/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2021, Andreas Kling * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #pragma once #include "HitTestResult.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace WindowServer { class Animation; class ConnectionFromClient; class Cursor; class KeyEvent; class Menu; class MenuItem; class MouseEvent; class WindowStack; enum WMEventMask { WindowRectChanges = 1 << 0, WindowStateChanges = 1 << 1, WindowIconChanges = 1 << 2, WindowRemovals = 1 << 3, WorkspaceChanges = 1 << 4, KeymapChanged = 1 << 5, }; enum class WindowTileType { None = 0, Left, Right, Top, Bottom, TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft, BottomRight, VerticallyMaximized, HorizontallyMaximized, Maximized, }; enum class WindowMenuAction { MinimizeOrUnminimize = 0, MaximizeOrRestore, ToggleMenubarVisibility, Close, Move, ToggleAlwaysOnTop, }; enum class WindowMenuDefaultAction { None = 0, BasedOnWindowState, Close, Minimize, Unminimize, Maximize, Restore }; enum class WindowMinimizedState : u32 { None = 0, Minimized, Hidden, }; class Window final : public Core::Object { C_OBJECT(Window); public: virtual ~Window() override; bool is_modified() const { return m_modified; } void set_modified(bool); void popup_window_menu(Gfx::IntPoint const&, WindowMenuDefaultAction); void handle_window_menu_action(WindowMenuAction); void window_menu_activate_default(); void request_close(); bool is_minimized() const { return m_minimized_state != WindowMinimizedState::None; } void set_minimized(bool); bool is_hidden() const { return m_minimized_state == WindowMinimizedState::Hidden; } void set_hidden(bool); WindowMinimizedState minimized_state() const { return m_minimized_state; } bool is_minimizable() const { return m_type == WindowType::Normal && m_minimizable; } void set_minimizable(bool); bool is_closeable() const { return m_closeable; } void set_closeable(bool); bool is_resizable() const { return m_resizable && !m_fullscreen; } void set_resizable(bool); bool is_maximized() const { return m_tile_type == WindowTileType::Maximized; } void set_maximized(bool); bool is_always_on_top() const { return m_always_on_top; } void set_always_on_top(bool); bool is_fullscreen() const { return m_fullscreen; } void set_fullscreen(bool); WindowTileType tile_type() const { return m_tile_type; } bool is_tiled() const { return m_tile_type != WindowTileType::None; } void set_tiled(WindowTileType); WindowTileType tile_type_based_on_rect(Gfx::IntRect const&) const; void check_untile_due_to_resize(Gfx::IntRect const&); bool set_untiled(); Gfx::IntRect floating_rect() const { return m_floating_rect; } void set_floating_rect(Gfx::IntRect rect) { m_floating_rect = rect; } void set_forced_shadow(bool b) { m_forced_shadow = b; } bool has_forced_shadow() const { return m_forced_shadow; } bool is_occluded() const { return m_occluded; } void set_occluded(bool); bool is_movable() const { return m_type == WindowType::Normal; } WindowFrame& frame() { return m_frame; } WindowFrame const& frame() const { return m_frame; } ConnectionFromClient* client() { return m_client; } ConnectionFromClient const* client() const { return m_client; } WindowType type() const { return m_type; } int window_id() const { return m_window_id; } bool is_internal() const { return m_client_id == -1; } i32 client_id() const { return m_client_id; } String title() const { return m_title; } void set_title(String const&); String computed_title() const; float opacity() const { return m_opacity; } void set_opacity(float); void set_hit_testing_enabled(bool value) { m_hit_testing_enabled = value; } float alpha_hit_threshold() const { return m_alpha_hit_threshold; } void set_alpha_hit_threshold(float threshold) { m_alpha_hit_threshold = threshold; } Optional hit_test(Gfx::IntPoint const&, bool include_frame = true); int x() const { return m_rect.x(); } int y() const { return m_rect.y(); } int width() const { return m_rect.width(); } int height() const { return m_rect.height(); } bool is_active() const; bool is_visible() const { return m_visible; } void set_visible(bool); bool is_modal() const { return m_mode != WindowMode::Modeless; } bool is_passive() { return m_mode == WindowMode::Passive; } bool is_rendering_above() { return m_mode == WindowMode::RenderAbove; } bool is_capturing_input() const { return m_mode == WindowMode::CaptureInput; } bool is_capturing_active_input_from(Window const&) const; bool is_blocking() const { return m_mode == WindowMode::Blocking; } Window* blocking_modal_window(); WindowMode mode() const { return m_mode; } Window* modeless_ancestor(); Gfx::IntRect rect() const { return m_rect; } void set_rect(Gfx::IntRect const&); void set_rect(int x, int y, int width, int height) { set_rect({ x, y, width, height }); } void set_rect_without_repaint(Gfx::IntRect const&); bool apply_minimum_size(Gfx::IntRect&); Gfx::IntSize