diff options
7 files changed, 486 insertions, 105 deletions
diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
index e9a15a0cf..ad9045104 100644
--- a/src/Makefile
+++ b/src/Makefile
@@ -2119,7 +2119,7 @@ test1 \
test52 test59 \
test64 test69 \
test70 test72 \
- test85 test86 test87 test88 \
+ test86 test87 test88 \
test94 test95 test99 test108:
cd testdir; rm -f $@.out; $(MAKE) -f Makefile $@.out VIMPROG=../$(VIMTESTTARGET) $(GUI_TESTARG) SCRIPTSOURCE=../$(SCRIPTSOURCE)
diff --git a/src/testdir/Make_all.mak b/src/testdir/Make_all.mak
index 94e527ba2..45f45d7fd 100644
--- a/src/testdir/Make_all.mak
+++ b/src/testdir/Make_all.mak
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ SCRIPTS_ALL = \
test11.out \
test52.out \
- test85.out \
test86.out \
diff --git a/src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak b/src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak
index d89400132..6cb3ed8cd 100644
--- a/src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak
+++ b/src/testdir/Make_amiga.mak
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ include Make_all.mak
# test10 'errorformat' is different
# test11 "cat" doesn't work properly
# test52 only for Win32
-# test85 no Lua interface
# test86, 87 no Python interface
diff --git a/src/testdir/Make_vms.mms b/src/testdir/Make_vms.mms
index f27a6b4e7..e97ad27a8 100644
--- a/src/testdir/Make_vms.mms
+++ b/src/testdir/Make_vms.mms
@@ -93,7 +93,6 @@ SCRIPT = test1.out test3.out \
# test72: bug - Vim hangs at :rename (while rename works well otherwise)
# test78: bug - Vim dies at :recover Xtest
-# test85: no Lua interface
# test89: bug - findfile() does not work on VMS (just in the current directory)
# test102: Just ODS-5 supports space and special chars in the filename.
# On ODS-2 tests fail.
@@ -119,9 +118,9 @@ SCRIPT_SPELL = test59.out
SCRIPT_MZSCH = test70.out
-SCRIPT_ODS5 = test102.out
+SCRIPT_ODS5 = test102.out
SCRIPT_GZIP = test11.out
@@ -131,10 +130,6 @@ SCRIPT_GZIP = test11.out
SCRIPT_GDIFF = test47.out
-SCRIPT_LUA = test85.out
SCRIPT_PYTHON = test86.out test87.out
diff --git a/src/testdir/ b/src/testdir/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a1339475..000000000
--- a/src/testdir/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-Test for Lua interface and luaeval() function
-:so small.vim
-:set belloff=all
-:so lua.vim
-:set nocompatible viminfo+=nviminfo
-:lua l = vim.list():add"item0":add"dictionary with list OK":add"item2"
-:lua h = vim.dict(); h.list = l
-:call garbagecollect()
-:" change buffer contents
-:lua curbuf = vim.buffer()
-:lua curline = vim.eval"line('.')"
-:lua curbuf[curline] = "1 changed line 1"
-:" scalar test
-:let tmp_string = luaeval('"string"')
-:let tmp_1000 = luaeval('1000')
-:if printf("%s%.0f", tmp_string, tmp_1000) == "string1000"
-:let scalar_res = "OK"
-:let scalar_res = "FAILED"
-:call append(search("^1"), "scalar test " . scalar_res)
-:" dictionary containing a list
-:let tmp = luaeval("h").list[1]
-:/^2/put =tmp
-:" circular list (at the same time test lists containing lists)
-:lua l[2] = l
-:let l2 = luaeval("h").list
-:if l2[2] == l2
-:let res = "OK"
-:let res = "FAILED"
-:call setline(search("^3"), "circular test " . res)
-:let l = []
-:lua l = vim.eval("l")
-:lua l:add(123)
-:lua l:add("abc")
-:lua l:add(vim.eval("[1, 2, 3]"))
-:lua l:add(vim.eval("{'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3}"))
-:lua l:insert(123)
-:lua l:insert("abc")
-:lua l:insert(vim.eval("[1, 2, 3]"))
-:lua l:insert(vim.eval("{'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3}"))
-:lua l[0] = l[0]
-:lua l[1] = l[1]
-:lua l[2] = l[2]
-:lua l[3] = l[3]
-:lua l[0] = 123
-:lua l[1] = "abc"
-:lua l[2] = vim.eval("[1, 2, 3]")
-:lua l[3] = vim.eval("{'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3}")
-:lua l[3] = nil
-:lua l[2] = nil
-:lua l[1] = nil
-:lua l[0] = nil
-:lua l = nil
-:$put =string(l)
-:let d = {}
-:lua d = vim.eval("d")
-:lua d[0] = 123
-:lua d[1] = "abc"
-:lua d[2] = vim.eval("[1, 2, 3]")
-:lua d[3] = vim.eval("{'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3}")
-:lua d[4] = d[0]
-:lua d[5] = d[1]
-:lua d[6] = d[2]
-:lua d[7] = d[3]
-:lua d[3] = nil
-:lua d[2] = nil
-:lua d[1] = nil
-:lua d[0] = nil
-:lua d = nil
-:$put =string(d)
-:?^1?,$w! test.out
-1 line 1
-2 line 2
-3 line 3
diff --git a/src/testdir/test_lua.vim b/src/testdir/test_lua.vim
index 944ad903f..840466aff 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_lua.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_lua.vim
@@ -1,22 +1,494 @@
" Tests for Lua.
