/* * gui-key.c - keyboard functions (used by all GUI) * * Copyright (C) 2003-2017 Sébastien Helleu <flashcode@flashtux.org> * * This file is part of WeeChat, the extensible chat client. * * WeeChat is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * WeeChat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with WeeChat. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include <stdlib.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <time.h> #include "../core/weechat.h" #include "../core/wee-config.h" #include "../core/wee-eval.h" #include "../core/wee-hashtable.h" #include "../core/wee-hdata.h" #include "../core/wee-hook.h" #include "../core/wee-infolist.h" #include "../core/wee-input.h" #include "../core/wee-list.h" #include "../core/wee-log.h" #include "../core/wee-string.h" #include "../core/wee-utf8.h" #include "../plugins/plugin.h" #include "gui-key.h" #include "gui-bar.h" #include "gui-bar-item.h" #include "gui-bar-window.h" #include "gui-buffer.h" #include "gui-chat.h" #include "gui-color.h" #include "gui-completion.h" #include "gui-cursor.h" #include "gui-focus.h" #include "gui-input.h" #include "gui-mouse.h" #include "gui-window.h" struct t_gui_key *gui_keys[GUI_KEY_NUM_CONTEXTS]; /* keys by context */ struct t_gui_key *last_gui_key[GUI_KEY_NUM_CONTEXTS]; /* last key */ struct t_gui_key *gui_default_keys[GUI_KEY_NUM_CONTEXTS]; /* default keys */ struct t_gui_key *last_gui_default_key[GUI_KEY_NUM_CONTEXTS]; int gui_keys_count[GUI_KEY_NUM_CONTEXTS]; /* keys number */ int gui_default_keys_count[GUI_KEY_NUM_CONTEXTS]; /* default keys number */ char *gui_key_context_string[GUI_KEY_NUM_CONTEXTS] = { "default", "search", "cursor", "mouse" }; char *gui_key_focus_string[GUI_KEY_NUM_FOCUS] = { "*", "chat", "bar", "item" }; int gui_key_verbose = 0; /* 1 to see some messages */ char gui_key_combo_buffer[1024]; /* buffer used for combos */ int gui_key_grab = 0; /* 1 if grab mode enabled (alt-k) */ int gui_key_grab_count = 0; /* number of keys pressed in grab mode */ int gui_key_grab_command = 0; /* grab command bound to key? */ int gui_key_grab_delay = 0; /* delay for grab (default is 500) */ int *gui_key_buffer = NULL; /* input buffer (for paste detection) */ int gui_key_buffer_alloc = 0; /* input buffer allocated size */ int gui_key_buffer_size = 0; /* input buffer size in bytes */ int gui_key_paste_pending = 0; /* 1 is big paste was detected and */ /* WeeChat is asking user what to do */ int gui_key_paste_bracketed = 0; /* bracketed paste mode detected */ struct t_hook *gui_key_paste_bracketed_timer = NULL; /* timer for bracketed paste */ int gui_key_paste_lines = 0; /* number of lines for pending paste */ time_t gui_key_last_activity_time = 0; /* last activity time (key) */ /* * Initializes keyboard. */ void gui_key_init () { int i; gui_key_combo_buffer[0] = '\0'; gui_key_grab = 0; gui_key_grab_count = 0; gui_key_last_activity_time = time (NULL); /* create default keys and save them in a separate list */ for (i = 0; i < GUI_KEY_NUM_CONTEXTS; i++) { gui_keys[i] = NULL; last_gui_key[i] = NULL; gui_default_keys[i] = NULL; last_gui_default_key[i] = NULL; gui_keys_count[i] = 0; gui_default_keys_count[i] = 0; gui_key_default_bindings (i); gui_default_keys[i] = gui_keys[i]; last_gui_default_key[i] = last_gui_key[i]; gui_default_keys_count[i] = gui_keys_count[i]; gui_keys[i] = NULL; last_gui_key[i] = NULL; gui_keys_count[i] = 0; } } /* * Searches for a context by name. * * Returns index of context in enum t_gui_key_context, -1 if not found. */ int gui_key_search_context (const char *context) { int i; for (i = 0; i < GUI_KEY_NUM_CONTEXTS; i++) { if (string_strcasecmp (gui_key_context_string[i], context) == 0) return i; } /* context not found */ return -1; } /* * Gets current context. */ int gui_key_get_current_context () { if (gui_cursor_mode) return GUI_KEY_CONTEXT_CURSOR; if (gui_current_window && (gui_current_window->buffer->text_search != GUI_TEXT_SEARCH_DISABLED)) return GUI_KEY_CONTEXT_SEARCH; return GUI_KEY_CONTEXT_DEFAULT; } /* * Initializes "grab" mode. */ void gui_key_grab_init (int grab_command, const char *delay) { long milliseconds; char *error; gui_key_grab = 1; gui_key_grab_count = 0; gui_key_grab_command = grab_command; gui_key_grab_delay = CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_key_grab_delay); if (delay != NULL) { error = NULL; milliseconds = strtol (delay, &error, 10); if (error && !error[0] && (milliseconds >= 0)) { gui_key_grab_delay = milliseconds; if (gui_key_grab_delay == 0) gui_key_grab_delay = 1; } } } /* * Inserts grabbed key in input buffer. */ int gui_key_grab_end_timer_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, int remaining_calls) { char *expanded_key, *expanded_key2; struct t_gui_key *ptr_key; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) pointer; (void) data; (void) remaining_calls; /* get expanded name (for example: \x01+U => ctrl-u) */ expanded_key = gui_key_get_expanded_name (gui_key_combo_buffer); if (expanded_key) { /* * the expanded_key should be valid UTF-8 at this point, * but some mouse codes can return ISO chars (for coordinates), * then we will convert them to UTF-8 string */ if (!utf8_is_valid (expanded_key, -1, NULL)) { expanded_key2 = string_iconv_to_internal ("iso-8859-1", expanded_key); if (expanded_key2) { free (expanded_key); expanded_key = expanded_key2; } else { /* conversion failed, then just replace invalid chars by '?' */ utf8_normalize (expanded_key, '?'); } } /* add expanded key to input buffer */ if (gui_current_window->buffer->input) { gui_input_insert_string (gui_current_window->buffer, expanded_key, -1); if (gui_key_grab_command) { /* add command bound to key (if found) */ ptr_key = gui_key_search (gui_keys[GUI_KEY_CONTEXT_DEFAULT], gui_key_combo_buffer); if (ptr_key) { gui_input_insert_string (gui_current_window->buffer, " ", -1); gui_input_insert_string (gui_current_window->buffer, ptr_key->command, -1); } } gui_input_text_changed_modifier_and_signal (gui_current_window->buffer, 1, /* save undo */ 1); /* stop completion */ } free (expanded_key); } /* end grab mode */ gui_key_grab = 0; gui_key_grab_count = 0; gui_key_grab_command = 0; gui_key_combo_buffer[0] = '\0'; return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } /* * Gets internal code from user key name. * * For example: returns '\x01'+'R' for "ctrl-R" * * Note: result must be freed after use. */ char * gui_key_get_internal_code (const char *key) { char *result; if ((key[0] == '@') && strchr (key, ':')) return strdup (key); if ((result = malloc (strlen (key) + 1))) { result[0] = '\0'; while (key[0]) { if (strncmp (key, "meta2-", 6) == 0) { strcat (result, "\x01[["); key += 6; } if (strncmp (key, "meta-", 5) == 0) { strcat (result, "\x01["); key += 5; } else if (strncmp (key, "ctrl-", 5) == 0) { strcat (result, "\x01"); key += 5; } else { strncat (result, key, 1); key++; } } } else return NULL; return result; } /* * Gets expanded name from internal key code. * * For example: return "ctrl-R" for "\x01+R". * * Note: result must be freed after use. */ char * gui_key_get_expanded_name (const char *key) { char *result; if (!key) return NULL; result = malloc ((strlen (key) * 5) + 1); if (result) { result[0] = '\0'; while (key[0]) { if (strncmp (key, "\x01[[", 3) == 0) { strcat (result, "meta2-"); key += 3; } if (strncmp (key, "\x01[", 2) == 0) { strcat (result, "meta-"); key += 2; } else if ((key[0] == '\x01') && (key[1])) { strcat (result, "ctrl-"); key++; } else { strncat (result, key, 1); key++; } } } return result; } /* * Searches for position of a key (to keep keys sorted). */ struct t_gui_key * gui_key_find_pos (struct t_gui_key *keys, struct t_gui_key *key) { struct t_gui_key *ptr_key; for (ptr_key = keys; ptr_key; ptr_key = ptr_key->next_key) { if ((key->score < ptr_key->score) || ((key->score == ptr_key->score) && (strcmp (key->key, ptr_key->key) < 0))) { return ptr_key; } } return NULL; } /* * Inserts key into sorted list. */ void gui_key_insert_sorted (struct t_gui_key **keys, struct t_gui_key **last_key, int *keys_count, struct t_gui_key *key) { struct t_gui_key *pos_key; if (*keys) { pos_key = gui_key_find_pos (*keys, key); if (pos_key) { /* insert key into the list (before key found) */ key->prev_key = pos_key->prev_key; key->next_key = pos_key; if (pos_key->prev_key) pos_key->prev_key->next_key = key; else *keys = key; pos_key->prev_key = key; } else { /* add key to the end */ key->prev_key = *last_key; key->next_key = NULL; (*last_key)->next_key = key; *last_key = key; } } else { /* first key in list */ key->prev_key = NULL; key->next_key = NULL; *keys = key; *last_key = key; } (*keys_count)++; } /* * Sets area type and name. * * For example: "bar(nicklist)" returns: * type: 2 (bar) * name: "nicklist" * * Warning: if no area is found, values are NOT set. */ void gui_key_set_area_type_name (const char *area, int *area_type, char **area_name) { int focus, length; char *pos_end; for (focus = 0; focus < GUI_KEY_NUM_FOCUS; focus++) { length = strlen (gui_key_focus_string[focus]); if (strncmp (area, gui_key_focus_string[focus], length) == 0) { if (focus == GUI_KEY_FOCUS_ANY) { *area_type = focus; *area_name = strdup ("*"); break; } if (!area[length]) { *area_type = focus; *area_name = strdup ("*"); break; } if ((area[length] == '(') && area[length + 1]) { pos_end = strchr (area + length, ')'); if (pos_end) { *area_type = focus; *area_name = string_strndup (area + length + 1, pos_end - area - length - 1); break; } } } } } /* * Sets areas types (any, chat, bar or item) and names for a key. */ void gui_key_set_areas (struct t_gui_key *key) { int area; char *pos_colon, *pos_area2, *areas[2]; for (area = 0; area < 2; area++) { key->area_type[area] = GUI_KEY_FOCUS_ANY; key->area_name[area] = NULL; } key->area_key = NULL; if (key->key[0] != '@') return; areas[0] = NULL; areas[1] = NULL; pos_colon = strchr (key->key + 1, ':'); if (!pos_colon) return; pos_area2 = strchr (key->key + 1, '>'); key->area_key = strdup (pos_colon + 1); if (!pos_area2 || (pos_area2 > pos_colon)) areas[0] = string_strndup (key->key + 1, pos_colon - key->key - 1); else { if (pos_area2 > key->key + 1) areas[0] = string_strndup (key->key + 1, pos_area2 - key->key - 1); areas[1] = string_strndup (pos_area2 + 1, pos_colon - pos_area2 - 1); } for (area = 0; area < 2; area++) { if (!areas[area]) { key->area_name[area] = strdup ("*"); continue; } gui_key_set_area_type_name (areas[area], &(key->area_type[area]), &(key->area_name[area])); } if (areas[0]) free (areas[0]); if (areas[1]) free (areas[1]); } /* * Computes a score key for sorting keys and set it in key (high score == at the * end of list). */ void gui_key_set_score (struct t_gui_key *key) { int score, bonus, area; score = 0; bonus = 8; key->score = score; if (key->key[0] != '@') return; /* basic score for key with area */ score |= 1 << bonus; bonus--; /* add score for each area type */ for (area = 0; area < 2; area++) { /* bonus if area type is "any" */ if (key->area_name[area] && (key->area_type[area] == GUI_KEY_FOCUS_ANY)) { score |= 1 << bonus; } bonus--; } /* add score for each area name */ for (area = 0; area < 2; area++) { /* bonus if area name is "*" */ if (key->area_name[area] && (strcmp (key->area_name[area], "*") == 0)) { score |= 1 << bonus; } bonus--; } key->score = score; } /* * Checks if a key is safe or not: a safe key begins always with the "meta" or * "ctrl" code (except "@" allowed in cursor/mouse contexts). * * Returns: * 1: key is safe * 0: key is NOT safe */ int gui_key_is_safe (int context, const char *key) { char *internal_code; int rc; /* "@" is allowed at beginning for cursor/mouse contexts */ if ((key[0] == '@') && ((context == GUI_KEY_CONTEXT_CURSOR) || (context == GUI_KEY_CONTEXT_MOUSE))) { return 1; } /* check that first char is a ctrl or meta code */ internal_code = gui_key_get_internal_code (key); if (!internal_code) return 0; rc = (internal_code[0] == '\x01') ? 1 : 0; free (internal_code); return rc; } /* * Adds a new key in keys list. * * If buffer is not null, then key is specific to buffer, otherwise it's general * key (for most keys). * * Returns pointer to new key, NULL if error. */ struct t_gui_key * gui_key_new (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, int context, const char *key, const char *command) { struct t_gui_key *new_key; char *expanded_name; if (!key || !command) return NULL; new_key = malloc (sizeof (*new_key)); if (!new_key) return NULL; new_key->key = gui_key_get_internal_code (key); if (!new_key->key) new_key->key = strdup (key); new_key->command = strdup (command); gui_key_set_areas (new_key); gui_key_set_score (new_key); if (buffer) { gui_key_insert_sorted (&buffer->keys, &buffer->last_key, &buffer->keys_count, new_key); } else { gui_key_insert_sorted (&gui_keys[context], &last_gui_key[context], &gui_keys_count[context], new_key); } expanded_name = gui_key_get_expanded_name (new_key->key); (void) hook_signal_send ("key_bind", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING, expanded_name); if (gui_key_verbose) { gui_chat_printf (NULL, _("New key binding (context \"%s\"): " "%s%s => %s%s"), gui_key_context_string[context], (expanded_name) ? expanded_name : new_key->key, GUI_COLOR(GUI_COLOR_CHAT_DELIMITERS), GUI_COLOR(GUI_COLOR_CHAT), new_key->command); } if (expanded_name) free (expanded_name); return new_key; } /* * Searches for a key. * * Returns pointer to key found, NULL if not found. */ struct t_gui_key * gui_key_search (struct t_gui_key *keys, const char *key) { struct t_gui_key *ptr_key; for (ptr_key = keys; ptr_key; ptr_key = ptr_key->next_key) { if (strcmp (ptr_key->key, key) == 0) return ptr_key; } /* key not found */ return NULL; } /* * Compares two keys. */ int gui_key_cmp (const char *key, const char *search, int context) { int diff; if (context == GUI_KEY_CONTEXT_MOUSE) return (string_match (key, search, 1)) ? 0 : 1; while (search[0]) { diff = utf8_charcmp (key, search); if (diff != 0) return diff; key = utf8_next_char (key); search = utf8_next_char (search); } return 0; } /* * Searches for a key (maybe part of string). * * Returns pointer to key found, NULL if not found. */ struct t_gui_key * gui_key_search_part (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, int context, const char *key) { struct t_gui_key *ptr_key; for (ptr_key = (buffer) ? buffer->keys : gui_keys[context]; ptr_key; ptr_key = ptr_key->next_key) { if (ptr_key->key && (((context != GUI_KEY_CONTEXT_CURSOR) && (context != GUI_KEY_CONTEXT_MOUSE)) || (ptr_key->key[0] != '@'))) { if (gui_key_cmp (ptr_key->key, key, context) == 0) return ptr_key; } } /* key not found */ return NULL; } /* * Binds a key to a command. * * If buffer is not null, then key is specific to buffer otherwise it's general * key (for most keys). * * If key already exists, it is removed then added again with new value. * * Returns pointer to new key, NULL if error. */ struct t_gui_key * gui_key_bind (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, int context, const char *key, const char *command) { if (!key || !command || (string_strcasecmp (key, "meta-") == 0)) return NULL; gui_key_unbind (buffer, context, key); return gui_key_new (buffer, context, key, command); } /* * Binds keys in hashtable. */ void gui_key_bind_plugin_hashtable_map_cb (void *data, struct t_hashtable *hashtable, const void *key, const void *value) { int *user_data; struct t_gui_key *ptr_key; char *internal_code; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) hashtable; user_data = (int *)data; if (user_data && key && value) { /* ignore special key "__quiet" */ if (strcmp (key, "__quiet") == 0) return; internal_code = gui_key_get_internal_code (key); if (internal_code) { ptr_key = gui_key_search (gui_keys[user_data[0]], internal_code); if (!ptr_key) { if (gui_key_new (NULL, user_data[0], key, value)) user_data[1]++; } free (internal_code); } } } /* * Creates many keys using a hashtable (used by plugins only). * * If key already exists, it is NOT changed (plugins should never overwrite user * keys). * * Returns number of keys added. */ int gui_key_bind_plugin (const char *context, struct t_hashtable *keys) { int data[2]; const char *ptr_quiet; data[0] = gui_key_search_context (context); if (data[0] < 0) return 0; data[1] = 0; ptr_quiet = hashtable_get (keys, "__quiet"); gui_key_verbose = (ptr_quiet) ? 