tags_count; i++) { if (strcmp (line_data->tags_array[i], GUI_FILTER_TAG_NO_FILTER) == 0) return 1; } /* tag not found, line may be filtered */ return 0; } /* * Checks if line matches tags. * * Returns: * 1: line matches tags * 0: line does not match tags */ int gui_line_match_tags (struct t_gui_line_data *line_data, int tags_count, char ***tags_array) { int i, j, k, match, tag_found, tag_negated; const char *ptr_tag; if (!line_data) return 0; for (i = 0; i < tags_count; i++) { match = 1; for (j = 0; tags_array[i][j]; j++) { ptr_tag = tags_array[i][j]; tag_found = 0; tag_negated = 0; /* check if tag is negated (prefixed with a '!') */ if ((ptr_tag[0] == '!') && ptr_tag[1]) { ptr_tag++; tag_negated = 1; } if (strcmp (ptr_tag, "*") == 0) { tag_found = 1; } else { for (k = 0; k < line_data->tags_count; k++) { if (string_match (line_data->tags_array[k], ptr_tag, 0)) { tag_found = 1; break; } } } if (tag_found && tag_negated) return 0; if ((!tag_found && !tag_negated) || (tag_found && tag_negated)) { match = 0; break; } } if (match) return 1; } return 0; } /* * Returns pointer on tag starting with "tag", NULL if such tag is not found. */ const char * gui_line_search_tag_starting_with (struct t_gui_line *line, const char *tag) { int i, length; if (!line || !tag) return NULL; length = strlen (tag); for (i = 0; i < line->data->tags_count; i++) { if (strncmp (line->data->tags_array[i], tag, length) == 0) return line->data->tags_array[i]; } /* tag not found */ return NULL; } /* * Gets nick in tags: returns "xxx" if tag "nick_xxx" is found. */ const char * gui_line_get_nick_tag (struct t_gui_line *line) { const char *tag; tag = gui_line_search_tag_starting_with (line, "nick_"); if (!tag) return NULL; return tag + 5; } /* * Checks if a line has highlight (with a string in global highlight or buffer * highlight). * * Returns: * 1: line has highlight * 0: line has no highlight */ int gui_line_has_highlight (struct t_gui_line *line) { int rc, i, no_highlight, action, length; char *msg_no_color, *ptr_msg_no_color, *highlight_words; const char *ptr_nick; /* * highlights are disabled on this buffer? (special value "-" means that * buffer does not want any highlight) */ if (line->data->buffer->highlight_words && (strcmp (line->data->buffer->highlight_words, "-") == 0)) return 0; /* * check if highlight is disabled for line; also check if the line is an * action message (for example tag "irc_action") and get pointer on the nick * (tag "nick_xxx"), these info will be used later (see below) */ no_highlight = 0; action = 0; ptr_nick = NULL; for (i = 0; i < line->data->tags_count; i++) { if (strcmp (line->data->tags_array[i], GUI_CHAT_TAG_NO_HIGHLIGHT) == 0) no_highlight = 1; else if (strncmp (line->data->tags_array[i], "nick_", 5) == 0) ptr_nick = line->data->tags_array[i] + 5; else { length = strlen (line->data->tags_array[i]); if ((length >= 7) && (strcmp (line->data->tags_array[i] + length - 7, "_action") == 0)) { action = 1; } } } if (no_highlight) return 0; /* * check if highlight is forced by a tag * (with global option "weechat.look.highlight_tags") */ if (config_highlight_tags && gui_line_match_tags (line->data, config_num_highlight_tags, config_highlight_tags)) { return 1; } /* * check if highlight is forced by a tag * (with buffer property "highlight_tags") */ if (line->data->buffer->highlight_tags && gui_line_match_tags (line->data, line->data->buffer->highlight_tags_count, line->data->buffer->highlight_tags_array)) { return 1; } /* * check that line matches highlight tags, if any (if no tag is specified, * then any tag is allowed) */ if (line->data->buffer->highlight_tags_restrict_count > 0) { if (!gui_line_match_tags (line->data, line->data->buffer->highlight_tags_restrict_count, line->data->buffer->highlight_tags_restrict_array)) return 0; } /* remove color codes from line message */ msg_no_color = gui_color_decode (line->data->message, NULL); if (!msg_no_color) return 0; ptr_msg_no_color = msg_no_color; /* * if the line is an action message and that we know the nick, we skip * the nick if it is at beginning of message (to not highlight an action * from another user if his nick is in our highlight settings) */ if (action && ptr_nick) { length = strlen (ptr_nick); if (strncmp (ptr_msg_no_color, ptr_nick, length) == 0) { /* skip nick at beginning (for example: "FlashCode") */ ptr_msg_no_color += length; } else if (ptr_msg_no_color[0] && (strncmp (ptr_msg_no_color + 1, ptr_nick, length) == 0)) { /* skip prefix and nick at beginning (for example: "@FlashCode") */ ptr_msg_no_color += length + 1; } } /* * there is highlight on line if one of buffer highlight words matches line * or one of global highlight words matches line */ highlight_words = gui_buffer_string_replace_local_var (line->data->buffer, line->data->buffer->highlight_words); rc = string_has_highlight (ptr_msg_no_color, (highlight_words) ? highlight_words : line->data->buffer->highlight_words); if (highlight_words) free (highlight_words); if (!rc) { highlight_words = gui_buffer_string_replace_local_var (line->data->buffer, CONFIG_STRING(config_look_highlight)); rc = string_has_highlight (ptr_msg_no_color, (highlight_words) ? highlight_words : CONFIG_STRING(config_look_highlight)); if (highlight_words) free (highlight_words); } if (!rc && config_highlight_regex) { rc = string_has_highlight_regex_compiled (ptr_msg_no_color, config_highlight_regex); } if (!rc && line->data->buffer->highlight_regex_compiled) { rc = string_has_highlight_regex_compiled (ptr_msg_no_color, line->data->buffer->highlight_regex_compiled); } free (msg_no_color); return rc; } /* * Checks if nick of line is offline (not in nicklist any more). * * Returns: * 1: nick is offline * 0: nick is still there (in nicklist) */ int gui_line_has_offline_nick (struct t_gui_line *line) { const char *nick; if (line && gui_line_search_tag_starting_with (line, "prefix_nick")) { nick = gui_line_get_nick_tag (line); if (nick && (line->data->buffer->nicklist_root && (line->data->buffer->nicklist_root->nicks || line->data->buffer->nicklist_root->children)) && !gui_nicklist_search_nick (line->data->buffer, NULL, nick)) { return 1; } } return 0; } /* * Computes "buffer_max_length" for a "t_gui_lines" structure. */ void gui_line_compute_buffer_max_length (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, struct t_gui_lines *lines) { struct t_gui_buffer *ptr_buffer; int length; const char *short_name; lines->buffer_max_length = 0; for (ptr_buffer = gui_buffers; ptr_buffer; ptr_buffer = ptr_buffer->next_buffer) { short_name = gui_buffer_get_short_name (ptr_buffer); if (ptr_buffer->number == buffer->number) { length = gui_chat_strlen_screen (short_name); if (length > lines->buffer_max_length) lines->buffer_max_length = length; } } lines->buffer_max_length_refresh = 0; } /* * Computes "prefix_max_length" for a "t_gui_lines" structure. */ void gui_line_compute_prefix_max_length (struct t_gui_lines *lines) { struct t_gui_line *ptr_line; int prefix_length, prefix_is_nick; lines->prefix_max_length = CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_prefix_align_min); for (ptr_line = lines->first_line; ptr_line; ptr_line = ptr_line->next_line) { if (ptr_line->data->displayed) { gui_line_get_prefix_for_display (ptr_line, NULL, &prefix_length, NULL, &prefix_is_nick); if (prefix_is_nick) prefix_length += config_length_nick_prefix_suffix; if (prefix_length > lines->prefix_max_length) lines->prefix_max_length = prefix_length; } } lines->prefix_max_length_refresh = 0; } /* * Adds a line to a "t_gui_lines" structure. */ void gui_line_add_to_list (struct t_gui_lines *lines, struct t_gui_line *line) { int prefix_length, prefix_is_nick; if (lines->last_line) (lines->last_line)->next_line = line; else lines->first_line = line; line->prev_line = lines->last_line; line->next_line = NULL; lines->last_line = line; /* * adjust "prefix_max_length" if this prefix length is > max * (only if the line is displayed */ if (line->data->displayed) { gui_line_get_prefix_for_display (line, NULL, &prefix_length, NULL, &prefix_is_nick); if (prefix_is_nick) prefix_length += config_length_nick_prefix_suffix; if (prefix_length > lines->prefix_max_length) lines->prefix_max_length = prefix_length; } else { /* adjust "lines_hidden" if the line is hidden */ (lines->lines_hidden)++; } lines->lines_count++; } /* * Frees data in a line. */ void gui_line_free_data (struct t_gui_line *line) { if (line->data->str_time) free (line->data->str_time); gui_line_tags_free (line->data); if (line->data->prefix) string_shared_free (line->data->prefix); if (line->data->message) free (line->data->message); free (line->data); line->data = NULL; } /* * Removes a line from a "t_gui_lines" structure. */ void gui_line_remove_from_list (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, struct t_gui_lines *lines, struct t_gui_line *line, int free_data) { struct t_gui_window *ptr_win; struct t_gui_window_scroll *ptr_scroll; int prefix_length, prefix_is_nick; for (ptr_win = gui_windows; ptr_win; ptr_win = ptr_win->next_window) { /* reset scroll for any window scroll starting with this line */ for (ptr_scroll = ptr_win->scroll; ptr_scroll; ptr_scroll = ptr_scroll->next_scroll) { if (ptr_scroll->start_line == line) { ptr_scroll->start_line = ptr_scroll->start_line->next_line; ptr_scroll->start_line_pos = 0; if (ptr_scroll->start_line) { gui_buffer_ask_chat_refresh (buffer, 2); } else { ptr_scroll->first_line_displayed = 1; ptr_scroll->scrolling = 0; ptr_scroll->lines_after = 0; gui_window_ask_refresh (1); } } if (ptr_scroll->text_search_start_line == line) ptr_scroll->text_search_start_line = NULL; } /* remove line from coords */ gui_window_coords_remove_line (ptr_win, line); } gui_line_get_prefix_for_display (line, NULL, &prefix_length, NULL, &prefix_is_nick); if (prefix_is_nick) prefix_length += config_length_nick_prefix_suffix; if (prefix_length == lines->prefix_max_length) lines->prefix_max_length_refresh = 1; /* move read marker if it was on line we are removing */ if (lines->last_read_line == line) { lines->last_read_line = lines->last_read_line->prev_line; lines->first_line_not_read = (lines->last_read_line) ? 0 : 1; gui_buffer_ask_chat_refresh (buffer, 1); } /* adjust "lines_hidden" if the line was hidden */ if (!line->data->displayed && (lines->lines_hidden > 0)) (lines->lines_hidden)--; /* free data */ if (free_data) gui_line_free_data (line); /* remove line from list */ if (line->prev_line) (line->prev_line)->next_line = line->next_line; if (line->next_line) (line->next_line)->prev_line = line->prev_line; if (lines->first_line == line) lines->first_line = line->next_line; if (lines->last_line == line) lines->last_line = line->prev_line; lines->lines_count--; free (line); } /* * Adds line to mixed lines for a buffer. */ void gui_line_mixed_add (struct t_gui_lines *lines, struct t_gui_line_data *line_data) { struct t_gui_line *new_line; new_line = malloc (sizeof (*new_line)); if (new_line) { new_line->data = line_data; gui_line_add_to_list (lines, new_line); } } /* * Frees all mixed lines matching a buffer. */ void gui_line_mixed_free_buffer (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer) { struct t_gui_line *ptr_line, *ptr_next_line; if (buffer->mixed_lines) { ptr_line = buffer->mixed_lines->first_line; while (ptr_line) { ptr_next_line = ptr_line->next_line; if (ptr_line->data->buffer == buffer) { gui_line_remove_from_list (buffer, buffer->mixed_lines, ptr_line, 0); } ptr_line = ptr_next_line; } } } /* * Frees all mixed lines in a buffer. */ void gui_line_mixed_free_all (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer) { if (buffer->mixed_lines) { while (buffer->mixed_lines->first_line) { gui_line_remove_from_list (buffer, buffer->mixed_lines, buffer->mixed_lines->first_line, 0); } } } /* * Deletes a line from a buffer. */ void gui_line_free (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, struct t_gui_line *line) { struct t_gui_line *ptr_line; if (!buffer || !line) return; /* first remove mixed line if it exists */ if (buffer->mixed_lines) { for (ptr_line = buffer->mixed_lines->first_line; ptr_line; ptr_line = ptr_line->next_line) { if (ptr_line->data == line->data) { gui_line_remove_from_list (buffer, buffer->mixed_lines, ptr_line, 0); break; } } } /* remove line from lines list */ gui_line_remove_from_list (buffer, buffer->own_lines, line, 1); } /* * Deletes all formatted lines from a buffer. */ void gui_line_free_all (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer) { while (buffer->own_lines->first_line) { gui_line_free (buffer, buffer->own_lines->first_line); } } /* * Gets notify level for a line. * * Returns notify level of line, -1 if tag "notify_none" is found (meaning no * notify at all for line). */ int gui_line_get_notify_level (struct t_gui_line *line) { int i, notify_level, *max_notify_level; const char *nick; notify_level = GUI_HOTLIST_LOW; for (i = 0; i < line->data->tags_count; i++) { if (string_strcasecmp (line->data->tags_array[i], "notify_none") == 0) notify_level = -1; if (string_strcasecmp (line->data->tags_array[i], "notify_highlight") == 0) notify_level = GUI_HOTLIST_HIGHLIGHT; if (string_strcasecmp (line->data->tags_array[i], "notify_private") == 0) notify_level = GUI_HOTLIST_PRIVATE; if (string_strcasecmp (line->data->tags_array[i], "notify_message") == 0) notify_level = GUI_HOTLIST_MESSAGE; } max_notify_level = NULL; nick = gui_line_get_nick_tag (line); if (nick) { max_notify_level = hashtable_get (line->data->buffer->hotlist_max_level_nicks, nick); } if (max_notify_level && (*max_notify_level < notify_level)) notify_level = *max_notify_level; return notify_level; } /* * Gets highlight flag for a