" Test for channel functions. scriptencoding utf-8 if !has('channel') finish endif " This test requires the Python command to run the test server. " This most likely only works on Unix and Windows. if has('unix') " We also need the job feature or the pkill command to make sure the server " can be stopped. if !(executable('python') && (has('job') || executable('pkill'))) finish endif let s:python = 'python' elseif has('win32') " Use Python Launcher for Windows (py.exe) if available. if executable('py.exe') let s:python = 'py.exe' elseif executable('python.exe') let s:python = 'python.exe' else finish endif else " Can't run this test. finish endif let s:chopt = {} " Run "testfunc" after sarting the server and stop the server afterwards. func s:run_server(testfunc, ...) " The Python program writes the port number in Xportnr. call delete("Xportnr") if a:0 == 1 let arg = ' ' . a:1 else let arg = '' endif let cmd = s:python . " test_channel.py" . arg try if has('job') let s:job = job_start(cmd, {"stoponexit": "hup"}) call job_setoptions(s:job, {"stoponexit": "kill"}) elseif has('win32') exe 'silent !start cmd /c start "test_channel" ' . cmd else exe 'silent !' . cmd . '&' endif " Wait for up to 2 seconds for the port number to be there. let cnt = 20 let l = [] while cnt > 0 try let l = readfile("Xportnr") catch endtry if len(l) >= 1 break endif sleep 100m let cnt -= 1 endwhile call delete("Xportnr") if len(l) == 0 " Can't make the connection, give up. call assert_false(1, "Can't start test_channel.py") return -1 endif let port = l[0] call call(function(a:testfunc), [port]) catch call assert_false(1, "Caught exception: " . v:exception) finally call s:kill_server() endtry endfunc func s:kill_server() if has('job') if exists('s:job') call job_stop(s:job) unlet s:job endif elseif has('win32') call system('taskkill /IM ' . s:python . ' /T /F /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq test_channel"') else call system("pkill -f test_channel.py") endif endfunc let s:responseMsg = '' func s:RequestHandler(handle, msg) let s:responseHandle = a:handle let s:responseMsg = a:msg endfunc func s:communicate(port) let handle = ch_open('localhost:' . a:port, s:chopt) if ch_status(handle) == "fail" call assert_false(1, "Can't open channel") return endif if has('job') " check that no job is handled correctly call assert_equal('no process', string(ch_getjob(handle))) endif " Simple string request and reply. call assert_equal('got it', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'hello!')) " Request that triggers sending two ex commands. These will usually be " handled before getting the response, but it's not guaranteed, thus wait a " tiny bit for the commands to get executed. call assert_equal('ok', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'make change')) sleep 10m call assert_equal('added1', getline(line('$') - 1)) call assert_equal('added2', getline('$')) call assert_equal('ok', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'do normal', {'timeout': 100})) sleep 10m call assert_equal('added more', getline('$')) " Send a request with a specific handler. call ch_sendexpr(handle, 'hello!', {'callback': 's:RequestHandler'}) sleep 10m if !exists('s:responseHandle') call assert_false(1, 's:responseHandle was not set') else call assert_equal(handle, s:responseHandle) unlet s:responseHandle endif call assert_equal('got it', s:responseMsg) let s:responseMsg = '' call ch_sendexpr(handle, 'hello!', {'callback': function('s:RequestHandler')}) sleep 10m if !exists('s:responseHandle') call assert_false(1, 's:responseHandle was not set') else call assert_equal(handle, s:responseHandle) unlet s:responseHandle endif call assert_equal('got it', s:responseMsg) " Collect garbage, tests that our