path: root/doc
diff options
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6 files changed, 18 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/doc/de/autogen/user/irc_options.txt b/doc/de/autogen/user/irc_options.txt
index 4ce76c847..2fb034015 100644
--- a/doc/de/autogen/user/irc_options.txt
+++ b/doc/de/autogen/user/irc_options.txt
@@ -154,17 +154,17 @@
** Werte: on, off (Standardwert: `on`)
* [[option_irc.look.highlight_channel]] *irc.look.highlight_channel*
-** Beschreibung: `durch Kommata getrennte Liste von Wörtern die in Channel-Buffern als Highlight erscheinen sollen (zwischen Groß- und Kleinschreibung wird nicht unterschieden. Um zwischen Groß- und Kleinschreibung zu unterscheiden muss zu Beginn "(?-i)" genutzt werden; des weiteren können folgende Variablen genutzt werden: $nick, $channel und $server). Die angegeben Wörter werden der lokalen Variable "highlight_words" hinzugefügt, sobald der Buffer geöffnet wird. Dies bedeutet, dass diese Option keinen direkten Einfluss auf schon geöffnete Buffer hat. Eine leere Zeichenkette deaktiviert ein Highlight für den Nick. Beispiel: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"`
+** Beschreibung: `comma separated list of words to highlight in channel buffers (case insensitive, use "(?-i)" at beginning of words to make them case sensitive; special variables $nick, $channel and $server are replaced by their value), these words are added to buffer property "highlight_words" only when buffer is created (it does not affect current buffers), an empty string disables default highlight on nick, examples: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"`
** Typ: Zeichenkette
** Werte: beliebige Zeichenkette (Standardwert: `"$nick"`)
* [[option_irc.look.highlight_pv]] *irc.look.highlight_pv*
-** Beschreibung: `durch Kommata getrennte Liste von Wörtern die in einem privaten Buffer als Highlight erscheinen sollen (zwischen Groß- und Kleinschreibung wird nicht unterschieden. Um zwischen Groß- und Kleinschreibung zu unterscheiden muss zu Beginn "(?-i)" genutzt werden; des weiteren können folgende Variablen genutzt werden: $nick, $channel und $server). Die angegeben Wörter werden der lokalen Variable "highlight_words" hinzugefügt, sobald der Buffer geöffnet wird. Dies bedeutet, dass diese Option keinen direkten Einfluss auf schon geöffnete Buffer hat. Eine leere Zeichenkette deaktiviert ein Highlight für den Nick. Beispiel: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"`
+** Beschreibung: `comma separated list of words to highlight in private buffers (case insensitive, use "(?-i)" at beginning of words to make them case sensitive; special variables $nick, $channel and $server are replaced by their value), these words are added to buffer property "highlight_words" only when buffer is created (it does not affect current buffers), an empty string disables default highlight on nick, examples: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"`
** Typ: Zeichenkette
** Werte: beliebige Zeichenkette (Standardwert: `"$nick"`)
* [[option_irc.look.highlight_server]] *irc.look.highlight_server*
-** Beschreibung: `durch Kommata getrennte Liste von Wörtern die in Server-Buffern als Highlight erscheinen sollen (zwischen Groß- und Kleinschreibung wird nicht unterschieden. Um zwischen Groß- und Kleinschreibung zu unterscheiden muss zu Beginn "(?-i)" genutzt werden; des weiteren können folgende Variablen genutzt werden: $nick, $channel und $server). Die angegeben Wörter werden der lokalen Variable "highlight_words" hinzugefügt, sobald der Buffer geöffnet wird. Dies bedeutet, dass diese Option keinen direkten Einfluss auf schon geöffnete Buffer hat. Eine leere Zeichenkette deaktiviert ein Highlight für den Nick. Beispiel: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"`
+** Beschreibung: `comma separated list of words to highlight in server buffers (case insensitive, use "(?-i)" at beginning of words to make them case sensitive; special variables $nick, $channel and $server are replaced by their value), these words are added to buffer property "highlight_words" only when buffer is created (it does not affect current buffers), an empty string disables default highlight on nick, examples: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"`
** Typ: Zeichenkette
** Werte: beliebige Zeichenkette (Standardwert: `"$nick"`)
diff --git a/doc/en/autogen/user/irc_options.txt b/doc/en/autogen/user/irc_options.txt
index 0580ac7bb..1f9307cc5 100644