line, using the notify level in the line. * * Returns 1 for highlight otherwise 0. */ int gui_line_get_highlight (struct t_gui_line *line) { int highlight, *max_notify_level; const char *nick; highlight = 0; if (line->data->notify_level == GUI_HOTLIST_HIGHLIGHT) { highlight = 1; } else { max_notify_level = NULL; nick = gui_line_get_nick_tag (line); if (nick) { max_notify_level = hashtable_get (line->data->buffer->hotlist_max_level_nicks, nick); } if (max_notify_level && (*max_notify_level < GUI_HOTLIST_HIGHLIGHT)) highlight = 0; else highlight = gui_line_has_highlight (line); } return highlight; } /* * Creates a new line for a buffer. */ struct t_gui_line * gui_line_new (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, int y, time_t date, time_t date_printed, const char *tags, const char *prefix, const char *message) { struct t_gui_line *new_line; struct t_gui_line_data *new_line_data; /* create new line */ new_line = malloc (sizeof (*new_line)); if (!new_line) return NULL; /* create data for line */ new_line_data = malloc (sizeof (*new_line_data)); if (!new_line_data) { free (new_line); return NULL; } new_line->data = new_line_data; /* fill data in new line */ new_line->data->buffer = buffer; new_line->data->message = (message) ? strdup (message) : strdup (""); if (buffer->type == GUI_BUFFER_TYPE_FORMATTED) { new_line->data->y = -1; new_line->data->date = date; new_line->data->date_printed = date_printed; new_line->data->str_time = gui_chat_get_time_string (date); gui_line_tags_alloc (new_line->data, tags); new_line->data->refresh_needed = 0; new_line->data->prefix = (prefix) ? (char *)string_shared_get (prefix) : ((date != 0) ? (char *)string_shared_get ("") : NULL); new_line->data->prefix_length = (prefix) ? gui_chat_strlen_screen (prefix) : 0; new_line->data->notify_level = gui_line_get_notify_level (new_line); new_line->data->highlight = gui_line_get_highlight (new_line); } else { new_line->data->y = y; new_line->data->date = 0; new_line->data->date_printed = 0; new_line->data->str_time = NULL; new_line->data->tags_count = 0; new_line->data->tags_array = NULL; new_line->data->refresh_needed = 1; new_line->data->prefix = NULL; new_line->data->prefix_length = 0; new_line->data->notify_level = 0; new_line->data->highlight = 0; } /* set display flag (check if line is filtered or not) */ new_line->data->displayed = gui_filter_check_line (new_line->data); new_line->prev_line = NULL; new_line->next_line = NULL; return new_line; } /* * Updates data in a line via the hook_line. */ void gui_line_hook_update (struct t_gui_line *line, struct t_hashtable *hashtable, struct t_hashtable *hashtable2) { const char *ptr_value, *ptr_value2; struct t_gui_buffer *ptr_buffer; long unsigned int value_pointer; long value; char *error; int rc, tags_updated, notify_level_updated, highlight_updated; tags_updated = 0; notify_level_updated = 0; highlight_updated = 0; ptr_value2 = hashtable_get (hashtable2, "buffer_name"); if (ptr_value2) { if (ptr_value2[0]) { ptr_buffer = gui_buffer_search_by_full_name (ptr_value2); if (gui_chat_buffer_valid (ptr_buffer, line->data->buffer->type)) line->data->buffer = ptr_buffer; } else { line->data->buffer = NULL; return; } } else { ptr_value2 = hashtable_get (hashtable2, "buffer"); if (ptr_value2) { if (ptr_value2[0]) { if ((ptr_value2[0] == '0') && (ptr_value2[1] == 'x')) { rc = sscanf (ptr_value2 + 2, "%lx", &value_pointer); ptr_buffer = (struct t_gui_buffer *)value_pointer; if ((rc != EOF) && (rc >= 1) && gui_chat_buffer_valid (ptr_buffer, line->data->buffer->type)) { line->data->buffer = ptr_buffer; } } } else { line->data->buffer = NULL; return; } } } if (line->data->buffer->type == GUI_BUFFER_TYPE_FREE) { /* the field "y" can be changed on buffer with free content */ ptr_value = hashtable_get (hashtable2, "y"); if (ptr_value) { error = NULL; value = strtol (ptr_value, &error, 10); if (error && !error[0] && (value >= 0)) line->data->y = value; } } ptr_value2 = hashtable_get (hashtable2, "date"); if (ptr_value2) { error = NULL; value = strtol (ptr_value2, &error, 10); if (error && !error[0] && (value >= 0)) { line->data->date = (time_t)value; if (line->data->str_time) free (line->data->str_time); line->data->str_time = gui_chat_get_time_string (line->data->date); } } ptr_value2 = hashtable_get (hashtable2, "date_printed"); if (ptr_value2) { error = NULL; value = strtol (ptr_value2, &error, 10); if (error && !error[0] && (value >= 0)) line->data->date_printed = (time_t)value; } ptr_value = hashtable_get (hashtable, "str_time"); ptr_value2 = hashtable_get (hashtable2, "str_time"); if (ptr_value2 && (!ptr_value || (strcmp (ptr_value, ptr_value2) != 0))) { if (line->data->str_time) free (line->data->str_time); line->data->str_time = (ptr_value2) ? strdup (ptr_value2) : NULL; } ptr_value = hashtable_get (hashtable, "tags"); ptr_value2 = hashtable_get (hashtable2, "tags"); if (ptr_value2 && (!ptr_value || (strcmp (ptr_value, ptr_value2) != 0))) { tags_updated = 1; gui_line_tags_free (line->data); gui_line_tags_alloc (line->data, ptr_value2); } ptr_value2 = hashtable_get (hashtable2, "notify_level"); if (ptr_value2) { error = NULL; value = strtol (ptr_value2, &error, 10); if (error && !error[0] && (value >= -1) && (value <= GUI_HOTLIST_MAX)) { notify_level_updated = 1; line->data->notify_level = value; } } ptr_value2 = hashtable_get (hashtable2, "highlight"); if (ptr_value2) { error = NULL; value = strtol (ptr_value2, &error, 10); if (error && !error[0]) { highlight_updated = 1; line->data->highlight = (value) ? 1 : 0; } } ptr_value = hashtable_get (hashtable, "prefix"); ptr_value2 = hashtable_get (hashtable2, "prefix"); if (ptr_value2 && (!ptr_value || (strcmp (ptr_value, ptr_value2) != 0))) { if (line->data->prefix) string_shared_free (line->data->prefix); line->data->prefix = (char *)string_shared_get ( (ptr_value2) ? ptr_value2 : ""); line->data->prefix_length = (line->data->prefix) ? gui_chat_strlen_screen (line->data->prefix) : 0; } ptr_value = hashtable_get (hashtable, "message"); ptr_value2 = hashtable_get (hashtable2, "message"); if (ptr_value2 && (!ptr_value || (strcmp (ptr_value, ptr_value2) != 0))) { if (line->data->message) free (line->data->message); line->data->message = (ptr_value2) ? strdup (ptr_value2) : NULL; } /* if tags were updated but not notify_level, adjust notify level */ if (tags_updated && !notify_level_updated) line->data->notify_level = gui_line_get_notify_level (line); /* adjust flag "displayed" if tags were updated */ if (tags_updated) line->data->displayed = gui_filter_check_line (line->data); if ((tags_updated || notify_level_updated) && !highlight_updated) line->data->highlight = gui_line_get_highlight (line); } /* * Adds a new line in a buffer with formatted content. */ void gui_line_add (struct t_gui_line *line) { struct t_gui_window *ptr_win; char *message_for_signal; int lines_removed; time_t current_time; /* * remove line(s) if necessary, according to history options: * max_lines: if > 0, keep only N lines in buffer * max_minutes: if > 0, keep only lines from last N minutes */ lines_removed = 0; current_time = time (NULL); while (line->data->buffer->own_lines->first_line && (((CONFIG_INTEGER(config_history_max_buffer_lines_number) > 0) && (line->data->buffer->own_lines->lines_count + 1 > CONFIG_INTEGER(config_history_max_buffer_lines_number))) || ((CONFIG_INTEGER(config_history_max_buffer_lines_minutes) > 0) && (current_time - line->data->buffer->own_lines->first_line->data->date_printed > CONFIG_INTEGER(config_history_max_buffer_lines_minutes) * 60)))) { gui_line_free (line->data->buffer, line->data->buffer->own_lines->first_line); lines_removed++; } /* add line to lines list */ gui_line_add_to_list (line->data->buffer->own_lines, line); /* update hotlist and/or send signals for line */ if (line->data->displayed) { if (line->data->highlight) { (void) gui_hotlist_add (line->data->buffer, GUI_HOTLIST_HIGHLIGHT, NULL); if (!weechat_upgrading) { message_for_signal = gui_chat_build_string_prefix_message (line); if (message_for_signal) { (void) hook_signal_send ("weechat_highlight", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING, message_for_signal); free (message_for_signal); } } } else { if (!weechat_upgrading && (line->data->notify_level == GUI_HOTLIST_PRIVATE)) { message_for_signal = gui_chat_build_string_prefix_message (line); if (message_for_signal) { (void) hook_signal_send ("weechat_pv", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING, message_for_signal); free (message_for_signal); } } if (line->data->notify_level >= GUI_HOTLIST_MIN) { (void) gui_hotlist_add (line->data->buffer, line->data->notify_level, NULL); } } } else { (void) hook_signal_send ("buffer_lines_hidden", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_POINTER, line->data->buffer); } /* add mixed line, if buffer is attached to at least one other buffer */ if (line->data->buffer->mixed_lines) { gui_line_mixed_add (line->data->buffer->mixed_lines, line->data); } /* * if some lines were removed, force a full refresh if at least one window * is displaying buffer and that number of lines in buffer is