/* * Copyright (c) 2003-2005 by FlashCode * See README for License detail, AUTHORS for developers list. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* command.c: WeeChat internal commands */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include "weechat.h" #include "command.h" #include "weelist.h" #include "weeconfig.h" #include "../irc/irc.h" #include "../gui/gui.h" #include "../plugins/plugins.h" /* WeeChat internal commands */ t_weechat_command weechat_commands[] = { { "alias", N_("create an alias for a command"), N_("[alias_name [command [arguments]]"), N_("alias_name: name of alias\ncommand: command name (WeeChat " "or IRC command, without first '/')\n" "arguments: arguments for command"), 0, MAX_ARGS, NULL, weechat_cmd_alias }, { "buffer", N_("manage buffers"), N_("[action | number]"), N_("action: action to do:\n" " move move buffer in the list (may be relative, for example -1)\n" " close close buffer (for channel: same as /part without part message)\n" " list list opened buffers (no parameter implies this list)\n" " notify set notify level for buffer (0=never, 1=highlight, 2=1+msg, 3=2+join/part)\n" "number: jump to buffer by number"), 0, MAX_ARGS, weechat_cmd_buffer, NULL }, { "clear", N_("clear window(s)"), N_("[-all]"), N_("-all: clear all windows"), 0, 1, weechat_cmd_clear, NULL }, { "connect", N_("connect to a server"), N_("[servername]"), N_("servername: server name to connect"), 0, 1, weechat_cmd_connect, NULL }, { "disconnect", N_("disconnect from a server"), N_("[servername]"), N_("servername: server name to disconnect"), 0, 1, weechat_cmd_disconnect, NULL }, { "debug", N_("print debug messages"), N_("dump"), N_("dump: save memory dump in WeeChat log file (same dump is written when WeeChat crashes)"), 1, 1, weechat_cmd_debug, NULL }, { "help", N_("display help about commands"), N_("[command]"), N_("command: name of a WeeChat or IRC command"), 0, 1, weechat_cmd_help, NULL }, { "perl", N_("list/load/unload Perl scripts"), N_("[load filename] | [autoload] | [unload]"), N_("filename: Perl script (file) to load\n" "Without argument, /perl command lists all loaded Perl scripts."), 0, 2, weechat_cmd_perl, NULL }, { "server", N_("list, add or remove servers"), N_("[servername] | " "[servername hostname port [-auto | -noauto] [-pwd password] [-nicks nick1 " "[nick2 [nick3]]] [-username username] [-realname realname] " "[-command command] [-autojoin channel[,channel]] ] | " "[del servername]"), N_("servername: server name, for internal & display use\n" "hostname: name or IP address of server\n" "port: port for server (integer)\n" "password: password for server\n" "nick1: first nick for server\n" "nick2: alternate nick for server\n" "nick3: second alternate nick for server\n" "username: user name\n" "realname: real name of user"), 0, MAX_ARGS, weechat_cmd_server, NULL }, { "save", N_("save config to disk"), N_("[file]"), N_("file: filename for writing config"), 0, 1, weechat_cmd_save, NULL }, { "set", N_("set config parameters"), N_("[option[=value]]"), N_("option: name of an option\nvalue: value for option"), 0, MAX_ARGS, NULL, weechat_cmd_set }, { "unalias", N_("remove an alias"), N_("alias_name"), N_("alias_name: name of alias to remove"), 1, 1, NULL, weechat_cmd_unalias }, { "window", N_("manage windows"), N_("[list | splith | splitv | [merge [down | up | left | right | all]]]"), N_( " list list opened windows (no parameter implies this list)\n" "splith split current window horizontally\n" "splitv split current window vertically\n" " merge merge window with another"), 0, 2, weechat_cmd_window, NULL }, { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL } }; t_weechat_alias *weechat_alias = NULL; t_weechat_alias *weechat_last_alias = NULL; t_weelist *index_commands; t_weelist *last_index_command; /* * command_index_build: build an index of commands (internal, irc and alias) * This list will be sorted, and used for completion */ void command_index_build () { int i; index_commands = NULL; last_index_command = NULL; i = 0; while (weechat_commands[i].command_name) { (void) weelist_add (&index_commands, &last_index_command, weechat_commands[i].command_name); i++; } i = 0; while (irc_commands[i].command_name) { if (irc_commands[i].cmd_function_args || irc_commands[i].cmd_function_1arg) (void) weelist_add (&index_commands, &last_index_command, irc_commands[i].command_name); i++; } } /* * command_index_free: remove all commands in index */ void command_index_free () { while (index_commands) { weelist_remove (&index_commands, &last_index_command, index_commands); } } /* * alias_search: search an alias */ t_weechat_alias * alias_search (char *alias_name) { t_weechat_alias *ptr_alias; for (ptr_alias = weechat_alias; ptr_alias; ptr_alias = ptr_alias->next_alias) { if (strcasecmp (alias_name, ptr_alias->alias_name) == 0) return ptr_alias; } return NULL; } /* * alias_find_pos: find position for an alias (for sorting aliases) */ t_weechat_alias * alias_find_pos (char *alias_name) { t_weechat_alias *ptr_alias; for (ptr_alias = weechat_alias; ptr_alias; ptr_alias = ptr_alias->next_alias) { if (strcasecmp (alias_name, ptr_alias->alias_name) < 0) return ptr_alias; } return NULL; } /* * alias_insert_sorted: insert alias into sorted list */ void alias_insert_sorted (t_weechat_alias *alias) { t_weechat_alias *pos_alias; pos_alias = alias_find_pos (alias->alias_name); if (weechat_alias) { if (pos_alias) { /* insert alias into the list (before alias found) */ alias->prev_alias = pos_alias->prev_alias; alias->next_alias = pos_alias; if (pos_alias->prev_alias) pos_alias->prev_alias->next_alias = alias; else weechat_alias = alias; pos_alias->prev_alias = alias; } else { /* add alias to the end */ alias->prev_alias = weechat_last_alias; alias->next_alias = NULL; weechat_last_alias->next_alias = alias; weechat_last_alias = alias; } } else { alias->prev_alias = NULL; alias->next_alias = NULL; weechat_alias = alias; weechat_last_alias = alias; } } /* * alias_new: create new alias and add it to alias list */ t_weechat_alias * alias_new (char *alias_name, char *alias_command) { char *pos; t_weechat_alias *new_alias; if (weelist_search (index_commands, alias_name)) { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s alias or command \"%s\" already exists!