/* * Copyright (c) 2021, Dex♪ * Copyright (c) 2022, the SerenityOS developers. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace WebSocket { // Note : The websocket protocol is defined by RFC 6455, found at https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455 // In this file, section numbers will refer to the RFC 6455 NonnullRefPtr WebSocket::create(ConnectionInfo connection, RefPtr impl) { return adopt_ref(*new WebSocket(move(connection), move(impl))); } WebSocket::WebSocket(ConnectionInfo connection, RefPtr impl) : m_connection(move(connection)) , m_impl(move(impl)) { } void WebSocket::start() { VERIFY(m_state == WebSocket::InternalState::NotStarted); if (!m_impl) m_impl = adopt_ref(*new WebSocketImplSerenity); m_impl->on_connection_error = [this] { dbgln("WebSocket: Connection error (underlying socket)"); fatal_error(WebSocket::Error::CouldNotEstablishConnection); }; m_impl->on_connected = [this] { if (m_state != WebSocket::InternalState::EstablishingProtocolConnection) return; m_state = WebSocket::InternalState::SendingClientHandshake; send_client_handshake(); drain_read(); }; m_impl->on_ready_to_read = [this] { drain_read(); }; m_state = WebSocket::InternalState::EstablishingProtocolConnection; m_impl->connect(m_connection); } ReadyState WebSocket::ready_state() { switch (m_state) { case WebSocket::InternalState::NotStarted: case WebSocket::InternalState::EstablishingProtocolConnection: case WebSocket::InternalState::SendingClientHandshake: case WebSocket::InternalState::WaitingForServerHandshake: return ReadyState::Connecting; case WebSocket::InternalState::Open: return ReadyState::Open; case WebSocket::InternalState::Closing: return ReadyState::Closing; case WebSocket::InternalState::Closed: case WebSocket::InternalState::Errored: return ReadyState::Closed; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); return ReadyState::Closed; } } DeprecatedString WebSocket::subprotocol_in_use() { return m_subprotocol_in_use; } void WebSocket::send(Message const& message) { // Calling send on a socket that is not opened is not allowed VERIFY(m_state == WebSocket::InternalState::Open); VERIFY(m_impl); if (message.is_text()) send_frame(WebSocket::OpCode::Text, message.data(), true); else send_frame(WebSocket::OpCode::Binary, message.data(), true); } void WebSocket::close(u16 code, DeprecatedString const& message) { VERIFY(m_impl); switch (m_state) { case InternalState::NotStarted: case InternalState::EstablishingProtocolConnection: case InternalState::SendingClientHandshake: case InternalState::WaitingForServerHandshake: // FIXME: Fail the connection. m_state = InternalState::Closing; break; case InternalState::Open: { auto message_bytes = message.bytes(); auto close_payload = ByteBuffer::create_uninitialized(message_bytes.size() + 2).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); // FIXME: Handle possible OOM situation. close_payload.overwrite(0, (u8*)&code, 2); close_payload.overwrite(2, message_bytes.data(), message_bytes.size()); send_frame(WebSocket::OpCode::ConnectionClose, close_payload, true); m_state = InternalState::Closing; break; } default: break; } } void WebSocket::drain_read() { if (m_impl->eof()) { // The connection got closed by the server m_state = WebSocket::InternalState::Closed; notify_close(m_last_close_code, m_last_close_message, true); discard_connection(); return; } switch (m_state) { case InternalState::NotStarted: case InternalState::EstablishingProtocolConnection: case InternalState::SendingClientHandshake: { auto initializing_bytes = m_impl->read(1024); if (!initializing_bytes.is_error()) dbgln("drain_read() was called on a websocket that isn't opened yet. Read {} bytes from the socket.", initializing_bytes.value().size()); } break; case InternalState::WaitingForServerHandshake: { read_server_handshake(); } break; case InternalState::Open: case InternalState::Closing: { auto result = m_impl->read(65536); if (result.is_error()) { fatal_error(WebSocket::Error::ServerClosedSocket); return; } auto bytes = result.release_value(); m_buffered_data.append(bytes.data(), bytes.size()); read_frame(); } break; case InternalState::Closed: case InternalState::Errored: { auto closed_bytes = m_impl->read(1024); if (!closed_bytes.is_error()) dbgln("drain_read() was called on a closed websocket. Read {} bytes from the socket.", closed_bytes.value().size()); } break; default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } // The client handshake message is defined in the second list of section 4.1 void WebSocket::send_client_handshake() { VERIFY(m_impl); VERIFY(m_state == WebSocket::InternalState::SendingClientHandshake); StringBuilder builder; // 2. and 3. GET /resource name/ HTTP 1.1 builder.appendff("GET {} HTTP/1.1\r\n", m_connection.resource_name()); // 4. Host auto url = m_connection.url(); builder.appendff("Host: {}", url.host()); if (!m_connection.is_secure() && url.port_or_default() != 80) builder.appendff(":{}", url.port_or_default()); else if (m_connection.is_secure() && url.port_or_default() != 443) builder.appendff(":{}", url.port_or_default()); builder.append("\r\n"sv); // 5. and 6. Connection Upgrade builder.append("Upgrade: websocket\r\n"sv); builder.append("Connection: Upgrade\r\n"sv); // 7. 16-byte nonce encoded as Base64 u8 nonce_data[16]; fill_with_random(nonce_data, 16); // FIXME: change to TRY() and make method fallible m_websocket_key = MUST(encode_base64({ nonce_data, 16 })).to_deprecated_string(); builder.appendff("Sec-WebSocket-Key: {}\r\n", m_websocket_key); // 8. Origin (optional field) if (!m_connection.origin().is_empty()) { builder.appendff("Origin: {}\r\n", m_connection.origin()); } // 9. Websocket version builder.append("Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13\r\n"sv); // 10. Websocket protocol (optional field) if (!m_connection.protocols().is_empty()) { builder.append("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: "sv); builder.join(',', m_connection.protocols()); builder.append("\r\n"sv); } // 11. Websocket extensions (optional field) if (!m_connection.extensions().is_empty()) { builder.append("Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: "sv); builder.join(',', m_connection.extensions()); builder.append("\r\n"sv); } // 12. Additional headers for (auto& header : m_connection.headers()) { builder.appendff("{}: {}\r\n", header.name, header.value); } builder.append("\r\n"sv); m_state = WebSocket::InternalState::WaitingForServerHandshake; auto success = m_impl->send(builder.to_deprecated_string().bytes()); VERIFY(success); } // The server handshake message is defined in the third list of section 4.1 void WebSocket::read_server_handshake() { VERIFY(m_impl); VERIFY(m_state == WebSocket::InternalState::WaitingForServerHandshake); // Read the server handshake if (!m_impl->can_read_line()) return; if (!m_has_read_server_handshake_first_line) { auto header = m_impl->read_line(PAGE_SIZE).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); auto parts = header.split(' '); if (parts.size() < 2) { dbgln("WebSocket: Server HTTP Handshake contained HTTP header was malformed"); fatal_error(WebSocket::Error::ConnectionUpgradeFailed); discard_connection(); return; } if (parts[0] != "HTTP/1.1") { dbgln("WebSocket: Server HTTP Handshake contained HTTP header {} which isn't supported", parts[0]); fatal_error(WebSocket::Error::ConnectionUpgradeFailed); discard_connection(); return; } if (parts[1] != "101") { // 1. If the status code is not 101, handle as per HTTP procedures. // FIXME : This could be a redirect or a 401 authentication request, which we do not handle. dbgln("WebSocket: Server HTTP Handshake return status {} which isn't supported", parts[1]); fatal_error(WebSocket::Error::ConnectionUpgradeFailed); return; } m_has_read_server_handshake_first_line = true; } // Read the rest of the reply until we find an empty line while (m_impl->can_read_line()) { auto line = m_impl->read_line(PAGE_SIZE).