/* * gui-hotlist.c - hotlist management (used by all GUI) * * Copyright (C) 2003-2024 Sébastien Helleu * * This file is part of WeeChat, the extensible chat client. * * WeeChat is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * WeeChat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with WeeChat. If not, see . */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include "../core/weechat.h" #include "../core/core-config.h" #include "../core/core-eval.h" #include "../core/core-hashtable.h" #include "../core/core-hdata.h" #include "../core/core-hook.h" #include "../core/core-infolist.h" #include "../core/core-log.h" #include "../core/core-string.h" #include "../core/core-util.h" #include "../plugins/plugin.h" #include "gui-hotlist.h" #include "gui-buffer.h" #include "gui-color.h" #include "gui-window.h" struct t_gui_hotlist *gui_hotlist = NULL; struct t_gui_hotlist *last_gui_hotlist = NULL; struct t_gui_buffer *gui_hotlist_initial_buffer = NULL; struct t_hashtable *gui_hotlist_hashtable_add_conditions_pointers = NULL; struct t_hashtable *gui_hotlist_hashtable_add_conditions_vars = NULL; struct t_hashtable *gui_hotlist_hashtable_add_conditions_options = NULL; int gui_add_hotlist = 1; /* 0 is for temporarily disable */ /* hotlist add for all buffers */ char *gui_hotlist_priority_string[GUI_HOTLIST_NUM_PRIORITIES] = { "low", "message", "private", "highlight" }; /* * Sends signal "hotlist_changed". */ void gui_hotlist_changed_signal (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer) { (void) hook_signal_send ("hotlist_changed", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_POINTER, buffer); } /* * Searches for hotlist priority. * * Returns index of hotlist priority found, -1 if not found. */ int gui_hotlist_search_priority (const char *priority) { int i; if (!priority) return -1; for (i = 0; i < GUI_HOTLIST_NUM_PRIORITIES; i++) { if (strcmp (gui_hotlist_priority_string[i], priority) == 0) return i; } return -1; } /* * Searches for hotlist with buffer pointer. * * Returns pointer to hotlist found, NULL if not found. */ struct t_gui_hotlist * gui_hotlist_search (struct t_gui_hotlist *hotlist, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer) { struct t_gui_hotlist *ptr_hotlist; for (ptr_hotlist = hotlist; ptr_hotlist; ptr_hotlist = ptr_hotlist->next_hotlist) { if (ptr_hotlist->buffer == buffer) return ptr_hotlist; } return NULL; } /* * Duplicates a hotlist element. * * Returns pointer to new hotlist, NULL if error. */ struct t_gui_hotlist * gui_hotlist_dup (struct t_gui_hotlist *hotlist) { struct t_gui_hotlist *new_hotlist; new_hotlist = malloc (sizeof (*new_hotlist)); if (!new_hotlist) return NULL; new_hotlist->priority = hotlist->priority; memcpy (&(new_hotlist->creation_time), &(hotlist->creation_time), sizeof (new_hotlist->creation_time)); new_hotlist->buffer = hotlist->buffer; memcpy (new_hotlist->count, hotlist->count, sizeof (hotlist->count)); new_hotlist->prev_hotlist = NULL; new_hotlist->next_hotlist = NULL; return new_hotlist; } /* * Frees a hotlist and removes it from hotlist queue. */ void gui_hotlist_free (struct t_gui_hotlist **hotlist, struct t_gui_hotlist **last_hotlist, struct t_gui_hotlist *ptr_hotlist, int save_removed_hotlist) { struct t_gui_hotlist *new_hotlist; if (!ptr_hotlist) return; if (save_removed_hotlist) { if (ptr_hotlist->buffer->hotlist_removed) free (ptr_hotlist->buffer->hotlist_removed); ptr_hotlist->buffer->hotlist_removed = gui_hotlist_dup (ptr_hotlist); ptr_hotlist->buffer->hotlist_removed->prev_hotlist = NULL; ptr_hotlist->buffer->hotlist_removed->next_hotlist = NULL; } ptr_hotlist->buffer->hotlist = NULL; /* remove hotlist from queue */ if (*last_hotlist == ptr_hotlist) *last_hotlist = ptr_hotlist->prev_hotlist; if (ptr_hotlist->prev_hotlist) { (ptr_hotlist->prev_hotlist)->next_hotlist = ptr_hotlist->next_hotlist; new_hotlist = *hotlist; } else new_hotlist = ptr_hotlist->next_hotlist; if (ptr_hotlist->next_hotlist) (ptr_hotlist->next_hotlist)->prev_hotlist = ptr_hotlist->prev_hotlist; free (ptr_hotlist); *hotlist = new_hotlist; } /* * Frees all hotlists. */ void gui_hotlist_free_all (struct t_gui_hotlist **hotlist, struct t_gui_hotlist **last_hotlist) { /* remove all hotlists */ while (*hotlist) { gui_hotlist_free (hotlist, last_hotlist, *hotlist, 0); } } /* * Checks if a buffer must be added to hotlist, according to its notify level. * * Returns: * 1: buffer must be added to hotlist * 0: buffer must not be added to hotlist */ int gui_hotlist_check_buffer_notify (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, enum t_gui_hotlist_priority priority) { switch (priority) { case GUI_HOTLIST_LOW: return (buffer->notify >= 3); case GUI_HOTLIST_MESSAGE: return (buffer->notify >= 2); case GUI_HOTLIST_PRIVATE: case GUI_HOTLIST_HIGHLIGHT: return (buffer->notify >= 1); case GUI_HOTLIST_NUM_PRIORITIES: /* * this constant is used to count hotlist priorities only, * it is never used as priority */ break; } return 1; } /* * Compares two hotlists in order to add them in the sorted list. * * The comparison is made using the list of fields defined in the option * "weechat.look.hotlist_sort". * * Returns: * -1: hotlist1 < hotlist2 * 0: hotlist1 == hotlist2 * 1: hotlist1 > hotlist2 */ int gui_hotlist_compare_hotlists (struct t_hdata *hdata_hotlist, struct t_gui_hotlist *hotlist1, struct t_gui_hotlist *hotlist2) { int i, reverse, case_sensitive, rc; const char *ptr_field; for (i = 0; i < config_num_hotlist_sort_fields; i++) { rc = 0; reverse = 1; case_sensitive = 1; ptr_field = config_hotlist_sort_fields[i]; while ((ptr_field[0] == '-') || (ptr_field[0] == '~')) { if (ptr_field[0] == '-') reverse *= -1; else if (ptr_field[0] == '~') case_sensitive ^= 1; ptr_field++; } if (!hotlist1 && !hotlist2) rc = 0; else if (hotlist1 && !hotlist2) rc = 1; else if (!hotlist1 && hotlist2) rc = -1; else { rc = hdata_compare (hdata_hotlist, hotlist1, hotlist2, ptr_field, case_sensitive); } rc *= reverse; if (rc != 0) return rc; } return 0; } /* * Searches for position of hotlist (to keep hotlist sorted). */ struct t_gui_hotlist * gui_hotlist_find_pos (struct t_gui_hotlist *hotlist, struct t_gui_hotlist *new_hotlist) { struct t_hdata *hdata_hotlist; struct t_gui_hotlist *ptr_hotlist; hdata_hotlist = hook_hdata_get (NULL, "hotlist"); for (ptr_hotlist = hotlist; ptr_hotlist; ptr_hotlist = ptr_hotlist->next_hotlist) { if (gui_hotlist_compare_hotlists (hdata_hotlist, new_hotlist, ptr_hotlist) < 0) { return ptr_hotlist; } } return NULL; } /* * Adds new hotlist in list. */ void gui_hotlist_add_hotlist (struct t_gui_hotlist **hotlist, struct t_gui_hotlist **last_hotlist, struct t_gui_hotlist *new_hotlist) { struct t_gui_hotlist *pos_hotlist; if (*hotlist) { pos_hotlist = gui_hotlist_find_pos (*hotlist, new_hotlist); if (pos_hotlist) { /* insert hotlist into the hotlist (before hotlist found) */ new_hotlist->prev_hotlist = pos_hotlist->prev_hotlist; new_hotlist->next_hotlist = pos_hotlist; if (pos_hotlist->prev_hotlist) (pos_hotlist->prev_hotlist)->next_hotlist = new_hotlist; else *hotlist = new_hotlist; pos_hotlist->prev_hotlist = new_hotlist; } else { /* add hotlist to the end */ new_hotlist->prev_hotlist = *last_hotlist; new_hotlist->next_hotlist = NULL; (*last_hotlist)->next_hotlist = new_hotlist; *last_hotlist = new_hotlist; } } else { new_hotlist->prev_hotlist = NULL; new_hotlist->next_hotlist = NULL; *hotlist = new_hotlist; *last_hotlist = new_hotlist; } } /* * Adds a buffer to hotlist, with priority. * * If creation_time is NULL, current time is used. * * Returns pointer to hotlist created or changed, NULL if no hotlist was * created/changed. */ struct t_gui_hotlist * gui_hotlist_add (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, enum t_gui_hotlist_priority priority, struct timeval *creation_time, int check_conditions) { struct t_gui_hotlist *new_hotlist, *ptr_hotlist; int i, count[GUI_HOTLIST_NUM_PRIORITIES], rc; char *value, str_value[32]; if (!buffer || !gui_add_hotlist) return NULL; /* do not add core buffer if upgrading */ if (weechat_upgrading && (buffer == gui_buffer_search_main ())) return NULL; if (priority > GUI_HOTLIST_MAX) priority = GUI_HOTLIST_MAX; /* check if priority is OK according to buffer notify level value */ if (!gui_hotlist_check_buffer_notify (buffer, priority)) return NULL; if (check_conditions) { /* create hashtable if needed (to evaluate conditions) */ if (!gui_hotlist_hashtable_add_conditions_pointers) { gui_hotlist_hashtable_add_conditions_pointers = hashtable_new ( 32, WEECHAT_HASHTABLE_STRING, WEECHAT_HASHTABLE_POINTER, NULL, NULL); if (!gui_hotlist_hashtable_add_conditions_pointers) return NULL; } if (!gui_hotlist_hashtable_add_conditions_vars) { gui_hotlist_hashtable_add_conditions_vars = hashtable_new ( 32, WEECHAT_HASHTABLE_STRING, WEECHAT_HASHTABLE_STRING, NULL, NULL); if (!gui_hotlist_hashtable_add_conditions_vars) return NULL; } if (!gui_hotlist_hashtable_add_conditions_options) { gui_hotlist_hashtable_add_conditions_options = hashtable_new ( 32, WEECHAT_HASHTABLE_STRING, WEECHAT_HASHTABLE_STRING, NULL, NULL); if (!gui_hotlist_hashtable_add_conditions_options) return NULL; hashtable_set (gui_hotlist_hashtable_add_conditions_options, "type", "condition"); } /* set data in hashtables */ hashtable_set (gui_hotlist_hashtable_add_conditions_pointers, "window", gui_current_window); hashtable_set (gui_hotlist_hashtable_add_conditions_pointers, "buffer", buffer); snprintf (str_value, sizeof (str_value), "%d", priority); hashtable_set (gui_hotlist_hashtable_add_conditions_vars, "priority", str_value); /* check if conditions are true */ value = eval_expression ( CONFIG_STRING(config_look_hotlist_add_conditions), gui_hotlist_hashtable_add_conditions_pointers, gui_hotlist_hashtable_add_conditions_vars, gui_hotlist_hashtable_add_conditions_options); rc = (value && (strcmp (value, "1") == 0)); if (value) free (value); if (!rc) return NULL; } /* init count */ for (i = 0; i < GUI_HOTLIST_NUM_PRIORITIES; i++) { count[i] = 0; } ptr_hotlist = gui_hotlist_search (gui_hotlist, buffer); if (ptr_hotlist) { /* return if priority is greater or equal than the one to add */ if (ptr_hotlist->priority >= priority) { ptr_hotlist->count[priority]++; gui_hotlist_changed_signal (buffer); return ptr_hotlist; } /* * if buffer is present with lower priority: save counts, remove it * and go on */ memcpy (count, ptr_hotlist->count, sizeof (ptr_hotlist->count)); gui_hotlist_free (&gui_hotlist, &last_gui_hotlist, ptr_hotlist, 