= WeeChat user's guide :author: Sébastien Helleu :email: flashcode@flashtux.org :lang: en This manual documents WeeChat chat client, it is part of WeeChat. Latest version of this document can be found on https://weechat.org/doc/[this page ^↗^^]. [[introduction]] == Introduction WeeChat (Wee Enhanced Environment for Chat) is a free chat client, fast and light, designed for many operating systems. [[features]] === Features Main features are: * multi-protocols (mainly IRC) * multi-servers connection (with TLS, IPv6, proxy) * small, fast and light * customizable and extensible with plugins and scripts * compliant with IRC RFCs https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc1459[1459 ^↗^^], https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2810[2810 ^↗^^], https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2811[2811 ^↗^^], https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2812[2812 ^↗^^], https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2813[2813 ^↗^^] and https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7194[7194 ^↗^^] * IRC proxy and relay for WeeChat and remote interfaces * multi-platform (GNU/Linux, *BSD, macOS, Windows and other) * 100% GPL, free software The list of all features can be found on https://weechat.org/about/features/[this page ^↗^^]. [[prerequisites]] === Prerequisites In order to install WeeChat, you need: * a running GNU/Linux system (with compiler tools for source package), or a compatible OS * _root_ privileges (to install WeeChat in a system directory) * some libraries (see <>) [[install]] == Installation [[binary_packages]] === Binary packages Binary packages are available for many distributions, including: * Arch Linux: `pacman -S weechat` * Cygwin (Windows): select WeeChat packages in setup.exe * Debian/Ubuntu (or any Debian compatible distribution): `apt-get install weechat-curses weechat-plugins` + For latest versions and nightly builds: https://weechat.org/download/debian/[Debian repositories ^↗^^] * Fedora Core: `dnf install weechat` * FreeBSD: `pkg install weechat` * Gentoo: `emerge weechat` * Mandriva/RedHat (or any RPM compatible distribution): `rpm -i /path/to/weechat-x.y.z-1.i386.rpm` * openSUSE: `zypper in weechat` * Sourcemage: `cast weechat` * macOS (with https://brew.sh/[Homebrew ^↗^^]): `brew install weechat` (for help: `brew info weechat`) Some additional packages may be useful, like weechat-plugins. For other distributions, please look at your manual for installation instructions. [[containers]] === Containers Containers with WeeChat can be built or installed directly from the https://hub.docker.com/r/weechat/weechat[Docker Hub ^↗^^]. + For more information, see the README in the https://github.com/weechat/weechat-container[weechat-container ^↗^^] repository. [[source_package]] === Source package WeeChat must be built with CMake. [NOTE] On macOS, you can use https://brew.sh/[Homebrew ^↗^^]: `brew install --build-from-source weechat`. [[dependencies]] ==== Dependencies The following table shows the list of packages that are *required* to build WeeChat: [width="100%",cols="5,^3,.^15",options="header"] |=== | Package ^(1)^ | Version | Features | C compiler (gcc / clang) | | Compile C sources. | cmake | ≥ 3.0 | Build. | pkg-config | | Detect installed libraries. | libncurses-dev | | Ncurses interface. | libcurl4-gnutls-dev | | URL transfer. | libgcrypt20-dev | | Secured data, IRC SASL authentication. | libgnutls28-dev | ≥ 2.2.0 ^(2)^ | IRC plugin: support of TLS connections, IRC SASL authentication (ECDSA-NIST256P-CHALLENGE). + Relay plugin: support of TLS connections. | zlib1g-dev | | Logger plugin: compression of rotated log files (gzip). + Relay plugin: compression of messages with https://zlib.net/[zlib ^↗^^] (api and weechat protocols). + Script plugin: read of repository index file (gzip). |=== [NOTE] ^(1)^ Name comes from the Debian GNU/Linux Bookworm distribution, version and name can be different in other distributions. + ^(2)^ GnuTLS ≥ 3.0.21 is required for IRC SASL authentication with mechanism ECDSA-NIST256P-CHALLENGE. The following table shows the list of packages that are optional to compile WeeChat: [width="100%",cols="5,^3,.^15",options="header"] |=== | Package ^(1)^ | Version | Features | {cpp} compiler (pass:[g++ / clang++]) | | Build and run tests, JavaScript plugin. | gettext | | Internationalization (translation of messages; base language is English). | ca-certificates | | Certificates for TLS connections. | libcjson-dev | | Relay plugin: protocol "api" (HTTP REST API). | libzstd-dev | ≥ 0.8.1 | Logger plugin: compression of rotated log files (zstandard). + Relay plugin: compression of messages with https://facebook.github.io/zstd/[Zstandard ^↗^^] (api and weechat protocols). | libaspell-dev / libenchant-dev | | Spell plugin. | python3-dev | ≥ 3.0 | Python plugin. | libperl-dev | | Perl plugin. | ruby3.1, ruby3.1-dev | ≥ 1.9.1 | Ruby plugin. | liblua5.4-dev | | Lua plugin. | tcl-dev | ≥ 8.5 | Tcl plugin. | guile-3.0-dev | ≥ 2.0 | Guile (scheme) plugin. | libv8-dev | ≤ 3.24.3 | JavaScript plugin. | php-dev | ≥ 7.0 | PHP plugin. | libphp-embed | ≥ 7.0 | PHP plugin. | libxml2-dev | | PHP plugin. | libargon2-dev | | PHP plugin (if PHP ≥ 7.2). | libsodium-dev | | PHP plugin (if PHP ≥ 7.2). | asciidoctor | ≥ 1.5.4 | Build man page and documentation. | ruby-pygments.rb | | Build documentation. | libcpputest-dev | ≥ 3.4 | Build and run tests. |=== [NOTE] ^(1)^ Name comes from the Debian GNU/Linux Bookworm distribution, version and name can be different in other distributions. If you are using a Debian/Ubuntu based distribution, and if you have some "deb-src" source entries in your file _/etc/apt/sources.list_, you can install all dependencies with the command: ---- # apt-get build-dep weechat ---- [[build]] ==== Build * Installation in system directories (requires _root_ privileges): ---- $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake .. $ make $ sudo make install ---- * Installation in custom directory (for example your home): ---- $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/directory $ make $ make install ---- Options can be used for CMake, with format: `-DOPTION=VALUE`. List of available options: [width="100%",cols="3m,3,3m,10",options="header"] |=== | Option | Values | Default value | Description | CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE | `Debug`, `Release`, `RelWithDebInfo`, `MinSizeRel` | | The type of build: `Debug` (or `RelWithDebInfo`) is recommended if you are running development version of WeeChat. | CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX | directory | /usr/local | The directory where WeeChat will be installed. | WEECHAT_HOME | directory | (empty string) | The default home directory when running WeeChat. + With an empty value (recommended), XDG directories are used by default. If non empty, a single directory for all files is used. The value can also be 4 directories separated by colons, in this order: config, data, cache, runtime. | ENABLE_ALIAS | `ON`, `OFF` | ON | Compile <>. | ENABLE_BUFLIST | `ON`, `OFF` | ON | Compile <>. | ENABLE_CHARSET | `ON`, `OFF` | ON | Compile <>. | ENABLE_CJSON | `ON`, `OFF` | ON | Support of JSON with https://github.com/DaveGamble/cJSON[cJSON ^↗^^] library. | ENABLE_MAN | `ON`, `OFF` | OFF | Build man page. | ENABLE_DOC | `ON`, `OFF` | OFF | Build HTML documentation. | ENABLE_DOC_INCOMPLETE | `ON`, `OFF` | OFF | Force build of documentation even if some plugins are not compiled (not recommended: docs will be incomplete). | ENABLE_ENCHANT | `ON`, `OFF` | OFF | Compile <> with Enchant. | ENABLE_EXEC | `ON`, `OFF` | ON | Compile <>. | ENABLE_FIFO | `ON`, `OFF` | ON | Compile <>. | ENABLE_FSET | `ON`, `OFF` | ON | Compile <>. | ENABLE_GUILE | `ON`, `OFF` | ON | Compile <> (Scheme). | ENABLE_HEADLESS | `ON`, `OFF` | ON | Compile headless binary. | ENABLE_IRC | `ON`, `OFF` | ON | Compile <>. | ENABLE_JAVASCRIPT | `ON`, `OFF` | OFF | Compile <>. | ENABLE_LARGEFILE | `ON`, `OFF` | ON | Support of large files. | ENABLE_LOGGER | `ON`, `OFF` | ON | Compile <>. | ENABLE_LUA | `ON`, `OFF` | ON | Compile <>. | ENABLE_NCURSES | `ON`, `OFF` | ON | Compile Ncurses interface. | ENABLE_NLS | `ON`, `OFF` | ON | Enable NLS (translations). | ENABLE_PERL | `ON`, `OFF` | ON | Compile <>. | ENABLE_PHP | `ON`, `OFF` | ON | Compile <>. | ENABLE_PYTHON | `ON`, `OFF` | ON | Compile <>. | ENABLE_RELAY | `ON`, `OFF` | ON | Compile <>. | ENABLE_RUBY | `ON`, `OFF` | ON | Compile <>. | ENABLE_SCRIPT | `ON`, `OFF` | ON | Compile <>. | ENABLE_SCRIPTS | `ON`, `OFF` | ON | Compile <> (Python, Perl, Ruby, Lua, Tcl, Guile, PHP). | ENABLE_SPELL | `ON`, `OFF` | ON | Compile <>. | ENABLE_TCL | `ON`, `OFF` | ON | Compile <>. | ENABLE_TRIGGER | `ON`, `OFF` | ON | Compile <>. | ENABLE_TYPING | `ON`, `OFF` | ON | Compile <>. | ENABLE_XFER | `ON`, `OFF` | ON | Compile <>. | ENABLE_ZSTD | `ON`, `OFF` | ON | Enable https://facebook.github.io/zstd/[Zstandard ^↗^^] compression. | ENABLE_TESTS | `ON`, `OFF` | OFF | Compile tests. | ENABLE_CODE_COVERAGE | `ON`, `OFF` | OFF | Compile with code coverage options. + This option should be used only for tests, to measure test coverage. |=== The other options can be displayed with this command: ---- $ cmake -LA ---- Or with Curses interface: ---- $ ccmake .. ---- [[tests]] ==== Tests Following packages are *required* to compile tests: * libcpputest-dev * C++ compiler Tests must be enabled when compiling WeeChat: ---- $ cmake .. -DENABLE_TESTS=ON ---- They can be launched after compilation from the build directory: ---- $ ctest -V ---- [[git_sources]] === Git sources Warning: Git sources are for advanced users: it may not compile or not be stable. You're warned! To get Git sources, issue this command: ---- $ git clone https://github.com/weechat/weechat.git ---- Then follow instructions for source package (see <>). [[report_crashes]] === Report crashes If you experienced crashes, or if you want to report any future WeeChat crash, you have to: * Compile with: ** debug info (or install binary package with debug info), ** address sanitizer (optional). * Enable _core_ files on your system. * Install gdb. [[debug_build]] ==== Debug build If you're compiling with CMake: ---- $ cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ---- [[address_sanitizer]] ==== Address sanitizer You can additionally enable the address sanitizer, which causes WeeChat to crash immediately in case of problem: ---- $ cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-fsanitize=address -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-fsanitize=address -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS=-fsanitize=address ---- [WARNING] You should enable address sanitizer only if you're trying to cause a crash, this is not recommended in production. Then once compiled and installed, you must run WeeChat like this: ---- $ ASAN_OPTIONS="detect_odr_violation=0 log_path=asan.log" weechat ---- In case of crash, the backtrace is in file `asan.log`. [[core_files]] ==== Core files To enable _core_ files, you can use option <>: ---- /set weechat.startup.sys_rlimit "core:-1" ---- For WeeChat ≤ 0.3.8 or if you want to enable core files even before WeeChat starts, you can use `ulimit` command. For example under Linux with _bash_ shell, add this line to your `~/.bashrc`: ---- ulimit -c unlimited ---- Or max size: ---- ulimit -c 200000 ---- [[gdb_backtrace]] ==== Get backtrace with gdb When WeeChat crashes, your system will create a file _core_ or _core.12345_ (_12345_ is process id) if the <>. This file is created in directory where you have run WeeChat (this is *not* directory where WeeChat is installed!). [NOTE] On some systems like Archlinux, core dumps could be in another directory like _/var/lib/systemd/coredump_ and you must use the command `coredumpctl` to read it. + For more information, see this https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Core_dump[wiki page ^↗^^]. For example if _weechat_ is installed in _/usr/bin/_ and _core_ file is in _/home/user/_, then run gdb with this command: ---- gdb /usr/bin/weechat /home/user/core ---- Then under gdb, use command `bt full` to display backtrace. You will see something like that: ---- (gdb) set logging file /tmp/crash.txt (gdb) set logging on Copying output to /tmp/crash.txt. (gdb) bt full #0 0x00007f9dfb04a465 in raise () from /lib/libc.so.6 #1 0x00007f9dfb04b8e6 in abort () from /lib/libc.so.6 #2 0x0000000000437f66 in weechat_shutdown (return_code=1, crash=1) at /some_path/src/core/weechat.c:351 #3 #4 0x000000000044cb24 in hook_process_timer_cb (arg_hook_process=0x254eb90, remaining_calls=) at /some_path/src/core/core-hook.c:1364 hook_process = 0x254eb90 status = #5 0x000000000044cc7d in hook_timer_exec () at /some_path/src/core/core-hook.c:1025 tv_time = {tv_sec = 1272693881, tv_usec = 212665} ptr_hook = 0x2811f40 next_hook = 0x0 #6 0x000000000041b5b0 in gui_main_loop () at /some_path/src/gui/curses/gui-curses-main.c:319 hook_fd_keyboard = 0x173b600 tv_timeout = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0} read_fds = {fds_bits = {0 }} write_fds = {fds_bits = {0 }} except_fds = {fds_bits = {0 }} max_fd = ---- You must report this trace to developers, and tell them what action caused this crash. Thank you for your help! [[debug_running_weechat]] ==== Debug a running WeeChat To debug a running WeeChat (for example if WeeChat seems blocked), you can use gdb with