/* * Copyright (c) 2020-2021, Linus Groh * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ErrorOr serenity_main(Main::Arguments arguments) { TRY(Core::System::pledge("stdio rpath")); auto program_name = LexicalPath::basename(arguments.strings[0]); auto hash_kind = Crypto::Hash::HashKind::None; if (program_name == "md5sum") hash_kind = Crypto::Hash::HashKind::MD5; else if (program_name == "sha1sum") hash_kind = Crypto::Hash::HashKind::SHA1; else if (program_name == "sha256sum") hash_kind = Crypto::Hash::HashKind::SHA256; else if (program_name == "sha512sum") hash_kind = Crypto::Hash::HashKind::SHA512; if (hash_kind == Crypto::Hash::HashKind::None) { warnln("Error: program must be executed as 'md5sum', 'sha1sum', 'sha256sum' or 'sha512sum'; got '{}'", program_name); exit(1); } auto hash_name = program_name.substring_view(0, program_name.length() - 3).to_deprecated_string().to_uppercase(); auto paths_help_string = DeprecatedString::formatted("File(s) to print {} checksum of", hash_name); bool verify_from_paths = false; Vector paths; Core::ArgsParser args_parser; args_parser.add_option(verify_from_paths, "Verify checksums from file(s)", "check", 'c'); args_parser.add_positional_argument(paths, paths_help_string.characters(), "path", Core::ArgsParser::Required::No); args_parser.parse(arguments); if (paths.is_empty()) paths.append("-"sv); Crypto::Hash::Manager hash; hash.initialize(hash_kind); bool has_error = false; int read_fail_count = 0; int failed_verification_count = 0; for (auto const& path : paths) { auto file_or_error = Core::File::open_file_or_standard_stream(path, Core::File::OpenMode::Read); if (file_or_error.is_error()) { ++read_fail_count; has_error = true; warnln("{}: {}", path, file_or_error.release_error()); continue; } auto file = file_or_error.release_value(); Array buffer; if (!verify_from_paths) { while (!file->is_eof()) hash.update(TRY(file->read_some(buffer))); outln("{:hex-dump} {}", hash.digest().bytes(), path); } else { StringBuilder checksum_list_contents; Array checksum_list_buffer; while (!file->is_eof()) checksum_list_contents.append(TRY(file->read_some(checksum_list_buffer)).data()[0]); Vector const lines = checksum_list_contents.string_view().split_view("\n"sv); for (size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i) { Vector const line = lines[i].split_view(" "sv); if (line.size() != 2) { ++read_fail_count; // The real line number is greater than the iterator. warnln("{}: {}: Failed to parse line {}", program_name, path, i + 1); continue; } // line[0] = checksum // line[1] = filename StringView const filename = line[1]; auto file_from_filename_or_error = Core::File::open_file_or_standard_stream(filename, Core::File::OpenMode::Read); if (file_from_filename_or_error.is_error()) { ++read_fail_count; warnln("{}: {}", filename, file_from_filename_or_error.release_error()); continue; } auto file_from_filename = file_from_filename_or_error.release_value(); hash.reset(); while (!file_from_filename->is_eof()) hash.update(TRY(file_from_filename->read_some(buffer))); if (DeprecatedString::formatted("{:hex-dump}", hash.digest().bytes()) == line[0]) outln("{}: OK", filename); else { ++failed_verification_count; warnln("{}: FAILED", filename); } } } } // Print the warnings here in order to only print them once. if (verify_from_paths) { if (read_fail_count) { if (read_fail_count == 1) warnln("WARNING: 1 file could not be read"); else warnln("WARNING: {} files could not be read", read_fail_count); has_error = true; } if (failed_verification_count) { if (failed_verification_count == 1) warnln("WARNING: 1 checksum did NOT match"); else warnln("WARNING: {} checksums did NOT match", failed_verification_count); has_error = true; } } return has_error ? 1 : 0; }