minimum_size() const { return m_minimum_size; } void set_minimum_size(Gfx::IntSize const&); void set_minimum_size(int width, int height) { set_minimum_size({ width, height }); } void set_taskbar_rect(Gfx::IntRect const&); Gfx::IntRect const& taskbar_rect() const { return m_taskbar_rect; } void move_to(Gfx::IntPoint const& position) { set_rect({ position, size() }); } void move_to(int x, int y) { move_to({ x, y }); } void move_by(Gfx::IntPoint const& delta) { set_position_without_repaint(position().translated(delta)); } Gfx::IntPoint position() const { return m_rect.location(); } void set_position(Gfx::IntPoint const& position) { set_rect({ position.x(), position.y(), width(), height() }); } void set_position_without_repaint(Gfx::IntPoint const& position) { set_rect_without_repaint({ position.x(), position.y(), width(), height() }); } Gfx::IntSize size() const { return m_rect.size(); } void invalidate(bool with_frame = true, bool re_render_frame = false); void invalidate(Gfx::IntRect const&, bool invalidate_frame = false); void invalidate_menubar(); bool invalidate_no_notify(Gfx::IntRect const& rect, bool invalidate_frame = false); void invalidate_last_rendered_screen_rects(); void invalidate_last_rendered_screen_rects_now(); [[nodiscard]] bool should_invalidate_last_rendered_screen_rects() { return exchange(m_invalidate_last_render_rects, false); } void refresh_client_size(); void prepare_dirty_rects(); void clear_dirty_rects(); Gfx::DisjointIntRectSet& dirty_rects() { return m_dirty_rects; } // Only used by WindowType::Applet. Perhaps it could be a Window subclass? I don't know. void set_rect_in_applet_area(Gfx::IntRect const& rect) { m_rect_in_applet_area = rect; } Gfx::IntRect const& rect_in_applet_area() const { return m_rect_in_applet_area; } Gfx::Bitmap const* backing_store() const { return m_backing_store.ptr(); } Gfx::Bitmap* backing_store() { return m_backing_store.ptr(); } void set_backing_store(RefPtr backing_store, i32 serial) { m_last_backing_store = move(m_backing_store); m_backing_store = move(backing_store); m_last_backing_store_serial = m_backing_store_serial; m_backing_store_serial = serial; } void swap_backing_stores() { swap(m_backing_store, m_last_backing_store); swap(m_backing_store_serial, m_last_backing_store_serial); } Gfx::Bitmap* last_backing_store() { return m_last_backing_store.ptr(); } i32 last_backing_store_serial() const { return m_last_backing_store_serial; } void set_global_cursor_tracking_enabled(bool); void set_automatic_cursor_tracking_enabled(bool enabled) { m_automatic_cursor_tracking_enabled = enabled; } bool is_automatic_cursor_tracking() const { return m_automatic_cursor_tracking_enabled; } bool has_alpha_channel() const { return m_has_alpha_channel; } void set_has_alpha_channel(bool value); Gfx::IntSize size_increment() const { return m_size_increment; } void set_size_increment(Gfx::IntSize const& increment) { m_size_increment = increment; } Optional const& resize_aspect_ratio() const { return m_resize_aspect_ratio; } void set_resize_aspect_ratio(Optional const& ratio) { // "Tiled" means that we take up a chunk of space relative to the screen. // The screen can change, so "tiled" and "fixed aspect ratio" are mutually exclusive. // Similarly for "maximized" and "fixed aspect ratio". // In order to resolve this, undo those properties first: set_untiled(); set_maximized(false); m_resize_aspect_ratio = ratio; } Gfx::IntSize base_size() const { return m_base_size; } void set_base_size(Gfx::IntSize const& size) { m_base_size = size; } Gfx::Bitmap const& icon() const { return *m_icon; } void set_icon(NonnullRefPtr&& icon) { m_icon = move(icon); } void set_default_icon(); Cursor const* cursor() const { return (m_cursor_override ? m_cursor_override : m_cursor).ptr(); } void set_cursor(RefPtr cursor) { m_cursor = move(cursor); } void set_cursor_override(RefPtr cursor) { m_cursor_override = move(cursor); } void remove_cursor_override() { m_cursor_override = nullptr; } void request_update(Gfx::IntRect const&, bool ignore_occlusion = false); Gfx::DisjointIntRectSet take_pending_paint_rects() { return move(m_pending_paint_rects); } void start_minimize_animation(); void start_launch_animation(Gfx::IntRect const&); void recalculate_rect(); IntrusiveListNode m_list_node; void detach_client(Badge); Window* parent_window() { return m_parent_window; } Window const* parent_window() const { return m_parent_window; } void set_parent_window(Window&); Vector>& child_windows() { return m_child_windows; } Vector> const& child_windows() const { return m_child_windows; } bool is_descendant_of(Window&) const; void set_frameless(bool); bool is_frameless() const { return m_frameless; } bool should_show_menubar() const { return m_should_show_menubar; } Optional progress() const { return m_progress; } void set_progress(Optional); bool is_destroyed() const { return m_destroyed; } void