" Test the :source! command if !has('multi_byte') finish endif func Test_source_utf8() " check that sourcing a script with 0x80 as second byte works new call setline(1, [':%s/àx/--à1234--/g', ':%s/Àx/--À1234--/g']) write! Xscript bwipe! new call setline(1, [' àx ', ' Àx ']) source! Xscript | echo call assert_equal(' --à1234-- ', getline(1)) call assert_equal(' --À1234-- ', getline(2)) bwipe! call delete('Xscript') endfunc func Test_source_latin() " check that sourcing a latin1 script with a 0xc0 byte works new call setline(1, ["call feedkeys('r')", "call feedkeys('\xc0', 'xt')"]) write! Xscript bwipe! new call setline(1, ['xxx']) source Xscript call assert_equal("\u00c0xx", getline(1)) bwipe! call delete('Xscript') endfunc