handle isn't collected. call garbagecollect() " check setting options (without testing the effect) call ch_setoptions(handle, {'callback': 's:NotUsed'}) call ch_setoptions(handle, {'timeout': 1111}) call ch_setoptions(handle, {'mode': 'json'}) call assert_fails("call ch_setoptions(handle, {'waittime': 111})", "E475") call ch_setoptions(handle, {'callback': ''}) " Send an eval request that works. call assert_equal('ok', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'eval-works')) sleep 10m call assert_equal([-1, 'foo123'], ch_evalexpr(handle, 'eval-result')) " Send an eval request that fails. call assert_equal('ok', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'eval-fails')) sleep 10m call assert_equal([-2, 'ERROR'], ch_evalexpr(handle, 'eval-result')) " Send an eval request that works but can't be encoded. call assert_equal('ok', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'eval-error')) sleep 10m call assert_equal([-3, 'ERROR'], ch_evalexpr(handle, 'eval-result')) " Send a bad eval request. There will be no response. call assert_equal('ok', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'eval-bad')) sleep 10m call assert_equal([-3, 'ERROR'], ch_evalexpr(handle, 'eval-result')) " Send an expr request call assert_equal('ok', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'an expr')) sleep 10m call assert_equal('one', getline(line('$') - 2)) call assert_equal('two', getline(line('$') - 1)) call assert_equal('three', getline('$')) " Request a redraw, we don't check for the effect. call assert_equal('ok', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'redraw')) call assert_equal('ok', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'redraw!')) call assert_equal('ok', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'empty-request')) " Reading while there is nothing available. call assert_equal(v:none, ch_read(handle, {'timeout': 0})) let start = reltime() call assert_equal(v:none, ch_read(handle, {'timeout': 333})) let elapsed = reltime(start) call assert_true(reltimefloat(elapsed) > 0.3) call assert_true(reltimefloat(elapsed) < 0.6) " Send without waiting for a response, then wait for a response. call ch_sendexpr(handle, 'wait a bit') let resp = ch_read(handle) call assert_equal(type([]), type(resp)) call assert_equal(type(11), type(resp[0])) call assert_equal('waited', resp[1]) " make the server quit, can't check if this works, should not hang. call ch_sendexpr(handle, '!quit!') endfunc func Test_communicate() call ch_log('Test_communicate()') call s:run_server('s:communicate') endfunc " Test that we can open two channels. func s:two_channels(port) let handle = ch_open('localhost:' . a:port, s:chopt) if ch_status(handle) == "fail" call assert_false(1, "Can't open channel") return endif call assert_equal('got it', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'hello!')) let newhandle = ch_open('localhost:' . a:port, s:chopt) if ch_status(newhandle) == "fail" call assert_false(1, "Can't open second channel") return endif call assert_equal('got it', ch_evalexpr(newhandle, 'hello!')) call assert_equal('got it', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'hello!')) call ch_close(handle) call assert_equal('got it', ch_evalexpr(newhandle, 'hello!')) call ch_close(newhandle) endfunc func Test_two_channels() call ch_log('Test_two_channels()') call s:run_server('s:two_channels') endfunc " Test that a server crash is handled gracefully. func s:server_crash(port) let handle = ch_open('localhost:' . a:port, s:chopt) if ch_status(handle) == "fail" call assert_false(1, "Can't open channel") return endif call ch_evalexpr(handle, '!crash!') sleep 10m endfunc func Test_server_crash() call ch_log('Test_server_crash()') call s:run_server('s:server_crash') endfunc """"""""" let s:reply = "" func s:Handler(chan, msg) unlet s:reply let s:reply = a:msg endfunc func s:channel_handler(port) let handle = ch_open('localhost:' . a:port, s:chopt) if ch_status(handle) == "fail" call assert_false(1, "Can't open channel") return endif " Test that it works while waiting on a numbered message. call assert_equal('ok', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'call me')) sleep 10m call assert_equal('we called you', s:reply) " Test that it works while not waiting on a numbered message. call ch_sendexpr(handle, 'call me again') sleep 10m call assert_equal('we did call you', s:reply) endfunc func Test_channel_handler() call ch_log('Test_channel_handler()') let s:chopt.callback = 's:Handler' call s:run_server('s:channel_handler') let s:chopt.callback = function('s:Handler') call s:run_server('s:channel_handler') unlet s:chopt.callback endfunc """"""""" let s:ch_reply = '' func s:ChHandler(chan, msg) unlet s:ch_reply let s:ch_reply = a:msg endfunc let s:zero_reply = '' func s:OneHandler(chan, msg) unlet s:zero_reply let s:zero_reply = a:msg endfunc func s:channel_zero(port) let handle = ch_open('localhost:' . a:port, s:chopt) if ch_status(handle) == "fail" call assert_false(1, "Can't open channel") return endif " Check that eval works. call assert_equal('got it', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'hello!')) " Check that eval works if a zero id message is sent back. let s:ch_reply = '' call assert_equal('sent zero', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'send zero')) sleep 10m if s:has_handler call assert_equal('zero index', s:ch_reply) else call assert_equal('', s:ch_reply) endif " Check that handler works if a zero id message is sent back. let s:ch_reply = '' let s:zero_reply = '' call ch_sendexpr(handle, 'send zero', {'callback': 's:OneHandler'}) " Somehow the second message takes a bit of time. for i in range(50) if s:zero_reply == 'sent zero' break endif sleep 10m endfor if s:has_handler call assert_equal('zero index', s:ch_reply) else call assert_equal('', s:ch_reply) endif call assert_equal('sent zero', s:zero_reply) endfunc func Test_zero_reply() call ch_log('Test_zero_reply()') " Run with channel handler let s:has_handler = 1 let s:chopt.callback = 's:ChHandler' call s:run_server('s:channel_zero') unlet s:chopt.callback " Run without channel handler let s:has_handler = 0 call s:run_server('s:channel_zero') endfunc """"""""" let s:reply1 = "" func s:HandleRaw1(chan, msg) unlet s:reply1 let s:reply1 = a:msg endfunc let s:reply2 = "" func s:HandleRaw2(chan, msg) unlet s:reply2 let s:reply2 = a:msg endfunc let s:reply3 = "" func s:HandleRaw3(chan, msg) unlet s:reply3 let s:reply3 = a:msg endfunc func s:raw_one_time_callback(port) let handle = ch_open('localhost:' . a:port, s:chopt) if ch_status(handle) == "fail" call assert_false(1, "Can't open channel") return endif call ch_setoptions(handle, {'mode': 'raw'}) " The message are sent raw, we do our own JSON strings here. call ch_sendraw(handle, "[1, \"hello!\"]", {'callback': 's:HandleRaw1'}) sleep 10m call assert_equal("[1, \"got it\"]", s:reply1) call ch_sendraw(handle, "[2, \"echo something\"]", {'callback': 's:HandleRaw2'}) call ch_sendraw(handle, "[3, \"wait a bit\"]", {'callback': 's:HandleRaw3'}) sleep 10m call assert_equal("[2, \"something\"]", s:reply2) " wait for up to 500 msec for the 200 msec delayed reply for i in range(50) sleep 10m if s:reply3 != '' break endif endfor call assert_equal("[3, \"waited\"]", s:reply3) endfunc func Test_raw_one_time_callback() call ch_log('Test_raw_one_time_callback()') call s:run_server('s:raw_one_time_callback') endfunc """"""""" " Test that trying to connect to a non-existing port fails quickly. func Test_connect_waittime() call