/* * Copyright (c) 2003-2008 by FlashCode * See README for License detail, AUTHORS for developers list. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /* gui-curses-window.c: window display functions for Curses GUI */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include "../../core/weechat.h" #include "../../core/wee-config.h" #include "../../core/wee-hook.h" #include "../../core/wee-log.h" #include "../../core/wee-string.h" #include "../../plugins/plugin.h" #include "../gui-window.h" #include "../gui-bar.h" #include "../gui-buffer.h" #include "../gui-chat.h" #include "../gui-color.h" #include "../gui-hotlist.h" #include "../gui-infobar.h" #include "../gui-input.h" #include "../gui-main.h" #include "../gui-nicklist.h" #include "../gui-status.h" #include "gui-curses.h" int window_current_style_fg; /* current foreground color */ int window_current_style_bg; /* current background color */ int window_current_style_attr; /* current attributes (bold, ..) */ int window_current_color_attr; /* attr sum of last color(s) used */ /* * gui_window_get_width: get screen width (terminal width in chars for Curses) */ int gui_window_get_width () { return COLS; } /* * gui_window_get_height: get screen height (terminal height in chars for Curses) */ int gui_window_get_height () { return LINES; } /* * gui_window_objects_init: init Curses windows */ int gui_window_objects_init (struct t_gui_window *window) { struct t_gui_curses_objects *new_objects; new_objects = malloc (sizeof (*new_objects)); if (new_objects) { window->gui_objects = new_objects; GUI_CURSES(window)->win_title = NULL; GUI_CURSES(window)->win_chat = NULL; GUI_CURSES(window)->win_nick = NULL; GUI_CURSES(window)->win_status = NULL; GUI_CURSES(window)->win_infobar = NULL; GUI_CURSES(window)->win_input = NULL; GUI_CURSES(window)->win_separator = NULL; GUI_CURSES(window)->bar_windows = NULL; GUI_CURSES(window)->last_bar_window = NULL; return 1; } return 0; } /* * gui_window_objects_free: free Curses windows for a window */ void gui_window_objects_free (struct t_gui_window *window, int free_separator, int free_bar_windows) { if (GUI_CURSES(window)->win_title) { delwin (GUI_CURSES(window)->win_title); GUI_CURSES(window)->win_title = NULL; } if (GUI_CURSES(window)->win_chat) { delwin (GUI_CURSES(window)->win_chat); GUI_CURSES(window)->win_chat = NULL; } if (GUI_CURSES(window)->win_nick) { delwin (GUI_CURSES(window)->win_nick); GUI_CURSES(window)->win_nick = NULL; } if (GUI_CURSES(window)->win_status) { delwin (GUI_CURSES(window)->win_status); GUI_CURSES(window)->win_status = NULL; } if (GUI_CURSES(window)->win_infobar) { delwin (GUI_CURSES(window)->win_infobar); GUI_CURSES(window)->win_infobar = NULL; } if (GUI_CURSES(window)->win_input) { delwin (GUI_CURSES(window)->win_input); GUI_CURSES(window)->win_input = NULL; } if (free_separator && GUI_CURSES(window)->win_separator) { delwin (GUI_CURSES(window)->win_separator); GUI_CURSES(window)->win_separator = NULL; } if (free_bar_windows) { while (GUI_CURSES(window)->bar_windows) { gui_bar_window_free (GUI_CURSES(window)->bar_windows, window); } } } /* * gui_window_utf_char_valid: return 1 if utf char is valid for screen * otherwise return 0 */ int gui_window_utf_char_valid (char *utf_char) { /* 146 or 0x7F are not valid */ if ((((unsigned char)(utf_char[0]) == 146) || ((unsigned char)(utf_char[0]) == 0x7F)) && (!utf_char[1])) return 0; /* any other char is valid */ return 1; } /* * gui_window_wprintw: decode then display string with wprintw */ void gui_window_wprintw (WINDOW *window, char *data, ...) { va_list argptr; static char buf[4096]; char *buf2; va_start (argptr, data); vsnprintf (buf, sizeof (buf) - 1, data, argptr); va_end (argptr); buf2 = string_iconv_from_internal (NULL, buf); wprintw (window, "%s", (buf2) ? buf2 : buf); if (buf2) free (buf2); } /* * gui_window_curses_clear_weechat: clear a Curses window with a weechat color */ void gui_window_clear_weechat (WINDOW *window, int num_color) { if (!gui_ok) return; wbkgdset (window, ' ' | COLOR_PAIR (gui_color_get_pair (num_color))); werase (window); wmove (window, 0, 0); } /* * gui_window_clear: clear a Curses window */ void gui_window_clear (WINDOW *window, int bg) { int color; if (!gui_ok) return; if ((bg >= 0) && (bg < GUI_CURSES_NUM_WEECHAT_COLORS)) { color = gui_weechat_colors[bg].foreground; wbkgdset (window, ' ' | COLOR_PAIR (((color == -1) || (color == 99)) ? 63 : color * 8)); werase (window); wmove (window, 0, 0); } } /* * gui_window_reset_style: reset style (color and attr) for a window */ void gui_window_reset_style (WINDOW *window, int num_color) { window_current_style_fg = -1; window_current_style_bg = -1; window_current_style_attr = 0; window_current_color_attr = 0; wattron (window, COLOR_PAIR(gui_color_get_pair (num_color)) | gui_color[num_color]->attributes); wattroff (window, A_BOLD | A_UNDERLINE | A_REVERSE); } /* * gui_window_set_color_style: set style for color */ void gui_window_set_color_style (WINDOW *window, int style) { window_current_color_attr |= style; wattron (window, style); } /* * gui_window_remove_color_style: remove style for color */ void gui_window_remove_color_style (WINDOW *window, int style) { window_current_color_attr &= !style; wattroff (window, style); } /* * gui_window_set_color: set color for a window */ void gui_window_set_color (WINDOW *window, int fg, int bg) { window_current_style_fg = fg; window_current_style_bg = bg; if (((fg == -1) || (fg == 99)) && ((bg == -1) || (bg == 99))) wattron (window, COLOR_PAIR(63)); else { if ((fg == -1) || (fg == 99)) fg = COLOR_WHITE; if ((bg == -1) || (bg == 99)) bg = 0; wattron (window, COLOR_PAIR((bg * 