/* * Copyright (c) 2022, Sam Atkins * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include "SVGRectElement.h" #include #include #include #include namespace Web::SVG { SVGRectElement::SVGRectElement(DOM::Document& document, DOM::QualifiedName qualified_name) : SVGGeometryElement(document, qualified_name) { } void SVGRectElement::parse_attribute(FlyString const& name, String const& value) { SVGGeometryElement::parse_attribute(name, value); if (name == SVG::AttributeNames::x) { m_x = AttributeParser::parse_coordinate(value); m_path.clear(); } else if (name == SVG::AttributeNames::y) { m_y = AttributeParser::parse_coordinate(value); m_path.clear(); } else if (name == SVG::AttributeNames::width) { m_width = AttributeParser::parse_positive_length(value); m_path.clear(); } else if (name == SVG::AttributeNames::height) { m_height = AttributeParser::parse_positive_length(value); m_path.clear(); } else if (name == SVG::AttributeNames::rx) { m_radius_x = AttributeParser::parse_length(value); m_path.clear(); } else if (name == SVG::AttributeNames::ry) { m_radius_y = AttributeParser::parse_length(value); m_path.clear(); } } Gfx::Path& SVGRectElement::get_path() { if (m_path.has_value()) return m_path.value(); float width = m_width.value_or(0); float height = m_height.value_or(0); float x = m_x.value_or(0); float y = m_y.value_or(0); Gfx::Path path; // If width or height is zero, rendering is disabled. if (width == 0 && height == 0) { m_path = move(path); return m_path.value(); } auto corner_radii = calculate_used_corner_radius_values(); float rx = corner_radii.x(); float ry = corner_radii.y(); // 1. perform an absolute moveto operation to location (x+rx,y); path.move_to({ x + rx, y }); // 2, perform an absolute horizontal lineto with parameter x+width-rx; path.horizontal_line_to(x + width - rx); // 3. if both rx and ry are greater than zero, // perform an absolute elliptical arc operation to coordinate (x+width,y+ry), // where rx and ry are used as the equivalent parameters to the elliptical arc command, // the x-axis-rotation and large-arc-flag are set to zero, // the sweep-flag is set to one; double x_axis_rotation = 0; bool large_arc_flag = false; bool sweep_flag = true; if (rx > 0 && ry > 0) path.elliptical_arc_to({ x + width, y + ry }, corner_radii, x_axis_rotation, large_arc_flag, sweep_flag); // 4. perform an absolute vertical lineto parameter y+height-ry; path.vertical_line_to(y + height - ry); // 5. if both rx and ry are greater than zero, // perform an absolute elliptical arc operation to coordinate (x+width-rx,y+height), // using the same parameters as previously; if (rx > 0 && ry > 0) path.elliptical_arc_to({ x + width - rx, y + height }, corner_radii, x_axis_rotation, large_arc_flag, sweep_flag); // 6. perform an absolute horizontal lineto parameter x+rx; path.horizontal_line_to(x + rx); // 7. if both rx and ry are greater than zero, // perform an absolute elliptical arc operation to coordinate (x,y+height-ry), // using the same parameters as previously; if (rx > 0 && ry > 0) path.elliptical_arc_to({ x, y + height - ry }, corner_radii, x_axis_rotation, large_arc_flag, sweep_flag); // 8. perform an absolute vertical lineto parameter y+ry path.vertical_line_to(y + ry); // 9. if both rx and ry are greater than zero, // perform an absolute elliptical arc operation with a segment-completing close path operation, // using the same parameters as previously. if (rx > 0 && ry > 0) path.elliptical_arc_to({ x + rx, y }, corner_radii, x_axis_rotation, large_arc_flag, sweep_flag); m_path = move(path); return m_path.value(); } Gfx::FloatPoint SVGRectElement::calculate_used_corner_radius_values() { // 1. Let rx and ry be length values. float rx = 0; float ry = 0; // 2. If neither ‘rx’ nor ‘ry’ are properly specified, then set both rx and ry to 0. (This will result in square corners.) if (!m_radius_x.has_value() && !m_radius_y.has_value()) { rx = 0; ry = 0; } // 3. Otherwise, if