/* * core-config-file.c - configuration files/sections/options management * * Copyright (C) 2003-2024 Sébastien Helleu * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Emmanuel Bouthenot * * This file is part of WeeChat, the extensible chat client. * * WeeChat is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * WeeChat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with WeeChat. If not, see . */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "weechat.h" #include "core-config-file.h" #include "core-arraylist.h" #include "core-config.h" #include "core-dir.h" #include "core-hashtable.h" #include "core-hdata.h" #include "core-hook.h" #include "core-infolist.h" #include "core-log.h" #include "core-string.h" #include "core-version.h" #include "../gui/gui-color.h" #include "../gui/gui-chat.h" #include "../plugins/plugin.h" struct t_config_file *config_files = NULL; struct t_config_file *last_config_file = NULL; char *config_option_type_string[CONFIG_NUM_OPTION_TYPES] = { N_("boolean"), N_("integer"), N_("string"), N_("color"), N_("enum") }; char *config_boolean_true[] = { "on", "yes", "y", "true", "t", "1", NULL }; char *config_boolean_false[] = { "off", "no", "n", "false", "f", "0", NULL }; void config_file_option_free_data (struct t_config_option *option); /* * Checks if a configuration file pointer is valid. * * Returns: * 1: configuration file exists * 0: configuration file does not exist */ int config_file_valid (struct t_config_file *config_file) { struct t_config_file *ptr_config; if (!config_file) return 0; for (ptr_config = config_files; ptr_config; ptr_config = ptr_config->next_config) { if (ptr_config == config_file) return 1; } /* configuration file not found */ return 0; } /* * Searches for a configuration file. */ struct t_config_file * config_file_search (const char *name) { struct t_config_file *ptr_config; int rc; if (!name) return NULL; for (ptr_config = last_config_file; ptr_config; ptr_config = ptr_config->prev_config) { rc = strcmp (ptr_config->name, name); if (rc == 0) return ptr_config; else if (rc < 0) break; } /* configuration file not found */ return NULL; } /* * Searches for position of configuration file (to keep configuration files * sorted by name). */ struct t_config_file * config_file_find_pos (const char *name) { struct t_config_file *ptr_config; if (!name) return NULL; for (ptr_config = config_files; ptr_config; ptr_config = ptr_config->next_config) { if (string_strcmp (name, ptr_config->name) < 0) return ptr_config; } /* position not found (we will add to the end of list) */ return NULL; } /* * Inserts a configuration file (keeping files sorted by name). */ void config_file_config_insert (struct t_config_file *config_file) { struct t_config_file *pos_config; if (!config_file) return; if (config_files) { pos_config = config_file_find_pos (config_file->name); if (pos_config) { /* insert config into the list (before config found) */ config_file->prev_config = pos_config->prev_config; config_file->next_config = pos_config; if (pos_config->prev_config) (pos_config->prev_config)->next_config = config_file; else config_files = config_file; pos_config->prev_config = config_file; } else { /* add config to the end */ config_file->prev_config = last_config_file; config_file->next_config = NULL; last_config_file->next_config = config_file; last_config_file = config_file; } } else { /* first config */ config_file->prev_config = NULL; config_file->next_config = NULL; config_files = config_file; last_config_file = config_file; } } /* * Creates a new configuration file. * * Returns pointer to new configuration file, NULL if error. */ struct t_config_file * config_file_new (struct t_weechat_plugin *plugin, const char *name, int (*callback_reload)(const void *pointer, void *data, struct t_config_file *config_file), const void *callback_reload_pointer, void *callback_reload_data) { struct t_config_file *new_config_file; const char *ptr_name; char *filename; int priority, length; string_get_priority_and_name (name, &priority, &ptr_name, CONFIG_PRIORITY_DEFAULT); if (!ptr_name || !ptr_name[0]) return NULL; /* two configuration files can not have same name */ if (config_file_search (ptr_name)) return NULL; new_config_file = malloc (sizeof (*new_config_file)); if (new_config_file) { new_config_file->plugin = plugin; new_config_file->priority = priority; new_config_file->name = strdup (ptr_name); if (!new_config_file->name) { free (new_config_file); return NULL; } new_config_file->filename = NULL; length = strlen (ptr_name) + 8 + 1; filename = malloc (length); if (filename) { snprintf (filename, length, "%s.conf", ptr_name); new_config_file->filename = strdup (filename); free (filename); } if (!new_config_file->filename) { free (new_config_file->name); free (new_config_file); return NULL; } new_config_file->file = NULL; new_config_file->version = 1; new_config_file->callback_update = NULL; new_config_file->callback_update_pointer = NULL; new_config_file->callback_update_data = NULL; new_config_file->callback_reload = callback_reload; new_config_file->callback_reload_pointer = callback_reload_pointer; new_config_file->callback_reload_data = callback_reload_data; new_config_file->sections = NULL; new_config_file->last_section = NULL; config_file_config_insert (new_config_file); } return new_config_file; } /* * Sets configuration file version and a callback to update config * sections/options on-the-fly when the config is read. * * Returns: * 1: OK * 0: error */ int config_file_set_version (struct t_config_file *config_file, int version, struct t_hashtable *(*callback_update)(const void *pointer, void *data, struct t_config_file *config_file, int version_read, struct t_hashtable *data_read), const void *callback_update_pointer, void *callback_update_data) { if (version < 1) return 0; config_file->version = version; config_file->callback_update = callback_update; config_file->callback_update_pointer = callback_update_pointer; config_file->callback_update_data = callback_update_data; return 1; } /* * Compares two configuration files to sort them by priority (highest priority * at beginning of list). * * Returns: * -1: config1 has higher priority than config2 * 1: config1 has same or lower priority than config2 */ int config_file_arraylist_cmp_config_cb (void *data, struct t_arraylist *arraylist, void *pointer1, void *pointer2) { struct t_config_file *ptr_config1, *ptr_config2; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) data; (void) arraylist; ptr_config1 = (struct t_config_file *)pointer1; ptr_config2 = (struct t_config_file *)pointer2; return (ptr_config1->priority > ptr_config2->priority) ? -1 : 1; } /* * Returns an arraylist with pointers to configuration files, sorted by * priority (from highest to lowest). */ struct t_arraylist * config_file_get_configs_by_priority () { struct t_arraylist *list; struct t_config_file *ptr_config; /* * build a list of pointers to configs sorted by priority, * so that configs with high priority are reloaded first */ list = arraylist_new ( 32, 1, 1, &config_file_arraylist_cmp_config_cb, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!list) return NULL; for (ptr_config = config_files; ptr_config; ptr_config = ptr_config->next_config) { arraylist_add (list, ptr_config); } return list; } /* * Searches for position of section in configuration file (to keep sections * sorted by name). */ struct t_config_section * config_file_section_find_pos (struct t_config_file *config_file, const char *name) { struct t_config_section *ptr_section; if (!config_file || !name) return NULL; for (ptr_section = config_file->sections; ptr_section; ptr_section = ptr_section->next_section) { if (string_strcmp (name, ptr_section->name) < 0) return ptr_section; } /* position not found (we will add to the end of list) */ return NULL; } /* * Creates a new section in a configuration file. * * Returns pointer to new section, NULL if error. */ struct t_config_section * config_file_new_section (struct t_config_file *config_file, const char *name, int user_can_add_options, int user_can_delete_options, int (*callback_read)(const void *pointer, void *data, struct t_config_file *config_file, struct t_config_section *section, const char *option_name, const char *value), const void *callback_read_pointer, void *callback_read_data, int (*callback_write)(const void *pointer, void *data, struct t_config_file *config_file, const char *section_name), const void *callback_write_pointer, void *callback_write_data, int (*callback_write_default)(const void *pointer, void *data, struct t_config_file *config_file, const char *section_name), const void *callback_write_default_pointer, void *callback_write_default_data, int (*callback_create_option)(const void *pointer, void *data, struct t_config_file *config_file, struct t_config_section *section, const char *option_name, const char *value), const void *callback_create_option_pointer, void *callback_create_option_data, int (*callback_delete_option)(const void *pointer, void *data, struct t_config_file *config_file, struct t_config_section *section, struct t_config_option *option), const void *callback_delete_option_pointer, void *callback_delete_option_data) { struct t_config_section *new_section; if (!config_file || !name) return NULL; if (config_file_search_section (config_file, name)) return NULL; new_section = malloc (sizeof (*new_section)); if (new_section) { new_section->config_file = config_file; new_section->name = strdup (name); if (!new_section->name) { free (new_section); return NULL; } new_section->user_can_add_options = user_can_add_options; new_section->user_can_delete_options = user_can_delete_options; new_section->callback_read = callback_read; new_section->callback_read_pointer = callback_read_pointer; new_section->callback_read_data = callback_read_data; new_section->callback_write = callback_write; new_section->callback_write_pointer = callback_write_pointer; new_section->callback_write_data = callback_write_data; new_section->callback_write_default = callback_write_default; new_section->callback_write_default_pointer = callback_write_default_pointer; new_section->callback_write_default_data = callback_write_default_data; new_section->callback_create_option = callback_create_option; new_section->callback_create_option_pointer = callback_create_option_pointer; new_section->callback_create_option_data = callback_create_option_data; new_section->callback_delete_option = callback_delete_option; new_section->callback_delete_option_pointer = callback_delete_option_pointer; new_section->callback_delete_option_data = callback_delete_option_data; new_section->options = NULL; new_section->last_option = NULL; new_section->prev_section = config_file->last_section; new_section->next_section = NULL; if (config_file->last_section) config_file->last_section->next_section = new_section; else config_file->sections = new_section; config_file->last_section = new_section; } return new_section; } /* * Searches for a section in a configuration file. * * Returns pointer to section found, NULL if not found. */ struct t_config_section * config_file_search_section (struct t_config_file *config_file, const char *name) { struct t_config_section *ptr_section; if (!config_file || !name) return NULL; for (ptr_section = config_file->sections; ptr_section; ptr_section = ptr_section->next_section) { if (strcmp (ptr_section->name, name) == 0) return ptr_section; } /* section not found */ return NULL; } /* * Builds full name for an option, using format: "file.section.option". * * Note: result must be freed after use. */ char * config_file_option_full_name (struct t_config_option *option) { int length_option; char *option_full_name; if (!option) return NULL; length_option = strlen (option->config_file->name) + 1 + strlen (option->section->name) + 1 + strlen (option->name) + 1; option_full_name = malloc (length_option); if (option_full_name) { snprintf (option_full_name, length_option, "%s.%s.%s", option->config_file->name, option->section->name, option->name); } return option_full_name; } /* * Executes hook_config for modified option. */ void config_file_hook_config_exec (struct t_config_option *option) { char *option_full_name, str_value[256]; if (!option || !option->config_file || !option->section) return; option_full_name = config_file_option_full_name (option); if (!option_full_name) return; if (option->value) { switch (option->type) { case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_BOOLEAN: hook_config_exec (option_full_name, (CONFIG_BOOLEAN(option) == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_TRUE) ? "on" : "off"); break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_INTEGER: snprintf (str_value, sizeof (str_value), "%d", CONFIG_INTEGER(option)); hook_config_exec (option_full_name, str_value); break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_STRING: hook_config_exec (option_full_name, (char *)option->value); break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_COLOR: hook_config_exec (option_full_name, gui_color_get_name (CONFIG_COLOR(option))); break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_ENUM: hook_config_exec (option_full_name, option->string_values[CONFIG_ENUM(option)]); break; case CONFIG_NUM_OPTION_TYPES: break; } } else { hook_config_exec (option_full_name, NULL); } free (option_full_name); } /* * Searches for position of option in section (to keep options sorted by name). */ struct t_config_option * config_file_option_find_pos (struct t_config_section *section, const char *name) { struct t_config_option *ptr_option; if (!section || !name) return NULL; for (ptr_option = section->last_option; ptr_option; ptr_option = ptr_option->prev_option) { if (string_strcmp (name, ptr_option->name) >= 0) return ptr_option->next_option; } return section->options; } /* * Inserts an option in section (keeping options sorted by name). */ void config_file_option_insert_in_section (struct t_config_option *option) { struct t_config_option *pos_option; if (!option || !option->section) return; if (option->section->options) { pos_option = config_file_option_find_pos (option->section, option->name); if (pos_option) { /* insert option into the list (before option found) */ option->prev_option = pos_option->prev_option; option->next_option = pos_option; if (pos_option->prev_option) (pos_option->prev_option)->next_option = option; else (option->section)->options = option; pos_option->prev_option = option; } else { /* add option to end of section */ option->prev_option = (option->section)->last_option; option->next_option = NULL; (option->section)->last_option->next_option = option; (option->section)->last_option = option; } } else { /* first option for section */ option->prev_option = NULL; option->next_option = NULL; (option->section)->options = option; (option->section)->last_option = option; } } /* * Allocates memory for a new option and initializes it. * * Returns pointer to new option, NULL if error. */ struct t_config_option * config_file_option_malloc () { struct t_config_option *new_option; new_option = malloc (sizeof (*new_option)); if (new_option) { new_option->config_file = NULL; new_option->section = NULL; new_option->name = NULL; new_option->parent_name = NULL; new_option->type = 0; new_option->description = NULL; new_option->string_values = NULL; new_option->min = 0; new_option->max = 0; new_option->default_value = NULL; new_option->value = NULL; new_option->null_value_allowed = 0; new_option->callback_check_value = NULL; new_option->callback_check_value_pointer = NULL; new_option->callback_check_value_data = NULL; new_option->callback_change = NULL; new_option->callback_change_pointer = NULL; new_option->callback_change_data = NULL; new_option->callback_delete = NULL; new_option->callback_delete_pointer = NULL; new_option->callback_delete_data = NULL; new_option->loaded = 0; new_option->prev_option = NULL; new_option->next_option = NULL; } return new_option; } /* * Creates a new option. * * Returns pointer to new option, NULL if error. */ struct t_config_option * config_file_new_option (struct t_config_file *config_file, struct t_config_section *section, const char *name, const char *type, const char *description, const char *string_values, int min, int max, const char *default_value, const char *value, int null_value_allowed, int (*callback_check_value)(const void *pointer, void *data, struct t_config_option *option, const char *value), const void *callback_check_value_pointer, void *callback_check_value_data, void (*callback_change)(const void *pointer, void *data, struct t_config_option *option), const void *callback_change_pointer, void *callback_change_data, void (*callback_delete)(const void *pointer, void *data, struct t_config_option *option), const void *callback_delete_pointer, void *callback_delete_data) { struct t_config_option *new_option; int var_type, int_value, argc, i, index_value; long number; char *error, *pos, *option_name, *parent_name; new_option = NULL; option_name = NULL; parent_name = NULL; if (!name || !type) goto error; pos = strstr (name, " << "); if (pos) { option_name = string_strndup (name, pos - name); parent_name = strdup (pos + 4); } else { option_name = strdup (name); } if (config_file && section && config_file_search_option (config_file, section, option_name)) { goto error; } var_type = -1; for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_NUM_OPTION_TYPES; i++) { if (strcmp (type, config_option_type_string[i]) == 0) { var_type = i; break; } } if (var_type < 0) { gui_chat_printf (NULL, "%sUnknown option type \"%s\"", gui_chat_prefix[GUI_CHAT_PREFIX_ERROR], type); goto error; } /* * compatibility with versions < 4.1.0: force enum type for an integer * with string values */ if ((var_type == CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_INTEGER) && string_values && string_values[0]) { var_type = CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_ENUM; } if ((var_type == CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_ENUM) && (!string_values || !string_values[0])) { goto error; } if (!null_value_allowed) { if (default_value && !value) value = default_value; else if (!default_value && value) default_value = value; if (!default_value || !value) goto error; } new_option = config_file_option_malloc (); if (new_option) { new_option->config_file = config_file; new_option->section = section; new_option->name = strdup (option_name); if (!new_option->name) goto error; new_option->parent_name = (parent_name) ? strdup (parent_name) : NULL; new_option->type = var_type; if (description) { new_option->description = strdup (description); if (!new_option->description) goto error; } argc = 0; switch (var_type) { case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_BOOLEAN: new_option->min = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_FALSE; new_option->max = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_TRUE; if (default_value) { int_value = config_file_string_to_boolean (default_value); new_option->default_value = malloc (sizeof (int)); if (!new_option->default_value) goto error; CONFIG_BOOLEAN_DEFAULT(new_option) = int_value; } if (value) { int_value = config_file_string_to_boolean (value); new_option->value = malloc (sizeof (int)); if (!new_option->value) goto error; CONFIG_BOOLEAN(new_option) = int_value; } break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_INTEGER: new_option->min = min; new_option->max = max; if (default_value) { error = NULL; number = strtol (default_value, &error, 10); if (!error || error[0]) number = 0; if (number < min) number = min; else if (number > max) number = max; new_option->default_value = malloc (sizeof (int)); if (!new_option->default_value) goto error; CONFIG_INTEGER_DEFAULT(new_option) = number; } if (value) { error = NULL; number = strtol (value, &error, 10); if (!error || error[0]) number = 0; if (number < min) number = min; else if (number > max) number = max; new_option->value = malloc (sizeof (int)); if (!new_option->value) goto error; CONFIG_INTEGER(new_option) = number; } break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_STRING: new_option->min = min; new_option->max = max; if (default_value) { new_option->default_value = strdup (default_value); if (!new_option->default_value) goto error; } if (value) { new_option->value = strdup (value); if (!new_option->value) goto error; } break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_COLOR: new_option->min = min; new_option->max = gui_color_get_weechat_colors_number () - 1; if (default_value) { new_option->default_value = malloc (sizeof (int)); if (!new_option->default_value) goto error; if (!gui_color_assign (new_option->default_value, default_value)) CONFIG_COLOR_DEFAULT(new_option) = 0; } if (value) { new_option->value = malloc (sizeof (int)); if (!new_option->value) goto error; if (!gui_color_assign (new_option->value, value)) CONFIG_COLOR(new_option) = 0; } break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_ENUM: new_option->string_values = string_split ( string_values, "|", NULL, WEECHAT_STRING_SPLIT_STRIP_LEFT | WEECHAT_STRING_SPLIT_STRIP_RIGHT | WEECHAT_STRING_SPLIT_COLLAPSE_SEPS, 0, &argc); if (!new_option->string_values) goto error; new_option->min = 0; new_option->max = (argc == 0) ? 0 : argc - 1; if (default_value) { index_value = 0; for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (strcmp (new_option->string_values[i], default_value) == 0) { index_value = i; break; } } new_option->default_value = malloc (sizeof (int)); if (!new_option->default_value) goto error; CONFIG_ENUM_DEFAULT(new_option) = index_value; } if (value) { index_value = 0; for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (strcmp (new_option->string_values[i], value) == 0) { index_value = i; break; } } new_option->value = malloc (sizeof (int)); if (!new_option->value) goto error; CONFIG_ENUM(new_option) = index_value; } break; case CONFIG_NUM_OPTION_TYPES: break; } new_option->null_value_allowed = null_value_allowed; new_option->callback_check_value = callback_check_value; new_option->callback_check_value_pointer = callback_check_value_pointer; new_option->callback_check_value_data = callback_check_value_data; new_option->callback_change = callback_change; new_option->callback_change_pointer = callback_change_pointer; new_option->callback_change_data = callback_change_data; new_option->callback_delete = callback_delete; new_option->callback_delete_pointer = callback_delete_pointer; new_option->callback_delete_data = callback_delete_data; new_option->loaded = 1; if (section) { config_file_option_insert_in_section (new_option); } else { new_option->prev_option = NULL; new_option->next_option = NULL; } config_file_hook_config_exec (new_option); } goto end; error: if (new_option) { config_file_option_free_data (new_option); free (new_option); new_option = NULL; } end: free (option_name); free (parent_name); return new_option; } /* * Searches for an option in a configuration file or section. * * Returns pointer to option found, NULL if error. */ struct t_config_option * config_file_search_option (struct t_config_file *config_file, struct t_config_section *section, const char *option_name) { struct t_config_section *ptr_section; struct t_config_option *ptr_option; int rc; if (!option_name) return NULL; if (section) { for (ptr_option = section->last_option; ptr_option; ptr_option = ptr_option->prev_option) { rc = strcmp (ptr_option->name, option_name); if (rc == 0) return ptr_option; else if (rc < 0) break; } } else if (config_file) { for (ptr_section = config_file->sections; ptr_section; ptr_section = ptr_section->next_section) { for (ptr_option = ptr_section->last_option; ptr_option; ptr_option = ptr_option->prev_option) { rc = strcmp (ptr_option->name, option_name); if (rc == 0) return ptr_option; else if (rc < 0) break; } } } /* option not found */ return NULL; } /* * Searches for an option in a configuration file or section. * * Returns section/option found (in section_found/option_found), NULL if not * found. */ void config_file_search_section_option (struct t_config_file *config_file, struct t_config_section *section, const char *option_name, struct t_config_section **section_found, struct t_config_option **option_found) { struct t_config_section *ptr_section; struct t_config_option *ptr_option; int rc; *section_found = NULL; *option_found = NULL; if (!option_name) return; if (section) { for (ptr_option = section->last_option; ptr_option; ptr_option = ptr_option->prev_option) { rc = strcmp (ptr_option->name, option_name); if (rc == 0) { *section_found = section; *option_found = ptr_option; return; } else if (rc < 0) break; } } else if (config_file) { for (ptr_section = config_file->sections; ptr_section; ptr_section = ptr_section->next_section) { for (ptr_option = ptr_section->last_option; ptr_option; ptr_option = ptr_option->prev_option) { rc = strcmp (ptr_option->name, option_name); if (rc == 0) { *section_found = ptr_section; *option_found = ptr_option; return; } else if (rc < 0) break; } } } } /* * Searches for a file/section/option using a full name of option (format: * "file.section.option"). */ void config_file_search_with_string (const char *option_name, struct t_config_file **config_file, struct t_config_section **section, struct t_config_option **option, char **pos_option_name) { struct t_config_file *ptr_config; struct t_config_section *ptr_section; struct t_config_option *ptr_option; char *file_name, *pos_section, *section_name, *pos_option; if (config_file) *config_file = NULL; if (section) *section = NULL; if (option) *option = NULL; if (pos_option_name) *pos_option_name = NULL; if (!option_name) return; ptr_config = NULL; ptr_section = NULL; ptr_option = NULL; file_name = NULL; section_name = NULL; pos_option = NULL; pos_section = strchr (option_name, '.'); pos_option = (pos_section) ? strchr (pos_section + 1, '.') : NULL; if (pos_section && pos_option) { file_name = string_strndup (option_name, pos_section - option_name); section_name = string_strndup (pos_section + 1, pos_option - pos_section - 1); pos_option++; } if (file_name && section_name && pos_option) { if (pos_option_name) *pos_option_name = pos_option; ptr_config = config_file_search (file_name); if (ptr_config) { ptr_section = config_file_search_section (ptr_config, section_name); if (ptr_section) { ptr_option = config_file_search_option (ptr_config, ptr_section, pos_option); } } } free (file_name); free (section_name); if (config_file) *config_file = ptr_config; if (section) *section = ptr_section; if (option) *option = ptr_option; } /* * Gets pointer to parent option, NULL if the option has no parent. */ struct t_config_option * config_file_get_parent_option (struct t_config_option *option) { struct t_config_option *ptr_parent_option; if (!option || !option->parent_name) return NULL; config_file_search_with_string ( option->parent_name, NULL, /* config_file */ NULL, /* section */ &ptr_parent_option, NULL); /* pos_option_name */ return ptr_parent_option; } /* * Checks if a string with boolean value is valid. * * Returns: * 1: boolean value is valid * 0: boolean value is NOT valid */ int config_file_string_boolean_is_valid (const char *text) { int i; if (!text) return 0; for (i = 0; config_boolean_true[i]; i++) { if (strcmp (text, config_boolean_true[i]) == 0) return 1; } for (i = 0; config_boolean_false[i]; i++) { if (strcmp (text, config_boolean_false[i]) == 0) return 1; } /* text is not a boolean */ return 0; } /* * Converts string to boolean value. * * Returns: * 1: boolean value is true * 0: boolean value is false */ int config_file_string_to_boolean (const char *text) { int i; if (!text) return CONFIG_BOOLEAN_FALSE; for (i = 0; config_boolean_true[i]; i++) { if (strcmp (text, config_boolean_true[i]) == 0) return CONFIG_BOOLEAN_TRUE; } return CONFIG_BOOLEAN_FALSE; } /* * Resets an option to its default value. * * Returns: * WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED: OK, value has been changed * WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_SAME_VALUE: OK, value not changed * WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_ERROR: error */ int config_file_option_reset (struct t_config_option *option, int run_callback) { int rc, old_value_was_null; if (!option) return WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_ERROR; rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_ERROR; if (option->default_value) { old_value_was_null = (option->value == NULL); switch (option->type) { case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_BOOLEAN: if (!option->value) { option->value = malloc (sizeof (int)); if (option->value) { CONFIG_BOOLEAN(option) = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_DEFAULT(option); rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED; } } else { if (CONFIG_BOOLEAN(option) == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_DEFAULT(option)) rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_SAME_VALUE; else { CONFIG_BOOLEAN(option) = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_DEFAULT(option); rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED; } } break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_INTEGER: if (!option->value) { option->value = malloc (sizeof (int)); if (option->value) CONFIG_INTEGER(option) = 0; else break; } if (CONFIG_INTEGER(option) == CONFIG_INTEGER_DEFAULT(option)) rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_SAME_VALUE; else { CONFIG_INTEGER(option) = CONFIG_INTEGER_DEFAULT(option); rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED; } break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_STRING: rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_SAME_VALUE; if (!option->value || (strcmp ((char *)option->value, (char *)option->default_value) != 0)) rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED; if (option->value) { free (option->value); option->value = NULL; } option->value = strdup ((char *)option->default_value); if (!option->value) rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_ERROR; break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_COLOR: if (!option->value) { option->value = malloc (sizeof (int)); if (option->value) CONFIG_COLOR(option) = 0; else break; } if (CONFIG_COLOR(option) == CONFIG_COLOR_DEFAULT(option)) rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_SAME_VALUE; else { CONFIG_COLOR(option) = CONFIG_COLOR_DEFAULT(option); rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED; } break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_ENUM: if (!option->value) { option->value = malloc (sizeof (int)); if (option->value) CONFIG_ENUM(option) = 0; else break; } if (CONFIG_ENUM(option) == CONFIG_ENUM_DEFAULT(option)) rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_SAME_VALUE; else { CONFIG_ENUM(option) = CONFIG_ENUM_DEFAULT(option); rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED; } break; case CONFIG_NUM_OPTION_TYPES: break; } if (old_value_was_null && option->value) rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED; } else { if (option->null_value_allowed) { if (option->value) { free (option->value); option->value = NULL; rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED; } else rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_SAME_VALUE; } } /* run callback and config hook(s) if value was changed */ if (rc == WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED) { if (run_callback && option->callback_change) { (void) (option->callback_change) ( option->callback_change_pointer, option->callback_change_data, option); } config_file_hook_config_exec (option); } return rc; } /* * Sets the value for an option. * * Returns: * WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED: OK, value has been changed * WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_SAME_VALUE: OK, value not changed * WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_ERROR: error */ int config_file_option_set (struct t_config_option *option, const char *value, int run_callback) { int value_int, i, rc, new_value_ok, old_value_was_null, old_value; long number; char *error; if (!option) return WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_ERROR; rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_ERROR; if (option->callback_check_value) { if (!(int)(option->callback_check_value) ( option->callback_check_value_pointer, option->callback_check_value_data, option, value)) { return WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_ERROR; } } if (value) { old_value_was_null = (option->value == NULL); switch (option->type) { case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_BOOLEAN: if (!option->value) { option->value = malloc (sizeof (int)); if (option->value) { if (strcmp (value, "toggle") == 0) { CONFIG_BOOLEAN(option) = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_TRUE; rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED; } else { if (config_file_string_boolean_is_valid (value)) { value_int = config_file_string_to_boolean (value); CONFIG_BOOLEAN(option) = value_int; rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED; } else { free (option->value); option->value = NULL; } } } } else { if (strcmp (value, "toggle") == 0) { CONFIG_BOOLEAN(option) = (CONFIG_BOOLEAN(option) == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_TRUE) ? CONFIG_BOOLEAN_FALSE : CONFIG_BOOLEAN_TRUE; rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED; } else { if (config_file_string_boolean_is_valid (value)) { value_int = config_file_string_to_boolean (value); if (value_int == CONFIG_BOOLEAN(option)) rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_SAME_VALUE; else { CONFIG_BOOLEAN(option) = value_int; rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED; } } } } break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_INTEGER: old_value = 0; if (!option->value) option->value = malloc (sizeof (int)); else old_value = CONFIG_INTEGER(option); if (option->value) { new_value_ok = 0; if (strncmp (value, "++", 2) == 0) { error = NULL; number = strtol (value + 2, &error, 10); if (error && !error[0] && (long)old_value + number <= (long)(option->max)) { value_int = old_value + number; new_value_ok = 1; } } else if (strncmp (value, "--", 2) == 0) { error = NULL; number = strtol (value + 2, &error, 10); if (error && !error[0] && (long)old_value - number >= (long)(option->min)) { value_int = old_value - number; new_value_ok = 1; } } else { error = NULL; number = strtol (value, &error, 10); if (error && !error[0]) { value_int = number; if ((value_int >= option->min) && (value_int <= option->max)) new_value_ok = 1; } } if (new_value_ok) { if (old_value_was_null || (value_int != old_value)) { CONFIG_INTEGER(option) = value_int; rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED; } else rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_SAME_VALUE; } else { if (old_value_was_null) { free (option->value); option->value = NULL; } } } break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_STRING: rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_SAME_VALUE; if (!option->value || (strcmp (CONFIG_STRING(option), value) != 0)) rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED; if (option->value) { free (option->value); option->value = NULL; } option->value = strdup (value); if (!option->value) rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_ERROR; break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_COLOR: old_value = 0; if (!option->value) option->value = malloc (sizeof (int)); else old_value = CONFIG_COLOR(option); if (option->value) { value_int = -1; new_value_ok = 0; if (strncmp (value, "++", 2) == 0) { error = NULL; number = strtol (value + 2, &error, 10); if (error && !error[0]) { if (gui_color_assign_by_diff (&value_int, gui_color_get_name (old_value), number)) new_value_ok = 1; } } else if (strncmp (value, "--", 2) == 0) { error = NULL; number = strtol (value + 2, &error, 10); if (error && !error[0]) { if (gui_color_assign_by_diff (&value_int, gui_color_get_name (old_value), -1 * number)) new_value_ok = 1; } } else { if (gui_color_assign (&value_int, value)) new_value_ok = 1; } if (new_value_ok) { if (old_value_was_null || (value_int != old_value)) { CONFIG_COLOR(option) = value_int; rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED; } else rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_SAME_VALUE; } else { if (old_value_was_null) { free (option->value); option->value = NULL; } } } break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_ENUM: old_value = 0; if (!option->value) option->value = malloc (sizeof (int)); else old_value = CONFIG_ENUM(option); if (option->value) { value_int = -1; if (strncmp (value, "++", 2) == 0) { error = NULL; number = strtol (value + 2, &error, 10); if (error && !error[0]) { number = number % (option->max + 1); value_int = (old_value + number) % (option->max + 1); } } else if (strncmp (value, "--", 2) == 0) { error = NULL; number = strtol (value + 2, &error, 10); if (error && !error[0]) { number = number % (option->max + 1); value_int = (old_value + (option->max + 1) - number) % (option->max + 1); } } else { for (i = 0; option->string_values[i]; i++) { if (strcmp (option->string_values[i], value) == 0) { value_int = i; break; } } } if (value_int >= 0) { if (old_value_was_null || (value_int != old_value)) { CONFIG_ENUM(option) = value_int; rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED; } else rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_SAME_VALUE; } else { if (old_value_was_null) { free (option->value); option->value = NULL; } } } break; case CONFIG_NUM_OPTION_TYPES: break; } if (old_value_was_null && option->value) rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED; } else { if (option->null_value_allowed && option->value) { free (option->value); option->value = NULL; rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED; } else rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_SAME_VALUE; } /* run callback and config hook(s) if value was changed */ if (rc == WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED) { if (run_callback && option->callback_change) { (void) (option->callback_change) ( option->callback_change_pointer, option->callback_change_data, option); } config_file_hook_config_exec (option); } return rc; } /* * Toggles value of an option. * * Returns: * WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED: OK, value has been changed * WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_SAME_VALUE: OK, value not changed * WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_ERROR: error */ int config_file_option_toggle (struct t_config_option *option, const char **values, int num_values, int run_callback) { char *current_value; const char *ptr_new_value, *empty_string = ""; int i, rc, index_found, value_is_null, reset_value; if (!option || (num_values < 0)) return WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_ERROR; rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_ERROR; ptr_new_value = NULL; reset_value = 0; value_is_null = (option->value == NULL); current_value = config_file_option_value_to_string (option, 0, 0, 0); switch (option->type) { case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_BOOLEAN: if (!values) { ptr_new_value = (option->value && CONFIG_BOOLEAN(option)) ? config_boolean_false[0] : config_boolean_true[0]; } break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_INTEGER: if (!values) goto end; break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_STRING: if (!values) { if (option->value && (strcmp (CONFIG_STRING(option), "") == 0)) ptr_new_value = CONFIG_STRING_DEFAULT(option); else ptr_new_value = empty_string; } break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_COLOR: if (!values) goto end; break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_ENUM: if (!values) goto end; break; case CONFIG_NUM_OPTION_TYPES: /* make C compiler happy */ break; } /* search new value to use with the provided list of values */ if (!ptr_new_value && values) { index_found = -1; for (i = 0; i < num_values; i++) { if ((value_is_null && !values[i]) || (!value_is_null && current_value && values[i] && strcmp (current_value, values[i]) == 0)) { index_found = i; break; } } if (index_found >= 0) { if (index_found + 1 < num_values) { ptr_new_value = values[index_found + 1]; } else { if (num_values < 2) reset_value = 1; else ptr_new_value = values[0]; } } else { ptr_new_value = values[0]; } } if (reset_value) rc = config_file_option_reset (option, run_callback); else rc = config_file_option_set (option, ptr_new_value, run_callback); end: free (current_value); return rc; } /* * Sets null (undefined) value for an option. * * Returns: * WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED: OK, value has been changed * WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_SAME_VALUE: OK, value not changed * WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_ERROR: error */ int config_file_option_set_null (struct t_config_option *option, int run_callback) { int rc; if (!option) return WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_ERROR; rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_ERROR; /* null value is authorized only if it's allowed in option */ if (option->null_value_allowed) { /* option was already null: do nothing */ if (!option->value) rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_SAME_VALUE; else { /* set option to null */ free (option->value); option->value = NULL; rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED; } } /* run callback and config hook(s) if value was changed */ if (rc == WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED) { if (run_callback && option->callback_change) { (void) (option->callback_change) ( option->callback_change_pointer, option->callback_change_data, option); } config_file_hook_config_exec (option); } return rc; } /* * Sets the default value for an option. * * Returns: * WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED: OK, default value has been changed * WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_SAME_VALUE: OK, default value not changed * WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_ERROR: error */ int config_file_option_set_default (struct t_config_option *option, const char *value, int run_callback) { int value_int, i, rc, new_value_ok, old_value_was_null, old_value; long