// // This file is auto-generated by script docgen.py. // DO NOT EDIT BY HAND! // * [[option_sec.crypt.cipher]] *sec.crypt.cipher* ** descrizione: pass:none[cipher used to crypt data (the number after algorithm is the size of the key in bits)] ** tipo: intero ** valori: aes128, aes192, aes256 ** valore predefinito: `+aes256+` * [[option_sec.crypt.hash_algo]] *sec.crypt.hash_algo* ** descrizione: pass:none[hash algorithm used to check the decrypted data] ** tipo: intero ** valori: sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512 ** valore predefinito: `+sha256+` * [[option_sec.crypt.passphrase_file]] *sec.crypt.passphrase_file* ** descrizione: pass:none[path to a file containing the passphrase to encrypt/decrypt secured data; this option is used only when reading file sec.conf; only first line of file is used; this file is used only if the environment variable "WEECHAT_PASSPHRASE" is not set (the environment variable has higher priority); security note: it is recommended to keep this file readable only by you and store it outside WeeChat home (for example in your home); example: "~/.weechat-passphrase"] ** tipo: stringa ** valori: qualsiasi stringa ** valore predefinito: `+""+` * [[option_sec.crypt.salt]] *sec.crypt.salt* ** descrizione: pass:none[use salt when generating key used in encryption (recommended for maximum security); when enabled, the content of crypted data in file sec.conf will be different on each write of the file; if you put the file sec.conf in a version control system, then you can turn off this option to have always same content in file] ** tipo: bool ** valori: on, off ** valore predefinito: `+on+`