/* * Copyright (c) 2020-2022, the SerenityOS developers. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include "Shell.h" #include "Execution.h" #include "Formatter.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static bool s_disable_hyperlinks = false; extern char** environ; namespace Shell { void Shell::setup_signals() { if (m_should_reinstall_signal_handlers) { Core::EventLoop::register_signal(SIGCHLD, [this](int) { dbgln_if(SH_DEBUG, "SIGCHLD!"); notify_child_event(); }); Core::EventLoop::register_signal(SIGTSTP, [this](auto) { auto job = current_job(); kill_job(job, SIGTSTP); if (job) { job->set_is_suspended(true); job->unblock(); } }); } } void Shell::print_path(StringView path) { if (s_disable_hyperlinks || !m_is_interactive) { out("{}", path); return; } auto url = URL::create_with_file_scheme(path, {}, hostname); out("\033]8;;{}\033\\{}\033]8;;\033\\", url.serialize(), path); } DeprecatedString Shell::prompt() const { auto build_prompt = [&]() -> DeprecatedString { auto* ps1 = getenv("PROMPT"); if (!ps1) { if (uid == 0) return "# "; StringBuilder builder; builder.appendff("\033]0;{}@{}:{}\007", username, hostname, cwd); builder.appendff("\033[31;1m{}\033[0m@\033[37;1m{}\033[0m:\033[32;1m{}\033[0m$> ", username, hostname, cwd); return builder.to_deprecated_string(); } StringBuilder builder; for (char* ptr = ps1; *ptr; ++ptr) { if (*ptr == '\\') { ++ptr; if (!*ptr) break; switch (*ptr) { case 'X': builder.append("\033]0;"sv); break; case 'a': builder.append(0x07); break; case 'e': builder.append(0x1b); break; case 'u': builder.append(username); break; case 'h': builder.append({ hostname, strlen(hostname) }); break; case 'w': { DeprecatedString home_path = getenv("HOME"); if (cwd.starts_with(home_path)) { builder.append('~'); builder.append(cwd.substring_view(home_path.length(), cwd.length() - home_path.length())); } else { builder.append(cwd); } break; } case 'p': builder.append(uid == 0 ? '#' : '$'); break; } continue; } builder.append(*ptr); } return builder.to_deprecated_string(); }; return build_prompt(); } DeprecatedString Shell::expand_tilde(StringView expression) { VERIFY(expression.starts_with('~')); StringBuilder login_name; size_t first_slash_index = expression.length(); for (size_t i = 1; i < expression.length(); ++i) { if (expression[i] == '/') { first_slash_index = i; break; } login_name.append(expression[i]); } StringBuilder path; for (size_t i = first_slash_index; i < expression.length(); ++i) path.append(expression[i]); if (login_name.is_empty()) { char const* home = getenv("HOME"); if (!home) { auto passwd = getpwuid(getuid()); VERIFY(passwd && passwd->pw_dir); return DeprecatedString::formatted("{}/{}", passwd->pw_dir, path.to_deprecated_string()); } return DeprecatedString::formatted("{}/{}", home, path.to_deprecated_string()); } auto passwd = getpwnam(login_name.to_deprecated_string().characters()); if (!passwd) return expression; VERIFY(passwd->pw_dir); return DeprecatedString::formatted("{}/{}", passwd->pw_dir, path.to_deprecated_string()); } bool Shell::is_glob(StringView s) { for (size_t i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { char c = s.characters_without_null_termination()[i]; if (c == '*' || c == '?') return true; } return false; } Vector Shell::split_path(StringView path) { Vector parts; size_t substart = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < path.length(); i++) { char ch = path[i]; if (ch != '/') continue; size_t sublen = i - substart; if (sublen != 0) parts.append(path.substring_view(substart, sublen)); substart = i + 1; } size_t taillen = path.length() - substart; if (taillen != 0) parts.append(path.substring_view(substart, taillen)); return parts; } Vector Shell::expand_globs(StringView path, StringView base) { auto explicitly_set_base = false; if (path.starts_with('/')) { base = "/"sv; explicitly_set_base = true; } auto parts = split_path(path); DeprecatedString base_string = base; struct stat statbuf; if (lstat(base_string.characters(), &statbuf) < 0) { perror("lstat"); return {}; } StringBuilder resolved_base_path_builder; resolved_base_path_builder.append(Core::DeprecatedFile::real_path_for(base)); if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) resolved_base_path_builder.append('/'); auto resolved_base = resolved_base_path_builder.string_view(); auto results = expand_globs(move(parts), resolved_base); if (explicitly_set_base && base == "/") resolved_base = resolved_base.substring_view(1, resolved_base.length() - 1); for (auto& entry : results) { entry = entry.substring(resolved_base.length(), entry.length() - resolved_base.length()); if (entry.is_empty()) entry = "."; } // Make the output predictable and nice. quick_sort(results); return results; } Vector Shell::expand_globs(Vector path_segments, StringView base) { if (path_segments.is_empty()) { DeprecatedString base_str = base; struct stat statbuf; if (lstat(base_str.characters(), &statbuf) < 0) return {}; return { move(base_str) }; } auto first_segment = path_segments.take_first(); if (is_glob(first_segment)) { Vector result; Core::DirIterator di(base, Core::DirIterator::SkipParentAndBaseDir); if (di.has_error()) return {}; while (di.has_next()) { DeprecatedString path = di.next_path(); // Dotfiles have to be explicitly requested if (path[0] == '.' && first_segment[0] != '.') continue; if (path.matches(first_segment, CaseSensitivity::CaseSensitive)) { StringBuilder builder; builder.append(base); if (!base.ends_with('/')) builder.append('/'); builder.append(path); result.extend(expand_globs(path_segments, builder.string_view())); } } return result; } else { StringBuilder builder; builder.append(base); if (!base.ends_with('/')) builder.append('/'); builder.append(first_segment); return expand_globs(move(path_segments), builder.string_view()); } } ErrorOr> Shell::expand_aliases(Vector initial_commands) { Vector commands; Function(AST::Command&)> resolve_aliases_and_append = [&](auto& command) -> ErrorOr { if (!command.argv.is_empty()) { auto alias = resolve_alias(command.argv[0]); if (!alias.is_null()) { auto argv0 = command.argv.take_first(); auto subcommand_ast = parse(alias, false); if (subcommand_ast) { while (subcommand_ast->is_execute()) { auto* ast = static_cast(subcommand_ast.ptr()); subcommand_ast = ast->command(); } auto subcommand_nonnull = subcommand_ast.release_nonnull(); NonnullRefPtr substitute = adopt_ref(*new AST::Join(subcommand_nonnull->position(), subcommand_nonnull, adopt_ref(*new AST::CommandLiteral(subcommand_nonnull->position(), command)))); auto res = TRY(substitute->run(*this)); for (auto& subst_command : TRY(res->resolve_as_commands(*this))) { if (!subst_command.argv.is_empty() && subst_command.argv.first() == argv0) // Disallow an alias resolving to itself. commands.append(subst_command); else TRY(resolve_aliases_and_append(subst_command)); } } else { commands.append(command); } } else { commands.append(command); } } else { commands.append(command); } return {}; }; for (auto& command : initial_commands) TRY(resolve_aliases_and_append(command)); return commands; } DeprecatedString Shell::resolve_path(DeprecatedString path) const { if (!path.starts_with('/')) path = DeprecatedString::formatted("{}/{}", cwd, path); return Core::DeprecatedFile::real_path_for(path); } Shell::LocalFrame* Shell::find_frame_containing_local_variable(StringView name) { for (size_t i = m_local_frames.size(); i > 0; --i) { auto& frame = m_local_frames[i - 1]; if (frame.local_variables.contains(name)) return &frame; } return nullptr; } ErrorOr> Shell::lookup_local_variable(StringView name) const { if (auto* frame = find_frame_containing_local_variable(name)) return frame->local_variables.get(name).value(); if (auto index = name.to_uint(); index.has_value()) return get_argument(index.value()); return nullptr; } ErrorOr> Shell::get_argument(size_t index) const { if (index == 0) return adopt_ref(*new AST::StringValue(TRY(String::from_deprecated_string(current_script)))); --index; if (auto argv = TRY(lookup_local_variable("ARGV"sv))) { if (argv->is_list_without_resolution()) { AST::ListValue const* list = static_cast(argv.ptr()); if (list->values().size() <= index) return nullptr; return list->values().at(index); } if (index != 0) return nullptr; return argv; } return nullptr; } ErrorOr Shell::local_variable_or(StringView name, DeprecatedString const& replacement) const { auto value = TRY(lookup_local_variable(name)); if (value) { StringBuilder builder; builder.join(' ', TRY(const_cast(*value).resolve_as_list(const_cast(*this)))); return