path: root/doc
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8 files changed, 245 insertions, 191 deletions
diff --git a/doc/de/autogen/user/weechat_commands.txt b/doc/de/autogen/user/weechat_commands.txt
index dde392745..d67b971ce 100644
--- a/doc/de/autogen/user/weechat_commands.txt
+++ b/doc/de/autogen/user/weechat_commands.txt
@@ -207,55 +207,56 @@ infolists: zeigt Information über die Infolists an
[command]*`eval`* wertet einen Ausdruck aus und gibt das Resultat im Buffer aus::
/eval [-n] <expression>
- [-n] <expression1> <operator> <expression2>
- -n: zeigt das Ergebnis an, ohne das dieses in den Buffer geschrieben wird (debug Modus)
-expression: Ausdruck welcher verarbeitet werden soll. Variablen im Format ${variable} werden ersetzt (siehe unten)
- operator: ein logischer oder vergleichender Operand:
- - logische Operanden:
- && boolean "und"
- || boolean "oder"
- - vergleichende Operanden:
- == gleich
- != ungleich
- <= kleiner oder gleich
- < kleiner
- >= größer oder gleich
- > größer
- =~ stimmt mit regulärem Ausdruck überein
- !~ stimmt NICHT mit regulärem Ausdruck überein
-Ein Ausdruck gilt als "wahr", sofern das Ergebnis nicht NULL, nicht leer und von "0" abweichend ist.
-Der Vergleich findet zwischen zwei Integer Werten statt, sofern die beiden Ausdrücke gültige Integer-Werte sind.
-Um einen Vergleich zwischen zwei Zeichenketten zu erzwingen, müssen die Ausdrücke in Anführungszeichen gesetzt werden, zum Beispiel:
+ [-n] -c <expression1> <operator> <expression2>
+ -n: display result without sending it to buffer (debug mode)
+ -c: evaluate as condition: use operators and parentheses, return a boolean value ("0" or "1")
+expression: expression to evaluate, variables with format ${variable} are replaced (see below)
+ operator: a logical or comparison operator:
+ - logical operators:
+ && boolean "and"
+ || boolean "or"
+ - comparison operators:
+ == equal
+ != not equal
+ <= less or equal
+ < less
+ >= greater or equal
+ > greater
+ =~ is matching regex
+ !~ is NOT matching regex
+An expression is considered as "true" if it is not NULL, not empty, and different from "0".
+The comparison is made using integers if the two expressions are valid integers.
+To force a string comparison, add double quotes around each expression, for example:
50 > 100 ==> 0
"50" > "100" ==> 1
-Einige Variablen werden im Ausdruck, mittels der Formatierung ${Variable}, ersetzt. Mögliche Variablen sind, nach Reihenfolge ihrer Priorität:
- 1. der Name einer Option (file.section.option)
- 2. der Name der lokalen Variablen für Buffer
- 3. ein hdata Name/Variable (der Wert wird automatisch als Zeichenkette konvertiert), Standardmäßig wird für "window" und "buffer" das aktuelle Fenster/Buffer verwendet.
-Das Format für hdata:
- hdata.var1.var2...: startet mit hdata (der Pointer muss bekannt sein) und fragt eine Variable nach der anderen ab (weitere hdata können folgen)
- hdata(list).var1.var2...: startet hdata mittels einer Liste, zum Beispiel:
- ${buffer[gui_buffers].full_name}: der vollständige Name des ersten Buffers, in der verknüpften Liste aller Buffer
- ${plugin[weechat_plugins].name}: Name der ersten Erweiterung, in der verknüpften Liste aller Erweiterungen
-Die vorhandenen Namen für hdata und Variablen sind in der "Anleitung für API Erweiterung", Bereich "weechat_hdata_get". beschrieben
+Some variables are replaced in expression, using the format ${variable}, variable can be, by order of priority :
+ 1. the name of an option (file.section.option)
+ 2. the name of a local variable in buffer
+ 3. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to string), by default "window" and "buffer" point to current window/buffer.