0 : 1; hashtable_map (keys, &gui_key_bind_plugin_hashtable_map_cb, data); gui_key_verbose = 0; return data[1]; } /* * Removes one key binding. * * Returns: * 1: key removed * 0: key not removed */ int gui_key_unbind (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, int context, const char *key) { struct t_gui_key *ptr_key; char *internal_code; internal_code = gui_key_get_internal_code (key); if (!internal_code) return 0; ptr_key = gui_key_search ((buffer) ? buffer->keys : gui_keys[context], (internal_code) ? internal_code : key); free (internal_code); if (ptr_key) { if (buffer) { gui_key_free (&buffer->keys, &buffer->last_key, &buffer->keys_count, ptr_key); } else { if (gui_key_verbose) { gui_chat_printf (NULL, _("Key \"%s\" unbound (context: \"%s\")"), key, gui_key_context_string[context]); } gui_key_free (&gui_keys[context], &last_gui_key[context], &gui_keys_count[context], ptr_key); } (void) hook_signal_send ("key_unbind", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING, (char *)key); return 1; } return 0; } /* * Removes one or more key binding(s) (used by plugins only). * * Returns number of keys removed. */ int gui_key_unbind_plugin (const char *context, const char *key) { int ctxt, num_keys, area_type; char *area_name; struct t_gui_key *ptr_key; ctxt = gui_key_search_context (context); if (ctxt < 0) return 0; if (strncmp (key, "area:", 5) == 0) { num_keys = 0; area_type = -1; area_name = NULL; gui_key_set_area_type_name (key + 5, &area_type, &area_name); if (area_name) { for (ptr_key = gui_keys[ctxt]; ptr_key; ptr_key = ptr_key->next_key) { if (((ptr_key->area_type[0] == area_type) && ptr_key->area_name[0] && (strcmp (ptr_key->area_name[0], area_name) == 0)) || ((ptr_key->area_type[1] == area_type) && ptr_key->area_name[1] && (strcmp (ptr_key->area_name[1], area_name) == 0))) { gui_key_verbose = 1; num_keys += gui_key_unbind (NULL, ctxt, ptr_key->key); gui_key_verbose = 0; } } free (area_name); } } else { gui_key_verbose = 1; num_keys = gui_key_unbind (NULL, ctxt, key); gui_key_verbose = 0; } return num_keys; } /* * Checks if area in key is matching focus area on screen (cursor/mouse). * * Returns: * 1: area in key is matching focus area * 0: area in key is not matching focus area */ int gui_key_focus_matching (struct t_gui_key *key, struct t_hashtable **hashtable_focus) { int match[2], area; const char *chat, *buffer_full_name, *bar_name, *bar_item_name; for (area = 0; area < 2; area++) { match[area] = 0; switch (key->area_type[area]) { case GUI_KEY_FOCUS_ANY: match[area] = 1; break; case GUI_KEY_FOCUS_CHAT: chat = hashtable_get (hashtable_focus[area], "_chat"); buffer_full_name = hashtable_get (hashtable_focus[area], "_buffer_full_name"); if (chat && (strcmp (chat, "1") == 0) && buffer_full_name && buffer_full_name[0]) { if (string_match (buffer_full_name, key->area_name[area], 0)) match[area] = 1; } break; case GUI_KEY_FOCUS_BAR: bar_name = hashtable_get (hashtable_focus[area], "_bar_name"); if (bar_name && bar_name[0] && (string_match (bar_name, key->area_name[area], 0))) { match[area] = 1; } break; case GUI_KEY_FOCUS_ITEM: bar_item_name = hashtable_get (hashtable_focus[area], "_bar_item_name"); if (bar_item_name && bar_item_name[0] && (string_match (bar_item_name, key->area_name[area], 0))) { match[area] = 1; } break; case GUI_KEY_NUM_FOCUS: break; } } return match[0] && match[1]; } /* * Callback for replacing values in string with a hashtable. */ char * gui_key_focus_command_replace_cb (void *data, const char *text) { struct t_hashtable *ptr_hashtable; const char *ptr_value; ptr_hashtable = (struct t_hashtable *)data; if (ptr_hashtable) { ptr_value = hashtable_get (ptr_hashtable, text); if (ptr_value) return strdup (ptr_value); } return NULL; } /* * Runs command according to focus. * * Returns: * 1: command was executed * 0: command was not executed */ int gui_key_focus_command (const char *key, int context, struct t_hashtable **hashtable_focus) { struct t_gui_key *ptr_key; int i, matching, debug, rc; long unsigned int value; char *command, **commands; const char *str_buffer; struct t_hashtable *hashtable; struct t_weelist *list_keys; struct t_weelist_item *ptr_item; struct t_gui_buffer *ptr_buffer; debug = 0; if (gui_cursor_debug && (context == GUI_KEY_CONTEXT_CURSOR)) debug = gui_cursor_debug; else if (gui_mouse_debug && (context == GUI_KEY_CONTEXT_MOUSE)) debug = gui_mouse_debug; for (ptr_key = gui_keys[context]; ptr_key; ptr_key = ptr_key->next_key) { /* ignore key if it has not area name or key for area */ if (!ptr_key->area_name[0] || !ptr_key->area_key) continue; /* the special command "-" is used to ignore key */ if (strcmp (ptr_key->command, "-") == 0) continue; /* ignore