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WeeChat documentation (english version)

Copyright (c) 2003-2008 by FlashCode <flashcode@flashtux.org>

This manual is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This manual is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


<chapter id="chapPlugins">
    This chapter describes WeeChat plugins interface (API) and
    the default scripts plugins (Perl, Python, Ruby, Lua), provided with
  <section id="secPluginsInWeeChat">
    <title>Plugins in WeeChat</title>
      A plugin is a C program which can call WeeChat functions defined in
      an interface.
      This C program does not need WeeChat sources to compile and can be
      dynamically loaded into WeeChat with command
      The plugin has to be a dynamic library, for dynamic loading by
      operating system.
      Under GNU/Linux, the file has ".so" extension, ".dll" under
  <section id="secWriteAPlugin">
    <title>Write a plugin</title>
      The plugin has to include "weechat-plugin.h" file (available in
      WeeChat source code).
      This file defines structures and types used to communicate with
      The plugin must have some variables and functions (mandatory,
      without them the plugin can't load):
      <informaltable colsep="0" frame="none">
        <tgroup cols="2">
              <entry><literal>char plugin_name[]</literal></entry>
              <entry>plugin name</entry>
              <entry><literal>char plugin_version[]</literal></entry>
              <entry>plugin version</entry>
              <entry><literal>char plugin_description[]</literal></entry>
              <entry>short description of plugin</entry>
      <informaltable colsep="0" frame="none">
        <tgroup cols="2">
              <entry><literal>int weechat_plugin_init (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)</literal></entry>
                function called when plugin is loaded, must return
                PLUGIN_RC_OK if successful, PLUGIN_RC_KO if error
                (if error, plugin will NOT be loaded)
              <entry><literal>void weechat_plugin_end (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)</literal></entry>
              <entry>function called when plugin is unloaded</entry>
    <section id="secCompilePlugin">
      <title>Compile plugin</title>
        Compile does not need WeeChat sources, only file
        To compile a plugin which has one file "toto.c" (under GNU/Linux):
<prompt>$ </prompt><userinput>gcc -fPIC -Wall -c toto.c</userinput>
<prompt>$ </prompt><userinput>gcc -shared -fPIC -o libtoto.so toto.o</userinput>
    <section id="secLoadPlugin">
      <title>Load plugin into WeeChat</title>
        Copy "libtoto.so" file into system plugins directory (for example
        "<literal>/usr/local/lib/weechat/plugins</literal>") or into
        user's plugins directory (for example
        Under WeeChat:
        <screen><userinput>/plugin load toto</userinput></screen>
    <section id="secPluginExample">
      <title>Plugin example</title>
        Full example of plugin, which adds a /double command, which displays
        two times arguments on current channel (ok that's not very useful,
        but that's just an example!):
#include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;

#include "weechat-plugin.h"

char plugin_name[]        = "Double";
char plugin_version[]     = "0.1";
char plugin_description[] = "Test plugin for WeeChat";

/* "/double" command manager */

int double_cmd (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, int argc, char **argv,
                char *handler_args, void *handler_pointer)
    if (argv[2] &amp;&amp; (argv[2][0] != '/'))
        plugin->exec_command (plugin, NULL, NULL, argv[2]);
        plugin->exec_command (plugin, NULL, NULL, argv[2]);
    return PLUGIN_RC_OK;

int weechat_plugin_init (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
    plugin->cmd_handler_add (plugin, "double",
                             "Display two times a message",
                             "msg: message to display two times",
                             NULL, NULL);
    return PLUGIN_RC_OK;

void weechat_plugin_end (t_weechat_plugin *plugin)
    /* nothing done here */