/* * Copyright (C) 2003-2010 Sebastien Helleu * Copyright (C) 2006 Emmanuel Bouthenot * * This file is part of WeeChat, the extensible chat client. * * WeeChat is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * WeeChat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with WeeChat. If not, see . */ /* * gui-completion.c: word completion according to context (used by all GUI) */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../core/weechat.h" #include "../core/wee-config.h" #include "../core/wee-hook.h" #include "../core/wee-list.h" #include "../core/wee-log.h" #include "../core/wee-proxy.h" #include "../core/wee-string.h" #include "../core/wee-utf8.h" #include "../plugins/plugin.h" #include "../plugins/plugin-config.h" #include "gui-completion.h" #include "gui-bar.h" #include "gui-buffer.h" #include "gui-color.h" #include "gui-filter.h" #include "gui-keyboard.h" #include "gui-nicklist.h" /* * gui_completion_buffer_init: init completion for a buffer */ void gui_completion_buffer_init (struct t_gui_completion *completion, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer) { completion->buffer = buffer; completion->context = GUI_COMPLETION_NULL; completion->base_command = NULL; completion->base_command_arg_index = 0; completion->base_word = NULL; completion->base_word_pos = 0; completion->position = -1; completion->args = NULL; completion->direction = 0; completion->add_space = 1; completion->force_partial_completion = 0; completion->completion_list = weelist_new (); completion->word_found = NULL; completion->word_found_is_nick = 0; completion->position_replace = 0; completion->diff_size = 0; completion->diff_length = 0; completion->partial_completion_list = NULL; completion->last_partial_completion = NULL; } /* * gui_completion_partial_list_add: add an item to partial completions list */ struct t_gui_completion_partial * gui_completion_partial_list_add (struct t_gui_completion *completion, const char *word, int count) { struct t_gui_completion_partial *new_item; new_item = malloc (sizeof (*new_item)); if (new_item) { new_item->word = strdup (word); new_item->count = count; new_item->prev_item = completion->last_partial_completion; if (completion->partial_completion_list) (completion->last_partial_completion)->next_item = new_item; else completion->partial_completion_list = new_item; completion->last_partial_completion = new_item; new_item->next_item = NULL; } return new_item; } /* * gui_completion_partial_free: remove an item from partial completions list */ void gui_completion_partial_list_free (struct t_gui_completion *completion, struct t_gui_completion_partial *item) { /* remove partial completion item from list */ if (item->prev_item) (item->prev_item)->next_item = item->next_item; if (item->next_item) (item->next_item)->prev_item = item->prev_item; if (completion->partial_completion_list == item) completion->partial_completion_list = item->next_item; if (completion->last_partial_completion == item) completion->last_partial_completion = item->prev_item; /* free data */ if (item->word) free (item->word); free (item); } /* * gui_completion_partial_free: remove partial completions list */ void gui_completion_partial_list_free_all (struct t_gui_completion *completion) { while (completion->partial_completion_list) { gui_completion_partial_list_free (completion, completion->partial_completion_list); } } /* * gui_completion_free_data: free data in completion */ void gui_completion_free_data (struct t_gui_completion *completion) { if (completion->base_command) free (completion->base_command); completion->base_command = NULL; if (completion->base_word) free (completion->base_word); completion->base_word = NULL; if (completion->args) free (completion->args); completion->args = NULL; if (completion->completion_list) { weelist_free (completion->completion_list); completion->completion_list = NULL; } if (completion->word_found) free (completion->word_found); completion->word_found = NULL; gui_completion_partial_list_free_all (completion); } /* * gui_completion_free: free completion */ void gui_completion_free (struct t_gui_completion *completion) { gui_completion_free_data (completion); free (completion); } /* * gui_completion_stop: stop completion (for example after 1 arg of command * with 1 arg) */ void gui_completion_stop (struct t_gui_completion *completion, int remove_partial_completion_list) { completion->context = GUI_COMPLETION_NULL; completion->position = -1; if (remove_partial_completion_list) { gui_completion_partial_list_free_all (completion); hook_signal_send ("partial_completion", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING, NULL); } } /* * gui_completion_search_command: search command hook */ struct t_hook * gui_completion_search_command (const char *command) { struct t_hook *ptr_hook; for (ptr_hook = weechat_hooks[HOOK_TYPE_COMMAND]; ptr_hook; ptr_hook = ptr_hook->next_hook) { if (!ptr_hook->deleted && HOOK_COMMAND(ptr_hook, command) && HOOK_COMMAND(ptr_hook, command)[0] && (string_strcasecmp (HOOK_COMMAND(ptr_hook, command), command) == 0)) return ptr_hook; } /* command not found */ return NULL; } /* * gui_completion_nick_has_ignored_chars: return 1 if nick has one or more * ignored chars for nick comparison */ int gui_completion_nick_has_ignored_chars (const char *string) { int char_size; char utf_char[16]; while (string[0]) { char_size = utf8_char_size (string); memcpy (utf_char, string, char_size); utf_char[char_size] = '\0'; if (strstr (CONFIG_STRING(config_completion_nick_ignore_chars), utf_char)) return 1; string += char_size; } return 0; } /* * gui_completion_nick_strdup_ignore_chars: duplicate a nick and ignore some * chars */ char * gui_completion_nick_strdup_ignore_chars (const char *string) { int char_size; char *result, *pos, utf_char[16]; result = malloc (strlen (string) + 1); pos = result; while (string[0]) { char_size = utf8_char_size (string); memcpy (utf_char, string, char_size); utf_char[char_size] = '\0'; if (!strstr (CONFIG_STRING(config_completion_nick_ignore_chars), utf_char)) { memcpy (pos, utf_char, char_size); pos += char_size; } string += char_size; } pos[0] = '\0'; return result; } /* * gui_completion_nickncmp: locale and case independent string comparison * with max length for nicks (alpha or digits only) */ int gui_completion_nickncmp (const char *base_word, const char *nick, int max) { char *base_word2, *nick2; int return_cmp; if (!CONFIG_STRING(config_completion_nick_ignore_chars) || !CONFIG_STRING(config_completion_nick_ignore_chars)[0] || !base_word || !nick || !base_word[0] || !nick[0] || gui_completion_nick_has_ignored_chars (base_word)) return string_strncasecmp (base_word, nick, max); base_word2 = gui_completion_nick_strdup_ignore_chars (base_word); nick2 = gui_completion_nick_strdup_ignore_chars (nick); return_cmp = string_strncasecmp (base_word2, nick2, utf8_strlen (base_word2)); free (base_word2); free (nick2); return return_cmp; } /* * gui_completion_list_add: add a word to completion word list */ void gui_completion_list_add (struct t_gui_completion *completion, const char *word, int nick_completion, const char *where) { char buffer[512]; if (!word || !word[0]) return; if (!completion->base_word || !completion->base_word[0] || (nick_completion && (gui_completion_nickncmp (completion->base_word, word, utf8_strlen (completion->base_word)) == 0)) || (!nick_completion && (string_strncasecmp (completion->base_word, word, utf8_strlen (completion->base_word)) == 0))) { if (nick_completion && (completion->base_word_pos == 0)) { snprintf (buffer, sizeof (buffer), "%s%s", word, CONFIG_STRING(config_completion_nick_completer)); weelist_add (completion->completion_list, buffer, where, (nick_completion) ? (void *)1 : (void *)0); } else { weelist_add (completion->completion_list, word, where, (nick_completion) ? (void *)1 : (void *)0); } } } /* * gui_completion_list_add_bars_names_cb: add bars names to completion list */ int gui_completion_list_add_bars_names_cb (void *data, const char *completion_item, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, struct t_gui_completion *completion) { struct t_gui_bar *ptr_bar; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) data; (void) completion_item; (void) buffer; for (ptr_bar = gui_bars; ptr_bar; ptr_bar = ptr_bar->next_bar) { gui_completion_list_add (completion, ptr_bar->name, 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT); } return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } /* * gui_completion_list_add_bars_options: add bars options to completion list */ int gui_completion_list_add_bars_options_cb (void *data, const char *completion_item, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, struct t_gui_completion *completion) { int i; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) data; (void) completion_item; (void) buffer; for (i = 0; i < GUI_BAR_NUM_OPTIONS; i++) { gui_completion_list_add (completion, gui_bar_option_string[i], 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT); } return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } /* * gui_completion_list_add_buffers_names_cb: add buffers names to completion * list */ int gui_completion_list_add_buffers_names_cb (void *data, const char *completion_item, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, struct t_gui_completion *completion) { struct t_gui_buffer *ptr_buffer; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) data; (void) completion_item; (void) buffer; for (ptr_buffer = gui_buffers; ptr_buffer; ptr_buffer = ptr_buffer->next_buffer) { gui_completion_list_add (completion, ptr_buffer->name, 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT); } return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } /* * gui_completion_list_add_buffers_numbers_cb: add buffers numbers to * completion list */ int gui_completion_list_add_buffers_numbers_cb (void *data, const char *completion_item, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, struct t_gui_completion *completion) { struct t_gui_buffer *ptr_buffer; char str_number[32]; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) data; (void) completion_item; (void) buffer; for (ptr_buffer = gui_buffers; ptr_buffer; ptr_buffer = ptr_buffer->next_buffer) { snprintf (str_number, sizeof (str_number), "%d", ptr_buffer->number); gui_completion_list_add (completion, str_number, 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_END); } return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } /* * gui_completion_list_add_buffers_plugins_names_cb: add plugins + buffers names * to completion list */ int gui_completion_list_add_buffers_plugins_names_cb (void *data, const char *completion_item, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, struct t_gui_completion *completion) { struct t_gui_buffer *ptr_buffer; char name[512]; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) data; (void) completion_item; (void) buffer; for (ptr_buffer = gui_buffers; ptr_buffer; ptr_buffer = ptr_buffer->next_buffer) { snprintf (name, sizeof (name), "%s.%s", plugin_get_name (ptr_buffer->plugin), ptr_buffer->name); gui_completion_list_add (completion, name, 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT); } return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } /* * gui_completion_list_add_buffer_properties_set_cb: add buffer properties * (that can be set) to * completion list */ int gui_completion_list_add_buffer_properties_set_cb (void *data, const char *completion_item, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, struct t_gui_completion *completion) { int i; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) data; (void) completion_item; (void) buffer; for (i = 0; gui_buffer_properties_set[i]; i++) { gui_completion_list_add (completion, gui_buffer_properties_set[i], 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT); } return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } /* * gui_completion_list_add_buffer_properties_get_cb: add buffer properties * (that can be read) to * completion list */ int gui_completion_list_add_buffer_properties_get_cb (void *data, const char *completion_item, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, struct t_gui_completion *completion) { int i; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) data; (void) completion_item; (void) buffer; for (i = 0; gui_buffer_properties_get_integer[i]; i++) { gui_completion_list_add (completion, gui_buffer_properties_get_integer[i], 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT); } for (i = 0; gui_buffer_properties_get_string[i]; i++) { gui_completion_list_add (completion, gui_buffer_properties_get_string[i], 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT); } for (i = 0; gui_buffer_properties_get_pointer[i]; i++) { gui_completion_list_add (completion, gui_buffer_properties_get_pointer[i], 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT); } return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } /* * gui_completion_list_add_config_files_cb: add config files to completion list */ int gui_completion_list_add_config_files_cb (void *data, const char *completion_item, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, struct t_gui_completion *completion) { struct t_config_file *ptr_config_file; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) data; (void) completion_item; (void) buffer; for (ptr_config_file = config_files; ptr_config_file; ptr_config_file = ptr_config_file->next_config) { gui_completion_list_add (completion, ptr_config_file->name, 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT); } return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } /* * gui_completion_list_add_filename: add filename to completion list */ int gui_completion_list_add_filename_cb (void *data, const char *completion_item, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, struct t_gui_completion *completion) { char *path_d, *path_b, *p, *d_name; char *real_prefix, *prefix; char *buf; int buf_len; DIR *dp; struct dirent *entry; struct stat statbuf; char home[3] = { '~', DIR_SEPARATOR_CHAR, '\0' }; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) data; (void) completion_item; (void) buffer; buf_len = PATH_MAX; buf = malloc (buf_len); if (!buf) return WEECHAT_RC_OK; completion->add_space = 0; if ((strncmp (completion->base_word, home, 2) == 0) && getenv("HOME")) { real_prefix = strdup (getenv("HOME")); prefix = strdup (home); } else { if ((strncmp (completion->base_word, DIR_SEPARATOR, 1) != 0) || (strcmp (completion->base_word, "") == 0)) { real_prefix = strdup (weechat_home); prefix = strdup (""); } else { real_prefix = strdup (DIR_SEPARATOR); prefix = strdup (DIR_SEPARATOR); } } snprintf (buf, buf_len, "%s", completion->base_word + strlen (prefix)); p = strrchr (buf, DIR_SEPARATOR_CHAR); if (p) { p[0] = '\0'; path_d = strdup (buf); p++; path_b = strdup (p); } else { path_d = strdup (""); path_b = strdup (buf); } sprintf (buf, "%s%s%s", real_prefix, DIR_SEPARATOR, path_d); d_name = strdup (buf); dp = opendir (d_name); if (dp != NULL) { while ((entry = readdir (dp)) != NULL) { if (strncmp (entry->d_name, path_b, strlen (path_b)) == 0) { if (strcmp (entry->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp (entry->d_name, "..") == 0) continue; snprintf (buf, buf_len, "%s%s%s", d_name, DIR_SEPARATOR, entry->d_name); if (stat (buf, &statbuf) == -1) continue; snprintf (buf, buf_len, "%s%s%s%s%s%s", prefix, ((strcmp(prefix, "") == 0) || strchr(prefix, DIR_SEPARATOR_CHAR)) ? "" : DIR_SEPARATOR, path_d, strcmp(path_d, "") == 0 ? "" : DIR_SEPARATOR, entry->d_name, S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode) ? DIR_SEPARATOR : ""); gui_completion_list_add (completion, buf, 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT); } } closedir (dp); } free (d_name); free (prefix); free (real_prefix); free (path_d); free (path_b); free (buf); return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } /* * gui_completion_list_add_filters_cb: add filters to completion list */ int gui_completion_list_add_filters_cb (void *data, const char *completion_item, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, struct t_gui_completion *completion) { struct t_gui_filter *ptr_filter; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) data; (void) completion_item; (void) buffer; for (ptr_filter = gui_filters; ptr_filter; ptr_filter = ptr_filter->next_filter) { gui_completion_list_add (completion, ptr_filter->name, 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT); } return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } /* * gui_completion_list_add_commands_cb: add command hooks to completion list */ int gui_completion_list_add_commands_cb (void *data, const char *completion_item, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, struct t_gui_completion *completion) { struct t_hook *ptr_hook; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) data; (void) completion_item; (void) buffer; for (ptr_hook = weechat_hooks[HOOK_TYPE_COMMAND]; ptr_hook; ptr_hook = ptr_hook->next_hook) { if (!ptr_hook->deleted && (HOOK_COMMAND(ptr_hook, command)) && (HOOK_COMMAND(ptr_hook, command)[0])) gui_completion_list_add (completion, HOOK_COMMAND(ptr_hook, command), 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT); } return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } /* * gui_completion_list_add_infos_cb: add info hooks to completion list */ int gui_completion_list_add_infos_cb (void *data, const char *completion_item, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, struct t_gui_completion *completion) { struct t_hook *ptr_hook; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) data; (void) completion_item; (void) buffer; for (ptr_hook = weechat_hooks[HOOK_TYPE_INFO]; ptr_hook; ptr_hook = ptr_hook->next_hook) { if (!ptr_hook->deleted && (HOOK_INFO(ptr_hook, info_name)) && (HOOK_INFO(ptr_hook, info_name)[0])) gui_completion_list_add (completion, HOOK_INFO(ptr_hook, info_name), 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT); } return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } /* * gui_completion_list_add_infolists_cb: add infolist hooks to completion list */ int gui_completion_list_add_infolists_cb (void *data, const char *completion_item, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, struct t_gui_completion *completion) { struct t_hook *ptr_hook; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) data; (void) completion_item; (void) buffer; for (ptr_hook = weechat_hooks[HOOK_TYPE_INFOLIST]; ptr_hook; ptr_hook = ptr_hook->next_hook) { if (!ptr_hook->deleted && (HOOK_INFOLIST(ptr_hook, infolist_name)) && (HOOK_INFOLIST(ptr_hook, infolist_name)[0])) gui_completion_list_add (completion, HOOK_INFOLIST(ptr_hook, infolist_name), 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT); } return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } /* * gui_completion_list_add_nicks_cb: add nicks to completion list */ int gui_completion_list_add_nicks_cb (void *data, const char *completion_item, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, struct t_gui_completion *completion) { struct t_gui_nick_group *ptr_group; struct t_gui_nick *ptr_nick; int count_before; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) data; (void) completion_item; (void) buffer; count_before = weelist_size (completion->completion_list); hook_completion_exec (completion->buffer->plugin, "nick", completion->buffer, completion); if (weelist_size (completion->completion_list) == count_before) { /* no plugin overrides nick completion, then we use default nick */ /* completion, wich nicks of nicklist, in order of nicklist */ ptr_group = NULL; ptr_nick = NULL; gui_nicklist_get_next_item (completion->buffer, &ptr_group, &ptr_nick); while (ptr_group || ptr_nick) { if (ptr_nick && ptr_nick->visible) { gui_completion_list_add (completion, ptr_nick->name, 1, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_END); } gui_nicklist_get_next_item (completion->buffer, &ptr_group, &ptr_nick); } } return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } /* * gui_completion_list_add_config_options_cb: add config option to completion * list */ int gui_completion_list_add_config_options_cb (void *data, const char *completion_item, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, struct t_gui_completion *completion) { struct t_config_file *ptr_config; struct t_config_section *ptr_section; struct t_config_option *ptr_option; int length; char *option_full_name; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) data; (void) completion_item; (void) buffer; for (ptr_config = config_files; ptr_config; ptr_config = ptr_config->next_config) { for (ptr_section = ptr_config->sections; ptr_section; ptr_section = ptr_section->next_section) { for (ptr_option = ptr_section->options; ptr_option; ptr_option = ptr_option->next_option) { length = strlen (ptr_config->name) + 1 + strlen (ptr_section->name) + 1 + strlen (ptr_option->name) + 1; option_full_name = malloc (length); if (option_full_name) { snprintf (option_full_name, length, "%s.%s.