use std::c_str::ToCStr; use std::io; use std::kinds::marker; use std::mem; use std::slice; use std::str; use libc::{self, c_uint, c_int, c_void, c_long}; use {raw, Error, DisconnectCode, ByApplication, SessionFlag, HostKeyType}; use {MethodType, Agent, Channel, Listener, HashType, KnownHosts, Sftp}; /// An SSH session, typically representing one TCP connection. /// /// All other structures are based on an SSH session and cannot outlive a /// session. Sessions are created and then have the TCP socket handed to them /// (via the `handshake` method). pub struct Session { raw: *mut raw::LIBSSH2_SESSION, marker: marker::NoSync, } impl Session { /// Initializes an SSH session object. pub fn new() -> Option { ::init(); unsafe { let ret = raw::libssh2_session_init_ex(None, None, None); if ret.is_null() { return None } Some(Session::from_raw(ret)) } } /// Takes ownership of the given raw pointer and wraps it in a session. /// /// This is unsafe as there is no guarantee about the validity of `raw`. pub unsafe fn from_raw(raw: *mut raw::LIBSSH2_SESSION) -> Session { Session { raw: raw, marker: marker::NoSync, } } /// Get the remote banner /// /// Once the session has been setup and handshake() has completed /// successfully, this function can be used to get the server id from the /// banner each server presents. /// /// May return `None` on invalid utf-8 or if an error has ocurred. pub fn banner(&self) -> Option<&str> { self.banner_bytes().and_then(|s| str::from_utf8(s).ok()) } /// See `banner`. /// /// Will only return `None` if an error has ocurred. pub fn banner_bytes(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> { unsafe { ::opt_bytes(self, raw::libssh2_session_banner_get(self.raw)) } } /// Set the SSH protocol banner for the local client /// /// Set the banner that will be sent to the remote host when the SSH session /// is started with handshake(). This is optional; a banner /// corresponding to the protocol and libssh2 version will be sent by /// default. pub fn set_banner(&self, banner: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { let banner = banner.to_c_str(); unsafe { self.rc(raw::libssh2_session_banner_set(self.raw, banner.as_ptr())) } } /// Terminate the transport layer. /// /// Send a disconnect message to the remote host associated with session, /// along with a reason symbol and a verbose description. pub fn disconnect(&self, reason: Option, description: &str, lang: Option<&str>) -> Result<(), Error> { let reason = reason.unwrap_or(ByApplication) as c_int; let description = description.to_c_str(); let lang = lang.unwrap_or("").to_c_str(); unsafe { self.rc(raw::libssh2_session_disconnect_ex(self.raw, reason, description.as_ptr(), lang.as_ptr())) } } /// Enable or disable a flag for this session. pub fn flag(&self, flag: SessionFlag, enable: bool) -> Result<(), Error> { unsafe { self.rc(raw::libssh2_session_flag(self.raw, flag as c_int, enable as c_int)) } } /// Returns whether the session was previously set to nonblocking. pub fn is_blocking(&self) -> bool { unsafe { raw::libssh2_session_get_blocking(self.raw) != 0 } } /// Set or clear blocking mode on session /// /// Set or clear blocking mode on the selected on the session. This will /// instantly affect any channels associated with this session. If a read /// is performed on a session with no data currently available, a blocking /// session will wait for data to arrive and return what it receives. A /// non-blocking session will return immediately with an empty buffer. If a /// write is performed on a session with no room for more data, a blocking /// session will wait for room. A non-blocking session will return /// immediately without writing anything. pub fn set_blocking(&self, blocking: bool) { unsafe { raw::libssh2_session_set_blocking(self.raw, blocking as c_int) } } /// Returns the timeout, in milliseconds, for how long blocking calls may /// wait until they time out. /// /// A timeout of 0 signifies no timeout. pub fn timeout(&self) -> uint { unsafe { raw::libssh2_session_get_timeout(self.raw) as uint } } /// Set timeout for blocking functions. /// /// Set the timeout in milliseconds for how long a blocking the libssh2 /// function calls may wait until they consider the situation an error and /// return an error. /// /// By default or if you set the timeout to zero, libssh2 has no timeout /// for blocking functions. pub fn set_timeout(&self, timeout_ms: uint) { let timeout_ms = timeout_ms as c_long; unsafe { raw::libssh2_session_set_timeout(self.raw, timeout_ms) } } /// Get the remote key. /// /// Returns `None` if something went wrong. pub fn host_key(&self) -> Option<(&[u8], HostKeyType)> { let mut len = 0; let mut kind = 0; unsafe { let ret = raw::libssh2_session_hostkey(self.raw, &mut len, &mut kind); if ret.is_null() { return None } let ret = ret as *const u8; let data = mem::transmute(slice::from_raw_buf(&ret, len as uint)); let kind = match kind { raw::LIBSSH2_HOSTKEY_TYPE_RSA => HostKeyType::Rsa, raw::LIBSSH2_HOSTKEY_TYPE_DSS => HostKeyType::Dss, _ => HostKeyType::Unknown, }; Some((data, kind)) } } /// Returns the computed digest of the remote system's hostkey. /// /// The bytes returned are the raw hash, and are not printable. If the hash /// is not yet available `None` is returned. pub fn host_key_hash(&self, hash: HashType) -> Option<&[u8]> { let len = match hash { HashType::Md5 => 16, HashType::Sha1 => 20, }; unsafe { let ret = raw::libssh2_hostkey_hash(self.raw, hash as c_int); if ret.is_null() { None } else { let ret = ret as *const u8; Some(mem::transmute(slice::from_raw_buf(&ret, len))) } } } /// Set preferred key exchange method /// /// The preferences provided are a comma delimited list of preferred methods /// to use with the most preferred listed first and the least preferred /// listed last. If a method is listed which is not supported by libssh2 it /// will be ignored and not sent to the remote host during protocol /// negotiation. pub fn method_pref(&self, method_type: MethodType, prefs: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { let prefs = prefs.to_c_str(); unsafe { self.rc(raw::libssh2_session_method_pref(self.raw, method_type as c_int, prefs.as_ptr())) } } /// Return the currently active algorithms. /// /// Returns the actual method negotiated for a particular transport /// parameter. May return `None` if the session has not yet been started. pub fn methods(&self, method_type: MethodType) -> Option<&str> { unsafe { let ptr = raw::libssh2_session_methods(self.raw, method_type as c_int); ::opt_bytes(self, ptr).and_then(|s| str::from_utf8(s).ok()) } } /// Get list of supported algorithms. pub fn supported_algs(&self, method_type: MethodType) -> Result, Error> { let method_type = method_type as c_int; let mut ret = Vec::new(); unsafe { let mut ptr = 0 as *mut _; let rc = raw::libssh2_session_supported_algs(self.raw, method_type, &mut ptr); if rc <= 0 { try!