+Format for hdata can be one of following:
+ hdata.var1.var2...: start with a hdata (pointer must be known), and ask variables one after one (other hdata can be followed)
+ hdata[list].var1.var2...: start with a hdata using a list, for example:
+ ${buffer[gui_buffers].full_name}: full name of first buffer in linked list of buffers
+ ${plugin[weechat_plugins].name}: name of first plugin in linked list of plugins
+For name of hdata and variables, please look at "Plugin API reference", function "weechat_hdata_get".
- /eval -n ${weechat.look.scroll_amount} ==> 3
- /eval -n ${window} ==> 0x2549aa0
- /eval -n ${window.buffer} ==> 0x2549320
- /eval -n ${window.buffer.full_name} ==> core.weechat
- /eval -n ${window.buffer.number} ==> 1
- /eval -n ${window.buffer.number} > 2 ==> 0
- /eval -n ${window.win_width} > 100 ==> 1
- /eval -n (8 > 12) || (5 > 2) ==> 1
- /eval -n (8 > 12) && (5 > 2) ==> 0
- /eval -n abcd =~ ^ABC ==> 1
- /eval -n abcd =~ (?-i)^ABC ==> 0
- /eval -n abcd =~ (?-i)^abc ==> 1
- /eval -n abcd !~ abc ==> 0
+ /eval -n ${weechat.look.scroll_amount} ==> 3
+ /eval -n ${window} ==> 0x2549aa0
+ /eval -n ${window.buffer} ==> 0x2549320
+ /eval -n ${window.buffer.full_name} ==> core.weechat
+ /eval -n ${window.buffer.number} ==> 1
+ /eval -n -c ${window.buffer.number} > 2 ==> 0
+ /eval -n -c ${window.win_width} > 100 ==> 1
+ /eval -n -c (8 > 12) || (5 > 2) ==> 1
+ /eval -n -c (8 > 12) && (5 > 2) ==> 0
+ /eval -n -c abcd =~ ^ABC ==> 1
+ /eval -n -c abcd =~ (?-i)^ABC ==> 0
+ /eval -n -c abcd =~ (?-i)^abc ==> 1
+ /eval -n -c abcd !~ abc ==> 0
diff --git a/doc/en/autogen/user/weechat_commands.txt b/doc/en/autogen/user/weechat_commands.txt
index 992e470b6..0885078d3 100644
--- a/doc/en/autogen/user/weechat_commands.txt
+++ b/doc/en/autogen/user/weechat_commands.txt
@@ -207,9 +207,10 @@ infolists: display infos about infolists
[command]*`eval`* evaluate expression and send result to buffer::
/eval [-n] <expression>
- [-n] <expression1> <operator> <expression2>
+ [-n] -c <expression1> <operator> <expression2>
-n: display result without sending it to buffer (debug mode)
+ -c: evaluate as condition: use operators and parentheses, return a boolean value ("0" or "1")
expression: expression to evaluate, variables with format ${variable} are replaced (see below)
operator: a logical or comparison operator:
- logical operators:
@@ -243,19 +244,19 @@ Format for hdata can be one of following:
For name of hdata and variables, please look at "Plugin API reference", function "weechat_hdata_get".
