path: root/src
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2005-11-05Fixed server detection when using "command" interface function from scriptsSebastien Helleu
2005-11-05Convert colors codes to %B, %C with /topic completion (if option irc_colors_sendSebastien Helleu
2005-11-05Fixed some bugs with color codes:Sebastien Helleu
2005-11-05Changed help for "irc_colors_receive" optionSebastien Helleu
2005-11-04Added message for /buffer notify completionSebastien Helleu
2005-11-04remove unused commentEmmanuel Bouthenot
2005-11-04fix a dead lockEmmanuel Bouthenot
2005-11-04Fixed cursor position bug when using history with up/down keysSebastien Helleu
2005-11-04Fixed crash with /buffer commandSebastien Helleu
2005-11-04Removed debug messagesSebastien Helleu
2005-11-04Fixed scroll problem when one line is bigger than screen sizeSebastien Helleu
2005-11-04Fixed crash when doing "/msg nickserv identify ..."Sebastien Helleu
2005-11-04Fixed log problem with new color display system (now color codes are removed inSebastien Helleu
2005-11-04- added major feature: new color management system (internal to WeeChat), nowSebastien Helleu
2005-11-04improve contexts switch in python pluginEmmanuel Bouthenot
2005-10-31Fixed type used for htonl function (replaced u_int32_t by uint32_t, now OK underSebastien Helleu
2005-10-30Added constants for Perl return codesSebastien Helleu
2005-10-30add constants for python return codesEmmanuel Bouthenot
2005-10-30Fixed "jump to next server" action (was broken by new option "look_one_server...Sebastien Helleu
2005-10-30Added command line arguments to disable auto-connect to servers and plugins a...Sebastien Helleu
2005-10-30Fixed minor compilation problem (dependency with plugins lib)Sebastien Helleu
2005-10-30- added new setting (look_one_server_buffer): use same buffer for all serversSebastien Helleu
2005-10-29fix detection of libgnutlsEmmanuel Bouthenot
2005-10-28Added setting for ignoring some chars when completing nicksSebastien Helleu
2005-10-28Added new return codes for plugin handlers, to discard messages for WeeChat, ...Sebastien Helleu
2005-10-27Clean up of IRC message parser (fixed potential bugs when long messages are r...Sebastien Helleu
2005-10-26Added partial match for highlights, patch by Jim RamsaySebastien Helleu
2005-10-26Fixed Perl bugs with returned valuesSebastien Helleu
2005-10-26Signal SIGPIPE now ignored by WeeChatSebastien Helleu
2005-10-25- Added options for /plugin command: autoload, reload, unloadSebastien Helleu
2005-10-25Added auto-detection of ncursesw/ncurses lib in, fall back to nc...Sebastien Helleu
2005-10-24add the possibility to (un)load each script one by oneEmmanuel Bouthenot
2005-10-23Added new plugins functions: set_config, get_plugin_config, set_plugin_config.Sebastien Helleu
2005-10-23Converted old Ruby interface to new plugin system (Ruby plugin still NOT ok!)Sebastien Helleu
2005-10-22Fixed bug with keyboard and "^" key (was inserting two "^")Sebastien Helleu
2005-10-22- added dcc_own_ip and dcc_port_range settings, patch by Jim RamsaySebastien Helleu
2005-10-22Added "ncursesw/" path for ncurses.h includeSebastien Helleu
2005-10-21The "day changed" message does not update hotlist any moreSebastien Helleu
2005-10-21Full UTF-8 support, auto-detection of UTF-8 usage (locale)Sebastien Helleu
2005-10-20fixes some typos, and a bug which occured when parsing a script failsEmmanuel Bouthenot
2005-10-19correct bad hack for stdout and stderr outputsEmmanuel Bouthenot
2005-10-18Added "Day changed to [date]" message when day changesSebastien Helleu
2005-10-18Log options (for server/channel/private) can now be set while WeeChat is runningSebastien Helleu
2005-10-17Moved some functions in source codeSebastien Helleu
2005-10-17Changes in plugins and scripts plugins:Sebastien Helleu
2005-10-17Auto-load plugins in user's plugins path (before WeeChat system lib dir)Sebastien Helleu
2005-10-16Added "weechatdir" info for compatibility with old scripts (now DEPRECATED, useSebastien Helleu
2005-10-16Added channel modes +e/+f, IRC commands 348,349,470Sebastien Helleu
2005-10-16Added Py_Finalise when Python plugin is unloadedSebastien Helleu
2005-10-16Fixed but when no parameter given for /perl and /python optionsSebastien Helleu