8) + fg)); } } /* * gui_window_set_weechat_color: set WeeChat color for window */ void gui_window_set_weechat_color (WINDOW *window, int num_color) { if ((num_color >= 0) && (num_color < GUI_COLOR_NUM_COLORS)) { /* wattroff (window, A_BOLD | A_UNDERLINE | A_REVERSE); wattron (window, COLOR_PAIR(gui_color_get_pair (num_color)) | gui_color[num_color]->attributes); */ gui_window_reset_style (window, num_color); wattron (window, gui_color[num_color]->attributes); gui_window_set_color (window, gui_color[num_color]->foreground, gui_color[num_color]->background); } } /* * gui_window_set_custom_color_fg_bg: set a custom color for a window * (foreground and background) */ void gui_window_set_custom_color_fg_bg (WINDOW *window, int fg, int bg) { if ((fg >= 0) && (fg < GUI_CURSES_NUM_WEECHAT_COLORS) && (bg >= 0) && (bg < GUI_CURSES_NUM_WEECHAT_COLORS)) { gui_window_remove_color_style (window, A_BOLD); wattron (window, gui_weechat_colors[fg].attributes); gui_window_set_color (window, gui_weechat_colors[fg].foreground, gui_weechat_colors[bg].foreground); } } /* * gui_window_set_custom_color_fg: set a custom color for a window * (foreground only) */ void gui_window_set_custom_color_fg (WINDOW *window, int fg) { int current_attr, current_bg; if ((fg >= 0) && (fg < GUI_CURSES_NUM_WEECHAT_COLORS)) { current_attr = window_current_style_attr; current_bg = window_current_style_bg; gui_window_remove_color_style (window, A_BOLD); gui_window_set_color_style (window, gui_weechat_colors[fg].attributes); gui_window_set_color (window, gui_weechat_colors[fg].foreground, current_bg); } } /* * gui_window_set_custom_color_bg: set a custom color for a window * (background only) */ void gui_window_set_custom_color_bg (WINDOW *window, int bg) { int current_attr, current_fg; if ((bg >= 0) && (bg < GUI_CURSES_NUM_WEECHAT_COLORS)) { current_attr = window_current_style_attr; current_fg = window_current_style_fg; gui_window_set_color_style (window, current_attr); gui_window_set_color (window, current_fg, gui_weechat_colors[bg].foreground); } } /* * gui_window_clrtoeol_with_current_bg: clear until end of line with current bg */ void gui_window_clrtoeol_with_current_bg (WINDOW *window) { wbkgdset (window, ' ' | COLOR_PAIR ((window_current_style_bg < 0) ? 63 : window_current_style_bg * 8)); wclrtoeol (window); } /* * gui_window_calculate_pos_size: calculate position and size for a buffer & subwindows * return 1 if pos/size changed, 0 if no change */ int gui_window_calculate_pos_size (struct t_gui_window *window, int force_calculate) { struct t_gui_bar_window *ptr_bar_win; int max_length, max_height, lines, width_used; int add_top, add_bottom, add_left, add_right; if (!gui_ok) return 0; for (ptr_bar_win = GUI_CURSES(window)->bar_windows; ptr_bar_win; ptr_bar_win = ptr_bar_win->next_bar_window) { gui_bar_window_calculate_pos_size (ptr_bar_win, window); } add_bottom = gui_bar_window_get_size (NULL, window, GUI_BAR_POSITION_BOTTOM); add_top = gui_bar_window_get_size (NULL, window, GUI_BAR_POSITION_TOP); add_left = gui_bar_window_get_size (NULL, window, GUI_BAR_POSITION_LEFT); add_right = gui_bar_window_get_size (NULL, window, GUI_BAR_POSITION_RIGHT); /* init chat & nicklist settings */ if (window->buffer->nicklist) { max_length = window->buffer->nicklist_max_length; lines = 0; if ((CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_nicklist_position) == CONFIG_LOOK_NICKLIST_LEFT) || (CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_nicklist_position) == CONFIG_LOOK_NICKLIST_RIGHT)) { if ((CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_nicklist_min_size) > 0) && (max_length < CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_nicklist_min_size))) max_length = CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_nicklist_min_size); else if ((CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_nicklist_max_size) > 0) && (max_length > CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_nicklist_max_size))) max_length = CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_nicklist_max_size); if (!force_calculate && (window->win_nick_width == max_length + ((CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_look_nicklist_separator)) ? 1 : 0))) return 0; } else { width_used = (window->win_width - add_left - add_right) - ((window->win_width - add_left - add_right) % (max_length + 2)); if (((max_length + 2) * window->buffer->nicklist_visible_count) % width_used == 0) lines = ((max_length + 2) * window->buffer->nicklist_visible_count) / width_used; else lines = (((max_length + 2) * window->buffer->nicklist_visible_count) / width_used) + 1; if ((CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_nicklist_max_size) > 0) && (lines > CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_nicklist_max_size))) lines = CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_nicklist_max_size); if ((CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_nicklist_min_size) > 0) && (lines < CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_nicklist_min_size))) lines = CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_nicklist_min_size); max_height = (CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_look_infobar)) ? window->win_height - add_top - add_bottom - 3 - 4 : window->win_height - add_top - add_bottom - 2 - 4; if (lines > max_height) lines = max_height; if (!force_calculate && (window->win_nick_height == lines + ((CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_look_nicklist_separator)) ? 1 : 0))) return 0; } switch (CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_nicklist_position)) { case CONFIG_LOOK_NICKLIST_LEFT: window->win_chat_x = window->win_x + add_left + max_length + ((CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_look_nicklist_separator)) ? 