- /eval -n ${weechat.look.scroll_amount} ==> 3
- /eval -n ${window} ==> 0x2549aa0
- /eval -n ${window.buffer} ==> 0x2549320
- /eval -n ${window.buffer.full_name} ==> core.weechat
- /eval -n ${window.buffer.number} ==> 1
- /eval -n ${window.buffer.number} > 2 ==> 0
- /eval -n ${window.win_width} > 100 ==> 1
- /eval -n (8 > 12) || (5 > 2) ==> 1
- /eval -n (8 > 12) && (5 > 2) ==> 0
- /eval -n abcd =~ ^ABC ==> 1
- /eval -n abcd =~ (?-i)^ABC ==> 0
- /eval -n abcd =~ (?-i)^abc ==> 1
- /eval -n abcd !~ abc ==> 0
+ /eval -n ${weechat.look.scroll_amount} ==> 3
+ /eval -n ${window} ==> 0x2549aa0
+ /eval -n ${window.buffer} ==> 0x2549320
+ /eval -n ${window.buffer.full_name} ==> core.weechat
+ /eval -n ${window.buffer.number} ==> 1
+ /eval -n -c ${window.buffer.number} > 2 ==> 0
+ /eval -n -c ${window.win_width} > 100 ==> 1
+ /eval -n -c (8 > 12) || (5 > 2) ==> 1
+ /eval -n -c (8 > 12) && (5 > 2) ==> 0
+ /eval -n -c abcd =~ ^ABC ==> 1
+ /eval -n -c abcd =~ (?-i)^ABC ==> 0
+ /eval -n -c abcd =~ (?-i)^abc ==> 1
+ /eval -n -c abcd !~ abc ==> 0
diff --git a/doc/en/weechat_plugin_api.en.txt b/doc/en/weechat_plugin_api.en.txt
index 30e162daa..03e042876 100644
--- a/doc/en/weechat_plugin_api.en.txt
+++ b/doc/en/weechat_plugin_api.en.txt
@@ -1699,7 +1699,7 @@ str3 = weechat.string_input_for_buffer("//test") # "/test"
-_New in version 0.4.0._
+_New in version 0.4.0, updated in 0.4.2._
Evaluate an expression and return result as a string.
Special variables with format `${variable}` are expanded (see command `/eval` in
@@ -1711,7 +1711,8 @@ Prototype:
char *weechat_string_eval_expression (const char *expr,
struct t_hashtable *pointers,
- struct t_hashtable *extra_vars);
+ struct t_hashtable *extra_vars,
+ struct t_hashtable *options);
@@ -1721,6 +1722,14 @@ Arguments:
pointer); pointers "window" and "buffer" are automatically added if they are
not in hashtable (with pointer to current window/buffer) (can be NULL)
* 'extra_vars': extra variables that will be expanded (can be NULL)
+* 'options': a hashtable with some options (keys and values must be string)
+ (can be NULL):
+** 'type': default behaviour is just to replace values in expression, other
+ types can be selected:
+*** 'condition': the expression is evaluated as a condition: operators and
+ parentheses are used, result is a boolean ("0" or "1")
+** 'prefix': prefix before variables to replace (default: "${")
+** 'suffix': suffix after variables to replace (default: "}")
Return value:
@@ -1731,9 +1740,16 @@ C examples:
-char *str1 = weechat_string_eval_expression ("${buffer.full_name}", NULL, NULL); /* "core.weechat" */
-char *str2 = weechat_string_eval_expression ("${window.win_width} > 100", NULL, NULL); /* "1" */
-char *str3 = weechat_string_eval_expression ("abc =~ def", NULL, NULL); /* "0" */
+struct t_hashtable *options = weechat_hashtable_new (8,
+ NULL);
+if (options)
+ weechat_hashtable_set (options, "type", "condition");
+char *str1 = weechat_string_eval_expression ("${buffer.full_name}", NULL, NULL, NULL); /* "core.weechat" */
+char *str2 = weechat_string_eval_expression ("${window.win_width} > 100", NULL, NULL, options); /* "1" */
+char *str3 = weechat_string_eval_expression ("abc =~ def", NULL, NULL, options); /* "0" */
Script (Python):
@@ -1741,12 +1757,12 @@ Script (Python):
# prototype
-str = weechat.string_eval_expression(expr, pointers, extra_vars)
+str = weechat.string_eval_expression(expr, pointers, extra_vars, options)
# examples
-str1 = weechat.string_eval_expression("${buffer.full_name}", {}, {}) # "core.weechat"
-str2 = weechat.string_eval_expression("${window.win_width} > 100", {}, {}) # "1"
-str3 = weechat.string_eval_expression("abc =~ def", {}, {}) # "0"
+str1 = weechat.string_eval_expression("${buffer.full_name}", {}, {}, {}) # "core.weechat"
+str2 = weechat.string_eval_expression("${window.win_width} > 100", {}, {}, {"type": "condition"}) # "1"
+str3 = weechat.string_eval_expression("abc =~ def", {}, {}, {"type": "condition"}) # "0"
diff --git a/doc/fr/autogen/user/weechat_commands.txt b/doc/fr/autogen/user/weechat_commands.txt
index ad4d214c0..6752c7592 100644
--- a/doc/fr/autogen/user/weechat_commands.txt
+++ b/doc/fr/autogen/user/weechat_commands.txt
@@ -207,9 +207,10 @@ infolists: afficher des infos sur les infolists
[command]*`eval`* évaluer une expression et envoyer le résultat au tampon::
/eval [-n] <expression>
- [-n] <expression1> <opérateur> <expression2>
+ [-n] -c <expression1> <opérateur> <expression2>
-n: afficher le résultat sans envoyer au tampon (mode debug)
+ -c: évaluer comme une condition : utiliser les opérateurs et les parenthèses, retourner une valeur booléenne ("0" ou "1")
expression: expression à évaluer, les variables avec le format ${variable} sont remplacées (voir ci-dessous)
opérateur: un opérateur logique ou de comparaison :
- opérateurs logiques :
@@ -243,19 +244,19 @@ Le format du hdata peut être le suivant :
Pour le nom du hdata et des variables, voir la "Référence API extension", fonction "weechat_hdata_get".