number; char *error; if (!option) return WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_ERROR; rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_ERROR; if (value) { old_value_was_null = (option->default_value == NULL); switch (option->type) { case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_BOOLEAN: if (!option->default_value) { option->default_value = malloc (sizeof (int)); if (option->default_value) { if (strcmp (value, "toggle") == 0) { CONFIG_BOOLEAN_DEFAULT(option) = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_TRUE; rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED; } else { if (config_file_string_boolean_is_valid (value)) { value_int = config_file_string_to_boolean (value); CONFIG_BOOLEAN_DEFAULT(option) = value_int; rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED; } else { free (option->default_value); option->default_value = NULL; } } } } else { if (strcmp (value, "toggle") == 0) { CONFIG_BOOLEAN_DEFAULT(option) = (CONFIG_BOOLEAN_DEFAULT(option) == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_TRUE) ? CONFIG_BOOLEAN_FALSE : CONFIG_BOOLEAN_TRUE; rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED; } else { if (config_file_string_boolean_is_valid (value)) { value_int = config_file_string_to_boolean (value); if (value_int == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_DEFAULT(option)) rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_SAME_VALUE; else { CONFIG_BOOLEAN_DEFAULT(option) = value_int; rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED; } } } } break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_INTEGER: old_value = 0; if (!option->default_value) option->default_value = malloc (sizeof (int)); else old_value = CONFIG_INTEGER_DEFAULT(option); if (option->default_value) { new_value_ok = 0; if (strncmp (value, "++", 2) == 0) { error = NULL; number = strtol (value + 2, &error, 10); if (error && !error[0]) { value_int = old_value + number; if (value_int <= option->max) new_value_ok = 1; } } else if (strncmp (value, "--", 2) == 0) { error = NULL; number = strtol (value + 2, &error, 10); if (error && !error[0]) { value_int = old_value - number; if (value_int >= option->min) new_value_ok = 1; } } else { error = NULL; number = strtol (value, &error, 10); if (error && !error[0]) { value_int = number; if ((value_int >= option->min) && (value_int <= option->max)) new_value_ok = 1; } } if (new_value_ok) { if (old_value_was_null || (value_int != old_value)) { CONFIG_INTEGER_DEFAULT(option) = value_int; rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED; } else rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_SAME_VALUE; } else { if (old_value_was_null) { free (option->default_value); option->default_value = NULL; } } } break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_STRING: rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_SAME_VALUE; if (!option->default_value || (strcmp (CONFIG_STRING_DEFAULT(option), value) != 0)) rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED; if (option->default_value) { free (option->default_value); option->default_value = NULL; } option->default_value = strdup (value); if (!option->default_value) rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_ERROR; break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_COLOR: old_value = 0; if (!option->default_value) option->default_value = malloc (sizeof (int)); else old_value = CONFIG_COLOR_DEFAULT(option); if (option->default_value) { value_int = -1; new_value_ok = 0; if (strncmp (value, "++", 2) == 0) { error = NULL; number = strtol (value + 2, &error, 10); if (error && !error[0]) { if (gui_color_assign_by_diff (&value_int, gui_color_get_name (old_value), number)) new_value_ok = 1; } } else if (strncmp (value, "--", 2) == 0) { error = NULL; number = strtol (value + 2, &error, 10); if (error && !error[0]) { if (gui_color_assign_by_diff (&value_int, gui_color_get_name (old_value), -1 * number)) new_value_ok = 1; } } else { if (gui_color_assign (&value_int, value)) new_value_ok = 1; } if (new_value_ok) { if (old_value_was_null || (value_int != old_value)) { CONFIG_COLOR_DEFAULT(option) = value_int; rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED; } else rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_SAME_VALUE; } else { if (old_value_was_null) { free (option->default_value); option->default_value = NULL; } } } break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_ENUM: old_value = 0; if (!option->default_value) option->default_value = malloc (sizeof (int)); else old_value = CONFIG_ENUM_DEFAULT(option); if (option->default_value) { value_int = -1; if (strncmp (value, "++", 2) == 0) { error = NULL; number = strtol (value + 2, &error, 10); if (error && !error[0]) { number = number % (option->max + 1); value_int = (old_value + number) % (option->max + 1); } } else if (strncmp (value, "--", 2) == 0) { error = NULL; number = strtol (value + 2, &error, 10); if (error && !error[0]) { number = number % (option->max + 1); value_int = (old_value + (option->max + 1) - number) % (option->max + 1); } } else { for (i = 0; option->string_values[i]; i++) { if (strcmp (option->string_values[i], value) == 0) { value_int = i; break; } } } if (value_int >= 0) { if (old_value_was_null || (value_int != old_value)) { CONFIG_ENUM_DEFAULT(option) = value_int; rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED; } else rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_SAME_VALUE; } else { if (old_value_was_null) { free (option->default_value); option->default_value = NULL; } } } break; case CONFIG_NUM_OPTION_TYPES: break; } if (old_value_was_null && option->default_value) rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED; } else { if (option->null_value_allowed && option->default_value) { free (option->default_value); option->default_value = NULL; rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED; } else rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_SAME_VALUE; } /* run callback and config hook(s) if default value was changed */ if (rc == WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED) { if (run_callback && option->callback_change) { (void) (option->callback_change) ( option->callback_change_pointer, option->callback_change_data, option); } config_file_hook_config_exec (option); } return rc; } /* * Unsets/resets an option. * * Returns: * WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_UNSET_OK_NO_RESET: OK, value has not been reset * WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_UNSET_OK_RESET: OK, value has been reset * WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_UNSET_OK_REMOVED: OK, value has been removed * WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_UNSET_ERROR: error */ int config_file_option_unset (struct t_config_option *option) { int rc; char *option_full_name; if (!option) return WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_UNSET_ERROR; rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_UNSET_OK_NO_RESET; if (option->section && option->section->user_can_delete_options) { /* delete option */ if (option->callback_delete) { (void) (option->callback_delete) ( option->callback_delete_pointer, option->callback_delete_data, option); } option_full_name = config_file_option_full_name (option); if (option->section->callback_delete_option) { rc = (int) (option->section->callback_delete_option) ( option->section->callback_delete_option_pointer, option->section->callback_delete_option_data, option->config_file, option->section, option); } else { config_file_option_free (option, 0); rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_UNSET_OK_REMOVED; } if (option_full_name) { hook_config_exec (option_full_name, NULL); free (option_full_name); } } else { /* reset value */ switch (config_file_option_reset (option, 1)) { case WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_ERROR: rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_UNSET_ERROR; break; case WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_SAME_VALUE: rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_UNSET_OK_NO_RESET; break; case WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED: rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_UNSET_OK_RESET; break; } } return rc; } /* * Renames an option. */ void config_file_option_rename (struct t_config_option *option, const char *new_name) { char *str_new_name, *full_old_name, *full_new_name; struct t_config_file *ptr_config; struct t_config_section *ptr_section; struct t_config_option *ptr_option; if (!option || !new_name || !new_name[0] || config_file_search_option (option->config_file, option->section, new_name)) return; full_old_name = config_file_option_full_name (option); str_new_name = strdup (new_name); if (str_new_name) { /* remove option from list */ if (option->section) { if (option->prev_option) (option->prev_option)->next_option = option->next_option; if (option->next_option) (option->next_option)->prev_option = option->prev_option; if (option->section->options == option) (option->section)->options = option->next_option; if (option->section->last_option == option) (option->section)->last_option = option->prev_option; } /* rename option */ free (option->name); option->name = str_new_name; /* re-insert option in section */ if (option->section) config_file_option_insert_in_section (option); } full_new_name = config_file_option_full_name (option); /* rename "parent_name" in any option using the old option name */ if (full_old_name && full_new_name) { for (ptr_config = config_files; ptr_config; ptr_config = ptr_config->next_config) { for (ptr_section = ptr_config->sections; ptr_section; ptr_section = ptr_section->next_section) { for (ptr_option = ptr_section->options; ptr_option; ptr_option = ptr_option->next_option) { if (ptr_option->parent_name && (strcmp (ptr_option->parent_name, full_old_name) == 0)) { free (ptr_option->parent_name); ptr_option->parent_name = strdup (full_new_name); } } } } } free (full_old_name); free (full_new_name); config_file_hook_config_exec (option); } /* * Builds a string with the value or default value of option, * depending on the type of option. * * According to default_value: * 0: value of option is returned * 1: default value of option is returned * * Note: result must be freed after use. */ char * config_file_option_value_to_string (struct t_config_option *option, int default_value, int use_colors, int use_delimiters) { char *value; const char *ptr_value; int enabled, length; if (!option) return NULL; if ((default_value && !option->default_value) || (!default_value && !option->value)) { length = 7 + ((use_colors) ? 64 : 0) + 1; value = malloc (length); if (!value) return NULL; snprintf (value, length, "%s%s", (use_colors) ? GUI_COLOR(GUI_COLOR_CHAT_VALUE_NULL) : "", "null"); return value; } switch (option->type) { case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_BOOLEAN: enabled = (default_value) ? CONFIG_BOOLEAN_DEFAULT(option) : CONFIG_BOOLEAN(option); length = 7 + ((use_colors) ? 64 : 0) + 1; value = malloc (length); if (!value) return NULL; snprintf (value, length, "%s%s", (use_colors) ? GUI_COLOR(GUI_COLOR_CHAT_VALUE) : "", (enabled) ? "on" : "off"); return value; break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_INTEGER: length = 31 + ((use_colors) ? 64 : 0) + 1; value = malloc (length); if (!value) return NULL; snprintf (value, length, "%s%d", (use_colors) ? GUI_COLOR(GUI_COLOR_CHAT_VALUE) : "", (default_value) ? CONFIG_INTEGER_DEFAULT(option) : CONFIG_INTEGER(option)); return value; break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_STRING: ptr_value = (default_value) ? CONFIG_STRING_DEFAULT(option) : CONFIG_STRING(option); length = strlen (ptr_value) + ((use_colors) ? 64 : 0) + 1; value = malloc (length); if (!value) return NULL; snprintf (value, length, "%s%s%s%s%s%s", (use_colors && use_delimiters) ? GUI_COLOR(GUI_COLOR_CHAT_DELIMITERS) : "", (use_delimiters) ? "\"" : "", (use_colors) ? GUI_COLOR(GUI_COLOR_CHAT_VALUE) : "", ptr_value, (use_colors && use_delimiters) ? GUI_COLOR(GUI_COLOR_CHAT_DELIMITERS) : "", (use_delimiters) ? "\"" : ""); return value; break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_COLOR: ptr_value = gui_color_get_name ( (default_value) ? CONFIG_COLOR_DEFAULT(option) : CONFIG_COLOR(option)); if (!ptr_value) return NULL; length = strlen (ptr_value) + ((use_colors) ? 64 : 0) + 1; value = malloc (length); if (!value) return NULL; snprintf (value, length, "%s%s", (use_colors) ? GUI_COLOR(GUI_COLOR_CHAT_VALUE) : "", ptr_value); return value; break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_ENUM: ptr_value = (default_value) ? option->string_values[CONFIG_ENUM_DEFAULT(option)] : option->string_values[CONFIG_ENUM(option)]; length = strlen (ptr_value) + ((use_colors) ? 64 : 0) + 1; value = malloc (length); if (!value) return NULL; snprintf (value, length, "%s%s", (use_colors) ? GUI_COLOR(GUI_COLOR_CHAT_VALUE) : "", ptr_value); return value; break; case CONFIG_NUM_OPTION_TYPES: /* make C compiler happy */ break; } /* make C static analyzer happy (never executed) */ return NULL; } /* * Gets a string value of an option property. */ const char * config_file_option_get_string (struct t_config_option *option, const char *property) { if (!option || !property) return NULL; if (strcmp (property, "config_name") == 0) return option->config_file->name; else if (strcmp (property, "section_name") == 0) return option->section->name; else if (strcmp (property, "name") == 0) return option->name; else if (strcmp (property, "parent_name") == 0) return option->parent_name; else if (strcmp (property, "type") == 0) return config_option_type_string[option->type]; else if (strcmp (property, "description") == 0) return option->description; return NULL; } /* * Gets a pointer on an option property. */ void * config_file_option_get_pointer (struct t_config_option *option, const char *property) { if (!option || !property) return NULL; if (strcmp (property, "config_file") == 0) return option->config_file; else if (strcmp (property, "section") == 0) return option->section; else if (strcmp (property, "name") == 0) return option->name; else if (strcmp (property, "parent_name") == 0) return option->parent_name; else if (strcmp (property, "type") == 0) return &option->type; else if (strcmp (property, "description") == 0) return option->description; else if (strcmp (property, "string_values") == 0) return option->string_values; else if (strcmp (property, "min") == 0) return &option->min; else if (strcmp (property, "max") == 0) return &option->max; else if (strcmp (property, "default_value") == 0) return option->default_value; else if (strcmp (property, "value") == 0) return option->value; else if (strcmp (property, "prev_option") == 0) return option->prev_option; else if (strcmp (property, "next_option") == 0) return option->next_option; return NULL; } /* * Checks if an option has a null value. * * Returns: * 1: value of option is null * 0: value of option is not null */ int config_file_option_is_null (struct t_config_option *option) { if (!option) return 1; return (option->value) ? 