--- a/doc/en/autogen/user/irc_options.txt
+++ b/doc/en/autogen/user/irc_options.txt
@@ -154,17 +154,17 @@
** values: on, off (default value: `on`)
* [[option_irc.look.highlight_channel]] *irc.look.highlight_channel*
-** description: `comma separated list of words to highlight in channel buffers (case insensitive, use "(?-i)" at beginning of words to make them case sensitive; special variables $nick, $channel and $server are replaced by their value), these words are added to buffer local variable "highlight_words" only when buffer is created (it does not affect current buffers), an empty string disables default highlight on nick, examples: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"`
+** description: `comma separated list of words to highlight in channel buffers (case insensitive, use "(?-i)" at beginning of words to make them case sensitive; special variables $nick, $channel and $server are replaced by their value), these words are added to buffer property "highlight_words" only when buffer is created (it does not affect current buffers), an empty string disables default highlight on nick, examples: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"`
** type: string
** values: any string (default value: `"$nick"`)
* [[option_irc.look.highlight_pv]] *irc.look.highlight_pv*
-** description: `comma separated list of words to highlight in private buffers (case insensitive, use "(?-i)" at beginning of words to make them case sensitive; special variables $nick, $channel and $server are replaced by their value), these words are added to buffer local variable "highlight_words" only when buffer is created (it does not affect current buffers), an empty string disables default highlight on nick, examples: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"`
+** description: `comma separated list of words to highlight in private buffers (case insensitive, use "(?-i)" at beginning of words to make them case sensitive; special variables $nick, $channel and $server are replaced by their value), these words are added to buffer property "highlight_words" only when buffer is created (it does not affect current buffers), an empty string disables default highlight on nick, examples: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"`
** type: string
** values: any string (default value: `"$nick"`)
* [[option_irc.look.highlight_server]] *irc.look.highlight_server*
-** description: `comma separated list of words to highlight in server buffers (case insensitive, use "(?-i)" at beginning of words to make them case sensitive; special variables $nick, $channel and $server are replaced by their value), these words are added to buffer local variable "highlight_words" only when buffer is created (it does not affect current buffers), an empty string disables default highlight on nick, examples: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"`
+** description: `comma separated list of words to highlight in server buffers (case insensitive, use "(?-i)" at beginning of words to make them case sensitive; special variables $nick, $channel and $server are replaced by their value), these words are added to buffer property "highlight_words" only when buffer is created (it does not affect current buffers), an empty string disables default highlight on nick, examples: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"`
** type: string
** values: any string (default value: `"$nick"`)
diff --git a/doc/fr/autogen/user/irc_options.txt b/doc/fr/autogen/user/irc_options.txt
index b1bfaf915..2edee8bdb 100644
--- a/doc/fr/autogen/user/irc_options.txt
+++ b/doc/fr/autogen/user/irc_options.txt
@@ -154,17 +154,17 @@
** valeurs: on, off (valeur par défaut: `on`)
* [[option_irc.look.highlight_channel]] *irc.look.highlight_channel*
-** description: `liste de mots pour le highlight dans les tampons de type "canal", séparés par des virgules (insensible à la casse, utilisez "(?-i)" au début des mots pour les rendre sensibles à la casse; les variables spéciales $nick, $channel et $server sont remplacées par leurs valeurs), ces mots sont ajoutés à la variable locale du tampon "highlight_words" seulement lorsque le tampon est créé (cela n'affecte pas les tampons courants), une chaîne vide désactive le highlight par défaut sur le pseudo, exemples: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"`