process id (replace _12345_ with PID of weechat process): ---- gdb /usr/bin/weechat 12345 ---- Then like for a crash, use command `bt full`: ---- (gdb) bt full ---- [[running_weechat]] == Running WeeChat To start WeeChat, issue this command: ---- $ weechat ---- When you run WeeChat for the first time, the default configuration files are created in _~/.config/weechat_ with default options and values (see <>). [[command_line_options]] === Command line options include::includes/cmdline_options.en.adoc[tag=standard] Some extra options are available for debug purposes only: [WARNING] Do *NOT* use any of these options in production! include::includes/cmdline_options.en.adoc[tag=debug] [[environment_variables]] === Environment variables Some environment variables are used by WeeChat if they are defined: [width="100%",cols="1m,6",options="header"] |=== | Name | Description | WEECHAT_HOME | The WeeChat home (with configuration files, logs, scripts, etc.). Same behavior as <> `WEECHAT_HOME`. | WEECHAT_PASSPHRASE | The passphrase used to decrypt secured data. | WEECHAT_EXTRA_LIBDIR | An extra directory to load plugins (from the "plugins" directory in this path). |=== [[colors_support]] === Colors support WeeChat can use up to 32767 color pairs to display text in bars and chat area (your terminal must support 256 colors to use them in WeeChat). According to value of _TERM_ environment variable, you may have following limits for colors in WeeChat: [width="75%",cols="8,>3,>3",options="header"] |=== | $TERM | Colors | Pairs | "rxvt-unicode", "xterm", ... | 88 | 32767 | "rxvt-256color", "xterm-256color", ... | 256 | 32767 | "screen" | 8 | 64 | "screen-256color" | 256 | 32767 | "tmux" | 8 | 64 | "tmux-256color" | 256 | 32767 |=== You can run `weechat --colors` or use command `/color` in WeeChat to display limits for your environment. Some recommended values for _TERM_ if you want 256 colors: * under screen: _screen-256color_ * under tmux: _screen-256color_ or _tmux-256color_ * outside screen/tmux: _xterm-256color_, _rxvt-256color_, _putty-256color_, ... [NOTE] You may have to install package "ncurses-term" to use these values in _TERM_ variable. If you are using screen, you can add this line to your _~/.screenrc_: ---- term screen-256color ---- If your _TERM_ variable has wrong value and that WeeChat is already running, you can change it with these two commands: ---- /set env TERM screen-256color /upgrade ---- [[files_and_directories]] === Files and directories [[xdg_directories]] ==== XDG directories WeeChat uses XDG directories by default (according to the https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html[XDG Base Directory Specification ^↗^^]). + A single home directory for all files can be forced by CMake option `WEECHAT_HOME`, the environment variable `WEECHAT_HOME` or the command-line option `-d` / `--dir`. When a single WeeChat home directory is not forced, XDG directories are used and set like this: [width="100%",cols="1,2m,5",options="header"] |=== | Directory | Default value | Fallback value if $XDG_XXX is not defined | config | $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/weechat | `$HOME/.config/weechat` | data | $XDG_DATA_HOME/weechat | `$HOME/.local/share/weechat` | cache | $XDG_CACHE_HOME/weechat | `$HOME/.cache/weechat` | runtime | $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/weechat | Same as _cache_ directory |=== The configuration files are created with default values the first time you run WeeChat. [[weechat_directories]] ==== WeeChat directories The WeeChat directories are: [width="100%",cols="1m,3",options="header"] |=== | Path ^(1)^ | Description | ~/.config/weechat/ | WeeChat configuration files: `*.conf`, certificates, etc. | ~/.local/share/weechat/ | WeeChat data files: logs, scripts, scripts data, xfer files, etc. |    logs/ | Log files (one file per buffer). |    python/ | Python scripts. |       autoload/ | Python scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(2)^. |    perl/ | Perl scripts. |       autoload/ | Perl scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(2)^. |    ruby/ | Ruby scripts. |       autoload/ | Ruby scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(2)^. |    lua/ | Lua scripts. |       autoload/ | Lua scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(2)^. |    tcl/ | Tcl scripts. |       autoload/ | Tcl scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(2)^. |    guile/ | Guile scripts. |       autoload/ | Guile scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(2)^. |    javascript/ | JavaScript scripts. |       autoload/ | JavaScript scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(2)^. |    php/ | PHP scripts. |       autoload/ | PHP scripts auto-loaded on startup ^(2)^. | ~/.cache/weechat/ | WeeChat cache files: scripts cache. | /run/user/1000/weechat/ | WeeChat runtime files: FIFO pipe, Relay UNIX sockets. |=== [NOTE] ^(1)^ XDG directories may be different according to your environment variables `XDG_*`. + ^(2)^ This directory often contains only symbolic links to scripts in the parent directory. [[weechat_files]] ==== WeeChat files The files in the WeeChat home directory are: [width="100%",cols="1m,3,6",options="header"] |=== | File | Description | Sensitive data | weechat.conf | Main WeeChat configuration file | Possible (example: list of channels in a saved buffers layout). | sec.conf | Configuration file with secured data | *Yes, highly sensitive*: this file must never be shared with anyone. | plugins.conf | Plugins configuration file | Possible, depends on plugins/scripts. | alias.conf | Configuration file for _alias_ plugin | Possible, depends on aliases. | buflist.conf | Configuration file for _buflist_ plugin | No. | charset.conf | Configuration file for _charset_ plugin | No. | exec.conf | Configuration file for _exec_ plugin | No. | fifo.conf | Configuration file for _fifo_ plugin | No. | fset.conf | Configuration file for _fset_ plugin | No. | guile.conf | Configuration file for _guile_ plugin | No. | irc.conf | Configuration file for _irc_ plugin | *Yes*: it can contain passwords for servers, nickserv and channels (if not stored in `sec.conf`). | javascript.conf | Configuration file for _javascript_ plugin | No. | logger.conf | Configuration file for _logger_ plugin | No. | lua.conf | Configuration file for _lua_ plugin | No. | perl.conf | Configuration file for _perl_ plugin | No. | php.conf | Configuration file for _php_ plugin | No. | python.conf | Configuration file for _python_ plugin | No. | relay.conf | Configuration file for _relay_ plugin | *Yes*: it can contain relay password and TOTP secret (if not stored in `sec.conf`), allowed IP addresses/websocket origins and opened ports. | ruby.conf | Configuration file for _ruby_ plugin | No. | script.conf | Configuration file for _script_ plugin | No. | tcl.conf | Configuration file for _tcl_ plugin | No. | spell.conf | Configuration file for _spell_ plugin | No. | trigger.conf | Configuration file for _trigger_ plugin | Possible, depends on triggers. | typing.conf | Configuration file for _typing_ plugin | No. | xfer.conf | Configuration file for _xfer_ plugin | No. | weechat.log | WeeChat log file | No. |=== [IMPORTANT] It is *not recommended* to edit configuration files by hand because WeeChat may write them at any time (for example on <>) and after any change you must run the command <> (with the risk of losing other changes that were not yet saved with <>). + You can use the command <>, which checks the value and applies immediately the changes. [[upgrade]] == Upgrade If a new stable version of WeeChat is released, this is time for you to switch to this version. First of all, you must install the new version of WeeChat, either with your package manager or by compiling yourself, so that the `weechat` binary and all required files are in the same paths. + This can be done while WeeChat is running. [[upgrade_command]] === Upgrade command WeeChat can restart the new binary, in place, using the <> command: the buffer contents and non-TLS connections are preserved. + The TLS connections are lost during upgrade and are restored automatically after the upgrade (reload of TLS sessions is currently not possible with GnuTLS). The command can also be used if you have to restart the machine, for example to upgrade the kernel or to move your WeeChat to another machine: ---- /upgrade -quit ---- This saves the current state in `*.upgrade` files. You can then either reboot or move the whole WeeChat directories (config, data, cache) to another machine, and restart WeeChat later with this command: ---- $ weechat --upgrade ---- [[restart_after_upgrade]] === Restart after upgrade [[restart_upgrading_notes]] ==== Upgrading notes After an upgrade, it is *strongly recommended* to read the file https://github.com/weechat/weechat/blob/master/UPGRADING.md[UPGRADING.md ^↗^^] which contains important information about breaking changes and some manual actions that could be required. You must read the versions between your old (excluded) and your new version (included). + For example if you switch from version 4.0.0 to 4.3.0, you must read versions 4.0.1 to 4.3.0. [[restart_configuration_upgrade]] ==== Configuration upgrade WeeChat has an automatic upgrade of configuration files (`*.conf`): * new options are silently added with default value * obsolete options are automatically discarded and WeeChat displays a warning with the value read from file. Example of warning when an option has been removed: ---- =!= Warning: /home/user/.config/weechat/sec.conf, line 15: unknown option for section "crypt": passphrase_file = "" ---- That means the option `sec.crypt.passphrase_file` has been removed, and you had value set to empty string, which was the default value in the previous version (in this case no manual action is required). [[interface]] == Interface [[screen_layout]] === Screen layout Example of terminal with WeeChat: .... ▼ bar "buflist" ▼ bar "title" ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │1.libera │Welcome to #test, this is a test channel │ │ weechat│12:52:27 --> | Flashy (flashcode@weechat.org) has joined #test │@Flashy│ │2. #test│12:52:27 -- | Nicks #test: [@Flashy @joe +weebot peter] │@joe │ │3. #abc │12:52:27 -- | Channel #test: 4 nicks (2 ops, 1 voice, 1 normal) │+weebot│ │4. #def │12:52:27 -- | Channel created on Tue Jan 27 06:30:17 2009 │peter │ │5. #ghi │12:54:15 peter | hey! │ │ │ │12:55:01 @joe | hello │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │[12:55] [5] [irc/libera] 2:#test(+n){4}* [H: 3:#abc(2,5), 5] │ │ │[@Flashy(i)] hi peter!█ │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ▲ bars "status" and "input" bar "nicklist" ▲ .... By default, the screen is divided up into the following areas: * chat area (middle of screen) with chat lines, and for each line: ** time ** prefix (before "|") ** message (after "|") * bars around chat area, default bars are: ** _buflist_ bar, on the left ** _title_ bar, above chat area ** _status_ bar, below chat area ** _input_ bar, below status bar ** _nicklist_ bar, on the right Bar _buflist_ has following default items: [width="100%",cols="^3,^3,9",options="header"] |=== | Item | Example | Description | buflist | `1.weechat` | List of buffers. |=== Bar _title_ has following default items: [width="100%",cols="^3,^3,9",options="header"] |=== | Item | Example | Description | buffer_title | `Welcome to #test` | Buffer title. |=== Bar _status_ has following default items: [width="100%",cols="^3,^3,9",options="header"] |=== | Item | Example | Description | time | `[12:55]` | Time. | buffer_last_number | `[5]` | Number of last buffer in list. | buffer_plugin | `[irc/libera]` | Plugin of current buffer (irc plugin can add IRC server name used by buffer). | buffer_number | `2` | Current buffer number. | buffer_name | `#test` | Current buffer name. | buffer_modes | `+n` | IRC channel modes. | buffer_nicklist_count | `{4}` | Number of nicks displayed in nicklist. | buffer_zoom | ! | `!` means the merged buffer is zoomed (only this one is displayed), empty value means all merged buffers are displayed. | buffer_filter | `+*+` | Filtering indicator: `+*+` means some lines are filtered (hidden), empty value means all lines are displayed. | scroll | `-MORE(50)-` | Scroll indicator, with number of lines below last line displayed. | lag | `[Lag: 2.5]` | Lag indicator, in seconds (hidden if lag is low). | hotlist | `[H: 3:#abc(2,5), 5]` | List of buffers with activity (unread messages) (in example, 2 highlights and 5 unread messages on _#abc_, one unread message on buffer #5). | completion | `abc(2) def(5)` | List of words for completion, with number of possible completions for each word. |=== Bar _input_ has following default items: [width="100%",cols="^3,^3,9",options="header"] |=== | Item | Example | Description | input_prompt | `[@Flashy(i)]` | Input prompt, for irc: nick and modes (mode "+i" means invisible on libera). | away | `(away)` | Away indicator. | input_search | `[Search lines (~ str,msg)]` | Search indicator (see below) | input_paste | `[Paste 7 lines ? [ctrl-y] Yes [ctrl-n] No]` | Question to user for pasting lines. | input_text | `hi peter!