/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2021, Andreas Kling * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include "ShutdownDialog.h" #include "TaskbarWindow.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static Vector discover_apps_and_categories(); static NonnullRefPtr build_system_menu(); int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (pledge("stdio recvfd sendfd proc exec rpath unix sigaction", nullptr) < 0) { perror("pledge"); return 1; } auto app = GUI::Application::construct(argc, argv); app->event_loop().register_signal(SIGCHLD, [](int) { // Wait all available children while (waitpid(-1, nullptr, WNOHANG) > 0) ; }); // We need to obtain the WM connection here as well before the pledge shortening. GUI::WindowManagerServerConnection::the(); if (pledge("stdio recvfd sendfd proc exec rpath", nullptr) < 0) { perror("pledge"); return 1; } auto menu = build_system_menu(); menu->realize_menu_if_needed(); auto window = TaskbarWindow::construct(move(menu)); window->show(); window->make_window_manager( WindowServer::WMEventMask::WindowStateChanges | WindowServer::WMEventMask::WindowRemovals | WindowServer::WMEventMask::WindowIconChanges); return app->exec(); } struct AppMetadata { String executable; String name; String category; }; Vector g_apps; struct ThemeMetadata { String name; String path; }; Color g_menu_selection_color; Vector g_themes; RefPtr g_themes_menu; GUI::ActionGroup g_themes_group; Vector discover_apps_and_categories() { HashTable seen_app_categories; Desktop::AppFile::for_each([&](auto af) { g_apps.append({ af->executable(), af->name(), af->category() }); seen_app_categories.set(af->category()); }); quick_sort(g_apps, [](auto& a, auto& b) { return a.name < b.name; }); Vector sorted_app_categories; for (auto& category : seen_app_categories) { sorted_app_categories.append(category); } quick_sort(sorted_app_categories); return sorted_app_categories; } NonnullRefPtr build_system_menu() { const Vector sorted_app_categories = discover_apps_and_categories(); auto system_menu = GUI::Menu::construct("\xE2\x9A\xA1"); // HIGH VOLTAGE SIGN system_menu->add_action(GUI::Action::create("About SerenityOS", Gfx::Bitmap::load_from_file("/res/icons/16x16/ladyball.png"), [](auto&) { pid_t child_pid; const char* argv[] = { "/bin/About", nullptr }; if ((errno = posix_spawn(&child_pid, "/bin/About", nullptr, nullptr, const_cast(argv), environ))) { perror("posix_spawn"); } else { if (disown(child_pid) < 0) perror("disown"); } })); system_menu->add_separator(); // First we construct all the necessary app category submenus. auto category_icons = Core::ConfigFile::open("/res/icons/SystemMenu.ini"); HashMap> app_category_menus; Function create_category_menu; create_category_menu = [&](String const& category) { if (app_category_menus.contains(category)) return; String parent_category, child_category = category; for (ssize_t i = category.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (category[i] == '/') { parent_category = category.substring(0, i); child_category = category.substring(i + 1); } } GUI::Menu* parent_menu; if (parent_category.is_empty()) { parent_menu = system_menu; } else { parent_menu = app_category_menus.get(parent_category).value(); if (!parent_menu) { create_category_menu(parent_category); parent_menu = app_category_menus.get(parent_category).value(); VERIFY(parent_menu); } } auto& category_menu = parent_menu->add_submenu(child_category); auto category_icon_path = category_icons->read_entry("16x16", category); if (!category_icon_path.is_empty()) { auto icon = Gfx::Bitmap::load_from_file(category_icon_path); category_menu.set_icon(icon); } app_category_menus.set(category, category_menu); }; for (const auto& category : sorted_app_categories) create_category_menu(category); // Then we create and insert all the app menu items into the right place. int app_identifier = 0; for (const auto& app : g_apps) { auto icon = GUI::FileIconProvider::icon_for_executable(app.executable).bitmap_for_size(16); if constexpr (SYSTEM_MENU_DEBUG) { if (icon) dbgln("App {} has icon with size {}", app.name, icon->size()); } auto parent_menu = app_category_menus.get(app.category).value_or(system_menu.ptr()); parent_menu->add_action(GUI::Action::create(app.name, icon, [app_identifier](auto&) { dbgln("Activated app with ID {}", app_identifier); const auto& bin = g_apps[app_identifier].executable; pid_t child_pid; const char* argv[] = { bin.characters(), nullptr }; if ((errno = posix_spawn(&child_pid, bin.characters(), nullptr, nullptr, const_cast(argv), environ))) { perror("posix_spawn"); } else { if (disown(child_pid) < 0) perror("disown"); } })); ++app_identifier; } system_menu->add_separator(); g_themes_group.set_exclusive(true); g_themes_group.set_unchecking_allowed(false); g_themes_menu = &system_menu->add_submenu("Themes"); g_themes_menu->set_icon(Gfx::Bitmap::load_from_file("/res/icons/16x16/themes.png")); { Core::DirIterator dt("/res/themes", Core::DirIterator::SkipDots); while (dt.has_next()) { auto theme_name = dt.next_path(); auto theme_path = String::formatted("/res/themes/{}", theme_name); g_themes.append({ LexicalPath(theme_name).title(), theme_path }); } quick_sort(g_themes, [](auto& a, auto& b) { return a.name < b.name; }); } auto current_theme_name = GUI::WindowServerConnection::the().get_system_theme(); { int theme_identifier = 0; for (auto& theme : g_themes) { auto action = GUI::Action::create_checkable(theme.name, [theme_identifier](auto&) { auto& theme = g_themes[theme_identifier]; dbgln("Theme switched to {} at path {}", theme.name, theme.path); auto success = GUI::WindowServerConnection::the().set_system_theme(theme.path, theme.name); VERIFY(success); }); if (theme.name == current_theme_name) action->set_checked(true); g_themes_group.add_action(action); g_themes_menu->add_action(action); ++theme_identifier; } } system_menu->add_separator(); system_menu->add_action(GUI::Action::create("Help", Gfx::Bitmap::load_from_file("/res/icons/16x16/app-help.png"), [](auto&) { pid_t child_pid; const char* argv[] = { "/bin/Help", nullptr }; if ((errno = posix_spawn(&child_pid, "/bin/Help", nullptr, nullptr, const_cast(argv), environ))) { perror("posix_spawn"); } else { if (disown(child_pid) < 0) perror("disown"); } })); system_menu->add_action(GUI::Action::create("Run...", Gfx::Bitmap::load_from_file("/res/icons/16x16/app-run.png"), [](auto&) { pid_t child_pid; const char* argv[] = { "/bin/Run", nullptr }; if ((errno = posix_spawn(&child_pid, "/bin/Run", nullptr, nullptr, const_cast(argv), environ))) { perror("posix_spawn"); } else { if (disown(child_pid) < 0) perror("disown"); } })); system_menu->add_separator(); system_menu->add_action(GUI::Action::create("Exit...", Gfx::Bitmap::load_from_file("/res/icons/16x16/power.png"), [](auto&) { auto command = ShutdownDialog::show(); if (command.size() == 0) return; pid_t child_pid; if ((errno = posix_spawn(&child_pid, command[0], nullptr, nullptr, const_cast(command.data()), environ))) { perror("posix_spawn"); } else { if (disown(child_pid) < 0) perror("disown"); } })); return system_menu; }