key if key for area is not matching */ if (gui_key_cmp (key, ptr_key->area_key, context) != 0) continue; /* ignore mouse event if not explicit requested */ if ((context == GUI_KEY_CONTEXT_MOUSE) && (string_match (key, "*-event-*", 1) != string_match (ptr_key->area_key, "*-event-*", 1))) continue; /* check if focus is matching with key */ matching = gui_key_focus_matching (ptr_key, hashtable_focus); if (!matching) continue; hashtable = hook_focus_get_data (hashtable_focus[0], hashtable_focus[1]); if (!hashtable) continue; /* get buffer */ ptr_buffer = gui_current_window->buffer; str_buffer = hashtable_get (hashtable, "_buffer"); if (str_buffer && str_buffer[0]) { rc = sscanf (str_buffer, "%lx", &value); if ((rc != EOF) && (rc != 0)) ptr_buffer = (struct t_gui_buffer *)value; } if (!ptr_buffer) continue; if ((context == GUI_KEY_CONTEXT_CURSOR) && gui_cursor_debug) { gui_input_delete_line (gui_current_window->buffer); } if (debug > 1) { gui_chat_printf (NULL, _("Hashtable focus:")); list_keys = hashtable_get_list_keys (hashtable); if (list_keys) { for (ptr_item = list_keys->items; ptr_item; ptr_item = ptr_item->next_item) { gui_chat_printf (NULL, " %s: \"%s\"", ptr_item->data, hashtable_get (hashtable, ptr_item->data)); } weelist_free (list_keys); } } if (debug) { gui_chat_printf (NULL, _("Command for key: \"%s\""), ptr_key->command); } if (ptr_key->command) { commands = string_split_command (ptr_key->command, ';'); if (commands) { for (i = 0; commands[i]; i++) { if (string_strncasecmp (commands[i], "hsignal:", 8) == 0) { if (commands[i][8]) { if (debug) { gui_chat_printf (NULL, _("Sending hsignal: \"%s\""), commands[i] + 8); } (void) hook_hsignal_send (commands[i] + 8, hashtable); } } else { command = eval_expression (commands[i], NULL, hashtable, NULL); if (command) { if (debug) { gui_chat_printf (NULL, _("Executing command: \"%s\" " "on buffer \"%s\""), command, ptr_buffer->full_name); } (void) input_data (ptr_buffer, command); free (command); } } } string_free_split (commands); } } hashtable_free (hashtable); return 1; } return 0; } /* * Processes key pressed in cursor or mouse mode, looking for keys: "{area}key" * in context "cursor" or "mouse". * * Returns: * 1: command was executed * 0: command was not executed */ int gui_key_focus (const char *key, int context) { struct t_gui_focus_info *focus_info1, *focus_info2; struct t_hashtable *hashtable_focus[2]; int rc; rc = 0; focus_info1 = NULL; focus_info2 = NULL; hashtable_focus[0] = NULL; hashtable_focus[1] = NULL; if (context == GUI_KEY_CONTEXT_MOUSE) { focus_info1 = gui_focus_get_info (gui_mouse_event_x[0], gui_mouse_event_y[0]); if (!focus_info1) goto end; hashtable_focus[0] = gui_focus_to_hashtable (focus_info1, key); if (!hashtable_focus[0]) goto end; if ((gui_mouse_event_x[0] != gui_mouse_event_x[1]) || (gui_mouse_event_y[0] != gui_mouse_event_y[1])) { focus_info2 = gui_focus_get_info (gui_mouse_event_x[1], gui_mouse_event_y[1]); if (!focus_info2) goto end; hashtable_focus[1] = gui_focus_to_hashtable (focus_info2, key); if (!hashtable_focus[1]) goto end; } if (gui_mouse_debug) { gui_chat_printf (NULL, "Mouse: %s, (%d,%d) -> (%d,%d)", key, gui_mouse_event_x[0], gui_mouse_event_y[0], gui_mouse_event_x[1], gui_mouse_event_y[1]); } } else { focus_info1 = gui_focus_get_info (gui_cursor_x, gui_cursor_y); if (!focus_info1) goto end; hashtable_focus[0] = gui_focus_to_hashtable (focus_info1, key); if (!hashtable_focus[0]) goto end; } rc = gui_key_focus_command (key, context, hashtable_focus); end: if (focus_info1) gui_focus_free_info (focus_info1); if (focus_info2) gui_focus_free_info (focus_info2); if (hashtable_focus[0]) hashtable_free (hashtable_focus[0]); if (hashtable_focus[1]) hashtable_free (hashtable_focus[1]); return rc; } /* * Checks if the given combo of keys is complete or not. * It's not complete if the end of string is in the middle of a key * (for example meta- without the following char/key). * * Returns: * 0: key is incomplete (truncated) * 1: key is complete */ int gui_key_is_complete (const char *key) { int length; if (!key || !key[0]) return 1; length = strlen (key); if (((length >= 1) && (strcmp (key + length - 1, "\x01") == 0)) || ((length >= 2) && (strcmp (key + length - 2, "\x01[") == 0)) || ((length >= 3) && (strcmp (key + length - 3, "\x01[[") == 0))) return 0; return 1; } /* * Processes a new key pressed. * * Returns: * 1: key must be added to input buffer * 0: key must not be added to input buffer */ int gui_key_pressed (const char *key_str) { int i, first_key, context, length, length_key, rc, signal_sent; struct t_gui_key *ptr_key; char *pos, signal_name[128], **commands; signal_sent = 0; /* add key to buffer */ first_key = (gui_key_combo_buffer[0] == '\0'); length = strlen (gui_key_combo_buffer); length_key = strlen (key_str); if (length + length_key + 1 <= (int)sizeof (gui_key_combo_buffer)) strcat (gui_key_combo_buffer, key_str); /* if we are in "show mode", increase counter and return */ if (gui_key_grab) { if (gui_key_grab_count == 0) { hook_timer (NULL, gui_key_grab_delay, 0, 1, &gui_key_grab_end_timer_cb, NULL, NULL); } gui_key_grab_count++; return 0; } /* mouse event pending */ if (gui_mouse_event_pending) { pos = strstr (gui_key_combo_buffer, "\x1B[M"); if (pos) { pos[0] = '\0'; if (!gui_window_bare_display) gui_mouse_event_end (); gui_mouse_event_init (); } return 0; } if (strstr (gui_key_combo_buffer, "\x01[[M")) { gui_key_combo_buffer[0] = '\0'; gui_mouse_event_init (); return 0; } ptr_key = NULL; context = gui_key_get_current_context (); switch (context) { case GUI_KEY_CONTEXT_DEFAULT: /* look for key combo in key table for current buffer */ ptr_key = gui_key_search_part (gui_current_window->buffer, GUI_KEY_CONTEXT_DEFAULT, gui_key_combo_buffer); /* if key is not found for buffer, then look in general table */ if (!ptr_key) ptr_key = gui_key_search_part (NULL, GUI_KEY_CONTEXT_DEFAULT, gui_key_combo_buffer); break; case GUI_KEY_CONTEXT_SEARCH: ptr_key = gui_key_search_part (NULL, GUI_KEY_CONTEXT_SEARCH, gui_key_combo_buffer); if (!ptr_key) { ptr_key = gui_key_search_part (NULL, GUI_KEY_CONTEXT_DEFAULT, gui_key_combo_buffer); } break; case GUI_KEY_CONTEXT_CURSOR: ptr_key = gui_key_search_part (NULL, GUI_KEY_CONTEXT_CURSOR, gui_key_combo_buffer); break; } /* if key is found, then execute action */ if (ptr_key) { if (strcmp (ptr_key->key, gui_key_combo_buffer) == 0) { /* exact combo found => execute command */ snprintf (signal_name, sizeof (signal_name), "key_combo_%s", gui_key_context_string[context]); rc = hook_signal_send (signal_name, WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING, gui_key_combo_buffer); gui_key_combo_buffer[0] = '\0'; if ((rc != WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT) && ptr_key->command) { commands = string_split_command (ptr_key->command, ';'); if (commands) { for (i = 0; commands[i]; i++) { (void) input_data (gui_current_window->buffer, commands[i]); } string_free_split (commands); } } } return 0; } else if (context == GUI_KEY_CONTEXT_CURSOR) { signal_sent = 1; snprintf (signal_name, sizeof (signal_name), "key_combo_%s", gui_key_context_string[context]); if (hook_signal_send (signal_name, WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING, gui_key_combo_buffer) == WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT) { gui_key_combo_buffer[0] = '\0'; return 0; } if (gui_key_focus (gui_key_combo_buffer, GUI_KEY_CONTEXT_CURSOR)) { gui_key_combo_buffer[0] = '\0'; return 0; } } if (!signal_sent) { snprintf (signal_name, sizeof (signal_name), "key_combo_%s", gui_key_context_string[context]); if (hook_signal_send (signal_name, WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING, gui_key_combo_buffer) == WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT) { gui_key_combo_buffer[0] = '\0'; return 0; } } if (gui_key_is_complete (gui_key_combo_buffer)) gui_key_combo_buffer[0] = '\0'; /* * if this is first key and not found (even partial) => return 1 * else return 0 (= silently discard sequence of bad keys) */ return first_key; } /* * Deletes a key binding. */ void gui_key_free (struct t_gui_key **keys, struct t_gui_key **last_key, int *keys_count, struct t_gui_key *key) { int i; if (!key) return; /* free memory */ if (key->key) free (key->key); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (key->area_name[i]) free (key->area_name[i]); } if (key->area_key) free (key->area_key); if (key->command) free (key->command); /* remove key from keys list */ if (key->prev_key) (key->prev_key)->next_key = key->next_key; if (key->next_key) (key->next_key)->prev_key = key->prev_key; if (*keys == key) *keys = key->next_key; if (*last_key == key) *last_key = key->prev_key; free (key); (*keys_count)--; } /* * Deletes all key bindings. */ void gui_key_free_all (struct t_gui_key **keys, struct t_gui_key **last_key, int *keys_count) { while (*keys) { gui_key_free (keys, last_key, keys_count, *keys); } } /* * Optimizes keyboard buffer size. */ void gui_key_buffer_optimize () { int optimal_size, *gui_key_buffer2; optimal_size = (((gui_key_buffer_size * sizeof (int)) / GUI_KEY_BUFFER_BLOCK_SIZE) * GUI_KEY_BUFFER_BLOCK_SIZE) + GUI_KEY_BUFFER_BLOCK_SIZE; if (gui_key_buffer_alloc != optimal_size) { gui_key_buffer_alloc = optimal_size; gui_key_buffer2 = realloc (gui_key_buffer, optimal_size); if (!gui_key_buffer2) { if (gui_key_buffer) { free (gui_key_buffer); gui_key_buffer = NULL; } return; } gui_key_buffer = gui_key_buffer2; } } /* * Resets keyboard buffer (create empty if never created before). */ void gui_key_buffer_reset () { if (!gui_key_buffer) { gui_key_buffer_alloc = GUI_KEY_BUFFER_BLOCK_SIZE; gui_key_buffer_size = 0; gui_key_buffer = malloc (gui_key_buffer_alloc); } else { gui_key_buffer_size = 0; gui_key_buffer_optimize (); } gui_key_paste_lines = 0; } /* * Adds a key to keyboard buffer. */ void gui_key_buffer_add (unsigned char key) { if (!gui_key_buffer) gui_key_buffer_reset (); gui_key_buffer_size++; gui_key_buffer_optimize (); if (gui_key_buffer) { gui_key_buffer[gui_key_buffer_size - 1] = key; if (((key == '\r') || (key == '\n')) && (gui_key_buffer_size > 1) && (gui_key_buffer[gui_key_buffer_size - 2] != '\r') && (gui_key_buffer[gui_key_buffer_size - 2] != '\n')) { gui_key_paste_lines++; } } else { gui_key_buffer_alloc = 0; gui_key_buffer_size = 0; gui_key_paste_lines = 0; } } /* * Searches for a string in gui_key_buffer (array of integers). * * Argument start_index must be >= 0. * If max_index is negative, the search is until end of buffer. * * Returns