ch_log('Test_connect_waittime()') let start = reltime() let handle = ch_open('localhost:9876', s:chopt) if ch_status(handle) != "fail" " Oops, port does exists. call ch_close(handle) else let elapsed = reltime(start) call assert_true(reltimefloat(elapsed) < 1.0) endif " We intend to use a socket that doesn't exist and wait for half a second " before giving up. If the socket does exist it can fail in various ways. " Check for "Connection reset by peer" to avoid flakyness. let start = reltime() try let handle = ch_open('localhost:9867', {'waittime': 500}) if ch_status(handle) != "fail" " Oops, port does exists. call ch_close(handle) else " Failed connection should wait about 500 msec. let elapsed = reltime(start) call assert_true(reltimefloat(elapsed) > 0.3) call assert_true(reltimefloat(elapsed) < 1.0) endif catch if v:exception !~ 'Connection reset by peer' call assert_false(1, "Caught exception: " . v:exception) endif endtry endfunc """"""""" func Test_raw_pipe() if !has('job') return endif call ch_log('Test_raw_pipe()') let job = job_start(s:python . " test_channel_pipe.py", {'mode': 'raw'}) call assert_equal("run", job_status(job)) try " For a change use the job where a channel is expected. call ch_sendraw(job, "echo something\n") let msg = ch_readraw(job) call assert_equal("something\n", substitute(msg, "\r", "", 'g')) call ch_sendraw(job, "double this\n") let msg = ch_readraw(job) call assert_equal("this\nAND this\n", substitute(msg, "\r", "", 'g')) let reply = ch_evalraw(job, "quit\n", {'timeout': 100}) call assert_equal("Goodbye!\n", substitute(reply, "\r", "", 'g')) finally call job_stop(job) endtry endfunc func Test_nl_pipe() if !has('job') return endif call ch_log('Test_nl_pipe()') let job = job_start(s:python . " test_channel_pipe.py") call assert_equal("run", job_status(job)) try let handle = job_getchannel(job) call ch_sendraw(handle, "echo something\n") call assert_equal("something", ch_readraw(handle)) call ch_sendraw(handle, "echoerr wrong\n") call assert_equal("wrong", ch_readraw(handle, {'part': 'err'})) call ch_sendraw(handle, "double this\n") call assert_equal("this", ch_readraw(handle)) call assert_equal("AND this", ch_readraw(handle)) let reply = ch_evalraw(handle, "quit\n") call assert_equal("Goodbye!", reply) finally call job_stop(job) endtry endfunc func Test_nl_err_to_out_pipe() if !has('job') return endif call ch_log('Test_nl_err_to_out_pipe()') let job = job_start(s:python . " test_channel_pipe.py", {'err-io': 'out'}) call assert_equal("run", job_status(job)) try let handle = job_getchannel(job) call ch_sendraw(handle, "echo something\n") call assert_equal("something", ch_readraw(handle)) call ch_sendraw(handle, "echoerr wrong\n") call assert_equal("wrong", ch_readraw(handle)) finally call job_stop(job) endtry endfunc func Test_nl_read_file() if !has('job') return endif " TODO: make this work for MS-Windows. if !has('unix') return endif call ch_log('Test_nl_read_file()') call writefile(['echo something', 'echoerr wrong', 'double this'], 'Xinput') let job = job_start(s:python . " test_channel_pipe.py", \ {'in-io': 'file', 'in-name': 'Xinput'}) call assert_equal("run", job_status(job)) try let handle = job_getchannel(job) call assert_equal("something", ch_readraw(handle)) call assert_equal("wrong", ch_readraw(handle, {'part': 'err'})) call assert_equal("this", ch_readraw(handle)) call assert_equal("AND this", ch_readraw(handle)) finally call job_stop(job) call delete('Xinput') endtry endfunc func Test_pipe_to_buffer() if !has('job') return endif call ch_log('Test_pipe_to_buffer()') let job = job_start(s:python . " test_channel_pipe.py", \ {'out-io': 'buffer', 'out-name': 'pipe-output'}) call assert_equal("run", job_status(job)) try let handle = job_getchannel(job) call ch_sendraw(handle, "echo line one\n") call ch_sendraw(handle, "echo line two\n") call ch_sendraw(handle, "double this\n") call ch_sendraw(handle, "quit\n") sp pipe-output for i in range(100) sleep 10m if line('$') >= 6 break endif endfor call assert_equal(['Reading from channel output...', 'line one', 'line two', 'this', 'AND this', 'Goodbye!'], getline(1, '$')) bwipe! finally call job_stop(job) endtry endfunc func Test_pipe_from_buffer() if !has('job') return endif call ch_log('Test_pipe_from_buffer()') sp pipe-input call setline(1, ['echo one', 'echo two', 'echo three']) let job = job_start(s:python . " test_channel_pipe.py", \ {'in-io': 'buffer', 'in-name': 'pipe-input'}) call assert_equal("run", job_status(job)) try let handle = job_getchannel(job) call assert_equal('one', ch_read(handle)) call assert_equal('two', ch_read(handle)) call assert_equal('three', ch_read(handle)) bwipe! finally call job_stop(job) endtry endfunc func Test_pipe_to_nameless_buffer() if !has('job') return endif call ch_log('Test_pipe_to_nameless_buffer()') let job = job_start(s:python . " test_channel_pipe.py", \ {'out-io': 'buffer'}) call assert_equal("run", job_status(job)) try let handle = job_getchannel(job) call ch_sendraw(handle, "echo line one\n") call ch_sendraw(handle, "echo line two\n") exe ch_getbufnr(handle, "out") . 'sbuf' for i in range(100) sleep 10m if line('$') >= 3 break endif endfor call assert_equal(['Reading from channel output...', 'line one', 'line two'], getline(1, '$')) bwipe! finally call job_stop(job) endtry endfunc func Test_pipe_to_buffer_json() if !has('job') return endif call ch_log('Test_pipe_to_buffer_json()') let job = job_start(s:python . " test_channel_pipe.py", \ {'out-io': 'buffer', 'out-mode': 'json'}) call assert_equal("run", job_status(job)) try let handle = job_getchannel(job) call ch_sendraw(handle, "echo [0, \"hello\"]\n") call ch_sendraw(handle, "echo [-2, 12.34]\n") exe ch_getbufnr(handle, "out") . 'sbuf' for i in range(100) sleep 10m if line('$') >= 3 break endif endfor call assert_equal(['Reading from channel output...', '[0,"hello"]', '[-2,12.34]'], getline(1, '$')) bwipe! finally call job_stop(job) endtry endfunc " Wait a little while for the last line, minus "offset", to equal "line". func Wait_for_last_line(line, offset) for i in range(100) sleep 10m if getline(line('$') - a:offset) == a:line break endif endfor endfunc func Test_pipe_io_two_buffers() if !has('job') return endif call ch_log('Test_pipe_io_two_buffers()') " Create two buffers, one to read from and one to write to. split pipe-output set buftype=nofile split pipe-input set buftype=nofile let job = job_start(s:python . " test_channel_pipe.py", \ {'in-io': 'buffer', 'in-name': 'pipe-input', 'in-top': 0, \ 'out-io': 'buffer', 'out-name': 'pipe-output'}) call assert_equal("run", job_status(job)) try exe "normal Gaecho hello\" exe bufwinnr('pipe-output') . "wincmd w" call Wait_for_last_line('hello', 0) call assert_equal('hello', getline('$')) exe bufwinnr('pipe-input') . "wincmd w" exe "normal Gadouble this\" exe bufwinnr('pipe-output') . "wincmd w" call Wait_for_last_line('AND this', 0) call assert_equal('this', getline(line('$') - 1)) call assert_equal('AND this', getline('$')) bwipe! exe bufwinnr('pipe-input') . "wincmd w" bwipe! finally call job_stop(job) endtry endfunc func Test_pipe_io_one_buffer() if !has('job') return endif call ch_log('Test_pipe_io_one_buffer()') " Create one buffer to read from and to write to. split pipe-io set buftype=nofile let job = job_start(s:python . " test_channel_pipe.py", \ {'in-io': 'buffer', 'in-name': 'pipe-io', 'in-top': 0, \ 'out-io': 'buffer', 'out-name': 'pipe-io'}) call assert_equal("run", job_status(job)) try exe "normal Goecho hello\" call