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); if (line.is_whitespace()) { // We're done with the HTTP headers. // Fail the connection if we're missing any of the following: if (!m_has_read_server_handshake_upgrade) { // 2. |Upgrade| should be present dbgln("WebSocket: Server HTTP Handshake didn't contain an |Upgrade| header"); fatal_error(WebSocket::Error::ConnectionUpgradeFailed); return; } if (!m_has_read_server_handshake_connection) { // 2. |Connection| should be present dbgln("WebSocket: Server HTTP Handshake didn't contain a |Connection| header"); fatal_error(WebSocket::Error::ConnectionUpgradeFailed); return; } if (!m_has_read_server_handshake_accept) { // 2. |Sec-WebSocket-Accept| should be present dbgln("WebSocket: Server HTTP Handshake didn't contain a |Sec-WebSocket-Accept| header"); fatal_error(WebSocket::Error::ConnectionUpgradeFailed); return; } m_state = WebSocket::InternalState::Open; notify_open(); return; } auto parts = line.split(':'); if (parts.size() < 2) { // The header field is not valid dbgln("WebSocket: Got invalid header line {} in the Server HTTP handshake", line); fatal_error(WebSocket::Error::ConnectionUpgradeFailed); return; } auto header_name = parts[0]; if (header_name.equals_ignoring_case("Upgrade"sv)) { // 2. |Upgrade| should be case-insensitive "websocket" if (!parts[1].trim_whitespace().equals_ignoring_case("websocket"sv)) { dbgln("WebSocket: Server HTTP Handshake Header |Upgrade| should be 'websocket', got '{}'. Failing connection.", parts[1]); fatal_error(WebSocket::Error::ConnectionUpgradeFailed); return; } m_has_read_server_handshake_upgrade = true; continue; } if (header_name.equals_ignoring_case("Connection"sv)) { // 3. |Connection| should be case-insensitive "Upgrade" if (!parts[1].trim_whitespace().equals_ignoring_case("Upgrade"sv)) { dbgln("WebSocket: Server HTTP Handshake Header |Connection| should be 'Upgrade', got '{}'. Failing connection.", parts[1]); return; } m_has_read_server_handshake_connection = true; continue; } if (header_name.equals_ignoring_case("Sec-WebSocket-Accept"sv)) { // 4. |Sec-WebSocket-Accept| should be base64(SHA1(|Sec-WebSocket-Key| + "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11")) auto expected_content = DeprecatedString::formatted("{}258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11", m_websocket_key); Crypto::Hash::Manager hash; hash.initialize(Crypto::Hash::HashKind::SHA1); hash.update(expected_content); auto expected_sha1 = hash.digest(); // FIXME: change to TRY() and make method fallible auto expected_sha1_string = MUST(encode_base64({ expected_sha1.immutable_data(), expected_sha1.data_length() })); if (!parts[1].trim_whitespace().equals_ignoring_case(expected_sha1_string)) { dbgln("WebSocket: Server HTTP Handshake Header |Sec-Websocket-Accept| should be '{}', got '{}'. Failing connection.", expected_sha1_string, parts[1]); fatal_error(WebSocket::Error::ConnectionUpgradeFailed); return; } m_has_read_server_handshake_accept = true; continue; } if (header_name.equals_ignoring_case("Sec-WebSocket-Extensions"sv)) { // 5. |Sec-WebSocket-Extensions| should not contain an extension that doesn't appear in m_connection->extensions() auto server_extensions = parts[1].split(','); for (auto const& extension : server_extensions) { auto trimmed_extension = extension.trim_whitespace(); bool found_extension = false; for (auto const& supported_extension : m_connection.extensions()) { if (trimmed_extension.equals_ignoring_case(supported_extension)) { found_extension = true; } } if (!found_extension) { dbgln("WebSocket: Server HTTP Handshake Header |Sec-WebSocket-Extensions| contains '{}', which is not supported by the client. Failing connection.", trimmed_extension); fatal_error(WebSocket::Error::ConnectionUpgradeFailed); return; } } continue; } if (header_name.equals_ignoring_case("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"sv)) { // 6. If the response includes a |Sec-WebSocket-Protocol| header field and this header field indicates the use of a subprotocol that was not present in the client's handshake (the server has indicated a subprotocol not requested by the client), the client MUST _Fail the WebSocket Connection_. // Additionally, Section 4.2.2 says this is "Either a single value representing the subprotocol the server is ready to use or null." auto server_protocol = parts[1].trim_whitespace(); bool found_protocol = false; for (auto const& supported_protocol : m_connection.protocols()) { if (server_protocol.equals_ignoring_case(supported_protocol)) { found_protocol = true; } } if (!found_protocol) { dbgln("WebSocket: Server HTTP Handshake Header |Sec-WebSocket-Protocol| contains '{}', which is not supported by the client. Failing connection.", server_protocol); fatal_error(WebSocket::Error::ConnectionUpgradeFailed); return; } m_subprotocol_in_use = server_protocol; continue; } } // If needed, we will keep reading the header on the next drain_read call } void WebSocket::read_frame() { VERIFY(m_impl); VERIFY(m_state == WebSocket::InternalState::Open || m_state == WebSocket::InternalState::Closing); size_t cursor = 0; auto get_buffered_bytes = [&](size_t count) -> ReadonlyBytes { if (cursor + count > m_buffered_data.size()) return {}; auto bytes = m_buffered_data.span().slice(cursor, count); cursor += count; return bytes; }; auto head_bytes = get_buffered_bytes(2); if (head_bytes.is_null() || head_bytes.is_empty()) { // The connection got closed. m_state = WebSocket::InternalState::Closed; notify_close(m_last_close_code, m_last_close_message, true); discard_connection(); return; } bool is_final_frame = head_bytes[0] & 0x80; if (!is_final_frame) { // FIXME: Support fragmented frames TODO(); } auto op_code = (WebSocket::OpCode)(head_bytes[0] & 0x0f); bool is_masked = head_bytes[1] & 0x80; // Parse the payload length. size_t payload_length; auto payload_length_bits = head_bytes[1] & 0x7f; if (payload_length_bits == 127) { // A code of 127 means that the next 8 bytes contains the payload length auto actual_bytes = get_buffered_bytes(8); if (actual_bytes.is_null()) return; u64 full_payload_length = (u64)((u64)(actual_bytes[0] & 0xff) << 56) | (u64)((u64)(actual_bytes[1] & 0xff) << 48) | (u64)((u64)(actual_bytes[2] & 0xff) << 40) | (u64)((u64)(actual_bytes[3] & 0xff) << 32) | (u64)((u64)(actual_bytes[4] & 0xff) << 24) | (u64)((u64)(actual_bytes[5] & 0xff) << 16) | (u64)((u64)(actual_bytes[6] & 0xff) << 8) | (u64)((u64)(actual_bytes[7] & 0xff) << 0); VERIFY(full_payload_length <= NumericLimits::max()); payload_length = (size_t)full_payload_length; } else if (payload_length_bits == 126) { // A code of 126 means that the next 2 bytes contains the payload length auto actual_bytes = get_buffered_bytes(2); if (actual_bytes.is_null()) return; payload_length = (size_t)((size_t)(actual_bytes[0] & 0xff) << 8) | (size_t)((size_t)(actual_bytes[1] & 0xff) << 0); } else { payload_length = (size_t)payload_length_bits; } // Parse the mask, if it exists. // Note : this is technically non-conformant with Section 5.1 : // > A server MUST NOT mask any frames that it sends to the client. // > A client MUST close a connection if it detects a masked frame. // > (These rules might be relaxed in a future specification.) // But because it doesn't cost much, we can support receiving masked frames anyways. u8 masking_key[4]; if (is_masked) { auto masking_key_data = get_buffered_bytes(4); if (masking_key_data.is_null()) return; masking_key[0] = masking_key_data[0]; masking_key[1] = masking_key_data[1]; masking_key[2] = masking_key_data[2]; masking_key[3] = masking_key_data[3]; } auto payload = ByteBuffer::create_uninitialized(payload_length).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors(); // FIXME: Handle possible OOM situation. u64 read_length = 0; while (read_length < payload_length) { auto payload_part = get_buffered_bytes(payload_length - read_length); if (payload_part.is_null()) return; // We read at most "actual_length - read" bytes, so this is safe to do. payload.overwrite(read_length, payload_part.data(), payload_part.size()); read_length += payload_part.size(); } if (cursor == m_buffered_data.size()) { m_buffered_data.clear(); } else { Vector new_buffered_data; new_buffered_data.append(m_buffered_data.data() + cursor, m_buffered_data.size() - cursor); m_buffered_data = move(new_buffered_data); } if (is_masked) { // Unmask the payload for (size_t i = 0; i < payload.size(); ++i) { payload[i] = payload[i] ^ (masking_key[i % 4]); } } if (op_code == WebSocket::OpCode::ConnectionClose) { if (payload.size() > 1) { m_last_close_code = (((u16)(payload[0] & 0xff) << 8) | ((u16)(payload[1] & 0xff))); m_last_close_message = DeprecatedString(ReadonlyBytes(payload.offset_pointer(2), payload.size() - 2)); } m_state = WebSocket::InternalState::Closing; return; } if (op_code == WebSocket::OpCode::Ping) { // Immediately send a pong frame as a reply, with the given payload. send_frame(WebSocket::OpCode::Pong, payload, true); return; } if (op_code == WebSocket::OpCode::Pong) { // We can safely ignore the pong return; } if (op_code == WebSocket::OpCode::Continuation) { // FIXME: Support fragmented frames TODO(); } if (op_code == WebSocket::OpCode::Text) { notify_message(Message(payload, true)); return; } if (op_code == WebSocket::OpCode::Binary) { notify_message(Message(payload, false)); return; } dbgln("Websocket: Found unknown opcode {}", (u8)op_code); } void WebSocket::send_frame(WebSocket::OpCode op_code, ReadonlyBytes payload, bool is_final) { VERIFY(m_impl); VERIFY(m_state == WebSocket::InternalState::Open); u8 frame_head[1] = { (u8)((is_final ? 0x80 : 0x00) | ((u8)(op_code)&0xf)) }; m_impl->send(ReadonlyBytes(frame_head, 1)); // Section 5.1 : a client MUST mask all frames that it sends to the server bool has_mask = true; // FIXME: If the payload has a size > size_t max on a 32-bit platform, we could // technically stream it via non-final packets. However, the size was already // truncated earlier in the call stack when stuffing into a ReadonlyBytes if (payload.size() > NumericLimits::max()) { // Send (the 'mask' flag + 127) + the 8-byte payload length if constexpr (sizeof(size_t) >= 8) { u8 payload_length[9] = { (u8)((has_mask ? 0x80 : 0x00) | 127), (u8)((payload.size() >> 56) & 0xff), (u8)((payload.size() >> 48) & 0xff), (u8)((payload.size() >> 40) & 0xff), (u8)((payload.size() >> 32) & 0xff), (u8)((payload.size() >> 24) & 0xff), (u8)((payload.size() >> 16) & 0xff), (u8)((payload.size() >> 8) & 0xff), (u8)((payload.size() >> 0) & 0xff), }; m_impl->send(ReadonlyBytes(payload_length, 9)); } else { u8 payload_length[9] = { (u8)((has_mask ? 0x80 : 0x00) | 127), 0, 0, 0, 0, (u8)((payload.size() >> 24) & 0xff), (u8)((payload.size() >> 16) & 0xff), (u8)((payload.size() >> 8) & 0xff), (u8)((payload.size() >> 0) & 0xff), }; m_impl->send(ReadonlyBytes(payload_length, 9)); } } else if (payload.size() >= 126) { // Send (the 'mask' flag + 126) + the 2-byte payload length u8 payload_length[3] = { (u8)((has_mask ? 0x80 : 0x00) | 126), (u8)((payload.size() >> 8) & 0xff), (u8)((payload.size() >> 0) & 0xff), }; m_impl->send(ReadonlyBytes(payload_length, 3)); } else { // Send the mask flag + the payload in a single byte u8 payload_length[1] = { (u8)((has_mask ? 0x80 : 0x00) | (u8)(payload.size() & 0x7f)), }; m_impl->send(ReadonlyBytes(payload_length, 1)); } if (has_mask) { // Section 10.3 : // > Clients MUST choose a new masking key for each frame, using an algorithm // > that cannot be predicted by end applications that provide data u8 masking_key[4]; fill_with_random(masking_key, 4); m_impl->send(ReadonlyBytes(masking_key, 4)); // don't try to send empty payload if (payload.size() == 0) return; // Mask the payload auto buffer_result = ByteBuffer::create_uninitialized(payload.size()); if (!buffer_result.is_error()) { auto& masked_payload = buffer_result.value(); for (size_t i = 0; i < payload.size(); ++i) { masked_payload[i] = payload[i] ^ (masking_key[i % 4]); } m_impl->send(masked_payload); } } else if (payload.size() > 0) { m_impl->send(payload); } } void WebSocket::fatal_error(WebSocket::Error error) { m_state = WebSocket::InternalState::Errored; notify_error(error); discard_connection(); } void WebSocket::discard_connection() { deferred_invoke([this] { VERIFY(m_impl); m_impl->discard_connection(); m_impl->on_connection_error = nullptr; m_impl->on_connected = nullptr; m_impl->on_ready_to_read = nullptr; m_impl = nullptr; }); } void WebSocket::notify_open() { if (!on_open) return; on_open(); } void WebSocket::notify_close(u16 code, DeprecatedString reason, bool was_clean) { if (!on_close) return; on_close(code, move(reason), was_clean); } void WebSocket::notify_error(WebSocket::Error error) { if (!on_error) return; on_error(error); } void WebSocket::notify_message(Message message) { if (!on_message) return; on_message(move(message)); } }