/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * Copyright (c) 2022, Peter Elliott * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct Line { StringView key; long int numeric_key; DeprecatedString line; bool numeric; bool operator<(Line const& other) const { if (numeric) return numeric_key < other.numeric_key; return key < other.key; } bool operator==(Line const& other) const { if (numeric) return numeric_key == other.numeric_key; return key == other.key; } private: }; template<> struct AK::Traits : public GenericTraits { static unsigned hash(Line l) { if (l.numeric) return l.numeric_key; return l.key.hash(); } }; struct Options { size_t key_field { 0 }; bool unique { false }; bool numeric { false }; bool reverse { false }; StringView separator { "\0", 1 }; Vector files; }; static ErrorOr load_file(Options options, StringView filename, Vector& lines, HashTable& seen) { auto file = TRY(Core::InputBufferedFile::create( TRY(Core::File::open_file_or_standard_stream(filename, Core::File::OpenMode::Read)))); // FIXME: Unlimited line length auto buffer = TRY(ByteBuffer::create_uninitialized(4096)); while (TRY(file->can_read_line())) { DeprecatedString line = TRY(file->read_line(buffer)); StringView key = line; if (options.key_field != 0) { auto split = (options.separator[0]) ? line.split_view(options.separator[0]) : line.split_view(is_ascii_space); if (options.key_field - 1 >= split.size()) { key = ""sv; } else { key = split[options.key_field - 1]; } } Line l = { key, key.to_int().value_or(0), line, options.numeric }; if (!options.unique || !seen.contains(l)) { lines.append(l); if (options.unique) seen.set(l); } } return {}; } ErrorOr serenity_main([[maybe_unused]] Main::Arguments arguments) { TRY(Core::System::pledge("stdio rpath")); Options options; Core::ArgsParser args_parser; args_parser.add_option(options.key_field, "The field to sort by", "key-field", 'k', "keydef"); args_parser.add_option(options.unique, "Don't emit duplicate lines", "unique", 'u'); args_parser.add_option(options.numeric, "treat the key field as a number", "numeric", 'n'); args_parser.add_option(options.separator, "The separator to split fields by", "sep", 't', "char"); args_parser.add_option(options.reverse, "Sort in reverse order", "reverse", 'r'); args_parser.add_positional_argument(options.files, "Files to sort", "file", Core::ArgsParser::Required::No); args_parser.parse(arguments); Vector lines; HashTable seen; if (options.files.size() == 0) { TRY(load_file(options, "-"sv, lines, seen)); } else { for (auto& file : options.files) { TRY(load_file(options, file, lines, seen)); } } quick_sort(lines); auto print_lines = [](auto const& lines) { for (auto& line : lines) outln("{}", line.line); }; if (options.reverse) print_lines(lines.in_reverse()); else print_lines(lines); return 0; }