/* * Copyright (c) 2003-2005 by FlashCode <flashcode@flashtux.org> * See README for License detail, AUTHORS for developers list. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* history.c: memorize and call again commands or text */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "weechat.h" #include "history.h" #include "weeconfig.h" #include "../gui/gui.h" t_history *history_general = NULL; t_history *history_general_last = NULL; t_history *history_general_ptr = NULL; int num_history_general = 0; /* * history_hide_password: hide a nickserv password */ void history_hide_password (char *string) { char *pos_pwd; if (strstr (string, "nickserv ")) { pos_pwd = strstr (string, "identify "); if (!pos_pwd) pos_pwd = strstr (string, "register "); if (pos_pwd) { pos_pwd += 9; while (pos_pwd[0]) { pos_pwd[0] = '*'; pos_pwd++; } } } } /* * history_add: add a text/command to history */ void history_add (void *buffer, char *string) { t_history *new_history, *ptr_history; /* add history to general history */ new_history = (t_history *)malloc (sizeof (t_history)); if (new_history) { new_history->text = strdup (string); if (cfg_log_hide_nickserv_pwd) history_hide_password (new_history->text); if (history_general) history_general->prev_history = new_history; else history_general_last = new_history; new_history->next_history = history_general; new_history->prev_history = NULL; history_general = new_history; num_history_general++; /* remove one command if necessary */ if ((cfg_history_max_commands > 0) && (num_history_general > cfg_history_max_commands)) { ptr_history = history_general_last->prev_history; history_general_last->prev_history->next_history = NULL; if (history_general_last->text) free (history_general_last->text); free (history_general_last); history_general_last = ptr_history; num_history_general--; } } /* add history to local history */ new_history = (t_history *)malloc (sizeof (t_history)); if (new_history) { new_history->text = strdup (string); if (cfg_log_hide_nickserv_pwd) history_hide_password (new_history->text); if (((t_gui_buffer *)(buffer))->history) ((t_gui_buffer *)(buffer))->history->prev_history = new_history; else ((t_gui_buffer *)(buffer))->last_history = new_history; new_history->next_history = ((t_gui_buffer *)(buffer))->history; new_history->prev_history = NULL; ((t_gui_buffer *)buffer)->history = new_history; ((t_gui_buffer *)(buffer))->num_history++; /* remove one command if necessary */ if ((cfg_history_max_commands > 0) && (((t_gui_buffer *)(buffer))->num_history > cfg_history_max_commands)) { ptr_history = ((t_gui_buffer *)buffer)->last_history->prev_history; ((t_gui_buffer *)buffer)->last_history->prev_history->next_history = NULL; if (((t_gui_buffer *)buffer)->last_history->text) free (((t_gui_buffer *)buffer)->last_history->text); free (((t_gui_buffer *)buffer)->last_history); ((t_gui_buffer *)buffer)->last_history = ptr_history; ((t_gui_buffer *)(buffer))->num_history++; } } } /* * history_general_free: free general history */ void history_general_free () { t_history *ptr_history; while (history_general) { ptr_history = history_general->next_history; if (history_general->text) free (history_general->text); free (history_general); history_general = ptr_history; } history_general = NULL; history_general_last = NULL; history_general_ptr = NULL; num_history_general = 0; } /* * history_buffer_free: free history for a buffer */ void history_buffer_free (void *buffer) { t_history *ptr_history; while (((t_gui_buffer *)(buffer))->history) { ptr_history = ((t_gui_buffer *)(buffer))->history->next_history; if (((t_gui_buffer *)(buffer))->history->text) free (((t_gui_buffer *)(buffer))->history->text); free (((t_gui_buffer *)(buffer))->history); ((t_gui_buffer *)(buffer))->history = ptr_history; } ((t_gui_buffer *)(buffer))->history = NULL; ((t_gui_buffer *)(buffer))->last_history = NULL; ((t_gui_buffer *)(buffer))->ptr_history = NULL; ((t_gui_buffer *)(buffer))->num_history = 0; }