0 : 1; } /* * Checks if an option has a null default value. * * Returns: * 1: default value of option is null * 0: default value of option is not null */ int config_file_option_default_is_null (struct t_config_option *option) { if (!option) return 1; return (option->default_value) ? 0 : 1; } /* * Checks if an option has changed (current value different from default value). * * Returns: * 1: option has changed * 0: option has default value */ int config_file_option_has_changed (struct t_config_option *option) { /* both default and current value are null => not changed */ if (!option->default_value && !option->value) return 0; /* default is null and current value is not null => changed! */ if (!option->default_value && option->value) return 1; /* default is not null and current value is null => changed! */ if (option->default_value && !option->value) return 1; /* both default and current value are not null, compare their values */ switch (option->type) { case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_BOOLEAN: return CONFIG_BOOLEAN(option) != CONFIG_BOOLEAN_DEFAULT(option); case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_INTEGER: return CONFIG_INTEGER(option) != CONFIG_INTEGER_DEFAULT(option); case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_STRING: return strcmp (CONFIG_STRING(option), CONFIG_STRING_DEFAULT(option)) != 0; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_COLOR: return CONFIG_COLOR(option) != CONFIG_COLOR_DEFAULT(option); case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_ENUM: return CONFIG_ENUM(option) != CONFIG_ENUM_DEFAULT(option); case CONFIG_NUM_OPTION_TYPES: /* make C compiler happy */ break; } return 0; } /* * Sets the value for an option using a full name of option (format: * "file.section.option"). * * Returns: * WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_CHANGED: OK, value has been changed * WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OK_SAME_VALUE: OK, value not changed * WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_ERROR: error * WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OPTION_NOT_FOUND: option not found */ int config_file_option_set_with_string (const char *option_name, const char *value) { int rc; struct t_config_file *ptr_config; struct t_config_section *ptr_section; struct t_config_option *ptr_option; char *pos_option; rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OPTION_NOT_FOUND; config_file_search_with_string (option_name, &ptr_config, &ptr_section, &ptr_option, &pos_option); if (ptr_config && ptr_section) { if (ptr_option) { rc = (value) ? config_file_option_set (ptr_option, value, 1) : config_file_option_set_null (ptr_option, 1); } else { if (ptr_section->user_can_add_options && ptr_section->callback_create_option) { rc = (int) (ptr_section->callback_create_option) ( ptr_section->callback_create_option_pointer, ptr_section->callback_create_option_data, ptr_config, ptr_section, pos_option, value); } } } return rc; } /* * Returns boolean value of an option. * * Returns 1 if value is true, 0 if it is false. */ int config_file_option_boolean (struct t_config_option *option) { if (!option || !option->value || (option->type != CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_BOOLEAN)) return 0; return CONFIG_BOOLEAN(option); } /* * Returns default boolean value of an option. * * Returns 1 if default value is true, 0 if it is false. */ int config_file_option_boolean_default (struct t_config_option *option) { if (!option || !option->default_value || (option->type != CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_BOOLEAN)) return 0; return CONFIG_BOOLEAN_DEFAULT(option); } /* * Returns inherited boolean value of an option: value of option if not NULL, * or value of the parent option (if option inherits from another option). * * If the parent option is not found, returns the default value of the option. * If the parent value is NULL, returns the default value of the parent option. */ int config_file_option_boolean_inherited (struct t_config_option *option) { struct t_config_option *ptr_parent_option; if (option && option->value) { return config_file_option_boolean (option); } else { ptr_parent_option = config_file_get_parent_option (option); if (!ptr_parent_option) return config_file_option_boolean_default (option); if (!ptr_parent_option->value) return config_file_option_boolean_default (ptr_parent_option); return config_file_option_boolean (ptr_parent_option); } } /* * Returns integer value of an option. */ int config_file_option_integer (struct t_config_option *option) { if (!option || !option->value) return 0; switch (option->type) { case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_BOOLEAN: if (CONFIG_BOOLEAN(option) == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_TRUE) return 1; else return 0; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_INTEGER: return CONFIG_INTEGER(option); case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_STRING: return 0; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_COLOR: return CONFIG_COLOR(option); case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_ENUM: return CONFIG_ENUM(option); case CONFIG_NUM_OPTION_TYPES: break; } return 0; } /* * Returns default integer value of an option. */ int config_file_option_integer_default (struct t_config_option *option) { if (!option || !option->default_value) return 0; switch (option->type) { case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_BOOLEAN: if (CONFIG_BOOLEAN_DEFAULT(option) == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_TRUE) return 1; else return 0; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_INTEGER: return CONFIG_INTEGER_DEFAULT(option); case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_STRING: return 0; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_COLOR: return CONFIG_COLOR_DEFAULT(option); case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_ENUM: return CONFIG_ENUM_DEFAULT(option); case CONFIG_NUM_OPTION_TYPES: break; } return 0; } /* * Returns inherited integer value of an option: value of option if not NULL, * or value of the parent option (if option inherits from another option). * * If the parent option is not found, returns the default value of the option. * If the parent value is NULL, returns the default value of the parent option. */ int config_file_option_integer_inherited (struct t_config_option *option) { struct t_config_option *ptr_parent_option; if (option && option->value) { return config_file_option_integer (option); } else { ptr_parent_option = config_file_get_parent_option (option); if (!ptr_parent_option) return config_file_option_integer_default (option); if (!ptr_parent_option->value) return config_file_option_integer_default (ptr_parent_option); return config_file_option_integer (ptr_parent_option); } } /* * Returns string value of an option. */ const char * config_file_option_string (struct t_config_option *option) { if (!option || !option->value) return NULL; switch (option->type) { case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_BOOLEAN: if (CONFIG_BOOLEAN(option)) return config_boolean_true[0]; else return config_boolean_false[0]; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_INTEGER: return NULL; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_STRING: return CONFIG_STRING(option); case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_COLOR: return gui_color_get_name (CONFIG_COLOR(option)); case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_ENUM: return option->string_values[CONFIG_ENUM(option)]; case CONFIG_NUM_OPTION_TYPES: return NULL; } return NULL; } /* * Returns default string value of an option. */ const char * config_file_option_string_default (struct t_config_option *option) { if (!option || !option->default_value) return NULL; switch (option->type) { case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_BOOLEAN: if (CONFIG_BOOLEAN_DEFAULT(option)) return config_boolean_true[0]; else return config_boolean_false[0]; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_INTEGER: return NULL; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_STRING: return CONFIG_STRING_DEFAULT(option); case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_COLOR: return gui_color_get_name (CONFIG_COLOR_DEFAULT(option)); case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_ENUM: return option->string_values[CONFIG_ENUM_DEFAULT(option)]; case CONFIG_NUM_OPTION_TYPES: return NULL; } return NULL; } /* * Returns inherited string value of an option: value of option if not NULL, * or value of the parent option (if option inherits from another option). * * If the parent option is not found, returns the default value of the option. * If the parent value is NULL, returns the default value of the parent option. */ const char * config_file_option_string_inherited (struct t_config_option *option) { struct t_config_option *ptr_parent_option; if (option && option->value) { return config_file_option_string (option); } else { ptr_parent_option = config_file_get_parent_option (option); if (!ptr_parent_option) return config_file_option_string_default (option); if (!ptr_parent_option->value) return config_file_option_string_default (ptr_parent_option); return config_file_option_string (ptr_parent_option); } } /* * Returns color value of an option. */ const char * config_file_option_color (struct t_config_option *option) { if (!option || !option->value || (option->type != CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_COLOR)) return NULL; return gui_color_get_name (CONFIG_COLOR(option)); } /* * Returns default color value of an option. */ const char * config_file_option_color_default (struct t_config_option *option) { if (!option || !option->default_value || (option->type != CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_COLOR)) return NULL; return gui_color_get_name (CONFIG_COLOR_DEFAULT(option)); } /* * Returns inherited color value of an option: value of option if not NULL, * or value of the parent option (if option inherits from another option). * * If the parent option is not found, returns the default value of the option. * If the parent value is NULL, returns the default value of the parent option. */ const char * config_file_option_color_inherited (struct t_config_option *option) { struct t_config_option *ptr_parent_option; if (option && option->value) return config_file_option_color (option); else { ptr_parent_option = config_file_get_parent_option (option); if (!ptr_parent_option) return config_file_option_color_default (option); if (!ptr_parent_option->value) return config_file_option_color_default (ptr_parent_option); return config_file_option_color (ptr_parent_option); } } /* * Returns enum value of an option. */ int config_file_option_enum (struct t_config_option *option) { if (!option || !option->value) return 0; switch (option->type) { case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_BOOLEAN: if (CONFIG_BOOLEAN(option) == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_TRUE) return 1; else return 0; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_INTEGER: return CONFIG_INTEGER(option); case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_STRING: return 0; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_COLOR: return CONFIG_COLOR(option); case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_ENUM: return CONFIG_ENUM(option); case CONFIG_NUM_OPTION_TYPES: break; } return 0; } /* * Returns default enum value of an option. */ int config_file_option_enum_default (struct t_config_option *option) { if (!option || !option->default_value) return 0; switch (option->type) { case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_BOOLEAN: if (CONFIG_BOOLEAN_DEFAULT(option) == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_TRUE) return 1; else return 0; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_INTEGER: return CONFIG_INTEGER_DEFAULT(option); case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_STRING: return 0; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_COLOR: return CONFIG_COLOR_DEFAULT(option); case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_ENUM: return CONFIG_ENUM_DEFAULT(option); case CONFIG_NUM_OPTION_TYPES: break; } return 0; } /* * Returns inherited enum value of an option: value of option if not NULL, * or value of the parent option (if option inherits from another option). * * If the parent option is not found, returns the default value of the option. * If the parent value is NULL, returns the default value of the parent option. */ int config_file_option_enum_inherited (struct t_config_option *option) { struct t_config_option *ptr_parent_option; if (option && option->value) { return config_file_option_enum (option); } else { ptr_parent_option = config_file_get_parent_option (option); if (!ptr_parent_option) return config_file_option_enum_default (option); if (!ptr_parent_option->value) return config_file_option_enum_default (ptr_parent_option); return config_file_option_enum (ptr_parent_option); } } /* * Returns a char to add before the name of option to