(self.rc(rc)) } for i in range(0, rc as int) { ret.push(str::from_c_str(*ptr.offset(i))); } raw::libssh2_free(self.raw, ptr as *mut c_void); } Ok(ret) } /// Init an ssh-agent handle. /// /// The returned agent will still need to be connected manually before use. pub fn agent(&self) -> Result { unsafe { let ptr = raw::libssh2_agent_init(self.raw); if ptr.is_null() { Err(Error::last_error(self).unwrap()) } else { Ok(Agent::from_raw(self, ptr)) } } } /// Begin transport layer protocol negotiation with the connected host. /// /// The socket provided is a connected socket descriptor. Typically a TCP /// connection though the protocol allows for any reliable transport and /// the library will attempt to use any berkeley socket. pub fn handshake(&mut self, socket: raw::libssh2_socket_t) -> Result<(), Error> { unsafe { self.rc(raw::libssh2_session_handshake(self.raw, socket)) } } /// Allocate a new channel for exchanging data with the server. /// /// This is typically not called directly but rather through /// `channel_open_session`, `channel_direct_tcpip`, or /// `channel_forward_listen`. pub fn channel_open(&self, channel_type: &str, window_size: uint, packet_size: uint, message: Option<&str>) -> Result { let ret = unsafe { let message_len =|s| s.len()).unwrap_or(0); raw::libssh2_channel_open_ex(self.raw, channel_type.as_ptr() as *const _, channel_type.len() as c_uint, window_size as c_uint, packet_size as c_uint, message.as_ref().map(|s| s.as_ptr()) .unwrap_or(0 as *const _) as *const _, message_len as c_uint) }; if ret.is_null() { Err(Error::last_error(self).unwrap()) } else { Ok(unsafe { Channel::from_raw(self, ret) }) } } /// Establish a new session-based channel. pub fn channel_session(&self) -> Result { self.channel_open("session", raw::LIBSSH2_CHANNEL_WINDOW_DEFAULT as uint, raw::LIBSSH2_CHANNEL_PACKET_DEFAULT as uint, None) } /// Tunnel a TCP connection through an SSH session. /// /// Tunnel a TCP/IP connection through the SSH transport via the remote host /// to a third party. Communication from the client to the SSH server /// remains encrypted, communication from the server to the 3rd party host /// travels in cleartext. /// /// The optional `src` argument is the host/port to tell the SSH server /// where the connection originated from. pub fn channel_direct_tcpip(&self, host: &str, port: u16, src: Option<(&str, u16)>) -> Result { let (shost, sport) = src.unwrap_or(("", 22)); let host = host.to_c_str(); let shost = shost.to_c_str(); let ret = unsafe { raw::libssh2_channel_direct_tcpip_ex(self.raw, host.as_ptr(), port as c_int, shost.as_ptr(), sport as c_int) }; if ret.is_null() { Err(Error::last_error(self).unwrap()) } else { Ok(unsafe { Channel::from_raw(self, ret) }) } } /// Instruct the remote SSH server to begin listening for inbound TCP/IP /// connections. /// /// New connections will be queued by the library until accepted by /// `forward_accept`. pub fn channel_forward_listen(&self, remote_port: u16, host: Option<&str>, queue_maxsize: Option) -> Result<(Listener, u16), Error> { let mut bound_port = 0; let ret = unsafe { raw::libssh2_channel_forward_listen_ex(self.raw,|s| s.as_ptr()) .unwrap_or(0 as *const _) as *mut _, remote_port as c_int, &mut bound_port, queue_maxsize.unwrap_or(0) as c_int) }; if ret.is_null() { Err(Error::last_error(self).unwrap()) } else { Ok((unsafe { Listener::from_raw(self, ret) }, bound_port as u16)) } } /// Attempt basic password authentication. /// /// Note that many SSH servers which appear to support ordinary password /// authentication actually have it disabled and use Keyboard Interactive /// authentication (routed via PAM or another authentication backed) /// instead. pub fn userauth_password(&self, username: &str, password: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { self.rc(unsafe { raw::libssh2_userauth_password_ex(self.raw, username.as_ptr() as *const _, username.len() as c_uint, password.as_ptr() as *const _, password.len() as c_uint, None) }) } /// Attempt public key authentication using a PEM encoded private key file /// stored on disk. pub fn userauth_pubkey_file(&self, username: &str, pubkey: Option<&Path>, privatekey: &Path, passphrase: Option<&str>) -> Result<(), Error> { let pubkey =|s| s.to_c_str()); let privatekey = privatekey.to_c_str(); let passphrase =|s| s.to_c_str()); self.rc(unsafe { raw::libssh2_userauth_publickey_fromfile_ex(self.raw, username.as_ptr() as *const _, username.len() as c_uint, pubkey.as_ref().map(|s| s.as_ptr()).unwrap_or(0 as *const _), privatekey.as_ptr(), passphrase.as_ref().map(|s| s.as_ptr()) .unwrap_or(0 as *const _)) }) } /// Umm... I wish this were documented in libssh2? pub fn userauth_hostbased_file(&self, username: &str, publickey: &Path, privatekey: &Path, passphrase: Option<&str>, hostname: &str, local_username: Option<&str>) -> Result<(), Error> { let publickey = publickey.to_c_str(); let privatekey = privatekey.to_c_str(); let passphrase =|s| s.to_c_str()); let local_username = match local_username { Some(local) => local, None => username, }; self.rc(unsafe { raw::libssh2_userauth_hostbased_fromfile_ex(self.raw, username.as_ptr() as *const _, username.len() as c_uint, publickey.as_ptr(), privatekey.as_ptr(), passphrase.as_ref().map(|s| s.as_ptr()) .unwrap_or(0 as *const _), hostname.as_ptr() as *const _, hostname.len() as c_uint, local_username.as_ptr() as *const _, local_username.len() as c_uint) }) } /// Indicates whether or not the named session has been successfully /// authenticated. pub fn authenticated(&self) -> bool { unsafe { raw::libssh2_userauth_authenticated(self.raw) != 0 } } /// Send a SSH_USERAUTH_NONE request to the remote host. /// /// Unless the remote host is configured to accept none as a viable /// authentication scheme (unlikely), it will return SSH_USERAUTH_FAILURE /// along with a listing of what authentication schemes it does support. In /// the unlikely event that none authentication succeeds, this method with /// return NULL. This case may be distinguished from a failing case by /// examining libssh2_userauth_authenticated. /// /// The return value is a comma-separated string of supported auth schemes. pub fn auth_methods(&self, username: &str) -> Result<&str, Error> { let len = username.len(); let username = username.to_c_str(); unsafe { let ret = raw::libssh2_userauth_list(self.raw, username.as_ptr(), len as c_uint); if ret.is_null() { Err(Error::last_error(self).unwrap()) } else { Ok(str::from_c_str(ret)) } } } /// Set how often keepalive messages should be sent. /// /// The want_reply argument indicates whether the keepalive messages should /// request a response from the server. /// /// The interval argument is number of seconds that can pass without any /// I/O, use 0 (the default) to disable keepalives. To avoid some busy-loop /// corner-cases, if you specify an interval of 1 it will be treated as 2. pub fn keepalive_set(&self, want_reply: bool, interval: uint) -> Result<(), Error> { unsafe { self.rc(raw::libssh2_keepalive_config(self.raw, want_reply as c_int, interval as c_uint)) } } /// Send a keepalive message if needed. /// /// Returns how many seconds you can sleep after this call before you need /// to call it again. pub fn keepalive_send(&self) -> Result { let mut ret = 0; let rc = unsafe { raw::libssh2_keepalive_send(self.raw, &mut ret) }; try!(self.rc(rc)); Ok(ret as uint) } /// Init a collection of known hosts for this session. /// /// Returns the handle to an internal representation of a known host /// collection. pub fn known_hosts(&self) -> Result { unsafe { let ret = raw::libssh2_knownhost_init(self.raw); if ret.is_null() { Err(Error::last_error(self).unwrap()) } else { Ok(KnownHosts::from_raw(self, ret)) } } } /// Request a file from the remote host via SCP. pub fn scp_recv(&self, path: &Path) -> Result<(Channel, io::FileStat), Error> { let path = path.to_c_str(); unsafe { let mut sb: libc::stat = mem::zeroed(); let ret = raw::libssh2_scp_recv(self.raw, path.as_ptr(), &mut sb); if ret.is_null() { return