` | Input text. |=== There are two search modes: * search in lines, for example `[Search lines (~ str,msg)]`, with the following info: ** `~`: case insensitive ** `==`: case sensitive ** `str`: search string ** `regex`: search regular expression ** `msg`: search in messages ** `pre`: search in prefixes ** `pre\|msg`: search in prefixes and messages. * search in commands history, for example `[Search command (~ str,local)]`, with the following info: ** `~`: case insensitive ** `==`: case sensitive ** `str`: search string ** `regex`: search regular expression ** `local`: search in buffer local history ** `global`: search in global history. Bar _nicklist_ has following default items: [width="100%",cols="^3,^3,9",options="header"] |=== | Item | Example | Description | buffer_nicklist | `@Flashy` | List of nicks on current buffer. |=== Other items available (not used in bars by default): [width="100%",cols="^3,^3,9",options="header"] |=== | Item | Example | Description | buffer_count | `10` | Total number of buffers opened. | buffer_last_number | `10` | Number of the latest buffer (can be different from `buffer_count` if option <> is `off`). | buffer_nicklist_count_all | `4` | Number of visible groups and nicks in nicklist. | buffer_nicklist_count_groups | `0` | Number of visible groups in nicklist. | buffer_short_name | `#test` | Current buffer short name. | buflist2 | `1.weechat` | List of buffers, second bar item (see option <>). | buflist3 | `1.weechat` | List of buffers, third bar item (see option <>). | buflist4 | `1.weechat` | List of buffers, fourth bar item (see option <>). | buflist5 | `1.weechat` | List of buffers, fifth bar item (see option <>). | fset | `+buflist.look.sort: …+` | Help on currently selected option on fset buffer. | irc_channel | `#test` | Current IRC channel name. | irc_host | `+user@host.com+` | Current IRC host. | irc_nick | `+Flashy+` | Current IRC nick. | irc_nick_host | `+Flashy!user@host.com+` | Current IRC nick and host. | irc_nick_modes | `i` | IRC modes for self nick. | irc_nick_prefix | `@` | IRC nick prefix on channel. | mouse_status | `M` | Mouse status (empty if mouse is disabled). | spell_dict | `fr,en` | Spelling dictionaries used on current buffer. | spell_suggest | `print,prone,prune` | Spelling suggestions for word under cursor (if misspelled). | tls_version | `TLS1.3` | TLS version in use for current IRC server. | window_number | `2` | Current window number. |=== Each aspect of the layout can be customized with the appropriate <>: <> to customize the bars, <> and <> to customize <>, and <> to name, save and restore the screen layout and the association between windows and buffers. [[command_line]] === Command line WeeChat command line (at the bottom of window) lets you execute commands or send text to buffer. [[command_line_syntax]] ==== Syntax Commands begin with "/" char, followed by name of command. For example, to see list of all options: ---- /set ---- Text sent to a buffer is any text that does not begin with "/" char. For example, to send text _hello_ on current buffer: ---- hello ---- However, it is possible to start with "/" char, by adding another. For example, to send text `/set` on current buffer: ---- //set ---- [[command_line_colors]] ==== Color codes For some plugins like IRC, you can use color codes and attributes, as follow (press kbd:[Ctrl+c] then following letter, with optional value): [width="100%",cols="1,2",options="header"] |=== | Key | Description | kbd:[Ctrl+c], kbd:[b] | Bold text. | kbd:[Ctrl+c], kbd:[c], kbd:[xx] | Text color `xx` (see list of colors below). | kbd:[Ctrl+c], kbd:[c], kbd:[xx], kbd:[,], kbd:[yy] | Text color `xx` and background `yy` (see list of colors below). | kbd:[Ctrl+c], kbd:[d], kbd:[xxxxxx] | Text color `xxxxxx` (RGB as hexadecimal, for example `FF0000` for red). | kbd:[Ctrl+c], kbd:[d], kbd:[xxxxxx], kbd:[,], kbd:[yyyyyy] | Text color `xxxxxx` and background `yyyyyy` (RGB as hexadecimal). | kbd:[Ctrl+c], kbd:[i] | Italic text. | kbd:[Ctrl+c], kbd:[o] | Disable color and attributes. | kbd:[Ctrl+c], kbd:[v] | Reverse video (revert text color with background). | kbd:[Ctrl+c], kbd:[_] | Underlined text. |=== [NOTE] The same code (without number for kbd:[Ctrl+c], kbd:[c] and kbd:[Ctrl+c], kbd:[d]) can be used to stop the attribute. Color codes for kbd:[Ctrl+c], kbd:[c] are: include::{autogendir}/autogen_user_irc_colors.en.adoc[tag=irc_colors] [NOTE] To show all available colors in your terminal, you can do `/color` then kbd:[Alt+c] in WeeChat or run this command in terminal: `weechat --colors`. Example: display of "hello Alice!" with "hello" in light blue bold and "Alice" in light red underlined: ---- ^Cc12^Cbhello ^Cb^Cc04^C_Alice^C_^Cc! ---- Keys: kbd:[Ctrl+c] kbd:[c] kbd:[1] kbd:[2] kbd:[Ctrl+c] kbd:[b] + kbd:[h] kbd:[e] kbd:[l] kbd:[l] kbd:[o] kbd:[Space] + kbd:[Ctrl+c] kbd:[b] kbd:[Ctrl+c] kbd:[c] kbd:[0] kbd:[4] kbd:[Ctrl+c] kbd:[pass:[_]] + kbd:[A] kbd:[l] kbd:[i] kbd:[c] kbd:[e] + kbd:[Ctrl+c] kbd:[pass:[_]] kbd:[Ctrl+c] kbd:[c] + kbd:[!] [NOTE] In irc plugin, you can remap these colors using option <>. [[buffers_and_windows]] === Buffers and windows A _buffer_ is composed by a number, a name, lines displayed (and some other data). Examples of buffers: * core buffer (created by WeeChat on startup, can not be closed) * irc server (displays messages from server) * irc channel * irc private messages A _window_ is a screen area which displays a buffer. It is possible to split your screen into many windows (examples <>, see the <> command for details). Each window displays one buffer. A buffer can be hidden (not displayed by a window) or displayed by one or more windows. Screen layouts and the association between windows and buffers can be <>. [[window_split_examples]] ==== Examples Example of horizontal split (`/window splith`): .... ▼ window #2 (buffer #4) ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │1.libera │Welcome to #def │ │ weechat│12:55:12 Max | hi │@Flashy│ │2. #test│12:55:20 @Flashy | hi Max! │Max │ │3. #abc │ │ │ │4. #def │ │ │ │5. #ghi │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │[12:55] [5] [irc/libera] 4:#def(+n){2} │ │ │[@Flashy] │ │ │────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ │Welcome to #abc │ │ │12:54:15 peter | hey! │@Flashy│ │ │12:55:01 @joe | hello │@joe │ │ │ │+weebot│ │ │ │peter │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │[12:55] [5] [irc/libera] 3:#abc(+n){4} │ │ │[@Flashy] hi peter!█ │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ▲ window #1 (buffer #3) .... Example of vertical split (`/window splitv`): .... ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │1.libera │Welcome to #abc │Welcome to #def │ │ weechat│12:54:15 peter | hey! │@Flashy│12:55:12 Max | hi │@Flashy│ │2. #test│12:55:01 @joe | hello │@joe │12:55:20 @Flashy | hi Max! │Max │ │3. #abc │ │+weebot│ │ │ │4. #def │ │peter │ │ │ │5. #ghi │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │[12:55] [5] [irc/libera] 3:#abc(+n) │[12:55] [5] [irc/libera] 4:#def(+n) │ │ │[@Flashy] hi peter!█ │[@Flashy] │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ▲ window #1 (buffer #3) ▲ window #2 (buffer #4) .... Example of vertical + horizontal splits: .... ▼ window #3 (buffer #5) ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │1.libera │Welcome to #abc │Welcome to #ghi │ │ weechat│12:54:15 peter | hey! │@Flashy│12:55:42 @Flashy | hi │@Flashy│ │2. #test│12:55:01 @joe | hello │@joe │12:55:56 alex | hi Flashy │alex │ │3. #abc │ │+weebot│ │ │ │4. #def │ │peter │ │ │ │5. #ghi │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │[12:55] [5] [irc/libera] 5:#ghi(+n) │ │ │ │ │[@Flashy] │ │ │ │ │──────────────────────────────────────│ │ │ │ │Welcome to #def │ │ │ │ │12:55:12 Max | hi │@Flashy│ │ │ │ │12:55:20 @Flashy | hi Max! │Max │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │[12:55] [5] [irc/libera] 3:#abc(+n) │[12:55] [5] [irc/libera] 4:#def(+n) │ │ │[@Flashy] hi peter!█ │[@Flashy] │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ▲ window #1 (buffer #3) ▲ window #2 (buffer #4) .... [[bare_display]] ==== Bare display A special display, called "bare display" can be used for easy click on long URLs and selection of text (using the mouse). The bare display has following features: * It displays only the content of current buffer: no window split neither bars (no title, nicklist, status, input, ...). * The WeeChat mouse support is disabled (if it was enabled): you can use your mouse like you do in the terminal to click on URLs and select text. * Ncurses is not used, therefore URLs are not cut at the end of lines. The default key to enable bare display is kbd:[Alt+l] (`L`), and same key to exit (or by default anything changing the input will exit the bare display, see option <>). The time format can be customized with the option <>. The bare display can be enabled for a specific delay using the command <>. If WeeChat looks like that: .... ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │1.libera │Welcome to #abc │ │ weechat│12:52:27 --> | Flashy (flashcode@weechat.org) has joined #abc │@Flashy│ │2. #test│12:52:27 -- | Nicks #abc: [@Flashy @joe +weebot peter] │@joe │ │3. #abc │12:52:27 -- | Channel #abc: 4 nicks (2 ops, 1 voice, 1 normal) │+weebot│ │4. #def │12:52:27 -- | Channel created on Tue Jan 27 06:30:17 2009 │peter │ │5. #ghi │12:54:15 peter | hey! │ │ │ │12:55:01 @joe | peter: hook_process: https://weechat.org/files/doc │ │ │ │ | /weechat/devel/weechat_plugin_api.en.html#_weechat │ │ │ │ | _hook_process │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │[12:55] [5] [irc/libera] 3:#abc(+n){4} │ │ │[@Flashy(i)] hi peter!█ │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ .... The screen will look like that in bare display: .... ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │12:52 --> Flashy (flashcode@weechat.org) has joined #abc │ │12:52 -- Nicks #abc: [@Flashy @joe +weebot peter] │ │12:52 -- Channel #abc: 4 nicks (2 ops, 1 voice, 1 normal) │ │12:52 -- Channel created on Tue Jan 27 06:30:17 2009 │ │12:54 hey! │ │12:55 <@joe> peter: hook_process: https://weechat.org/files/doc/weechat/devel/weechat_│ │plugin_api.en.html#_weechat_hook_process │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ .... So you can click the URL from _joe_ without any problem in your terminal (of course this supposes that your terminal supports click on URLs). [[buffers]] === Buffers [[lines_format]] ==== Format of lines Lines displayed in formatted buffers have following fields: [width="100%",cols="2,2,10",options="header"] |=== | Field | Displayed | Description | date/time (message) | Yes | Date/time of message (may be past). | date/time (print) | No | Date/time when WeeChat prints the message. | prefix | Yes | Prefix of message, commonly a nick. | message | Yes | The message itself. | displayed | No | Boolean: true if line is displayed, false if line is filtered with command <>. | highlight | No | Boolean: true if line has a highlight, false otherwise. | tags | With `/debug tags` | Tags associated with the line (see <>). |=== The display of lines can be customized with many look options (_pass:[weechat.look.*]_) and color options (_pass:[weechat.color.chat_*]_). [[lines_tags]] ==== Lines tags WeeChat uses tags in lines for different purposes: * highlight * notify level * logging * use of command <> Tags can be displayed with the command `/debug tags` (same command to hide them). Tags commonly used (non-exhaustive list): [width="100%",cols="1m,4",options="header"] |=== | Tag | Description | no_filter | Line can not be filtered. | no_highlight | No highlight is possible on line. | no_log | Line is not written in log file. | log0 … log9 | Level of log for line (see `/help logger`). | notify_none | The line must not be added to hotlist. ^(1)^ | notify_message | The line is a user message. ^(1)^ | notify_private | The line is a private message. ^(1)^ | notify_highlight | The line is a message with highlight. ^(1)^ | self_msg | Self message. | nick_xxx | Message is from nick "xxx". | prefix_nick_ccc | Prefix is a nick with color "ccc". | host_xxx | Username and host in message. | irc_xxx | IRC message "xxx" (can be a command or a 3-digits number). | irc_numeric | IRC numeric message. | irc_error | Error from IRC server. | irc_action | Action from a nick (command `/me`). | irc_ctcp | CTCP message. | irc_ctcp_reply | Reply to CTCP message. | irc_smart_filter | IRC message that can be filtered with the "smart filter". | away_info | Message with away info. |=== [NOTE] ^(1)^ When no tag "notify_xxx" is present, the default level is "low". If a tag "notify_xxx" is present, the real notify level can be different, for example if a max hotlist level is used for a nick, the notify level can be lower than the value in the tag. [[local_variables]] ==== Local variables Local variables can be defined in all buffers. A local variable has: * a name (string) * a value (string, can be empty). Local variables can be set by WeeChat, plugins, scripts, or manually on the command line in the buffer. For example to add the local variable "completion_default_template": ---- /buffer setvar completion_default_template %(my_completion) ---- To list local variables in the current buffer: ---- /buffer listvar ---- To remove the local variable "completion_default_template": ---- /buffer delvar completion_default_template ---- By default WeeChat and its default plugins interpret these variables: [width="100%",cols="2m,2,5",options="header"] |=== | Name | Value | Description | away | any string | Away message on the server, set by irc plugin. | channel | any string | Channel name, set by irc/xfer plugins and debug buffer