+** description: `liste de mots pour le highlight dans les tampons de type "canal", séparés par des virgules (insensible à la casse, utilisez "(?-i)" au début des mots pour les rendre sensibles à la casse; les variables spéciales $nick, $channel et $server sont remplacées par leurs valeurs), ces mots sont ajoutés à la propriété du tampon "highlight_words" seulement lorsque le tampon est créé (cela n'affecte pas les tampons courants), une chaîne vide désactive le highlight par défaut sur le pseudo, exemples: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"`
** type: chaîne
** valeurs: toute chaîne (valeur par défaut: `"$nick"`)
* [[option_irc.look.highlight_pv]] *irc.look.highlight_pv*
-** description: `liste de mots pour le highlight dans les tampons de type "privé", séparés par des virgules (insensible à la casse, utilisez "(?-i)" au début des mots pour les rendre sensibles à la casse; les variables spéciales $nick, $channel et $server sont remplacées par leurs valeurs), ces mots sont ajoutés à la variable locale du tampon "highlight_words" seulement lorsque le tampon est créé (cela n'affecte pas les tampons courants), une chaîne vide désactive le highlight par défaut sur le pseudo, exemples: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"`
+** description: `liste de mots pour le highlight dans les tampons de type "privé", séparés par des virgules (insensible à la casse, utilisez "(?-i)" au début des mots pour les rendre sensibles à la casse; les variables spéciales $nick, $channel et $server sont remplacées par leurs valeurs), ces mots sont ajoutés à la propriété du tampon "highlight_words" seulement lorsque le tampon est créé (cela n'affecte pas les tampons courants), une chaîne vide désactive le highlight par défaut sur le pseudo, exemples: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"`
** type: chaîne
** valeurs: toute chaîne (valeur par défaut: `"$nick"`)
* [[option_irc.look.highlight_server]] *irc.look.highlight_server*
-** description: `liste de mots pour le highlight dans les tampons de type "serveur", séparés par des virgules (insensible à la casse, utilisez "(?-i)" au début des mots pour les rendre sensibles à la casse; les variables spéciales $nick, $channel et $server sont remplacées par leurs valeurs), ces mots sont ajoutés à la variable locale du tampon "highlight_words" seulement lorsque le tampon est créé (cela n'affecte pas les tampons courants), une chaîne vide désactive le highlight par défaut sur le pseudo, exemples: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"`
+** description: `liste de mots pour le highlight dans les tampons de type "serveur", séparés par des virgules (insensible à la casse, utilisez "(?-i)" au début des mots pour les rendre sensibles à la casse; les variables spéciales $nick, $channel et $server sont remplacées par leurs valeurs), ces mots sont ajoutés à la propriété du tampon "highlight_words" seulement lorsque le tampon est créé (cela n'affecte pas les tampons courants), une chaîne vide désactive le highlight par défaut sur le pseudo, exemples: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"`
** type: chaîne
** valeurs: toute chaîne (valeur par défaut: `"$nick"`)
diff --git a/doc/it/autogen/user/irc_options.txt b/doc/it/autogen/user/irc_options.txt
index 7ebbae5b0..ac4f1c948 100644
--- a/doc/it/autogen/user/irc_options.txt
+++ b/doc/it/autogen/user/irc_options.txt
@@ -154,17 +154,17 @@
** valori: on, off (valore predefinito: `on`)
* [[option_irc.look.highlight_channel]] *irc.look.highlight_channel*
-** descrizione: `elenco separato da virgole di parole da notificare nei buffer dei canali (non sensibili alle maiuscole, usare "(?-i)" all'inizio delle parole per renderle sensibili alle maiuscole; le variabili speciali $nick, $channel e $server sono sostituite dal loro valore), queste parole vengono aggiunte alla variabile locale del buffer "highlight_words" solo quando viene creato il buffer (non interessa gli attuali buffer), una stringa vuota disabilita la notifica predefinita sul nick, esempi: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"`
+** descrizione: `comma separated list of words to highlight in channel buffers (case insensitive, use "(?-i)" at beginning of words to make them case sensitive; special variables $nick, $channel and $server are replaced by their value), these words are added to buffer property "highlight_words" only when buffer is created (it does not affect current buffers), an empty string disables default highlight on nick, examples: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"`
