'.bufname(buf).' | ') endfor call add(html, '||
elseif s:settings.use_xhtml
call add(html, ' ')
call add(html, ' | ')
" Close this buffer
" TODO: the comment above says we're going to allow saving the file
" later...but here we discard it?
let html[body_line_num] = body_line
call add(html, '')
let html += temp
call add(html, ' |
block if !user_settings.use_css let user_settings.no_pre = 1 endif "}}} " set up expand_tabs option after all the overrides so we know the " appropriate defaults {{{ if user_settings.no_pre == 0 call tohtml#GetOption(user_settings, \ 'expand_tabs', \ &expandtab || &ts != 8 || user_settings.number_lines || \ (user_settings.dynamic_folds && !user_settings.no_foldcolumn)) else let user_settings.expand_tabs = 1 endif " }}} if exists("g:html_use_encoding") "{{{ " user specified the desired MIME charset, figure out proper " 'fileencoding' from it or warn the user if we cannot let user_settings.encoding = g:html_use_encoding let user_settings.vim_encoding = tohtml#EncodingFromCharset(g:html_use_encoding) if user_settings.vim_encoding == '' echohl WarningMsg echomsg "TOhtml: file encoding for" \ g:html_use_encoding \ "unknown, please set 'fileencoding'" echohl None endif else " Figure out proper MIME charset from 'fileencoding' if possible if &l:fileencoding != '' let user_settings.vim_encoding = &l:fileencoding call tohtml#CharsetFromEncoding(user_settings) endif " else from 'encoding' if possible if &l:fileencoding == '' || user_settings.encoding == '' let user_settings.vim_encoding = &encoding call tohtml#CharsetFromEncoding(user_settings) endif " else default to UTF-8 and warn user if user_settings.encoding == '' let user_settings.vim_encoding = 'utf-8' let user_settings.encoding = 'UTF-8' echohl WarningMsg echomsg "TOhtml: couldn't determine MIME charset, using UTF-8" echohl None endif endif "}}} " TODO: font return user_settings endif endfunc "}}} " get the proper HTML charset name from a Vim encoding option. function! tohtml#CharsetFromEncoding(settings) "{{{ let l:vim_encoding = a:settings.vim_encoding if exists('g:html_charset_override') && has_key(g:html_charset_override, l:vim_encoding) let a:settings.encoding = g:html_charset_override[l:vim_encoding] else if l:vim_encoding =~ '^8bit\|^2byte' " 8bit- and 2byte- prefixes are to indicate encodings available on the " system that Vim will convert with iconv(), look up just the encoding name, " not Vim's prefix. let l:vim_encoding = substitute(l:vim_encoding, '^8bit-\|^2byte-', '', '') endif if has_key(g:tohtml#encoding_to_charset, l:vim_encoding) let a:settings.encoding = g:tohtml#encoding_to_charset[l:vim_encoding] else let a:settings.encoding = "" endif endif if a:settings.encoding != "" let l:vim_encoding = tohtml#EncodingFromCharset(a:settings.encoding) if l:vim_encoding != "" " if the Vim encoding to HTML encoding conversion is set up (by default or " by the user) to convert to a different encoding, we need to also change " the Vim encoding of the new buffer let a:settings.vim_encoding = l:vim_encoding endif endif endfun "}}} " Get the proper Vim encoding option setting from an HTML charset name. function! tohtml#EncodingFromCharset(encoding) "{{{ if exists('g:html_encoding_override') && has_key(g:html_encoding_override, a:encoding) return g:html_encoding_override[a:encoding] elseif has_key(g:tohtml#charset_to_encoding, tolower(a:encoding)) return g:tohtml#charset_to_encoding[tolower(a:encoding)] else return "" endif endfun "}}} let &cpo = s:cpo_sav unlet s:cpo_sav " Make sure any patches will probably use consistent indent " vim: ts=8 sw=2 sts=2 noet fdm=marker