1); } new_hotlist = malloc (sizeof (*new_hotlist)); if (!new_hotlist) return NULL; new_hotlist->priority = priority; if (creation_time) { memcpy (&(new_hotlist->creation_time), creation_time, sizeof (*creation_time)); } else gettimeofday (&(new_hotlist->creation_time), NULL); new_hotlist->buffer = buffer; buffer->hotlist = new_hotlist; memcpy (new_hotlist->count, count, sizeof (new_hotlist->count)); new_hotlist->count[priority]++; new_hotlist->next_hotlist = NULL; new_hotlist->prev_hotlist = NULL; gui_hotlist_add_hotlist (&gui_hotlist, &last_gui_hotlist, new_hotlist); gui_hotlist_changed_signal (buffer); return new_hotlist; } /* * Restores a hotlist that was removed from a buffer. */ void gui_hotlist_restore_buffer (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer) { struct t_gui_hotlist *ptr_hotlist; if (!buffer->hotlist_removed) return; /* remove hotlist with buffer from list (if found) */ ptr_hotlist = gui_hotlist_search (gui_hotlist, buffer); if (ptr_hotlist) gui_hotlist_free (&gui_hotlist, &last_gui_hotlist, ptr_hotlist, 0); /* restore the removed hotlist */ buffer->hotlist_removed->buffer = buffer; ptr_hotlist = gui_hotlist_dup (buffer->hotlist_removed); gui_hotlist_add_hotlist (&gui_hotlist, &last_gui_hotlist, ptr_hotlist); free (buffer->hotlist_removed); buffer->hotlist_removed = NULL; gui_hotlist_changed_signal (buffer); } /* * Restores latest hotlist removed in all buffers. */ void gui_hotlist_restore_all_buffers () { struct t_gui_buffer *ptr_buffer; for (ptr_buffer = gui_buffers; ptr_buffer; ptr_buffer = ptr_buffer->next_buffer) { gui_hotlist_restore_buffer (ptr_buffer); } } /* * Resorts hotlist. */ void gui_hotlist_resort () { struct t_gui_hotlist *new_hotlist, *last_new_hotlist; struct t_gui_hotlist *ptr_hotlist, *ptr_next_hotlist, *ptr_prev_hotlist; int hotlist_changed; /* sort is not needed if hotlist has less than 2 entries */ if (!gui_hotlist || !gui_hotlist->next_hotlist) return; /* resort hotlist in new linked list */ hotlist_changed = 0; new_hotlist = NULL; last_new_hotlist = NULL; ptr_hotlist = gui_hotlist; while (ptr_hotlist) { ptr_next_hotlist = ptr_hotlist->next_hotlist; ptr_prev_hotlist = ptr_hotlist->prev_hotlist; gui_hotlist_add_hotlist (&new_hotlist, &last_new_hotlist, ptr_hotlist); if (ptr_hotlist->prev_hotlist != ptr_prev_hotlist) hotlist_changed = 1; ptr_hotlist = ptr_next_hotlist; } /* switch to new sorted hotlist */ gui_hotlist = new_hotlist; last_gui_hotlist = last_new_hotlist; if (hotlist_changed) gui_hotlist_changed_signal (NULL); } /* * Clears hotlist with a level mask (integer). * * Argument "level_mask" is a combination of: * 1 = join/part * 2 = message * 4 = private * 8 = highlight * * So for example : * 1 = clear only join/part * 12 = clear only private and highlight * 15 = clear whole hotlist */ void gui_hotlist_clear (int level_mask) { struct t_gui_hotlist *ptr_hotlist, *ptr_next_hotlist; int hotlist_changed; hotlist_changed = 0; ptr_hotlist = gui_hotlist; while (ptr_hotlist) { ptr_next_hotlist = ptr_hotlist->next_hotlist; if (level_mask & (1 << ptr_hotlist->priority)) { gui_hotlist_free (&gui_hotlist, &last_gui_hotlist, ptr_hotlist, 1); hotlist_changed = 1; } ptr_hotlist = ptr_next_hotlist; } if (hotlist_changed) gui_hotlist_changed_signal (NULL); } /* * Clears hotlist with a level mask (string). */ void gui_hotlist_clear_level_string (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, const char *str_level_mask) { long level_mask; char *error; struct