destroy(); bool is_default_positioned() const { return m_default_positioned; } void set_default_positioned(bool p) { m_default_positioned = p; } bool is_opaque() const { if (opacity() < 1.0f) return false; if (has_alpha_channel()) return false; return true; } Gfx::DisjointIntRectSet& opaque_rects() { return m_opaque_rects; } Gfx::DisjointIntRectSet& transparency_rects() { return m_transparency_rects; } Gfx::DisjointIntRectSet& transparency_wallpaper_rects() { return m_transparency_wallpaper_rects; } // The affected transparency rects are the rectangles of other windows (above or below) // that also need to be marked dirty whenever a window's dirty rect in a transparency // area needs to be rendered auto& affected_transparency_rects() { return m_affected_transparency_rects; } Menubar& menubar() { return m_menubar; } Menubar const& menubar() const { return m_menubar; } void add_menu(Menu& menu); WindowStack& window_stack() { VERIFY(m_window_stack); return *m_window_stack; } WindowStack const& window_stack() const { VERIFY(m_window_stack); return *m_window_stack; } bool is_on_any_window_stack(Badge) const { return m_window_stack != nullptr; } void set_window_stack(Badge, WindowStack* stack) { m_window_stack = stack; } Vector const& screens() const { return m_screens; } Vector& screens() { return m_screens; } void set_moving_to_another_stack(bool value) { m_moving_to_another_stack = value; } bool is_moving_to_another_stack() const { return m_moving_to_another_stack; } void add_stealing_for_client(i32 client_id) { m_stealable_by_client_ids.append(move(client_id)); } void remove_stealing_for_client(i32 client_id) { m_stealable_by_client_ids.remove_all_matching([client_id](i32 approved_client_id) { return approved_client_id == client_id; }); } void remove_all_stealing() { m_stealable_by_client_ids.clear(); } bool is_stealable_by_client(i32 client_id) const { return m_stealable_by_client_ids.contains_slow(client_id); } private: Window(ConnectionFromClient&, WindowType, WindowMode, int window_id, bool minimizable, bool closeable, bool frameless, bool resizable, bool fullscreen, Window* parent_window = nullptr); Window(Core::Object&, WindowType); virtual void event(Core::Event&) override; void handle_mouse_event(MouseEvent const&); void handle_keydown_event(KeyEvent const&); void add_child_window(Window&); void ensure_window_menu(); void update_window_menu_items(); void modal_unparented(); ConnectionFromClient* m_client { nullptr }; WeakPtr m_parent_window; Vector> m_child_windows; Menubar m_menubar; String m_title; Gfx::IntRect m_rect; Gfx::IntRect m_saved_nonfullscreen_rect; Gfx::IntRect m_taskbar_rect; Vector m_screens; Gfx::DisjointIntRectSet m_dirty_rects; Gfx::DisjointIntRectSet m_opaque_rects; Gfx::DisjointIntRectSet m_transparency_rects; Gfx::DisjointIntRectSet m_transparency_wallpaper_rects; HashMap m_affected_transparency_rects; WindowType m_type { WindowType::Normal }; WindowMode m_mode { WindowMode::Modeless }; bool m_automatic_cursor_tracking_enabled { false }; bool m_visible { true }; bool m_has_alpha_channel { false }; bool m_minimizable { false }; bool m_closeable { false }; bool m_frameless { false }; bool m_forced_shadow { false }; bool m_resizable { false }; Optional m_resize_aspect_ratio {}; WindowMinimizedState m_minimized_state { WindowMinimizedState::None }; bool m_fullscreen { false }; bool m_destroyed { false }; bool m_default_positioned { false }; bool m_invalidated { true }; bool m_invalidated_all { true }; bool m_invalidated_frame { true }; bool m_hit_testing_enabled { true }; bool m_modified { false }; bool m_always_on_top { false }; bool m_moving_to_another_stack { false }; bool m_invalidate_last_render_rects { false }; Vector m_stealable_by_client_ids; WindowTileType m_tile_type { WindowTileType::None }; Gfx::IntRect m_floating_rect; bool m_occluded { false }; RefPtr m_backing_store; RefPtr m_last_backing_store; i32 m_backing_store_serial { -1 }; i32 m_last_backing_store_serial { -1 }; int m_window_id { -1 }; i32 m_client_id { -1 }; float m_opacity { 1 }; float m_alpha_hit_threshold { 0.0f }; Gfx::IntSize m_size_increment; Gfx::IntSize m_base_size; Gfx::IntSize m_minimum_size { 0, 0 }; NonnullRefPtr m_icon; RefPtr m_cursor; RefPtr m_cursor_override; WindowFrame m_frame; Gfx::DisjointIntRectSet m_pending_paint_rects; Gfx::IntRect m_rect_in_applet_area; RefPtr m_window_menu; MenuItem* m_window_menu_minimize_item { nullptr }; MenuItem* m_window_menu_maximize_item { nullptr }; MenuItem* m_window_menu_move_item { nullptr }; MenuItem* m_window_menu_close_item { nullptr }; MenuItem* m_window_menu_always_on_top_item { nullptr }; MenuItem* m_window_menu_menubar_visibility_item { nullptr }; Optional m_progress; bool m_should_show_menubar { true }; WindowStack* m_window_stack { nullptr }; RefPtr m_animation; public: using List = IntrusiveList<&Window::m_list_node>; }; }