index for string found in gui_key_buffer (not from "start_index" but * from beginning of gui_key_buffer), or -1 if string is not found. */ int gui_key_buffer_search (int start_index, int max_index, const char *string) { int i, j, length, found; if ((gui_key_buffer_size == 0) || !string || !string[0]) return -1; length = strlen (string); if (gui_key_buffer_size < length) return -1; if (max_index < 0) max_index = gui_key_buffer_size - length; else if (max_index > gui_key_buffer_size - length) max_index = gui_key_buffer_size - length; for (i = start_index; i <= max_index; i++) { found = 1; for (j = 0; j < length; j++) { if (gui_key_buffer[i + j] != string[j]) { found = 0; break; } } if (found) return i; } /* string not found */ return -1; } /* * Removes some chars from gui_key_buffer. */ void gui_key_buffer_remove (int index, int number) { int i; for (i = index; i < gui_key_buffer_size - number; i++) { gui_key_buffer[i] = gui_key_buffer[i + number]; } gui_key_buffer_size -= number; } /* * Removes final newline at end of paste if there is only one line to paste. */ void gui_key_paste_remove_newline () { if ((gui_key_paste_lines <= 1) && (gui_key_buffer_size > 0) && ((gui_key_buffer[gui_key_buffer_size - 1] == '\r') || (gui_key_buffer[gui_key_buffer_size - 1] == '\n'))) { gui_key_buffer_size--; gui_key_paste_lines = 0; } } /* * Replaces tabs by spaces in paste. */ void gui_key_paste_replace_tabs () { int i; for (i = 0; i < gui_key_buffer_size; i++) { if (gui_key_buffer[i] == '\t') gui_key_buffer[i] = ' '; } } /* * Starts paste of text. */ void gui_key_paste_start () { gui_key_paste_remove_newline (); gui_key_paste_replace_tabs (); gui_key_paste_pending = 1; gui_input_paste_pending_signal (); } /* * Returns real number of lines in buffer. * * Returns number of lines (lines+1 if last key is not return). */ int gui_key_get_paste_lines () { int length; length = gui_key_buffer_size; if (length >= GUI_KEY_BRACKETED_PASTE_LENGTH) { if (gui_key_buffer_search (length - GUI_KEY_BRACKETED_PASTE_LENGTH, -1, GUI_KEY_BRACKETED_PASTE_END) >= 0) length -= GUI_KEY_BRACKETED_PASTE_LENGTH; } if ((length > 0) && (gui_key_buffer[length - 1] != '\r') && (gui_key_buffer[length - 1] != '\n')) { return gui_key_paste_lines + 1; } return (gui_key_paste_lines > 0) ? gui_key_paste_lines : 1; } /* * Checks pasted lines: if more than N lines, then enables paste mode and ask * confirmation to user (ctrl-Y=paste, ctrl-N=cancel) (N is option * weechat.look.paste_max_lines). * * Returns: * 1: paste mode has been enabled * 0: paste mode has not been enabled */ int gui_key_paste_check (int bracketed_paste) { int max_lines; max_lines = CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_paste_max_lines); if ((max_lines < 0) || !gui_bar_item_used_in_at_least_one_bar (gui_bar_item_names[GUI_BAR_ITEM_INPUT_PASTE], 0, 1)) { return 0; } if (!bracketed_paste && (max_lines == 0)) max_lines = 1; if (gui_key_get_paste_lines () > max_lines) { /* ask user what to do */ gui_key_paste_start (); return 1; } return 0; } /* * Callback for bracketed paste timer. */ int gui_key_paste_bracketed_timer_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, int remaining_calls) { /* make C compiler happy */ (void) pointer; (void) data; (void) remaining_calls; gui_key_paste_bracketed_timer = NULL; if (gui_key_paste_bracketed) gui_key_paste_bracketed_stop (); return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } /* * Removes timer for bracketed paste. */ void gui_key_paste_bracketed_timer_remove () { if (gui_key_paste_bracketed_timer) { unhook (gui_key_paste_bracketed_timer); gui_key_paste_bracketed_timer = NULL; } } /* * Adds timer for bracketed paste. */ void gui_key_paste_bracketed_timer_add () { gui_key_paste_bracketed_timer_remove (); gui_key_paste_bracketed_timer = hook_timer ( NULL, CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_paste_bracketed_timer_delay) * 1000, 0, 1, &gui_key_paste_bracketed_timer_cb, NULL, NULL); } /* * Starts bracketed paste of text (ESC[200~ detected). */ void gui_key_paste_bracketed_start () { gui_key_paste_bracketed = 1; gui_key_paste_bracketed_timer_add (); } /* * Stops bracketed paste of text (ESC[201~ detected or timeout while waiting for * this code). */ void gui_key_paste_bracketed_stop () { gui_key_paste_check (1); gui_key_paste_bracketed = 0; } /* * Accepts paste from user. */ void gui_key_paste_accept () { /* * add final newline if there is not in pasted text * (for at least 2 lines pasted) */ if (CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_look_paste_auto_add_newline) && (gui_key_get_paste_lines () > 1) && (gui_key_buffer_size > 0) && (gui_key_buffer[gui_key_buffer_size - 1] != '\r') && (gui_key_buffer[gui_key_buffer_size - 1] != '\n')) { gui_key_buffer_add ('\n'); } gui_key_paste_pending = 0; gui_input_paste_pending_signal (); } /* * Cancels paste from user (resets buffer). */ void gui_key_paste_cancel () { gui_key_buffer_reset (); gui_key_paste_pending = 0; gui_input_paste_pending_signal (); } /* * Ends keyboard (frees some data). */ void gui_key_end () { int i; /* free key buffer */ if (gui_key_buffer) free (gui_key_buffer); for (i = 0; i < GUI_KEY_NUM_CONTEXTS; i++) { /* free keys */ gui_key_free_all (&gui_keys[i], &last_gui_key[i], &gui_keys_count[i]); /* free