Err(Error::last_error(self).unwrap()) } // Hm, apparently when we scp_recv() a file the actual channel // itself does not respond well to read_to_end(), and it also sends // an extra 0 byte (or so it seems). To work around this we // artificially limit the channel to a certain amount of bytes that // can be read. let mut c = Channel::from_raw(self, ret); c.limit_read(sb.st_size as u64); Ok((c, mkstat(&sb))) } } /// Send a file to the remote host via SCP. /// /// The `remote_path` provided will the remote file name. The `times` /// argument is a tuple of (mtime, atime), and will default to the remote /// host's current time if not specified. pub fn scp_send(&self, remote_path: &Path, mode: io::FilePermission, size: u64, times: Option<(u64, u64)>) -> Result { let path = remote_path.to_c_str(); let (mtime, atime) = times.unwrap_or((0, 0)); unsafe { let ret = raw::libssh2_scp_send64(self.raw, path.as_ptr(), mode.bits() as c_int, size, mtime as libc::time_t, atime as libc::time_t); if ret.is_null() { Err(Error::last_error(self).unwrap()) } else { Ok(Channel::from_raw(self, ret)) } } } /// Open a channel and initialize the SFTP subsystem. /// /// Although the SFTP subsystem operates over the same type of channel as /// those exported by the Channel API, the protocol itself implements its /// own unique binary packet protocol which must be managed with the /// methods on `Sftp`. pub fn sftp(&self) -> Result { unsafe { let ret = raw::libssh2_sftp_init(self.raw); if ret.is_null() { Err(Error::last_error(self).unwrap()) } else { Ok(Sftp::from_raw(self, ret)) } } } /// Gain access to the underlying raw libssh2 session pointer. pub fn raw(&self) -> *mut raw::LIBSSH2_SESSION { self.raw } /// Translate a return code into a Rust-`Result`. pub fn rc(&self, rc: c_int) -> Result<(), Error> { if rc == 0 { Ok(()) } else { match Error::last_error(self) { Some(e) => Err(e), None => Ok(()), } } } } // Sure do wish this was exported in libnative! fn mkstat(stat: &libc::stat) -> io::FileStat { #[cfg(windows)] type Mode = libc::c_int; #[cfg(unix)] type Mode = libc::mode_t; // FileStat times are in milliseconds fn mktime(secs: u64, nsecs: u64) -> u64 { secs * 1000 + nsecs / 1000000 } #[cfg(all(not(target_os = "linux"), not(target_os = "android")))] fn flags(stat: &libc::stat) -> u64 { stat.st_flags as u64 } #[cfg(any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "android"))] fn flags(_stat: &libc::stat) -> u64 { 0 } #[cfg(all(not(target_os = "linux"), not(target_os = "android")))] fn gen(stat: &libc::stat) -> u64 { stat.st_gen as u64 } #[cfg(any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "android"))] fn gen(_stat: &libc::stat) -> u64 { 0 } io::FileStat { size: stat.st_size as u64, kind: match (stat.st_mode as Mode) & libc::S_IFMT { libc::S_IFREG => io::FileType::RegularFile, libc::S_IFDIR => io::FileType::Directory, libc::S_IFIFO => io::FileType::NamedPipe, libc::S_IFBLK => io::FileType::BlockSpecial, libc::S_IFLNK => io::FileType::Symlink, _ => io::FileType::Unknown, }, perm: io::FilePermission::from_bits_truncate(stat.st_mode as u32), created: mktime(stat.st_ctime as u64, stat.st_ctime_nsec as u64), modified: mktime(stat.st_mtime as u64, stat.st_mtime_nsec as u64), accessed: mktime(stat.st_atime as u64, stat.st_atime_nsec as u64), unstable: io::UnstableFileStat { device: stat.st_dev as u64, inode: stat.st_ino as u64, rdev: stat.st_rdev as u64, nlink: stat.st_nlink as u64, uid: stat.st_uid as u64, gid: stat.st_gid as u64, blksize: stat.st_blksize as u64, blocks: stat.st_blocks as u64, flags: flags(stat), gen: gen(stat), } } } impl Drop for Session { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { assert_eq!(raw::libssh2_session_free(self.raw), 0); } } }