builder.to_deprecated_string(); } return replacement; } void Shell::set_local_variable(DeprecatedString const& name, RefPtr value, bool only_in_current_frame) { if (!only_in_current_frame) { if (auto* frame = find_frame_containing_local_variable(name)) { frame->local_variables.set(name, move(value)); return; } } m_local_frames.last().local_variables.set(name, move(value)); } void Shell::unset_local_variable(StringView name, bool only_in_current_frame) { if (!only_in_current_frame) { if (auto* frame = find_frame_containing_local_variable(name)) frame->local_variables.remove(name); return; } m_local_frames.last().local_variables.remove(name); } void Shell::define_function(DeprecatedString name, Vector argnames, RefPtr body) { add_entry_to_cache({ RunnablePath::Kind::Function, name }); m_functions.set(name, { name, move(argnames), move(body) }); } bool Shell::has_function(StringView name) { return m_functions.contains(name); } bool Shell::invoke_function(const AST::Command& command, int& retval) { if (command.argv.is_empty()) return false; StringView name = command.argv.first(); TemporaryChange script_change { current_script, name }; auto function_option = m_functions.get(name); if (!function_option.has_value()) return false; auto& function = function_option.value(); if (!function.body) { retval = 0; return true; } if (command.argv.size() - 1 < function.arguments.size()) { raise_error(ShellError::EvaluatedSyntaxError, DeprecatedString::formatted("Expected at least {} arguments to {}, but got {}", function.arguments.size(), function.name, command.argv.size() - 1), command.position); retval = 1; return true; } auto frame = push_frame(DeprecatedString::formatted("function {}", function.name)); size_t index = 0; for (auto& arg : function.arguments) { ++index; set_local_variable(arg, adopt_ref(*new AST::StringValue(command.argv[index])), true); } auto argv = command.argv; argv.take_first(); set_local_variable("ARGV", adopt_ref(*new AST::ListValue(move(argv))), true); Core::EventLoop loop; setup_signals(); (void)function.body->run(*this); retval = last_return_code.value_or(0); return true; } DeprecatedString Shell::format(StringView source, ssize_t& cursor) const { Formatter formatter(source, cursor, m_in_posix_mode); auto result = formatter.format(); cursor = formatter.cursor(); return result; } Shell::Frame Shell::push_frame(DeprecatedString name) { m_local_frames.append(make(name, decltype(LocalFrame::local_variables) {})); dbgln_if(SH_DEBUG, "New frame '{}' at {:p}", name, &m_local_frames.last()); return { m_local_frames, m_local_frames.last() }; } void Shell::pop_frame() { VERIFY(m_local_frames.size() > 1); (void)m_local_frames.take_last(); } Shell::Frame::~Frame() { if (!should_destroy_frame) return; if (&frames.last() != &frame) { dbgln("Frame destruction order violation near {:p} (container = {:p}) in '{}'", &frame, this, frame.name); dbgln("Current frames:"); for (auto& frame : frames) dbgln("- {:p}: {}", &frame, frame.name); VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } (void)frames.take_last(); } DeprecatedString Shell::resolve_alias(StringView name) const { return m_aliases.get(name).value_or({}); } Optional Shell::runnable_path_for(StringView name) { auto parts = name.split_view('/'); auto path = name.to_deprecated_string(); if (parts.size() > 1) { auto file = Core::DeprecatedFile::open(path.characters(), Core::OpenMode::ReadOnly); if (!file.is_error() && !file.value()->is_directory() && access(path.characters(), X_OK) == 0) return RunnablePath { RunnablePath::Kind::Executable, name }; } auto* found = binary_search(cached_path.span(), path, nullptr, RunnablePathComparator {}); if (!found) return {}; return *found; } Optional Shell::help_path_for(Vector visited, Shell::RunnablePath const& runnable_path) { switch (runnable_path.kind) { case RunnablePath::Kind::Executable: { LexicalPath lexical_path(runnable_path.path); return lexical_path.basename(); } case RunnablePath::Kind::Alias: { if (visited.contains_slow(runnable_path)) return {}; // Break out of an alias loop auto resolved = resolve_alias(runnable_path.path); auto* runnable = binary_search(cached_path.span(), resolved, nullptr, RunnablePathComparator {}); if (!runnable) return {}; visited.append(runnable_path); return help_path_for(visited, *runnable); } default: return {}; } } int Shell::run_command(StringView cmd, Optional source_position_override) { // The default-constructed mode of the shell // should not be used for execution! VERIFY(!m_default_constructed); take_error(); if (!last_return_code.has_value()) last_return_code = 0; ScopedValueRollback source_position_rollback { m_source_position }; if (source_position_override.has_value()) m_source_position = move(source_position_override); if (!m_source_position.has_value()) m_source_position = SourcePosition { .source_file = {}, .literal_source_text = cmd, .position = {} }; if (cmd.is_empty()) return 0; auto command = parse(cmd, m_is_interactive); if (!command) return 0; if constexpr (SH_DEBUG) { dbgln("Command follows"); (void)command->dump(0); } if (command->is_syntax_error()) { auto& error_node = command->syntax_error_node(); auto& position = error_node.position(); raise_error(ShellError::EvaluatedSyntaxError, error_node.error_text().bytes_as_string_view(), position); } if (!has_error(ShellError::None)) { possibly_print_error(); take_error(); return 1; } tcgetattr(0, &termios); (void)command->run(*this); if (!has_error(ShellError::None)) { possibly_print_error(); take_error(); return 1; } return last_return_code.value_or(0); } ErrorOr> Shell::run_command(const AST::Command& command) { FileDescriptionCollector fds; if (options.verbose) warnln("+ {}", command); // If the command is empty, store the redirections and apply them to all later commands. if (command.argv.is_empty() && !command.should_immediately_execute_next) { m_global_redirections.extend(command.redirections); for (auto& next_in_chain : command.next_chain) run_tail(command, next_in_chain, last_return_code.value_or(0)); return nullptr; } // Resolve redirections. NonnullRefPtrVector rewirings; auto resolve_redirection = [&](auto& redirection) -> ErrorOr { auto rewiring = TRY(redirection.apply()); if (rewiring->fd_action != AST::Rewiring::Close::ImmediatelyCloseNew) rewirings.append(*rewiring); if (rewiring->fd_action == AST::Rewiring::Close::Old) { fds.add(rewiring->old_fd); } else if (rewiring->fd_action == AST::Rewiring::Close::New) { if (rewiring->new_fd != -1) fds.add(rewiring->new_fd); } else if (rewiring->fd_action == AST::Rewiring::Close::ImmediatelyCloseNew) { fds.add(rewiring->new_fd); } else if (rewiring->fd_action == AST::Rewiring::Close::RefreshNew) { VERIFY(rewiring->other_pipe_end); int pipe_fd[2]; int rc = pipe(pipe_fd); if (rc < 0) return Error::from_syscall("pipe"sv, rc); rewiring->new_fd = pipe_fd[1]; rewiring->other_pipe_end->new_fd = pipe_fd[0]; // This fd will be added to the collection on one of the next iterations. fds.add(pipe_fd[1]); } else if (rewiring->fd_action == AST::Rewiring::Close::RefreshOld) { VERIFY(rewiring->other_pipe_end); int pipe_fd[2]; int rc = pipe(pipe_fd); if (rc < 0) return Error::from_syscall("pipe"sv, rc); rewiring->old_fd = pipe_fd[1]; rewiring->other_pipe_end->old_fd = pipe_fd[0]; // This fd will be added to the collection on one of the next iterations. fds.add(pipe_fd[1]); } return {}; }; auto apply_rewirings = [&]() -> ErrorOr { for (auto& rewiring : rewirings) { dbgln_if(SH_DEBUG, "in {}<{}>, dup2({}, {})", command.argv.is_empty() ? "()"sv : command.argv[0], getpid(), rewiring.old_fd, rewiring.new_fd); int rc = dup2(rewiring.old_fd, rewiring.new_fd); if (rc < 0) return Error::from_syscall("dup2"sv, rc); // {new,old}_fd is closed via the `fds` collector, but rewiring.other_pipe_end->{new,old}_fd // isn't yet in that collector when the first child spawns. if (rewiring.other_pipe_end) { if (rewiring.fd_action == AST::Rewiring::Close::RefreshNew) { if (rewiring.other_pipe_end && close(rewiring.other_pipe_end->new_fd) < 0) perror("close other pipe end"); } else if (rewiring.fd_action == AST::Rewiring::Close::RefreshOld) { if (rewiring.other_pipe_end && close(rewiring.other_pipe_end->old_fd) < 0) perror("close other pipe end"); } } } return {}; }; TemporaryChange signal_handler_install { m_should_reinstall_signal_handlers, false }; for (auto& redirection : m_global_redirections) TRY(resolve_redirection(redirection)); for (auto& redirection : command.redirections) TRY(resolve_redirection(redirection)); if (int local_return_code = 0; command.should_wait && TRY(run_builtin(command, rewirings, local_return_code))) { last_return_code = local_return_code; for (auto& next_in_chain : command.next_chain) run_tail(command, next_in_chain, *last_return_code); return nullptr; } auto can_be_run_in_current_process = command.should_wait && !command.pipeline && !command.argv.is_empty(); if (can_be_run_in_current_process && has_function(command.argv.first())) { SavedFileDescriptors fds { rewirings }; for (auto& rewiring : rewirings) TRY(Core::System::dup2(rewiring.old_fd, rewiring.new_fd)); if (int local_return_code = 0; invoke_function(command, local_return_code)) { last_return_code = local_return_code; for (auto& next_in_chain : command.next_chain) run_tail(command, next_in_chain, *last_return_code); return nullptr; } } if (command.argv.is_empty() && !command.next_chain.is_empty() && command.should_immediately_execute_next && command.redirections.is_empty() && command.next_chain.first().node->should_override_execution_in_current_process()) { for (auto& next_in_chain : command.next_chain) run_tail(command, next_in_chain, last_return_code.value_or(0)); return nullptr; } Vector argv; Vector copy_argv; argv.ensure_capacity(command.argv.size() + 1); for (auto& arg : command.argv) { copy_argv.append(arg.to_deprecated_string()); argv.append(copy_argv.last().characters()); } argv.append(nullptr); auto sync_pipe = TRY(Core::System::pipe2(0)); auto child = TRY(Core::System::fork()); if (child == 0) { close(sync_pipe[1]); m_pid = getpid(); Core::EventLoop::notify_forked(Core::EventLoop::ForkEvent::Child); TemporaryChange signal_handler_install { m_should_reinstall_signal_handlers, true }; if (auto result = apply_rewirings(); result.is_error()) { warnln("Shell: Failed to apply rewirings in {}: {}", copy_argv[0], result.error()); _exit(126); } fds.collect(); u8 c; while (read(sync_pipe[0], &c, 1) < 0) { if (errno != EINTR) { warnln("Shell: Failed to sync in {}: {}", copy_argv[0], Error::from_syscall("read"sv, -errno)); // There's nothing interesting we can do here. break; } } dbgln_if(SH_DEBUG, "Synced up with parent, we're good to exec()"); close(sync_pipe[0]); if (!m_is_subshell && command.should_wait) tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &default_termios); m_is_subshell = true; if (command.should_immediately_execute_next) { VERIFY(command.argv.is_empty()); Core::EventLoop mainloop; setup_signals(); for (auto& next_in_chain : command.next_chain) run_tail(command, next_in_chain, 0); _exit(last_return_code.value_or(0)); } if (int local_return_code = 0; TRY(run_builtin(command, {}, local_return_code))) _exit(local_return_code); if (int local_return_code = 0; invoke_function(command, local_return_code)) _exit(local_return_code); // We no longer need the jobs here. jobs.clear(); execute_process(move(argv)); VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } close(sync_pipe[0]); bool is_first = !command.pipeline || (command.pipeline && command.pipeline->pgid == -1); if (command.pipeline) { if (is_first) { command.pipeline->pgid = child; } } pid_t pgid = is_first ? child : (command.pipeline ? command.pipeline->pgid : child); if (!m_is_subshell || command.pipeline) { auto result = Core::System::setpgid(child, pgid); if (result.is_error() && m_is_interactive) warnln("Shell: {}", result.error()); if (!m_is_subshell) { // There's no reason to care about the errors here // either we're in a tty, we're interactive, and this works // or we're not, and it fails - in which case, we don't need // stdin/stdout handoff to child processes anyway. tcsetpgrp(STDOUT_FILENO, pgid); tcsetpgrp(STDIN_FILENO, pgid); } } while (write(sync_pipe[1], "x", 1) < 0) { if (errno != EINTR) { warnln("Shell: Failed to sync with {}: {}", copy_argv[0], Error::from_syscall("write"sv, -errno)); // There's nothing interesting we can do here. break; } } close(sync_pipe[1]); StringBuilder cmd; cmd.join(' ', command.argv); auto command_copy = AST::Command(command); // Clear the next chain if it's to be immediately executed // as the child will run this chain. if (command.should_immediately_execute_next) command_copy.next_chain.clear(); auto job = Job::create(child, pgid, cmd.to_deprecated_string(), find_last_job_id() + 1, move(command_copy)); jobs.set((u64)child, job); job->on_exit = [this](auto job) { if (!job->exited()) return; if (job->is_running_in_background() && job->should_announce_exit()) warnln("Shell: Job {} ({}) exited\n", job->job_id(), job->cmd()); else if (job->signaled() && job->should_announce_signal()) warnln("Shell: Job {} ({}) {}\n", job->job_id(), job->cmd(), strsignal(job->termination_signal())); last_return_code = job->exit_code(); job->disown(); if (m_editor && job->exit_code() == 0 && is_allowed_to_modify_termios(job->command())) { m_editor->refetch_default_termios(); default_termios = m_editor->default_termios(); termios = m_editor->termios(); } run_tail(job); }; fds.collect(); return *job; } ErrorOr Shell::execute_process(Span argv) { Vector strings; Vector args; TRY(strings.try_ensure_capacity(argv.size())); TRY(args.try_ensure_capacity(argv.size() + 1)); for (auto& entry : argv) { strings.unchecked_append(entry); args.unchecked_append(strings.last().characters()); } args.append(nullptr); // NOTE: noreturn. execute_process(move(args)); } void Shell::execute_process(Vector&& argv) { for (auto& promise : m_active_promises) { MUST(Core::System::pledge("stdio rpath exec"sv, promise.data.exec_promises)); for (auto& item : promise.data.unveils) MUST(Core::System::unveil(item.path, item.access)); } int rc = execvp(argv[0], const_cast(argv.data())); if (rc < 0) { auto parts = StringView { argv[0], strlen(argv[0]) }.split_view('/'); if (parts.size() == 1) { // If this is a path in the current directory and it caused execvp() to fail, // simply don't attempt to execute it, see #6774. warnln("{}: Command not found.", argv[0]); _exit(127); } int saved_errno = errno; struct stat st; if (stat(argv[0], &st)) { warnln("stat({}): {}", argv[0], strerror(errno)); // Return code 127 on command not found. _exit(127); } if (!(st.st_mode & S_IXUSR)) { warnln("{}: Not executable", argv[0]); // Return code 126 when file is not executable. _exit(126); } if (saved_errno == ENOENT) { do { auto file_result = Core::DeprecatedFile::open(argv[0], Core::OpenMode::ReadOnly); if (file_result.is_error()) break; auto& file = file_result.value(); auto line = file->read_line(); if (!line.starts_with("#!"sv)) break; GenericLexer shebang_lexer { line.substring_view(2) }; auto shebang = shebang_lexer.consume_until(is_any_of("\n\r"sv)).to_deprecated_string(); argv.prepend(shebang.characters()); int rc = execvp(argv[0], const_cast(argv.data())); if (rc < 0) { warnln("{}: Invalid interpreter \"{}\": {}", argv[0], shebang.characters(), strerror(errno)); _exit(126); } } while (false); warnln("{}: Command not found.", argv[0]); } else { if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { warnln("Shell: {}: Is a directory", argv[0]); _exit(126); } warnln("execvp({}): {}", argv[0], strerror(saved_errno)); } _exit(126); } VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } void Shell::run_tail(const AST::Command& invoking_command, const AST::NodeWithAction& next_in_chain, int head_exit_code) { if (m_error != ShellError::None) { possibly_print_error(); if (!is_control_flow(m_error)) take_error(); return; } auto evaluate = [&] { if (next_in_chain.node->would_execute()) { (void)next_in_chain.node->run(*this); return; } auto node = next_in_chain.node; if (!invoking_command.should_wait) node = adopt_ref(static_cast(*new AST::Background(next_in_chain.node->position(), move(node)))); (void)adopt_ref(static_cast(*new AST::Execute(next_in_chain.node->position(), move(node))))->run(*this); }; switch (next_in_chain.action) { case AST::NodeWithAction::And: if (head_exit_code == 0) evaluate(); break; case AST::NodeWithAction::Or: if (head_exit_code != 0) evaluate(); break; case AST::NodeWithAction::Sequence: evaluate(); break; } } void Shell::run_tail(RefPtr job) { if (auto cmd = job->command_ptr()) { deferred_invoke([=, this] { for (auto& next_in_chain : cmd->next_chain) { run_tail(*cmd, next_in_chain, job->exit_code()); } }); } } NonnullRefPtrVector Shell::run_commands(Vector& commands) { if (m_error != ShellError::None) { possibly_print_error(); if (!is_control_flow(m_error)) take_error(); return {}; } NonnullRefPtrVector spawned_jobs; for (auto& command : commands) { if constexpr (SH_DEBUG) { dbgln("Command"); for (auto& arg : command.argv) dbgln("argv: {}", arg); for (auto& redir : command.redirections) { if (redir.is_path_redirection()) { auto path_redir = (const AST::PathRedirection*)&redir; dbgln("redir path '{}' <-({})-> {}", path_redir->path, (int)path_redir->direction, path_redir->fd); } else if (redir.is_fd_redirection()) { auto* fdredir = (const AST::FdRedirection*)&redir; dbgln("redir fd {} -> {}", fdredir->old_fd, fdredir->new_fd); } else if (redir.is_close_redirection()) { auto close_redir = (const AST::CloseRedirection*)&redir; dbgln("close fd {}", close_redir->fd); } else { VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } } auto job_result = run_command(command); if (job_result.is_error()) { raise_error(ShellError::LaunchError, DeprecatedString::formatted("{} while running '{}'", job_result.error(), command.argv.first()), command.position); break; } auto job = job_result.release_value(); if (!job) continue; spawned_jobs.append(*job); if (command.should_wait) { block_on_job(job); } else { job->set_running_in_background(true); if (!command.is_pipe_source && command.should_notify_if_in_background) job->set_should_announce_exit(true); } } if (m_error != ShellError::None) { possibly_print_error(); if (!is_control_flow(m_error)) take_error(); } return spawned_jobs; } bool Shell::run_file(DeprecatedString const& filename, bool explicitly_invoked) { TemporaryChange script_change { current_script, filename }; TemporaryChange interactive_change { m_is_interactive, false }; TemporaryChange> source_change { m_source_position, SourcePosition { .source_file = filename, .literal_source_text = {}, .position = {} } }; auto file_result = Core::DeprecatedFile::open(filename, Core::OpenMode::ReadOnly); if (file_result.is_error()) { auto error = DeprecatedString::formatted("'{}': {}", escape_token_for_single_quotes(filename), file_result.error()); if (explicitly_invoked) raise_error(ShellError::OpenFailure, error); else dbgln("open() failed for {}", error); return false; } auto file = file_result.value(); auto data = file->read_all(); return run_command(data) == 0; } bool Shell::is_allowed_to_modify_termios(const AST::Command& command) const { if (command.argv.is_empty()) return false; auto value = lookup_local_variable("PROGRAMS_ALLOWED_TO_MODIFY_DEFAULT_TERMIOS"sv); if (value.is_error()) return false; if (!value.value()) return false; auto result = const_cast(*value.value()).resolve_as_list(const_cast(*this)); if (result.is_error()) return false; return result.value().contains_slow(command.argv[0]); } void Shell::restore_ios() { if (m_is_subshell) return; tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &termios); tcsetpgrp(STDOUT_FILENO, m_pid); tcsetpgrp(STDIN_FILENO, m_pid); } void Shell::block_on_pipeline(RefPtr pipeline) { if (!pipeline) return; for (auto& it : jobs) { if (auto cmd = it.value->command_ptr(); cmd->pipeline == pipeline && cmd->is_pipe_source) block_on_job(it.value); } } void Shell::block_on_job(RefPtr job) { TemporaryChange current_job { m_current_job, job.ptr() }; if (!job) return; if (job->is_suspended() && !job->shell_did_continue()) return; // We cannot wait for a suspended job. ScopeGuard io_restorer { [&]() { if (job->exited() && !job->is_running_in_background()) { restore_ios(); } } }; bool job_exited { false }; job->on_exit = [&, old_exit = move(job->on_exit)](auto job) { if (old_exit) old_exit(job); job_exited = true; }; if (job->exited()) return; while (!job_exited) Core::EventLoop::current().pump(); // If the job is part of a pipeline, wait for the rest of the members too. if (auto command = job->command_ptr()) block_on_pipeline(command->pipeline); } DeprecatedString Shell::get_history_path() { if (auto histfile = getenv("HISTFILE")) return { histfile }; return DeprecatedString::formatted("{}/.history", home); } DeprecatedString Shell::escape_token_for_single_quotes(StringView token) { // `foo bar \n '` -> `'foo bar \n '"'"` StringBuilder builder; builder.append("'"sv); auto started_single_quote = true; for (auto c : token) { switch (c) { case '\'': builder.append("\"'\""sv); started_single_quote = false; continue; default: builder.append(c); if (!started_single_quote) { started_single_quote = true; builder.append("'"sv); } break; } } if (started_single_quote) builder.append("'"sv); return builder.to_deprecated_string(); } DeprecatedString Shell::escape_token_for_double_quotes(StringView token) { // `foo bar \n $x 'blah "hello` -> `"foo bar \\n $x 'blah \"hello"` StringBuilder builder; builder.append('"'); for (auto c : token) { switch (c) { case '\"': builder.append("\\\""sv); continue; case '\\': builder.append("\\\\"sv); continue; default: builder.append(c); break; } } builder.append('"'); return builder.to_deprecated_string(); } Shell::SpecialCharacterEscapeMode Shell::special_character_escape_mode(u32 code_point, EscapeMode mode) { switch (code_point) { case '\'': if (mode == EscapeMode::DoubleQuotedString) return SpecialCharacterEscapeMode::Untouched; return SpecialCharacterEscapeMode::Escaped; case '"': case '$': case '\\': if (mode == EscapeMode::SingleQuotedString) return SpecialCharacterEscapeMode::Untouched; return SpecialCharacterEscapeMode::Escaped; case '|': case '>': case '<': case '(': case ')': case '{': case '}': case '&': case ';': case '?': case '*': case ' ': if (mode == EscapeMode::SingleQuotedString || mode == EscapeMode::DoubleQuotedString) return SpecialCharacterEscapeMode::Untouched; return SpecialCharacterEscapeMode::Escaped; case '\n': case '\t': case '\r': return SpecialCharacterEscapeMode::QuotedAsEscape; default: // FIXME: Should instead use unicode's "graphic" property (categories L, M, N, P, S, Zs) if (is_ascii(code_point)) return is_ascii_printable(code_point) ? SpecialCharacterEscapeMode::Untouched : SpecialCharacterEscapeMode::QuotedAsHex; return SpecialCharacterEscapeMode::Untouched; } } static DeprecatedString do_escape(Shell::EscapeMode escape_mode, auto& token) { StringBuilder builder; for (auto c : token) { static_assert(sizeof(c) == sizeof(u32) || sizeof(c) == sizeof(u8)); switch (Shell::special_character_escape_mode(c, escape_mode)) { case Shell::SpecialCharacterEscapeMode::Untouched: if constexpr (sizeof(c) == sizeof(u8)) builder.append(c); else builder.append(Utf32View { &c, 1 }); break; case Shell::SpecialCharacterEscapeMode::Escaped: if (escape_mode == Shell::EscapeMode::SingleQuotedString) builder.append("'"sv); builder.append('\\'); builder.append(c); if (escape_mode == Shell::EscapeMode::SingleQuotedString) builder.append("'"sv); break; case Shell::SpecialCharacterEscapeMode::QuotedAsEscape: if (escape_mode == Shell::EscapeMode::SingleQuotedString) builder.append("'"sv); if (escape_mode != Shell::EscapeMode::DoubleQuotedString) builder.append("\""sv); switch (c) { case '\n': builder.append(R"(\n)"sv); break; case '\t': builder.append(R"(\t)"sv); break; case '\r': builder.append(R"(\r)"sv); break; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } if (escape_mode != Shell::EscapeMode::DoubleQuotedString) builder.append("\""sv); if (escape_mode == Shell::EscapeMode::SingleQuotedString) builder.append("'"sv); break; case Shell::SpecialCharacterEscapeMode::QuotedAsHex: if (escape_mode == Shell::EscapeMode::SingleQuotedString) builder.append("'"sv); if (escape_mode != Shell::EscapeMode::DoubleQuotedString) builder.append("\""sv); if (c <= NumericLimits::max()) builder.appendff(R"(\x{:0>2x})", static_cast(c)); else builder.appendff(R"(\u{:0>8x})", static_cast(c)); if (escape_mode != Shell::EscapeMode::DoubleQuotedString) builder.append("\""sv); if (escape_mode == Shell::EscapeMode::SingleQuotedString) builder.append("'"sv); break; } } return builder.to_deprecated_string(); } DeprecatedString Shell::escape_token(Utf32View token, EscapeMode escape_mode) { return do_escape(escape_mode, token); } DeprecatedString Shell::escape_token(StringView token, EscapeMode escape_mode) { Utf8View view { token }; if (view.validate()) return do_escape(escape_mode, view); return do_escape(escape_mode, token); } DeprecatedString Shell::unescape_token(StringView token) { StringBuilder builder; enum { Free, Escaped } state { Free }; for (auto c : token) { switch (state) { case Escaped: builder.append(c); state = Free; break; case Free: if (c == '\\') state = Escaped; else builder.append(c); break; } } if (state == Escaped) builder.append('\\'); return builder.to_deprecated_string(); } void Shell::cache_path() { if (!m_is_interactive) return; if (!cached_path.is_empty()) cached_path.clear_with_capacity(); // Add