-" TODO: move tests from here.
if !has('lua')
-func Test_luado()
- new
- call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three'])
- luado vim.command("%d_")
- bwipe!
- " Check switching to another buffer does not trigger ml_get error.
+" Check that switching to another buffer does not trigger ml_get error.
+func Test_command_new_no_ml_get_error()
let wincount = winnr('$')
call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three'])
luado vim.command("new")
call assert_equal(wincount + 1, winnr('$'))
+ %bwipe!
+" Test vim.command()
+func Test_command()
+ new
+ call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three'])
+ luado vim.command("1,2d_")
+ call assert_equal(['three'], getline(1, '$'))
+ bwipe!
+" Test vim.eval()
+func Test_eval()
+ " lua.eval with a number
+ lua v = vim.eval('123')
+ call assert_equal('number', luaeval('vim.type(v)'))
+ call assert_equal(123.0, luaeval('v'))
+ " lua.eval with a string
+ lua v = vim.eval('"abc"')
+ call assert_equal('string', luaeval('vim.type(v)'))
+ call assert_equal('abc', luaeval('v'))
+ " lua.eval with a list
+ lua v = vim.eval("['a']")
+ call assert_equal('list', luaeval('vim.type(v)'))
+ call assert_equal(['a'], luaeval('v'))
+ " lua.eval with a dict
+ lua v = vim.eval("{'a':'b'}")
+ call assert_equal('dict', luaeval('vim.type(v)'))
+ call assert_equal({'a':'b'}, luaeval('v'))
+ call assert_fails('lua v = vim.eval(nil)',
+ \ "[string \"vim chunk\"]:1: bad argument #1 to 'eval' (string expected, got nil)")
+ call assert_fails('lua v = vim.eval(true)',
+ \ "[string \"vim chunk\"]:1: bad argument #1 to 'eval' (string expected, got boolean)")
+ call assert_fails('lua v = vim.eval({})',
+ \ "[string \"vim chunk\"]:1: bad argument #1 to 'eval' (string expected, got table)")
+ call assert_fails('lua v = vim.eval(print)',
+ \ "[string \"vim chunk\"]:1: bad argument #1 to 'eval' (string expected, got function)")
+ call assert_fails('lua v = vim.eval(vim.buffer())',
+ \ "[string \"vim chunk\"]:1: bad argument #1 to 'eval' (string expected, got userdata)")
+ lua v = nil
+" Test vim.window()
+func Test_window()
+ e Xfoo2
+ new Xfoo1
+ " Window 1 (top window) contains Xfoo1
+ " Window 2 (bottom window) contains Xfoo2
+ call assert_equal('Xfoo1', luaeval('vim.window(1):buffer().name'))
+ call assert_equal('Xfoo2', luaeval('vim.window(2):buffer().name'))
+ " Window 3 does not exist so vim.window(3) should return nil
+ call assert_equal('nil', luaeval('tostring(vim.window(3))'))
+ %bwipe!
+" Test vim.window().height
+func Test_window_height()
+ new
+ lua vim.window().height = 2
+ call assert_equal(2, winheight(0))
+ lua vim.window().height = vim.window().height + 1
+ call assert_equal(3, winheight(0))
+ bwipe!
+" Test vim.window().width
+func Test_window_width()
+ vert new
+ lua vim.window().width = 2
+ call assert_equal(2, winwidth(0))
+ lua vim.window().width = vim.window().width + 1
+ call assert_equal(3, winwidth(0))
+ bwipe!
+" Test vim.window().line and vim.window.col
+func Test_window_line_col()
+ new
+ call setline(1, ['line1', 'line2', 'line3'])
+ lua vim.window().line = 2
+ lua vim.window().col = 4
+ call assert_equal([0, 2, 4, 0], getpos('.'))