\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, alias_name); return NULL; } pos = strchr (alias_command, ' '); if (pos) pos[0] = '\0'; if (alias_search (alias_command)) { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s alias cannot run another alias!\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR); return NULL; } if (!weelist_search (index_commands, alias_command)) { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s target command \"%s\" does not exist!\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, alias_command); return NULL; } if (pos) pos[0] = ' '; if ((new_alias = ((t_weechat_alias *) malloc (sizeof (t_weechat_alias))))) { new_alias->alias_name = strdup (alias_name); new_alias->alias_command = (char *)malloc (strlen (alias_command) + 2); if (new_alias->alias_command) { new_alias->alias_command[0] = '/'; strcpy (new_alias->alias_command + 1, alias_command); } alias_insert_sorted (new_alias); return new_alias; } else return NULL; } /* * alias_free: free an alias and reomve it from list */ void alias_free (t_weechat_alias *alias) { t_weechat_alias *new_weechat_alias; /* remove alias from list */ if (weechat_last_alias == alias) weechat_last_alias = alias->prev_alias; if (alias->prev_alias) { (alias->prev_alias)->next_alias = alias->next_alias; new_weechat_alias = weechat_alias; } else new_weechat_alias = alias->next_alias; if (alias->next_alias) (alias->next_alias)->prev_alias = alias->prev_alias; /* free data */ if (alias->alias_name) free (alias->alias_name); if (alias->alias_command) free (alias->alias_command); free (alias); weechat_alias = new_weechat_alias; } /* * alias_free_all: free all alias */ void alias_free_all () { while (weechat_alias) alias_free (weechat_alias); } /* * explode_string: explode a string according to separators */ char ** explode_string (/*@null@*/ char *string, char *separators, int num_items_max, int *num_items) { int i, n_items; char **array; char *ptr, *ptr1, *ptr2; if (num_items != NULL) *num_items = 0; n_items = num_items_max; if (string == NULL) return NULL; if (num_items_max == 0) { /* calculate number of items */ ptr = string; i = 1; while ((ptr = strpbrk (ptr, separators))) { while (strchr (separators, ptr[0]) != NULL) ptr++; i++; } n_items = i; } array = (char **) malloc ((num_items_max ? n_items : n_items + 1) * sizeof (char *)); ptr1 = string; ptr2 = string; for (i = 0; i < n_items; i++) { while (strchr (separators, ptr1[0]) != NULL) ptr1++; if (i == (n_items - 1) || (ptr2 = strpbrk (ptr1, separators)) == NULL) if ((ptr2 = strchr (ptr1, '\r')) == NULL) if ((ptr2 = strchr (ptr1, '\n')) == NULL) ptr2 = strchr (ptr1, '\0'); if ((ptr1 == NULL) || (ptr2 == NULL)) { array[i] = NULL; } else { if (ptr2 - ptr1 > 0) { array[i] = (char *) malloc ((ptr2 - ptr1 + 1) * sizeof (char)); array[i] = strncpy (array[i], ptr1, ptr2 - ptr1); array[i][ptr2 - ptr1] = '\0'; ptr1 = ++ptr2; } else { array[i] = NULL; } } } if (num_items_max == 0) { array[i] = NULL; if (num_items != NULL) *num_items = i; } else { if (num_items != NULL) *num_items = num_items_max; } return array; } /* * exec_weechat_command: executes a command (WeeChat internal or IRC) * returns: 1 if command was executed succesfully * 0 if error (command not executed) */ int exec_weechat_command (t_irc_server *server, char *string) { int i, j, argc, return_code, length1, length2; char *command, *pos, *ptr_args, **argv, *alias_command; t_weechat_alias *ptr_alias; if ((!string) || (!string[0]) || (string[0] != '/')) return 0; command = strdup (string); /* look for end of command */ ptr_args = NULL; pos = &command[strlen (command) - 1]; if (pos[0] == ' ') { while ((pos > command) && (pos[0] == ' ')) pos--; pos[1] = '\0'; } pos = strchr (command, ' '); if (pos) { pos[0] = '\0'; pos++; while (pos[0] == ' ') pos++; ptr_args = pos; if (!ptr_args[0]) ptr_args = NULL; } if (!plugin_exec_command (command + 1, (server) ? server->name : "", ptr_args)) { argv = explode_string (ptr_args, " ", 0, &argc); for (i = 0; weechat_commands[i].command_name; i++) { if (strcasecmp (weechat_commands[i].command_name, command + 1) == 0) { if ((argc < weechat_commands[i].min_arg) || (argc > weechat_commands[i].max_arg)) { if (weechat_commands[i].min_arg == weechat_commands[i].max_arg) { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s wrong argument count for %s command \"%s\" " "(expected: %d arg%s)\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, PACKAGE_NAME, command + 1, weechat_commands[i].max_arg, (weechat_commands[i].max_arg > 1) ? "s" : ""); } else { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s wrong argument count for %s command \"%s\" " "(expected: between %d and %d arg%s)\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, PACKAGE_NAME, command + 1, weechat_commands[i].min_arg, weechat_commands[i].max_arg, (weechat_commands[i].max_arg > 1) ? "s" : ""); } } else { if (weechat_commands[i].cmd_function_args) return_code = (int) (weechat_commands[i].cmd_function_args) (argc, argv); else return_code = (int) (weechat_commands[i].cmd_function_1arg) (ptr_args); if (return_code < 0) { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s command \"%s\" failed\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, command + 1); } } if (argv) { for (j = 0; argv[j]; j++) free (argv[j]); free (argv); } free (command); return 1; } } for (i = 0; irc_commands[i].command_name; i++) { if ((strcasecmp (irc_commands[i].command_name, command + 1) == 0) && ((irc_commands[i].cmd_function_args) || (irc_commands[i].cmd_function_1arg))) { if ((argc < irc_commands[i].min_arg) || (argc > irc_commands[i].max_arg)) { if (irc_commands[i].min_arg == irc_commands[i].max_arg) { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s wrong argument count for IRC command \"%s\" " "(expected: %d arg%s)\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, command + 1, irc_commands[i].max_arg, (irc_commands[i].max_arg > 1) ? "s" : ""); } else { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s wrong argument count for IRC command \"%s\" " "(expected: between %d and %d arg%s)\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, command + 1, irc_commands[i].min_arg, irc_commands[i].max_arg, (irc_commands[i].max_arg > 1) ? "s" : ""); } } else { if ((irc_commands[i].need_connection) && ((!server) || (!server->is_connected))) { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s command \"%s\" needs a server connection!