shell builtins to the cache. for (auto const& builtin_name : builtin_names) cached_path.append({ RunnablePath::Kind::Builtin, escape_token(builtin_name) }); // Add functions to the cache. for (auto& function : m_functions) { auto name = escape_token(function.key); if (cached_path.contains_slow(name)) continue; cached_path.append({ RunnablePath::Kind::Function, name }); } // Add aliases to the cache. for (auto const& alias : m_aliases) { auto name = escape_token(alias.key); if (cached_path.contains_slow(name)) continue; cached_path.append({ RunnablePath::Kind::Alias, name }); } // TODO: Can we make this rely on Core::DeprecatedFile::resolve_executable_from_environment()? DeprecatedString path = getenv("PATH"); if (!path.is_empty()) { auto directories = path.split(':'); for (auto const& directory : directories) { Core::DirIterator programs(directory.characters(), Core::DirIterator::SkipDots); while (programs.has_next()) { auto program = programs.next_path(); auto program_path = DeprecatedString::formatted("{}/{}", directory, program); auto escaped_name = escape_token(program); if (cached_path.contains_slow(escaped_name)) continue; if (access(program_path.characters(), X_OK) == 0) cached_path.append({ RunnablePath::Kind::Executable, escaped_name }); } } } quick_sort(cached_path); } void Shell::add_entry_to_cache(RunnablePath const& entry) { size_t index = 0; auto match = binary_search(cached_path.span(), entry, &index, RunnablePathComparator {}); if (match) return; while (index < cached_path.size() && strcmp(cached_path[index].path.characters(), entry.path.characters()) < 0) { index++; } cached_path.insert(index, entry); } void Shell::remove_entry_from_cache(StringView entry) { size_t index { 0 }; auto match = binary_search(cached_path.span(), entry, &index, RunnablePathComparator {}); if (match) cached_path.remove(index); } ErrorOr Shell::highlight(Line::Editor& editor) const { auto line = editor.line(); auto ast = parse(line, m_is_interactive); if (!ast) return {}; return ast->highlight_in_editor(editor, const_cast(*this)); } Vector Shell::complete() { m_completion_stack_info = {}; return complete(m_editor->line(m_editor->cursor())); } Vector Shell::complete(StringView line) { auto ast = parse(line, m_is_interactive); if (!ast) return {}; return ast->complete_for_editor(*this, line.length()).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); } Vector Shell::complete_path(StringView base, StringView part, size_t offset, ExecutableOnly executable_only, AST::Node const* command_node, AST::Node const* node, EscapeMode escape_mode) { auto token = offset ? part.substring_view(0, offset) : ""sv; DeprecatedString path; ssize_t last_slash = token.length() - 1; while (last_slash >= 0 && token[last_slash] != '/') --last_slash; if (command_node) { auto program_results = complete_via_program_itself(offset, command_node, node, escape_mode, {}); if (!program_results.is_error()) return program_results.release_value(); } StringBuilder path_builder; auto init_slash_part = token.substring_view(0, last_slash + 1); auto last_slash_part = token.substring_view(last_slash + 1, token.length() - last_slash - 1); bool allow_direct_children = true; // Depending on the base, we will have to prepend cwd. if (base.is_empty()) { // '' /foo -> absolute // '' foo -> relative if (!token.starts_with('/')) path_builder.append(cwd); path_builder.append('/'); path_builder.append(init_slash_part); if (executable_only == ExecutableOnly::Yes && init_slash_part.is_empty()) allow_direct_children = false; } else { // /foo * -> absolute // foo * -> relative if (!base.starts_with('/')) path_builder.append(cwd); path_builder.append('/'); path_builder.append(base); path_builder.append('/'); path_builder.append(init_slash_part); } path = path_builder.to_deprecated_string(); token = last_slash_part; // the invariant part of the token is actually just the last segment // e. in `cd /foo/bar', 'bar' is the invariant // since we are not suggesting anything starting with // `/foo/', but rather just `bar...' auto token_length = escape_token(token, escape_mode).length(); size_t static_offset = 0; auto invariant_offset = token_length; if (m_editor) m_editor->transform_suggestion_offsets(invariant_offset, static_offset); // only suggest dot-files if path starts with a dot Core::DirIterator files(path, token.starts_with('.') ? Core::DirIterator::SkipParentAndBaseDir : Core::DirIterator::SkipDots); Vector suggestions; while (files.has_next()) { auto file = files.next_path(); if (file.starts_with(token)) { struct stat program_status; auto file_path = DeprecatedString::formatted("{}/{}", path, file); int stat_error = stat(file_path.characters(), &program_status); if (!stat_error && (executable_only == ExecutableOnly::No || access(file_path.characters(), X_OK) == 0)) { if (S_ISDIR(program_status.st_mode)) { suggestions.append({ escape_token(file, escape_mode), "/"sv }); } else { if (!allow_direct_children && !file.contains('/')) continue; suggestions.append({ escape_token(file, escape_mode), " "sv }); } suggestions.last().input_offset = token_length; suggestions.last().invariant_offset = invariant_offset; suggestions.last().static_offset = static_offset; } } } // The results of DirIterator are in the order they appear on-disk. // Instead, return suggestions in lexicographical order. quick_sort(suggestions, [](auto& a, auto& b) { return a.text_string < b.text_string; }); return suggestions; } Vector Shell::complete_program_name(StringView name, size_t offset, EscapeMode escape_mode) { auto match = binary_search( cached_path.span(), name, nullptr, [](auto& name, auto& program) { return strncmp( name.characters_without_null_termination(), program.path.characters(), name.length()); }); if (!match) return complete_path(""sv, name, offset, ExecutableOnly::Yes, nullptr, nullptr, escape_mode); DeprecatedString completion = match->path; auto token_length = escape_token(name, escape_mode).length(); auto invariant_offset = token_length; size_t static_offset = 0; if (m_editor) m_editor->transform_suggestion_offsets(invariant_offset, static_offset); // Now that we have a program name starting with our token, we look at // other program names starting with our token and cut off any mismatching // characters. Vector suggestions; int index = match - cached_path.data(); for (int i = index - 1; i >= 0 && cached_path[i].path.starts_with(name); --i) suggestions.append({ cached_path[i].path, " "sv }); for (size_t i = index + 1; i < cached_path.size() && cached_path[i].path.starts_with(name); ++i) suggestions.append({ cached_path[i].path, " "sv }); suggestions.append({ cached_path[index].path, " "sv }); for (auto& entry : suggestions) { entry.input_offset = token_length; entry.invariant_offset = invariant_offset; entry.static_offset = static_offset; } return suggestions; } Vector Shell::complete_variable(StringView name, size_t offset) { Vector suggestions; auto pattern = offset ? name.substring_view(0, offset) : ""sv; auto invariant_offset = offset; size_t static_offset = 0; if (m_editor) m_editor->transform_suggestion_offsets(invariant_offset, static_offset); // Look at local variables. for (auto& frame : m_local_frames) { for (auto& variable : frame.local_variables) { if (variable.key.starts_with(pattern) && !suggestions.contains_slow(variable.key)) suggestions.append(variable.key); } } // Look at the environment. for (auto i = 0; environ[i]; ++i) { StringView entry { environ[i], strlen(environ[i]) }; if (entry.starts_with(pattern)) { auto parts = entry.split_view('='); if (parts.is_empty() || parts.first().is_empty()) continue; DeprecatedString name = parts.first(); if (suggestions.contains_slow(name)) continue; suggestions.append(move(name)); } } for (auto& entry : suggestions) { entry.input_offset = offset; entry.invariant_offset = invariant_offset; entry.static_offset = static_offset; } return suggestions; } Vector Shell::complete_user(StringView name, size_t offset) { Vector suggestions; auto pattern = offset ? name.substring_view(0, offset) : ""sv; auto invariant_offset = offset; size_t static_offset = 0; if (m_editor) m_editor->transform_suggestion_offsets(invariant_offset, static_offset); Core::DirIterator di("/home", Core::DirIterator::SkipParentAndBaseDir); if (di.has_error()) return suggestions; while (di.has_next()) { DeprecatedString name = di.next_path(); if (name.starts_with(pattern)) { suggestions.append(name); auto& suggestion = suggestions.last(); suggestion.input_offset = offset; suggestion.invariant_offset = invariant_offset; suggestion.static_offset = static_offset; } } return suggestions; } Vector Shell::complete_option(StringView program_name, StringView option, size_t offset, AST::Node const* command_node, AST::Node const* node) { if (command_node) { auto program_results = complete_via_program_itself(offset, command_node, node, EscapeMode::Bareword, program_name); if (!program_results.is_error()) return program_results.release_value(); } size_t start = 0; while (start < option.length() && option[start] == '-' && start < 2) ++start; auto option_pattern = offset > start ? option.substring_view(start, offset - start) : ""sv; auto invariant_offset = offset; size_t static_offset = 0; if (m_editor) m_editor->transform_suggestion_offsets(invariant_offset, static_offset); dbgln("Shell::complete_option({}, {})", program_name, option_pattern); return {}; } ErrorOr> Shell::complete_via_program_itself(size_t, AST::Node const* command_node, AST::Node const* node, EscapeMode, StringView known_program_name) { if (!command_node) return Error::from_string_literal("Cannot complete null command"); if (command_node->would_execute()) return Error::from_string_literal("Refusing to complete nodes that would execute"); String program_name_storage; if (known_program_name.is_null()) { auto node = command_node->leftmost_trivial_literal(); if (!node) return Error::from_string_literal("Cannot complete"); program_name_storage = TRY(TRY(const_cast(*node).run(*this))->resolve_as_string(*this)); known_program_name = program_name_storage; } AST::Command completion_command; completion_command.argv.append(program_name_storage); completion_command = TRY(expand_aliases({ completion_command })).last(); auto completion_utility_name = TRY(String::formatted("_complete_{}", completion_command.argv[0])); if (binary_search(cached_path.span(), completion_utility_name, nullptr, RunnablePathComparator {}) != nullptr) completion_command.argv[0] = completion_utility_name; else if (!options.invoke_program_for_autocomplete) return Error::from_string_literal("Refusing to use the program itself as completion source"); completion_command.argv.extend({ TRY(String::from_utf8("--complete"sv)), String::from_utf8_short_string("--"sv) }); struct Visitor : public AST::NodeVisitor { Visitor(Shell& shell, AST::Position position) : shell(shell) , completion_position(position) { lists.empend(); } Shell& shell; AST::Position completion_position; Vector> lists; bool fail { false }; void push_list() { lists.empend(); } Vector pop_list() { return lists.take_last(); } Vector& list() { return lists.last(); } bool should_include(AST::Node const* node) const { return node->position().end_offset <= completion_position.end_offset; } virtual void visit(AST::BarewordLiteral const* node) override { if (should_include(node)) list().append(node->text()); } virtual void visit(AST::BraceExpansion const* node) override { if (should_include(node)) { auto value = static_cast(const_cast(node))->run(shell).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); auto entries = value->resolve_as_list(shell).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); list().extend(move(entries)); } } virtual void visit(AST::CommandLiteral const* node) override { if (should_include(node)) list().extend(node->command().argv); } virtual void visit(AST::DynamicEvaluate const* node) override { if (should_include(node)) fail = true; } virtual void visit(AST::DoubleQuotedString const* node) override { if (!should_include(node)) return; push_list(); AST::NodeVisitor::visit(node); auto list = pop_list(); StringBuilder builder; builder.join(""sv, list); this->list().append(builder.to_string().release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors()); } virtual void visit(AST::Glob const* node) override { if (should_include(node)) list().append(node->text()); } virtual void visit(AST::Heredoc const* node) override { if (!should_include(node)) return; push_list(); AST::NodeVisitor::visit(node); auto list = pop_list(); StringBuilder builder; builder.join(""sv, list); this->list().append(builder.to_string().release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors()); } virtual void visit(AST::ImmediateExpression const* node) override { if (should_include(node)) fail = true; } virtual void visit(AST::Range const* node) override { if (!should_include(node)) return; push_list(); node->start()->visit(*this); list().append(pop_list().first()); } virtual void visit(AST::SimpleVariable const* node) override { if (should_include(node)) { auto values = static_cast(const_cast(node))->run(shell).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); auto entries = values->resolve_as_list(shell).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); list().extend(move(entries)); } } virtual void visit(AST::SpecialVariable const* node) override { if (should_include(node)) { auto values = static_cast(const_cast(node))->run(shell).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); auto entries = values->resolve_as_list(shell).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); list().extend(move(entries)); } } virtual void visit(AST::Juxtaposition const* node) override { if (!should_include(node)) return; push_list(); node->left()->visit(*this); auto left = pop_list(); push_list(); node->right()->visit(*this); auto right = pop_list(); StringBuilder builder; for (auto& left_entry : left) { for (auto& right_entry : right) { builder.append(left_entry); builder.append(right_entry); list().append(builder.to_string().release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors()); builder.clear(); } } } virtual void visit(AST::StringLiteral const* node) override { if (should_include(node)) list().append(node->text()); } virtual void visit(AST::Tilde const* node) override { if (should_include(node)) { auto values = static_cast(const_cast(node))->run(shell).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); auto entries = values->resolve_as_list(shell).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); list().extend(move(entries)); } } virtual void visit(AST::PathRedirectionNode const*) override { } virtual void visit(AST::CloseFdRedirection const*) override { } virtual void visit(AST::Fd2FdRedirection const*) override { } virtual void visit(AST::Execute const*) override { } virtual void visit(AST::ReadRedirection const*) override { } virtual void visit(AST::ReadWriteRedirection const*) override { } virtual void visit(AST::WriteAppendRedirection const*) override { } virtual void visit(AST::WriteRedirection const*) override { } } visitor { *this, node ? node->position() : AST::Position() }; command_node->visit(visitor); if (visitor.fail) return Error::from_string_literal("Cannot complete"); completion_command.argv.extend(visitor.list()); auto devnull = TRY(String::from_utf8("/dev/null"sv)); completion_command.should_wait = true; completion_command.redirections.append(AST::PathRedirection::create(devnull, STDERR_FILENO, AST::PathRedirection::Write)); completion_command.redirections.append(AST::PathRedirection::create(devnull, STDIN_FILENO, AST::PathRedirection::Read)); auto execute_node = make_ref_counted( AST::Position {}, make_ref_counted(AST::Position {}, move(completion_command)), true); Vector suggestions; auto timer = TRY(Core::Timer::create_single_shot(300, [&] { Core::EventLoop::current().quit(1); })); timer->start(); // Restrict the process to effectively readonly access to the FS. auto scoped_promise = promise({ .exec_promises = "stdio rpath prot_exec no_error", .unveils = { { "/", "rx" }, }, }); { TemporaryChange change(m_is_interactive, false); TRY(execute_node->for_each_entry(*this, [&](NonnullRefPtr entry) -> ErrorOr { auto result = TRY(entry->resolve_as_string(*this)); JsonParser parser(result); auto parsed_result = parser.parse(); if (parsed_result.is_error()) return IterationDecision::Continue; auto parsed = parsed_result.release_value(); if (parsed.is_object()) { auto& object = parsed.as_object(); auto kind = object.get_deprecated_string("kind"sv).value_or("plain"); if (kind == "path") { auto base = object.get_deprecated_string("base"sv).value_or(""); auto part = object.get_deprecated_string("part"sv).value_or(""); auto executable_only = object.get_bool("executable_only"sv).value_or(false) ? ExecutableOnly::Yes : ExecutableOnly::No; suggestions.extend(complete_path(base, part, part.length(), executable_only, nullptr, nullptr)); } else if (kind == "program") { auto name = object.get_deprecated_string("name"sv).value_or(""); suggestions.extend(complete_program_name(name, name.length())); } else if (kind == "proxy") { if (m_completion_stack_info.size_free() < 4 * KiB) { dbgln("Not enough stack space, recursion?"); return IterationDecision::Continue; } auto argv = object.get_deprecated_string("argv"sv).value_or(""); dbgln("Proxy completion for {}", argv); suggestions.extend(complete(argv)); } else if (kind == "plain") { Line::CompletionSuggestion suggestion { object.get_deprecated_string("completion"sv).value_or(""), object.get_deprecated_string("trailing_trivia"sv).value_or(""), object.get_deprecated_string("display_trivia"sv).value_or(""), }; suggestion.static_offset = object.get_u64("static_offset"sv).value_or(0); suggestion.invariant_offset = object.get_u64("invariant_offset"sv).value_or(0); suggestion.allow_commit_without_listing = object.get_bool("allow_commit_without_listing"sv).value_or(true); suggestions.append(move(suggestion)); } else { dbgln("LibLine: Unhandled completion kind: {}", kind); } } else { suggestions.append(parsed.to_deprecated_string()); } return IterationDecision::Continue; })); } auto pgid = getpgrp(); tcsetpgrp(STDOUT_FILENO, pgid); tcsetpgrp(STDIN_FILENO, pgid); if (suggestions.is_empty()) return Error::from_string_literal("No results"); return suggestions; } Vector Shell::complete_immediate_function_name(StringView name, size_t offset) { Vector suggestions; auto invariant_offset = offset; size_t static_offset = 0; if (m_editor) m_editor->transform_suggestion_offsets(invariant_offset, static_offset); #define __ENUMERATE_SHELL_IMMEDIATE_FUNCTION(fn_name) \ if (auto name_view = #fn_name##sv; name_view.starts_with(name)) \ suggestions.append({ name_view, " "sv }); ENUMERATE_SHELL_IMMEDIATE_FUNCTIONS(); #undef __ENUMERATE_SHELL_IMMEDIATE_FUNCTION for (auto& entry : suggestions) { entry.input_offset = offset; entry.invariant_offset = invariant_offset; entry.static_offset = static_offset; } return suggestions; } void Shell::bring_cursor_to_beginning_of_a_line() const { struct winsize ws; if (m_editor) { ws = m_editor->terminal_size(); } else { if (ioctl(STDERR_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws) < 0) { // Very annoying assumptions. ws.ws_col = 80; ws.ws_row = 25; } } // Black with Cyan background. constexpr auto default_mark = "\e[30;46m%\e[0m"; DeprecatedString eol_mark = getenv("PROMPT_EOL_MARK"); if (eol_mark.is_null()) eol_mark = default_mark; size_t eol_mark_length = Line::Editor::actual_rendered_string_metrics(eol_mark).line_metrics.last().total_length(); if (eol_mark_length >= ws.ws_col) { eol_mark = default_mark; eol_mark_length = 1; } fputs(eol_mark.characters(), stderr); // We write a line's worth of whitespace to the terminal. This way, we ensure that // the prompt ends up on a new line even if there is dangling output on the current line. size_t fill_count = ws.ws_col - eol_mark_length; auto fill_buffer = DeprecatedString::repeated(' ', fill_count); fwrite(fill_buffer.characters(), 1, fill_count, stderr); putc('\r', stderr); } bool Shell::has_history_event(StringView source) { struct : public AST::NodeVisitor { virtual void visit(const AST::HistoryEvent* node) override { has_history_event = true; AST::NodeVisitor::visit(node); } bool has_history_event { false }; } visitor; auto ast = Parser { source, true }.parse(); if (!ast) return false; ast->visit(visitor); return visitor.has_history_event; } bool Shell::read_single_line() { while (true) { restore_ios(); bring_cursor_to_beginning_of_a_line(); auto line_result = m_editor->get_line(prompt()); if (line_result.is_error()) { auto is_eof = line_result.error() == Line::Editor::Error::Eof; auto is_empty = line_result.error() == Line::Editor::Error::Empty; if (is_eof || is_empty) { // Pretend the user tried to execute builtin_exit() auto exit_code = run_command("exit"sv); if (exit_code != 0) { // If we didn't end up actually calling exit(), and the command didn't succeed, just pretend it's all okay // unless we can't, then just quit anyway. if (!is_empty) continue; } } Core::EventLoop::current().quit(1); return false; } auto& line = line_result.value(); if (line.is_empty()) return true; run_command(line); if (!has_history_event(line)) m_editor->add_to_history(line); return true; } } void Shell::custom_event(Core::CustomEvent& event) { if (event.custom_type() == ReadLine) { if (read_single_line()) Core::EventLoop::current().post_event(*this, make(ShellEventType::ReadLine)); return; } } void Shell::notify_child_event() { Vector disowned_jobs; // Workaround the fact that we can't receive *who* exactly changed state. // The child might still be alive (and even running) when this signal is dispatched to us // so just...repeat until we find a suitable child. // This, of course, will mean that someone can send us a SIGCHILD and we'd be spinning here // until the next child event we can actually handle, so stop after spending a total of 5110us (~5ms) on it. bool found_child = false; size_t const max_tries = 10; size_t valid_attempts = max_tries; useconds_t backoff_usec = 20; int backoff_multiplier = 2; for (;;) { if (found_child || --valid_attempts == 0) break; // Ignore stray SIGCHLD when there are no jobs. if (jobs.is_empty()) return; if (valid_attempts < max_tries - 1) { usleep(backoff_usec); backoff_usec *= backoff_multiplier; } for (auto& it : jobs) { auto job_id = it.key; auto& job = *it.value; int wstatus = 0; dbgln_if(SH_DEBUG, "waitpid({} = {}) = ...", job.pid(), job.cmd()); auto child_pid = waitpid(job.pid(), &wstatus, WNOHANG | WUNTRACED); dbgln_if(SH_DEBUG, "... = {} - exited: {}, suspended: {}", child_pid, WIFEXITED(wstatus), WIFSTOPPED(wstatus)); if (child_pid < 0) { if (errno == ECHILD) { // The child process went away before we could process its death, just assume it exited all ok. // FIXME: This should never happen, the child should stay around until we do the waitpid above. child_pid = job.pid(); } else { VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } if (child_pid == 0) { // If the child existed, but wasn't dead. if (job.is_suspended() || job.shell_did_continue()) { // The job was suspended, and someone sent it a SIGCONT. job.set_is_suspended(false); if (job.shell_did_continue()) job.set_shell_did_continue(false); found_child = true; } continue; } if (child_pid == job.pid()) { if (WIFSIGNALED(wstatus) && !WIFSTOPPED(wstatus)) { auto signal = WTERMSIG(wstatus); job.set_signalled(signal); if (signal == SIGINT) raise_error(ShellError::InternalControlFlowInterrupted, "Interrupted"sv, job.command().position); else if (signal == SIGKILL) raise_error(ShellError::InternalControlFlowKilled, "Interrupted"sv, job.command().position); } else if (WIFEXITED(wstatus)) { job.set_has_exit(WEXITSTATUS(wstatus)); } else if (WIFSTOPPED(wstatus)) { job.unblock(); job.set_is_suspended(true); } found_child = true; } if (job.should_be_disowned()) disowned_jobs.append(job_id); } for (auto job_id : disowned_jobs) { jobs.remove(job_id); } } } Shell::Shell() : m_default_constructed(true) { push_frame("main").leak_frame(); int rc = gethostname(hostname, Shell::HostNameSize); if (rc < 0) perror("gethostname"); { auto* pw = getpwuid(getuid()); if (pw) { username = pw->pw_name; home = pw->pw_dir; setenv("HOME", pw->pw_dir, 1); } endpwent(); } // For simplicity, start at the user's home directory. this->cwd = home; setenv("PWD", home.characters(), 1); // Add the default PATH vars. { StringBuilder path; auto const* path_env_ptr = getenv("PATH"); if (path_env_ptr != NULL) path.append({ path_env_ptr, strlen(path_env_ptr) }); if (path.length()) path.append(":"sv); path.append(DEFAULT_PATH_SV); setenv("PATH", path.to_deprecated_string().characters(), true); } cache_path(); } Shell::Shell(Line::Editor& editor, bool attempt_interactive, bool posix_mode) : m_in_posix_mode(posix_mode) , m_editor(editor) { uid = getuid(); tcsetpgrp(0, getpgrp()); m_pid = getpid(); push_frame("main").leak_frame(); int rc = gethostname(hostname, Shell::HostNameSize); if (rc < 0) perror("gethostname"); auto istty = isatty(STDIN_FILENO); m_is_interactive = attempt_interactive && istty; if (istty) { rc = ttyname_r(0, ttyname, Shell::TTYNameSize); if (rc < 0) perror("ttyname_r"); } else { ttyname[0] = 0; } { auto* cwd = getcwd(nullptr, 0); this->cwd = cwd; setenv("PWD", cwd, 1); free(cwd); } { auto* pw = getpwuid(getuid()); if (pw) { username = pw->pw_name; home = pw->pw_dir; setenv("HOME", pw->pw_dir, 1); } endpwent(); } directory_stack.append(cwd); if (m_is_interactive) { m_editor->load_history(get_history_path()); cache_path(); } m_editor->register_key_input_callback('\n', [this](Line::Editor& editor) { auto ast = parse(editor.line(), false); if (ast && ast->is_syntax_error() && ast->syntax_error_node().is_continuable()) return true; return EDITOR_INTERNAL_FUNCTION(finish)(editor); }); start_timer(3000); } Shell::~Shell() { if (m_default_constructed) return; stop_all_jobs(); if (!m_is_interactive) return; m_editor->save_history(get_history_path()); } void Shell::stop_all_jobs() { if (!jobs.is_empty()) { if (m_is_interactive && !m_is_subshell) printf("Killing active jobs\n"); for (auto& entry : jobs) { if (entry.value->is_suspended()) { dbgln_if(SH_DEBUG, "Job {} is suspended", entry.value->pid()); kill_job(entry.value, SIGCONT); } kill_job(entry.value, SIGHUP); } usleep(10000); // Wait for a bit before killing the job for (auto& entry : jobs) { dbgln_if(SH_DEBUG, "Actively killing {} ({})", entry.value->pid(), entry.value->cmd()); kill_job(entry.value, SIGKILL); } jobs.clear(); } } u64 Shell::find_last_job_id() const { u64 job_id = 0; for (auto& entry : jobs) { if (entry.value->job_id() > job_id) job_id = entry.value->job_id(); } return job_id; } Job* Shell::find_job(u64 id, bool is_pid) { for (auto& entry : jobs) { if (is_pid) { if (entry.value->pid() == static_cast(id)) return entry.value; } else { if (entry.value->job_id() == id) return entry.value; } } return nullptr; } void Shell::kill_job(Job const* job, int sig) { if (!job) return; if (killpg(job->pgid(), sig) < 0) { if (kill(job->pid(), sig) < 0) { if (errno != ESRCH) perror("kill"); } } } void Shell::save_to(JsonObject& object) { Core::Object::save_to(object); object.set("working_directory", cwd); object.set("username", username); object.set("user_home_path", home); object.set("user_id", uid); object.set("directory_stack_size", directory_stack.size()); object.set("cd_history_size", cd_history.size()); // Jobs. JsonArray job_objects; for (auto& job_entry : jobs) { JsonObject job_object; job_object.set("pid", job_entry.value->pid()); job_object.set("pgid", job_entry.value->pgid()); job_object.set("running_time", job_entry.value->timer().elapsed()); job_object.set("command", job_entry.value->cmd()); job_object.set("is_running_in_background", job_entry.value->is_running_in_background()); job_objects.append(move(job_object)); } object.set("jobs", move(job_objects)); } void Shell::possibly_print_error() const { switch (m_error) { case ShellError::EvaluatedSyntaxError: warnln("Shell Syntax Error: {}", m_error_description); break; case ShellError::InvalidSliceContentsError: case ShellError::InvalidGlobError: case ShellError::NonExhaustiveMatchRules: warnln("Shell: {}", m_error_description); break; case ShellError::OpenFailure: warnln("Shell: Open failed for {}", m_error_description); break; case ShellError::OutOfMemory: warnln("Shell: Hit an OOM situation"); break; case ShellError::LaunchError: warnln("Shell: {}", m_error_description); break; case ShellError::PipeFailure: warnln("Shell: pipe() failed for {}", m_error_description); break; case ShellError::WriteFailure: warnln("Shell: write() failed for {}", m_error_description); break; case ShellError::InternalControlFlowBreak: case ShellError::InternalControlFlowContinue: case ShellError::InternalControlFlowInterrupted: case ShellError::InternalControlFlowKilled: return; case ShellError::None: return; } if (m_source_position.has_value() && m_source_position->position.has_value()) { auto& source_position = m_source_position.value(); auto do_line = [&](auto line, auto& current_line) { auto is_in_range = line >= (i64)source_position.position->start_line.line_number && line <= (i64)source_position.position->end_line.line_number; warnln("{:>3}| {}", line, current_line); if (is_in_range) { warn("\x1b[31m"); size_t length_written_so_far = 0; if (line == (i64)source_position.position->start_line.line_number) { warn("{:~>{}}", "", 5 + source_position.position->start_line.line_column); length_written_so_far += source_position.position->start_line.line_column; } else { warn("{:~>{}}", "", 5); } if (line == (i64)source_position.position->end_line.line_number) { warn("{:^>{}}", "", source_position.position->end_line.line_column - length_written_so_far); length_written_so_far += source_position.position->start_line.line_column; } else { warn("{:^>{}}", "", current_line.length() - length_written_so_far); } warnln("\x1b[0m"); } }; int line = -1; DeprecatedString current_line; i64 line_to_skip_to = max(source_position.position->start_line.line_number, 2ul) - 2; if (!source_position.source_file.is_null()) { auto file = Core::DeprecatedFile::open(source_position.source_file, Core::OpenMode::ReadOnly); if (file.is_error()) { warnln("Shell: Internal error while trying to display source information: {} (while reading '{}')", file.error(), source_position.source_file); return; } while (line < line_to_skip_to) { if (file.value()->eof()) return; current_line = file.value()->read_line(); ++line; } for (; line < (i64)source_position.position->end_line.line_number + 2; ++line) { do_line(line, current_line); if (file.value()->eof()) current_line = ""; else current_line = file.value()->read_line(); } } else if (!source_position.literal_source_text.is_empty()) { GenericLexer lexer { source_position.literal_source_text }; while (line < line_to_skip_to) { if (lexer.is_eof()) return; current_line = lexer.consume_line(); ++line; } for (; line < (i64)source_position.position->end_line.line_number + 2; ++line) { do_line(line, current_line); if (lexer.is_eof()) current_line = ""; else current_line = lexer.consume_line(); } } } warnln(); } Optional Shell::resolve_job_spec(StringView str) { if (!str.starts_with('%')) return {}; // %number -> job id if (auto number = str.substring_view(1).to_uint(); number.has_value()) return number.value(); // '%?str' -> iterate jobs and pick one with `str' in its command // Note: must be quoted, since '?' will turn it into a glob - pretty ugly... GenericLexer lexer { str.substring_view(1) }; if (!lexer.consume_specific('?')) return {}; auto search_term = lexer.remaining(); for (auto& it : jobs) { if (it.value->cmd().contains(search_term)) return it.key; } return {}; } void Shell::timer_event(Core::TimerEvent& event) { event.accept(); if (m_is_subshell) return; auto const* autosave_env_ptr = getenv("HISTORY_AUTOSAVE_TIME_MS"); auto option = autosave_env_ptr != NULL ? StringView { autosave_env_ptr, strlen(autosave_env_ptr) } : StringView {}; auto time = option.to_uint(); if (!time.has_value() || time.value() == 0) { m_history_autosave_time.clear(); stop_timer(); start_timer(3000); return; } if (m_history_autosave_time != time) { m_history_autosave_time = time.value(); stop_timer(); start_timer(m_history_autosave_time.value()); } if (!m_history_autosave_time.has_value()) return; if (m_editor && m_editor->is_history_dirty()) m_editor->save_history(get_history_path()); } RefPtr Shell::parse(StringView input, bool interactive, bool as_command) const { if (m_in_posix_mode) { Posix::Parser parser(input); if (as_command) { auto node = parser.parse(); if constexpr (SHELL_POSIX_PARSER_DEBUG) { dbgln("Parsed with the POSIX Parser:"); (void)node->dump(0); } return node; } return parser.parse_word_list(); } Parser parser { input, interactive }; if (as_command) return parser.parse(); auto nodes = parser.parse_as_multiple_expressions(); return make_ref_counted( nodes.is_empty() ? AST::Position { 0, 0, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } } : nodes.first().position(), move(nodes)); } void FileDescriptionCollector::collect() { for (auto fd : m_fds) close(fd); m_fds.clear(); } FileDescriptionCollector::~FileDescriptionCollector() { collect(); } void FileDescriptionCollector::add(int fd) { m_fds.append(fd); } SavedFileDescriptors::SavedFileDescriptors(NonnullRefPtrVector const& intended_rewirings) { for (auto& rewiring : intended_rewirings) { int new_fd = dup(rewiring.new_fd); if (new_fd < 0) { if (errno != EBADF) perror("dup"); // The fd that will be overwritten isn't open right now, // it will be cleaned up by the exec()-side collector // and we have nothing to do here, so just ignore this error. continue; } auto flags = fcntl(new_fd, F_GETFD); auto rc = fcntl(new_fd, F_SETFD, flags | FD_CLOEXEC); VERIFY(rc == 0); m_saves.append({ rewiring.new_fd, new_fd }); m_collector.add(new_fd); } } SavedFileDescriptors::~SavedFileDescriptors() { for (auto& save : m_saves) { if (dup2(save.saved, save.original) < 0) { perror("dup2(~SavedFileDescriptors)"); continue; } } } }