+ lua vim.window().line = vim.window().line + 1
+ lua vim.window().col = vim.window().col - 1
+ call assert_equal([0, 3, 3, 0], getpos('.'))
+ call assert_fails('lua vim.window().line = 10',
+ \ '[string "vim chunk"]:1: line out of range')
+ bwipe!
+" Test setting the current window
+func Test_window_set_current()
+ new Xfoo1
+ lua w1 = vim.window()
+ new Xfoo2
+ lua w2 = vim.window()
+ call assert_equal('Xfoo2', bufname('%'))
+ lua w1()
+ call assert_equal('Xfoo1', bufname('%'))
+ lua w2()
+ call assert_equal('Xfoo2', bufname('%'))
+ lua w1, w2 = nil, nil
+ %bwipe!
+" Test vim.window().buffer
+func Test_window_buffer()
+ new Xfoo1
+ lua w1 = vim.window()
+ lua b1 = w1.buffer()
+ new Xfoo2
+ lua w2 = vim.window()
+ lua b2 = w2.buffer()
+ lua b1()
+ call assert_equal('Xfoo1', bufname('%'))
+ lua b2()
+ call assert_equal('Xfoo2', bufname('%'))
+ lua b1, b2 = nil, nil
+ %bwipe!
+" Test vim.window():previous() and vim.window():next()
+func Test_window_next_previous()
+ new Xfoo1
+ new Xfoo2
+ new Xfoo3
+ wincmd j
+ call assert_equal('Xfoo2', luaeval('vim.window().buffer().name'))
+ call assert_equal('Xfoo1', luaeval('vim.window():next():buffer().name'))
+ call assert_equal('Xfoo3', luaeval('vim.window():previous():buffer().name'))
+ %bwipe!
+" Test vim.window():isvalid()
+func Test_window_isvalid()
+ new Xfoo
+ lua w = vim.window()
+ call assert_true(luaeval('w:isvalid()'))
+ " FIXME: how to test the case when isvalid() returns v:false?
+ " isvalid() gives errors when the window is deleted. Is it a bug?
+ lua w = nil
+ bwipe!
+" Test vim.buffer() with and without argument
+func Test_buffer()
+ new Xfoo1
+ let bn1 = bufnr('%')
+ new Xfoo2
+ let bn2 = bufnr('%')
+ " Test vim.buffer() without argument.
+ call assert_equal('Xfoo2', luaeval("vim.buffer().name"))
+ " Test vim.buffer() with string argument.
+ call assert_equal('Xfoo1', luaeval("vim.buffer('Xfoo1').name"))
+ call assert_equal('Xfoo2', luaeval("vim.buffer('Xfoo2').name"))
+ " Test vim.buffer() with integer argument.
+ call assert_equal('Xfoo1', luaeval("vim.buffer(" . bn1 . ").name"))
+ call assert_equal('Xfoo2', luaeval("vim.buffer(" . bn2 . ").name"))
+ lua bn1, bn2 = nil, nil
+ %bwipe!
+" Test vim.buffer().name and vim.buffer().fname
+func Test_buffer_name()
+ new
+ " FIXME: for an unnamed buffer, I would expect
+ " vim.buffer().name to give an empty string, but
+ " it returns 0. Is it a bug?
+ " so this assert_equal is commented out.
+ " call assert_equal('', luaeval('vim.buffer().name'))
+ bwipe!
+ new Xfoo
+ call assert_equal('Xfoo', luaeval('vim.buffer().name'))
+ call assert_equal(expand('%:p'), luaeval('vim.buffer().fname'))
+ bwipe!
+" Test vim.buffer().number
+func Test_buffer_number()
+ " All numbers in Lua are floating points number (no integers).
+ call assert_equal(bufnr('%'), float2nr(luaeval('vim.buffer().number')))
+" Test inserting lines in buffer.
+func Test_buffer_insert()
+ new
+ lua vim.buffer()[1] = '3'
+ lua vim.buffer():insert('1', 0)
+ lua vim.buffer():insert('2', 1)
+ lua vim.buffer():insert('4', 10)
+ call assert_equal(['1', '2', '3', '4'], getline(1, '$'))
+ bwipe!
+" Test deleting line in buffer
+func Test_buffer_delete()
+ new
+ call setline(1, ['1', '2', '3'])
+ lua vim.buffer()[2] = nil
+ call assert_equal(['1', '3'], getline(1, '$'))
+ call assert_fails('lua vim.buffer()[3] = nil',
+ \ '[string "vim chunk"]:1: invalid line number')
+ bwipe!