- /eval -n ${weechat.look.scroll_amount} ==> 3
- /eval -n ${window} ==> 0x2549aa0
- /eval -n ${window.buffer} ==> 0x2549320
- /eval -n ${window.buffer.full_name} ==> core.weechat
- /eval -n ${window.buffer.number} ==> 1
- /eval -n ${window.buffer.number} > 2 ==> 0
- /eval -n ${window.win_width} > 100 ==> 1
- /eval -n (8 > 12) || (5 > 2) ==> 1
- /eval -n (8 > 12) && (5 > 2) ==> 0
- /eval -n abcd =~ ^ABC ==> 1
- /eval -n abcd =~ (?-i)^ABC ==> 0
- /eval -n abcd =~ (?-i)^abc ==> 1
- /eval -n abcd !~ abc ==> 0
+ /eval -n ${weechat.look.scroll_amount} ==> 3
+ /eval -n ${window} ==> 0x2549aa0
+ /eval -n ${window.buffer} ==> 0x2549320
+ /eval -n ${window.buffer.full_name} ==> core.weechat
+ /eval -n ${window.buffer.number} ==> 1
+ /eval -n -c ${window.buffer.number} > 2 ==> 0
+ /eval -n -c ${window.win_width} > 100 ==> 1
+ /eval -n -c (8 > 12) || (5 > 2) ==> 1
+ /eval -n -c (8 > 12) && (5 > 2) ==> 0
+ /eval -n -c abcd =~ ^ABC ==> 1
+ /eval -n -c abcd =~ (?-i)^ABC ==> 0
+ /eval -n -c abcd =~ (?-i)^abc ==> 1
+ /eval -n -c abcd !~ abc ==> 0
diff --git a/doc/fr/ b/doc/fr/
index 5db4d9c16..72df89327 100644
--- a/doc/fr/
+++ b/doc/fr/
@@ -1723,7 +1723,7 @@ str3 = weechat.string_input_for_buffer("//test") # "/test"
-_Nouveau dans la version 0.4.0._
+_Nouveau dans la version 0.4.0, mis à jour dans la 0.4.2._
Evalue l'expression et retourne le résultat sous forme de chaîne.