1 : 0); window->win_chat_y = window->win_y + add_top + 1; window->win_chat_width = window->win_width - max_length - ((CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_look_nicklist_separator)) ? 1 : 0); window->win_nick_x = window->win_x + add_left + 0; window->win_nick_y = window->win_y + add_top + 1; window->win_nick_width = max_length + ((CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_look_nicklist_separator)) ? 1 : 0); if (CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_look_infobar)) { window->win_chat_height = window->win_height - add_top - add_bottom - 4; window->win_nick_height = window->win_height - add_top - add_bottom - 4; } else { window->win_chat_height = window->win_height - add_top - add_bottom - 3; window->win_nick_height = window->win_height - add_top - add_bottom - 3; } window->win_nick_num_max = window->win_nick_height; break; case CONFIG_LOOK_NICKLIST_RIGHT: window->win_chat_x = window->win_x + add_left; window->win_chat_y = window->win_y + add_top + 1; window->win_chat_width = window->win_width - add_left - add_right - max_length - ((CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_look_nicklist_separator)) ? 1 : 0); window->win_nick_x = window->win_x + window->win_width - add_right - max_length - ((CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_look_nicklist_separator)) ? 1 : 0); window->win_nick_y = window->win_y + add_top + 1; window->win_nick_width = max_length + ((CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_look_nicklist_separator)) ? 1 : 0); if (CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_look_infobar)) { window->win_chat_height = window->win_height - add_top - add_bottom - 4; window->win_nick_height = window->win_height - add_top - add_bottom - 4; } else { window->win_chat_height = window->win_height - add_top - add_bottom - 3; window->win_nick_height = window->win_height - add_top - add_bottom - 3; } window->win_nick_num_max = window->win_nick_height; break; case CONFIG_LOOK_NICKLIST_TOP: window->win_chat_x = window->win_x + add_left; window->win_chat_y = window->win_y + add_top + 1 + lines + ((CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_look_nicklist_separator)) ? 1 : 0); window->win_chat_width = window->win_width - add_left - add_right; if (CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_look_infobar)) window->win_chat_height = window->win_height - add_top - add_bottom - 3 - lines - ((CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_look_nicklist_separator)) ? 1 : 0) - 1; else window->win_chat_height = window->win_height - add_top - add_bottom - 3 - lines - ((CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_look_nicklist_separator)) ? 1 : 0); window->win_nick_x = window->win_x + add_left; window->win_nick_y = window->win_y + add_top + 1; window->win_nick_width = window->win_width - add_left - add_right; window->win_nick_height = lines + ((CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_look_nicklist_separator)) ? 1 : 0); window->win_nick_num_max = lines * (window->win_nick_width / (max_length + 1)); break; case CONFIG_LOOK_NICKLIST_BOTTOM: window->win_chat_x = window->win_x + add_left; window->win_chat_y = window->win_y + add_top + 1; window->win_chat_width = window->win_width - add_left - add_right; if (CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_look_infobar)) window->win_chat_height = window->win_height - add_top - add_bottom - 3 - lines - ((CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_look_nicklist_separator)) ? 1 : 0) - 1; else window->win_chat_height = window->win_height - add_top - add_bottom - 3 - lines - ((CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_look_nicklist_separator)) ? 1 : 0); window->win_nick_x = window->win_x; if (CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_look_infobar)) window->win_nick_y = window->win_y + window->win_height - add_bottom - 2 - lines - ((CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_look_nicklist_separator)) ? 1 : 0) - 1; else window->win_nick_y = window->win_y + window->win_height - add_bottom - 2 - lines - ((CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_look_nicklist_separator)) ? 1 : 0); window->win_nick_width = window->win_width; window->win_nick_height = lines + ((CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_look_nicklist_separator)) ? 1 : 0); window->win_nick_num_max = lines * (window->win_nick_width / (max_length + 1)); break; } window->win_chat_cursor_x = window->win_x + add_left; window->win_chat_cursor_y = window->win_y + add_top; } else { window->win_chat_x = window->win_x + add_left; window->win_chat_y = window->win_y + add_top + 1; window->win_chat_width = window->win_width - add_left - add_right; if (CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_look_infobar)) window->win_chat_height = window->win_height - add_top - add_bottom - 4; else window->win_chat_height = window->win_height - add_top - add_bottom - 3; window->win_chat_cursor_x = window->win_x + add_left; window->win_chat_cursor_y = window->win_y + add_top; window->win_nick_x = -1; window->win_nick_y = -1; window->win_nick_width = -1; window->win_nick_height = -1; window->win_nick_num_max = -1; } /* title window */ window->win_title_x = window->win_x + add_left; window->win_title_y = window->win_y + add_top; window->win_title_width = window->win_width - add_left - add_right; window->win_title_height = 1; /* status window */ window->win_status_x = window->win_x + add_left; if (CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_look_infobar)) window->win_status_y = window->win_y + window->win_height - add_bottom - 3; else window->win_status_y = window->win_y + window->win_height - add_bottom - 2; window->win_status_width = window->win_width - add_left - add_right; window->win_status_height = 1; /* infobar window */ if (CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_look_infobar)) { window->win_infobar_x = window->win_x + add_left; window->win_infobar_y = window->win_y + window->win_height - add_bottom - 2; window->win_infobar_width = window->win_width - add_left - add_right; window->win_infobar_height = 1; } else { window->win_infobar_x = -1; window->win_infobar_y = -1; window->win_infobar_width = -1; window->win_infobar_height = -1; } /* input window */ window->win_input_x = window->win_x + add_left; window->win_input_y = window->win_y + window->win_height - add_bottom - 1; window->win_input_width = window->win_width - add_left - add_right; window->win_input_height = 1; return 1; } /* * gui_window_draw_separator: draw window separation */ void gui_window_draw_separator (struct t_gui_window *window) { if (GUI_CURSES(window)->win_separator) delwin (GUI_CURSES(window)->win_separator); if (window->win_x > gui_bar_root_get_size (NULL, GUI_BAR_POSITION_LEFT)) { GUI_CURSES(window)->win_separator = newwin (window->win_height, 1, window->win_y, window->win_x - 1); gui_window_set_weechat_color (GUI_CURSES(window)->win_separator, GUI_COLOR_SEPARATOR); mvwvline (GUI_CURSES(window)->win_separator, 0, 0, ACS_VLINE, window->win_height); wnoutrefresh (GUI_CURSES(window)->win_separator); refresh (); } } /* * gui_window_redraw_buffer: redraw a buffer */ void gui_window_redraw_buffer (struct t_gui_buffer *buffer) { if (!gui_ok) return; gui_chat_draw_title (buffer, 1); gui_chat_draw (buffer, 1); if (buffer->nicklist) gui_nicklist_draw (buffer, 1); gui_status_draw (1); if (CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_look_infobar)) gui_infobar_draw (buffer, 1); gui_input_draw (buffer, 1); } /* * gui_window_redraw_all_buffers: redraw all buffers */ void gui_window_redraw_all_buffers () { struct t_gui_buffer *ptr_buffer; if (!gui_ok) return; for (ptr_buffer = gui_buffers; ptr_buffer; ptr_buffer = ptr_buffer->next_buffer) { gui_window_redraw_buffer (ptr_buffer); } } /* * gui_window_switch_to_buffer: switch to another buffer in a window */ void gui_window_switch_to_buffer (struct t_gui_window *window, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer) { struct t_gui_bar_window *ptr_bar_win; struct t_gui_buffer *old_buffer; if (!gui_ok) return; if (window->buffer->num_displayed > 0) window->buffer->num_displayed--; old_buffer = window->buffer; if (window->buffer != buffer) { window->start_line = NULL; window->start_line_pos = 0; window->buffer->last_read_line = window->buffer->last_line; if (buffer->last_read_line == buffer->last_line) buffer->last_read_line = NULL; gui_previous_buffer = window->buffer; } window->buffer = buffer; window->win_title_start = 0; window->win_nick_start = 0; if (old_buffer == buffer) { gui_bar_window_remove_unused_bars (window); gui_bar_window_add_missing_bars (window); } gui_window_calculate_pos_size (window, 1); /* create bar windows */ for (ptr_bar_win = GUI_CURSES(window)->bar_windows; ptr_bar_win; ptr_bar_win = ptr_bar_win->next_bar_window) { gui_bar_window_create_win (ptr_bar_win); } /* destroy Curses windows */ gui_window_objects_free (window, 0, 0); /* create Curses windows */ GUI_CURSES(window)->win_title = newwin (window->win_title_height, window->win_title_width, window->win_title_y, window->win_title_x); GUI_CURSES(window)->win_input = newwin (window->win_input_height, window->win_input_width, window->win_input_y, window->win_input_x); if (buffer->nicklist) { if (GUI_CURSES(window)->win_chat) delwin (GUI_CURSES(window)->win_chat); GUI_CURSES(window)->win_chat = newwin (window->win_chat_height, window->win_chat_width, window->win_chat_y, window->win_chat_x); GUI_CURSES(window)->win_nick = newwin (window->win_nick_height, window->win_nick_width, window->win_nick_y, window->win_nick_x); } else { if (GUI_CURSES(window)->win_chat) delwin (GUI_CURSES(window)->win_chat); GUI_CURSES(window)->win_chat = newwin (window->win_chat_height, window->win_chat_width, window->win_chat_y, window->win_chat_x); } /* create status/infobar windows */ if (CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_look_infobar)) GUI_CURSES(window)->win_infobar = newwin (window->win_infobar_height, window->win_infobar_width, window->win_infobar_y, window->win_infobar_x); GUI_CURSES(window)->win_status = newwin (window->win_status_height, window->win_status_width, window->win_status_y, window->win_status_x); buffer->num_displayed++; gui_hotlist_remove_buffer (buffer); if (buffer != old_buffer) { gui_bar_window_remove_unused_bars (window); gui_bar_window_add_missing_bars (window); } /* redraw bars in window */ for (ptr_bar_win = GUI_CURSES(window)->bar_windows; ptr_bar_win; ptr_bar_win = ptr_bar_win->next_bar_window) { gui_bar_draw (ptr_bar_win->bar); } hook_signal_send ("buffer_switch", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_POINTER, buffer); } /* * gui_window_switch: switch to another window */ void gui_window_switch (struct t_gui_window *window) { struct t_gui_window *old_window; int changes; if (gui_current_window == window) return; old_window = gui_current_window; gui_current_window = window; changes = gui_bar_window_remove_unused_bars (old_window) || gui_bar_window_add_missing_bars (old_window); if (changes) { gui_current_window = old_window; gui_window_switch_to_buffer (gui_current_window, gui_current_window->buffer); gui_current_window = window; } gui_window_switch_to_buffer (gui_current_window, gui_current_window->buffer); gui_window_redraw_buffer (gui_current_window->buffer); } /* * gui_window_page_up: display previous page on buffer */ void gui_window_page_up (struct t_gui_window *window) { char scroll[32]; if (!gui_ok) return; switch (window->buffer->type) { case GUI_BUFFER_TYPE_FORMATED: if (!window->first_line_displayed) { gui_chat_calculate_line_diff (window, &window->start_line, &window->start_line_pos, (window->start_line) ? (-1) * (window->win_chat_height - 1) : (-1) * ((window->win_chat_height - 1) * 2)); gui_chat_draw (window->buffer, 0); if (!window->scroll) { window->start_line = NULL; window->start_line_pos = 0; } gui_status_refresh_needed = 1; } break; case GUI_BUFFER_TYPE_FREE: if (window->start_line) { snprintf (scroll, sizeof (scroll), "-%d", window->win_chat_height); gui_window_scroll (window, scroll); hook_signal_send ("window_scrolled", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_POINTER, window); } break; case GUI_BUFFER_NUM_TYPES: break; } } /* * gui_window_page_down: display next page on buffer */ void gui_window_page_down (struct t_gui_window *window) { struct t_gui_line *ptr_line; int line_pos; char scroll[32]; if (!gui_ok) return; switch (window->buffer->type) { case GUI_BUFFER_TYPE_FORMATED: if (window->start_line) { gui_chat_calculate_line_diff (window, &window->start_line, &window->start_line_pos, window->win_chat_height - 1); /* check if we can display all */ ptr_line = window->start_line; line_pos = window->start_line_pos; gui_chat_calculate_line_diff (window, &ptr_line, &line_pos, window->win_chat_height - 1); if (!ptr_line) { window->start_line = NULL; window->start_line_pos = 0; } gui_chat_draw (window->buffer, 0); if (!window->scroll) { window->start_line = NULL; window->start_line_pos = 0; gui_hotlist_remove_buffer (window->buffer); } gui_status_refresh_needed = 1; } break; case GUI_BUFFER_TYPE_FREE: snprintf (scroll, sizeof (scroll), "+%d", window->win_chat_height); gui_window_scroll (window, scroll); hook_signal_send ("window_scrolled", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_POINTER, window); break; case GUI_BUFFER_NUM_TYPES: break; } } /* * gui_window_scroll_up: display previous few lines in buffer */ void gui_window_scroll_up (struct t_gui_window *window) { char scroll[32]; if (!gui_ok) return; switch (window->buffer->type) { case GUI_BUFFER_TYPE_FORMATED: if (!window->first_line_displayed) { gui_chat_calculate_line_diff (window, &window->start_line, &window->start_line_pos, (window->start_line) ? (-1) * CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_scroll_amount) : (-1) * ( (window->win_chat_height - 1) + CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_scroll_amount))); gui_chat_draw (window->buffer, 0); if (!window->scroll) { window->start_line = NULL; window->start_line_pos = 0; } gui_status_refresh_needed = 1; } break; case GUI_BUFFER_TYPE_FREE: if (window->start_line) { snprintf (scroll, sizeof (scroll), "-%d", CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_scroll_amount)); gui_window_scroll (window, scroll); hook_signal_send ("window_scrolled", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_POINTER, window); } break; case GUI_BUFFER_NUM_TYPES: break; } } /* * gui_window_scroll_down: display next few lines in buffer */ void gui_window_scroll_down (struct t_gui_window *window) { struct t_gui_line *ptr_line; int line_pos; char scroll[32]; if (!gui_ok) return; switch (window->buffer->type) { case GUI_BUFFER_TYPE_FORMATED: if (window->start_line) { gui_chat_calculate_line_diff (window, &window->start_line, &window->start_line_pos, CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_scroll_amount)); /* check if we can display all */ ptr_line = window->start_line; line_pos = window->start_line_pos; gui_chat_calculate_line_diff (window, &ptr_line, &line_pos, window->win_chat_height - 1); if (!ptr_line) { window->start_line = NULL; window->start_line_pos = 0; } gui_chat_draw (window->buffer, 0); if (!window->scroll) { window->start_line = NULL; window->start_line_pos = 0; gui_hotlist_remove_buffer (window->buffer); } gui_status_refresh_needed = 1; } break; case GUI_BUFFER_TYPE_FREE: snprintf (scroll, sizeof (scroll), "+%d", CONFIG_INTEGER(config_look_scroll_amount)); gui_window_scroll (window, scroll); hook_signal_send ("window_scrolled", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_POINTER, window); break; case GUI_BUFFER_NUM_TYPES: break; } } /* * gui_window_scroll_top: scroll to top of buffer */ void gui_window_scroll_top (struct t_gui_window *window) { if (!gui_ok) return; switch (window->buffer->type) { case GUI_BUFFER_TYPE_FORMATED: if (!window->first_line_displayed) { window->start_line = gui_chat_get_first_line_displayed (window->buffer); window->start_line_pos = 0; gui_chat_draw (window->buffer, 0); if (!window->scroll) { window->start_line = NULL; window->start_line_pos = 0; } gui_status_refresh_needed = 1; } break; case GUI_BUFFER_TYPE_FREE: if (window->start_line) { window->start_line = NULL; gui_buffer_ask_chat_refresh (window->buffer, 2); hook_signal_send ("window_scrolled", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_POINTER, window); } break; case GUI_BUFFER_NUM_TYPES: break; } } /* * gui_window_scroll_bottom: scroll to bottom of buffer */ void gui_window_scroll_bottom (struct t_gui_window *window) { char scroll[32]; if (!gui_ok) return; switch (window->buffer->type) { case GUI_BUFFER_TYPE_FORMATED: if (window->start_line) { window->start_line = NULL; window->start_line_pos = 0; gui_chat_draw (window->buffer, 0); if (!window->scroll) { window->start_line = NULL; window->start_line_pos = 0; gui_hotlist_remove_buffer (window->buffer); } gui_status_refresh_needed = 1; } break; case GUI_BUFFER_TYPE_FREE: window->start_line = NULL; if (window->buffer->lines_count > window->win_chat_height) { snprintf (scroll, sizeof (scroll), "-%d", window->win_chat_height - 1); gui_window_scroll (window, scroll); } else { gui_buffer_ask_chat_refresh (window->buffer, 2); gui_status_refresh_needed = 1; } hook_signal_send ("window_scrolled", WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_POINTER, window); break; case GUI_BUFFER_NUM_TYPES: break; } } /* * gui_window_scroll_topic_left: scroll left topic */ void gui_window_scroll_topic_left (struct t_gui_window *window) { if (!gui_ok) return; if (window->win_title_start > 0) window->win_title_start -= (window->win_width * 3) / 4; if (window->win_title_start < 0) window->win_title_start = 0; gui_buffer_ask_title_refresh (window->buffer, 1); } /* * gui_window_scroll_topic_right: scroll right topic */ void gui_window_scroll_topic_right (struct t_gui_window *window) { if (!gui_ok) return; window->win_title_start += (window->win_width * 3) / 4; gui_buffer_ask_title_refresh (window->buffer, 1); } /* * gui_window_nicklist_page_up: scroll one page up in nicklist */ void gui_window_nicklist_page_up (struct t_gui_window *window) { if (!gui_ok) return; if (window->buffer->nicklist) { if (window->win_nick_start > 0) { window->win_nick_start -= (window->win_nick_num_max - 1); if (window->win_nick_start <= 1) window->win_nick_start = 0; gui_buffer_ask_nicklist_refresh (window->buffer, 1); } } } /* * gui_window_nicklist_page_down: scroll one page down in nicklist */ void gui_window_nicklist_page_down (struct t_gui_window *window) { if (!gui_ok) return; if (window->buffer->nicklist) { if ((window->buffer->nicklist_visible_count > window->win_nick_num_max) && (window->win_nick_start + window->win_nick_num_max - 1 < window->buffer->nicklist_visible_count)) { if (window->win_nick_start == 0) window->win_nick_start += (window->win_nick_num_max - 1); else window->win_nick_start += (window->win_nick_num_max - 2); gui_buffer_ask_nicklist_refresh (window->buffer, 1); } } } /* * gui_window_nicklist_beginning: go to beginning of nicklist */ void gui_window_nicklist_beginning (struct t_gui_window *window) { if (!gui_ok) return; if (window->buffer->nicklist) { if (window->win_nick_start > 0) { window->win_nick_start = 0; gui_buffer_ask_nicklist_refresh (window->buffer, 1); } } } /* * gui_window_nicklist_end: go to the end of nicklist */ void gui_window_nicklist_end (struct t_gui_window *window) { int new_start; if (!gui_ok) return; if (window->buffer->nicklist) { new_start = window->buffer->nicklist_visible_count - window->win_nick_num_max; if (new_start < 0) new_start = 0; else if (new_start >= 1) new_start++; if (new_start != window->win_nick_start) { window->win_nick_start = new_start; gui_buffer_ask_nicklist_refresh (window->buffer, 1); } } } /* * gui_window_auto_resize: auto-resize all windows, according to % of global size * This function is called after a terminal resize. * Returns 0 if ok, -1 if all window should be merged * (not enough space according to windows %) */ int gui_window_auto_resize (struct t_gui_window_tree *tree, int x, int y, int width, int height, int simulate) { int size1, size2; if (!gui_ok) return 0; if (tree) { if (tree->window) { if ((width < GUI_WINDOW_MIN_WIDTH) || (height < GUI_WINDOW_MIN_HEIGHT)) return -1; if (!simulate) { tree->window->win_x = x; tree->window->win_y = y; tree->window->win_width = width; tree->window->win_height = height; } } else { if (tree->split_horiz) { size1 = (height * tree->split_pct) / 100; size2 = height - size1; if (gui_window_auto_resize (tree->child1, x, y + size1, width, size2, simulate) < 0) return -1; if (gui_window_auto_resize (tree->child2, x, y, width, size1, simulate) < 0) return -1; } else { size1 = (width * tree->split_pct) / 100; size2 = width - size1 - 1; if (gui_window_auto_resize (tree->child1, x, y, size1, height, simulate) < 0) return -1; if (gui_window_auto_resize (tree->child2, x + size1 + 1, y, size2, height, simulate) < 0) return -1; } } } return 0; } /* * gui_window_refresh_windows: auto resize and refresh all windows */ void gui_window_refresh_windows () { struct t_gui_window *ptr_win, *old_current_window; struct t_gui_buffer *ptr_buffer; struct t_gui_bar *ptr_bar; int add_bottom, add_top, add_left, add_right; if (!gui_ok) return; old_current_window = gui_current_window; for (ptr_bar = gui_bars; ptr_bar; ptr_bar = ptr_bar->next_bar) { if (CONFIG_INTEGER(ptr_bar->type) == GUI_BAR_TYPE_ROOT) { gui_bar_window_calculate_pos_size (ptr_bar->bar_window, NULL); gui_bar_window_create_win (ptr_bar->bar_window); gui_bar_draw (ptr_bar); } } add_bottom = gui_bar_root_get_size (NULL, GUI_BAR_POSITION_BOTTOM); add_top = gui_bar_root_get_size (NULL, GUI_BAR_POSITION_TOP); add_left = gui_bar_root_get_size (NULL, GUI_BAR_POSITION_LEFT); add_right = gui_bar_root_get_size (NULL, GUI_BAR_POSITION_RIGHT); if (gui_window_auto_resize (gui_windows_tree, add_left, add_top, gui_window_get_width () - add_left - add_right, gui_window_get_height () - add_top - add_bottom, 0) < 0) { gui_window_merge_all (gui_current_window); } for (ptr_win = gui_windows; ptr_win; ptr_win = ptr_win->next_window) { gui_window_switch_to_buffer (ptr_win, ptr_win->buffer); gui_window_draw_separator (ptr_win); ptr_win->refresh_needed = 0; } for (ptr_buffer = gui_buffers; ptr_buffer; ptr_buffer = ptr_buffer->next_buffer) { gui_window_redraw_buffer (ptr_buffer); } gui_current_window = old_current_window; } /* * gui_window_split_horiz: split a window horizontally */ void gui_window_split_horiz (struct t_gui_window *window, int