import unittest
import vdebug.breakpoint
import vdebug.error
import vdebug.util
import base64
    from unittest.mock import Mock
except ImportError:
    from mock import Mock

class LineBreakpointTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_get_file(self):
        """ Test that the line number is retrievable."""
        ui = None
        file = "/path/to/file"
        line = 1
        bp = vdebug.breakpoint.LineBreakpoint(ui,file,line)

    def test_get_line(self):
        """ Test that the line number is retrievable."""
        ui = None
        file = "/path/to/file"
        line = 10
        bp = vdebug.breakpoint.LineBreakpoint(ui,file,line)

    def test_get_cmd(self):
        """ Test that the dbgp command is correct."""
        ui = None
        file = vdebug.util.FilePath("/path/to/file")
        line = 20
        bp = vdebug.breakpoint.LineBreakpoint(ui,file,line)
        self.assertEqual(bp.get_cmd(),"-t line -f \"file://%s\" -n %i -s enabled" %(file, line))

    def test_on_add_sets_ui_breakpoint(self):
        """ Test that the breakpoint is placed on the source window."""
        ui = Mock()
        file = vdebug.util.FilePath("/path/to/file")
        line = 20
        bp = vdebug.breakpoint.LineBreakpoint(ui,file,line)

    def test_on_remove_deletes_ui_breakpoint(self):
        """ Test that the breakpoint is removed from the source window."""
        ui = Mock()
        file = vdebug.util.FilePath("/path/to/file")
        line = 20
        bp = vdebug.breakpoint.LineBreakpoint(ui,file,line)

class ConditionalBreakpointTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):

    def test_get_cmd(self):
        """ Test that the dbgp command is correct."""
        ui = None
        file = vdebug.util.FilePath("/path/to/file")
        line = 20
        condition = "$x > 20"
        bp = vdebug.breakpoint.ConditionalBreakpoint(ui,file,line,condition)
        b64cond = base64.encodebytes(condition.encode("UTF-8")).decode("UTF-8")
        exp_cmd = "-t conditional -f \"file://%s\" -n %i -s enabled -- %s" %(file, line, b64cond)
        self.assertEqual(bp.get_cmd(), exp_cmd)

class ExceptionBreakpointTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_get_cmd(self):
        """ Test that the dbgp command is correct."""
        ui = None
        exception = "ExampleException"
        bp = vdebug.breakpoint.ExceptionBreakpoint(ui,exception)
        exp_cmd = "-t exception -x %s -s enabled" % exception
        self.assertEqual(bp.get_cmd(), exp_cmd)

class CallBreakpointTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_get_cmd(self):
        """ Test that the dbgp command is correct."""
        ui = None
        function = "myfunction"
        bp = vdebug.breakpoint.CallBreakpoint(ui,function)
        exp_cmd = "-t call -m %s -s enabled" % function
        self.assertEqual(bp.get_cmd(), exp_cmd)

class ReturnBreakpointTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_get_cmd(self):
        """ Test that the dbgp command is correct."""
        ui = None
        function = "myfunction"
        bp = vdebug.breakpoint.ReturnBreakpoint(ui,function)
        exp_cmd = "-t return -m %s -s enabled" % function
        self.assertEqual(bp.get_cmd(), exp_cmd)

class BreakpointTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_id_is_unique(self):
        """Test that each vdebug.breakpoint has a unique ID.

        Consecutively generated breakpoints should have
        different IDs."""
        bp1 = vdebug.breakpoint.Breakpoint(None)
        bp2 = vdebug.breakpoint.Breakpoint(None)


    def test_parse_with_line_breakpoint(self):
        """ Test that a LineBreakpoint is created."""
        Mock.__len__ = Mock(return_value=1)
        ui = Mock()
        ret = vdebug.breakpoint.Breakpoint.parse(ui,"")

    def test_parse_with_empty_line_raises_error(self):
        """ Test that a LineBreakpoint is created."""
        Mock.__len__ = Mock(return_value=0)
        ui = Mock()
        re = 'Cannot set a breakpoint on an empty line'

    def test_parse_with_conditional_breakpoint(self):
        """ Test that a ConditionalBreakpoint is created."""
        ui = Mock()
        ret = vdebug.breakpoint.Breakpoint.parse(ui,"conditional $x == 3")
        self.assertEqual(ret.condition, "$x == 3")

    def test_parse_with_conditional_raises_error(self):
        """ Test that an exception is raised with invalid conditional args."""
        ui = Mock()
        args = "conditional"
        re = "Conditional breakpoints require a condition "+\
                "to be specified"
                re, vdebug.breakpoint.Breakpoint.parse, ui, args)

    def test_parse_with_exception_breakpoint(self):
        """ Test that a ExceptionBreakpoint is created."""
        ui = Mock()
        ret = vdebug.breakpoint.Breakpoint.parse(ui,"exception ExampleException")
        self.assertEqual(ret.exception, "ExampleException")

    def test_parse_with_exception_raises_error(self):
        """ Test that an exception is raised with invalid exception args."""
        ui = Mock()
        args = "exception"
        re = "Exception breakpoints require an exception name "+\
                "to be specified"
                re, vdebug.breakpoint.Breakpoint.parse, ui, args)

    def test_parse_with_call_breakpoint(self):
        """ Test that a CallBreakpoint is created."""
        ui = Mock()
        ret = vdebug.breakpoint.Breakpoint.parse(ui,"call myfunction")
        self.assertEqual(ret.function , "myfunction")

    def test_parse_with_call_raises_error(self):
        """ Test that an exception is raised with invalid call args."""
        ui = Mock()
        args = "call"
        re = "Call breakpoints require a function name "+\
                "to be specified"
                re, vdebug.breakpoint.Breakpoint.parse, ui, args)

    def test_parse_with_return_breakpoint(self):
        """ Test that a ReturnBreakpoint is created."""
        ui = Mock()
        ret = vdebug.breakpoint.Breakpoint.parse(ui,"return myfunction")
        self.assertEqual(ret.function, "myfunction")

    def test_parse_with_return_raises_error(self):
        """ Test that an exception is raised with invalid return args."""
        ui = Mock()
        args = "return"
        re = "Return breakpoints require a function name "+\
                "to be specified"
                re, vdebug.breakpoint.Breakpoint.parse, ui, args)