/* * Copyright (c) 2022, Andreas Kling * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Web::HTML { TraversableNavigable::TraversableNavigable() = default; TraversableNavigable::~TraversableNavigable() = default; void TraversableNavigable::visit_edges(Cell::Visitor& visitor) { Base::visit_edges(visitor); for (auto& entry : m_session_history_entries) visitor.visit(entry); } static OrderedHashTable& user_agent_top_level_traversable_set() { static OrderedHashTable set; return set; } struct BrowsingContextAndDocument { JS::NonnullGCPtr browsing_context; JS::NonnullGCPtr document; }; // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/document-sequences.html#creating-a-new-top-level-browsing-context static WebIDL::ExceptionOr create_a_new_top_level_browsing_context_and_document(Page& page) { // 1. Let group and document be the result of creating a new browsing context group and document. auto [group, document] = TRY(BrowsingContextGroup::create_a_new_browsing_context_group_and_document(page)); // 2. Return group's browsing context set[0] and document. return BrowsingContextAndDocument { **group->browsing_context_set().begin(), document }; } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/document-sequences.html#creating-a-new-top-level-traversable WebIDL::ExceptionOr> TraversableNavigable::create_a_new_top_level_traversable(Page& page, JS::GCPtr opener, String target_name) { auto& vm = Bindings::main_thread_vm(); // 1. Let document be null. JS::GCPtr document = nullptr; // 2. If opener is null, then set document to the second return value of creating a new top-level browsing context and document. if (!opener) { document = TRY(create_a_new_top_level_browsing_context_and_document(page)).document; } // 3. Otherwise, set document to the second return value of creating a new auxiliary browsing context and document given opener. else { document = TRY(BrowsingContext::create_a_new_auxiliary_browsing_context_and_document(page, *opener)).document; } // 4. Let documentState be a new document state, with auto document_state = vm.heap().allocate_without_realm(); // document: document document_state->set_document(document); // navigable target name: targetName document_state->set_navigable_target_name(target_name); // 5. Let traversable be a new traversable navigable. auto traversable = vm.heap().allocate_without_realm(); // 6. Initialize the navigable traversable given documentState. TRY_OR_THROW_OOM(vm, traversable->initialize_navigable(document_state, nullptr)); // 7. Let initialHistoryEntry be traversable's active session history entry. auto initial_history_entry = traversable->active_session_history_entry(); VERIFY(initial_history_entry); // 8. Set initialHistoryEntry's step to 0. initial_history_entry->step = 0; // 9. Append initialHistoryEntry to traversable's session history entries. traversable->m_session_history_entries.append(*initial_history_entry); // FIXME: 10. If opener is non-null, then legacy-clone a traversable storage shed given opener's top-level traversable and traversable. [STORAGE] // 11. Append traversable to the user agent's top-level traversable set. user_agent_top_level_traversable_set().set(traversable); // 12. Return traversable. return traversable; } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/document-sequences.html#create-a-fresh-top-level-traversable WebIDL::ExceptionOr> TraversableNavigable::create_a_fresh_top_level_traversable(Page& page, AK::URL const& initial_navigation_url, Variant initial_navigation_post_resource) { // 1. Let traversable be the result of creating a new top-level traversable given null and the empty string. auto traversable = TRY(create_a_new_top_level_traversable(page, nullptr, {})); // 2. Navigate traversable to initialNavigationURL using traversable's active document, with documentResource set to initialNavigationPostResource. TRY(traversable->navigate(initial_navigation_url, *traversable->active_document(), initial_navigation_post_resource)); // 3. Return traversable. return traversable; } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/document-sequences.html#top-level-traversable bool TraversableNavigable::is_top_level_traversable() const { // A top-level traversable is a traversable navigable with a null parent. return parent() == nullptr; } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/browsing-the-web.html#getting-all-used-history-steps Vector TraversableNavigable::get_all_used_history_steps() const { // FIXME: 1. Assert: this is running within traversable's session history traversal queue. // 2. Let steps be an empty ordered set of non-negative integers. OrderedHashTable steps; // 3. Let entryLists be the ordered set « traversable's session history entries ». Vector>> entry_lists { session_history_entries() }; // 4. For each entryList of entryLists: while (!entry_lists.is_empty()) { auto entry_list = entry_lists.take_first(); // 1. For each entry of entryList: for (auto& entry : entry_list) { // 1. Append entry's step to steps. steps.set(entry->step.get()); // 2. For each nestedHistory of entry's document state's nested histories, append nestedHistory's entries list to entryLists. for (auto& nested_history : entry->document_state->nested_histories()) entry_lists.append(nested_history.entries); } } // 5. Return steps, sorted. auto sorted_steps = steps.values(); quick_sort(sorted_steps); return sorted_steps; } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/browsing-the-web.html#clear-the-forward-session-history void TraversableNavigable::clear_the_forward_session_history() { // FIXME: 1. Assert: this is running within navigable's session history traversal queue. // 2. Let step be the navigable's current session history step. auto step = current_session_history_step(); // 3. Let entryLists be the ordered set « navigable's session history entries ». Vector>&> entry_lists; entry_lists.append(session_history_entries()); // 4. For each entryList of entryLists: while (!entry_lists.is_empty()) { auto& entry_list = entry_lists.take_first(); // 1. Remove every session history entry from entryList that has a step greater than step. entry_list.remove_all_matching([step](auto& entry) { return entry->step.template get() > step; }); // 2. For each entry of entryList: for (auto& entry : entry_list) { // 1. For each nestedHistory of entry's document state's nested histories, append nestedHistory's entries list to entryLists. for (auto& nested_history : entry->document_state->nested_histories()) { entry_lists.append(nested_history.entries); } } } } }