lower than * window height */ if (lines_removed > 0) { for (ptr_win = gui_windows; ptr_win; ptr_win = ptr_win->next_window) { if ((ptr_win->buffer == line->data->buffer) && (line->data->buffer->own_lines->lines_count < ptr_win->win_chat_height)) { gui_buffer_ask_chat_refresh (line->data->buffer, 2); break; } } } (void) hook_signal_send ("buffer_line_added", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_POINTER, line); } /* * Adds or updates a line in a buffer with free content. * * Ba careful: when replacing an existing line in the buffer, the "line" * pointer received as parameter is freed and then becomes invalid. * So this pointer must not be used after the call to this function. */ void gui_line_add_y (struct t_gui_line *line) { struct t_gui_line *ptr_line; struct t_gui_window *ptr_win; int old_line_displayed; /* search if line exists for "y" */ for (ptr_line = line->data->buffer->own_lines->first_line; ptr_line; ptr_line = ptr_line->next_line) { if (ptr_line->data->y >= line->data->y) break; } if (ptr_line && (ptr_line->data->y == line->data->y)) { /* replace line data with the new data */ old_line_displayed = ptr_line->data->displayed; if (ptr_line->data->message) { /* remove line from coords if the content is changing */ for (ptr_win = gui_windows; ptr_win; ptr_win = ptr_win->next_window) { gui_window_coords_remove_line (ptr_win, ptr_line); } } /* replace ptr_line by line in list */ gui_line_free_data (ptr_line); ptr_line->data = line->data; free (line); } else { /* add line to lines list */ old_line_displayed = 1; if (ptr_line) { /* add before line found */ line->prev_line = ptr_line->prev_line; line->next_line = ptr_line; if (ptr_line->prev_line) (ptr_line->prev_line)->next_line = line; else line->data->buffer->own_lines->first_line = line; ptr_line->prev_line = line; } else { /* add at end of list */ line->prev_line = line->data->buffer->own_lines->last_line; if (line->data->buffer->own_lines->first_line) line->data->buffer->own_lines->last_line->next_line = line; else line->data->buffer->own_lines->first_line = line; line->data->buffer->own_lines->last_line = line; line->next_line = NULL; } ptr_line = line; line->data->buffer->own_lines->lines_count++; } /* check if line is filtered or not */ if (old_line_displayed && !ptr_line->data->displayed) { (ptr_line->data->buffer->own_lines->lines_hidden)++; (void) hook_signal_send ("buffer_lines_hidden", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_POINTER, ptr_line->data->buffer); } else if (!old_line_displayed && ptr_line->data->displayed) { if (ptr_line->data->buffer->own_lines->lines_hidden > 0) (ptr_line->data->buffer->own_lines->lines_hidden)--; } ptr_line->data->refresh_needed = 1; gui_buffer_ask_chat_refresh (ptr_line->data->buffer, 1); } /* * Clears prefix and message on a line (used on buffers with free content only). */ void gui_line_clear (struct t_gui_line *line) { if (line->data->prefix) string_shared_free (line->data->prefix); line->data->prefix = (char *)string_shared_get (""); if (line->data->message) free (line->data->message); line->data->message = strdup (""); } /* * Mixes lines of a buffer (or group of buffers) with a new buffer. */ void gui_line_mix_buffers (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer) { struct t_gui_buffer *ptr_buffer, *ptr_buffer_found; struct t_gui_lines *new_lines; struct t_gui_line *ptr_line1, *ptr_line2; /* search first other buffer with same number */ ptr_buffer_found = NULL; for (ptr_buffer = gui_buffers; ptr_buffer; ptr_buffer = ptr_buffer->next_buffer) { if ((ptr_buffer != buffer) && (ptr_buffer->number == buffer->number)) { ptr_buffer_found = ptr_buffer; break; } } if (!ptr_buffer_found) return; /* mix all lines (sorting by date) to a new structure "new_lines" */ new_lines = gui_lines_alloc (); if (!new_lines) return; ptr_line1 = ptr_buffer_found->lines->first_line; ptr_line2 = buffer->lines->first_line; while (ptr_line1 || ptr_line2) { if (!ptr_line1) { gui_line_mixed_add (new_lines, ptr_line2->data); ptr_line2 = ptr_line2->next_line; } else { if (!ptr_line2) { gui_line_mixed_add (new_lines, ptr_line1->data); ptr_line1 = ptr_line1->next_line; } else { /* look for older line by comparing time */ if (ptr_line1->data->date <= ptr_line2->data->date) { while (ptr_line1 && (ptr_line1->data->date <= ptr_line2->data->date)) { gui_line_mixed_add (new_lines, ptr_line1->data); ptr_line1 = ptr_line1->next_line; } } else { while (ptr_line2 && (ptr_line1->data->date > ptr_line2->data->date)) { gui_line_mixed_add (new_lines, ptr_line2->data); ptr_line2 = ptr_line2->next_line; } } } } } /* ask refresh of prefix/buffer max length for mixed lines */ new_lines->prefix_max_length_refresh = 1; new_lines->buffer_max_length_refresh = 1; /* free old mixed lines */ if (ptr_buffer_found->mixed_lines) { gui_line_mixed_free_all (ptr_buffer_found); free (ptr_buffer_found->mixed_lines); } /* use new structure with mixed lines in all buffers with correct number */ for (ptr_buffer = gui_buffers; ptr_buffer; ptr_buffer = ptr_buffer->next_buffer) { if (ptr_buffer->number == buffer->number) { ptr_buffer->mixed_lines = new_lines; ptr_buffer->lines = ptr_buffer->mixed_lines; } } } /* * Returns hdata for lines. */ struct t_hdata * gui_line_hdata_lines_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, const char *hdata_name) { struct t_hdata *hdata; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) pointer; (void) data; hdata = hdata_new (NULL, hdata_name, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL); if (hdata) { HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_lines, first_line, POINTER, 0, NULL, "line"); HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_lines, last_line, POINTER, 0, NULL, "line"); HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_lines, last_read_line, POINTER, 0, NULL, "line"); HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_lines, lines_count, INTEGER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_lines, first_line_not_read, INTEGER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_lines, lines_hidden, INTEGER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_lines, buffer_max_length, INTEGER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_lines, buffer_max_length_refresh, INTEGER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_lines, prefix_max_length, INTEGER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_lines, prefix_max_length_refresh, INTEGER, 0, NULL, NULL); } return hdata; } /* * Returns hdata for line. */ struct t_hdata * gui_line_hdata_line_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, const char *hdata_name) { struct t_hdata *hdata; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) pointer; (void) data; hdata = hdata_new (NULL, hdata_name, "prev_line", "next_line", 0, 0, NULL, NULL); if (hdata) { HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_line, data, POINTER, 0, NULL, "line_data"); HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_line, prev_line, POINTER, 0, NULL, hdata_name); HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_line, next_line, POINTER, 0, NULL, hdata_name); } return hdata; } /* * Callback for updating data of a line. */ int gui_line_hdata_line_data_update_cb (void *data, struct t_hdata *hdata, void *pointer, struct t_hashtable *hashtable) { const char *value; struct t_gui_line_data *line_data; struct t_gui_window *ptr_win; int rc, update_coords; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) data; line_data = (struct t_gui_line_data *)pointer; rc = 0; update_coords = 0; if (hashtable_has_key (hashtable, "date")) { value = hashtable_get (hashtable, "date"); if (value) { hdata_set (hdata, pointer, "date", value); if (line_data->str_time) free (line_data->str_time); line_data->str_time = gui_chat_get_time_string (line_data->date); rc++; update_coords = 1; } } if (hashtable_has_key (hashtable, "date_printed")) { value = hashtable_get (hashtable, "date_printed"); if (value) { hdata_set (hdata, pointer, "date_printed", value); rc++; } } if (hashtable_has_key (hashtable, "tags_array")) { value = hashtable_get (hashtable, "tags_array"); gui_line_tags_free (line_data); gui_line_tags_alloc (line_data, value); rc++; } if (hashtable_has_key (hashtable, "prefix")) { value = hashtable_get (hashtable, "prefix"); hdata_set (hdata, pointer, "prefix", value); line_data->prefix_length = (line_data->prefix) ? gui_chat_strlen_screen (line_data->prefix) : 0; line_data->buffer->lines->prefix_max_length_refresh = 1; rc++; update_coords = 1; } if (hashtable_has_key (hashtable, "message")) { value = hashtable_get (hashtable, "message"); hdata_set (hdata, pointer, "message", value); rc++; update_coords = 1; } if (rc > 0) { if (update_coords) { for (ptr_win = gui_windows; ptr_win; ptr_win = ptr_win->next_window) { gui_window_coords_remove_line_data (ptr_win, line_data); } } gui_filter_buffer (line_data->buffer, line_data); gui_buffer_ask_chat_refresh (line_data->buffer, 1); } return rc; } /* * Returns hdata for line data. */ struct t_hdata * gui_line_hdata_line_data_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, const