Les variables spéciales avec le format `${variable}` sont étendues (voir la
@@ -1735,7 +1735,8 @@ Prototype :
char *weechat_string_eval_expression (const char *expr,
struct t_hashtable *pointers,
- struct t_hashtable *extra_vars);
+ struct t_hashtable *extra_vars,
+ struct t_hashtable *options);
Paramètres :
@@ -1746,6 +1747,14 @@ Paramètres :
sont automatiquement ajoutés s'ils ne sont pas dans la hashtable (avec le
pointer vers fenêtre/tampon courants) (peut être NULL)
* 'extra_vars' : variables additionnelles qui seront étendues (peut être NULL)
+* 'options' : hashtable avec des options (les clés et valeurs doivent être des
+ des chaînes) (peut être NULL) :
+** 'type' : le comportement par défaut est de juste remplacer les valeurs dans
+ l'expression, d'autres types peuvent être choisis :
+*** 'condition' : l'expression est évaluée comme une condition : les opérateurs
+ et parenthèses sont utilisés, le résultat est un booléen ("0" ou "1")
+** 'prefix' : préfixe avant les variables à remplacer (par défaut: "${")
+** 'suffix' : suffixe après les variables à remplacer (par défaut: "}")
Valeur de retour :
@@ -1757,9 +1766,16 @@ Exemples en C :
-char *str1 = weechat_string_eval_expression ("${buffer.full_name}", NULL, NULL); /* "core.weechat" */
-char *str2 = weechat_string_eval_expression ("${window.win_width} > 100", NULL, NULL); /* "1" */
-char *str3 = weechat_string_eval_expression ("abc =~ def", NULL, NULL); /* "0" */
+struct t_hashtable *options = weechat_hashtable_new (8,
+ NULL);
+if (options)
+ weechat_hashtable_set (options, "type", "condition");
+char *str1 = weechat_string_eval_expression ("${buffer.full_name}", NULL, NULL, NULL); /* "core.weechat" */
+char *str2 = weechat_string_eval_expression ("${window.win_width} > 100", NULL, NULL, options); /* "1" */
+char *str3 = weechat_string_eval_expression ("abc =~ def", NULL, NULL, options); /* "0" */
Script (Python) :
@@ -1767,12 +1783,12 @@ Script (Python) :
# prototype
-str = weechat.string_eval_expression(expr, pointers, extra_vars)
+str = weechat.string_eval_expression(expr, pointers, extra_vars, options)
# exemples
-str1 = weechat.string_eval_expression("${buffer.full_name}", {}, {}) # "core.weechat"
-str2 = weechat.string_eval_expression("${window.win_width} > 100", {}, {}) # "1"
-str3 = weechat.string_eval_expression("abc =~ def", {}, {}) # "0"
+str1 = weechat.string_eval_expression("${buffer.full_name}", {}, {}, {}) # "core.weechat"
+str2 = weechat.string_eval_expression("${window.win_width} > 100", {}, {}, {"type": "condition"}) # "1"
+str3 = weechat.string_eval_expression("abc =~ def", {}, {}, {"type": "condition"}) # "0"
diff --git a/doc/it/autogen/user/weechat_commands.txt b/doc/it/autogen/user/weechat_commands.txt
index 21207d11a..e58f4e8a6 100644
--- a/doc/it/autogen/user/weechat_commands.txt
+++ b/doc/it/autogen/user/weechat_commands.txt
@@ -206,56 +206,57 @@ infolists: mostra informazioni sulle liste info
[command]*`eval`* analizza l'espressione e invia il risultato al buffer::
-/eval [-n] <espressione>
- [-n] <espressione1> <operatore> <espressione2>
- -n: mostra il risultato senza inviarlo al buffer (modalità debug)
-espressione: espressione da analizzare, le variabili con il formato ${variable} vengono sostituite (vedere sotto)
- operatore: operatore logico o di confronto:
- - operatori logici:
- && "and" booleano
- || "or" booleano
- - operatori di confronto:
- == uguale
- != non uguale
- <= minore o uguale
- < minore
- >= maggiore o uguale
- > maggiore
- =~ corrisponde alla regex
- !~ NON corrisponde alla regex
-Un'espressione è considerata come "true" se non è NULL, non vuota, e diversa da "0".
-Il confronto viene fatto usando gli interi se le due espressioni sono interi validi.
-Per forzare il confronto stringa, aggiungere un doppio apice all'espressione, ad esempio:
+/eval [-n] <expression>
+ [-n] -c <expression1> <operator> <expression2>
+ -n: display result without sending it to buffer (debug mode)
+ -c: evaluate as condition: use operators and parentheses, return a boolean value ("0" or "1")
+expression: expression to evaluate, variables with format ${variable} are replaced (see below)
+ operator: a logical or comparison operator:
+ - logical operators:
+ && boolean "and"
+ || boolean "or"
+ - comparison operators:
+ == equal
+ != not equal
+ <= less or equal
+ < less
+ >= greater or equal
+ > greater
+ =~ is matching regex
+ !~ is NOT matching regex
+An expression is considered as "true" if it is not NULL, not empty, and different from "0".