of relay/trigger plugins. | charset_modifier | any string | Charset modifier for the server buffer, set by irc plugin. | completion_default_template | any string | Default completion template for the buffer, overriding the option `weechat.completion.default_template`. | filter | any string | Filter defined on some buffers like `/fset`, `/list` (irc), `/server raw` (irc) and `/script`. | host | any string | Self host (if known), set by irc plugin. | lag | any string | Lag on the server, set by irc plugin. | name | any string | Buffer name (be careful, this is not the full name and this name is not enough to identify or search a buffer). | nick | any string | Self nick, set by irc and xfer plugins. | no_log | `1` (or any non-empty string) | If set, the logger plugin does not log anything for the buffer. | plugin | any string | Name of plugin which created the buffer (`core` for WeeChat buffers). | script_close_cb | any string | Close callback defined by a script for a buffer. | script_close_cb_data | any string | Data for close callback defined by a script for a buffer. | script_input_cb | any string | Input callback defined by a script for a buffer. | script_input_cb_data | any string | Data for input callback defined by a script for a buffer. | script_name | any string | Name of the script which created the buffer. | server | any string | Server name, set by irc plugin and debug buffer of relay/trigger plugins. | spell_suggest | any string | Misspelled word and suggestions (format: "misspelled:suggestions"), set by spell plugin. | trigger_filter | any string | Trigger filter, set by trigger plugin. | type | any string, for example: `channel`, `debug`, `exec`, `option`, `private`, `relay`, `script`, `server`, `user`, `xfer` | Type of buffer, set by WeeChat and many plugins. |=== [NOTE] External plugins and scripts can define and use other local variables. [[buflist]] === List of buffers Buflist plugin displays a list of buffers in a bar item called "buflist" (four other bar items "buflist2", "buflist3", "buflist4" and "buflist5" are available as well). + A default bar "buflist" is created on startup with this item. [[buflist_commands]] ==== Commands include::{autogendir}/autogen_user_commands.en.adoc[tag=buflist_commands] [[buflist_options]] ==== Options Sections in file _buflist.conf_: [width="100%",cols="3m,6m,16",options="header"] |=== | Section | Control command | Description | format | /set buflist.format.* | Formats used to display list of buffers. | look | /set buflist.look.* | Look and feel. |=== Options: include::{autogendir}/autogen_user_options.en.adoc[tag=buflist_options] [[cursor_mode]] === Cursor mode The cursor mode allows you to move freely the cursor anywhere on screen, in chat area and bars, and lets you perform actions at the given position. + You can enter in cursor mode either with the command `/cursor` or with a mouse middle click (mouse must have been enabled with key kbd:[Alt+m] or command `/mouse enable`). Typical use is to quote messages (chat area) or interact with nicks (nicklist bar). See command <> and <> for the list of actions you can perform in this mode. [[key_bindings]] == Key bindings WeeChat provides a lot of default key bindings, listed in the following chapters. + They can be changed and new ones can be added with the <> command. [[key_bindings_cmdline]] === Command line [[key_bindings_cmdline_cursor_movement]] ==== Cursor movement [width="100%",cols="^.^3,.^8,.^5",options="header"] |=== | Key | Description | Command | kbd:[←] + kbd:[Shift+←] + kbd:[Ctrl+b] | Go to previous char in command line. | `+/input move_previous_char+` | kbd:[→] + kbd:[Shift+→] + kbd:[Ctrl+f] | Go to next char in command line. | `+/input move_next_char+` | kbd:[Shift+↑] | Go to previous line. | `+/input move_previous_line+` | kbd:[Shift+↓] | Go to next line. | `+/input move_next_line+` | kbd:[Ctrl+←] + kbd:[Alt+b] | Go to previous word in command line. | `+/input move_previous_word+` | kbd:[Ctrl+→] + kbd:[Alt+f] | Go to next word in command line. | `+/input move_next_word+` | kbd:[Home] + kbd:[Ctrl+a] | Go to the beginning of current line. | `+/input move_beginning_of_line+` | kbd:[Shift+Home] | Go to the beginning of command line. | `+/input move_beginning_of_input+` | kbd:[End] + kbd:[Ctrl+e] | Go to the end of current line. | `+/input move_end_of_line+` | kbd:[Shift+End] | Go to the end of command line. | `+/input move_end_of_input+` |=== [[key_bindings_cmdline_editing]] ==== Editing [width="100%",cols="^.^3,.^8,.^5",options="header"] |=== | Key | Description | Command | kbd:[Del] + kbd:[Ctrl+d] | Delete next char in command line. | `+/input delete_next_char+` | kbd:[Backspace] + kbd:[Ctrl+h] | Delete previous char in command line. | `+/input delete_previous_char+` | kbd:[Ctrl+k] | Delete from cursor until end of current line (deleted string is copied to the internal clipboard). | `+/input delete_end_of_line+` | kbd:[Alt+Ctrl+k] | Delete from cursor until end of command line (deleted string is copied to the internal clipboard). | `+/input delete_end_of_input+` | kbd:[Ctrl+t] | Transpose chars. | `/input transpose_chars` | kbd:[Ctrl+u] | Delete from cursor until beginning of current line (deleted string is copied to the internal clipboard). | `+/input delete_beginning_of_line+` | kbd:[Alt+Ctrl+u] | Delete from cursor until beginning of command line (deleted string is copied to the internal clipboard). | `+/input delete_beginning_of_input+` | kbd:[Alt+Backspace] | Delete previous word of command line (deleted string is copied to the internal clipboard). | `+/input delete_previous_word+` | kbd:[Ctrl+w] | Delete previous word of command line until whitespace (deleted string is copied to the internal clipboard). | `+/input delete_previous_word_whitespace+` | kbd:[Ctrl+y] | Paste the internal clipboard content. | `+/input clipboard_paste+` | kbd:[Ctrl+_] | Undo last action on command line. | `+/input undo+` | kbd:[Alt+_] | Redo last action on command line. | `+/input redo+` | kbd:[Tab] | Complete command or nick (kbd:[Tab] again: find next completion). | `+/input complete_next+` | kbd:[Shift+Tab] | Without completion: do a partial completion, with pending completion: complete with previous completion. | `+/input complete_previous+` | kbd:[Enter] + kbd:[Ctrl+j] + kbd:[Ctrl+m] | Execute command or send message (in search mode: stop search). | `+/input return+` | kbd:[Ctrl+o] | Execute the command found in history and insert the next one in the command line. | `+/input history_use_get_next+` | kbd:[Alt+Enter] | Insert a newline. | `+/input insert \n+` | kbd:[Alt+d] | Delete next word in command line (deleted string is copied to the internal clipboard). | `+/input delete_next_word+` | kbd:[Alt+k] | Grab a key and insert its code (and command bound if key exists) in command line. | `+/input grab_key_command+` | kbd:[Alt+r] | Delete current line. | `+/input delete_line+` | kbd:[Alt+R] | Delete entire command line. | `+/input delete_input+` |=== [[key_bindings_cmdline_color_codes]] ==== Color codes [width="100%",cols="^.^3,.^8,.^5",options="header"] |=== | Key | Description | Command | kbd:[Ctrl+c], kbd:[b] | Insert code for bold text. | `+/input insert \x02+` | kbd:[Ctrl+c], kbd:[c] | Insert code for colored text. | `+/input insert \x03+` | kbd:[Ctrl+c], kbd:[d] | Insert code for colored text (RGB color, as hexadecimal). | `+/input insert \x04+` | kbd:[Ctrl+c], kbd:[i] | Insert code for italic text. | `+/input insert \x1D+` | kbd:[Ctrl+c], kbd:[o] | Insert code for color reset. | `+/input insert \x0F+` | kbd:[Ctrl+c], kbd:[v] | Insert code for reverse color. | `+/input insert \x16+` | kbd:[Ctrl+c], kbd:[_] | Insert code for underlined text. | `+/input insert \x1F+` |=== [[key_bindings_cmdline_history]] ==== Command history [width="100%",cols="^.^3,.^8,.^5",options="header"] |=== | Key | Description | Command | kbd:[↑] | Call previous command/message (in search mode: search up). | `+/input history_previous+` | kbd:[↓] | Call next command/message (in search mode: search down). | `+/input history_next+` | kbd:[Ctrl+↑] | Call previous command/message in global history (common for all buffers). | `+/input history_global_previous+` | kbd:[Ctrl+↓] | Call next command/message in global history (common for all buffers). | `+/input history_global_next+` |=== [[key_bindings_cmdline_system]] ==== System [width="100%",cols="^.^3,.^8,.^5",options="header"] |=== | Key | Description | Command | kbd:[Ctrl+z] | Suspend WeeChat process. | `+/sys suspend+` |=== [[key_bindings_buffers]] === Buffers [width="100%",cols="^.^3,.^8,.^5",options="header"] |=== | Key | Description | Command | kbd:[Ctrl+r] | Search for text in commands history (see <>). | `+/input search_history+` | kbd:[Ctrl+s] | Search for text in buffer lines (see <>). | `+/input search_text_here+` | kbd:[Ctrl+x] | Switch current buffer if buffers are merged with same number, for example switch to another IRC server buffer. | `+/buffer switch+` | kbd:[Alt+x] | Zoom on merged buffer (kbd:[Alt+x] again: display all merged buffers). | `+/buffer zoom+` | kbd:[PgUp] | Scroll up one page in buffer history. | `+/window page_up+` | kbd:[PgDn] | Scroll down one page in buffer history. | `+/window page_down+` | kbd:[Alt+PgUp] | Scroll up a few lines in buffer history. | `+/window scroll_up+` | kbd:[Alt+PgDn] | Scroll down a few lines in buffer history. | `+/window scroll_down+` | kbd:[Alt+Home] | Scroll to top of buffer. | `+/window scroll_top+` | kbd:[Alt+End] | Scroll to bottom of buffer. | `+/window scroll_bottom+` | kbd:[Alt+←] + kbd:[Alt+↑] + kbd:[Ctrl+p] + kbd:[F5] | Switch to previous buffer. | `+/buffer -1+` | kbd:[Alt+→] + kbd:[Alt+↓] + kbd:[Ctrl+n] + kbd:[F6] | Switch to next buffer. | `+/buffer +1+` | kbd:[Alt+j], kbd:[Alt+f] | Switch to first buffer. | `+/buffer -+` | kbd:[Alt+j], kbd:[Alt+l] (`L`) | Switch to last buffer. | `+/buffer ++` | kbd:[Alt+j], kbd:[Alt+r] | Switch to IRC raw buffer. | `+/server raw+` | kbd:[Alt+j], kbd:[Alt+s] | Switch to IRC server buffer. | `+/server jump+` | kbd:[Alt+0...9] | Switch to buffer by number (0 = 10). | `+/buffer *N+` | kbd:[Alt+j], kbd:[01...99] | Switch to buffer by number. | `+/buffer *NN+` | kbd:[Alt+n] | Scroll to next highlight. | `+/window scroll_next_highlight+` | kbd:[Alt+p] | Scroll to previous highlight. | `+/window scroll_previous_highlight+` | kbd:[Alt+u] | Scroll to first unread line in buffer. | `+/window scroll_unread+` | kbd:[Alt+Shift+U] | Set unread marker on all buffers. | `+/allbuf /buffer set unread+` | kbd:[Alt+<] | Switch to previous buffer in list of visited buffers. | `+/buffer jump prev_visited+` | kbd:[Alt+>] | Switch to next buffer in list of visited buffers. | `+/buffer jump next_visited+` | kbd:[Alt+/] | Switch to last buffer displayed (before last jump to a buffer). | `+/buffer jump last_displayed+` |=== [[key_bindings_windows]] === Windows [width="100%",cols="^.^3,.^8,.^5",options="header"] |=== | Key | Description | Command | kbd:[Ctrl+l] (`L`) | Redraw whole window. | `+/window refresh+` | kbd:[Alt+l] (`L`) | Toggle bare display. | `+/window bare+` | kbd:[F7] | Switch to previous window. | `+/window -1+` | kbd:[F8] | Switch to next window. | `+/window +1+` | kbd:[Alt+w], kbd:[Alt+↑] | Switch to window above. | `+/window up+` | kbd:[Alt+w], kbd:[Alt+↓] | Switch to window below. | `+/window down+` | kbd:[Alt+w], kbd:[Alt+←] | Switch to window on the left. | `+/window left+` | kbd:[Alt+w], kbd:[Alt+→] | Switch to window on the right. | `+/window right+` | kbd:[Alt+w], kbd:[Alt+b] | Balance the sizes of all windows. | `+/window balance+` | kbd:[Alt+w], kbd:[Alt+s] | Swap buffers of two windows. | `+/window swap+` | kbd:[Alt+z] | Zoom on current window (kbd:[Alt+z] again: restore initial windows state, before zoom). | `+/window zoom+` |=== [[key_bindings_bars]] === Bars [width="100%",cols="^.^3,.^8,.^5",options="header"] |=== | Key | Description | Command | kbd:[F1] + kbd:[Ctrl+F1] | Scroll up one page in buflist. | `+/bar scroll buflist * -100%+` | kbd:[F2] + kbd:[Ctrl+F2] | Scroll down one page in buflist. | `+/bar scroll buflist * +100%+` | kbd:[Alt+F1] | Go to the beginning of buflist. | `+/bar scroll buflist * b+` | kbd:[Alt+F2] | Go to the end of buflist. | `+/bar scroll buflist * e+` | kbd:[F9] | Scroll buffer's title on the left. | `+/bar scroll title * -30%+` | kbd:[F10] | Scroll buffer's title on the right. | `+/bar scroll title * +30%+` | kbd:[F11] + kbd:[Ctrl+F11] | Scroll up one page in nicklist. | `+/bar scroll nicklist * -100%+` | kbd:[F12] + kbd:[Ctrl+F12] | Scroll down one page in nicklist. | `+/bar scroll nicklist * +100%+` | kbd:[Alt+F11] | Go to the beginning of nicklist. | `+/bar scroll nicklist * b+` | kbd:[Alt+F12] | Go to the end of nicklist. | `+/bar scroll nicklist * e+` | kbd:[Alt+Shift+B] | Toggle buflist. | `+/buflist toggle+` | kbd:[Alt+Shift+N] | Toggle nicklist bar. | `+/bar toggle nicklist+` |=== [[key_bindings_hotlist]] === Hotlist [width="100%",cols="^.^3,.^8,.^5",options="header"] |=== | Key | Description | Command | kbd:[Alt+a] | Switch to next buffer with activity (with priority: highlight, message, other). | `+/buffer jump smart+` | kbd:[Alt+h], kbd:[Alt+c] | Clear hotlist (activity notification on buffers). | `+/hotlist clear+` | kbd:[Alt+h], kbd:[Alt+m] | Remove current buffer from hotlist. | `+/hotlist remove+` | kbd:[Alt+h], kbd:[Alt+r] | Restore latest hotlist removed in the current buffer. | `+/hotlist restore+` | kbd:[Alt+h], kbd:[Alt+Shift+R] | Restore latest hotlist removed in all buffers. | `+/hotlist restore -all+` |=== [[key_bindings_toggle_keys]] === Toggle keys [width="100%",cols="^.