t_gui_hotlist *ptr_hotlist; int priority; if (str_level_mask) { if (strcmp (str_level_mask, "lowest") == 0) { /* clear only lowest priority currently in hotlist */ priority = GUI_HOTLIST_MAX + 1; for (ptr_hotlist = gui_hotlist; ptr_hotlist; ptr_hotlist = ptr_hotlist->next_hotlist) { if ((int)ptr_hotlist->priority < priority) priority = ptr_hotlist->priority; } if (priority <= GUI_HOTLIST_MAX) { gui_hotlist_clear (1 << priority); gui_hotlist_initial_buffer = buffer; } } else if (strcmp (str_level_mask, "highest") == 0) { /* clear only highest priority currently in hotlist */ priority = GUI_HOTLIST_MIN - 1; for (ptr_hotlist = gui_hotlist; ptr_hotlist; ptr_hotlist = ptr_hotlist->next_hotlist) { if ((int)ptr_hotlist->priority > priority) priority = ptr_hotlist->priority; } if (priority >= GUI_HOTLIST_MIN) { gui_hotlist_clear (1 << priority); gui_hotlist_initial_buffer = buffer; } } else { /* clear hotlist using a mask of levels */ error = NULL; level_mask = strtol (str_level_mask, &error, 10); if (error && !error[0] && (level_mask > 0)) { gui_hotlist_clear ((int)level_mask); gui_hotlist_initial_buffer = buffer; } } } else { gui_hotlist_clear (GUI_HOTLIST_MASK_MAX); gui_hotlist_initial_buffer = buffer; } } /* * Removes a buffer from hotlist. */ void gui_hotlist_remove_buffer (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, int force_remove_buffer) { int hotlist_changed, hotlist_remove, buffer_to_remove; struct t_gui_hotlist *ptr_hotlist, *next_hotlist; if (!buffer) return; hotlist_changed = 0; hotlist_remove = CONFIG_ENUM(config_look_hotlist_remove); ptr_hotlist = gui_hotlist; while (ptr_hotlist) { next_hotlist = ptr_hotlist->next_hotlist; buffer_to_remove = (force_remove_buffer) ? (ptr_hotlist->buffer == buffer) : 0; switch (hotlist_remove) { case CONFIG_LOOK_HOTLIST_REMOVE_BUFFER: buffer_to_remove |= (ptr_hotlist->buffer == buffer); break; case CONFIG_LOOK_HOTLIST_REMOVE_MERGED: buffer_to_remove |= ((ptr_hotlist->buffer->number == buffer->number) && (!ptr_hotlist->buffer->zoomed || (ptr_hotlist->buffer->active == 2))); break; } if (buffer_to_remove) { gui_hotlist_free (&gui_hotlist, &last_gui_hotlist, ptr_hotlist, 1); hotlist_changed = 1; } ptr_hotlist = next_hotlist; } if (hotlist_changed) gui_hotlist_changed_signal (NULL); } /* * Returns hdata for hotlist. */ struct t_hdata * gui_hotlist_hdata_hotlist_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, const char *hdata_name) { struct t_hdata *hdata; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) pointer; (void) data; hdata = hdata_new (NULL, hdata_name, "prev_hotlist", "next_hotlist", 0, 0, NULL, NULL); if (hdata) { HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_hotlist, priority, INTEGER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR_NAME(struct t_gui_hotlist, creation_time.tv_sec, "time", TIME, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR_NAME(struct t_gui_hotlist, creation_time.tv_usec, "time_usec", LONG, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_hotlist, buffer, POINTER, 0, NULL, "buffer"); HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_hotlist, count, INTEGER, 0, GUI_HOTLIST_NUM_PRIORITIES_STR, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_hotlist, prev_hotlist, POINTER, 0, NULL, hdata_name); HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_hotlist, next_hotlist, POINTER, 0, NULL, hdata_name); HDATA_LIST(gui_hotlist, WEECHAT_HDATA_LIST_CHECK_POINTERS); HDATA_LIST(last_gui_hotlist, 0); } return