a properly specified value is provided for ‘rx’, but not for ‘ry’, then set both rx and ry to the value of ‘rx’. else if (m_radius_x.has_value()) { rx = m_radius_x.value(); ry = m_radius_x.value(); } // 4. Otherwise, if a properly specified value is provided for ‘ry’, but not for ‘rx’, then set both rx and ry to the value of ‘ry’. else if (m_radius_y.has_value()) { rx = m_radius_y.value(); ry = m_radius_y.value(); } // 5. Otherwise, both ‘rx’ and ‘ry’ were specified properly. Set rx to the value of ‘rx’ and ry to the value of ‘ry’. else { rx = m_radius_x.value(); ry = m_radius_y.value(); } // 6. If rx is greater than half of ‘width’, then set rx to half of ‘width’. auto half_width = m_width.value_or(0) / 2; if (rx > half_width) rx = half_width; // 7. If ry is greater than half of ‘height’, then set ry to half of ‘height’. auto half_height = m_height.value_or(0) / 2; if (ry > half_height) ry = half_height; // 8. The effective values of ‘rx’ and ‘ry’ are rx and ry, respectively. return Gfx::FloatPoint { rx, ry }; } // https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/shapes.html#RectElementXAttribute NonnullRefPtr SVGRectElement::x() const { // FIXME: Populate the unit type when it is parsed (0 here is "unknown"). // FIXME: Create a proper animated value when animations are supported. auto base_length = SVGLength::create(0, m_x.value_or(0)); auto anim_length = SVGLength::create(0, m_x.value_or(0)); return SVGAnimatedLength::create(move(base_length), move(anim_length)); } // https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/shapes.html#RectElementYAttribute NonnullRefPtr SVGRectElement::y() const { // FIXME: Populate the unit type when it is parsed (0 here is "unknown"). // FIXME: Create a proper animated value when animations are supported. auto base_length = SVGLength::create(0, m_y.value_or(0)); auto anim_length = SVGLength::create(0, m_y.value_or(0)); return SVGAnimatedLength::create(move(base_length), move(anim_length)); } // https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/shapes.html#RectElementWidthAttribute NonnullRefPtr SVGRectElement::width() const { // FIXME: Populate the unit type when it is parsed (0 here is "unknown"). // FIXME: Create a proper animated value when animations are supported. auto base_length = SVGLength::create(0, m_width.value_or(0)); auto anim_length = SVGLength::create(0, m_width.value_or(0)); return SVGAnimatedLength::create(move(base_length), move(anim_length)); } // https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/shapes.html#RectElementHeightAttribute NonnullRefPtr SVGRectElement::height() const { // FIXME: Populate the unit type when it is parsed (0 here is "unknown"). // FIXME: Create a proper animated value when animations are supported. auto base_length = SVGLength::create(0, m_height.value_or(0)); auto anim_length = SVGLength::create(0, m_height.value_or(0)); return SVGAnimatedLength::create(move(base_length), move(anim_length)); } // https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/shapes.html#RectElementRXAttribute NonnullRefPtr SVGRectElement::rx() const { // FIXME: Populate the unit type when it is parsed (0 here is "unknown"). // FIXME: Create a proper animated value when animations are supported. auto base_length = SVGLength::create(0, m_radius_x.value_or(0)); auto anim_length = SVGLength::create(0, m_radius_x.value_or(0)); return SVGAnimatedLength::create(move(base_length), move(anim_length)); } // https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/shapes.html#RectElementRYAttribute NonnullRefPtr SVGRectElement::ry() const { // FIXME: Populate the unit type when it is parsed (0 here is "unknown"). // FIXME: Create a proper animated value when animations are supported. auto base_length = SVGLength::create(0, m_radius_y.value_or(0)); auto anim_length = SVGLength::create(0, m_radius_y.value_or(0)); return SVGAnimatedLength::create(move(base_length), move(anim_length)); } }