char *hdata_name) { struct t_hdata *hdata; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) pointer; (void) data; hdata = hdata_new (NULL, hdata_name, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, &gui_line_hdata_line_data_update_cb, NULL); if (hdata) { HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_line_data, buffer, POINTER, 0, NULL, "buffer"); HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_line_data, y, INTEGER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_line_data, date, TIME, 1, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_line_data, date_printed, TIME, 1, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_line_data, str_time, STRING, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_line_data, tags_count, INTEGER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_line_data, tags_array, SHARED_STRING, 1, "tags_count", NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_line_data, displayed, CHAR, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_line_data, notify_level, CHAR, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_line_data, highlight, CHAR, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_line_data, refresh_needed, CHAR, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_line_data, prefix, SHARED_STRING, 1, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_line_data, prefix_length, INTEGER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_line_data, message, STRING, 1, NULL, NULL); } return hdata; } /* * Adds a line in an infolist. * * Returns: * 1: OK * 0: error */ int gui_line_add_to_infolist (struct t_infolist *infolist, struct t_gui_lines *lines, struct t_gui_line *line) { struct t_infolist_item *ptr_item; int i, length; char option_name[64], *tags; if (!infolist || !line) return 0; ptr_item = infolist_new_item (infolist); if (!ptr_item) return 0; if (!infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "y", line->data->y)) return 0; if (!infolist_new_var_time (ptr_item, "date", line->data->date)) return 0; if (!infolist_new_var_time (ptr_item, "date_printed", line->data->date_printed)) return 0; if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "str_time", line->data->str_time)) return 0; /* write tags */ if (!infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "tags_count", line->data->tags_count)) return 0; length = 0; for (i = 0; i < line->data->tags_count; i++) { snprintf (option_name, sizeof (option_name), "tag_%05d", i + 1); if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, option_name, line->data->tags_array[i])) return 0; length += strlen (line->data->tags_array[i]) + 1; } tags = malloc (length + 1); if (!tags) return 0; tags[0] = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < line->data->tags_count; i++) { strcat (tags, line->data->tags_array[i]); if (i < line->data->tags_count - 1) strcat (tags, ","); } if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "tags", tags)) { free (tags); return 0; } free (tags); if (!infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "displayed", line->data->displayed)) return 0; if (!infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "notify_level", line->data->notify_level)) return 0; if (!infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "highlight", line->data->highlight)) return 0; if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "prefix", line->data->prefix)) return 0; if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "message", line->data->message)) return 0; if (!infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "last_read_line", (lines->last_read_line == line) ? 1 : 0)) return 0; return 1; } /* * Prints lines structure infos in WeeChat log file (usually for crash dump). */ void gui_lines_print_log (struct t_gui_lines *lines) { if (lines) { log_printf (" first_line . . . . . . . : 0x%lx", lines->first_line); log_printf (" last_line. . . . . . . . : 0x%lx", lines->last_line); log_printf (" last_read_line . . . . . : 0x%lx", lines->last_read_line); log_printf (" lines_count. . . . . . . : %d", lines->lines_count); log_printf (" first_line_not_read. . . : %d", lines->first_line_not_read); log_printf (" lines_hidden . . . . . . : %d", lines->lines_hidden); log_printf (" buffer_max_length. . . . : %d", lines->buffer_max_length); log_printf (" buffer_max_length_refresh: %d", lines->buffer_max_length_refresh); log_printf (" prefix_max_length. . . . : %d", lines->prefix_max_length); log_printf (" prefix_max_length_refresh: %d", lines->prefix_max_length_refresh); } }