/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include namespace Web { template class TreeNode : public Weakable { public: void ref() { VERIFY(!m_in_removed_last_ref); if constexpr (!IsBaseOf) { // NOTE: DOM::Document is allowed to survive with 0 ref count, if one of its descendant nodes are alive. VERIFY(m_ref_count); } ++m_ref_count; } void unref() { VERIFY(!m_in_removed_last_ref); VERIFY(m_ref_count); if (!--m_ref_count) { if constexpr (IsBaseOf) { m_in_removed_last_ref = true; static_cast(this)->removed_last_ref(); } else { delete static_cast(this); } return; } } int ref_count() const { return m_ref_count; } T* parent() { return m_parent; } const T* parent() const { return m_parent; } bool has_children() const { return m_first_child; } T* next_sibling() { return m_next_sibling; } T* previous_sibling() { return m_previous_sibling; } T* first_child() { return m_first_child; } T* last_child() { return m_last_child; } const T* next_sibling() const { return m_next_sibling; } const T* previous_sibling() const { return m_previous_sibling; } const T* first_child() const { return m_first_child; } const T* last_child() const { return m_last_child; } size_t child_count() const { size_t count = 0; for (auto* child = first_child(); child; child = child->next_sibling()) ++count; return count; } T* child_at_index(int index) { int count = 0; for (auto* child = first_child(); child; child = child->next_sibling()) { if (count == index) return child; ++count; } return nullptr; } const T* child_at_index(int index) const { return const_cast(this)->child_at_index(index); } // https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-tree-index size_t index() const { // The index of an object is its number of preceding siblings, or 0 if it has none. size_t index = 0; for (auto* node = previous_sibling(); node; node = node->previous_sibling()) ++index; return index; } Optional index_of_child(const T& search_child) { VERIFY(search_child.parent() == this); size_t index = 0; auto* child = first_child(); VERIFY(child); do { if (child == &search_child) return index; index++; } while (child && (child = child->next_sibling())); return {}; } template Optional index_of_child(const T& search_child) { VERIFY(search_child.parent() == this); size_t index = 0; auto* child = first_child(); VERIFY(child); do { if (!is(child)) continue; if (child == &search_child) return index; index++; } while (child && (child = child->next_sibling())); return {}; } bool is_ancestor_of(TreeNode const&) const; bool is_inclusive_ancestor_of(TreeNode const&) const; bool is_descendant_of(TreeNode const&) const; bool is_inclusive_descendant_of(TreeNode const&) const; bool is_following(TreeNode const&) const; void append_child(NonnullRefPtr node); void prepend_child(NonnullRefPtr node); void insert_before(NonnullRefPtr node, RefPtr child); void remove_child(NonnullRefPtr node); bool is_child_allowed(const T&) const { return true; } T* next_in_pre_order() { if (first_child()) return first_child(); T* node; if (!(node = next_sibling())) { node = parent(); while (node && !node->next_sibling()) node = node->parent(); if (node) node = node->next_sibling(); } return node; } T* next_in_pre_order(T const* stay_within) { if (first_child()) return first_child(); T* node = static_cast(this); T* next = nullptr; while (!(next = node->next_sibling())) { node = node->parent(); if (!node || node == stay_within) return nullptr; } return next; } T const* next_in_pre_order() const { return const_cast(this)->next_in_pre_order(); } T const* next_in_pre_order(T const* stay_within) const { return const_cast(this)->next_in_pre_order(stay_within); } T* previous_in_pre_order() { if (auto* node = previous_sibling()) { while (node->last_child()) node = node->last_child(); return node; } return parent(); } T const* previous_in_pre_order() const { return const_cast(this)->previous_in_pre_order(); } bool is_before(T const& other) const { if (this == &other) return false; for (auto* node = this; node; node = node->next_in_pre_order()) { if (node == &other) return true; } return false; } // https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-tree-preceding (Object A is 'typename U' and Object B is 'this') template bool has_preceding_node_of_type_in_tree_order() const { for (auto* node = previous_in_pre_order(); node; node = node->previous_in_pre_order()) { if (is(node)) return true; } return false; } // https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-tree-following (Object