^3,.^8,.^5",options="header"] |=== | Key | Description | Command | kbd:[Alt+m] | Toggle mouse. | `+/mouse toggle+` | kbd:[Alt+s] | Toggle spell checker. | `+/mute spell toggle+` | kbd:[Alt+=] | Toggle filters. | `+/filter toggle+` | kbd:[Alt+-] | Toggle filters in current buffer. | `+/filter toggle @+` |=== [[key_bindings_search_context]] === Search context These keys are used in context "search" (when kbd:[Ctrl+s] is pressed to search text in buffer lines). [width="100%",cols="^.^3,.^8,.^5",options="header"] |=== | Key | Description | Command | kbd:[Ctrl+x] | Switch search type: string (default), regular expression. | `+/input search_switch_regex+` | kbd:[Alt+c] | Switch exact case for search. | `+/input search_switch_case+` | kbd:[Tab] | Switch search in: messages (default), prefixes, prefixes + messages. | `+/input search_switch_where+` | kbd:[Ctrl+r] + kbd:[↑] | Search previous line. | `+/input search_previous+` | kbd:[Ctrl+s] + kbd:[↓] | Search next line. | `+/input search_next+` | kbd:[Enter] + kbd:[Ctrl+j] + kbd:[Ctrl+m] | Stop search at current position. | `+/input search_stop_here+` | kbd:[Ctrl+q] | Stop search and reset scroll to pre-text search state. | `+/input search_stop+` |=== [[key_bindings_histsearch_context]] === History search context These keys are used in context "histsearch" (when kbd:[Ctrl+r] is pressed to search text in commands history). [width="100%",cols="^.^3,.^8,.^5",options="header"] |=== | Key | Description | Command | kbd:[Ctrl+x] | Switch search type: string (default), regular expression. | `+/input search_switch_regex+` | kbd:[Alt+c] | Switch exact case for search. | `+/input search_switch_case+` | kbd:[Tab] | Switch search in: buffer local history (default), global history. | `+/input search_switch_where+` | kbd:[Ctrl+r] + kbd:[↑] | Search in previous (older) history entries. | `+/input search_previous+` | kbd:[Ctrl+s] + kbd:[↓] | Search in next (newer) history entries. | `+/input search_next+` | kbd:[Enter] + kbd:[Ctrl+j] + kbd:[Ctrl+m] | Stop search and use matching input. | `+/input search_stop_here+` | kbd:[Ctrl+o] | Execute the command found in history and insert the next one in the command line. | `+/input history_use_get_next+` | kbd:[Ctrl+q] | Stop search and restore input to its initial value. | `+/input search_stop+` |=== [[key_bindings_cursor_context]] === Cursor context These keys are used in context "cursor" (free movement of cursor on screen), see <>. [width="100%",cols="^.^3,^.^2,.^7,.^7",options="header"] |=== | Key | Area | Description | Command | kbd:[↑] | - | Move cursor one line up. | `+/cursor move up+` | kbd:[↓] | - | Move cursor one line down. | `+/cursor move down+` | kbd:[←] | - | Move cursor one column left. | `+/cursor move left+` | kbd:[→] | - | Move cursor one column right. | `+/cursor move right+` | kbd:[Alt+↑] | - | Move cursor to the first line of the area. | `+/cursor move edge_top+` | kbd:[Alt+↓] | - | Move cursor to the last line of the area. | `+/cursor move edge_bottom+` | kbd:[Alt+←] | - | Move cursor to the first column of the area. | `+/cursor move edge_left+` | kbd:[Alt+→] | - | Move cursor to the last column of the area. | `+/cursor move edge_right+` | kbd:[Alt+Home] | - | Move cursor to the top left corner of the area. | `+/cursor move top_left+` | kbd:[Alt+End] | - | Move cursor to the bottom right corner of the area. | `+/cursor move bottom_right+` | kbd:[Alt+Shift+↑] | - | Move cursor one area up. | `+/cursor move area_up+` | kbd:[Alt+Shift+↓] | - | Move cursor one area down. | `+/cursor move area_down+` | kbd:[Alt+Shift+←] | - | Move cursor one area left. | `+/cursor move area_left+` | kbd:[Alt+Shift+→] | - | Move cursor one area right. | `+/cursor move area_right+` | kbd:[m] | chat | Quote message. | `+hsignal:chat_quote_message;/cursor stop+` | kbd:[l] | chat | Quote focused line. | `+hsignal:chat_quote_focused_line;/cursor stop+` | kbd:[q] | chat | Quote prefix + message. | `+hsignal:chat_quote_prefix_message;/cursor stop+` | kbd:[Q] | chat | Quote time + prefix + message. | `+hsignal:chat_quote_time_prefix_message;/cursor stop+` | kbd:[b] | nicklist | Ban nick. | `+/window ${_window_number};/ban ${nick}+` | kbd:[k] | nicklist | Kick nick. | `+/window ${_window_number};/kick ${nick}+` | kbd:[K] | nicklist | Kick and ban nick. | `+/window ${_window_number};/kickban ${nick}+` | kbd:[q] | nicklist | Open query with nick. | `+/window ${_window_number};/query ${nick};/cursor stop+` | kbd:[w] | nicklist | Do a whois on nick. | `+/window ${_window_number};/whois ${nick}+` | kbd:[Enter] + kbd:[Ctrl+j] + kbd:[Ctrl+m] | - | Stop cursor mode | `/cursor stop` |=== [[key_bindings_mouse]] === Mouse These mouse actions are possible only if mouse is enabled with key kbd:[Alt+m] (command: `+/mouse toggle+`). [width="100%",cols="^.^3,^.^3,^.^3,.^8,.^8",options="header"] |=== | Button/Wheel ^(1)^ | Gesture | Area | Description | Command | kbd:[■ □ □] | - | chat | Switch to window. | `+/window ${_window_number}+` | kbd:[■ □ □] | left | chat | Switch to previous buffer. | `+/window ${_window_number};/buffer +1+` | kbd:[■ □ □] | right | chat | Switch to next buffer. | `+/window ${_window_number};/buffer +1+` | kbd:[■ □ □] | left (long) | chat | Switch to first buffer. | `+/window ${_window_number};/buffer 1+` | kbd:[■ □ □] | right (long) | chat | Switch to last buffer. | `+/window ${_window_number};/buffer ++` | kbd:[▲] | - | chat | Scroll up a few lines in buffer history. | `+/window scroll_up -window ${_window_number}+` | kbd:[▼] | - | chat | Scroll down a few lines in buffer history. | `+/window scroll_down -window ${_window_number}+` | kbd:[Ctrl+▲] | - | chat | Scroll horizontally to the left. | `+/window scroll_horiz -window ${_window_number} -10%+` | kbd:[Ctrl+▼] | - | chat | Scroll horizontally to the right. | `+/window scroll_horiz -window ${_window_number} +10%+` | kbd:[▲] | - | chat: fset buffer | Move five lines up in fset buffer. | `+/fset -up 5+` | kbd:[▼] | - | chat: fset buffer | Move five lines down in fset buffer. | `+/fset -down 5+` | kbd:[■ □ □] | - | chat: fset buffer | Select line in fset buffer. | `+/window ${_window_number};/fset -go ${fset_option_index}+` | kbd:[□ □ ■] | - | chat: fset buffer | Toggle boolean (on/off) or edit the option value. | `+hsignal:fset_mouse+` | kbd:[□ □ ■] | left | chat: fset buffer | Decrease value for integer/color/enum, set/append to value for other types. | `+hsignal:fset_mouse+` | kbd:[□ □ ■] | right | chat: fset buffer | Increase value for integer/color/enum, set/append to value for other types. | `+hsignal:fset_mouse+` | kbd:[□ □ ■] | up / down | chat: fset buffer | Mark/unmark multiple options. | `+hsignal:fset_mouse+` | kbd:[▲] | - | chat: /list buffer | Move five lines up in /list buffer. | `+/list -up 5+` | kbd:[▼] | - | chat: /list buffer | Move five lines down in /list buffer. | `+/list -down 5+` | kbd:[■ □ □] | - | chat: /list buffer | Select line in /list buffer. | `+/window ${_window_number};/list -go ${_chat_line_y}+` | kbd:[□ □ ■] | - | chat: /list buffer | Join IRC channel on selected line. | `+hsignal:irc_list_mouse+` | kbd:[▲] | - | chat: script buffer | Move five lines up in script buffer. | `+/script -up 5+` | kbd:[▼] | - | chat: script buffer | Move five lines down in script buffer. | `+/script -down 5+` | kbd:[■ □ □] | - | chat: script buffer | Select line in script buffer. | `+/script -go ${_chat_line_y}+` | kbd:[□ □ ■] | - | chat: script buffer | Install/remove script. | `+/script -go ${_chat_line_y};/script installremove -q ${script_name_with_extension}+` | kbd:[■ □ □] | up / left | buflist | Move buffer to a lower number. | Signal `+buflist_mouse+`. | kbd:[■ □ □] | down / right | buflist | Move buffer to a higher number. | Signal `+buflist_mouse+`. | kbd:[■ □ □] | - | buflist | Switch to buffer (previously visited buffer if the buffer is the current one). | Signal `+buflist_mouse+`. | kbd:[□ □ ■] | - | buflist | Switch to next visited buffer if the buffer is the current one. | Signal `+buflist_mouse+`. | kbd:[Ctrl+▲] | - | buflist | Switch to previous buffer. | Signal `+buflist_mouse+`. | kbd:[Ctrl+▼] | - | buflist | Switch to next buffer. | Signal `+buflist_mouse+`. | kbd:[■ □ □] | up | nicklist | Scroll up one page in nicklist. | `+/bar scroll nicklist ${_window_number} -100%+` | kbd:[■ □ □] | down | nicklist | Scroll down one page in nicklist. | `+/bar scroll nicklist ${_window_number} +100%+` | kbd:[■ □ □] | up (long) | nicklist | Go to the beginning of nicklist. | `+/bar scroll nicklist ${_window_number} b+` | kbd:[■ □ □] | down (long) | nicklist | Go to the end of nicklist. | `+/bar scroll nicklist ${_window_number} e+` | kbd:[■ □ □] | - | nicklist | Open query with nick. | `+/window ${_window_number};/query ${nick}+` | kbd:[□ □ ■] | - | nicklist | Do a whois on nick. | `+/window ${_window_number};/whois ${nick}+` | kbd:[■ □ □] | left | nicklist | Kick nick. | `+/window ${_window_number};/kick ${nick}+` | kbd:[■ □ □] | left (long) | nicklist | Kick and ban nick. | `+/window ${_window_number};/kickban ${nick}+` | kbd:[□ □ ■] | left | nicklist | Ban nick. | `+/window ${_window_number};/ban ${nick}+` | kbd:[□ □ ■] | - | input | Grab a mouse event and insert its code in command line. | `+/input grab_mouse_area+` | kbd:[▲] | - | any bar | Scroll bar by -20%. | `+/bar scroll ${_bar_name} ${_window_number} -20%+` | kbd:[▼] | - | any bar | Scroll bar by +20%. | `+/bar scroll ${_bar_name} ${_window_number} +20%+` | kbd:[□ ■ □] | - | anywhere | Start cursor mode at this point. | `+/cursor go ${_x},${_y}+` |=== [NOTE] ^(1)^ Buttons: + kbd:[◼ □ □]: click on left button + kbd:[□ ◼ □]: click on middle button + kbd:[□ □ ◼]: click on right button + Wheel: + kbd:[▲]: wheel up + kbd:[▼]: wheel down [[key_bindings_fset_buffer]] === Fset buffer These keys and actions are used on the fset buffer (see <>). [width="100%",cols="^.^3,^.^2,.^8,.^5",options="header"] |=== | Key | Action ^(1)^ | Description | Command | kbd:[↑] | | Move one line up. | `+/fset -up+` | kbd:[↓] | | Move one line down. | `+/fset -down+` | kbd:[PgUp] | | Move one page up. | `+/window page_up+` | kbd:[PgDn] | | Move one page down. | `+/window page_down+` | kbd:[Alt+Home] | `pass:[<<]` | Move to first line. | `+/fset -go 0+` | kbd:[Alt+End] | `pass:[>>]` | Move to last line. | `+/fset -go end+` | kbd:[F11] | `pass:[<]` | Scroll horizontally on the left. | `+/fset -left+` | kbd:[F12] | `pass:[>]` | Scroll horizontally on the right. | `+/fset -right+` | kbd:[Alt+Space] | `t` | Toggle boolean value. | `+/fset -toggle+` | kbd:[Alt+-] | `-` | Subtract 1 from value for integer/color/enum, set value for other types. | `+/fset -add -1+` | kbd:[Alt++] | `+` | Add 1 to value for integer/color/enum, append to value for other types. | `+/fset -add 1+` | kbd:[Alt+f], kbd:[Alt+r] | `r` | Reset value. | `+/fset -reset+` | kbd:[Alt+f], kbd:[Alt+u] | `u` | Unset value. | `+/fset -unset+` | kbd:[Alt+Enter] | `s` | Set value. | `+/fset -set+` | kbd:[Alt+f], kbd:[Alt+n] | `n` | Set new value. | `+/fset -setnew+` | kbd:[Alt+f], kbd:[Alt+a] | `a` | Append to value. | `+/fset -append+` | kbd:[Alt+,] | `,` | Mark/unmark option. | `+/fset -mark 1+` | kbd:[Shift+↑] | | Move one line up and mark/unmark option. | `+/fset -up; /fset -mark+` | kbd:[Shift+↓] | | Mark/unmark option and move one line down. | `+/fset -mark; /fset -down+` | | `m:xxx` | Mark options displayed that are matching filter "xxx" (any filter on option or value is allowed, see <> command). | | | `u:xxx` | Unmark options displayed that are matching filter "xxx" (any filter on option or value is allowed, see <> command). | | kbd:[Ctrl+l] (`L`) | | Refresh options and whole screen. | `+/fset -refresh+` | | `$` | Refresh options (keep marked options). | | | `$$` | Refresh options (unmark all options). | | kbd:[Alt+p] | `p` | Toggle plugin description options (`pass:[plugins.desc.*]`). | `+/mute /set fset.look.show_plugins_desc toggle+` | kbd:[Alt+v] | `v` | Toggle help bar. | `+/bar toggle fset+` | | `s:x,y` | Sort options by fields x,y (see option <>). | `+/mute /set fset.look.sort x,y+` | | `s:` | Reset sort to its default value (see option <>). | `+/mute /unset fset.look.sort+` | | `w:xxx` | Export options in file "xxx". | `+/fset -export xxx+` | | `w-:xxx` | Export options in file "xxx" without help. | `+/fset -export -nohelp xxx+` | | `w+:xxx` | Export options in file "xxx" with help. | `+/fset -export -help xxx+` | kbd:[Ctrl+x] | `x` | Switch the format used to display options. | `+/fset -format+` | | `q` | Close fset buffer. | `+/buffer close+` |=== [NOTE] ^(1)^ The action must be entered as input on the command line, followed by kbd:[Enter]. [[key_bindings_irc_list_buffer]] === IRC /list buffer These keys and actions are used on the IRC /list buffer (see command <>). [width="100%",cols="^.^3,^.^2,.^8,.