path: root/README.asciidoc
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2014-08-05core: add C++ compiler and CppUTest for tests in READMESébastien Helleu
2014-06-13core: update URL of WeeChat screenshot in README.asciidocSébastien Helleu
2014-05-04core: add missing empty line in README.asciidocSébastien Helleu
2014-05-03core: README.asciidoc: move build status under homepage link.Mikaela Suomalainen
2014-05-03core: add Travis build status to README.asciidoc .Mikaela Suomalainen
2014-03-23README.asciidoc: add anchors to links.Mikaela Suomalainen
2014-03-23README.asciidoc: fix links.Mikaela Suomalainen
2014-03-07core: add shadow on WeeChat screenshot in READMESebastien Helleu
2014-03-06core: add a WeeChat screenshot in README.asciidocSebastien Helleu
2014-03-06core: add asciidoc attribute "lang" in Contributing and READMESebastien Helleu
2014-03-05core: move content of INSTALL.asciidoc into README.asciidocSebastien Helleu
2014-03-04Use asciidoc file ending for all asciidoc filesTor Hveem