A is 'typename U' and Object B is 'this') template bool has_following_node_of_type_in_tree_order() const { for (auto* node = next_in_pre_order(); node; node = node->next_in_pre_order()) { if (is(node)) return true; } return false; } template IterationDecision for_each_in_inclusive_subtree(Callback callback) const { if (callback(static_cast(*this)) == IterationDecision::Break) return IterationDecision::Break; for (auto* child = first_child(); child; child = child->next_sibling()) { if (child->for_each_in_inclusive_subtree(callback) == IterationDecision::Break) return IterationDecision::Break; } return IterationDecision::Continue; } template IterationDecision for_each_in_inclusive_subtree(Callback callback) { if (callback(static_cast(*this)) == IterationDecision::Break) return IterationDecision::Break; for (auto* child = first_child(); child; child = child->next_sibling()) { if (child->for_each_in_inclusive_subtree(callback) == IterationDecision::Break) return IterationDecision::Break; } return IterationDecision::Continue; } template IterationDecision for_each_in_inclusive_subtree_of_type(Callback callback) { if (is(static_cast(*this))) { if (callback(static_cast(*this)) == IterationDecision::Break) return IterationDecision::Break; } for (auto* child = first_child(); child; child = child->next_sibling()) { if (child->template for_each_in_inclusive_subtree_of_type(callback) == IterationDecision::Break) return IterationDecision::Break; } return IterationDecision::Continue; } template IterationDecision for_each_in_inclusive_subtree_of_type(Callback callback) const { if (is(static_cast(*this))) { if (callback(static_cast(*this)) == IterationDecision::Break) return IterationDecision::Break; } for (auto* child = first_child(); child; child = child->next_sibling()) { if (child->template for_each_in_inclusive_subtree_of_type(callback) == IterationDecision::Break) return IterationDecision::Break; } return IterationDecision::Continue; } template IterationDecision for_each_in_subtree(Callback callback) const { for (auto* child = first_child(); child; child = child->next_sibling()) { if (child->for_each_in_inclusive_subtree(callback) == IterationDecision::Break) return IterationDecision::Break; } return IterationDecision::Continue; } template IterationDecision for_each_in_subtree(Callback callback) { for (auto* child = first_child(); child; child = child->next_sibling()) { if (child->for_each_in_inclusive_subtree(callback) == IterationDecision::Break) return IterationDecision::Break; } return IterationDecision::Continue; } template IterationDecision for_each_in_subtree_of_type(Callback callback) { for (auto* child = first_child(); child; child = child->next_sibling()) { if (child->template for_each_in_inclusive_subtree_of_type(callback) == IterationDecision::Break) return IterationDecision::Break; } return IterationDecision::Continue; } template IterationDecision for_each_in_subtree_of_type(Callback callback) const { for (auto* child = first_child(); child; child = child->next_sibling()) { if (child->template for_each_in_inclusive_subtree_of_type(callback) == IterationDecision::Break) return IterationDecision::Break; } return IterationDecision::Continue; } template void for_each_child(Callback callback) const { return const_cast(this)->template for_each_child(move(callback)); } template void for_each_child(Callback callback) { for (auto* node = first_child(); node; node = node->next_sibling()) callback(*node); } template void for_each_child_of_type(Callback callback) { for (auto* node = first_child(); node; node = node->next_sibling()) { if (is(node)) callback(verify_cast(*node)); } } template void for_each_child_of_type(Callback callback) const { return const_cast(this)->template for_each_child_of_type(move(callback)); } template const U* next_sibling_of_type() const { return const_cast(this)->template next_sibling_of_type(); } template inline U* next_sibling_of_type() { for (auto* sibling = next_sibling(); sibling; sibling = sibling->next_sibling()) { if (is(*sibling)) return &verify_cast(*sibling); } return nullptr; } template const U* previous_sibling_of_type() const { return const_cast(this)->template previous_sibling_of_type(); } template U* previous_sibling_of_type() { for (auto* sibling = previous_sibling(); sibling; sibling = sibling->previous_sibling()) { if (is(*sibling)) return &verify_cast(*sibling); } return nullptr; } template const U* first_child_of_type() const { return const_cast(this)->template