/* * gui-history.c - memorize commands or text for buffers (used by all GUI) * * Copyright (C) 2003-2024 Sébastien Helleu <flashcode@flashtux.org> * Copyright (C) 2005 Emmanuel Bouthenot <kolter@openics.org> * * This file is part of WeeChat, the extensible chat client. * * WeeChat is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * WeeChat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with WeeChat. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <string.h> #include "../core/weechat.h" #include "../core/core-config.h" #include "../core/core-hashtable.h" #include "../core/core-hdata.h" #include "../core/core-hook.h" #include "../core/core-infolist.h" #include "../core/core-string.h" #include "../plugins/plugin.h" #include "gui-history.h" #include "gui-buffer.h" #include "gui-input.h" struct t_gui_history *gui_history = NULL; struct t_gui_history *last_gui_history = NULL; struct t_gui_history *gui_history_ptr = NULL; int num_gui_history = 0; /* * Removes oldest history entry in a buffer. */ void gui_history_buffer_remove_oldest (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer) { struct t_gui_history *ptr_history; if (buffer->text_search_ptr_history == buffer->last_history) { buffer->text_search_ptr_history = NULL; buffer->text_search_found = 0; gui_input_search_signal (buffer); } ptr_history = buffer->last_history->prev_history; if (buffer->ptr_history == buffer->last_history) buffer->ptr_history = ptr_history; ((buffer->last_history)->prev_history)->next_history = NULL; if (buffer->last_history->text) free (buffer->last_history->text); free (buffer->last_history); buffer->last_history = ptr_history; buffer->num_history--; } /* * Adds a text/command to buffer's history. */ void gui_history_buffer_add (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, const char *string) { struct t_gui_history *new_history; if (!string) return; if (buffer->history && buffer->history->text && (strcmp (buffer->history->text, string) == 0)) return; new_history = malloc (sizeof (*new_history)); if (new_history) { new_history->text = strdup (string); if (buffer->history) buffer->history->prev_history = new_history; else buffer->last_history = new_history; new_history->next_history = buffer->history; new_history->prev_history = NULL; buffer->history = new_history; buffer->num_history++; /* remove one command if necessary */ if ((CONFIG_INTEGER(config_history_max_commands) > 0) && (buffer->num_history > CONFIG_INTEGER(config_history_max_commands))) { gui_history_buffer_remove_oldest (buffer); } } } /* * Removes oldest global history entry. */ void gui_history_global_remove_oldest () { struct t_gui_buffer *ptr_buffer; struct t_gui_history *ptr_history; /* ensure no buffer is using the last global history entry */ for (ptr_buffer = gui_buffers; ptr_buffer; ptr_buffer = ptr_buffer->next_buffer) { if (ptr_buffer->text_search_ptr_history == last_gui_history) { ptr_buffer->text_search_ptr_history = NULL; ptr_buffer->text_search_found = 0; gui_input_search_signal (ptr_buffer); } } ptr_history = last_gui_history->prev_history; if (gui_history_ptr == last_gui_history) gui_history_ptr = ptr_history; (last_gui_history->prev_history)->next_history = NULL; if (last_gui_history->text) free (last_gui_history->text); free (last_gui_history); last_gui_history = ptr_history; num_gui_history--; } /* * Adds a text/command to global history. */ void gui_history_global_add (const char *string) { struct t_gui_history *new_history; if (!string) return; if (gui_history && (strcmp (gui_history->text, string) == 0)) return; new_history = malloc (sizeof (*new_history)); if (new_history) { new_history->text = strdup (string); if (gui_history) gui_history->prev_history = new_history; else last_gui_history = new_history; new_history->next_history = gui_history; new_history->prev_history = NULL; gui_history = new_history; num_gui_history++; /* remove one command if necessary */ if ((CONFIG_INTEGER(config_history_max_commands) > 0) && (num_gui_history > CONFIG_INTEGER(config_history_max_commands))) { gui_history_global_remove_oldest (); } } } /* * Adds a text/command to buffer's history + global history. */ void gui_history_add (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, const char *string) { char *string2, str_buffer[128]; snprintf (str_buffer, sizeof (str_buffer), "%p", buffer); string2 = hook_modifier_exec (NULL, "history_add", str_buffer, string); /* * if message was NOT dropped by modifier, then we add it to buffer and * global history */ if (!string2 || string2[0]) { gui_history_buffer_add (buffer, (string2) ? string2 : string); gui_history_global_add ((string2) ? string2 : string); } if (string2) free (string2); } /* * Searches for text in a history entry. * * Returns: * 1: text found in line * 0: text not found in line */ int gui_history_search_text (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, struct t_gui_history *history) { int rc; if (!history || !history->text || !buffer->input_buffer || !buffer->input_buffer[0]) { return 0; } rc = 0; if (buffer->text_search_regex) { if (buffer->text_search_regex_compiled && (regexec (buffer->text_search_regex_compiled, history->text, 0, NULL, 0) == 0)) { rc = 1; } } else if ((buffer->text_search_exact && (strstr (history->text, buffer->input_buffer))) || (!buffer->text_search_exact && (string_strcasestr (history->text, buffer->input_buffer)))) { rc = 1; } return rc; } /* * Searches in history using string in buffer input. * * Returns: * 1: an history was found * 0: text not found */ int gui_history_search (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, struct t_gui_history *history) { struct t_gui_history *ptr_history; int direction; if (!buffer->input_buffer || !buffer->input_buffer[0]) return 0; direction = (buffer->text_search_direction == GUI_BUFFER_SEARCH_DIR_BACKWARD) ? 1 : -1; if (buffer->text_search_ptr_history) { ptr_history = (direction > 0) ? buffer->text_search_ptr_history->next_history : buffer->text_search_ptr_history->prev_history; } else { ptr_history = history; } while (ptr_history) { if (gui_history_search_text (buffer, ptr_history)) { buffer->text_search_ptr_history = ptr_history; return 1; } ptr_history = (direction > 0) ? ptr_history->next_history : ptr_history->prev_history; } return 0; } /* * Frees global history. */ void gui_history_global_free () { struct t_gui_history *ptr_history; while (gui_history) { ptr_history = gui_history->next_history; if (gui_history->text) free (gui_history->text); free (gui_history); gui_history = ptr_history; } gui_history = NULL; last_gui_history = NULL; gui_history_ptr = NULL; num_gui_history = 0; } /* * Frees history for a buffer. */ void gui_history_buffer_free (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer) { struct t_gui_history *ptr_history; if (!buffer) return; while (buffer->history) { ptr_history = buffer->history->next_history; if (buffer->history->text) free (buffer->history->text); free (buffer->history); buffer->history = ptr_history; } buffer->history = NULL; buffer->last_history = NULL; buffer->ptr_history = NULL; buffer->num_history = 0; } /* * Callback for updating history. */ int gui_history_hdata_history_update_cb (void *data, struct t_hdata *hdata, void *pointer, struct t_hashtable *hashtable) { struct t_gui_history *ptr_history; struct t_gui_buffer *ptr_buffer; const char *text, *buffer; unsigned long value; int rc; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) data; (void) hdata; rc = 0; text = hashtable_get (hashtable, "text"); if (!text) return rc; if (pointer) { /* update history */ ptr_history = (struct t_gui_history *)pointer; if (ptr_history->text) free (ptr_history->text); ptr_history->text = strdup (text); } else { /* create new entry in history */ ptr_buffer = NULL; if (hashtable_has_key (hashtable, "buffer")) { buffer = hashtable_get (hashtable, "buffer"); if (buffer) { rc = sscanf (buffer, "%lx", &value); if ((rc != EOF) && (rc != 0)) ptr_buffer = (struct t_gui_buffer *)value; } } if (ptr_buffer) gui_history_add (ptr_buffer, text); else gui_history_global_add (text); } return rc; } /* * Returns hdata for history. */ struct t_hdata * gui_history_hdata_history_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, const char *hdata_name) { struct t_hdata *hdata; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) pointer; (void) data; hdata = hdata_new (NULL, hdata_name, "prev_history", "next_history", 1, 1, &gui_history_hdata_history_update_cb, NULL); if (hdata) { HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_history, text, STRING, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_history, prev_history, POINTER, 0, NULL, hdata_name); HDATA_VAR(struct t_gui_history, next_history, POINTER, 0, NULL, hdata_name); HDATA_LIST(gui_history, WEECHAT_HDATA_LIST_CHECK_POINTERS); HDATA_LIST(last_gui_history, 0); } return hdata; } /* * Adds history in an infolist. * * Returns: * 1: OK * 0: error */ int gui_history_add_to_infolist (struct t_infolist *infolist, struct t_gui_history *history) { struct t_infolist_item *ptr_item; if (!infolist || !history) return 0; ptr_item = infolist_new_item (infolist); if (!ptr_item) return 0; if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "text", history->text)) return 0; return 1; }