+The comparison is made using integers if the two expressions are valid integers.
+To force a string comparison, add double quotes around each expression, for example:
50 > 100 ==> 0
"50" > "100" ==> 1
-Alcune variabili vengono sostituite nell'espressione, usando il formato ${variable}, la variabile può essere, in ordine di priorità :
- 1. il nome di un'opzione (file.sezione.opzione)
- 2. il nome di una variabile locale nel buffer
- 3. un nome/variabile hdata (il valore viene automaticamente convertito in stringa, per default "window" e "buffer" puntano alla finestra/buffer correnti.
-Il formato per hdata può essere uno dei seguenti:
- hdata.var1.var2...: inizia con un hdata (il puntatore deve essere noto), e richiedere le variabili a seguire (possono seguire altri hdata)
- hdata[list].var1.var2...: inizia con un hdata usando una lista, ad esempio:
- ${buffer[gui_buffers].full_name}: nome completo del primo buffer nell'elenco collegato dei buffer
- ${plugin[weechat_plugins].name}: nome del primo plugin nell'elenco collegato dei plugin
-Per il nome degli hdata e delle variabili, per favore consultare "Referenze API per Plugin", funzione "weechat_hdata_get".
+Some variables are replaced in expression, using the format ${variable}, variable can be, by order of priority :
+ 1. the name of an option (file.section.option)
+ 2. the name of a local variable in buffer
+ 3. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to string), by default "window" and "buffer" point to current window/buffer.
+Format for hdata can be one of following:
+ hdata.var1.var2...: start with a hdata (pointer must be known), and ask variables one after one (other hdata can be followed)
+ hdata[list].var1.var2...: start with a hdata using a list, for example:
+ ${buffer[gui_buffers].full_name}: full name of first buffer in linked list of buffers
+ ${plugin[weechat_plugins].name}: name of first plugin in linked list of plugins
+For name of hdata and variables, please look at "Plugin API reference", function "weechat_hdata_get".
- /eval -n ${weechat.look.scroll_amount} ==> 3
- /eval -n ${window} ==> 0x2549aa0
- /eval -n ${window.buffer} ==> 0x2549320
- /eval -n ${window.buffer.full_name} ==> core.weechat
- /eval -n ${window.buffer.number} ==> 1
- /eval -n ${window.buffer.number} > 2 ==> 0
- /eval -n ${window.win_width} > 100 ==> 1
- /eval -n (8 > 12) || (5 > 2) ==> 1
- /eval -n (8 > 12) && (5 > 2) ==> 0
- /eval -n abcd =~ ^ABC ==> 1
- /eval -n abcd =~ (?-i)^ABC ==> 0
- /eval -n abcd =~ (?-i)^abc ==> 1
- /eval -n abcd !~ abc ==> 0
+ /eval -n ${weechat.look.scroll_amount} ==> 3
+ /eval -n ${window} ==> 0x2549aa0
+ /eval -n ${window.buffer} ==> 0x2549320
+ /eval -n ${window.buffer.full_name} ==> core.weechat
+ /eval -n ${window.buffer.number} ==> 1
+ /eval -n -c ${window.buffer.number} > 2 ==> 0
+ /eval -n -c ${window.win_width} > 100 ==> 1
+ /eval -n -c (8 > 12) || (5 > 2) ==> 1
+ /eval -n -c (8 > 12) && (5 > 2) ==> 0
+ /eval -n -c abcd =~ ^ABC ==> 1
+ /eval -n -c abcd =~ (?-i)^ABC ==> 0
+ /eval -n -c abcd =~ (?-i)^abc ==> 1
+ /eval -n -c abcd !~ abc ==> 0
diff --git a/doc/it/ b/doc/it/
index ceee1ac49..e2267e4a6 100644
--- a/doc/it/
+++ b/doc/it/
@@ -1683,7 +1683,8 @@ str3 = weechat.string_input_for_buffer("//test") # "/test"
-_Novità nella versione 0.4.0._
+_Novità nella versione 0.4.0, updated in 0.4.2._
Evaluate an expression and return result as a string.