first_child_of_type(); } template const U* last_child_of_type() const { return const_cast(this)->template last_child_of_type(); } template U* first_child_of_type() { for (auto* child = first_child(); child; child = child->next_sibling()) { if (is(*child)) return &verify_cast(*child); } return nullptr; } template U* last_child_of_type() { for (auto* child = last_child(); child; child = child->previous_sibling()) { if (is(*child)) return &verify_cast(*child); } return nullptr; } template bool has_child_of_type() const { return first_child_of_type() != nullptr; } template const U* first_ancestor_of_type() const { return const_cast(this)->template first_ancestor_of_type(); } template U* first_ancestor_of_type() { for (auto* ancestor = parent(); ancestor; ancestor = ancestor->parent()) { if (is(*ancestor)) return &verify_cast(*ancestor); } return nullptr; } bool is_parent_of(T const& other) const { for (auto* child = first_child(); child; child = child->next_sibling()) { if (&other == child) return true; } return false; } ~TreeNode() { VERIFY(!m_parent); T* next_child = nullptr; for (auto* child = m_first_child; child; child = next_child) { next_child = child->m_next_sibling; child->m_parent = nullptr; child->unref(); } } protected: TreeNode() = default; bool m_deletion_has_begun { false }; bool m_in_removed_last_ref { false }; private: int m_ref_count { 1 }; T* m_parent { nullptr }; T* m_first_child { nullptr }; T* m_last_child { nullptr }; T* m_next_sibling { nullptr }; T* m_previous_sibling { nullptr }; }; template inline void TreeNode::remove_child(NonnullRefPtr node) { VERIFY(node->m_parent == this); if (m_first_child == node) m_first_child = node->m_next_sibling; if (m_last_child == node) m_last_child = node->m_previous_sibling; if (node->m_next_sibling) node->m_next_sibling->m_previous_sibling = node->m_previous_sibling; if (node->m_previous_sibling) node->m_previous_sibling->m_next_sibling = node->m_next_sibling; node->m_next_sibling = nullptr; node->m_previous_sibling = nullptr; node->m_parent = nullptr; node->unref(); } template inline void TreeNode::append_child(NonnullRefPtr node) { VERIFY(!node->m_parent); if (!static_cast(this)->is_child_allowed(*node)) return; if (m_last_child) m_last_child->m_next_sibling = node.ptr(); node->m_previous_sibling = m_last_child; node->m_parent = static_cast(this); m_last_child = node.ptr(); if (!m_first_child) m_first_child = m_last_child; [[maybe_unused]] auto& rc = node.leak_ref(); } template inline void TreeNode::insert_before(NonnullRefPtr node, RefPtr child) { if (!child) return append_child(move(node)); VERIFY(!node->m_parent); VERIFY(child->parent() == this); node->m_previous_sibling = child->m_previous_sibling; node->m_next_sibling = child; if (child->m_previous_sibling) child->m_previous_sibling->m_next_sibling = node; if (m_first_child == child) m_first_child = node; child->m_previous_sibling = node; node->m_parent = static_cast(this); [[maybe_unused]] auto& rc = node.leak_ref(); } template inline void TreeNode::prepend_child(NonnullRefPtr node) { VERIFY(!node->m_parent); if (!static_cast(this)->is_child_allowed(*node)) return; if (m_first_child) m_first_child->m_previous_sibling = node.ptr(); node->m_next_sibling = m_first_child; node->m_parent = static_cast(this); m_first_child = node.ptr(); if (!m_last_child) m_last_child = m_first_child; node->inserted_into(static_cast(*this)); [[maybe_unused]] auto& rc = node.leak_ref(); static_cast(this)->children_changed(); } template inline bool TreeNode::is_ancestor_of(TreeNode const& other) const { for (auto* ancestor = other.parent(); ancestor; ancestor = ancestor->parent()) { if (ancestor == this) return true; } return false; } template inline bool TreeNode::is_inclusive_ancestor_of(TreeNode const& other) const { return &other == this || is_ancestor_of(other); } template inline bool TreeNode::is_descendant_of(TreeNode const& other) const { return other.is_ancestor_of(*this); } template inline bool TreeNode::is_inclusive_descendant_of(TreeNode const& other) const { return other.is_inclusive_ancestor_of(*this); } // https://dom.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-tree-following template inline bool TreeNode::is_following(TreeNode const& other) const { // An object A is following an object B if A and B are in the same tree and A comes after B in tree order. for (auto* node = previous_in_pre_order(); node; node = node->previous_in_pre_order()) { if (node == &other) return true; } return false; } }