path: root/test
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author major code cleanup, full PEP8 compliance, replace %-formatting ↵Sebastien Helleu
with .format() All changes: - import the new division operator and the print function - replace the %-formatting with .format() - full PEP8 compliance - major code cleanup: new function send_cmd() to send an IRC command, split flood() function into many functions. The messages sent from a file (or stdin) are formatted with ".format(self=self)", so that attributes from class Client are replaced with their values. You can use for example these attributes: {self.nick} current client nick {} the server name ('weercd') {self.version} the server version (version of use argparse module to parse command line arguments, remove ↵Sebastien Helleu
config file The configuration file weercd.conf has been removed. Instead, default options can be set in an environment variable called "WEERCD_OPTIONS". A file with options can be used, then name must be given as option with a leading "@", for example: python @args.txt The option "action" has been removed. Default behavior is still to flood the client. Actions "user" and "file" have been merged into a single option -f/--file, which accepts a file, or special value "-" to read stdin. The script now requires python >= 2.7 (because the argparse module is not available in python 2.6 and older versions).
2013-08-02core: rename binary and man page from "weechat-curses" to "weechat" (task ↵Sebastien Helleu
#11027) A symbolic link weechat-curses -> weechat is now created (by both cmake and configure), so that the /upgrade will work from an old version. However, if you upgrade from an old version, it is recommended to force the use of the new binary name with the command: `/upgrade /path/to/weechat` (replace the path accordingly).
2013-01-01core: update copyright datesSebastien Helleu add action "file" and option "file"Sebastien Helleu add option "nickused" (send some messages 433 before accepting nick)Sebastien Helleu
2012-01-08core: update copyright datesSebastien Helleu fix typo, add action in weercd.confSebastien Helleu add option "action": "flood" = flood client, "user" = send custom ↵Sebastien Helleu
messages to client read PART command sent by clientSebastien Helleu fix read of config file with python 3.xSebastien Helleu
2011-02-07Remove unneeded spacesSebastien Helleu
2011-01-23Add, the WeeChat flood irc serverSebastien Helleu