%s", ptr_config->name, ptr_section->name, ptr_option->name); gui_completion_list_add (completion, option_full_name, 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT); free (option_full_name); } } } } return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } /* * gui_completion_list_add_plugins_cb: add plugin name to completion list */ int gui_completion_list_add_plugins_cb (void *data, const char *completion_item, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, struct t_gui_completion *completion) { struct t_weechat_plugin *ptr_plugin; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) data; (void) completion_item; (void) buffer; for (ptr_plugin = weechat_plugins; ptr_plugin; ptr_plugin = ptr_plugin->next_plugin) { gui_completion_list_add (completion, ptr_plugin->name, 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT); } return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } /* * gui_completion_list_add_plugins_commands_cb: add plugin commands to completion * list (plugin name is previous * argument) */ int gui_completion_list_add_plugins_commands_cb (void *data, const char *completion_item, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, struct t_gui_completion *completion) { char *pos_space, *plugin_name; struct t_weechat_plugin *ptr_plugin; struct t_hook *ptr_hook; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) data; (void) completion_item; (void) buffer; if (completion->args) { pos_space = strchr (completion->args, ' '); if (pos_space) plugin_name = string_strndup (completion->args, pos_space - completion->args); else plugin_name = strdup (completion->args); if (plugin_name) { ptr_plugin = NULL; if (string_strcasecmp (plugin_name, PLUGIN_CORE) != 0) { /* * plugin name is different from "core", then search it in * plugin list */ ptr_plugin = plugin_search (plugin_name); if (!ptr_plugin) return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } for (ptr_hook = weechat_hooks[HOOK_TYPE_COMMAND]; ptr_hook; ptr_hook = ptr_hook->next_hook) { if (!ptr_hook->deleted && (ptr_hook->plugin == ptr_plugin) && HOOK_COMMAND(ptr_hook, command) && HOOK_COMMAND(ptr_hook, command)[0]) { gui_completion_list_add (completion, HOOK_COMMAND(ptr_hook, command), 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT); } } free (plugin_name); } } return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } /* * gui_completion_list_add_config_option_values_cb: add option value to * completion list */ int gui_completion_list_add_config_option_values_cb (void *data, const char *completion_item, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, struct t_gui_completion *completion) { char *pos_space, *option_full_name, *pos_section, *pos_option; char *file, *section, *value_string; const char *color_name; int length, i, num_colors; struct t_config_file *ptr_config; struct t_config_section *ptr_section, *section_found; struct t_config_option *option_found; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) data; (void) completion_item; (void) buffer; if (completion->args) { pos_space = strchr (completion->args, ' '); if (pos_space) option_full_name = string_strndup (completion->args, pos_space - completion->args); else option_full_name = strdup (completion->args); if (option_full_name) { file = NULL; section = NULL; pos_option = NULL; pos_section = strchr (option_full_name, '.'); pos_option = (pos_section) ? strchr (pos_section + 1, '.') : NULL; if (pos_section && pos_option) { file = string_strndup (option_full_name, pos_section - option_full_name); section = string_strndup (pos_section + 1, pos_option - pos_section - 1); pos_option++; } if (file && section && pos_option) { ptr_config = config_file_search (file); if (ptr_config) { ptr_section = config_file_search_section (ptr_config, section); if (ptr_section) { config_file_search_section_option (ptr_config, ptr_section, pos_option, §ion_found, &option_found); if (option_found) { switch (option_found->type) { case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_BOOLEAN: gui_completion_list_add (completion, "on", 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT); gui_completion_list_add (completion, "off", 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT); gui_completion_list_add (completion, "toggle", 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_END); if (option_found->value) { if (CONFIG_BOOLEAN(option_found) == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_TRUE) gui_completion_list_add (completion, "on", 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_BEGINNING); else gui_completion_list_add (completion, "off", 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_BEGINNING); } else { gui_completion_list_add (completion, WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_NULL, 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_BEGINNING); } break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_INTEGER: if (option_found->string_values) { for (i = 0; option_found->string_values[i]; i++) { gui_completion_list_add (completion, option_found->string_values[i], 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT); } gui_completion_list_add (completion, "++1", 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_END); gui_completion_list_add (completion, "--1", 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_END); if (option_found->value) { gui_completion_list_add (completion, option_found->string_values[CONFIG_INTEGER(option_found)], 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_BEGINNING); } else { gui_completion_list_add (completion, WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_NULL, 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_BEGINNING); } } else { if (option_found->value && CONFIG_INTEGER(option_found) > option_found->min) gui_completion_list_add (completion, "--1", 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_BEGINNING); if (option_found->value && CONFIG_INTEGER(option_found) < option_found->max) gui_completion_list_add (completion, "++1", 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_BEGINNING); if (option_found->value) { length = 64; value_string = malloc (length); if (value_string) { snprintf (value_string, length, "%d", CONFIG_INTEGER(option_found)); gui_completion_list_add (completion, value_string, 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_BEGINNING); free (value_string); } } else { gui_completion_list_add (completion, WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_NULL, 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_BEGINNING); } } break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_STRING: gui_completion_list_add (completion, "\"\"", 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_BEGINNING); if (option_found->value) { length = strlen (CONFIG_STRING(option_found)) + 2 + 1; value_string = malloc (length); if (value_string) { snprintf (value_string, length, "\"%s\"", CONFIG_STRING(option_found)); gui_completion_list_add (completion, value_string, 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_BEGINNING); free (value_string); } } else { gui_completion_list_add (completion, WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_NULL, 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_BEGINNING); } break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_COLOR: num_colors = gui_color_get_number (); for (i = 0; i < num_colors; i++) { color_name = gui_color_get_name (i); if (color_name) gui_completion_list_add (completion, color_name, 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT); } gui_completion_list_add (completion, "++1", 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_END); gui_completion_list_add (completion, "--1", 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_END); if (option_found->value) { color_name = gui_color_get_name (CONFIG_INTEGER(option_found)); if (color_name) { gui_completion_list_add (completion, color_name, 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_BEGINNING); } } else { gui_completion_list_add (completion, WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_NULL, 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_BEGINNING); } break; case CONFIG_NUM_OPTION_TYPES: break; } if (option_found->value && option_found->null_value_allowed) { gui_completion_list_add (completion, WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_NULL, 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_END); } } } } } if (file) free (file); if (section) free (section); } } return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } /* * gui_completion_list_add_weechat_commands_cb: add WeeChat commands to * completion list */ int gui_completion_list_add_weechat_commands_cb (void *data, const char *completion_item, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, struct t_gui_completion *completion) { struct t_hook *ptr_hook; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) data; (void) completion_item; (void) buffer; for (ptr_hook = weechat_hooks[HOOK_TYPE_COMMAND]; ptr_hook; ptr_hook = ptr_hook->next_hook) { if (!ptr_hook->deleted && !ptr_hook->plugin && HOOK_COMMAND(ptr_hook, command) && HOOK_COMMAND(ptr_hook, command)[0]) { gui_completion_list_add (completion, HOOK_COMMAND(ptr_hook, command), 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT); } } return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } /* * gui_completion_list_add_proxies_names_cb: add proxies names to completion * list */ int gui_completion_list_add_proxies_names_cb (void *data, const char *completion_item, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, struct t_gui_completion *completion) { struct t_proxy *ptr_proxy; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) data; (void) completion_item; (void) buffer; for (ptr_proxy = weechat_proxies; ptr_proxy; ptr_proxy = ptr_proxy->next_proxy) { gui_completion_list_add (completion, ptr_proxy->name, 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT); } return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } /* * gui_completion_list_add_proxies_options: add proxies options to completion * list */ int gui_completion_list_add_proxies_options_cb (void *data, const char *completion_item, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, struct t_gui_completion *completion) { int i; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) data; (void) completion_item; (void) buffer; for (i = 0; i < PROXY_NUM_OPTIONS; i++) { gui_completion_list_add (completion, proxy_option_string[i], 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT); } return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } /* * gui_completion_list_add_keys_codes_cb: add keys to completion list */ int gui_completion_list_add_keys_codes_cb (void *data, const char *completion_item, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, struct t_gui_completion *completion) { struct t_gui_key *ptr_key; char *expanded_name; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) data; (void) completion_item; (void) buffer; for (ptr_key = gui_keys; ptr_key; ptr_key = ptr_key->next_key) { expanded_name = gui_keyboard_get_expanded_name (ptr_key->key); gui_completion_list_add (completion, (expanded_name) ? expanded_name : ptr_key->key, 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT); if (expanded_name) free (expanded_name); } return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } /* * gui_completion_list_add_keys_codes_for_reset_cb: add keys that can be reset * (keys added, redefined or * removed) to completion list */ int gui_completion_list_add_keys_codes_for_reset_cb (void *data, const char *completion_item, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, struct t_gui_completion *completion) { struct t_gui_key *ptr_key, *ptr_default_key; char *expanded_name; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) data; (void) completion_item; (void) buffer; /* keys added or redefined */ for (ptr_key = gui_keys; ptr_key; ptr_key = ptr_key->next_key) { ptr_default_key = gui_keyboard_search (gui_default_keys, ptr_key->key); if (!ptr_default_key || (strcmp (ptr_default_key->command, ptr_key->command) != 0)) { expanded_name = gui_keyboard_get_expanded_name (ptr_key->key); gui_completion_list_add (completion, (expanded_name) ? expanded_name : ptr_key->key, 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT); if (expanded_name) free (expanded_name); } } /* keys deleted */ for (ptr_default_key = gui_default_keys; ptr_default_key; ptr_default_key = ptr_default_key->next_key) { ptr_key = gui_keyboard_search (gui_keys, ptr_default_key->key); if (!ptr_key) { expanded_name = gui_keyboard_get_expanded_name (ptr_default_key->key); gui_completion_list_add (completion, (expanded_name) ? expanded_name : ptr_default_key->key, 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT); if (expanded_name) free (expanded_name); } } return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } /* * gui_completion_custom: custom completion by a plugin */ void gui_completion_custom (struct t_gui_completion *completion, const char *custom_completion, struct t_weechat_plugin *plugin) { hook_completion_exec (plugin, custom_completion, completion->buffer, completion); } /* * gui_completion_build_list_template: build data list according to a template */ void gui_completion_build_list_template (struct t_gui_completion *completion, const char *template, struct t_weechat_plugin *plugin) { char *word, *custom_completion; const char *pos, *pos_end; int word_offset; word = strdup (template); word_offset = 0; pos = template; while (pos) { switch (pos[0]) { case '\0': case ' ': case '|': if (word_offset > 0) { word[word_offset] = '\0'; gui_completion_list_add (completion, word, 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT); } word_offset = 0; break; case '%': pos++; if (pos && pos[0]) { switch (pos[0]) { case '-': /* stop completion */ gui_completion_stop (completion, 1); free (word); return; break; case '*': /* repeat last completion (do nothing there) */ break; case '(': /* custom completion by a plugin */ pos++; pos_end = strchr (pos, ')'); if (pos_end) { if (pos_end > pos) { custom_completion = string_strndup (pos, pos_end - pos); if (custom_completion) { gui_completion_custom (completion, custom_completion, plugin); free (custom_completion); } } pos = pos_end + 1; } } } break; default: word[word_offset++] = pos[0]; } /* end of argument in template? */ if (!pos[0] || (pos[0] == ' ')) pos = NULL; else pos++; } free (word); } /* * gui_completion_get_matching_template: get template matching arguments for * command */ int gui_completion_get_matching_template (struct t_gui_completion *completion, struct t_hook *hook_command) { int i, length; /* without