** tipo: stringa
** valori: qualsiasi stringa (valore predefinito: `"$nick"`)
* [[option_irc.look.highlight_pv]] *irc.look.highlight_pv*
-** descrizione: `elenco separato da virgole di parole da notificare nei buffer privati (non sensibili alle maiuscole, usare "(?-i)" all'inizio delle parole per renderle sensibili alle maiuscole; le variabili speciali $nick, $channel e $server sono sostituite dal loro valore), queste parole vengono aggiunte alla variabile locale del buffer "highlight_words" solo quando viene creato il buffer (non interessa gli attuali buffer), una stringa vuota disabilita la notifica predefinita sul nick, esempi: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"`
+** descrizione: `comma separated list of words to highlight in private buffers (case insensitive, use "(?-i)" at beginning of words to make them case sensitive; special variables $nick, $channel and $server are replaced by their value), these words are added to buffer property "highlight_words" only when buffer is created (it does not affect current buffers), an empty string disables default highlight on nick, examples: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"`
** tipo: stringa
** valori: qualsiasi stringa (valore predefinito: `"$nick"`)
* [[option_irc.look.highlight_server]] *irc.look.highlight_server*
-** descrizione: `elenco separato da virgole di parole da notificare nei buffer dei server (non sensibili alle maiuscole, usare "(?-i)" all'inizio delle parole per renderle sensibili alle maiuscole; le variabili speciali $nick, $channel e $server sono sostituite dal loro valore), queste parole vengono aggiunte alla variabile locale del buffer "highlight_words" solo quando viene creato il buffer (non interessa gli attuali buffer), una stringa vuota disabilita la notifica predefinita sul nick, esempi: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"`
+** descrizione: `comma separated list of words to highlight in server buffers (case insensitive, use "(?-i)" at beginning of words to make them case sensitive; special variables $nick, $channel and $server are replaced by their value), these words are added to buffer property "highlight_words" only when buffer is created (it does not affect current buffers), an empty string disables default highlight on nick, examples: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"`
** tipo: stringa
** valori: qualsiasi stringa (valore predefinito: `"$nick"`)
diff --git a/doc/ja/autogen/user/irc_options.txt b/doc/ja/autogen/user/irc_options.txt
index 70082e88b..a9b95e490 100644
--- a/doc/ja/autogen/user/irc_options.txt
+++ b/doc/ja/autogen/user/irc_options.txt
@@ -154,17 +154,17 @@
** 値: on, off (デフォルト値: `on`)
* [[option_irc.look.highlight_channel]] *irc.look.highlight_channel*
-** 説明: `現在のバッファでハイライトする単語のコンマ区切りリスト (大文字小文字を区別しない、"(?-i)" を単語の最初につければ大文字小文字を区別する; 特殊変数 $nick、$channel、$server はそれぞれの値に置換される)、これらの単語は、バッファの作成時にバッファのローカル変数 "highlight_words" に追加される (既存のバッファには影響なし)、空文字列はニックネームに関するデフォルトのハイライトを無効にする、例: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"`
+** 説明: `comma separated list of words to highlight in channel buffers (case insensitive, use "(?-i)" at beginning of words to make them case sensitive; special variables $nick, $channel and $server are replaced by their value), these words are added to buffer property "highlight_words" only when buffer is created (it does not affect current buffers), an empty string disables default highlight on nick, examples: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"`
** タイプ: 文字列
** 値: 未制約文字列 (デフォルト値: `"$nick"`)
* [[option_irc.look.highlight_pv]] *irc.look.highlight_pv*
-** 説明: `プライベートバッファでハイライトする単語のコンマ区切りリスト (大文字小文字を区別しない、"(?-i)" を単語の最初につければ大文字小文字を区別する; 特殊変数 $nick、$channel、$server はそれぞれの値に置換される)、これらの単語は、バッファの作成時にバッファのローカル変数 "highlight_words" に追加される (既存のバッファには影響なし)、空文字列はニックネームに関するデフォルトのハイライトを無効にする、例: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"`
+** 説明: `comma separated list of words to highlight in private buffers (case insensitive, use "(?-i)" at beginning of words to make them case sensitive; special variables $nick, $channel and $server are replaced by their value), these words are added to buffer property "highlight_words" only when buffer is created (it does not affect current buffers), an empty string disables default highlight on nick, examples: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"`
** タイプ: 文字列
** 値: 未制約文字列 (デフォルト値: `"$nick"`)
* [[option_irc.look.highlight_server]] *irc.look.highlight_server*
