/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2021, Andreas Kling * Copyright (c) 2020, Shannon Booth * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include "Menu.h" #include "Event.h" #include "MenuItem.h" #include "MenuManager.h" #include "Screen.h" #include "Window.h" #include "WindowManager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace WindowServer { u32 find_ampersand_shortcut_character(const StringView& string) { Utf8View utf8_view { string }; for (auto it = utf8_view.begin(); it != utf8_view.end(); ++it) { if (*it == '&') { ++it; if (it != utf8_view.end() && *it != '&') return *it; } } return 0; } Menu::Menu(ClientConnection* client, int menu_id, String name) : Core::Object(client) , m_client(client) , m_menu_id(menu_id) , m_name(move(name)) { m_alt_shortcut_character = find_ampersand_shortcut_character(m_name); } Menu::~Menu() { } const Gfx::Font& Menu::font() const { return Gfx::FontDatabase::default_font(); } static const char* s_checked_bitmap_data = { " " " # " " ## " " ### " " ## ### " " ##### " " ### " " # " " " }; static const char* s_submenu_arrow_bitmap_data = { " " " # " " ## " " ### " " #### " " ### " " ## " " # " " " }; static Gfx::CharacterBitmap* s_checked_bitmap; static const int s_checked_bitmap_width = 9; static const int s_checked_bitmap_height = 9; static const int s_submenu_arrow_bitmap_width = 9; static const int s_submenu_arrow_bitmap_height = 9; static const int s_item_icon_width = 16; static const int s_stripe_width = 24; int Menu::content_width() const { int widest_text = 0; int widest_shortcut = 0; for (auto& item : m_items) { if (item.type() != MenuItem::Text) continue; auto& use_font = item.is_default() ? font().bold_variant() : font(); int text_width = use_font.width(Gfx::parse_ampersand_string(item.text())); if (!item.shortcut_text().is_empty()) { int shortcut_width = use_font.width(item.shortcut_text()); widest_shortcut = max(shortcut_width, widest_shortcut); } widest_text = max(widest_text, text_width); } int widest_item = widest_text + s_stripe_width; if (widest_shortcut) widest_item += padding_between_text_and_shortcut() + widest_shortcut; return max(widest_item, rect_in_window_menubar().width()) + horizontal_padding() + frame_thickness() * 2; } void Menu::redraw() { if (!menu_window()) return; draw(); menu_window()->invalidate(); } void Menu::redraw(MenuItem const& menu_item) { draw(menu_item); menu_window()->invalidate(menu_item.rect()); } Window& Menu::ensure_menu_window(Gfx::IntPoint const& position) { auto& screen = Screen::closest_to_location(position); int width = this->content_width(); auto calculate_window_rect = [&]() -> Gfx::IntRect { int window_height_available = screen.height() - frame_thickness() * 2; int max_window_height = (window_height_available / item_height()) * item_height() + frame_thickness() * 2; int content_height = m_items.is_empty() ? 0 : (m_items.last().rect().bottom() + 1) + frame_thickness(); int window_height = min(max_window_height, content_height); if (window_height < content_height) { m_scrollable = true; m_max_scroll_offset = item_count() - window_height / item_height() + 2; } return { position, { width, window_height } }; }; Gfx::IntPoint next_item_location(frame_thickness(), frame_thickness()); for (auto& item : m_items) { int height = 0; if (item.type() == MenuItem::Text) height = item_height(); else if (item.type() == MenuItem::Separator) height = 8; item.set_rect({ next_item_location, { width - frame_thickness() * 2, height } }); next_item_location.translate_by(0, height); } if (m_menu_window) { // We might be on a different screen than previously, so recalculate the // menu's rectangle as we have more or less screen available now auto new_rect = calculate_window_rect(); if (new_rect != m_menu_window->rect()) { auto size_changed = new_rect.size() != m_menu_window->rect().size(); m_menu_window->set_rect(new_rect); if (size_changed) draw(); } } else { auto window = Window::construct(*this, WindowType::Menu); window->set_visible(false); window->set_rect(calculate_window_rect()); m_menu_window = move(window); draw(); } return *m_menu_window; } size_t Menu::visible_item_count() const { if (!is_scrollable()) return m_items.size(); VERIFY(m_menu_window); // Make space for up/down arrow indicators return m_menu_window->height() / item_height() - 2; } Gfx::IntRect Menu::stripe_rect() { return { frame_thickness(), frame_thickness(), s_stripe_width, menu_window()->height() - frame_thickness() * 2 }; } void Menu::draw() { auto palette = WindowManager::the().palette(); m_theme_index_at_last_paint = MenuManager::the().theme_index(); VERIFY(menu_window()); VERIFY(menu_window()->backing_store()); Gfx::Painter painter(*menu_window()->backing_store()); Gfx::IntRect rect { {}, menu_window()->size() }; painter.draw_rect(rect, Color::Black); painter.fill_rect(rect.shrunken(2, 2), palette.menu_base()); if (!s_checked_bitmap) s_checked_bitmap = &Gfx::CharacterBitmap::create_from_ascii(s_checked_bitmap_data, s_checked_bitmap_width, s_checked_bitmap_height).leak_ref(); bool has_checkable_items = false; bool has_items_with_icon = false; for (auto& item : m_items) { has_checkable_items = has_checkable_items | item.is_checkable(); has_items_with_icon = has_items_with_icon | !!item.icon(); } // Draw the stripe first, which may extend outside of individual items. We can // skip this step when painting an individual item since we're drawing all of them painter.fill_rect(stripe_rect(), palette.menu_stripe()); if (is_scrollable()) { bool can_go_up = m_scroll_offset > 0; bool can_go_down = m_scroll_offset < m_max_scroll_offset; Gfx::IntRect up_indicator_rect { frame_thickness(), frame_thickness(), content_width(), item_height() }; painter.draw_text(up_indicator_rect, "\xE2\xAC\x86", Gfx::TextAlignment::Center, can_go_up ? palette.menu_base_text() : palette.color(ColorRole::DisabledText)); Gfx::IntRect down_indicator_rect { frame_thickness(), menu_window()->height() - item_height() - frame_thickness(), content_width(), item_height() }; painter.draw_text(down_indicator_rect, "\xE2\xAC\x87", Gfx::TextAlignment::Center, can_go_down ? palette.menu_base_text() : palette.color(ColorRole::DisabledText)); } int visible_item_count = this->visible_item_count(); for (int i = 0; i < visible_item_count; ++i) draw(m_items.at(m_scroll_offset + i), true); } void Menu::draw(MenuItem const& item, bool is_drawing_all) { auto palette = WindowManager::the().palette(); int width = this->content_width(); Gfx::Painter painter(*menu_window()->backing_store()); painter.add_clip_rect(item.rect()); auto stripe_rect = this->stripe_rect(); if (!is_drawing_all) { // If we're redrawing all of them then we already did this in draw() painter.fill_rect(stripe_rect, palette.menu_stripe()); for (auto& rect : item.rect().shatter(stripe_rect)) painter.fill_rect(rect, palette.menu_base()); } if (item.type() == MenuItem::Text) { Color text_color = palette.menu_base_text(); if (&item == hovered_item() && item.is_enabled()) { painter.fill_rect(item.rect(), palette.menu_selection()); painter.draw_rect(item.rect(), palette.menu_selection().darkened()); text_color = palette.menu_selection_text(); } else if (!item.is_enabled()) { text_color = Color::MidGray; } Gfx::IntRect text_rect = item.rect().translated(stripe_rect.width() + 6, 0); if (item.is_checkable()) { if (item.is_exclusive()) { Gfx::IntRect radio_rect { item.rect().x() + 5, 0, 12, 12 }; radio_rect.center_vertically_within(text_rect); Gfx::StylePainter::paint_radio_button(painter, radio_rect, palette, item.is_checked(), false); } else { Gfx::IntRect checkmark_rect { item.rect().x() + 7, 0, s_checked_bitmap_width, s_checked_bitmap_height }; checkmark_rect.center_vertically_within(text_rect); Gfx::IntRect checkbox_rect = checkmark_rect.inflated(4, 4); painter.fill_rect(checkbox_rect, palette.base()); Gfx::StylePainter::paint_frame(painter, checkbox_rect, palette, Gfx::FrameShape::Container, Gfx::FrameShadow::Sunken, 2); if (item.is_checked()) { painter.draw_bitmap(checkmark_rect.location(), *s_checked_bitmap, palette.button_text()); } } } else