at least one argument, we can't find matching template! */ if (completion->base_command_arg_index <= 1) return -1; for (i = 0; i < HOOK_COMMAND(hook_command, cplt_num_templates); i++) { length = strlen (HOOK_COMMAND(hook_command, cplt_templates_static)[i]); if ((strncmp (HOOK_COMMAND(hook_command, cplt_templates_static)[i], completion->args, length) == 0) && (completion->args[length] == ' ')) { return i; } } return -1; } /* * gui_completion_get_template_for_args: get template according to user * arguments for command */ char * gui_completion_get_template_for_args (struct t_gui_completion *completion, struct t_hook *hook_command) { int matching_template; /* * if template refers to another command, search this command and use its * template */ if ((HOOK_COMMAND(hook_command, cplt_templates)[0][0] == '%') && (HOOK_COMMAND(hook_command, cplt_templates)[0][1] == '%') && (HOOK_COMMAND(hook_command, cplt_templates)[0][1])) { hook_command = gui_completion_search_command (HOOK_COMMAND(hook_command, cplt_templates)[0] + 2); if (!hook_command || ((HOOK_COMMAND(hook_command, cplt_templates)[0][0] == '%') && (HOOK_COMMAND(hook_command, cplt_templates)[0][1] == '%'))) { return strdup (""); } } /* if only one template available, then use it */ if (HOOK_COMMAND(hook_command, cplt_num_templates) == 1) return strdup (HOOK_COMMAND(hook_command, cplt_templates)[0]); /* search which template is matching arguments from user */ matching_template = gui_completion_get_matching_template (completion, hook_command); if (matching_template >= 0) { return strdup (HOOK_COMMAND(hook_command, cplt_templates[matching_template])); } else { if (HOOK_COMMAND(hook_command, cplt_template_num_args_concat) >= completion->base_command_arg_index) return strdup (HOOK_COMMAND(hook_command, cplt_template_args_concat[completion->base_command_arg_index - 1])); else return strdup (""); } } /* * gui_completion_build_list: build data list according to command and * argument index */ void gui_completion_build_list (struct t_gui_completion *completion) { struct t_hook *ptr_hook; char *template, *pos_template, *pos_space; int repeat_last, i, length; repeat_last = 0; ptr_hook = gui_completion_search_command (completion->base_command); if (!ptr_hook || !HOOK_COMMAND(ptr_hook, completion)) { completion->context = GUI_COMPLETION_AUTO; completion->base_command_arg_index = 0; free (completion->base_command); completion->base_command = NULL; return; } if (strcmp (HOOK_COMMAND(ptr_hook, completion), "-") == 0) { gui_completion_stop (completion, 1); return; } template = gui_completion_get_template_for_args (completion, ptr_hook); if (!template) return; length = strlen (template); if (length >= 2) { if (strcmp (template + length - 2, "%*") == 0) repeat_last = 1; } i = 1; pos_template = template; while (pos_template && pos_template[0]) { pos_space = strchr (pos_template, ' '); if (i == completion->base_command_arg_index) { gui_completion_build_list_template (completion, pos_template, ptr_hook->plugin); free (template); return; } if (pos_space) { pos_template = pos_space; while (pos_template[0] == ' ') { pos_template++; } } else pos_template = NULL; i++; } if (repeat_last) { pos_space = rindex (HOOK_COMMAND(ptr_hook, completion), ' '); gui_completion_build_list_template (completion, (pos_space) ? pos_space + 1 : HOOK_COMMAND(ptr_hook, completion), ptr_hook->plugin); } free (template); } /* * gui_completion_find_context: find context for completion */ void gui_completion_find_context (struct t_gui_completion *completion, const char *data, int size, int pos) { int i, command, command_arg, pos_start, pos_end; char *prev_char; /* look for context */ gui_completion_free_data (completion); gui_completion_buffer_init (completion, completion->buffer); command = (string_is_command_char (data)) ? 1 : 0; command_arg = 0; i = 0; while (i < pos) { if (data[i] == ' ') { command_arg++; i++; while ((i < pos) && (data[i] == ' ')) { i++; } if (!completion->args) completion->args = strdup (data + i); } else i++; } if (command) { if (command_arg > 0) { completion->context = GUI_COMPLETION_COMMAND_ARG; completion->base_command_arg_index = command_arg; } else { completion->context = GUI_COMPLETION_COMMAND; completion->base_command_arg_index = 0; } } else completion->context = GUI_COMPLETION_AUTO; /* look for word to complete (base word) */ completion->base_word_pos = 0; completion->position_replace = pos; if (size > 0) { i = pos; pos_start = i; if (data[i] == ' ') { if ((i > 0) && (data[i-1] != ' ')) { i--; while ((i >= 0) && (data[i] != ' ')) { i--; } pos_start = i + 1; } } else { while ((i >= 0) && (data[i] != ' ')) { i--; } pos_start = i + 1; } i = pos; while ((i < size) && (data[i] != ' ')) { i++; } pos_end = i - 1; if (completion->context == GUI_COMPLETION_COMMAND) { pos_start++; if (string_is_command_char (data + pos_start)) pos_start += utf8_char_size (data + pos_start); } completion->base_word_pos = pos_start; if (pos_start <= pos_end) { completion->position_replace = pos_start; completion->base_word = malloc (pos_end - pos_start + 2); for (i = pos_start; i <= pos_end; i++) { completion->base_word[i - pos_start] = data[i]; } completion->base_word[pos_end - pos_start + 1] = '\0'; } } if (!completion->base_word) completion->base_word = strdup (""); /* find command (for command argument completion only) */ if (completion->context == GUI_COMPLETION_COMMAND_ARG) { pos_start = 0; while ((pos_start < size) && !string_is_command_char (data + pos_start)) { pos_start += utf8_char_size (data + pos_start); } if (string_is_command_char (data + pos_start)) { pos_start += utf8_char_size (data + pos_start); if (string_is_command_char (data + pos_start)) pos_start += utf8_char_size (data + pos_start); pos_end = pos_start; while ((pos_end < size) && (data[pos_end] != ' ')) { pos_end += utf8_char_size (data + pos_end); } if (data[pos_end] == ' ') { prev_char = utf8_prev_char (data, data + pos_end); pos_end -= utf8_char_size (prev_char); } completion->base_command = malloc (pos_end - pos_start + 2); for (i = pos_start; i <= pos_end; i++) { completion->base_command[i - pos_start] = data[i]; } completion->base_command[pos_end - pos_start + 1] = '\0'; gui_completion_build_list (completion); } } /* * auto completion with nothing as base word is disabled, * in order to prevent completion when pasting messages with [tab] inside */ if ((completion->context == GUI_COMPLETION_AUTO) && ((!completion->base_word) || (!completion->base_word[0]))) { completion->context = GUI_COMPLETION_NULL; return; } } /* * gui_completion_common_prefix_size: find common prefix size in matching items * (case is ignored) * if utf_char is not null, only words * beginning with this char are compared * (all other words are ignored) * for example with items: * FlashCode, flashy, flashouille * common prefix size is 5 ("flash") */ int gui_completion_common_prefix_size (struct t_weelist *list, const char *utf_char) { struct t_weelist_item *ptr_item; char *ptr_first_item, *ptr_char, *next_char; ptr_first_item = list->items->data; ptr_char = ptr_first_item; while (ptr_char && ptr_char[0]) { next_char = utf8_next_char (ptr_char); for (ptr_item = list->items->next_item; ptr_item; ptr_item = ptr_item->next_item) { if (!utf_char || (utf8_charcasecmp (utf_char, ptr_item->data) == 0)) { if ((ptr_item->data[ptr_char - ptr_first_item] == '\0') || (utf8_charcasecmp (ptr_char, ptr_item->data + (ptr_char - ptr_first_item)) != 0)) { return ptr_char - ptr_first_item; } } } ptr_char = next_char; } return ptr_char - ptr_first_item; } /* * gui_completion_partial_build_list: build list with possible completions * when a partial completion occurs */ void gui_completion_partial_build_list (struct t_gui_completion *completion, int common_prefix_size) { int char_size, items_count; char utf_char[16], *word; struct t_weelist *weelist_temp; struct t_weelist_item *ptr_item, *next_item; gui_completion_partial_list_free_all (completion); if (!completion->completion_list || !completion->completion_list->items) return; weelist_temp = weelist_new (); if (!weelist_temp) return; for (ptr_item = completion->completion_list->items; ptr_item; ptr_item = ptr_item->next_item) { weelist_add (weelist_temp, ptr_item->data + common_prefix_size, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_END, NULL); } while (weelist_temp->items) { char_size = utf8_char_size (weelist_temp->items->data); memcpy (utf_char, weelist_temp->items->data, char_size); utf_char[char_size] = '\0'; word = NULL; common_prefix_size = gui_completion_common_prefix_size (weelist_temp, utf_char); if (common_prefix_size > 0) { word = string_strndup (weelist_temp->items->data, common_prefix_size); } items_count = 0; ptr_item = weelist_temp->items; while (ptr_item) { next_item = ptr_item->next_item; if (utf8_charcasecmp (utf_char, ptr_item->data) == 0) { weelist_remove (weelist_temp, ptr_item); items_count++; } ptr_item = next_item; } if (word) { gui_completion_partial_list_add (completion, word, CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_completion_partial_completion_count) ? items_count : -1); free (word); } } weelist_free (weelist_temp); } /* * gui_completion_complete: complete word using matching items */ void gui_completion_complete (struct t_gui_completion *completion) { int length, word_found_seen, other_completion, partial_completion; int common_prefix_size, item_is_nick; struct t_weelist_item *ptr_item, *ptr_item2; length = utf8_strlen (completion->base_word); word_found_seen = 0; other_completion = 0; partial_completion = completion->force_partial_completion; if (!partial_completion) { if (completion->context == GUI_COMPLETION_COMMAND) { partial_completion = CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_completion_partial_completion_command); } else if (completion->context == GUI_COMPLETION_COMMAND_ARG) { partial_completion = CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_completion_partial_completion_command_arg); } else partial_completion = CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_completion_partial_completion_other); } common_prefix_size = 0; if (partial_completion && completion->completion_list && completion->completion_list->items) { common_prefix_size = gui_completion_common_prefix_size (completion->completion_list, NULL); } ptr_item = NULL; if (completion->completion_list) { if (completion->direction < 0) ptr_item = completion->completion_list->last_item; else ptr_item = completion->completion_list->items; } if (partial_completion && completion->word_found && (utf8_strlen (completion->word_found) >= common_prefix_size)) { return; } while (ptr_item) { item_is_nick = ((long)(ptr_item->user_data) == 1); if ((item_is_nick && (gui_completion_nickncmp (completion->base_word, ptr_item->data, length) == 0)) || ((!item_is_nick) && (string_strncasecmp (completion->base_word, ptr_item->data, length) == 0))) { if ((!completion->word_found) || word_found_seen) { if (completion->word_found) free (completion->word_found); completion->word_found = strdup (ptr_item->data); completion->word_found_is_nick = item_is_nick; if (item_is_nick && (completion->base_word_pos > 0) && !CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_completion_nick_add_space)) { completion->add_space = 0; } /* stop after first nick if user asked that */ if (item_is_nick && CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_completion_nick_first_only)) { gui_completion_stop (completion, 1); return; } if (completion->direction < 0) ptr_item2 = ptr_item->prev_item; else ptr_item2 = ptr_item->next_item; while (ptr_item2) { if ((item_is_nick && (gui_completion_nickncmp (completion->base_word, ptr_item2->data, length) == 0)) || ((!item_is_nick) && (string_strncasecmp (completion->base_word, ptr_item2->data, length) == 0))) { other_completion++; } if (completion->direction < 0) ptr_item2 = ptr_item2->prev_item; else ptr_item2 = ptr_item2->next_item; } if (other_completion == 0) completion->position = -1; else if (completion->position < 0) completion->position = 0; /* stop after common prefix, if asked by user */ if (partial_completion && ((utf8_strlen (completion->word_found) >= common_prefix_size)) && (other_completion > 0)) { completion->word_found[common_prefix_size] = '\0'; completion->word_found_is_nick = 0; completion->add_space = 0; completion->position = -1; string_tolower (completion->word_found); /* alert user of partial completion */ if (CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_completion_partial_completion_alert)) printf ("\a"); /* * send "partial_completion" signal, to display possible * completions in bar item */ gui_completion_partial_build_list (completion, common_prefix_size); hook_signal_send ("partial_completion", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING, NULL); return; } gui_completion_partial_list_free_all (completion); return; } other_completion++; } if (completion->word_found && (string_strcasecmp (ptr_item->data, completion->word_found) == 0)) word_found_seen = 1; if (completion->direction < 0) ptr_item = ptr_item->prev_item; else ptr_item = ptr_item->next_item; } /* * if we was on last completion in list, then recomplete, starting from * first matching item */ if (completion->word_found && (completion->position >= 0)) { free (completion->word_found); completion->word_found = NULL; completion->word_found_is_nick = 0; gui_completion_complete (completion); } } /* * gui_completion_command: complete a command */ void gui_completion_command (struct t_gui_completion *completion) { struct t_hook *ptr_hook; if (!completion->completion_list->items) { for (ptr_hook = weechat_hooks[HOOK_TYPE_COMMAND]; ptr_hook; ptr_hook = ptr_hook->next_hook) { if (!ptr_hook->deleted && HOOK_COMMAND(ptr_hook, command) && HOOK_COMMAND(ptr_hook, command)[0]) { gui_completion_list_add (completion, HOOK_COMMAND(ptr_hook, command), 0, WEECHAT_LIST_POS_SORT); } } } gui_completion_complete (completion); } /* * gui_completion_auto: auto complete: nick, filename or channel */ void gui_completion_auto (struct t_gui_completion *completion) { /* filename completion */ if ((completion->base_word[0] == '/') || (completion->base_word[0] == '~')) { if (!completion->completion_list->items) gui_completion_list_add_filename_cb (NULL, NULL, NULL, completion); gui_completion_complete (completion); return; } /* use default template