Wait_for_last_line('hello', 1) call assert_equal('hello', getline(line('$') - 1)) exe "normal Gadouble this\" call Wait_for_last_line('AND this', 1) call assert_equal('this', getline(line('$') - 2)) call assert_equal('AND this', getline(line('$') - 1)) bwipe! finally call job_stop(job) endtry endfunc """""""""" let s:unletResponse = '' func s:UnletHandler(handle, msg) let s:unletResponse = a:msg unlet s:channelfd endfunc " Test that "unlet handle" in a handler doesn't crash Vim. func s:unlet_handle(port) let s:channelfd = ch_open('localhost:' . a:port, s:chopt) call ch_sendexpr(s:channelfd, "test", {'callback': function('s:UnletHandler')}) sleep 10m call assert_equal('what?', s:unletResponse) endfunc func Test_unlet_handle() call ch_log('Test_unlet_handle()') call s:run_server('s:unlet_handle') endfunc """""""""" let s:unletResponse = '' func s:CloseHandler(handle, msg) let s:unletResponse = a:msg call ch_close(s:channelfd) endfunc " Test that "unlet handle" in a handler doesn't crash Vim. func s:close_handle(port) let s:channelfd = ch_open('localhost:' . a:port, s:chopt) call ch_sendexpr(s:channelfd, "test", {'callback': function('s:CloseHandler')}) sleep 10m call assert_equal('what?', s:unletResponse) endfunc func Test_close_handle() call ch_log('Test_close_handle()') call s:run_server('s:close_handle') endfunc """""""""" func Test_open_fail() call ch_log('Test_open_fail()') silent! let ch = ch_open("noserver") echo ch let d = ch endfunc """""""""" func s:open_delay(port) " Wait up to a second for the port to open. let s:chopt.waittime = 1000 let channel = ch_open('localhost:' . a:port, s:chopt) unlet s:chopt.waittime if ch_status(channel) == "fail" call assert_false(1, "Can't open channel") return endif call assert_equal('got it', ch_evalexpr(channel, 'hello!')) call ch_close(channel) endfunc func Test_open_delay() call ch_log('Test_open_delay()') " The server will wait half a second before creating the port. call s:run_server('s:open_delay', 'delay') endfunc """"""""" function MyFunction(a,b,c) let s:call_ret = [a:a, a:b, a:c] endfunc function s:test_call(port) let handle = ch_open('localhost:' . a:port, s:chopt) if ch_status(handle) == "fail" call assert_false(1, "Can't open channel") return endif call assert_equal('ok', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'call-func')) sleep 20m call assert_equal([1, 2, 3], s:call_ret) endfunc func Test_call() call ch_log('Test_call()') call s:run_server('s:test_call') endfunc """"""""" let s:job_exit_ret = 'not yet' function MyExitCb(job, status) let s:job_exit_ret = 'done' endfunc function s:test_exit_callback(port) call job_setoptions(s:job, {'exit-cb': 'MyExitCb'}) let s:exit_job = s:job endfunc func Test_exit_callback() if has('job') call ch_log('Test_exit_callback()') call s:run_server('s:test_exit_callback') " wait up to a second for the job to exit for i in range(100) if s:job_exit_ret == 'done' break endif sleep 10m " calling job_status() triggers the callback call job_status(s:exit_job) endfor call assert_equal('done', s:job_exit_ret) unlet s:exit_job endif endfunc """"""""" let s:ch_close_ret = 'alive' function MyCloseCb(ch) let s:ch_close_ret = 'closed' endfunc function s:test_close_callback(port) let handle = ch_open('localhost:' . a:port, s:chopt) if ch_status(handle) == "fail" call assert_false(1, "Can't open channel") return endif call ch_setoptions(handle, {'close-cb': 'MyCloseCb'}) call assert_equal('', ch_evalexpr(handle, 'close me')) sleep 20m call assert_equal('closed', s:ch_close_ret) endfunc func Test_close_callback() call ch_log('Test_close_callback()') call s:run_server('s:test_close_callback') endfunc " Uncomment this to see what happens, output is in src/testdir/channellog. " call ch_logfile('channellog', 'w')