^5",options="header"] |=== | Key | Action ^(1)^ | Description | Command | kbd:[↑] | | Move one line up. | `+/list -up+` | kbd:[↓] | | Move one line down. | `+/list -down+` | kbd:[PgUp] | | Move one page up. | `+/window page_up+` | kbd:[PgDn] | | Move one page down. | `+/window page_down+` | kbd:[Alt+Home] | `pass:[<<]` | Move to first line. | `+/list -go 0+` | kbd:[Alt+End] | `pass:[>>]` | Move to last line. | `+/list -go end+` | kbd:[F11] | `pass:[<]` | Scroll horizontally on the left. | `+/list -left+` | kbd:[F12] | `pass:[>]` | Scroll horizontally on the right. | `+/list -right+` | kbd:[Ctrl+j] | `j` | Join IRC channel on selected line. | `+/list -join+` | | `xxx` | Show only channels with "xxx" in name or topic (case insensitive). | | | `n:xxx` | Show only channels with "xxx" in name (case insensitive). | | | `t:xxx` | Show only channels with "xxx" in topic (case insensitive). | | | `u:n` | Show only channels with at least "n" users. | | | `u:>n` | Show only channels with more than "n" users. | | | `u:>). | | | `s:` | Reset sort to its default value (see command <>). | | | `$` | Refresh list (run again command <>). | | | `q` | Close buffer. | `+/buffer close+` |=== [NOTE] ^(1)^ The action must be entered as input on the command line, followed by kbd:[Enter]. [[key_bindings_script_buffer]] === Script buffer These keys and actions are used on the script buffer (see <>). [width="100%",cols="^.^3,^.^2,.^8,.^5",options="header"] |=== | Key | Action ^(1)^ | Description | Command | kbd:[↑] | | Move one line up. | `+/script -up+` | kbd:[↓] | | Move one line down. | `+/script -down+` | kbd:[PgUp] | | Move one page up. | `+/window page_up+` | kbd:[PgDn] | | Move one page down. | `+/window page_down+` | kbd:[Alt+i] | `i` | Install script. | `+/script install+` | kbd:[Alt+r] | `r` | Remove script. | `+/script remove+` | kbd:[Alt+l] | `l` | Load script. | `+/script load+` | kbd:[Alt+L] | `L` | Reload script. | `+/script reload+` | kbd:[Alt+u] | `u` | Unload script. | `+/script unload+` | kbd:[Alt+Shift+A] | `A` | Autoload script. | `+/script toggleautoload+` | kbd:[Alt+h] | `h` | Hold/unhold script. | `+/script hold+` | kbd:[Alt+v] | `v` | View script. | `+/script show+` | | `s:x,y` | Sort scripts by fields x,y (see option <>). | | | `s:` | Reset sort to its default value (see option <>). | | | `$` | Refresh list. | | | `q` | Close buffer. | `+/buffer close+` |=== [NOTE] ^(1)^ The action must be entered as input on the command line, followed by kbd:[Enter]. [[configuration]] == Configuration [[fset]] === Fset Fast Set plugin displays a list of options in a buffer, and helps to set WeeChat and plugin options. Example of fset buffer displaying options starting with `weechat.look` : [subs="quotes"] .... ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │1.weechat│1/121 | Filter: weechat.look.* | Sort: ~name | Key(input): alt+space=toggle │ │2.fset │weechat.look.bare_display_exit_on_input: exit the bare display mode on any c│ │ │hanges in input [default: on] │ │ │----------------------------------------------------------------------------│ │ │ weechat.look.align_end_of_lines enum message │ │ │ weechat.look.align_multiline_words boolean on │ │ │ weechat.look.bar_more_down string "++" │ │ │ weechat.look.bar_more_left string "<<" │ │ │ weechat.look.bar_more_right string ">>" │ │ │ weechat.look.bar_more_up string "--" │ │ │## weechat.look.bare_display_exit_on_input boolean on ##│ │ │ weechat.look.bare_display_time_format string "%H:%M" │ │ │ weechat.look.buffer_auto_renumber boolean on │ │ │ weechat.look.buffer_notify_default enum all │ │ │ weechat.look.buffer_position enum end │ │ │ weechat.look.buffer_search_case_sensitive boolean off │ │ │ weechat.look.buffer_search_force_default boolean off │ │ │ weechat.look.buffer_search_regex boolean off │ │ │ weechat.look.buffer_search_where enum prefix_message │ │ │ weechat.look.buffer_time_format string "%H:%M:%S" │ │ │ weechat.look.buffer_time_same string "" │ │ │[12:55] [2] [fset] 2:fset │ │ │█ │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ .... [[fset_commands]] ==== Commands include::{autogendir}/autogen_user_commands.en.adoc[tag=fset_commands] [[fset_options]] ==== Options Sections in file _fset.conf_: [width="100%",cols="3m,6m,16",options="header"] |=== | Section | Control command | Description | color | /set fset.color.* | Colors. | format | /set fset.format.* | Formats used to display list of options. | look | /set fset.look.* | Look and feel. |=== Options: include::{autogendir}/autogen_user_options.en.adoc[tag=fset_options] [[colors]] === Colors [[colors_basic]] ==== Basic colors Basic colors in WeeChat are: [width="75%",cols="1m,4",options="header"] |=== | Name | Color | default | Default terminal color (transparent for background) | black | Black | darkgray | Dark gray | red | Dark red | lightred | Light red | green | Dark green | lightgreen | Light green | brown | Brown | yellow | Yellow | blue | Dark blue | lightblue | Light blue | magenta | Dark magenta | lightmagenta | Light magenta | cyan | Dark cyan | lightcyan | Light cyan | gray | Gray | white | White |=== [[colors_extended]] ==== Extended colors WeeChat dynamically allocates color pairs when colors are used on screen (to display buffers and bars). In addition to basic colors, you can use a color number between 1 and the limit of your terminal. Use command `/color` to see current colors and limits. With kbd:[Alt+c] you can temporarily switch to terminal colors to choose a color. For example if you want to display time in orange in buffer, do: ---- /set weechat.color.chat_time 214 ---- Or if you want a very dark green background for status bar: ---- /set weechat.bar.status.color_bg 22 ---- [[colors_aliases]] ==== Aliases You can add color aliases with command `/color alias` and then use this alias in any color option. For example: ---- /color alias 214 orange /set weechat.color.chat_delimiters orange ---- [[colors_attributes]] ==== Attributes It is possible to use some attributes for colors. One or more attributes can be added before color name or number: * `+%+`: blink * `+.+`: "dim" (half bright) * `+*+`: bold text * `+!+`: reverse video * `+/+`: italic * `+_+`: underlined text * `+|+`: keep attributes: do not reset blink/dim/bold/reverse/italic/underlined when changing color For example if you want self nick as white underlined, do: ---- /set weechat.color.chat_nick_self _white ---- Or if you want time in status bar as orange underlined with bold: ---- /set weechat.color.status_time *_214 ---- To use an attribute with default terminal color (-1), you must use a number greater than last terminal color, for example max color in WeeChat: 99999. Example of bold with terminal foreground color: ---- /set weechat.color.status_time *99999 ---- [[charset]] === Charset Charset plugin lets you decode or encode data using charsets. There is default charset for decode/encode, and specific charsets for buffers (or group of buffers). This plugin is optional, but recommended: if it's not loaded, WeeChat can only read/write UTF-8 data. Charset plugin should be autoloaded by WeeChat. To be sure plugin is loaded, try: ---- /charset ---- If command is not found, then load plugin with command: ---- /plugin load charset ---- If plugin is not found, then you should compile again WeeChat with plugins and Charset support. When Charset plugin starts, it displays terminal and internal charsets. Terminal charset depends on your locale, and internal is UTF-8. For example: .... charset: terminal: ISO-8859-15, internal: UTF-8 .... [[charset_set]] ==== Set charset To set global decode and encode charsets, use command `/set`. For example: ---- /set charset.default.decode ISO-8859-15 /set charset.default.encode ISO-8859-15 ---- If global decode charset is not set (for example during first load of Charset plugin), it will be automatically set to terminal charset (if it's different from UTF-8), or by default to _ISO-8859-1_. Default encode value is empty, so it sends by default with internal charset (UTF-8). To set IRC server charset, use command `/charset` on server buffer. If you give only charset, then it will set decoding and encoding values. For example: ---- /charset ISO-8859-15 ---- It's equivalent to: ---- /charset decode ISO-8859-15 /charset encode ISO-8859-15 ---- To set IRC channel (or private) charset, use same commands as server, but on channel (or private) buffer. To set charset for all channels/privates of an IRC server: ---- /set charset.encode.irc.libera ISO-8859-15 ---- To see all charsets used, use following command: ---- /set charset.* ---- [[charset_troubleshooting]] ==== Troubleshooting For any problem with charsets, please look at link:weechat_faq.en.html#charset[WeeChat FAQ / Charset ^↗^^]. [[charset_commands]] ==== Commands include::{autogendir}/autogen_user_commands.en.adoc[tag=charset_commands] [[charset_options]] ==== Options Sections in file _charset.conf_: [width="100%",cols="3m,6m,16",options="header"] |=== | Section | Control command | Description | default | /set charset.default.* | Default decoding/encoding charset. | decode | <> + /set charset.decode.* | Decoding charset by buffer (options can be added/removed in section). | encode | <> + /set charset.encode.* | Encoding charset by buffer (options can be added/removed in section). |=== Options: include::{autogendir}/autogen_user_options.en.adoc[tag=charset_options] [[notify_levels]] === Notify levels [[setup_notify_levels]] ==== Setup notify levels Four levels are possible in messages displayed in buffers, from lower to higher: * _low_: message with low importance (for example irc join/part/quit) * _message_: message from a user * _private_: message in a private buffer * _highlight_: message with highlight Each buffer has a notify level, which is used to decide what messages will add buffer in hotlist. The default notify level can be set using option <>, default is _all_. [width="75%",cols="2m,7",options="header"] |=== | Notify level | Level of messages added to hotlist | none | (none) | highlight | highlight + private | message | highlight + private + message | all | highlight + private + message + low |=== Notify level can be defined for a set of buffers, for example all buffers of irc server "libera": ---- /set weechat.notify.irc.libera message ---- Set notify level _highlight_ on channel "#weechat" only: ---- /set weechat.notify.irc.libera.#weechat highlight ---- The notify level for a buffer can be set with command `/buffer`: ---- /buffer notify highlight ---- [[max_hotlist_level_nicks]] ==== Max hotlist level for nicks It is possible to set max hotlist level for some nicks, per buffer, or per group of buffers (like IRC servers). The buffer property "hotlist_max_level_nicks" can be set with a list of nicks and for each nick the max hotlist level to trigger, possible levels are: * -1: no hotlist changes for nick * 0: low priority (like join/part messages) * 1: message * 2: private message * 3: highlight (in fact useless, since it's already the default max for all messages) For example to disable highlights from "joe" and "mike" on current buffer: ---- /buffer setauto hotlist_max_level_nicks_add joe:2,mike:2 ---- [[highlights]] === Highlights [[highlights_disable]] ==== Disable highlights You can disable highlights with option <> (regular expression). + When a highlight is disabled with this option, the other highlight options are ignored. For example to disable any highlight on messages with a word beginning with "flash" between chevrons: ---- /set weechat.look.highlight_disable_regex "" ---- This can also be set with the buffer property "highlight_disable_regex". Same example, specific to the current buffer: ---- /buffer setauto highlight_disable_regex ---- [[highlights_words]] ==== Add words to highlight By default, WeeChat highlights messages from other users containing your nick, therefore the highlight depends on the buffer (the nick can be different from one buffer to another). You can add other words to highlight with the option <>, for example to highlight your nick and "word1", "word2" and all words beginning with "test": ---- /set weechat.look.highlight "word1,word2,test*" ---- If you need a more specific rule for the word, you can use regular expressions with the option <>, for example to highlight words "flashcode", "flashcöde" and "flashy": ---- /set weechat.look.highlight_regex "flashc[oö]de|flashy" ---- The delimiters around words to highlight can be customized with the option <>. [[highlights_tags]] ==== Add tags to highlight Lines displayed can contain "tags", which give some info about the origin of message or the message itself. + You can display tags with the command `/debug tags` (same command to hide them). You can add specific tags to highlight with the option <>. Tags are separated by commas, and multiple tags can be separated by `+++` to do a logical "and" between them. For example to highlight all messages from nick "FlashCode" and all notices from nicks beginning with "toto": ---- /set weechat.look.highlight_tags "nick_flashcode,irc_notice+nick_toto*" ---- [[highlights_regex_buffer]] ==== Set extra highlights on buffer You can force highlight using a regular expression with the buffer property "highlight_regex". For example to force the highlight on all messages in the current buffer: ---- /buffer setauto highlight_regex .* ---- [[buffer_logging]] === Buffer logging The Logger plugin lets you save content of buffers to files, with options about what and how it is saved. [[logger_log_levels]] ==== Log levels Logging is made with a level for each buffer. Default level is 9 (log all messages displayed on buffer). You can change level for one buffer, or a group of buffers. Possible levels are 0 to 9. Zero means "do not log anything" and 9 means "log all messages". Plugins are using different levels for messages displayed. IRC plugin uses following levels: * level 1: message from user (on channel or private) * level 2: nick change (you or someone else) * level 3: any server message (except join/part/quit) * level 4: server message join/part/quit So if you set level 3 for an IRC channel, WeeChat will log all messages, but not join/part/quit. Some examples: * Set level 3 for IRC channel #weechat: ---- /set logger.level.irc.libera.