completion */ if (!completion->completion_list->items) { gui_completion_build_list_template (completion, CONFIG_STRING(config_completion_default_template), NULL); } gui_completion_complete (completion); } /* * gui_completion_search: complete word according to context */ void gui_completion_search (struct t_gui_completion *completion, int direction, const char *data, int size, int pos) { char *old_word_found; completion->direction = direction; /* if new completion => look for base word */ if (pos != completion->position) { if (completion->word_found) free (completion->word_found); completion->word_found = NULL; completion->word_found_is_nick = 0; gui_completion_find_context (completion, data, size, pos); completion->force_partial_completion = (direction < 0); } /* completion */ old_word_found = (completion->word_found) ? strdup (completion->word_found) : NULL; switch (completion->context) { case GUI_COMPLETION_NULL: /* should never be executed */ return; case GUI_COMPLETION_COMMAND: gui_completion_command (completion); break; case GUI_COMPLETION_COMMAND_ARG: if (completion->completion_list->items) gui_completion_complete (completion); else { completion->context = GUI_COMPLETION_AUTO; gui_completion_auto (completion); } break; case GUI_COMPLETION_AUTO: gui_completion_auto (completion); break; } if (completion->word_found) { if (old_word_found) { completion->diff_size = strlen (completion->word_found) - strlen (old_word_found); completion->diff_length = utf8_strlen (completion->word_found) - utf8_strlen (old_word_found); } else { completion->diff_size = strlen (completion->word_found) - strlen (completion->base_word); completion->diff_length = utf8_strlen (completion->word_found) - utf8_strlen (completion->base_word); } } if (old_word_found) free (old_word_found); } /* * gui_completion_print_log: print completion list in log (usually for crash dump) */ void gui_completion_print_log (struct t_gui_completion *completion) { struct t_gui_completion_partial *ptr_item; log_printf ("[completion (addr:0x%lx)]", completion); log_printf (" buffer. . . . . . . . . : 0x%lx", completion->buffer); log_printf (" context . . . . . . . . : %d", completion->context); log_printf (" base_command. . . . . . : '%s'", completion->base_command); log_printf (" base_command_arg_index. : %d", completion->base_command_arg_index); log_printf (" base_word . . . . . . . : '%s'", completion->base_word); log_printf (" base_word_pos . . . . . : %d", completion->base_word_pos); log_printf (" position. . . . . . . . : %d", completion->position); log_printf (" args. . . . . . . . . . : '%s'", completion->args); log_printf (" direction . . . . . . . : %d", completion->direction); log_printf (" add_space . . . . . . . : %d", completion->add_space); log_printf (" force_partial_completion: %d", completion->force_partial_completion); log_printf (" completion_list . . . . : 0x%lx", completion->completion_list); log_printf (" word_found. . . . . . . : '%s'", completion->word_found); log_printf (" word_found_is_nick. . . : %d", completion->word_found_is_nick); log_printf (" position_replace. . . . : %d", completion->position_replace); log_printf (" diff_size . . . . . . . : %d", completion->diff_size); log_printf (" diff_length . . . . . . : %d", completion->diff_length); if (completion->completion_list) { log_printf (""); weelist_print_log (completion->completion_list, "completion list element"); } if (completion->partial_completion_list) { log_printf (""); for (ptr_item = completion->partial_completion_list; ptr_item; ptr_item = ptr_item->next_item) { log_printf ("[partial completion item (addr:0x%lx)]", ptr_item); log_printf (" word. . . . . . . . . . : '%s'", ptr_item->word); log_printf (" count . . . . . . . . . : %d", ptr_item->count); log_printf (" prev_item . . . . . . . : 0x%lx", ptr_item->prev_item); log_printf (" next_item . . . . . . . : 0x%lx", ptr_item->next_item); } } } /* * gui_completion_init: add hooks for completions done by WeeChat core */ void gui_completion_init () { hook_completion (NULL, "buffers_names", /* formerly "%b" */ N_("names of buffers"), &gui_completion_list_add_buffers_names_cb, NULL); hook_completion (NULL, "buffers_numbers", N_("numbers of buffers"), &gui_completion_list_add_buffers_numbers_cb, NULL); hook_completion (NULL, "buffers_plugins_names", /* formerly "%B" */ N_("names of buffers (including plugins names)"), &gui_completion_list_add_buffers_plugins_names_cb, NULL); hook_completion (NULL, "buffer_properties_set", N_("properties that can be set on a buffer"), &gui_completion_list_add_buffer_properties_set_cb, NULL); hook_completion (NULL, "buffer_properties_get", N_("properties that can be read on a buffer"), &gui_completion_list_add_buffer_properties_get_cb, NULL); hook_completion (NULL, "config_files", /* formerly "%c" */ N_("configuration files"), &gui_completion_list_add_config_files_cb, NULL); hook_completion (NULL, "filename", /* formerly "%f" */ N_("filename"), &gui_completion_list_add_filename_cb, NULL); hook_completion (NULL, "filters_names", /* formerly "%F" */ N_("names of filters"), &gui_completion_list_add_filters_cb, NULL); hook_completion (NULL, "commands", /* formerly "%h" */ N_("commands (weechat and plugins)"), &gui_completion_list_add_commands_cb, NULL); hook_completion (NULL, "infos", /* formerly "%i" */ N_("names of infos hooked"), &gui_completion_list_add_infos_cb, NULL); hook_completion (NULL, "infolists", /* formerly "%I" */ N_("names of infolists hooked"), &gui_completion_list_add_infolists_cb, NULL); hook_completion (NULL, "nicks", /* formerly "%n" */ N_("nicks in nicklist of current buffer"), &gui_completion_list_add_nicks_cb, NULL); hook_completion (NULL, "config_options", /* formerly "%o" */ N_("configuration options"), &gui_completion_list_add_config_options_cb, NULL); hook_completion (NULL, "plugins_names", /* formerly "%p" */ N_("names of plugins"), &gui_completion_list_add_plugins_cb, NULL); hook_completion (NULL, "plugins_commands", /* formerly "%P" */ N_("commands defined by plugins"), &gui_completion_list_add_plugins_commands_cb, NULL); hook_completion (NULL, "bars_names", /* formerly "%r" */ N_("names of bars"), &gui_completion_list_add_bars_names_cb, NULL); hook_completion (NULL, "config_option_values", /* formerly "%v" */ N_("values for a configuration option"), &gui_completion_list_add_config_option_values_cb, NULL); hook_completion (NULL, "weechat_commands", /* formerly "%w" */ N_("weechat commands"), &gui_completion_list_add_weechat_commands_cb, NULL); hook_completion (NULL, "proxies_names", /* formerly "%y" */ N_("names of proxies"), &gui_completion_list_add_proxies_names_cb, NULL); hook_completion (NULL, "proxies_options", N_("options for proxies"), &gui_completion_list_add_proxies_options_cb, NULL); hook_completion (NULL, "bars_options", N_("options for bars"), &gui_completion_list_add_bars_options_cb, NULL); hook_completion (NULL, "keys_codes", N_("key codes"), &gui_completion_list_add_keys_codes_cb, NULL); hook_completion (NULL, "keys_codes_for_reset", N_("key codes that can be reset (keys added, redefined " "or removed)"), &gui_completion_list_add_keys_codes_for_reset_cb, NULL); }