\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, irc_commands[i].command_name); free (command); return 0; } if (irc_commands[i].cmd_function_args) return_code = (int) (irc_commands[i].cmd_function_args) (server, argc, argv); else return_code = (int) (irc_commands[i].cmd_function_1arg) (server, ptr_args); if (return_code < 0) { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s command \"%s\" failed\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, command + 1); } } if (argv) { for (j = 0; argv[j]; j++) free (argv[j]); free (argv); } free (command); return 1; } } for (ptr_alias = weechat_alias; ptr_alias; ptr_alias = ptr_alias->next_alias) { if (strcasecmp (ptr_alias->alias_name, command + 1) == 0) { if (ptr_args) { length1 = strlen (ptr_alias->alias_command); length2 = strlen (ptr_args); alias_command = (char *)malloc (length1 + 1 + length2 + 1); if (alias_command) { strcpy (alias_command, ptr_alias->alias_command); alias_command[length1] = ' '; strcpy (alias_command + length1 + 1, ptr_args); } (void) exec_weechat_command (server, alias_command); if (alias_command) free (alias_command); } else (void) exec_weechat_command (server, ptr_alias->alias_command); if (argv) { for (j = 0; argv[j]; j++) free (argv[j]); free (argv); } free (command); return 1; } } irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s unknown command \"%s\" (type /help for help)\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, command + 1); if (argv) { for (j = 0; argv[j]; j++) free (argv[j]); free (argv); } } free (command); return 0; } /* * user_command: interprets user command (if beginning with '/') * any other text is sent to the server, if connected */ void user_command (t_irc_server *server, char *command) { t_irc_nick *ptr_nick; if ((!command) || (!command[0]) || (command[0] == '\r') || (command[0] == '\n')) return; if ((command[0] == '/') && (command[1] != '/')) { /* WeeChat internal command (or IRC command) */ (void) exec_weechat_command (server, command); } else { if ((command[0] == '/') && (command[1] == '/')) command++; if (server && (!BUFFER_IS_SERVER(gui_current_window->buffer))) { if (CHANNEL(gui_current_window->buffer)->dcc_chat) dcc_chat_sendf ((t_irc_dcc *)(CHANNEL(gui_current_window->buffer)->dcc_chat), "%s\r\n", command); else server_sendf (server, "PRIVMSG %s :%s\r\n", CHANNEL(gui_current_window->buffer)->name, command); if (BUFFER_IS_PRIVATE(gui_current_window->buffer)) { gui_printf_type_color (CHANNEL(gui_current_window->buffer)->buffer, MSG_TYPE_NICK, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_DARK, "<"); gui_printf_type_color (CHANNEL(gui_current_window->buffer)->buffer, MSG_TYPE_NICK, COLOR_WIN_NICK_SELF, "%s", server->nick); gui_printf_type_color (CHANNEL(gui_current_window->buffer)->buffer, MSG_TYPE_NICK, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_DARK, "> "); gui_printf_type_color (CHANNEL(gui_current_window->buffer)->buffer, MSG_TYPE_MSG, COLOR_WIN_CHAT, "%s\n", command); } else { ptr_nick = nick_search (CHANNEL(gui_current_window->buffer), server->nick); if (ptr_nick) { irc_display_nick (CHANNEL(gui_current_window->buffer)->buffer, ptr_nick, MSG_TYPE_NICK, 1, 1, 0); gui_printf_color (CHANNEL(gui_current_window->buffer)->buffer, COLOR_WIN_CHAT, "%s\n", command); } else { irc_display_prefix (server->buffer, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (server->buffer, _("%s cannot find nick for sending message\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR); } } } else { irc_display_prefix ((server) ? server->buffer : NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf_nolog ((server) ? server->buffer : NULL, _("This window is not a channel!\n")); } } } /* * weechat_cmd_alias: display or create alias */ int weechat_cmd_alias (char *arguments) { char *pos; t_weechat_alias *ptr_alias; if (arguments && arguments[0]) { /* Define new alias */ pos = strchr (arguments, ' '); if (pos) { pos[0] = '\0'; pos++; while (pos[0] == ' ') pos++; if (!pos[0]) { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s missing arguments for \"%s\" command\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, "alias"); return -1; } if (!alias_new (arguments, pos)) return -1; if (weelist_add (&index_commands, &last_index_command, arguments)) { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_INFO); gui_printf (NULL, _("Alias \"%s\" => \"%s\" created\n"), arguments, pos); } else { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("Failed to create alias \"%s\" => \"%s\" " "(not enough memory)\n"), arguments, pos); return -1; } } else { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s missing arguments for \"%s\" command\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, "alias"); return -1; } } else { /* List all aliases */ if (weechat_alias) { gui_printf (NULL, "\n"); gui_printf (NULL, _("List of aliases:\n")); for (ptr_alias = weechat_alias; ptr_alias; ptr_alias = ptr_alias->next_alias) { gui_printf (NULL, " %s => %s\n", ptr_alias->alias_name, ptr_alias->alias_command + 1); } } else { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_INFO); gui_printf (NULL, _("No alias defined.