/* * Copyright (c) 2020, Peter Elliott * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include "LibCore/Directory.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include constexpr size_t buffer_size = 4096; ErrorOr serenity_main(Main::Arguments arguments) { bool create = false; bool extract = false; bool list = false; bool verbose = false; bool gzip = false; bool no_auto_compress = false; StringView archive_file; StringView directory; Vector paths; Core::ArgsParser args_parser; args_parser.add_option(create, "Create archive", "create", 'c'); args_parser.add_option(extract, "Extract archive", "extract", 'x'); args_parser.add_option(list, "List contents", "list", 't'); args_parser.add_option(verbose, "Print paths", "verbose", 'v'); args_parser.add_option(gzip, "Compress or decompress file using gzip", "gzip", 'z'); args_parser.add_option(no_auto_compress, "Do not use the archive suffix to select the compression algorithm", "no-auto-compress", 0); args_parser.add_option(directory, "Directory to extract to/create from", "directory", 'C', "DIRECTORY"); args_parser.add_option(archive_file, "Archive file", "file", 'f', "FILE"); args_parser.add_positional_argument(paths, "Paths", "PATHS", Core::ArgsParser::Required::No); args_parser.parse(arguments); if (create + extract + list != 1) { warnln("exactly one of -c, -x, and -t can be used"); return 1; } if (!no_auto_compress && !archive_file.is_empty()) { if (archive_file.ends_with(".gz"sv) || archive_file.ends_with(".tgz"sv)) gzip = true; } if (list || extract) { auto file = Core::File::standard_input(); if (!archive_file.is_empty()) file = TRY(Core::File::open(archive_file, Core::OpenMode::ReadOnly)); if (!directory.is_empty()) TRY(Core::System::chdir(directory)); Core::InputFileStream file_stream(file); Compress::GzipDecompressor gzip_stream(file_stream); InputStream& file_input_stream = file_stream; InputStream& gzip_input_stream = gzip_stream; Archive::TarInputStream tar_stream((gzip) ? gzip_input_stream : file_input_stream); // FIXME: implement ErrorOr? if (!tar_stream.valid()) { warnln("the provided file is not a well-formatted ustar file"); return 1; } HashMap global_overrides; HashMap local_overrides; auto get_override = [&](StringView key) -> Optional { Optional maybe_local = local_overrides.get(key); if (maybe_local.has_value()) return maybe_local; Optional maybe_global = global_overrides.get(key); if (maybe_global.has_value()) return maybe_global; return {}; }; for (; !tar_stream.finished(); tar_stream.advance()) { Archive::TarFileHeader const& header = tar_stream.header(); // Handle meta-entries earlier to avoid consuming the file content stream. if (header.content_is_like_extended_header()) { switch (header.type_flag()) { case Archive::TarFileType::GlobalExtendedHeader: { TRY(tar_stream.for_each_extended_header([&](StringView key, StringView value) { if (value.length() == 0) global_overrides.remove(key); else global_overrides.set(key, value); })); break; } case Archive::TarFileType::ExtendedHeader: { TRY(tar_stream.for_each_extended_header([&](StringView key, StringView value) { local_overrides.set(key, value); })); break; } default: warnln("Unknown extended header type '{}' of {}", (char)header.type_flag(), header.filename()); VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } continue; } Archive::TarFileStream file_stream = tar_stream.file_contents(); // Handle other header types that don't just have an effect on extraction. switch (header.type_flag()) { case Archive::TarFileType::LongName: { StringBuilder long_name; Array buffer; size_t bytes_read; while ((bytes_read = file_stream.read(buffer)) > 0) long_name.append(reinterpret_cast(buffer.data()), bytes_read); local_overrides.set("path", long_name.to_string()); continue; } default: // None of the relevant headers, so continue as normal. break; } LexicalPath path = LexicalPath(header.filename()); if (!header.prefix().is_empty()) path = path.prepend(header.prefix()); String filename = get_override("path"sv).value_or(path.string()); if (list || verbose) outln("{}", filename); if (extract) { String absolute_path = Core::File::absolute_path(filename); auto parent_path = LexicalPath(absolute_path).parent(); switch (header.type_flag()) { case Archive::TarFileType::NormalFile: case Archive::TarFileType::AlternateNormalFile: { MUST(Core::Directory::create(parent_path, Core::Directory::CreateDirectories::Yes)); int fd = TRY(Core::System::open(absolute_path, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, header.mode())); Array buffer; size_t bytes_read; while ((bytes_read = file_stream.read(buffer)) > 0) TRY(Core::System::write(fd, buffer.span().slice(0, bytes_read))); TRY(Core::System::close(fd)); break; } case Archive::TarFileType::SymLink: { MUST(Core::Directory::create(parent_path, Core::Directory::CreateDirectories::Yes)); TRY(Core::System::symlink(header.link_name(), absolute_path)); break; } case Archive::TarFileType::Directory: { MUST(Core::Directory::create(parent_path, Core::Directory::CreateDirectories::Yes)); auto result_or_error = Core::System::mkdir(absolute_path, header.mode()); if (result_or_error.is_error() && result_or_error.error().code() != EEXIST) return result_or_error.error(); break; } default: // FIXME: Implement other file types warnln("file type '{}' of {} is not yet supported", (char)header.type_flag(), header.filename()); VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } // Non-global headers should be cleared after every file. local_overrides.clear(); } file_stream.close(); return 0; } if (create) { if (paths.size() == 0) { warnln("you must provide at least one path to be archived"); return 1; } auto file = Core::File::standard_output(); if (!archive_file.is_empty()) file = TRY(Core::File::open(archive_file, Core::OpenMode::WriteOnly)); if (!directory.is_empty()) TRY(Core::System::chdir(directory)); Core::OutputFileStream file_stream(file); Compress::GzipCompressor gzip_stream(file_stream); OutputStream& file_output_stream = file_stream; OutputStream& gzip_output_stream = gzip_stream; Archive::TarOutputStream tar_stream((gzip) ? gzip_output_stream : file_output_stream); auto add_file = [&](String path) -> ErrorOr { auto file = Core::File::construct(path); if (!file->open(Core::OpenMode::ReadOnly)) { warnln("Failed to open {}: {}", path, file->error_string()); return {}; } auto statbuf_or_error = Core::System::lstat(path); if (statbuf_or_error.is_error()) return statbuf_or_error.error(); auto statbuf = statbuf_or_error.value(); auto canonicalized_path = LexicalPath::canonicalized_path(path); tar_stream.add_file(canonicalized_path, statbuf.st_mode, file->read_all()); if (verbose) outln("{}", canonicalized_path); return {}; }; auto add_directory = [&](String path, auto handle_directory) -> ErrorOr { auto statbuf_or_error = Core::System::lstat(path); if (statbuf_or_error.is_error()) return statbuf_or_error.error(); auto statbuf = statbuf_or_error.value(); auto canonicalized_path = LexicalPath::canonicalized_path(path); tar_stream.add_directory(canonicalized_path, statbuf.st_mode); if (verbose) outln("{}", canonicalized_path); Core::DirIterator it(path, Core::DirIterator::Flags::SkipParentAndBaseDir); while (it.has_next()) { auto child_path = it.next_full_path(); if (!Core::File::is_directory(child_path)) { TRY(add_file(child_path)); } else { TRY(handle_directory(child_path, handle_directory)); } } return {}; }; for (auto const& path : paths) { if (Core::File::is_directory(path)) { TRY(add_directory(path, add_directory)); } else { TRY(add_file(path)); } } tar_stream.finish(); return 0; } return 0; }