-** 説明: `サーババッファでハイライトする単語のコンマ区切りリスト (大文字小文字を区別しない、"(?-i)" を単語の最初につければ大文字小文字を区別する; 特殊変数 $nick、$channel、$server はそれぞれの値に置換される)、これらの単語は、バッファの作成時にバッファのローカル変数 "highlight_words" に追加される (既存のバッファには影響なし)、空文字列はニックネームに関するデフォルトのハイライトを無効にする、例: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"`
+** 説明: `comma separated list of words to highlight in server buffers (case insensitive, use "(?-i)" at beginning of words to make them case sensitive; special variables $nick, $channel and $server are replaced by their value), these words are added to buffer property "highlight_words" only when buffer is created (it does not affect current buffers), an empty string disables default highlight on nick, examples: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"`
** タイプ: 文字列
** 値: 未制約文字列 (デフォルト値: `"$nick"`)
diff --git a/doc/pl/autogen/user/irc_options.txt b/doc/pl/autogen/user/irc_options.txt
index dc83a47ed..522e51b09 100644
--- a/doc/pl/autogen/user/irc_options.txt
+++ b/doc/pl/autogen/user/irc_options.txt
@@ -154,17 +154,17 @@
** wartości: on, off (domyślna wartość: `on`)
* [[option_irc.look.highlight_channel]] *irc.look.highlight_channel*
-** opis: `oddzielona przecinkami lista słów do podświetleń w buforach kanałów (wielkość liter nie ma znaczenia, użyj "(?-i)" na początku słów, dla których wielkość liter ma znaczenie; zmienne specjalne $nick, $channel i $server są zastępowane odpowiednimi wartościami), słowa te są dodawane do zmiennej lokalnej bufora "highlight_words" tylko kiedy bufor jest tworzony (nie ma wpływu na obecne bufory), pusty ciąg wyłącza domyślne podświetlenia nicka, przykłady: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"`
+** opis: `comma separated list of words to highlight in channel buffers (case insensitive, use "(?-i)" at beginning of words to make them case sensitive; special variables $nick, $channel and $server are replaced by their value), these words are added to buffer property "highlight_words" only when buffer is created (it does not affect current buffers), an empty string disables default highlight on nick, examples: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"`
** typ: ciąg
** wartości: dowolny ciąg (domyślna wartość: `"$nick"`)
* [[option_irc.look.highlight_pv]] *irc.look.highlight_pv*
-** opis: `oddzielona przecinkami lista słów do podświetleń w prywatnych buforach (wielkość liter nie ma znaczenia, użyj "(?-i)" na początku słów, dla których wielkość liter ma znaczenie; zmienne specjalne $nick, $channel i $server są zastępowane odpowiednimi wartościami), słowa te są dodawane do zmiennej lokalnej bufora "highlight_words" tylko kiedy bufor jest tworzony (nie ma wpływu na obecne bufory), pusty ciąg wyłącza domyślne podświetlenia nicka, przykłady: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"`
+** opis: `comma separated list of words to highlight in private buffers (case insensitive, use "(?-i)" at beginning of words to make them case sensitive; special variables $nick, $channel and $server are replaced by their value), these words are added to buffer property "highlight_words" only when buffer is created (it does not affect current buffers), an empty string disables default highlight on nick, examples: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"`
** typ: ciąg
** wartości: dowolny ciąg (domyślna wartość: `"$nick"`)
* [[option_irc.look.highlight_server]] *irc.look.highlight_server*
-** opis: `oddzielona przecinkami lista słów do podświetleń w buforach serwera (wielkość liter nie ma znaczenia, użyj "(?-i)" na początku słów, dla których wielkość liter ma znaczenie; zmienne specjalne $nick, $channel i $server są zastępowane odpowiednimi wartościami), słowa te są dodawane do zmiennej lokalnej bufora "highlight_words" tylko kiedy bufor jest tworzony (nie ma wpływu na obecne bufory), pusty ciąg wyłącza domyślne podświetlenia nicka, przykłady: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"`
+** opis: `comma separated list of words to highlight in server buffers (case insensitive, use "(?-i)" at beginning of words to make them case sensitive; special variables $nick, $channel and $server are replaced by their value), these words are added to buffer property "highlight_words" only when buffer is created (it does not affect current buffers), an empty string disables default highlight on nick, examples: "$nick", "(?-i)$nick"`
** typ: ciąg
** wartości: dowolny ciąg (domyślna wartość: `"$nick"`)