\n")); } } return 0; } /* * weechat_cmd_buffer_display_info: display info about a buffer */ void weechat_cmd_buffer_display_info (t_gui_buffer *buffer) { if (buffer->dcc) gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_CHANNEL, "DCC\n"); else if (BUFFER_IS_SERVER (buffer)) { gui_printf (NULL, _("Server: ")); gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_CHANNEL, "%s\n", SERVER(buffer)->name); } else if (BUFFER_IS_CHANNEL (buffer)) { gui_printf (NULL, _("Channel: ")); gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_CHANNEL, "%s", CHANNEL(buffer)->name); gui_printf (NULL, _(" (server: ")); gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_CHANNEL, "%s", SERVER(buffer)->name); gui_printf (NULL, ")\n"); } else if (BUFFER_IS_PRIVATE (buffer)) { gui_printf (NULL, _("Private with: ")); gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_NICK, "%s", CHANNEL(buffer)->name); gui_printf (NULL, _(" (server: ")); gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_CHANNEL, "%s", SERVER(buffer)->name); gui_printf (NULL, ")\n"); } } /* * weechat_cmd_buffer: manage buffers */ int weechat_cmd_buffer (int argc, char **argv) { t_gui_buffer *ptr_buffer; t_irc_server *ptr_server; t_irc_channel *ptr_channel; long number; char *error; if ((argc == 0) || ((argc == 1) && (strcasecmp (argv[0], "list") == 0))) { /* list opened buffers */ gui_printf (NULL, "\n"); gui_printf (NULL, _("Opened buffers:\n")); for (ptr_buffer = gui_buffers; ptr_buffer; ptr_buffer = ptr_buffer->next_buffer) { gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_DARK, "["); gui_printf (NULL, "%d", ptr_buffer->number); gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_DARK, "] "); weechat_cmd_buffer_display_info (ptr_buffer); } } else { if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "move") == 0) { /* move buffer to another number in the list */ if (argc < 2) { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s missing arguments for \"%s\" command\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, "buffer"); return -1; } error = NULL; number = strtol (((argv[1][0] == '+') || (argv[1][0] == '-')) ? argv[1] + 1 : argv[1], &error, 10); if ((error) && (error[0] == '\0')) { if (argv[1][0] == '+') gui_move_buffer_to_number (gui_current_window, gui_current_window->buffer->number + ((int) number)); else if (argv[1][0] == '-') gui_move_buffer_to_number (gui_current_window, gui_current_window->buffer->number - ((int) number)); else gui_move_buffer_to_number (gui_current_window, (int) number); } else { /* invalid number */ irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s incorrect buffer number\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR); return -1; } } else if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "close") == 0) { /* close buffer (server or channel/private) */ if ((!gui_current_window->buffer->next_buffer) && (gui_current_window->buffer == gui_buffers)) { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s can not close the single buffer\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR); return -1; } if (BUFFER_IS_SERVER(gui_current_window->buffer)) { if (SERVER(gui_current_window->buffer)->channels) { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s can not close server buffer while channels " "are opened\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR); return -1; } server_disconnect (SERVER(gui_current_window->buffer), 0); ptr_server = SERVER(gui_current_window->buffer); gui_buffer_free (gui_current_window->buffer, 1); ptr_server->buffer = NULL; } else { if (SERVER(gui_current_window->buffer)) { if (SERVER(gui_current_window->buffer)->is_connected) irc_cmd_send_part (SERVER(gui_current_window->buffer), NULL); else { ptr_channel = channel_search (SERVER(gui_current_window->buffer), CHANNEL(gui_current_window->buffer)->name); if (ptr_channel) channel_free (SERVER(gui_current_window->buffer), ptr_channel); gui_buffer_free (gui_current_window->buffer, 1); } } else gui_buffer_free (gui_current_window->buffer, 1); } gui_draw_buffer_status (gui_current_window->buffer, 1); } else if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "notify") == 0) { /* set notify level for buffer */ if (argc < 2) { /* display notify level for all buffers */ gui_printf (NULL, "\n"); gui_printf (NULL, _("Notify levels: ")); for (ptr_buffer = gui_buffers; ptr_buffer; ptr_buffer = ptr_buffer->next_buffer) { gui_printf (NULL, "%d.%s:", ptr_buffer->number, (ptr_buffer->dcc) ? "DCC" : ((BUFFER_IS_SERVER(ptr_buffer)) ? SERVER(ptr_buffer)->name : CHANNEL(ptr_buffer)->name)); if (ptr_buffer->dcc) gui_printf (NULL, "-"); else gui_printf (NULL, "%d", ptr_buffer->notify_level); if (ptr_buffer->next_buffer) gui_printf (NULL, " "); } gui_printf (NULL, "\n"); } else { error = NULL; number = strtol (argv[1], &error, 10); if ((error) && (error[0] == '\0')) { if ((number < 0) || (number > 3)) { /* invalid highlight level */ irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s incorrect notify level (must be between 0 and 3)\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR); return -1; } gui_current_window->buffer->notify_level = number; } else { /* invalid number */ irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s incorrect notify level (must be between 0 and 3)\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR); return -1; } } } else { /* jump to buffer by number */ error = NULL; number = strtol (argv[0], &error, 10); if ((error) && (error[0] == '\0')) { if (!gui_switch_to_buffer_by_number (gui_current_window, (int) number)) { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s buffer \"%s\" not found for \"%s\" command\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, argv[0], "buffer"); return -1; } } else { /* invalid number */ irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s incorrect buffer number\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR); return -1; } } } return 0; } /* * weechat_cmd_clear: display or create alias */ int weechat_cmd_clear (int argc, char **argv) { if (argc == 1) { if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "-all") == 0) gui_buffer_clear_all (); else { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("unknown parameter \"%s\" for \"%s\" command\n"), argv[0], "clear"); return -1; } } else gui_buffer_clear (gui_current_window->buffer); return 0; } /* * weechat_cmd_connect: connect to a server */ int weechat_cmd_connect (int argc, char **argv) { t_irc_server *ptr_server; if (argc == 1) ptr_server = server_search (argv[0]); else ptr_server = SERVER(gui_current_window->buffer); if (ptr_server) { if (ptr_server->is_connected) { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s already connected to server \"%s\"!