escape it. * * Returns: * "\": name must be escaped with "\" (if names begins with # [ \) * "": name must not be escaped */ const char * config_file_option_escape (const char *name) { static char str_escaped[2] = "\\", str_not_escaped[1] = { '\0' }; if (!name) return str_escaped; if ((name[0] == '#') || (name[0] == '[') || (name[0] == '\\')) return str_escaped; return str_not_escaped; } /* * Writes an option in a configuration file. * * Returns: * 1: OK * 0: error */ int config_file_write_option (struct t_config_file *config_file, struct t_config_option *option) { int rc; if (!config_file || !config_file->file || !option) return 0; rc = 1; if (option->value) { switch (option->type) { case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_BOOLEAN: rc = string_fprintf (config_file->file, "%s%s = %s\n", config_file_option_escape (option->name), option->name, (CONFIG_BOOLEAN(option) == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_TRUE) ? "on" : "off"); break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_INTEGER: rc = string_fprintf (config_file->file, "%s%s = %d\n", config_file_option_escape (option->name), option->name, CONFIG_INTEGER(option)); break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_STRING: rc = string_fprintf (config_file->file, "%s%s = \"%s\"\n", config_file_option_escape (option->name), option->name, (char *)option->value); break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_COLOR: rc = string_fprintf (config_file->file, "%s%s = %s\n", config_file_option_escape (option->name), option->name, gui_color_get_name (CONFIG_COLOR(option))); break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_ENUM: rc = string_fprintf (config_file->file, "%s%s = %s\n", config_file_option_escape (option->name), option->name, option->string_values[CONFIG_ENUM(option)]); break; case CONFIG_NUM_OPTION_TYPES: break; } } else { rc = string_fprintf (config_file->file, "%s%s\n", config_file_option_escape (option->name), option->name); } return rc; } /* * Writes a line in a configuration file. * * If value is NULL, then writes a section with [ ] around. * * Returns: * 1: OK * 0: error */ int config_file_write_line (struct t_config_file *config_file, const char *option_name, const char *value, ...) { int rc; if (!config_file || !option_name) return 0; if (value && value[0]) { weechat_va_format (value); if (vbuffer) { if (vbuffer[0]) { rc = string_fprintf (config_file->file, "%s%s = %s\n", config_file_option_escape (option_name), option_name, vbuffer); free (vbuffer); return rc; } free (vbuffer); } } return (string_fprintf (config_file->file, "\n[%s]\n", option_name)); } /* * Writes a configuration file (this function must not be called directly). * * Returns: * WEECHAT_CONFIG_WRITE_OK: OK * WEECHAT_CONFIG_WRITE_ERROR: error * WEECHAT_CONFIG_WRITE_MEMORY_ERROR: not enough memory */ int config_file_write_internal (struct t_config_file *config_file, int default_options) { int filename_length, rc; char *filename, *filename2, resolved_path[PATH_MAX]; struct t_config_section *ptr_section; struct t_config_option *ptr_option; if (!config_file) return WEECHAT_CONFIG_WRITE_ERROR; /* build filename */ filename_length = strlen (weechat_config_dir) + strlen (DIR_SEPARATOR) + strlen (config_file->filename) + 1; filename = malloc (filename_length); if (!filename) return WEECHAT_CONFIG_WRITE_MEMORY_ERROR; snprintf (filename, filename_length, "%s%s%s", weechat_config_dir, DIR_SEPARATOR, config_file->filename); /* * build temporary filename, this temp file will be renamed to filename * after write */ filename2 = malloc (filename_length + 32); if (!filename2) { free (filename); return WEECHAT_CONFIG_WRITE_MEMORY_ERROR; } snprintf (filename2, filename_length + 32, "%s.weechattmp", filename); /* if filename is a symbolic link, use target as filename */ if (realpath (filename, resolved_path)) { if (strcmp (filename, resolved_path) != 0) { free (filename); filename = strdup (resolved_path); if (!filename) { free (filename2); return WEECHAT_CONFIG_WRITE_MEMORY_ERROR; } } } log_printf (_("Writing configuration file %s%s%s"), config_file->filename, (default_options) ? " " : "", (default_options) ? _("(default options)") : ""); /* open temp file in write mode */ config_file->file = fopen (filename2, "wb"); if (!config_file->file) { gui_chat_printf (NULL, _("%sCannot create file \"%s\""), gui_chat_prefix[GUI_CHAT_PREFIX_ERROR], filename2); goto error; } /* write header with name of config file and WeeChat version */ if (!string_fprintf ( config_file->file, "#\n" "# %s -- %s\n" "#\n" "# WARNING: It is NOT recommended to edit this file by hand,\n" "# especially if WeeChat is running.\n" "#\n" "# Use commands like /set or /fset to change settings in WeeChat.\n" "#\n" "# For more info, see: https://weechat.org/doc/weechat/quickstart/\n" "#\n", version_get_name (), config_file->filename)) { goto error; } /* write config version (if different from 1) */ if (config_file->version > 1) { if (!string_fprintf (config_file->file, "\nconfig_version = %d\n", config_file->version)) { goto error; } } /* write all sections */ for (ptr_section = config_file->sections; ptr_section; ptr_section = ptr_section->next_section) { /* call write callback if defined for section */ if (default_options && ptr_section->callback_write_default) { if ((ptr_section->callback_write_default) ( ptr_section->callback_write_default_pointer, ptr_section->callback_write_default_data, config_file, ptr_section->name) != WEECHAT_CONFIG_WRITE_OK) goto error; } else if (!default_options && ptr_section->callback_write) { if ((ptr_section->callback_write) ( ptr_section->callback_write_pointer, ptr_section->callback_write_data, config_file, ptr_section->name) != WEECHAT_CONFIG_WRITE_OK) goto error; } else { /* write all options for section */ if (!string_fprintf (config_file->file, "\n[%s]\n", ptr_section->name)) goto error; for (ptr_option = ptr_section->options; ptr_option; ptr_option = ptr_option->next_option) { if (!config_file_write_option (config_file, ptr_option)) goto error; } } } if (fflush (config_file->file) != 0) goto error; /* * ensure the file is really written on the storage device; * this is disabled by default because it is really slow * (about 20 to 200x slower) */ if (CONFIG_BOOLEAN(config_look_save_config_with_fsync)) { if (fsync (fileno (config_file->file)) != 0) goto error; } /* close temp file */ fclose (config_file->file); config_file->file = NULL; /* update file mode */ chmod (filename2, 0600); /* rename temp file to target file */ rc = rename (filename2, filename); free (filename); free (filename2); if (rc != 0) return WEECHAT_CONFIG_WRITE_ERROR; return WEECHAT_CONFIG_WRITE_OK; error: gui_chat_printf (NULL, _("%sError writing configuration file \"%s\""), gui_chat_prefix[GUI_CHAT_PREFIX_ERROR], filename); log_printf (_("%sError writing configuration file \"%s\""), "", config_file->filename); if (config_file->file) { fclose (config_file->file); config_file->file = NULL; } unlink (filename2); free (filename); free (filename2); return WEECHAT_CONFIG_WRITE_ERROR; } /* * Writes a configuration file. * * Returns: * WEECHAT_CONFIG_WRITE_OK: OK * WEECHAT_CONFIG_WRITE_ERROR: error * WEECHAT_CONFIG_WRITE_MEMORY_ERROR: not enough memory */ int config_file_write (struct t_config_file *config_file) { return config_file_write_internal (config_file, 0); } /* * Parses configuration version. * * Returns: * >= 1: configuration version * -1: error */ int config_file_parse_version (const char *version) { long number; char *error; if (!version) return -1; error = NULL; number = strtoll (version, &error, 10); if (!error || error[0]) return -1; return (number < 1) ? -1 : (int)number; } /* * Backups a configuration file if its version is unsupported and cannot be * loaded. */ void config_file_backup (const char *filename) { char *filename_backup, str_time[32], str_index[32]; int length, index; struct tm *local_time; time_t date; if (!filename) return; length = strlen (filename) + 128; filename_backup = malloc (length); if (!filename_backup) return; date = time (NULL); local_time = localtime (&date); if (strftime (str_time, sizeof (str_time), ".%Y%m%d.%H%M%S", local_time) == 0) str_time[0] = '\0'; index = 1; while (1) { if (index == 1) str_index[0] = '\0'; else snprintf (str_index, sizeof (str_index), ".%d", index); snprintf (filename_backup, length, "%s.backup%s%s", filename, str_time, str_index); if (access (filename_backup, F_OK) != 0) break; index++; } if (dir_file_copy (filename, filename_backup)) { gui_chat_printf (NULL, _("%sFile %s has been backed up as %s"), gui_chat_prefix[GUI_CHAT_PREFIX_ERROR], filename, filename_backup); } else { gui_chat_printf (NULL, _("%sError: unable to backup file %s"), gui_chat_prefix[GUI_CHAT_PREFIX_ERROR], filename); } free (filename_backup); } /* * Updates data read from config file: either section or option + value. * The update callback (if defined in config) is called if the config version * read in file is less than to the current config version. * * Parameters "section", "option" and "value" are updated in place: if the * callback gives a new value, they are first freed and allocated again with * the new value (or set to NULL for the value if the callback returns * special key "value_null"). * * Section can be updated only if option and value are NULL (ie if we are * reading a section line like "[section]"). * * Integer warning_update_displayed is set to 1 if a warning is displayed, * when the file is updated to a newer version (then it's not compatible any * more with previous versions). */ void config_file_update_data_read (struct t_config_file *config_file, const char *filename, const char *section, const char *option, const char *value, char **ret_section, char **ret_option, char **ret_value, int *warning_update_displayed) { struct t_hashtable *data_read, *hashtable; const char *ptr_section, *ptr_option, *ptr_value; int value_null; /* do nothing if config is already the latest version */ if (config_file->version_read >= config_file->version) return; if (!*warning_update_displayed && (config_file->version_read < config_file->version)) { gui_chat_printf ( NULL, _("%sImportant: file %s has been updated from version %d to %d, " "it is not compatible and can not be loaded any more with any " "older version"), gui_chat_prefix[GUI_CHAT_PREFIX_ERROR], filename, config_file->version_read, config_file->version); *warning_update_displayed = 1; } /* do nothing if there's no update callback */ if (!config_file->callback_update) return; value_null = 0; data_read = hashtable_new ( 32, WEECHAT_HASHTABLE_STRING, WEECHAT_HASHTABLE_STRING, NULL, NULL); if (!data_read) return; hashtable_set (data_read, "config", config_file->name); if (section) hashtable_set (data_read, "section", section); if (option) { hashtable_set (data_read, "option", option); if (value) { hashtable_set (data_read, "value", value); } else { hashtable_set (data_read, "value_null", "1"); value_null = 1; } } hashtable = (config_file->callback_update) (config_file->callback_update_pointer, config_file->callback_update_data, config_file, config_file->version_read, data_read); if (hashtable) { /* if reading a section line, we can update its name */ if (section && !option && ret_section) { ptr_section = hashtable_get (hashtable, "section"); if (ptr_section && ptr_section[0]) { free (*ret_section); *ret_section = strdup (ptr_section); } } /* if reading an option line, we can update its name and value */ if (section && option) { /* option name */ if (ret_option) { ptr_option = hashtable_get (hashtable, "option"); if (ptr_option) { free (*ret_option); *ret_option = strdup (ptr_option); } } /* value */ if (ret_value) { ptr_value = hashtable_get (hashtable, "value"); if (!value_null && hashtable_has_key (hashtable, "value_null")) ptr_value = NULL; free (*ret_value); *ret_value = (ptr_value) ? strdup (ptr_value) : NULL; } } } if (hashtable && (hashtable != data_read)) hashtable_free (hashtable); hashtable_free (data_read); } /* * Reads a configuration file (this function must not be called directly). * * Returns: * WEECHAT_CONFIG_READ_OK: OK * WEECHAT_CONFIG_READ_MEMORY_ERROR: not enough memory * WEECHAT_CONFIG_READ_FILE_NOT_FOUND: file not found */ int config_file_read_internal (struct t_config_file *config_file, int reload) { int filename_length, line_number, rc, length, version; int warning_update_displayed; char *filename, *section, *option, *value; struct t_config_section *ptr_section; struct t_config_option *ptr_option; char line[16384], *ptr_line, *ptr_line2, *pos, *pos2; if (!config_file) return WEECHAT_CONFIG_READ_FILE_NOT_FOUND; config_file->version_read = 1; warning_update_displayed = 0; /* build filename */ filename_length = strlen (weechat_config_dir) + strlen (DIR_SEPARATOR) + strlen (config_file->filename) + 1; filename = malloc (filename_length); if (!filename) return WEECHAT_CONFIG_READ_MEMORY_ERROR; snprintf (filename, filename_length, "%s%s%s", weechat_config_dir, DIR_SEPARATOR, config_file->filename); /* create file with default options if it does not exist */ if (access (filename, F_OK) != 0) { if (strcmp (config_file->name, WEECHAT_CONFIG_NAME) == 0) weechat_first_start = 1; config_file_write_internal (config_file, 1); } /* read config file */ config_file->file = fopen (filename, "r"); if (!config_file->file) { gui_chat_printf (NULL, _("%sWARNING: failed to read configuration file " "\"%s\" (%s)"), gui_chat_prefix[GUI_CHAT_PREFIX_ERROR], filename, strerror (errno)); gui_chat_printf (NULL, _("%sWARNING: file \"%s\" will be overwritten on exit " "with default values (it is HIGHLY recommended to " "backup this file now)"), gui_chat_prefix[GUI_CHAT_PREFIX_ERROR], filename); free (filename); return WEECHAT_CONFIG_READ_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } if (!reload) log_printf (_("Reading configuration file %s"), config_file->filename); /* read all lines */ ptr_section = NULL; line_number = 0; while (!feof (config_file->file)) { line_number++; option = NULL; value = NULL; ptr_line = fgets (line, sizeof (line) - 1, config_file->file); if (!ptr_line) goto end_line; /* encode line to internal charset */ ptr_line2 = string_iconv_to_internal (NULL, ptr_line); if (ptr_line2) { snprintf (line, sizeof (line), "%s", ptr_line2); free (ptr_line2); } /* skip spaces */ while (ptr_line[0] == ' ') { ptr_line++; } /* remove CR/LF */ pos = strchr (ptr_line, '\r'); if (pos) pos[0] = '\0'; pos = strchr (ptr_line, '\n'); if (pos) pos[0] = '\0'; /* ignore empty line or comment */ if (!ptr_line[0] || (ptr_line[0] == '#')) goto end_line; /* beginning of section */ if ((ptr_line[0] == '[') && !strchr (ptr_line, '=')) { pos = strchr (ptr_line, ']'); if (!pos) { gui_chat_printf (NULL, _("%sWarning: %s, line %d: invalid " "syntax, missing \"]\""), gui_chat_prefix[GUI_CHAT_PREFIX_ERROR], filename, line_number); } else { section = string_strndup (ptr_line + 1, pos - ptr_line - 1); if (section) { config_file_update_data_read (config_file, filename, section, NULL, NULL, §ion, NULL, NULL, &warning_update_displayed); ptr_section = config_file_search_section (config_file, section); if (!ptr_section) { gui_chat_printf ( NULL, _("%sWarning: %s, line %d: ignoring unknown " "section identifier (\"%s\")"), gui_chat_prefix[GUI_CHAT_PREFIX_ERROR], filename, line_number, section); } free (section); } } goto end_line; } /* skip escape char */ if (ptr_line[0] == '\\') ptr_line++; pos = strstr (ptr_line, " ="); if (pos) { /* skip spaces before '=' */ pos2 = pos - 1; while ((pos2 > ptr_line) && (pos2[0] == ' ')) { pos2--; } option = string_strndup (ptr_line, pos2 + 1 - ptr_line); /* skip spaces after '=' */ pos += 2; while (pos[0] == ' ') { pos++; } if (strcmp (pos, WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_NULL) != 0) { length = strlen (pos); if (length > 1) { /* remove simple or double quotes and spaces at the end */ pos2 = pos + length - 1; while ((pos2 > pos) && (pos2[0] == ' ')) { pos2--; } if (((pos[0] == '\'') && (pos2[0] == '\'')) || ((pos[0] == '"') && (pos2[0] == '"'))) { value = string_strndup (pos + 1, pos2 - pos - 1); } else { value = string_strndup (pos, pos2 + 1 - pos); } } else { value = strdup (pos); } } } else { option = strdup (ptr_line); } if (!ptr_section && (strcmp (option, CONFIG_VERSION_OPTION) == 0)) { version = config_file_parse_version (pos); if (version < 0) { gui_chat_printf ( NULL, _("%sError: %s, line %d: invalid config " "version: \"%s\" => " "rest of file is IGNORED, default options are used"), gui_chat_prefix[GUI_CHAT_PREFIX_ERROR], filename, line_number, line); config_file_backup (filename); free (option); free (value); goto end_file; } else { config_file->version_read = version; if (config_file->version_read > config_file->version) { gui_chat_printf ( NULL, _("%sError: %s, version read (%d) is newer than " "supported version (%d) => " "rest of file is IGNORED, default options are used"), gui_chat_prefix[GUI_CHAT_PREFIX_ERROR], filename, config_file->version_read, config_file->version); config_file_backup (filename); free (option); free (value); goto end_file; } } goto end_line; } if (!ptr_section) { gui_chat_printf (NULL, _("%sWarning: %s, line %d: " "ignoring option outside section: %s"), gui_chat_prefix[GUI_CHAT_PREFIX_ERROR], filename, line_number, line); goto end_line; } config_file_update_data_read (config_file, filename, ptr_section->name, option, value, NULL, &option, &value, &warning_update_displayed); /* option has been ignored by the update callback? */ if (!option || !option[0]) goto end_line; if (ptr_section->callback_read) { ptr_option = NULL; rc = (ptr_section->callback_read) (ptr_section->callback_read_pointer, ptr_section->callback_read_data, config_file, ptr_section, option, value); } else { rc = WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OPTION_NOT_FOUND; ptr_option = config_file_search_option (config_file, ptr_section, option); if (ptr_option) { rc = config_file_option_set (ptr_option, value, 1); ptr_option->loaded = 1; } else { if (ptr_section->callback_create_option) { rc = (int) (ptr_section->callback_create_option) ( ptr_section->callback_create_option_pointer, ptr_section->callback_create_option_data, config_file, ptr_section, option, value); } } } switch (rc) { case WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_OPTION_NOT_FOUND: gui_chat_printf ( NULL, _("%sWarning: %s, line %d: " "ignoring unknown option for section \"%s\": %s"), gui_chat_prefix[GUI_CHAT_PREFIX_ERROR], filename, line_number, ptr_section->name, line); break; case WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_ERROR: gui_chat_printf ( NULL, _("%sWarning: %s, line %d: " "ignoring invalid value for option in section \"%s\": %s"), gui_chat_prefix[GUI_CHAT_PREFIX_ERROR], filename, line_number, ptr_section->name, line); break; } end_line: free (option); free (value); } end_file: fclose (config_file->file); config_file->file = NULL; free (filename); return WEECHAT_CONFIG_READ_OK; } /* * Reads a configuration file. * * Returns: * WEECHAT_CONFIG_READ_OK: OK * WEECHAT_CONFIG_READ_MEMORY_ERROR: not enough memory * WEECHAT_CONFIG_READ_FILE_NOT_FOUND: file not found */ int config_file_read (struct t_config_file *config_file) { return config_file_read_internal (config_file, 0); } /* * Reloads a configuration file. * * Returns: * WEECHAT_CONFIG_READ_OK: OK * WEECHAT_CONFIG_READ_MEMORY_ERROR: not enough memory * WEECHAT_CONFIG_READ_FILE_NOT_FOUND: file not found */ int config_file_reload (struct t_config_file *config_file) { struct t_config_section *ptr_section; struct t_config_option *ptr_option; int rc; if (!config_file) return WEECHAT_CONFIG_READ_FILE_NOT_FOUND; log_printf (_("Reloading configuration file %s"), config_file->filename); /* init "loaded" flag for all options */ for (ptr_section = config_file->sections; ptr_section; ptr_section = ptr_section->next_section) { if (!ptr_section->callback_read) { for (ptr_option = ptr_section->options; ptr_option; ptr_option = ptr_option->next_option) { ptr_option->loaded = 0; } } } /* read configuration file */ rc = config_file_read_internal (config_file, 1); /* reset options not found in configuration file */ for (ptr_section = config_file->sections; ptr_section; ptr_section = ptr_section->next_section) { if (!ptr_section->callback_read) { for (ptr_option = ptr_section->options; ptr_option; ptr_option = ptr_option->next_option) { if (!ptr_option->loaded) config_file_option_reset (ptr_option, 1); } } } return rc; } /* * Frees data in an option. */ void config_file_option_free_data (struct t_config_option *option) { free (option->name); free (option->parent_name); free (option->description); string_free_split (option->string_values); free (option->default_value); free (option->value); free (option->callback_check_value_data); free (option->callback_change_data); free (option->callback_delete_data); } /* * Frees an option. */ void config_file_option_free (struct t_config_option *option, int run_callback) { struct t_config_section *ptr_section; struct t_config_option *new_options; char *option_full_name; if (!option) return; option_full_name = (run_callback) ? config_file_option_full_name (option) : NULL; ptr_section = option->section; /* free data */ config_file_option_free_data (option); /* remove option from section */ if (ptr_section) { if (ptr_section->last_option == option) ptr_section->last_option = option->prev_option; if (option->prev_option) { (option->prev_option)->next_option = option->next_option; new_options = ptr_section->options; } else new_options = option->next_option; if (option->next_option) (option->next_option)->prev_option = option->prev_option; ptr_section->options = new_options; } free (option); if (option_full_name) { hook_config_exec (option_full_name, NULL); free (option_full_name); } } /* * Frees options in a section. */ void config_file_section_free_options (struct t_config_section *section) { if (!section) return; while (section->options) { config_file_option_free (section->options, 1); } } /* * Frees a section. */ void config_file_section_free (struct t_config_section *section) { struct t_config_file *ptr_config; struct t_config_section *new_sections; if (!section) return; ptr_config = section->config_file; /* free data */ config_file_section_free_options (section); free (section->name); free (section->callback_read_data); free (section->callback_write_data); free (section->callback_write_default_data); free (section->callback_create_option_data); free (section->callback_delete_option_data); /* remove section from list */ if (ptr_config->last_section == section) ptr_config->last_section = section->prev_section; if (section->prev_section) { (section->prev_section)->next_section = section->next_section; new_sections = ptr_config->sections; } else new_sections = section->next_section; if (section->next_section) (section->next_section)->prev_section = section->prev_section; free (section); ptr_config->sections = new_sections; } /* * Frees a configuration file. */ void config_file_free (struct t_config_file *config_file) { struct t_config_file *new_config_files; if (!config_file) return; /* free data */ while (config_file->sections) { config_file_section_free (config_file->sections); } free (config_file->name); free (config_file->filename); /* remove configuration file from list */ if (last_config_file == config_file) last_config_file = config_file->prev_config; if (config_file->prev_config) { (config_file->prev_config)->next_config = config_file->next_config; new_config_files = config_files; } else new_config_files = config_file->next_config; if (config_file->next_config) (config_file->next_config)->prev_config = config_file->prev_config; /* free data */ free (config_file->callback_update_data); free (config_file->callback_reload_data); free (config_file); config_files = new_config_files; } /* * Frees all configuration files. */ void config_file_free_all () { while (config_files) { config_file_free (config_files); } } /* * Frees all configuration files for a plugin. */ void config_file_free_all_plugin (struct t_weechat_plugin *plugin) { struct t_config_file *ptr_config, *next_config; ptr_config = config_files; while (ptr_config) { next_config = ptr_config->next_config; if (ptr_config->plugin == plugin) config_file_free (ptr_config); ptr_config = next_config; } } /* * Returns hdata for structure t_config_file. */ struct t_hdata * config_file_hdata_config_file_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, const char *hdata_name) { struct t_hdata *hdata; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) pointer; (void) data; hdata = hdata_new (NULL, hdata_name, "prev_config", "next_config", 0, 0, NULL, NULL); if (hdata) { HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_file, plugin, POINTER, 0, NULL, "plugin"); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_file, priority, INTEGER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_file, name, STRING, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_file, filename, STRING, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_file, file, POINTER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_file, version, INTEGER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_file, callback_reload, POINTER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_file, callback_reload_pointer, POINTER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_file, callback_reload_data, POINTER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_file, sections, POINTER, 0, NULL, "config_section"); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_file, last_section, POINTER, 0, NULL, "config_section"); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_file, prev_config, POINTER, 0, NULL, hdata_name); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_file, next_config, POINTER, 0, NULL, hdata_name); HDATA_LIST(config_files, WEECHAT_HDATA_LIST_CHECK_POINTERS); HDATA_LIST(last_config_file, 0); } return hdata; } /* * Returns hdata for structure t_config_section. */ struct t_hdata * config_file_hdata_config_section_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, const char *hdata_name) { struct t_hdata *hdata; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) pointer; (void) data; hdata = hdata_new (NULL, hdata_name, "prev_section", "next_section", 0, 0, NULL, NULL); if (hdata) { HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_section, config_file, POINTER, 0, NULL, "config_file"); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_section, name, STRING, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_section, user_can_add_options, INTEGER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_section, user_can_delete_options, INTEGER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_section, callback_read, POINTER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_section, callback_read_pointer, POINTER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_section, callback_read_data, POINTER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_section, callback_write, POINTER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_section, callback_write_pointer, POINTER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_section, callback_write_data, POINTER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_section, callback_write_default, POINTER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_section, callback_write_default_pointer, POINTER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_section, callback_write_default_data, POINTER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_section, callback_create_option, POINTER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_section, callback_create_option_pointer, POINTER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_section, callback_create_option_data, POINTER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_section, callback_delete_option, POINTER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_section, callback_delete_option_pointer, POINTER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_section, callback_delete_option_data, POINTER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_section, options, POINTER, 0, NULL, "config_option"); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_section, last_option, POINTER, 