@@ -1696,7 +1697,8 @@ Prototipo:
char *weechat_string_eval_expression (const char *expr,
struct t_hashtable *pointers,
- struct t_hashtable *extra_vars);
+ struct t_hashtable *extra_vars,
+ struct t_hashtable *options);
@@ -1707,6 +1709,14 @@ Argomenti:
pointer); pointers "window" and "buffer" are automatically added if they are
not in hashtable (with pointer to current window/buffer) (can be NULL)
* 'extra_vars': extra variables that will be expanded (can be NULL)
+* 'options': a hashtable with some options (keys and values must be string)
+ (can be NULL):
+** 'type': default behaviour is just to replace values in expression, other
+ types can be selected:
+*** 'condition': the expression is evaluated as a condition: operators and
+ parentheses are used, result is a boolean ("0" or "1")
+** 'prefix': prefix before variables to replace (default: "${")
+** 'suffix': suffix after variables to replace (default: "}")
Valore restituito:
@@ -1718,9 +1728,16 @@ Esempi in C:
-char *str1 = weechat_string_eval_expression ("${buffer.full_name}", NULL, NULL); /* "core.weechat" */
-char *str2 = weechat_string_eval_expression ("${window.win_width} > 100", NULL, NULL); /* "1" */
-char *str3 = weechat_string_eval_expression ("abc =~ def", NULL, NULL); /* "0" */
+struct t_hashtable *options = weechat_hashtable_new (8,
+ NULL);
+if (options)
+ weechat_hashtable_set (options, "type", "condition");
+char *str1 = weechat_string_eval_expression ("${buffer.full_name}", NULL, NULL, NULL); /* "core.weechat" */
+char *str2 = weechat_string_eval_expression ("${window.win_width} > 100", NULL, NULL, options); /* "1" */
+char *str3 = weechat_string_eval_expression ("abc =~ def", NULL, NULL, options); /* "0" */
Script (Python):
@@ -1728,12 +1745,12 @@ Script (Python):
# prototipo
-str = weechat.string_eval_expression(expr, pointers, extra_vars)
+str = weechat.string_eval_expression(expr, pointers, extra_vars, options)
# esempi
-str1 = weechat.string_eval_expression("${buffer.full_name}", {}, {}) # "core.weechat"
-str2 = weechat.string_eval_expression("${window.win_width} > 100", {}, {}) # "1"
-str3 = weechat.string_eval_expression("abc =~ def", {}, {}) # "0"
+str1 = weechat.string_eval_expression("${buffer.full_name}", {}, {}, {}) # "core.weechat"
+str2 = weechat.string_eval_expression("${window.win_width} > 100", {}, {}, {"type": "condition"}) # "1"
+str3 = weechat.string_eval_expression("abc =~ def", {}, {}, {"type": "condition"}) # "0"
diff --git a/doc/ja/autogen/user/weechat_commands.txt b/doc/ja/autogen/user/weechat_commands.txt
index 9e7a75043..fa4876108 100644
--- a/doc/ja/autogen/user/weechat_commands.txt
+++ b/doc/ja/autogen/user/weechat_commands.txt
@@ -207,55 +207,56 @@ infolists: infolist に関する情報を表示
[command]*`eval`* 式を評価して結果をバッファに送信::
/eval [-n] <expression>
- [-n] <expression1> <operator> <expression2>
- -n: 結果をバッファに送信せずに表示 (デバッグモード)
-expression: 評価する式、フォーマット、${variable} 型のフォーマットの変数は置換されます (以下を参照)
- operator: 論理演算子や比較演算子:
- - 論理演算子:
- && ブール演算の "and"
- || ブール演算の "or"
- - 比較演算子:
- == 等しい
- != 等しくない
- <= 以下
- < より少ない
- >= 以上
- > より大きい
- =~ 正規表現にマッチ
- !~ 正規表現にマッチしない
-式が NULL でない場合、空でない場合、"0" でない場合、式は "真" と評価されます。
+ [-n] -c <expression1> <operator> <expression2>
+ -n: display result without sending it to buffer (debug mode)
+ -c: evaluate as condition: use operators and parentheses, return a boolean value ("0" or "1")
+expression: expression to evaluate, variables with format ${variable} are replaced (see below)
+ operator: a logical or comparison operator:
+ - logical operators:
+ && boolean "and"
+ || boolean "or"
+ - comparison operators:
+ == equal
+ != not equal
+ <= less or equal
+ < less
+ >= greater or equal
+ > greater
+ =~ is matching regex
+ !~ is NOT matching regex
+An expression is considered as "true" if it is not NULL, not empty, and different from "0".
