path: root/ftplugin
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-12-17Enable user to prevent fold method change after sortingJason Lenz
2020-01-07Add g:TodoTxtUseAbbrevInsertMode to control usage of abbreviations orRicky Anderson
2019-12-10Use abbreviations instead of maps in insert modeRicky Anderson
2019-02-12Fix #36David Beniamine
2019-02-10Release several bug fixDavid Beniamine
2019-01-23Keep cursor pos on sorting see #33David Beniamine
2018-04-19Merge branch 'master' of Beniamine
2018-04-19Do not override fold_char and use fold_char x for testsDavid Beniamine
2018-04-19Update mappings to be more consistentfretep
2018-04-19Use setlocal for nrformatsfretep
2018-04-18Add Possibility to fold on context or projectDavid Beniamine
2017-10-20Add support for recurring tasks ("rec:" keyword)fretep
2017-10-14Adding postpone due date mapping and functionsfretep
2017-09-27Prefix creation date when opening a new linefretep
2017-09-20Fix case sensitivity folding complete tasksfretep
2017-09-20Fix #21David Beniamine
2017-09-20Fix for <Leader>x and other minor issuesfretep
2017-09-11Micro releaseDavid Beniamine
2017-09-10Vestion 0.8David Beniamine
2017-08-15Integrating sietse's work, version 0.7.6David Beniamine
2017-08-08Enable vim-repeat for Done and CancelSietse Brouwer
2016-09-05Version 0.7.5David Beniamine
2016-05-14Included Guilherme Victal works on overduedateDavid Beniamine
2015-10-25FIX issue #2David Beniamine
2015-09-22use <localleader>C for cancel as c is used for priorityDavid Beniamine
2015-09-16Cancel tasks with <localleader>cDavid Beniamine
2015-08-22move hierarchical sort to auto startDavid Beniamine
2015-07-08FIX: sort done.txtDavid Beniamine
2015-07-08Fix: vimscript is not bashDavid Beniamine
2015-07-08v0.7.2David Beniamine
2015-07-08More flexible file naming (Request #2)David Beniamine
2015-07-06FIX hierarchical sort stability bugDavid Beniamine
2015-07-05Small bug fixesDavid Beniamine
2015-07-05Small improvements on due dates + key:valueDavid Beniamine
2015-07-05better due date sorting and due compeltionDavid Beniamine
2015-07-05Incorporated due date workaround from durcheinandrDavid Beniamine
2015-06-10More doc plus version number updatedDavid Beniamine
2015-06-10Better handling of multi buffer completionDavid Beniamine
2015-06-09Better handling of multi buffer completionDavid Beniamine
2015-06-09Complete using all buffersDavid Beniamine
2015-06-09Complete on buffer instead of reading fileDavid Beniamine
2015-05-27shorten short due date functiondurcheinandr
2015-05-27last fix for sorting due datesdurcheinandr
2015-05-26fixed sorting by due-datedurcheinandr
2015-05-25here we godurcheinandr
2015-03-14updated version and authorsDavid Beniamine
2015-03-13Add priority in insert modeDavid Beniamine
2015-03-13Prioritize: preserve cursor positionDavid Beniamine
2015-03-13Add: prioritize update the priorityDavid Beniamine
2015-03-12Add: Completion for todo.txtDavid Beniamine