default keys */ gui_key_free_all (&gui_default_keys[i], &last_gui_default_key[i], &gui_default_keys_count[i]); } } /* * Returns hdata for key. */ struct t_hdata * gui_key_hdata_key_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, const char *hdata_name) { struct t_hdata *hdata; int i; char str_list[128]; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) pointer; (void) data; hdata = hdata_new (NULL, hdata_name, "prev_key", "next_key", 0, 0, NULL, NULL); if (hdata) { HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_key, key, STRING, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_key, area_type, POINTER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_key, area_name, POINTER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_key, area_key, STRING, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_key, command, STRING, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_key, score, INTEGER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_key, prev_key, POINTER, 0, NULL, hdata_name); HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_key, next_key, POINTER, 0, NULL, hdata_name); for (i = 0; i < GUI_KEY_NUM_CONTEXTS; i++) { snprintf (str_list, sizeof (str_list), "gui_keys%s%s", (i == GUI_KEY_CONTEXT_DEFAULT) ? "" : "_", (i == GUI_KEY_CONTEXT_DEFAULT) ? "" : gui_key_context_string[i]); hdata_new_list(hdata, str_list, &gui_keys[i], 0); snprintf (str_list, sizeof (str_list), "last_gui_key%s%s", (i == GUI_KEY_CONTEXT_DEFAULT) ? "" : "_", (i == GUI_KEY_CONTEXT_DEFAULT) ? "" : gui_key_context_string[i]); hdata_new_list(hdata, str_list, &last_gui_key[i], 0); snprintf (str_list, sizeof (str_list), "gui_default_keys%s%s", (i == GUI_KEY_CONTEXT_DEFAULT) ? "" : "_", (i == GUI_KEY_CONTEXT_DEFAULT) ? "" : gui_key_context_string[i]); hdata_new_list(hdata, str_list, &gui_default_keys[i], 0); snprintf (str_list, sizeof (str_list), "last_gui_default_key%s%s", (i == GUI_KEY_CONTEXT_DEFAULT) ? "" : "_", (i == GUI_KEY_CONTEXT_DEFAULT) ? "" : gui_key_context_string[i]); hdata_new_list(hdata, str_list, &last_gui_default_key[i], 0); } } return hdata; } /* * Adds a key in an infolist. * * Returns: * 1: OK * 0: error */ int gui_key_add_to_infolist (struct t_infolist *infolist, struct t_gui_key *key) { struct t_infolist_item *ptr_item; char *expanded_key; if (!infolist || !key) return 0; ptr_item = infolist_new_item (infolist); if (!ptr_item) return 0; if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "key_internal", key->key)) return 0; expanded_key = gui_key_get_expanded_name (key->key); if (expanded_key) { if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "key", expanded_key)) { free (expanded_key); return 0; } free (expanded_key); } if (!infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "area_type1", key->area_type[0])) return 0; if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "area_name1", key->area_name[0])) return 0; if (!infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "area_type2", key->area_type[1])) return 0; if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "area_name2", key->area_name[1])) return 0; if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "area_key", key->area_key)) return 0; if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "command", key->command)) return 0; if (!infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "score", key->score)) return 0; return 1; } /* * Prints a key info in WeeChat log file (usually for crash dump). */ void gui_key_print_log_key (struct t_gui_key *key, const char *prefix) { int area; log_printf ("%s[key (addr:0x%lx)]", prefix, key); log_printf ("%s key. . . . . . . . : '%s'", prefix, key->key); for (area = 0; area < 2; area++) { log_printf ("%s area_type[%d] . . . : %d ('%s')", prefix, area, key->area_type[area], gui_key_focus_string[key->area_type[area]]); log_printf ("%s area_name[%d] . . . : '%s'", prefix, area, key->area_name[area]); } log_printf ("%s area_key . . . . . : '%s'", prefix, key->area_key); log_printf ("%s command. . . . . . : '%s'", prefix, key->command); log_printf ("%s score. . . . . . . : %d", prefix, key->score); log_printf ("%s prev_key . . . . . : 0x%lx", prefix, key->prev_key); log_printf ("%s next_key . . . . . : 0x%lx", prefix, key->next_key); } /* * Prints key infos in WeeChat log file (usually for crash dump). */ void gui_key_print_log (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer) { struct t_gui_key *ptr_key; int i; if (buffer) { log_printf (" keys . . . . . . . . : 0x%lx", buffer->keys); log_printf (" last_key . . . . . . : 0x%lx", buffer->last_key); log_printf (" keys_count . . . . . : %d", buffer->keys_count); for (ptr_key = buffer->keys; ptr_key; ptr_key = ptr_key->next_key) { log_printf (""); gui_key_print_log_key (ptr_key, " "); } } else { for (i = 0; i < GUI_KEY_NUM_CONTEXTS; i++) { log_printf (""); log_printf ("[keys for context: %s]", gui_key_context_string[i]); log_printf (" keys . . . . . . . . : 0x%lx", gui_keys[i]); log_printf (" last_key . . . . . . : 0x%lx", last_gui_key[i]); log_printf (" keys_count . . . . . : %d", gui_keys_count[i]); for (ptr_key = gui_keys[i]; ptr_key; ptr_key = ptr_key->next_key) { log_printf (""); gui_key_print_log_key (ptr_key, ""); } } } }