/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * Copyright (c) 2021, Sergey Bugaev * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include "DNSPacket.h" #include "DNSName.h" #include "DNSPacketHeader.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace LookupServer { void DNSPacket::add_question(const DNSQuestion& question) { m_questions.empend(question); VERIFY(m_questions.size() <= UINT16_MAX); } void DNSPacket::add_answer(const DNSAnswer& answer) { m_answers.empend(answer); VERIFY(m_answers.size() <= UINT16_MAX); } ByteBuffer DNSPacket::to_byte_buffer() const { DNSPacketHeader header; header.set_id(m_id); if (is_query()) header.set_is_query(); else header.set_is_response(); header.set_authoritative_answer(m_authoritative_answer); // FIXME: What should this be? header.set_opcode(0); header.set_response_code(m_code); header.set_truncated(false); // hopefully... header.set_recursion_desired(m_recursion_desired); // FIXME: what should the be for requests? header.set_recursion_available(m_recursion_available); header.set_question_count(m_questions.size()); header.set_answer_count(m_answers.size()); DuplexMemoryStream stream; stream << ReadonlyBytes { &header, sizeof(header) }; for (auto& question : m_questions) { stream << question.name(); stream << htons((u16)question.record_type()); stream << htons(question.raw_class_code()); } for (auto& answer : m_answers) { stream << answer.name(); stream << htons((u16)answer.type()); stream << htons(answer.raw_class_code()); stream << htonl(answer.ttl()); if (answer.type() == DNSRecordType::PTR) { DNSName name { answer.record_data() }; stream << htons(name.serialized_size()); stream << name; } else { stream << htons(answer.record_data().length()); stream << answer.record_data().bytes(); } } return stream.copy_into_contiguous_buffer(); } class [[gnu::packed]] DNSRecordWithoutName { public: DNSRecordWithoutName() { } u16 type() const { return m_type; } u16 record_class() const { return m_class; } u32 ttl() const { return m_ttl; } u16 data_length() const { return m_data_length; } void* data() { return this + 1; } const void* data() const { return this + 1; } private: NetworkOrdered m_type; NetworkOrdered m_class; NetworkOrdered m_ttl; NetworkOrdered m_data_length; }; static_assert(sizeof(DNSRecordWithoutName) == 10); Optional DNSPacket::from_raw_packet(const u8* raw_data, size_t raw_size) { if (raw_size < sizeof(DNSPacketHeader)) { dbgln("DNS response not large enough ({} out of {}) to be a DNS packet.", raw_size, sizeof(DNSPacketHeader)); return {}; } auto& header = *(const DNSPacketHeader*)(raw_data); dbgln_if(LOOKUPSERVER_DEBUG, "Got packet (ID: {})", header.id()); dbgln_if(LOOKUPSERVER_DEBUG, " Question count: {}", header.question_count()); dbgln_if(LOOKUPSERVER_DEBUG, " Answer count: {}", header.answer_count()); dbgln_if(LOOKUPSERVER_DEBUG, " Authority count: {}", header.authority_count()); dbgln_if(LOOKUPSERVER_DEBUG, "Additional count: {}", header.additional_count()); DNSPacket packet; packet.m_id = header.id(); packet.m_query_or_response = header.is_response(); packet.m_code = header.response_code(); // FIXME: Should we parse further in this case? if (packet.code() != Code::NOERROR) return packet; size_t offset = sizeof(DNSPacketHeader); for (u16 i = 0; i < header.question_count(); i++) { auto name = DNSName::parse(raw_data, offset, raw_size); struct RawDNSAnswerQuestion { NetworkOrdered record_type; NetworkOrdered class_code; }; auto& record_and_class = *(const RawDNSAnswerQuestion*)&raw_data[offset]; u16 class_code = record_and_class.class_code & ~MDNS_WANTS_UNICAST_RESPONSE; bool mdns_wants_unicast_response = record_and_class.class_code & MDNS_WANTS_UNICAST_RESPONSE; packet.m_questions.empend(name, (DNSRecordType)(u16)record_and_class.record_type, (DNSRecordClass)class_code, mdns_wants_unicast_response); offset += 4; auto& question = packet.m_questions.last(); dbgln_if(LOOKUPSERVER_DEBUG, "Question #{}: name=_{}_, type={}, class={}", i, question.name(), question.record_type(), question.class_code()); } for (u16 i = 0; i < header.answer_count(); ++i) { auto name = DNSName::parse(raw_data, offset, raw_size); auto& record = *(const DNSRecordWithoutName*)(&raw_data[offset]); String data; offset += sizeof(DNSRecordWithoutName); switch ((DNSRecordType)record.type()) { case DNSRecordType::PTR: { size_t dummy_offset = offset; data = DNSName::parse(raw_data, dummy_offset, raw_size).as_string(); break; } case DNSRecordType::CNAME: // Fall through case DNSRecordType::A: // Fall through case DNSRecordType::TXT: // Fall through case DNSRecordType::AAAA: // Fall through case DNSRecordType::SRV: data = { record.data(), record.data_length() }; break; default: // FIXME: Parse some other record types perhaps? dbgln("data=(unimplemented record type {})", (u16)record.type()); } dbgln_if(LOOKUPSERVER_DEBUG, "Answer #{}: name=_{}_, type={}, ttl={}, length={}, data=_{}_", i, name, record.type(), record.ttl(), record.data_length(), data); u16 class_code = record.record_class() & ~MDNS_CACHE_FLUSH; bool mdns_cache_flush = record.record_class() & MDNS_CACHE_FLUSH; packet.m_answers.empend(name, (DNSRecordType)record.type(), (DNSRecordClass)class_code, record.ttl(), data, mdns_cache_flush); offset += record.data_length(); } return packet; } }