if (item.icon()) { Gfx::IntRect icon_rect { item.rect().x() + 3, 0, s_item_icon_width, s_item_icon_width }; icon_rect.center_vertically_within(text_rect); if (&item == hovered_item() && item.is_enabled()) { auto shadow_color = palette.menu_selection().darkened(0.7f); painter.blit_filtered(icon_rect.location().translated(1, 1), *item.icon(), item.icon()->rect(), [&shadow_color](auto) { return shadow_color; }); icon_rect.translate_by(-1, -1); } if (item.is_enabled()) painter.blit(icon_rect.location(), *item.icon(), item.icon()->rect()); else painter.blit_disabled(icon_rect.location(), *item.icon(), item.icon()->rect(), palette); } auto& previous_font = painter.font(); if (item.is_default()) painter.set_font(previous_font.bold_variant()); painter.draw_ui_text(text_rect, item.text(), painter.font(), Gfx::TextAlignment::CenterLeft, text_color); if (!item.shortcut_text().is_empty()) { painter.draw_text(item.rect().translated(-right_padding(), 0), item.shortcut_text(), Gfx::TextAlignment::CenterRight, text_color); } painter.set_font(previous_font); if (item.is_submenu()) { static auto& submenu_arrow_bitmap = Gfx::CharacterBitmap::create_from_ascii(s_submenu_arrow_bitmap_data, s_submenu_arrow_bitmap_width, s_submenu_arrow_bitmap_height).leak_ref(); Gfx::IntRect submenu_arrow_rect { item.rect().right() - s_submenu_arrow_bitmap_width - 2, 0, s_submenu_arrow_bitmap_width, s_submenu_arrow_bitmap_height }; submenu_arrow_rect.center_vertically_within(item.rect()); painter.draw_bitmap(submenu_arrow_rect.location(), submenu_arrow_bitmap, text_color); } } else if (item.type() == MenuItem::Separator) { Gfx::IntPoint p1(item.rect().translated(stripe_rect.width() + 4, 0).x(), item.rect().center().y() - 1); Gfx::IntPoint p2(width - 7, item.rect().center().y() - 1); painter.draw_line(p1, p2, palette.threed_shadow1()); painter.draw_line(p1.translated(0, 1), p2.translated(0, 1), palette.threed_highlight()); } } MenuItem* Menu::hovered_item() const { if (m_hovered_item_index == -1) return nullptr; return const_cast(&item(m_hovered_item_index)); } void Menu::update_for_new_hovered_item(bool make_input) { if (auto* hovered_item = this->hovered_item()) { if (hovered_item->is_submenu()) { VERIFY(menu_window()); MenuManager::the().close_everyone_not_in_lineage(*hovered_item->submenu()); hovered_item->submenu()->do_popup(hovered_item->rect().top_right().translated(menu_window()->rect().location()), make_input, true); } else { MenuManager::the().close_everyone_not_in_lineage(*this); VERIFY(menu_window()); set_visible(true); } } } void Menu::open_hovered_item(bool leave_menu_open) { VERIFY(menu_window()); VERIFY(menu_window()->is_visible()); if (!hovered_item()) return; if (hovered_item()->is_enabled()) { did_activate(*hovered_item(), leave_menu_open); if (!leave_menu_open) clear_hovered_item(); } } void Menu::descend_into_submenu_at_hovered_item() { VERIFY(hovered_item()); auto submenu = hovered_item()->submenu(); VERIFY(submenu); MenuManager::the().open_menu(*submenu, true); submenu->set_hovered_index(0); VERIFY(submenu->hovered_item()->type() != MenuItem::Separator); } void Menu::handle_mouse_move_event(const MouseEvent& mouse_event) { VERIFY(menu_window()); MenuManager::the().set_current_menu(this); if (hovered_item() && hovered_item()->is_submenu()) { auto item = *hovered_item(); auto submenu_top_left = item.rect().location() + Gfx::IntPoint { item.rect().width(), 0 }; auto submenu_bottom_left = submenu_top_left + Gfx::IntPoint { 0, item.submenu()->menu_window()->height() }; auto safe_hover_triangle = Gfx::Triangle { m_last_position_in_hover, submenu_top_left, submenu_bottom_left }; m_last_position_in_hover = mouse_event.position(); // Don't update the hovered item if mouse is moving towards a submenu if (safe_hover_triangle.contains(mouse_event.position())) return; } int index = item_index_at(mouse_event.position()); set_hovered_index(index); } void Menu::event(Core::Event& event) { if (event.type() == Event::MouseMove) { handle_mouse_move_event(static_cast(event)); return; } if (event.type() == Event::MouseUp) { open_hovered_item(static_cast(event).modifiers() & KeyModifier::Mod_Ctrl); return; } if (event.type() == Event::MouseWheel && is_scrollable()) { VERIFY(menu_window()); auto& mouse_event = static_cast(event); auto previous_scroll_offset = m_scroll_offset; m_scroll_offset += mouse_event.wheel_delta(); m_scroll_offset = clamp(m_scroll_offset, 0, m_max_scroll_offset); if (m_scroll_offset != previous_scroll_offset) redraw(); int index = item_index_at(mouse_event.position()); set_hovered_index(index); return; } if (event.type() == Event::KeyDown) { auto key = static_cast(event).key(); if (!(key == Key_Up || key == Key_Down || key == Key_Left || key == Key_Right || key == Key_Return)) return; VERIFY(menu_window()); VERIFY(menu_window()->is_visible()); if (!hovered_item()) { if (key == Key_Up) { // Default to the last enabled, non-separator item on key press if one has not been selected yet for (auto i = static_cast(m_items.size()) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { auto& item = m_items.at(i); if (item.type() != MenuItem::Separator && item.is_enabled()) { set_hovered_index(i, key == Key_Right); break; } } } else { // Default to the first enabled, non-separator item on key press if one has not been selected yet int counter = 0; for (const auto& item : m_items) { if (item.type() != MenuItem::Separator && item.is_enabled()) { set_hovered_index(counter, key == Key_Right); break; } counter++; } } return; } if (key == Key_Up) { VERIFY(item(0).type() != MenuItem::Separator); if (is_scrollable() && m_hovered_item_index == 0) return; auto original_index = m_hovered_item_index; auto new_index = original_index; do { if (new_index == 0) new_index = m_items.size() - 1; else --new_index; if (new_index == original_index) return; } while (item(new_index).type() == MenuItem::Separator || !item(new_index).is_enabled()); VERIFY(new_index >= 0); VERIFY(new_index <= static_cast(m_items.size()) - 1); if (is_scrollable() && new_index < m_scroll_offset) --m_scroll_offset; set_hovered_index(new_index); return; } if (key == Key_Down) { VERIFY(item(0).type() != MenuItem::Separator); if (is_scrollable() && m_hovered_item_index == static_cast(m_items.size()) - 1) return; auto original_index = m_hovered_item_index; auto new_index = original_index; do { if (new_index == static_cast(m_items.size()) - 1) new_index = 0; else ++new_index; if (new_index == original_index) return; } while (item(new_index).type() == MenuItem::Separator || !item(new_index).is_enabled()); VERIFY(new_index >= 0); VERIFY(new_index <= static_cast(m_items.size()) - 1); if (is_scrollable() && new_index >= (m_scroll_offset + static_cast(visible_item_count()))) ++m_scroll_offset; set_hovered_index(new_index); return; } } Core::Object::event(event); } void Menu::clear_hovered_item() { set_hovered_index(-1); } void Menu::start_activation_animation(MenuItem& item) { VERIFY(menu_window()); VERIFY(menu_window()->backing_store()); auto window = Window::construct(*this, WindowType::Menu); window->set_frameless(true); window->set_hit_testing_enabled(false); window->set_opacity(0.8f); // start out transparent so we don't have to recompute occlusions window->set_rect(item.rect().translated(m_menu_window->rect().location())); window->set_event_filter([](Core::Event&) { // ignore all events return false; }); VERIFY(window->backing_store()); Gfx::Painter painter(*window->backing_store()); painter.blit({}, *menu_window()->backing_store(), item.rect(), 1.0f, false); window->invalidate(); struct AnimationInfo { RefPtr timer; RefPtr window; u8 step { 8 }; // Must be even number! AnimationInfo(NonnullRefPtr&& window) : window(move(window)) { } }; auto animation = adopt_own(*new AnimationInfo(move(window))); auto& timer = animation->timer; timer = Core::Timer::create_repeating(50, [animation = animation.ptr(), animation_ref = move(animation)] { VERIFY(animation->step % 2 == 0); animation->step -= 2; if (animation->step == 0) { animation->window->set_visible(false); animation->timer->stop(); animation->timer = nullptr; // break circular reference return; } float opacity = (float)animation->step / 10.0f; animation->window->set_opacity(opacity); }); timer->start(); } void Menu::did_activate(MenuItem& item, bool leave_menu_open) { if (item.type() == MenuItem::Type::Separator) return; if (!leave_menu_open) start_activation_animation(item); if (on_item_activation) on_item_activation(item); if (!leave_menu_open) MenuManager::the().close_everyone(); if (m_client) m_client->async_menu_item_activated(m_menu_id, item.identifier()); } bool Menu::activate_default() { for (auto& item : m_items) { if (item.type() == MenuItem::Type::Separator) continue; if (item.is_enabled() && item.is_default()) { did_activate(item, false); return true; } } return false; } MenuItem* Menu::item_with_identifier(unsigned identifier) { for (auto& item : m_items) { if (item.identifier() == identifier) return &item; } return nullptr; } int Menu::item_index_at(const Gfx::IntPoint& position) { int i = 0; for (auto& item : m_items) { if (item.rect().contains(position)) return i; ++i; } return -1; } void Menu::close() { MenuManager::the().close_menu_and_descendants(*this); } void Menu::redraw_if_theme_changed() { if (m_theme_index_at_last_paint != MenuManager::the().theme_index()) redraw(); } void Menu::popup(const Gfx::IntPoint& position) { do_popup(position, true); } void Menu::do_popup(const Gfx::IntPoint& position, bool make_input, bool as_submenu) { if (is_empty()) { dbgln("Menu: Empty menu popup"); return; } auto& screen = Screen::closest_to_location(position); auto& window = ensure_menu_window(position); redraw_if_theme_changed(); const int margin = 30; Gfx::IntPoint adjusted_pos = position; if (adjusted_pos.x() + window.width() > screen.rect().right() - margin) { adjusted_pos = adjusted_pos.translated(-window.width(), 0); } else { adjusted_pos.set_x(adjusted_pos.x() + 1); } if (adjusted_pos.y() + window.height() > screen.rect().bottom() - margin) { adjusted_pos = adjusted_pos.translated(0, -min(window.height(), adjusted_pos.y())); if (as_submenu) adjusted_pos = adjusted_pos.translated(0, item_height()); } window.move_to(adjusted_pos); set_visible(true); MenuManager::the().open_menu(*this, make_input); WindowManager::the().did_popup_a_menu({}); } bool Menu::is_menu_ancestor_of(const Menu& other) const { for (auto& item : m_items) { if (!item.is_submenu()) continue; auto& submenu = *item.submenu(); if (&submenu == &other) return true; if (submenu.is_menu_ancestor_of(other)) return true; } return false; } void Menu::set_visible(bool visible) { if (!menu_window()) return; if (visible == menu_window()->is_visible()) return; menu_window()->set_visible(visible); if (m_client) m_client->async_menu_visibility_did_change(m_menu_id, visible); } void Menu::add_item(NonnullOwnPtr item) { if (auto alt_shortcut = find_ampersand_shortcut_character(item->text())) { m_alt_shortcut_character_to_item_indices.ensure(to_ascii_lowercase(alt_shortcut)).append(m_items.size()); } m_items.append(move(item)); } const Vector* Menu::items_with_alt_shortcut(u32 alt_shortcut) const { auto it = m_alt_shortcut_character_to_item_indices.find(to_ascii_lowercase(alt_shortcut)); if (it == m_alt_shortcut_character_to_item_indices.end()) return nullptr; return &it->value; } void Menu::set_hovered_index(int index, bool make_input) { if (m_hovered_item_index == index) return; auto* old_hovered_item = hovered_item(); if (old_hovered_item) { if (client() && old_hovered_item->type() != MenuItem::Type::Separator) client()->async_menu_item_left(m_menu_id, old_hovered_item->identifier()); } m_hovered_item_index = index; update_for_new_hovered_item(make_input); if (auto* new_hovered_item = hovered_item()) { if (client() && new_hovered_item->type() != MenuItem::Type::Separator) client()->async_menu_item_entered(m_menu_id, new_hovered_item->identifier()); redraw(*new_hovered_item); } if (old_hovered_item) redraw(*old_hovered_item); } bool Menu::is_open() const { return MenuManager::the().is_open(*this); } }