hdata; } /* * Adds a hotlist in an infolist. * * Returns: * 1: OK * 0: error */ int gui_hotlist_add_to_infolist (struct t_infolist *infolist, struct t_gui_hotlist *hotlist) { struct t_infolist_item *ptr_item; int i; char option_name[64]; if (!infolist || !hotlist) return 0; ptr_item = infolist_new_item (infolist); if (!ptr_item) return 0; if (!infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "priority", hotlist->priority)) return 0; switch (hotlist->priority) { case GUI_HOTLIST_LOW: if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "color", gui_color_get_name (CONFIG_COLOR(config_color_status_data_other)))) return 0; break; case GUI_HOTLIST_MESSAGE: if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "color", gui_color_get_name (CONFIG_COLOR(config_color_status_data_msg)))) return 0; break; case GUI_HOTLIST_PRIVATE: if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "color", gui_color_get_name (CONFIG_COLOR(config_color_status_data_private)))) return 0; break; case GUI_HOTLIST_HIGHLIGHT: if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "color", gui_color_get_name (CONFIG_COLOR(config_color_status_data_highlight)))) return 0; break; case GUI_HOTLIST_NUM_PRIORITIES: /* * this constant is used to count hotlist priorities only, * it is never used as priority */ break; } if (!infolist_new_var_buffer (ptr_item, "creation_time", &(hotlist->creation_time), sizeof (struct timeval))) return 0; if (!infolist_new_var_pointer (ptr_item, "buffer_pointer", hotlist->buffer)) return 0; if (!infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "buffer_number", hotlist->buffer->number)) return 0; if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "plugin_name", gui_buffer_get_plugin_name (hotlist->buffer))) return 0; if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "buffer_name", hotlist->buffer->name)) return 0; for (i = 0; i < GUI_HOTLIST_NUM_PRIORITIES; i++) { snprintf (option_name, sizeof (option_name), "count_%02d", i); if (!infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, option_name, hotlist->count[i])) return 0; } return 1; } /* * Prints hotlist in WeeChat log file (usually for crash dump). */ void gui_hotlist_print_log () { struct t_gui_hotlist *ptr_hotlist; int i; for (ptr_hotlist = gui_hotlist; ptr_hotlist; ptr_hotlist = ptr_hotlist->next_hotlist) { log_printf ("[hotlist (addr:%p)]", ptr_hotlist); log_printf (" priority . . . . . . . : %d", ptr_hotlist->priority); log_printf (" creation_time. . . . . : tv_sec:%ld, tv_usec:%ld", ptr_hotlist->creation_time.tv_sec, ptr_hotlist->creation_time.tv_usec); log_printf (" buffer . . . . . . . . : %p", ptr_hotlist->buffer); for (i = 0; i < GUI_HOTLIST_NUM_PRIORITIES; i++) { log_printf (" count[%02d]. . . . . . . : %d", i, ptr_hotlist->count[i]); } log_printf (" prev_hotlist . . . . . : %p", ptr_hotlist->prev_hotlist); log_printf (" next_hotlist . . . . . : %p", ptr_hotlist->next_hotlist); } } /* * Ends hotlist. */ void gui_hotlist_end () { if (gui_hotlist_hashtable_add_conditions_pointers) { hashtable_free (gui_hotlist_hashtable_add_conditions_pointers); gui_hotlist_hashtable_add_conditions_pointers = NULL; } if (gui_hotlist_hashtable_add_conditions_vars) { hashtable_free (gui_hotlist_hashtable_add_conditions_vars); gui_hotlist_hashtable_add_conditions_vars = NULL; } if (gui_hotlist_hashtable_add_conditions_options) { hashtable_free (gui_hotlist_hashtable_add_conditions_options); gui_hotlist_hashtable_add_conditions_options = NULL; } }