+" Test #vim.buffer() i.e. number of lines in buffer
+func Test_buffer_number_lines()
+ new
+ call setline(1, ['a', 'b', 'c'])
+ call assert_equal(3.0, luaeval('#vim.buffer()'))
+ bwipe!
+" Test vim.buffer():next() and vim.buffer():previous()
+" Note that these functions get the next or previous buffers
+" but do not switch buffer.
+func Test_buffer_next_previous()
+ new Xfoo1
+ new Xfoo2
+ new Xfoo3
+ b Xfoo2
+ lua bn = vim.buffer():next()
+ lua bp = vim.buffer():previous()
+ call assert_equal('Xfoo2', luaeval('vim.buffer().name'))
+ call assert_equal('Xfoo1', luaeval(''))
+ call assert_equal('Xfoo3', luaeval(''))
+ call assert_equal('Xfoo2', bufname('%'))
+ lua bn()
+ call assert_equal('Xfoo3', luaeval('vim.buffer().name'))
+ call assert_equal('Xfoo3', bufname('%'))
+ lua bp()
+ call assert_equal('Xfoo1', luaeval('vim.buffer().name'))
+ call assert_equal('Xfoo1', bufname('%'))
+ lua bn, bp = nil, nil
+ %bwipe!
+" Test vim.buffer():isvalid()
+func Test_buffer_isvalid()
+ new Xfoo
+ lua b = vim.buffer()
+ call assert_true(luaeval('b:isvalid()'))
+ " FIXME: how to test the case when isvalid() returns v:false?
+ " isvalid() gives errors when the buffer is wiped. Is it a bug?
+ lua b = nil
+func Test_list()
+ call assert_equal([], luaeval('vim.list()'))
+ " Same example as in :help lua-vim.
+ " FIXME: test is disabled because it does not work.
+ " See
+ " lua t = {math.pi, false, say = 'hi'}
+ " call assert_equal([3.141593, 0], luaeval('vim.list(t)'))
+ let l = []
+ lua l = vim.eval('l')
+ lua l:add(123)
+ lua l:add('abc')
+ lua l:add(true)
+ lua l:add(false)
+ lua l:add(vim.eval("[1, 2, 3]"))
+ lua l:add(vim.eval("{'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3}"))
+ call assert_equal([123.0, 'abc', v:true, v:false, [1, 2, 3], {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}], l)
+ call assert_equal(6.0, luaeval('#l'))
+ call assert_match('^list: 0x\x\+$', luaeval('tostring(l)'))
+ lua l[0] = 124
+ lua l[4] = nil
+ lua l:insert('first')
+ lua l:insert('xx', 3)
+ call assert_equal(['first', 124.0, 'abc', 'xx', v:true, v:false, {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}], l)
+ lua l = nil
+" Test l() i.e. iterator on list
+func Test_list_iter()
+ lua l = vim.list():add('foo'):add('bar')
+ lua str = ''
+ lua for v in l() do str = str .. v end
+ call assert_equal('foobar', luaeval('str'))
+ lua str, v, l = nil, nil, nil
+func Test_recursive_list()
+ lua l = vim.list():add(1):add(2)
+ lua l = l:add(l)
+ call assert_equal(1.0, luaeval('l[0]'))
+ call assert_equal(2.0, luaeval('l[1]'))
+ call assert_equal(1.0, luaeval('l[2][0]'))
+ call assert_equal(2.0, luaeval('l[2][1]'))
+ call assert_equal(1.0, luaeval('l[2][2][0]'))
+ call assert_equal(2.0, luaeval('l[2][2][1]'))
+ call assert_equal('[1.0, 2.0, [...]]', string(luaeval('l')))
+ call assert_match('^list: 0x\x\+$', luaeval('tostring(l)'))
+ call assert_equal(luaeval('tostring(l)'), luaeval('tostring(l[2])'))
+ call assert_equal(luaeval('l'), luaeval('l[2]'))
+ call assert_equal(luaeval('l'), luaeval('l[2][2]'))
+ lua l = nil
+func Test_dict()
+ call assert_equal({}, luaeval('vim.dict()'))
+ " Same example as in :help lua-vim.
+ " FIXME: test is disabled because it does not work.
