WeeChat - Wee Enhanced Environment for Chat =========================================== TODO - 2003-10-04 Legend: # done + currently in development - pending ? is this really necessary? v0.0.2: ------ * IRC protocol: + "/mode" command: change the user/channels modes - "/rehash" command: tell the server to reload its config file - "/restart" command: tell the server to restart itself * WeeChat commands: # "/connect" and "/disconnect" commands (for multiservers use) # "/server" command to add, remove or list servers # "/save" command: save configuration to disk # "/alias" and "/unalias" commands * Interface: - display current channel modes (example : #weechat(+nt)) * Configuration: # write config file # add alias definition - add an option for each server in order to run commands on join (example: /msg nickserv identify password) - channel list for auto-join (for each server) Future versions: --------------- * IRC protocol: - implement RFC 2812 - "/dcc" command (for chat and sending/receiving files) - complete "/list" command: add regexp search, display only channels that match regexp - "/ignore" and "/unignore" commands: hide all that is write by a given nick/host - when we're away, WeeChat should log all the lines begenning by our nick. When we come back from our away it should print it to the current window - "/notify" and "/unnotify" command to be warn by WeeChat when a given nick/host connect to the given irc network - "/wallops" command: write the same string to all the persons with the flag +w enable * WeeChat commands: - "/completion" command: do shortcuts (for example when we type "u" in the text bar it send it to the server as "you") - "/exec" command: execute a command as if we was in shell and show us the output on the current window. An option to exec like -o could send the output to the server, on the current channel/private - "/reload" command: reload the WeeChat's config file - "/highlight" command: highlight a given word when it appears on channels/privates + "/set" command: allow the user to set the WeeChat variables under WeeChat without editing the config file (colours, time format, etc) * Interface: - interpret special chars in messages (color & bold for example) - internationalization (traduce WeeChat in many languages) - many channel windows in one window/term (window split) - add lag indicator - log chats to file - forget some old lines that were displayed long time ago (now all is saved, if WeeChat is running for long time, a lot of memory is used!) - improve completion (for example complete command parameters when possible) - understand incomplete commands if unambigous (for example: /he for /help is ok) - add clock (in status bar?) - Gtk GUI ? Qt GUI * TCP/IP communication: - connect to server with child process (background) - SSL support - IPv6 protocol implementation * Configuration: - add key bindings to config file - add missing options for config file - wrong alias is not created and not saved when quitting WeeChat - do not stop program if problem with options in config file - load config file after GUI (so init values by default (colors, ...) before loading config) * Plugins: - add Perl plugin - add Python plugin - add Ruby plugin - "/load" and "/unload" commands to (un)load extension scripts (perl, python, ruby, ...)