pourcentage) { struct t_gui_window *new_window; int height1, height2; if (!gui_ok) return; height1 = (window->win_height * pourcentage) / 100; height2 = window->win_height - height1; if ((height1 >= GUI_WINDOW_MIN_HEIGHT) && (height2 >= GUI_WINDOW_MIN_HEIGHT) && (pourcentage > 0) && (pourcentage <= 100)) { if ((new_window = gui_window_new (window, window->win_x, window->win_y, window->win_width, height1, 100, pourcentage))) { /* reduce old window height (bottom window) */ window->win_y = new_window->win_y + new_window->win_height; window->win_height = height2; window->win_height_pct = 100 - pourcentage; /* assign same buffer for new window (top window) */ new_window->buffer = window->buffer; new_window->buffer->num_displayed++; gui_window_switch_to_buffer (window, window->buffer); gui_window_switch (new_window); } } } /* * gui_window_split_vertic: split a window vertically */ void gui_window_split_vertic (struct t_gui_window *window, int pourcentage) { struct t_gui_window *new_window; int width1, width2; if (!gui_ok) return; width1 = (window->win_width * pourcentage) / 100; width2 = window->win_width - width1 - 1; if ((width1 >= GUI_WINDOW_MIN_WIDTH) && (width2 >= GUI_WINDOW_MIN_WIDTH) && (pourcentage > 0) && (pourcentage <= 100)) { if ((new_window = gui_window_new (window, window->win_x + width1 + 1, window->win_y, width2, window->win_height, pourcentage, 100))) { /* reduce old window height (left window) */ window->win_width = width1; window->win_width_pct = 100 - pourcentage; /* assign same buffer for new window (right window) */ new_window->buffer = window->buffer; new_window->buffer->num_displayed++; gui_window_switch_to_buffer (window, window->buffer); gui_window_switch (new_window); /* create & draw separator */ gui_window_draw_separator (gui_current_window); } } } /* * gui_window_resize: resize window */ void gui_window_resize (struct t_gui_window *window, int pourcentage) { struct t_gui_window_tree *parent; int old_split_pct, add_bottom, add_top, add_left, add_right; if (!gui_ok) return; parent = window->ptr_tree->parent_node; if (parent) { old_split_pct = parent->split_pct; if (((parent->split_horiz) && (window->ptr_tree == parent->child2)) || ((!(parent->split_horiz)) && (window->ptr_tree == parent->child1))) parent->split_pct = pourcentage; else parent->split_pct = 100 - pourcentage; add_bottom = gui_bar_root_get_size (NULL, GUI_BAR_POSITION_BOTTOM); add_top = gui_bar_root_get_size (NULL, GUI_BAR_POSITION_TOP); add_left = gui_bar_root_get_size (NULL, GUI_BAR_POSITION_LEFT); add_right = gui_bar_root_get_size (NULL, GUI_BAR_POSITION_RIGHT); if (gui_window_auto_resize (gui_windows_tree, add_left, add_top, gui_window_get_width () - add_left - add_right, gui_window_get_height () - add_top - add_bottom, 1) < 0) parent->split_pct = old_split_pct; else gui_window_refresh_windows (); } } /* * gui_window_merge: merge window with its sister */ int gui_window_merge (struct t_gui_window *window) { struct t_gui_window_tree *parent, *sister; if (!gui_ok) return 0; parent = window->ptr_tree->parent_node; if (parent) { sister = (parent->child1->window == window) ? parent->child2 : parent->child1; if (!(sister->window)) return 0; if (window->win_y == sister->window->win_y) { /* horizontal merge */ window->win_width += sister->window->win_width + 1; window->win_width_pct += sister->window->win_width_pct; } else { /* vertical merge */ window->win_height += sister->window->win_height; window->win_height_pct += sister->window->win_height_pct; } if (sister->window->win_x < window->win_x) window->win_x = sister->window->win_x; if (sister->window->win_y < window->win_y) window->win_y = sister->window->win_y; gui_window_free (sister->window); gui_window_tree_node_to_leaf (parent, window); gui_window_switch_to_buffer (window, window->buffer); gui_window_redraw_buffer (window->buffer); return 1; } return 0; } /* * gui_window_merge_all: merge all windows into only one */ void gui_window_merge_all (struct t_gui_window *window) { int num_deleted, add_bottom, add_top, add_left, add_right; if (!gui_ok) return; num_deleted = 0; while (gui_windows->next_window) { gui_window_free ((gui_windows == window) ? gui_windows->next_window : gui_windows); num_deleted++; } if (num_deleted > 0) { gui_window_tree_free (&gui_windows_tree); gui_window_tree_init (window); window->ptr_tree = gui_windows_tree; add_bottom = gui_bar_root_get_size (NULL, GUI_BAR_POSITION_BOTTOM); add_top = gui_bar_root_get_size (NULL, GUI_BAR_POSITION_TOP); add_left = gui_bar_root_get_size (NULL, GUI_BAR_POSITION_LEFT); add_right = gui_bar_root_get_size (NULL, GUI_BAR_POSITION_RIGHT); window->win_x = add_left; window->win_y = add_top; window->win_width = gui_window_get_width () - add_left - add_right; window->win_height = gui_window_get_height () - add_top - add_bottom; window->win_width_pct = 100; window->win_height_pct = 100; gui_current_window = window; gui_window_switch_to_buffer (window, window->buffer); gui_window_redraw_buffer (window->buffer); } } /* * gui_window_side_by_side: return a code about position of 2 windows: * 0 = they're not side by side * 1 = side by side (win2 is over the win1) * 2 = side by side (win2 on the right) * 3 = side by side (win2 below win1) * 4 = side by side (win2 on the left) */ int gui_window_side_by_side (struct t_gui_window *win1, struct t_gui_window *win2) { if (!gui_ok) return 0; /* win2 over win1 ? */ if (win2->win_y + win2->win_height == win1->win_y) { if (win2->win_x >= win1->win_x + win1->win_width) return 0; if (win2->win_x + win2->win_width <= win1->win_x) return 0; return 1; } /* win2 on the right ? */ if (win2->win_x == win1->win_x + win1->win_width + 1) { if (win2->win_y >= win1->win_y + win1->win_height) return 0; if (win2->win_y + win2->win_height <= win1->win_y) return 0; return 2; } /* win2 below win1 ? */ if (win2->win_y == win1->win_y + win1->win_height) { if (win2->win_x >= win1->win_x + win1->win_width) return 0; if (win2->win_x + win2->win_width <= win1->win_x) return 0; return 3; } /* win2 on the left ? */ if (win2->win_x + win2->win_width + 1 == win1->win_x) { if (win2->win_y >= win1->win_y + win1->win_height) return 0; if (win2->win_y + win2->win_height <= win1->win_y) return 0; return 4; } return 0; } /* * gui_window_switch_up: search and switch to a window over current window */ void gui_window_switch_up (struct t_gui_window *window) { struct t_gui_window *ptr_win; if (!gui_ok) return; for (ptr_win = gui_windows; ptr_win; ptr_win = ptr_win->next_window) { if ((ptr_win != window) && (gui_window_side_by_side (window, ptr_win) == 1)) { gui_window_switch (ptr_win); return; } } } /* * gui_window_switch_down: search and switch to a window below current window */ void gui_window_switch_down (struct t_gui_window *window) { struct t_gui_window *ptr_win; if (!gui_ok) return; for (ptr_win = gui_windows; ptr_win; ptr_win = ptr_win->next_window) { if ((ptr_win != window) && (gui_window_side_by_side (window, ptr_win) == 3)) { gui_window_switch (ptr_win); return; } } } /* * gui_window_switch_left: search and switch to a window on the left of current window */ void gui_window_switch_left (struct t_gui_window *window) { struct t_gui_window *ptr_win; if (!gui_ok) return; for (ptr_win = gui_windows; ptr_win; ptr_win = ptr_win->next_window) { if ((ptr_win != window) && (gui_window_side_by_side (window, ptr_win) == 4)) { gui_window_switch (ptr_win); return; } } } /* * gui_window_switch_right: search and switch to a window on the right of current window */ void gui_window_switch_right (struct t_gui_window *window) { struct t_gui_window *ptr_win; if (!gui_ok) return; for (ptr_win = gui_windows; ptr_win; ptr_win = ptr_win->next_window) { if ((ptr_win != window) && (gui_window_side_by_side (window, ptr_win) == 2)) { gui_window_switch (ptr_win); return; } } } /* * gui_window_refresh_screen: called when term size is modified * force == 1 when Ctrl+L is pressed */ void gui_window_refresh_screen () { int new_height, new_width; endwin (); refresh (); getmaxyx (stdscr, new_height, new_width); gui_ok = ((new_width >= GUI_WINDOW_MIN_WIDTH) && (new_height >= GUI_WINDOW_MIN_HEIGHT)); if (gui_ok) { refresh (); gui_window_refresh_windows (); } gui_window_refresh_needed = 0; } /* * gui_window_title_set: set terminal title */ void gui_window_title_set () { char *envterm = getenv ("TERM"); if (envterm) { if (strcmp( envterm, "sun-cmd") == 0) printf ("\033]l%s %s\033\\", PACKAGE_NAME, PACKAGE_VERSION); else if (strcmp(envterm, "hpterm") == 0) printf ("\033&f0k%dD%s %s", (int)(strlen(PACKAGE_NAME) + strlen(PACKAGE_VERSION) + 1), PACKAGE_NAME, PACKAGE_VERSION); /* the following term supports the xterm excapes */ else if (strncmp (envterm, "xterm", 5) == 0 || strncmp (envterm, "rxvt", 4) == 0 || strcmp (envterm, "Eterm") == 0 || strcmp (envterm, "aixterm") == 0 || strcmp (envterm, "iris-ansi") == 0 || strcmp (envterm, "dtterm") == 0) printf ("\33]0;%s %s\7", PACKAGE_NAME, PACKAGE_VERSION); else if (strcmp (envterm, "screen") == 0) { printf ("\033k%s %s\033\\", PACKAGE_NAME, PACKAGE_VERSION); /* tryning to set the title of a backgrounded xterm like terminal */ printf ("\33]0;%s %s\7", PACKAGE_NAME, PACKAGE_VERSION); } } } /* * gui_window_title_reset: reset terminal title */ void gui_window_title_reset () { char *envterm = getenv ("TERM"); char *envshell = getenv ("SHELL"); if (envterm) { if (strcmp( envterm, "sun-cmd") == 0) printf ("\033]l%s\033\\", "Terminal"); else if (strcmp( envterm, "hpterm") == 0) printf ("\033&f0k%dD%s", (int)strlen("Terminal"), "Terminal"); /* the following term supports the xterm excapes */ else if (strncmp (envterm, "xterm", 5) == 0 || strncmp (envterm, "rxvt", 4) == 0 || strcmp (envterm, "Eterm") == 0 || strcmp( envterm, "aixterm") == 0 || strcmp( envterm, "iris-ansi") == 0 || strcmp( envterm, "dtterm") == 0) printf ("\33]0;%s\7", "Terminal"); else if (strcmp (envterm, "screen") == 0) { char *shell, *shellname; if (envshell) { shell = strdup (envterm); shellname = basename(shell); if (shell) { printf ("\033k%s\033\\", shellname); free (shell); } else printf ("\033k%s\033\\", envterm); } else printf ("\033k%s\033\\", envterm); /* tryning to reset the title of a backgrounded xterm like terminal */ printf ("\33]0;%s\7", "Terminal"); } } } /* * gui_window_objects_print_log: print window Curses objects infos in log * (usually for crash dump) */ void gui_window_objects_print_log (struct t_gui_window *window) { struct t_gui_bar_window *ptr_bar_win; log_printf (""); log_printf (" window specific objects:"); log_printf (" win_title . . . . . : 0x%x", GUI_CURSES(window)->win_title); log_printf (" win_chat. . . . . . : 0x%x", GUI_CURSES(window)->win_chat); log_printf (" win_nick. . . . . . : 0x%x", GUI_CURSES(window)->win_nick); log_printf (" win_status. . . . . : 0x%x", GUI_CURSES(window)->win_status); log_printf (" win_infobar . . . . : 0x%x", GUI_CURSES(window)->win_infobar); log_printf (" win_input . . . . . : 0x%x", GUI_CURSES(window)->win_input); log_printf (" win_separator . . . : 0x%x", GUI_CURSES(window)->win_separator); log_printf (" bar_windows . . . . : 0x%x", GUI_CURSES(window)->bar_windows); log_printf (" last_bar_windows. . : 0x%x", GUI_CURSES(window)->last_bar_window); for (ptr_bar_win = GUI_CURSES(window)->bar_windows; ptr_bar_win; ptr_bar_win = ptr_bar_win->next_bar_window) { gui_bar_window_print_log (ptr_bar_win); } }