+ " See
+ " lua t = {math.pi, false, say = 'hi'}
+ " call assert_equal({'say' : 'hi'}, luaeval('vim.dict(t)'))
+ let d = {}
+ lua d = vim.eval('d')
+ lua d[0] = 123
+ lua d[1] = "abc"
+ lua d[2] = true
+ lua d[3] = false
+ lua d[4] = vim.eval("[1, 2, 3]")
+ lua d[5] = vim.eval("{'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3}")
+ call assert_equal({'0':123.0, '1':'abc', '2':v:true, '3':v:false, '4': [1, 2, 3], '5': {'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3}}, d)
+ call assert_equal(6.0, luaeval('#d'))
+ call assert_match('^dict: 0x\x\+$', luaeval('tostring(d)'))
+ call assert_equal('abc', luaeval('d[1]'))
+ lua d[0] = 124
+ lua d[4] = nil
+ call assert_equal({'0':124.0, '1':'abc', '2':v:true, '3':v:false, '5': {'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3}}, d)
+ lua d = nil
+" Test d() i.e. iterator on dictionary
+func Test_dict_iter()
+ let d = {'a': 1, 'b':2}
+ lua d = vim.eval('d')
+ lua str = ''
+ lua for k,v in d() do str = str .. k ..':' .. v .. ',' end
+ call assert_equal('a:1,b:2,', luaeval('str'))
+ lua str, k, v, d = nil, nil, nil, nil
+" Test vim.type()
+func Test_type()
+ " The following values are identical to Lua's type function.
+ call assert_equal('string', luaeval('vim.type("foo")'))
+ call assert_equal('number', luaeval('vim.type(1)'))
+ call assert_equal('number', luaeval('vim.type(1.2)'))
+ call assert_equal('function', luaeval('vim.type(print)'))
+ call assert_equal('table', luaeval('vim.type({})'))
+ call assert_equal('boolean', luaeval('vim.type(true)'))
+ call assert_equal('boolean', luaeval('vim.type(false)'))
+ call assert_equal('nil', luaeval('vim.type(nil)'))
+ " The following values are specific to Vim.
+ call assert_equal('window', luaeval('vim.type(vim.window())'))
+ call assert_equal('buffer', luaeval('vim.type(vim.buffer())'))
+ call assert_equal('list', luaeval('vim.type(vim.list())'))
+ call assert_equal('dict', luaeval('vim.type(vim.dict())'))
+" Test
+func Test_open()
+ call assert_notmatch('XOpen', execute('ls'))
+ " Open a buffer XOpen1, but do not jump to it.
+ lua b ='XOpen1')
+ call assert_equal('XOpen1', luaeval(''))
+ call assert_equal('', bufname('%'))
+ call assert_match('XOpen1', execute('ls'))
+ call assert_notequal('XOpen2', bufname('%'))
+ " Open a buffer XOpen2 and jump to it.
+ lua b ='XOpen2')()
+ call assert_equal('XOpen2', luaeval(''))
+ call assert_equal('XOpen2', bufname('%'))
+ lua b = nil
+ %bwipe!
+" Test vim.line()
+func Test_line()
+ new
+ call setline(1, ['first line', 'second line'])
+ 1
+ call assert_equal('first line', luaeval('vim.line()'))
+ 2
+ call assert_equal('second line', luaeval('vim.line()'))
+ bwipe!
+" Test vim.beep()
+func Test_beep()
+ call assert_beeps('lua vim.beep()')
+" Test errors in luaeval()
+func Test_luaeval_error()
+ " Compile error
+ call assert_fails("call luaeval('-nil')",
+ \ '[string "luaeval"]:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value')
+ call assert_fails("call luaeval(']')",
+ \ "[string \"luaeval\"]:1: unexpected symbol near ']'")
+" Test :luafile foo.lua
+func Test_luafile()
+ call delete('Xlua_file')
+ call writefile(["str = 'hello'", "num = 123.0" ], 'Xlua_file')
+ call setfperm('Xlua_file', 'r-xr-xr-x')
+ luafile Xlua_file
+ call assert_equal('hello', luaeval('str'))
+ call assert_equal(123.0, luaeval('num'))
+ lua str, num = nil, nil
+ call delete('Xlua_file')
+" Test :luafile %
+func Test_luafile_percent()
+ new Xlua_file
+ append
+ str, num = 'foo', 321.0
+ print(string.format('str=%s, num=%d', str, num))
+ w!
+ luafile %
+ let msg = split(execute('message'), "\n")[-1]
+ call assert_equal('str=foo, num=321', msg)
+ lua str, num = nil, nil
+ call delete('Xlua_file')
diff --git a/src/version.c b/src/version.c
index 0efebc67a..572b8f184 100644
--- a/src/version.c
+++ b/src/version.c
@@ -790,6 +790,8 @@ static char *(features[]) =
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 132,