\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, ptr_server->name); return -1; } if (ptr_server->child_pid > 0) { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s currently connecting to server \"%s\"!\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, ptr_server->name); return -1; } if (!ptr_server->buffer) { if (!gui_buffer_new (gui_current_window, ptr_server, NULL, 0, 1)) return -1; } if (server_connect (ptr_server)) { ptr_server->reconnect_start = 0; ptr_server->reconnect_join = (ptr_server->channels) ? 1 : 0; } } else { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s server not found\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR); return -1; } return 0; } /* * weechat_cmd_debug: print debug messages */ int weechat_cmd_debug (int argc, char **argv) { if (argc != 1) { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s wrong argument count for \"%s\" command\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, "debug"); return -1; } if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "dump") == 0) { wee_dump (0); } else { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s unknown option for \"%s\" command\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, "perl"); return -1; } return 0; } /* * weechat_cmd_disconnect: disconnect from a server */ int weechat_cmd_disconnect (int argc, char **argv) { t_irc_server *ptr_server; if (argc == 1) ptr_server = server_search (argv[0]); else ptr_server = SERVER(gui_current_window->buffer); if (ptr_server) { if ((!ptr_server->is_connected) && (ptr_server->child_pid == 0) && (ptr_server->reconnect_start == 0)) { irc_display_prefix (ptr_server->buffer, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (ptr_server->buffer, _("%s not connected to server \"%s\"!\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, ptr_server->name); return -1; } if (ptr_server->reconnect_start > 0) { irc_display_prefix (ptr_server->buffer, PREFIX_INFO); gui_printf (ptr_server->buffer, _("Auto-reconnection is cancelled\n")); } server_disconnect (ptr_server, 0); gui_draw_buffer_status (gui_current_window->buffer, 1); } else { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s server not found\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR); return -1; } return 0; } /* * weechat_cmd_help: display help */ int weechat_cmd_help (int argc, char **argv) { int i; if (argc == 0) { gui_printf (NULL, "\n"); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s internal commands:\n"), PACKAGE_NAME); for (i = 0; weechat_commands[i].command_name; i++) { gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_CHANNEL, " %s", weechat_commands[i].command_name); gui_printf (NULL, " - %s\n", _(weechat_commands[i].command_description)); } gui_printf (NULL, "\n"); gui_printf (NULL, _("IRC commands:\n")); for (i = 0; irc_commands[i].command_name; i++) { if (irc_commands[i].cmd_function_args || irc_commands[i].cmd_function_1arg) { gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_CHANNEL, " %s", irc_commands[i].command_name); gui_printf (NULL, " - %s\n", _(irc_commands[i].command_description)); } } } if (argc == 1) { for (i = 0; weechat_commands[i].command_name; i++) { if (strcasecmp (weechat_commands[i].command_name, argv[0]) == 0) { gui_printf (NULL, "\n"); gui_printf (NULL, "[w]"); gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_CHANNEL, " /%s", weechat_commands[i].command_name); if (weechat_commands[i].arguments && weechat_commands[i].arguments[0]) gui_printf (NULL, " %s\n", _(weechat_commands[i].arguments)); else gui_printf (NULL, "\n"); if (weechat_commands[i].arguments_description && weechat_commands[i].arguments_description[0]) gui_printf (NULL, "\n%s\n", _(weechat_commands[i].arguments_description)); return 0; } } for (i = 0; irc_commands[i].command_name; i++) { if ((strcasecmp (irc_commands[i].command_name, argv[0]) == 0) && (irc_commands[i].cmd_function_args || irc_commands[i].cmd_function_1arg)) { gui_printf (NULL, "\n"); gui_printf (NULL, "[i]"); gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_CHANNEL, " /%s", irc_commands[i].command_name); if (irc_commands[i].arguments && irc_commands[i].arguments[0]) gui_printf (NULL, " %s\n", _(irc_commands[i].arguments)); else gui_printf (NULL, "\n"); if (irc_commands[i].arguments_description && irc_commands[i].arguments_description[0]) gui_printf (NULL, "\n%s\n", _(irc_commands[i].arguments_description)); return 0; } } irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("No help available, \"%s\" is an unknown command\n"), argv[0]); } return 0; } /* * weechat_cmd_perl: list/load/unload Perl scripts */ int weechat_cmd_perl (int argc, char **argv) { #ifdef PLUGINS t_plugin_script *ptr_plugin_script; t_plugin_handler *ptr_plugin_handler; int handler_found, path_length; char *path_script; #ifdef PLUGIN_PERL switch (argc) { case 0: /* list registered Perl scripts */ gui_printf (NULL, "\n"); gui_printf (NULL, _("Registered Perl scripts:\n")); if (perl_scripts) { for (ptr_plugin_script = perl_scripts; ptr_plugin_script; ptr_plugin_script = ptr_plugin_script->next_script) { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_PLUGIN); gui_printf (NULL, " %s v%s%s%s\n", ptr_plugin_script->name, ptr_plugin_script->version, (ptr_plugin_script->description[0]) ? " - " : "", ptr_plugin_script->description); } } else { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_PLUGIN); gui_printf (NULL, _(" (none)\n")); } /* list Perl message handlers */ gui_printf (NULL, "\n"); gui_printf (NULL, _("Perl message handlers:\n")); handler_found = 0; for (ptr_plugin_handler = plugin_msg_handlers; ptr_plugin_handler; ptr_plugin_handler = ptr_plugin_handler->next_handler) { if (ptr_plugin_handler->plugin_type == PLUGIN_TYPE_PERL) { handler_found = 1; irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_PLUGIN); gui_printf (NULL, _(" IRC(%s) => Perl(%s)\n"), ptr_plugin_handler->name, ptr_plugin_handler->function_name); } } if (!handler_found) { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_PLUGIN); gui_printf (NULL, _(" (none)\n")); } /* list Perl command handlers */ gui_printf (NULL, "\n"); gui_printf (NULL, _("Perl command handlers:\n")); handler_found = 0; for (ptr_plugin_handler = plugin_cmd_handlers; ptr_plugin_handler; ptr_plugin_handler = ptr_plugin_handler->next_handler) { if (ptr_plugin_handler->plugin_type == PLUGIN_TYPE_PERL) { handler_found = 1; irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_PLUGIN); gui_printf (NULL, _(" Command /%s => Perl(%s)\n"), ptr_plugin_handler->name, ptr_plugin_handler->function_name); } } if (!handler_found) { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_PLUGIN); gui_printf (NULL, _(" (none)\n")); } break; case 1: if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "autoload") == 0) plugin_auto_load (PLUGIN_TYPE_PERL, "perl/autoload"); if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "unload") == 0) { /* unload all Perl scripts */ plugin_unload (PLUGIN_TYPE_PERL, NULL); irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_PLUGIN); gui_printf (NULL, _("Perl scripts unloaded\n")); } break; case 2: if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "load") == 0) { /* load Perl script */ if (strstr(argv[1], DIR_SEPARATOR)) path_script = NULL; else { path_length = strlen (weechat_home) + strlen (argv[1]) + 7; path_script = (char *) malloc (path_length * sizeof (char)); snprintf (path_script, path_length, "%s%s%s%s%s", weechat_home, DIR_SEPARATOR, "perl", DIR_SEPARATOR, argv[1]); } plugin_load (PLUGIN_TYPE_PERL, (path_script) ? path_script : argv[1]); if (path_script) free (path_script); } else { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s unknown option for \"%s\" command\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, "perl"); } break; default: irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s wrong argument count for \"%s\" command\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, "perl"); } #else irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("WeeChat was build without Perl support.\n" "Please rebuild WeeChat with " "\"--enable-perl\" option for ./configure script\n")); /* make gcc happy */ (void) argc; (void) argv; #endif /* PLUGIN_PERL */ #else /* make gcc happy */ (void) argc; (void) argv; #endif /* PLUGINS */ return 0; } /* * weechat_cmd_save: save options to disk */ int weechat_cmd_save (int argc, char **argv) { return (config_write ((argc == 1) ? argv[0] : NULL)); } /* * weechat_cmd_server: list, add or remove server(s) */ int weechat_cmd_server (int argc, char **argv) { int i; t_irc_server server, *ptr_server, *server_found, *new_server; t_gui_buffer *ptr_buffer; if ((argc == 0) || (argc == 1)) { /* list all servers */ if (argc == 0) { if (irc_servers) { for (ptr_server = irc_servers; ptr_server; ptr_server = ptr_server->next_server) { irc_display_server (ptr_server); } } else { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_INFO); gui_printf (NULL, _("No server.\n")); } } else { ptr_server = server_search (argv[0]); if (ptr_server) irc_display_server (ptr_server); else { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_INFO); gui_printf (NULL, _("Server '%s' not found.\n"), argv[0]); } } } else { if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "del") == 0) { if (argc < 2) { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s missing servername for \"%s\" command\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, "server del"); return -1; } if (argc > 2) { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s too much arguments for \"%s\" command, ignoring arguments\n"), WEECHAT_WARNING, "server del"); } /* look for server by name */ server_found = NULL; for (ptr_server = irc_servers; ptr_server; ptr_server = ptr_server->next_server) { if (strcmp (ptr_server->name, argv[1]) == 0) { server_found = ptr_server; break; } } if (!server_found) { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s server \"%s\" not found for \"%s\" command\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, argv[1], "server del"); return -1; } if (server_found->is_connected) { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s you can not delete server \"%s\" because you are connected to. " "Try /disconnect %s before.\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, argv[1], argv[1]); return -1; } for (ptr_buffer = gui_buffers; ptr_buffer; ptr_buffer = ptr_buffer->next_buffer) { if (SERVER(ptr_buffer) == server_found) { ptr_buffer->server = NULL; ptr_buffer->channel = NULL; } } irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_INFO); gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT, _("Server")); gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_CHANNEL, " %s ", server_found->name); gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT, _("has been deleted\n")); server_free (server_found); gui_redraw_buffer (gui_current_window->buffer); return 0; } /* init server struct */ server_init (&server); if (argc < 3) { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s missing parameters for \"%s\" command\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, "server"); server_destroy (&server); return -1; } if (server_name_already_exists (argv[0])) { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s server \"%s\" already exists, can't create it!\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, argv[0]); server_destroy (&server); return -1; } server.name = strdup (argv[0]); server.address = strdup (argv[1]); server.port = atoi (argv[2]); /* parse arguments */ for (i = 3; i < argc; i++) { if (argv[i][0] == '-') { if (strcasecmp (argv[i], "-auto") == 0) server.autoconnect = 1; if (strcasecmp (argv[i], "-noauto") == 0) server.autoconnect = 0; if (strcasecmp (argv[i], "-pwd") == 0) { if (i == (argc - 1)) { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s missing password for \"%s\" parameter\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, "-pwd"); server_destroy (&server); return -1; } server.password = strdup (argv[++i]); } if (strcasecmp (argv[i], "-nicks") == 0) { if (i >= (argc - 3)) { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s missing nick(s) for \"%s\" parameter\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, "-nicks"); server_destroy (&server); return -1; } server.nick1 = strdup (argv[++i]); server.nick2 = strdup (argv[++i]); server.nick3 = strdup (argv[++i]); } if (strcasecmp (argv[i], "-username") == 0) { if (i == (argc - 1)) { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s missing password for \"%s\" parameter\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, "-username"); server_destroy (&server); return -1; } server.username = strdup (argv[++i]); } if (strcasecmp (argv[i], "-realname") == 0) { if (i == (argc - 1)) { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s missing password for \"%s\" parameter\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, "-realname"); server_destroy (&server); return -1; } server.realname = strdup (argv[++i]); } if (strcasecmp (argv[i], "-command") == 0) { if (i == (argc - 1)) { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s missing command for \"%s\" parameter\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, "-command"); server_destroy (&server); return -1; } server.command = strdup (argv[++i]); } if (strcasecmp (argv[i], "-autojoin") == 0) { if (i == (argc - 1)) { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s missing password for \"%s\" parameter\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, "-autojoin"); server_destroy (&server); return -1; } server.autojoin = strdup (argv[++i]); } } } /* create new server */ new_server = server_new (server.name, server.autoconnect, server.autoreconnect, server.autoreconnect_delay, 0, server.address, server.port, server.password, server.nick1, server.nick2, server.nick3, server.username, server.realname, server.command, 1, server.autojoin, 1); if (new_server) { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_INFO); gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT, _("Server")); gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_CHANNEL, " %s ", server.name); gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT, _("created\n")); } else { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s unable to create server\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR); server_destroy (&server); return -1; } if (new_server->autoconnect) { (void) gui_buffer_new (gui_current_window, new_server, NULL, 0, 1); server_connect (new_server); } server_destroy (&server); } return 0; } /* * weechat_set_cmd_display_option: display config option */ void weechat_set_cmd_display_option (t_config_option *option, char *prefix, void *value) { char *color_name, *pos_nickserv, *pos_pwd, *value2; gui_printf (NULL, " %s%s%s", (prefix) ? prefix : "", (prefix) ? "." : "", option->option_name); gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_DARK, " = "); if (!value) { if (option->option_type == OPTION_TYPE_STRING) value = option->ptr_string; else value = option->ptr_int; } switch (option->option_type) { case OPTION_TYPE_BOOLEAN: gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_HOST, "%s\n", (*((int *)value)) ? "ON" : "OFF"); break; case OPTION_TYPE_INT: gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_HOST, "%d\n", *((int *)value)); break; case OPTION_TYPE_INT_WITH_STRING: gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_HOST, "%s\n", option->array_values[*((int *)value)]); break; case OPTION_TYPE_COLOR: color_name = gui_get_color_by_value (*((int *)value)); gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_HOST, "%s\n", (color_name) ? color_name : _("(unknown)")); break; case OPTION_TYPE_STRING: if (*((char **)value)) { value2 = strdup (*((char **)value)); pos_nickserv = NULL; pos_pwd = NULL; pos_nickserv = strstr (value2, "nickserv"); if (pos_nickserv) { pos_pwd = strstr (value2, "identify "); if (!pos_pwd) pos_pwd = strstr (value2, "register "); } if (cfg_log_hide_nickserv_pwd && pos_nickserv && pos_pwd) { pos_pwd += 9; while (pos_pwd[0]) { pos_pwd[0] = '*'; pos_pwd++; } gui_printf (NULL, _("(password hidden) ")); } gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_HOST, "%s", value2); free (value2); } gui_printf (NULL, "\n"); break; } } /* * weechat_cmd_set: set options */ int weechat_cmd_set (char *arguments) { char *option, *value, *pos; int i, j, section_displayed; t_config_option *ptr_option; t_irc_server *ptr_server; char option_name[256]; void *ptr_option_value; int number_found; option = NULL; value = NULL; if (arguments && arguments[0]) { option = arguments; value = strchr (option, '='); if (value) { value[0] = '\0'; /* remove spaces before '=' */ pos = value - 1; while ((pos > option) && (pos[0] == ' ')) { pos[0] = '\0'; pos--; } /* skip spaces after '=' */ value++; while (value[0] && (value[0] == ' ')) { value++; } } } if (value) { pos = strchr (option, '.'); if (pos) { /* server config option modification */ pos[0] = '\0'; ptr_server = server_search (option); if (!ptr_server) { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s server \"%s\" not found\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, option); } else { switch (config_set_server_value (ptr_server, pos + 1, value)) { case 0: gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_DARK, "\n["); gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_CHANNEL, "%s", config_sections[CONFIG_SECTION_SERVER].section_name); gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_NICK, " %s", ptr_server->name); gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_DARK, "]\n"); for (i = 0; weechat_options[CONFIG_SECTION_SERVER][i].option_name; i++) { if (strcmp (weechat_options[CONFIG_SECTION_SERVER][i].option_name, pos + 1) == 0) break; } if (weechat_options[CONFIG_SECTION_SERVER][i].option_name) { ptr_option_value = config_get_server_option_ptr (ptr_server, weechat_options[CONFIG_SECTION_SERVER][i].option_name); weechat_set_cmd_display_option (&weechat_options[CONFIG_SECTION_SERVER][i], ptr_server->name, ptr_option_value); } config_change_buffer_content (); break; case -1: irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s config option \"%s\" not found\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, pos + 1); break; case -2: irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s incorrect value for option \"%s\"\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, pos + 1); break; } } pos[0] = '.'; } else { ptr_option = config_option_search (option); if (ptr_option) { if (ptr_option->handler_change == NULL) { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s option \"%s\" can not be changed while WeeChat is running\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, option); } else { if (config_option_set_value (ptr_option, value) == 0) { (void) (ptr_option->handler_change()); gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_DARK, "\n["); gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_CHANNEL, "%s", config_get_section (ptr_option)); gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_DARK, "]\n"); weechat_set_cmd_display_option (ptr_option, NULL, NULL); } else { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s incorrect value for option \"%s\"\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, option); } } } else { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s config option \"%s\" not found\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, option); } } } else { number_found = 0; for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_NUMBER_SECTIONS; i++) { section_displayed = 0; if ((i != CONFIG_SECTION_ALIAS) && (i != CONFIG_SECTION_SERVER)) { for (j = 0; weechat_options[i][j].option_name; j++) { if ((!option) || ((option) && (option[0]) && (strstr (weechat_options[i][j].option_name, option) != NULL))) { if (!section_displayed) { gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_DARK, "\n["); gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_CHANNEL, "%s", config_sections[i].section_name); gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_DARK, "]\n"); section_displayed = 1; } weechat_set_cmd_display_option (&weechat_options[i][j], NULL, NULL); number_found++; } } } } for (ptr_server = irc_servers; ptr_server; ptr_server = ptr_server->next_server) { section_displayed = 0; for (i = 0; weechat_options[CONFIG_SECTION_SERVER][i].option_name; i++) { snprintf (option_name, sizeof (option_name), "%s.%s", ptr_server->name, weechat_options[CONFIG_SECTION_SERVER][i].option_name); if ((!option) || ((option) && (option[0]) && (strstr (option_name, option) != NULL))) { if (!section_displayed) { gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_DARK, "\n["); gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_CHANNEL, "%s", config_sections[CONFIG_SECTION_SERVER].section_name); gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_NICK, " %s", ptr_server->name); gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_DARK, "]\n"); section_displayed = 1; } ptr_option_value = config_get_server_option_ptr (ptr_server, weechat_options[CONFIG_SECTION_SERVER][i].option_name); if (ptr_option_value) { weechat_set_cmd_display_option (&weechat_options[CONFIG_SECTION_SERVER][i], ptr_server->name, ptr_option_value); number_found++; } } } } if (number_found == 0) { if (option) gui_printf (NULL, _("No config option found with \"%s\"\n"), option); else gui_printf (NULL, _("No config option found\n")); } else { gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_CHANNEL, "\n%d ", number_found); if (option) gui_printf (NULL, _("config option(s) found with \"%s\"\n"), option); else gui_printf (NULL, _("config option(s) found\n")); } } return 0; } /* * cmd_unalias: remove an alias */ int weechat_cmd_unalias (char *arguments) { t_weelist *ptr_weelist; t_weechat_alias *ptr_alias; ptr_weelist = weelist_search (index_commands, arguments); if (!ptr_weelist) { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s alias or command \"%s\" not found\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, arguments); return -1; } weelist_remove (&index_commands, &last_index_command, ptr_weelist); ptr_alias = alias_search (arguments); if (ptr_alias) alias_free (ptr_alias); irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_INFO); gui_printf (NULL, _("Alias \"%s\" removed\n"), arguments); return 0; } /* * weechat_cmd_window: manage windows */ int weechat_cmd_window (int argc, char **argv) { t_gui_window *ptr_win; int i; if ((argc == 0) || ((argc == 1) && (strcasecmp (argv[0], "list") == 0))) { /* list opened windows */ gui_printf (NULL, "\n"); gui_printf (NULL, _("Opened windows:\n")); i = 1; for (ptr_win = gui_windows; ptr_win; ptr_win = ptr_win->next_window) { gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_DARK, "["); gui_printf (NULL, "%d", i); gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_DARK, "] ("); gui_printf (NULL, "%d", ptr_win->win_x); gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_DARK, ":"); gui_printf (NULL, "%d", ptr_win->win_y); gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_DARK, ";"); gui_printf (NULL, "%d", ptr_win->win_width); gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_DARK, "x"); gui_printf (NULL, "%d", ptr_win->win_height); gui_printf_color (NULL, COLOR_WIN_CHAT_DARK, ") "); weechat_cmd_buffer_display_info (ptr_win->buffer); i++; } } else { if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "splith") == 0) { /* split window horizontally */ gui_window_split_horiz (gui_current_window); } else if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "splitv") == 0) { /* split window vertically */ gui_window_split_vertic (gui_current_window); } else if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "merge") == 0) { if (argc >= 2) { if (strcasecmp (argv[1], "down") == 0) gui_window_merge_down (gui_current_window); else if (strcasecmp (argv[1], "up") == 0) gui_window_merge_up (gui_current_window); else if (strcasecmp (argv[1], "left") == 0) gui_window_merge_left (gui_current_window); else if (strcasecmp (argv[1], "right") == 0) gui_window_merge_right (gui_current_window); else if (strcasecmp (argv[1], "all") == 0) gui_window_merge_all (gui_current_window); else { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s unknown option for \"%s\" command\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, "window merge"); return -1; } } else gui_window_merge_auto (gui_current_window); } else { irc_display_prefix (NULL, PREFIX_ERROR); gui_printf (NULL, _("%s unknown option for \"%s\" command\n"), WEECHAT_ERROR, "window"); return -1; } } return 0; }