#weechat 3 ---- * Set level 3 for libera server buffer: ---- /set logger.level.irc.server.libera 3 ---- * Set level 3 for all channels on server libera: ---- /set logger.level.irc.libera 3 ---- * Set level 2 for all IRC buffers: ---- /set logger.level.irc 2 ---- [[logger_filenames_masks]] ==== Filenames masks It is possible to define a filename mask for each buffer, and use local buffer variables to build filename. To see available local variables for current buffer: ---- /buffer listvar ---- Masks will be matched on options in descending order of specificity on `logger.mask.$plugin.*`, with `logger.file.mask` as fallback option. For example, on buffer "irc.libera.#weechat", WeeChat will search a mask with option name, in this order: ---- logger.mask.irc.libera.#weechat logger.mask.irc.libera logger.mask.irc logger.file.mask ---- That means you can have masks specific for some IRC servers ("logger.mask.irc.libera") or for a plugin ("logger.mask.irc"). [[logger_files_by_date]] ===== Log files by date To have log files by date, you can use date/time specifiers in mask (see `man strftime` for formats), for example: ---- /set logger.file.mask "%Y/%m/$plugin.$name.weechatlog" ---- You'll have following files: .... ~/.local/share/weechat └── logs ├── 2010 │ ├── 11 │ │ ├── irc.server.libera.weechatlog │ │ └── irc.libera.#weechat.weechatlog │ └── 12 │ ├── irc.server.libera.weechatlog │ └── irc.libera.#weechat.weechatlog ├── 2011 │ ├── 01 │ │ ├── irc.server.libera.weechatlog │ │ └── irc.libera.#weechat.weechatlog │ ├── 02 ... .... [[logger_irc_files_by_server_channel]] ===== IRC log files by server and channel If you want one directory by IRC server and one file by channel inside: ---- /set logger.mask.irc "irc/$server/$channel.weechatlog" ---- You'll have following files: .... ~/.local/share/weechat └── logs └── irc ├── libera │ ├── libera.weechatlog │ ├── #weechat.weechatlog │ └── #mychan.weechatlog ├── oftc │ ├── oftc.weechatlog │ ├── #channel1.weechatlog │ └── #channel2.weechatlog ... .... [[logger_rotation_compression]] ==== Rotation and compression It is possible to define a max size for log files, and when it is reached, there is automatic rotation of log file. The rotated log files can be compressed with gzip or https://facebook.github.io/zstd/[zstd ^↗^^]. [NOTE] As the compression of a file can take some time, it is performed in background. Example with a max size of 2GB and compression with gzip, using good compression level (slower than default one): ---- /set logger.file.rotation_compression_type gzip /set logger.file.rotation_compression_level 80 /set logger.file.rotation_size_max "2g" ---- If you want to use a decimal number, you can use the unit below and multiply by 1000, for example to set max size to 2.5GB: ---- /set logger.file.rotation_size_max "2500m" ---- With these settings, you'll end with files like these ones (in this example there is rotation only for the log of #weechat channel): .... ~/.local/share/weechat └── logs ├── core.weechat.weechatlog ├── irc.server.libera.weechatlog ├── irc.libera.#weechat.weechatlog ├── irc.libera.#weechat.weechatlog.1.gz ├── irc.libera.#weechat.weechatlog.2.gz └── irc.libera.#weechat.weechatlog.3.gz .... [[logger_commands]] ==== Commands include::{autogendir}/autogen_user_commands.en.adoc[tag=logger_commands] [[logger_options]] ==== Options Sections in file _logger.conf_: [width="100%",cols="3m,6m,16",options="header"] |=== | Section | Control command | Description | look | /set logger.look.* | Look and feel. | color | /set logger.color.* | Colors. | file | /set logger.file.* | Options for log files. | level | /set logger.level.* | Log level by buffer (options can be added/removed in section). | mask | /set logger.mask.* | Filename mask by buffer (options can be added/removed in section). |=== Options: include::{autogendir}/autogen_user_options.en.adoc[tag=logger_options] [[mouse]] === Mouse support WeeChat supports mouse clicks and gestures. It is working with local terminal, and remotely via ssh connection with or without screen/tmux. [[mouse_enable]] ==== Enable mouse To enable mouse at startup: ---- /set weechat.look.mouse on ---- To enable mouse now, press kbd:[Alt+m] or do following command: ---- /mouse enable ---- It is possible to temporarily disable mouse, and bind that on a key. For example key kbd:[Alt+%] to disable mouse for 10 seconds: ---- /key bind meta-% /mouse toggle 10 ---- [IMPORTANT] When mouse is enabled in WeeChat, all mouse events are caught by WeeChat, so actions such as copy/paste or clicks on URLs are not sent to the terminal. + Using kbd:[Shift] key causes the events to be sent directly to the terminal, as if the mouse was disabled (on some terminals like iTerm, you have to use kbd:[Alt] instead of kbd:[Shift]). [NOTE] For any problem with mouse, please look at link:weechat_faq.en.html#mouse[WeeChat FAQ / Mouse ^↗^^]. [[mouse_bind_events]] ==== Bind mouse events to commands Many default mouse events are already defined by WeeChat (see <>). You can change or add bindings with the command `/key` using context "mouse" (for syntax, see command <>). Event name consists of a modifier (optional), a button/wheel name and a gesture (optional). Different elements are separated by `+-+`. List of modifiers (by order in the event name): [width="100%",cols="1m,4",options="header"] |=== | Modifier | Description | alt | Key kbd:[Alt] | ctrl | Key kbd:[Ctrl] | shift | Key kbd:[Shift] ^(1)^ |=== [NOTE] ^(1)^ The `shift` modifier can rarely be used in WeeChat because many terminals use this modifier to catch directly mouse events. Several modifiers can be combined, for example: * `alt-ctrl` * `ctrl-shift` * `alt-ctrl-shift` List of buttons/wheel: [width="100%",cols="1m,4",options="header"] |=== | Button/wheel | Description | button1 | Click on left button | button2 | Click on right button | button3 | Click on middle button (often click on wheel) | button4 ... button11 | Click on extra buttons | wheelup | Wheel (up) | wheeldown | Wheel (down) |=== List of gestures (only for buttons, not wheel): [width="100%",cols="1m,4",options="header"] |=== | Gesture | Distance | gesture-up | 3 ... 19 | gesture-up-long | ≥ 20 | gesture-down | 3 ... 19 | gesture-down-long | ≥ 20 | gesture-left | 3 ... 39 | gesture-left-long | ≥ 40 | gesture-right | 3 ... 39 | gesture-right-long | ≥ 40 |=== List of incomplete events (only for buttons, useful for plugins/scripts): [width="100%",cols="1m,4",options="header"] |=== | Event | Description | event-down | Button was pressed but not released yet | event-drag | Mouse was moved with button pressed down |=== Example of events: * `button1` * `ctrl-button1` * `button1-gesture-right` * `button1-event-down` * `button1-event-drag` * `alt-button2-gesture-down-long` * `wheelup` * `alt-ctrl-wheeldown` * ... [TIP] When binding a key in context "mouse", it's possible to match many events using `+*+` at beginning or end of name, for example `+button1-gesture-*+` will match any gesture made using left button. [TIP] You can find an event name with command `+/input grab_mouse+` then doing event with mouse. This will insert event name on command line. [[spell_checking]] === Spell checking Spell plugin lets you check spelling in command line. It is possible to use many languages by buffer. Spell checking is disabled by default and can be toggled with key kbd:[Alt+s]. [[spell_dictionaries]] ==== Dictionaries Before using spell checking, dictionaries must be defined, either globally or specific to buffers. Multiple dictionaries can be used at same time: WeeChat will check words in all dictionaries. For example to use English and French: ---- /set spell.check.default_dict "en,fr" ---- It is possible to use a different dictionary on a specific buffer, for example on a German channel: ---- /spell setdict de ---- You can also specify a dictionary for a group of buffers, for example English for all channels on libera IRC server: ---- /set spell.dict.irc.libera en ---- For more information, see the command <>. [[spell_speller_options]] ==== Speller options Speller options can be defined by adding options in section "option" of aspell configuration. The option name is an aspell configuration option. List of options can be found in a shell with following command: ---- $ aspell config ---- For example, to enable option "ignore-case": ---- /set spell.option.ignore-case "true" ---- [[spell_suggestions]] ==== Suggestions Suggestions are displayed in a bar item called "spell_suggest". The number of suggestions is set in option _spell.check.suggestions_. To enable suggestions you must set option _spell.check.suggestions_ to an integer ≥ 0 and add the bar item "spell_suggest" to a bar, like _status_. Example of suggestions with English dictionary (`en`): .... │[12:55] [6] [irc/libera] 3:#test(+n){4} [print,prone,prune] │ │[@Flashy] prinr █ │ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ .... Example of suggestions with English and French dictionaries (`en,fr`): .... │[12:55] [6] [irc/libera] 3:#test(+n){4} [print,prone,prune/prime,primer,primé] │ │[@Flashy] prinr █ │ └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ .... [[spell_commands]] ==== Commands include::{autogendir}/autogen_user_commands.en.adoc[tag=spell_commands] [[spell_options]] ==== Options Sections in file _spell.conf_: [width="100%",cols="3m,6m,16",options="header"] |=== | Section | Control command | Description | color | /set spell.color.* | Colors. | check | /set spell.check.* | Options to control spell checking. | dict | <> + /set spell.dict.* | Dictionaries used by buffer (options can be added/removed in section). | look | /set spell.look.* | Look and feel. | option | /set spell.option.* | <> (options can be added/removed in section). |=== Options: include::{autogendir}/autogen_user_options.en.adoc[tag=spell_options] [[bars]] === Bars A _bar_ is an area beside the chat that can contain any type of text. The bar options can be set with options `weechat.bar.name.option` where `name` is the name of the bar and `option` the option for this bar. List of bar options: [width="100%",cols="2m,2,10",options="header"] |=== | Option | Values | Description | type | `root`, `window` | A bar with type `root` is displayed exactly one time on screen, outside all windows. The default bar _buflist_ has type `root`. + A bar with type `window` is displayed in each window, for example if you split one time the screen (with `/window splith` or `/window splitv`), you will have one bar in each window. The default bars _title_, _status_, _input_ and _nicklist_ have type `window`. | position | `top`, `bottom`, `left`, `right` | Position of the bar: above/below chat, on the left/right. | priority | integer ≥ 0 | Priority for display of bar: this is used for ordering the bars on screen when many bars have same type and position. + The bars are displayed from the edge of the screen to the center. A higher priority will display bar at the beginning, so closer to the edge. + Example: _input_ bar has priority 1000, so it is displayed before the _status_ bar, which has priority 500. | size | integer ≥ 0 | The size of the bar: number of columns for position left/right, number of lines for position top/bottom. A size of `0` means automatic, so the size will be computed according to content displayed in bar. | size_max | integer ≥ 0 | The maximum size for a bar, `0` = no limit (this option is used only if `size` = `0`). | color_bg | color | The default background color for the bar. | color_fg | color | The default text color for the bar. | color_delim | color | The color for delimiters in bar. | hidden | `on`, `off` | When option is `on`, the bar is hidden. + Note: instead of changing this option, the command `/bar` is preferred, for example: `/bar toggle nicklist` (see command <>). | separator | `on`, `off` | When option is `on`, a separator (line) is displayed between this bar and other bars (or chat). | items | string | A list of _items_ (see <> for more info). | filling_left_right | `+horizontal+`, `+vertical+`, `+columns_horizontal+`, `+columns_vertical+` | Type of filling for a bar which has position `left` or `right` (see <> for more info). | filling_top_bottom | `+horizontal+`, `+vertical+`, `+columns_horizontal+`, `+columns_vertical+` | Type of filling for a bar which has position `top` or `bottom` (see <> for more info). | conditions | string | The conditions to display the bar (see <> for more info). |=== [[bar_items]] ==== Items The option _items_ is a string with a list of bar items, separated by a comma (space between items on screen) or `+++` (glued items). The list of bar items is displayed with command `/bar listitems`. Before or after item name, you can use chars (that are not alphanumeric, `+-+` or `+_+`). They will be displayed before/after item with the delimiters color defined in bar (option _color_delim_). Example of bar with items "[time],buffer_number+:+buffer_plugin+.+buffer_name,[buffer_last_number]": .... ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │[12:55] 3:irc/libera.