Test for linebreak and list option (non-utf8) STARTTEST :so small.vim :if !exists("+linebreak") || !exists("+conceal") | e! test.ok | w! test.out | qa! | endif :10new|:vsp|:vert resize 20 :put =\"\tabcdef hijklmn\tpqrstuvwxyz_1060ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP \" :norm! zt :set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 linebreak sbr=+ wrap :fu! ScreenChar(width) : let c='' : for j in range(1,4) : for i in range(1,a:width) : let c.=nr2char(screenchar(j, i)) : endfor : let c.="\n" : endfor : return c :endfu :fu! DoRecordScreen() : wincmd l : $put =printf(\"\n%s\", g:test) : $put =g:line : wincmd p :endfu :let g:test="Test 1: set linebreak" :redraw! :let line=ScreenChar(winwidth(0)) :call DoRecordScreen() :let g:test="Test 2: set linebreak + set list" :set linebreak list listchars= :redraw! :let line=ScreenChar(winwidth(0)) :call DoRecordScreen() :let g:test ="Test 3: set linebreak nolist" :set nolist linebreak :redraw! :let line=ScreenChar(winwidth(0)) :call DoRecordScreen() :let g:test ="Test 4: set linebreak with tab and 1 line as long as screen: should break!" :set nolist linebreak ts=8 :let line="1\t".repeat('a', winwidth(0)-2) :$put =line :$ :norm! zt :redraw! :let line=ScreenChar(winwidth(0)) :call DoRecordScreen() :let line="_S_\t bla" :$put =line :$ :norm! zt :let g:test ="Test 5: set linebreak with conceal and set list and tab displayed by different char (line may not be truncated)" :set cpo&vim list linebreak conceallevel=2 concealcursor=nv listchars=tab:ab :syn match ConcealVar contained /_/ conceal :syn match All /.*/ contains=ConcealVar :let line=ScreenChar(winwidth(0)) :call DoRecordScreen() :%w! test.out :qa! ENDTEST dummy text