+The comparison is made using integers if the two expressions are valid integers.
+To force a string comparison, add double quotes around each expression, for example:
50 > 100 ==> 0
"50" > "100" ==> 1
-式中の ${variable} 型のフォーマットの変数は置換さます。変数は以下の優先順位に従います。
- 1. オプションの名前 (file.section.option)
- 2. バッファのローカル変数の名前
- 3. hdata の名前/変数 (値は自動的に文字列に変換されます)、デフォルトでは "window" と "buffer" は現在のウィンドウ/バッファを指します。
-hdata のフォーマットは以下の 1 つです:
- hdata.var1.var2...: hdata (ポインタは既知) で始まり、1 個ずつ変数を続ける (他の hdata を続けることも可能)
- hdata(list).var1.var2...: リストを使って hdata を始める、例:
- ${buffer[gui_buffers].full_name}: バッファリストにリンクされた最初のバッファのフルネーム
- ${plugin[weechat_plugins].name}: プラグインリストにリンクされた最初のプラグインの名前
-hdata と変数の名前については、"プラグイン API リファレンス" の "weechat_hdata_get" 関数を参照してください。
+Some variables are replaced in expression, using the format ${variable}, variable can be, by order of priority :
+ 1. the name of an option (file.section.option)
+ 2. the name of a local variable in buffer
+ 3. a hdata name/variable (the value is automatically converted to string), by default "window" and "buffer" point to current window/buffer.
+Format for hdata can be one of following:
+ hdata.var1.var2...: start with a hdata (pointer must be known), and ask variables one after one (other hdata can be followed)
+ hdata[list].var1.var2...: start with a hdata using a list, for example:
+ ${buffer[gui_buffers].full_name}: full name of first buffer in linked list of buffers
+ ${plugin[weechat_plugins].name}: name of first plugin in linked list of plugins
+For name of hdata and variables, please look at "Plugin API reference", function "weechat_hdata_get".
- /eval -n ${weechat.look.scroll_amount} ==> 3
- /eval -n ${window} ==> 0x2549aa0
- /eval -n ${window.buffer} ==> 0x2549320
- /eval -n ${window.buffer.full_name} ==> core.weechat
- /eval -n ${window.buffer.number} ==> 1
- /eval -n ${window.buffer.number} > 2 ==> 0
- /eval -n ${window.win_width} > 100 ==> 1
- /eval -n (8 > 12) || (5 > 2) ==> 1
- /eval -n (8 > 12) && (5 > 2) ==> 0
- /eval -n abcd =~ ^ABC ==> 1
- /eval -n abcd =~ (?-i)^ABC ==> 0
- /eval -n abcd =~ (?-i)^abc ==> 1
- /eval -n abcd !~ abc ==> 0
+ /eval -n ${weechat.look.scroll_amount} ==> 3
+ /eval -n ${window} ==> 0x2549aa0
+ /eval -n ${window.buffer} ==> 0x2549320
+ /eval -n ${window.buffer.full_name} ==> core.weechat
+ /eval -n ${window.buffer.number} ==> 1
+ /eval -n -c ${window.buffer.number} > 2 ==> 0
+ /eval -n -c ${window.win_width} > 100 ==> 1
+ /eval -n -c (8 > 12) || (5 > 2) ==> 1
+ /eval -n -c (8 > 12) && (5 > 2) ==> 0
+ /eval -n -c abcd =~ ^ABC ==> 1
+ /eval -n -c abcd =~ (?-i)^ABC ==> 0
+ /eval -n -c abcd =~ (?-i)^abc ==> 1
+ /eval -n -c abcd !~ abc ==> 0