#weechat [9] │ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ .... [[item_spacer]] ===== Spacer item An item called `spacer` can be used to align items (left, center, right). When at least one `spacer` item is used in a bar, the whole bar width is used: the spacers auto expand with the same size (or almost). + When the bar is not large enough for all items, spacers are not displayed. [NOTE] The `spacer` bar item can be used only in bars with position `top` or `bottom`, filling `horizontal` and size `1`. Example of bar with items "[time],spacer,buffer_number+:+buffer_plugin+.+buffer_name,spacer,[buffer_last_number]": .... ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │[12:55] 3:irc/libera.#weechat [9]│ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ .... [[item_force_buffer]] ===== Force buffer A special syntax can be used to force the buffer used when displaying the bar item: "@buffer:item" (where "buffer" is the full name of buffer and "item" is the name of a bar item). This is useful in root bars, to display item for a specific buffer which is not displayed in the current window (or even not displayed at all). Example: nicklist of bitlbee in a root bar (if the bar is called _bitlist_ and if bitlbee server is called _bitlbee_): ---- /set weechat.bar.bitlist.items "@irc.bitlbee.&bitlbee:buffer_nicklist" ---- [[custom_bar_items]] ===== Custom bar items Custom bar items can be added with the <> command, each new item having two properties defined via configuration options: * `conditions`: evaluated conditions to display the bar item, for example to restrict the bar item to some specific buffers (if empty, the bar item is displayed everywhere) * `content`: evaluated content of bar item. In both options, the following variables can be used: * `window`: pointer to the window where the bar is displayed (`NULL` for root bars) * `buffer`: pointer to buffer where the bar is displayed (current buffer for root bars). Examples of conditions: [width="100%",cols="3,10",options="header"] |=== | Condition | Description | `${window}` | Displayed in window bars only | `${buffer.number} == 1` | Displayed in all buffers with number = 1 | `${buffer.plugin.name} == irc` | Displayed in all IRC buffers | `${type} == channel` | Displayed in all buffers where local variable `type` is set to `channel` (example: all IRC channels) | `${type} == private` | Displayed in all buffers where local variable `type` is set to `private` (example: all IRC private buffers) |=== [NOTE] There's no builtin way to refresh the custom bar items. You can use the <> plugin to force the refresh, for example via one or more signals received. For more information and examples, see the <> command. [[bar_filling]] ==== Filling There are four types of filling: * `+horizontal+`: the items are displayed horizontally, from left to right. If there are new lines in items, a space is used to separate lines. * `+vertical+`: the items are displayed from top to bottom. If there are new lines in items, a new line is used to separate lines. * `+columns_horizontal+`: items are displayed using columns, where text is aligned on the left. The first item is on top left, the second is on same line, on the right. * `+columns_vertical+`: items are displayed using columns, where text is aligned on the left. The first item is on top left, the second is one line below. Default bars _title_, _status_ and _input_ have _horizontal_ filling, and default bar _nicklist_ has _vertical_ filling. Some examples of filling for bar _nicklist_: .... ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │Welcome to #test, this is a test channel │ │12:54:15 peter | hey! │@carl │ │12:55:01 +Max | hello │@jessika│ │ │@maddy │ │ │%Diego │ │ │%Melody │ │ │+Max │ │ │ celia │ │ │ Eva │ │ │ freddy │ │ │ Harold^│ │ │ henry4 │ │ │ jimmy17│ │ │ jodie ▼│ │[12:55] [6] [irc/libera] 3:#test(+n){24} │ │[@carl] █ │ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ filling_left_right = vertical ▲ ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │Welcome to #test, this is a test channel │ │12:54:15 peter | hey! │@carl lee │ │12:55:01 +Max | hello │@jessika louise │ │ │@maddy mario │ │ │%Diego mark │ │ │%Melody peter │ │ │+Max Rachel │ │ │ celia richard│ │ │ Eva sheryl │ │ │ freddy Vince │ │ │ Harold^ warren │ │ │ henry4 zack │ │ │ jimmy17 │ │ │ jodie │ │[12:55] [6] [irc/libera] 3:#test(+n){24} │ │[@carl] █ │ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ filling_left_right = columns_vertical ▲ ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │@carl %Diego celia Harold^ jodie mario Rachel Vince │ │@jessika %Melody Eva henry4 lee mark richard warren │ │@maddy +Max freddy jimmy17 louise peter sheryl zack │ │───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ │ filling_top_bottom = columns_vertical ▲ ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │@carl @jessika @maddy %Diego %Melody +Max celia Eva │ │ freddy Harold^ henry4 jimmy17 jodie lee louise mario │ │ mark peter Rachel richard sheryl Vince warren zack │ │───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────│ │ │ filling_top_bottom = columns_horizontal ▲ .... [[bar_conditions]] ==== Conditions The option _conditions_ is a string which is evaluated to know if the bar must be displayed or not. The string can be: * _active_: the window must be active * _inactive_: the window must be inactive * _nicklist_: the buffer displayed in window must have a nicklist * an expression: it is evaluated as boolean (see command <>) For the expression, following variables are available: * `+${active}+`: true if window is active * `+${inactive}+`: true if window is inactive * `+${nicklist}+`: true if buffer displayed in window has a nicklist Following pointers are available: * `+${window}+`: the window where condition is evaluated * `+${buffer}+`: the buffer of window where condition is evaluated Example to display nicklist bar in all buffers with a nicklist, and only if width of terminal is > 100: ---- /set weechat.bar.nicklist.conditions "${nicklist} && ${info:term_width} > 100" ---- Same condition, but always display nicklist on buffer _&bitlbee_ (even if terminal is small): ---- /set weechat.bar.nicklist.conditions "${nicklist} && (${info:term_width} > 100 || ${buffer.full_name} == irc.bitlbee.&bitlbee)" ---- [[secured_data]] === Secured data [[secured_data_storage]] ==== Storage WeeChat can encrypt passwords or private data using secured data, stored in file _sec.conf_. This configuration file is read before any other file, and the values stored inside can be used in various WeeChat or plugins/scripts options. You can set a passphrase to encrypt data in _sec.conf_. This is not mandatory but highly recommended, otherwise data is stored as plain text in file. ---- /secure passphrase this is my passphrase ---- [[secured_data_passphrase_on_startup]] ===== Passphrase on startup When a passphrase is set, WeeChat will ask you to enter it on startup (but not on `/upgrade`). If you are using a password manager, you can run an external program to read the passphrase instead of having to type it manually on WeeChat startup. + For example with password-store (command `pass`): ---- /set sec.crypt.passphrase_command "/usr/bin/pass show weechat/passphrase" ---- The program may ask you unlock your GPG key or enter another passphrase to read the secret. WeeChat will wait for the end of the command to read the passphrase on the standard output (it must be on the first line without any extra character). + If the output contains no passphrase or if it is wrong, WeeChat will then ask you to enter it. [[secured_data_encryption]] ===== Encryption The encryption of data is made in 3 steps: . Derive a key from the passphrase (with optional salt). . Compute hash of data to encrypt. . Encrypt the hash + data (output is: salt + encrypted hash/data). [NOTE] The cipher block mode is _CFB_. The result is put as hexadecimal string in file _sec.conf_, for example: ---- [data] __passphrase__ = on libera = "53B1C86FCDA28FC122A95B0456ABD79B5AB74654F21C3D099A6CCA8173239EEA59533A1D83011251F96778AC3F5166A394" ---- [[secured_data_decryption]] ===== Decryption The decryption of data is made in 3 steps: . Derive a key using salt and passphrase. . Decrypt hash + data. . Check that decrypted hash == hash of data. [[secured_data_manage]] ==== Manage secured data To add secured data, use `/secure set`, for example a password for _libera_ IRC server: ---- /secure set libera mypassword ---- For comfort, secured data can be displayed in a dedicated buffer (kbd:[Alt+v] on buffer to see values), just do: ---- /secure ---- Secured data can be used in some options that can contain private data like password, using this format: "${sec.data.xxx}" where "xxx" is the name of secured data (used with `/secure set xxx ...`). + For a complete list of supported options, see `/help secure`. To use the _libera_ password, for example with <>: ---- /set irc.server.libera.sasl_password "${sec.data.libera}" ---- [[command_aliases]] === Command aliases Alias plugin lets you create alias for commands (from WeeChat or other plugins). Some aliases are created by default, with name in upper case (to make them different from standard commands); commands are not case sensitive in WeeChat, so for example `/close` runs the alias `/CLOSE`. List of default aliases: include::{autogendir}/autogen_user_default_aliases.en.adoc[tag=default_aliases] [[alias_commands]] ==== Commands include::{autogendir}/autogen_user_commands.en.adoc[tag=alias_commands] [[alias_options]] ==== Options Sections in file _alias.conf_: [width="100%",cols="3m,6m,16",options="header"] |=== | Section | Control command | Description | cmd | <> + /set alias.cmd.* | Commands for aliases. | completion | <> + /set alias.completion.* | Completions for aliases. |=== [[commands_and_options]] === Commands and options [[weechat_commands]] ==== WeeChat commands include::{autogendir}/autogen_user_commands.en.adoc[tag=weechat_commands] [[sec_options]] ==== Secured data options Sections in file _sec.conf_: [width="100%",cols="3m,6m,16",options="header"] |=== | Section | Control command | Description | crypt | /set sec.crypt.* | Options for encryption. | data | <> | Secured data. |=== Options: include::{autogendir}/autogen_user_options.en.adoc[tag=sec_options] [[weechat_options]] ==== WeeChat options Sections in file _weechat.conf_: [width="100%",cols="3m,6m,16",options="header"] |=== | Section | Control command | Description | debug | <> + /set weechat.debug.* | Debug level, for core and plugins (options can be added/removed in section). | startup | /set weechat.startup.* | Startup options. | look | /set weechat.look.* | Look and feel. | palette | <> + /set weechat.palette.* | Color aliases (options can be added/removed in section). | color | /set weechat.color.* | Colors. | completion | /set weechat.completion.* | Completion options. | history | /set weechat.history.* | History options (commands and buffers). | proxy | <> + /set weechat.proxy.* | Proxy options. | network | /set weechat.network.* | Network/TLS options. | plugin | /set weechat.plugin.* | Options on plugins. | signal | /set weechat.signal.* | Options on signals. | bar | <> + /set weechat.bar.* | Bar options. | layout | <> | Layouts. | buffer | <> | Properties auto-applied on buffers when they are opened. | notify | <> | Notify levels for buffers (options can be added/removed in section). | filter | <> | Filters. | key | <> | Keys in default context. | key_search | <> | Keys in search context. | key_cursor | <> | Keys in cursor context. | key_mouse | <> | Keys in mouse context. |=== Options: include::{autogendir}/autogen_user_options.en.adoc[tag=weechat_options] [[irc]] == IRC The IRC plugin is designed to chat through IRC protocol with other people. It is multi-servers, and offers all supported IRC commands including DCC chat and file transfer (via xfer plugin, see <>). [[irc_command_line_options]] === Command line options It is possible to give URL for one or many IRC servers, as follow: ---- irc[6][s]://[nick[:password]@]irc.example.org[:port][/channel][,channel[...]] ---- Example to join _#weechat_ and _#weechat-fr_ on server _irc.libera.chat_ server, default port (6667), with nick _alice_: ---- $ weechat irc://alice@irc.libera.chat/#weechat,#weechat-fr ---- [[irc_servers]] === Servers [[irc_servers_add]] ==== Add a server By default no servers are defined. You can add as many servers as you want with the <> command. For example to connect to https://libera.chat/[libera.chat ^↗^^] with TLS (encrypted trafic): ---- /server add libera irc.libera.chat/6697 -tls ---- You can tell WeeChat to auto-connect to this server on startup: ---- /set irc.server.libera.autoconnect on ---- To authenticate, it is recommended to use SASL (if supported on the server), with the password stored as secured data (see also chapter on <>): ---- /set irc.server.libera.sasl_username "alice" /secure set libera xxxxxxx /set irc.server.libera.sasl_password "${sec.data.libera}" ---- If SASL is not supported, you can use a command to send a message to nickserv: ---- /set irc.server.libera.command "/msg nickserv identify ${sec.data.libera}" ---- [NOTE] By sending a message to nickserv, you may authenticate after joining channels which could be a problem on some channels requiring you to be authenticated to join. In this case, you can set a command delay: `/set irc.server.libera.command_delay 5`. [[irc_servers_options]] ==== Server options Server options are named `irc.server..