0, NULL, "config_option"); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_section, prev_section, POINTER, 0, NULL, hdata_name); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_section, next_section, POINTER, 0, NULL, hdata_name); } return hdata; } /* * Returns hdata for structure t_config_option. */ struct t_hdata * config_file_hdata_config_option_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, const char *hdata_name) { struct t_hdata *hdata; /* make C compiler happy */ (void) pointer; (void) data; hdata = hdata_new (NULL, hdata_name, "prev_option", "next_option", 0, 0, NULL, NULL); if (hdata) { HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_option, config_file, POINTER, 0, NULL, "config_file"); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_option, section, POINTER, 0, NULL, "config_section"); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_option, name, STRING, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_option, parent_name, STRING, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_option, type, INTEGER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_option, description, STRING, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_option, string_values, STRING, 0, "*,*", NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_option, min, INTEGER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_option, max, INTEGER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_option, default_value, POINTER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_option, value, POINTER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_option, null_value_allowed, INTEGER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_option, callback_check_value, POINTER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_option, callback_check_value_pointer, POINTER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_option, callback_check_value_data, POINTER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_option, callback_change, POINTER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_option, callback_change_pointer, POINTER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_option, callback_change_data, POINTER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_option, callback_delete, POINTER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_option, callback_delete_pointer, POINTER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_option, callback_delete_data, POINTER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_option, loaded, INTEGER, 0, NULL, NULL); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_option, prev_option, POINTER, 0, NULL, hdata_name); HDATA_VAR(struct t_config_option, next_option, POINTER, 0, NULL, hdata_name); } return hdata; } /* * Adds a configuration option in an infolist. * * Returns: * 1: OK * 0: error */ int config_file_add_option_to_infolist (struct t_infolist *infolist, struct t_config_file *config_file, struct t_config_section *section, struct t_config_option *option, const char *option_name) { char *option_full_name, *value, *string_values; struct t_config_option *ptr_parent_option; struct t_infolist_item *ptr_item; int rc; rc = 1; option_full_name = config_file_option_full_name (option); if (!option_full_name) goto error; if (option_name && option_name[0] && (!string_match (option_full_name, option_name, 1))) { goto end; } ptr_item = infolist_new_item (infolist); if (!ptr_item) goto error; if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "full_name", option_full_name)) goto error; if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "config_name", config_file->name)) goto error; if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "section_name", section->name)) goto error; if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "option_name", option->name)) goto error; if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "parent_name", option->parent_name)) goto error; if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "description", option->description)) goto error; if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "description_nls", (option->description && option->description[0]) ? _(option->description) : "")) { goto error; } string_values = string_rebuild_split_string ( (const char **)option->string_values, "|", 0, -1); if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "string_values", string_values)) { free (string_values); goto error; } free (string_values); if (!infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "min", option->min)) goto error; if (!infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "max", option->max)) goto error; if (!infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "null_value_allowed", option->null_value_allowed)) { goto error; } if (!infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "value_is_null", (option->value) ? 0 : 1)) { goto error; } if (!infolist_new_var_integer (ptr_item, "default_value_is_null", (option->default_value) ? 0 : 1)) { goto error; } if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "type", config_option_type_string[option->type])) { goto error; } if (option->value) { value = config_file_option_value_to_string (option, 0, 0, 0); if (!value) goto error; if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "value", value)) { free (value); goto error; } free (value); } if (option->default_value) { value = config_file_option_value_to_string (option, 1, 0, 0); if (!value) goto error; if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "default_value", value)) { free (value); goto error; } free (value); } if (option->parent_name) { config_file_search_with_string (option->parent_name, NULL, NULL, &ptr_parent_option, NULL); if (ptr_parent_option && ptr_parent_option->value) { value = config_file_option_value_to_string (ptr_parent_option, 0, 0, 0); if (!value) goto error; if (!infolist_new_var_string (ptr_item, "parent_value", value)) { free (value); goto error; } free (value); } } goto end; error: rc = 0; end: free (option_full_name); return rc; } /* * Adds configuration options in an infolist. * * Returns: * 1: OK * 0: error */ int config_file_add_to_infolist (struct t_infolist *infolist, const char *option_name) { struct t_config_file *ptr_config; struct t_config_section *ptr_section; struct t_config_option *ptr_option; if (!infolist) return 0; for (ptr_config = config_files; ptr_config; ptr_config = ptr_config->next_config) { for (ptr_section = ptr_config->sections; ptr_section; ptr_section = ptr_section->next_section) { for (ptr_option = ptr_section->options; ptr_option; ptr_option = ptr_option->next_option) { if (!config_file_add_option_to_infolist (infolist, ptr_config, ptr_section, ptr_option, option_name)) { return 0; } } } } return 1; } /* * Prints configuration file in WeeChat log file (usually for crash dump). */ void config_file_print_log () { struct t_config_file *ptr_config_file; struct t_config_section *ptr_section; struct t_config_option *ptr_option; for (ptr_config_file = config_files; ptr_config_file; ptr_config_file = ptr_config_file->next_config) { log_printf (""); log_printf ("[config (addr:%p)]", ptr_config_file); log_printf (" plugin . . . . . . . . : %p ('%s')", ptr_config_file->plugin, plugin_get_name (ptr_config_file->plugin)); log_printf (" priority . . . . . . . : %d", ptr_config_file->priority); log_printf (" name . . . . . . . . . : '%s'", ptr_config_file->name); log_printf (" filename . . . . . . . : '%s'", ptr_config_file->filename); log_printf (" file . . . . . . . . . : %p", ptr_config_file->file); log_printf (" callback_reload. . . . : %p", ptr_config_file->callback_reload); log_printf (" callback_reload_pointer: %p", ptr_config_file->callback_reload_pointer); log_printf (" callback_reload_data . : %p", ptr_config_file->callback_reload_data); log_printf (" sections . . . . . . . : %p", ptr_config_file->sections); log_printf (" last_section . . . . . : %p", ptr_config_file->last_section); log_printf (" prev_config. . . . . . : %p", ptr_config_file->prev_config); log_printf (" next_config. . . . . . : %p", ptr_config_file->next_config); for (ptr_section = ptr_config_file->sections; ptr_section; ptr_section = ptr_section->next_section) { log_printf (""); log_printf (" [section (addr:%p)]", ptr_section); log_printf (" config_file . . . . . . . . . : %p", ptr_section->config_file); log_printf (" name. . . . . . . . . . . . . : '%s'", ptr_section->name); log_printf (" callback_read . . . . . . . . : %p", ptr_section->callback_read); log_printf (" callback_read_pointer . . . . : %p", ptr_section->callback_read_pointer); log_printf (" callback_read_data. . . . . . : %p", ptr_section->callback_read_data); log_printf (" callback_write. . . . . . . . : %p", ptr_section->callback_write); log_printf (" callback_write_pointer. . . . : %p", ptr_section->callback_write_pointer); log_printf (" callback_write_data . . . . . : %p", ptr_section->callback_write_data); log_printf (" callback_write_default. . . . : %p", ptr_section->callback_write_default); log_printf (" callback_write_default_pointer: %p", ptr_section->callback_write_default_pointer); log_printf (" callback_write_default_data . : %p", ptr_section->callback_write_default_data); log_printf (" callback_create_option. . . . : %p", ptr_section->callback_create_option); log_printf (" callback_create_option_pointer: %p", ptr_section->callback_create_option_pointer); log_printf (" callback_create_option_data . : %p", ptr_section->callback_create_option_data); log_printf (" callback_delete_option. . . . : %p", ptr_section->callback_delete_option); log_printf (" callback_delete_option_pointer: %p", ptr_section->callback_delete_option_pointer); log_printf (" callback_delete_option_data . : %p", ptr_section->callback_delete_option_data); log_printf (" options . . . . . . . . . . . : %p", ptr_section->options); log_printf (" last_option . . . . . . . . . : %p", ptr_section->last_option); log_printf (" prev_section. . . . . . . . . : %p", ptr_section->prev_section); log_printf (" next_section. . . . . . . . . : %p", ptr_section->next_section); for (ptr_option = ptr_section->options; ptr_option; ptr_option = ptr_option->next_option) { log_printf (""); log_printf (" [option (addr:%p)]", ptr_option); log_printf (" config_file. . . . . . . . . : %p", ptr_option->config_file); log_printf (" section. . . . . . . . . . . : %p", ptr_option->section); log_printf (" name . . . . . . . . . . . . : '%s'", ptr_option->name); log_printf (" parent_name. . . . . . . . . : '%s'", ptr_option->parent_name); log_printf (" type . . . . . . . . . . . . : %d", ptr_option->type); log_printf (" description. . . . . . . . . : '%s'", ptr_option->description); log_printf (" string_values. . . . . . . . : %p", ptr_option->string_values); log_printf (" min. . . . . . . . . . . . . : %d", ptr_option->min); log_printf (" max. . . . . . . . . . . . . : %d", ptr_option->max); switch (ptr_option->type) { case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_BOOLEAN: log_printf (" default value. . . . . . . . : %s", (ptr_option->default_value) ? ((CONFIG_BOOLEAN_DEFAULT(ptr_option) == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_TRUE) ? "on" : "off") : "null"); log_printf (" value (boolean). . . . . . . : %s", (ptr_option->value) ? ((CONFIG_BOOLEAN(ptr_option) == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_TRUE) ? "on" : "off") : "null"); break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_INTEGER: if (ptr_option->default_value) log_printf (" default value. . . . . . . . : %d", CONFIG_INTEGER_DEFAULT(ptr_option)); else log_printf (" default value. . . . . . . . : null"); if (ptr_option->value) log_printf (" value (integer). . . . . . . : %d", CONFIG_INTEGER(ptr_option)); else log_printf (" value (integer). . . . . . . : null"); break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_STRING: if (ptr_option->default_value) log_printf (" default value. . . . . . . . : '%s'", CONFIG_STRING_DEFAULT(ptr_option)); else log_printf (" default value. . . . . . . . : null"); if (ptr_option->value) log_printf (" value (string) . . . . . . . : '%s'", CONFIG_STRING(ptr_option)); else log_printf (" value (string) . . . . . . . : null"); break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_COLOR: if (ptr_option->default_value) log_printf (" default value. . . . . . . . : %d ('%s')", CONFIG_COLOR_DEFAULT(ptr_option), gui_color_get_name (CONFIG_COLOR_DEFAULT(ptr_option))); else log_printf (" default value. . . . . . . . : null"); if (ptr_option->value) log_printf (" value (color). . . . . . . . : %d ('%s')", CONFIG_COLOR(ptr_option), gui_color_get_name (CONFIG_COLOR(ptr_option))); else log_printf (" value (color). . . . . . . . : null"); break; case CONFIG_OPTION_TYPE_ENUM: log_printf (" default value. . . . . . . . : '%s'", (ptr_option->default_value) ? ptr_option->string_values[CONFIG_ENUM_DEFAULT(ptr_option)] : "null"); log_printf (" value (integer/str). . . . . : '%s'", (ptr_option->value) ? ptr_option->string_values[CONFIG_ENUM(ptr_option)] : "null"); break; case CONFIG_NUM_OPTION_TYPES: break; } log_printf (" null_value_allowed . . . . . : %d", ptr_option->null_value_allowed); log_printf (" callback_check_value . . . . : %p", ptr_option->callback_check_value); log_printf (" callback_check_value_pointer : %p", ptr_option->callback_check_value_pointer); log_printf (" callback_check_value_data. . : %p", ptr_option->callback_check_value_data); log_printf (" callback_change. . . . . . . : %p", ptr_option->callback_change); log_printf (" callback_change_pointer. . . : %p", ptr_option->callback_change_pointer); log_printf (" callback_change_data . . . . : %p", ptr_option->callback_change_data); log_printf (" callback_delete. . . . . . . : %p", ptr_option->callback_delete); log_printf (" callback_delete_pointer. . . : %p", ptr_option->callback_delete_pointer); log_printf (" callback_delete_data . . . . : %p", ptr_option->callback_delete_data); log_printf (" loaded . . . . . . . . . . . : %d", ptr_option->loaded); log_printf (" prev_option. . . . . . . . . : %p", ptr_option->prev_option); log_printf (" next_option. . . . . . . . . : %p", ptr_option->next_option); } } } }